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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-12-17, Page 8
WMWSR *T» 1931 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATB Oive Your Friends > Plant This Christmas. PHONE YOUR. ORDERS EARLY FOR CUT FLOWERS: CARNA TIONS# DAISIES, MUMS; ALSO BEGONIAS AND FERNS IN SMALL POTS'. ‘ ORDERS FILLED FOR FUNER ALS OR WEDDINGS. WILSONS’ GROCERY phone 56. We Deliver Exeter Markets Wheat, 6Qc, Barley 37c. Bran $1.00 Shorts $1.00 Low Grade Flour JU5 Model Flour $2,50 Welcome Flour $2,30 Manitoba Flour $?.75 Creamery Butter* 26c. Dairy Butter,. 17 and 18c. Eggs, extras 30c, Eggs, firsts 2 Ge, Eggs, seconds isc, I'W."...... I.--.' .'?■ . 1. A-.'-.11 j. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Bernard Rhodes, >1. 4* Minister Miss Lena Coates, A,L,O,>L, Organist FRH^CHRISTMAS SERVICES This store will be open evenings all next week *1 ”* »a FOR SALE w 1 base Melotte in good Cream Separator running order at Laval Cream Separator, all overhauled and in good $15.00. 500' lb., $25,00. 1 De 500 lbs., shape at 1 Anchor Holt Cream Separator, 500 lb., at $10.00. International Harvester Co. Ltd. EXETER. ONTARIO AFTER THE SHOW—Enjoy a light lunch or a dish of oysters at Grieve’s 'Sandwich 'Shoppe “Where Food Tastes Better.” a(The Women’s Institute are send ing their usual box of Christ.mas Cheer to the County Home. Any one wishing to donate Candy, kindly leave at Middleton’s Bakery not lat er than Friday, December 18th. I ----------------------- ' Order your Christmas Goose, Duck or Chicken RIVERS’ MEAT MARKET and it drawn FREE. Turkey, from have The Thames Road Farmer’s Club will hold their annual meeting at the home of Mr. Henry Rohde on .Tuesday, December 22, at S o’clock (Meetings will be lie?u the first and third Mondays of each month dur ing the winter. The annual meeting of the South Huron Plowmen’s Association will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Saturday, December 19th at two o'clock. A good attendance is re quested. A free marcel to grandmothers, mothers and girls from now until the 31st of December. Phone 61w for. an appointment.—Mrs. W. Melville. J. ofWe have received a shipment bice dry Ontario Corn.—Harvey Bros. FOR SlA'LE—-Christmas trees.— Apply to N. Wells, phone 180, Exe ter. .WANTED—$750.00 first mortgage on cottage at Grand Bend, 10 per cent, 2 years. Apply Box 280M. • • FOUND—A girl's black tarn, Kindly apply at Times-Advocate. FOR BALE—Good steel tire top buggy. Phone 32r21, Dashwood'or apply at ’Times-Advocate. ltp. i ■■ —........ , . ... FOR SALE OR RENT—Residen ce on Wellington ern conveniences, by Mr Ransford. Kestle, Exeter. St, with. all mod- formerly owned Apply to T. ' J. ll-17-4tp FOR SALE—200 choice rock and leghorn pullets. Priced right for quick sale. Earl Gaiser, Dashwood. Anyone having heifers or young cows of good quality and milking strain due to freshen within the next few weeks, for sale, communi cate with Times-Advocate. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradt and family, of London, spent the week end in Exeter. Mr, J, G. Stanbury was engaged at County Court at Goderich most of last week. Mrs. May Beirnes, of Ashtabula, Ohio, is visiting with hey- neice Mrs, C. W. Christie. Mr. L, C. -Watson and Mr, Beatty, of London, called on friends in Exe ter on Sunday, Mr. Barton Powell and son Am brose, of London 'Tp., called on Mr, S. Powell Tuesday. Mr. Earl Tapp, who is attending Toronto Pharmacy is home for the Christmas vacation, Mr. Geo. Willis and Mr. McGuffin, of London, visited with the former’s mother in town Tuesday. Mrs. T. M. Dinney and daughter Barbara visited Wm- week. Mr, week visit for over Christmas and New Years. Mrs. Roger Northcott has return ed to her home after visiting with her sons, Joseph and William, of Sexsmith. Mrs. John Snell left Tuesday to spend the winter with her daugh ters, Mrs. H. C. (Smith and Mrs. G, H. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. John Northcott re turned home last week after visit ing with their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Marshall, of Varna. The Trivitt 'Memorial Sunday School Christmas Concert will fee held in the Parish Hall, Tuesday ev ening, December 22nd. Miss M. E. Pridham, of the Ex eter P. S. staff, is to illness and her filled by Miss Reta* Mr. and Mrs. W. McEwen with Mr. and Mrs. near Clinton last Jas. Powell left lastand Mrs, for Detroit where they will for and has offi- and WtANTED— Position as house keeper, can furnish good testimon ials. I have two children, a boy, aged 11, good worker and a girl 6 J years. Will work for small wag es; am proven economical house keeper. Apply Box 280'R. Exeter. 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 aau'—“The Spirit of Christmas- tide” 7 pan.—-“The House of Chimham” A Christmas Legend. Christmas Music Thursday, 7.30 p.m. the Mid-week (Study Class Monday, 7.45 p.m. Sunday School Christmas concert Sunday, December 27th, Christmas Sunday Proper It is the question of “What shall I give Him,” and "What shall I give Her?” Your questions can be answered by look ing over this list. ia is 13 »JI a 5 s a J ll rl JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rey. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICE Special Music 11 a.m,—'Rev. C. A- Hawke, Clinton (Subject—'The Christ of the Ages’ pan.—.Sunday School pan.—-Rev. James Anthony, of Thames Road. Subject—.“Contrary Winds” 3 7 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—“His Name"—A Christian Message. p.m.—Our p.m.—The the home, in our church, whole family in the pew. 7.30 Thursday, Meeting for prayer il French Kid Gloves Priced at $2.50 to $2.95 Fancy Cushions $1.49 to $3.95 Silk and Crepe Scarves $1.50 to $2.95 Turkish Towels 25c. to 98c, Chamoisette Glove© 45c. tp $1.00 Silk Hosiery 98c, to $1.95 Fancy Beads 25c. to 98c. Beaiitiful Leather Purses $2.95 to $3.95 Fancy Cushion Tops 50c. to $1,25 LOVELY LINGERIE FOR XMAS GIFTS Lovely Lingerie, individual in line, design and fit is a most prized gift and one that will give the recipient many days of enjoyment in wearing. Sweater Coats $1.49 to $4.95 FOR MEN Cape Gloves $1.50 to $2.95 Silk Mufflers $1.25 to $4.50 Boxed Neckwear 49c. to $1.50 Linen Handkerchiefs 25c. to 50c.Silk & Wool Hosiery 49c. to $1.00 Braces 50c. to 75c. Slippers $1.25 to $2.75 Fine Shirts $1.95 to $3.25 if I [l >a l3 I, •h L h d lj (I !i $ lj ijg il 11 3 7 Church School evening service is for Thig. is family night We want the TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 4th Sunday of Advent a.m.—Morning Prayer & Litany of Kings.” 11 (Subject—-“King p.m.—Sunday JSchool and Bible Class p.m.—Evensong ■Subject—“The Christus.’’ WEDNESDAY p.m.—Divine Service in Parish Hall. 3 7 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22nd Trivitt Memorial Sunday School en tertainment and Christmas Tree,. Good Program Silver Collection Everyone Welcome! * WEEK-END MILLINERY SALE A)1 Fall and Winter Millinery at less than, cost price. A FEW AT $1.00 BEAUTIFUL CHINA, CUT GLASS, BRASSWARE AND DINNERWARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED AT CHRISTMAS. MANY NEW LINES AND PIECES ADDED FOR THE CHRISTMAS SELLING. NEW TEA SETS $9; NEW DINNERWARE $17.50 UP; BIG ASSORTMENT ODD ______________________PIECES. YOUR CHOICE 25c. BOYS’, GIRLS’, WOMEN’S & MEN’S Hockey Shoes with skates. An ideal Christmas gift. $4.50, $5.00 and $5.95 COZY SLIPPERS For every member of the family, warm and comfortable. 98c. to $2.25 FOR BOYS Ties, Mitts, Gloves, Sweaters, Handker chiefs, Mufflers, Gauntlets, Clothing, ” Leather Coats, Leather Helmets, etc. FOR GIRLS - Silk Underwear, Hosiery, Gioves, Sweat ers, Slippers, Mitts, Woo! Toques, Silk Scarves, etc. Try us for Xmas Groceries - Best Quality New Fruits, Peels, Dates, Figs, Nuts, Oranges, Candies, Cranberries. Everything new and fresh for Christmas. Lowest Prices Southcott Bros Canning Poultry Wanted Highest Market Price Paid DELIVERED TO J 4 Ijl ,3 I ll I, i 1 4. I I i. K i. i. 1V lA fl [I J il il ll ll ll ll ll ll ii [i ll I Wearing apparel is always appreciated by the Men at Christmas. Our Christmas stock is all new, bought special ly for the Christmas trade. It is beautiful stuff and is mark ed away down. You can save money by shopping here. A few suggestions: - SWEATERS WITH SOCKS TO MATCH; V NECK AND COAT SWEATERS; PYJAMAS, SHIRTS, TIES, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, SOCKS, BRACES, MUFFLERS, BELTS, HATS AND CAPS, UNDERWEAR, GARTERS IN FANCY BOXES, . COME IN AND LOOK AROUND JONES & MAYOTHERS AT $1.50, $1.95 & $2.95 Each cutUcnier purchasing a hat over $1.00 during* this sale will re ceive an attractive gift. MISS V. G. ESSERY EXETER J( Mail orders received for Christ mas Cards at $1.00 a dozen printed with name and address.—Times- Advocate. ROOMS; TO RENT—Over Grant’s Bakery. Apply to John Rowe or B, W, F. Beavers. of Ev- the the TRIVITT GUILD Trivitt Mem annual meet- on Thursday meeting was SLIGHTLY USED electric radio. A bargain, phone 64. Sandy Elliot. Anti-Freeze! Fill your radiator now only $1.50 to fill your small Cars.—SANDY ELLIOT FOR (SALE—Quantity of brick. Apply to Sandy Elliot, good WANTED—An unlimited number of cheap horses, Apply to Frank Taylor, MEN WANTED m $3 to $8 Daily at Auto and Ignition Repairing, Bat tery, Welding, Electricity, Ra dio or Drafting, (Learn in few Weeks GUARANTEED DIDAC TICAL, Shop Training. Quick, sure plan tor profitable spare time jobs. Write tor Free Day Raising Information and Em ployment Service- Application at once. Standard (trade -Schools Dept. (44) TORONTO, ONTARIO u?£ duty owing place is ‘being Bowe. E. Winer spent Sunday in Stratliroy visiting their daughter Dr. and Mrs. O. G. Trem- ner and Miss Alma Winer. Messrs. Reg. Beavers and Victor Anderson, of Bridgeburg, and T. S. Neil, of Hamilton, motored up and spent the week-end in Exeter. The James St. Sunaay" School will hold their Christmas Entertainment on Wednesday evening of next week A splendid program is being prepar ed. Rev. and Mrs. R. E Southcott and son, Jack, of Bayham, spent the forepart of the week visiting the former’s mother, M,rs. C. A. South cott. Mr. and Mrs. Murdie. of Lucknow and Mrs. Thos. Blake and daughter Olive, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston, one day last week. Mr. W. R. Goulding, music tea cher is a busy man at this season of the year. He is preparing 22 school concerts between now Christmas. The Post Master General granted authority for all post ces to fee closed on Christmas New Year’s Day, except for dispatch ' and receipt of mail. Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Vera Wilkie, of London, visited with Mrs. West in town on Sunday and attend ed the funeral of the late Clifford Lamport on Monday. Mrs. Gordon Hunter was taken ill last week and was taken to Vic toria Hospital, in London for treat ment. It is expected she will have to undergo an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell left this week for London where they will spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Bradt and with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. McAlister, of Mt. Brydges. Mr., and Mrs. Herl, Hutton, Brantford, and daughter, Miss elyn, of the nursing staff of Toronto General Hospital, spent week-end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott. Miss Irene Stewart,, who recently underwent an operation for antrum trouble at Victoria Hospital, Lon don, has been able to leave the hos pital and is recuperating at the home of lret father in that city, The Annual Missionary Qfferilig in Caveh ^esbyterian Sunday School was taken ^last Sunday and amount ed to $64. (The annual Christmas entertainment will be held On Mon day evening, December 21st when a good program will foe presented. ; The stores in Exeter will be open every night next week until Christ mas. The stores have been beauti fully decorated for the holiday sea son and are showing' some very at tractive articles of merchandise. FrlcCs are down In most lines. Mr, and Mrs, Werner Janowski, of Toronto, visited, with Relatives In Exeter and attended the funeral of the late Clifford Lamport, Mon* day, Mrs, Janowski was formerly Miss Olive Quance, the wedding taking place in Toronto on Batur* day, December Gtli* - ’The Ladies Guild of orial church held their ing in the Parish Hall December 10 th. The opened* with prayer by the Rector, Rev. Vivian. The president, Mrs. H. .S. Walters, .presided over the business. The yearly reports were given, followed by the election of officers, foi* the coming year, Rev. Vivian taking the chair. President Mrs. W. Winer; vice pres. Mrs. H. S. Walters*; sec., Mrs. W. T. Ache son; treas., Mrs. H. K. Hyndman,* Rev. Vivian then thanked the offi cers and members for their splen did work during the year, also wish ing success to the Guild in the com ing year and closed with the beile- dicition. A social half hour whs spent. lattei’ will spend the next weeks visiting with their Mrs, R. Singleton, of w. PHONE 81w A A EXETER, ONT.. A social half hour whS YOUNG MAN PASSES ByronThe death occurred, at Hospital, on Saturday, December 12th of Morland Ciifford Lamport, son of Mr. Wesley Lamport, who passed away at the age of 22 years. The deceased was born in (Stephen Township and tor a number of years was a resident of Exeter wjtere he received his early education. For several years ho has been in declih" Ing health and since June last has been a patient of Byron Sanatorium. Besides his father he is survived' by two sisters, Ruth and Irene, of Toronto. The remains were brought to Exeter and the funeral, private, Whs held Monday afternoon from the undertaking parlors of My. R. N. Rowe and conducted by Rev, c, J. Moorhouse, A large numbet of relatives were present including Mr, Ernest Arinstrong, Mrs. Hend erson and daughter, of Detroit, The pall (bearers were Messrs. Lamport, 'Skinner, Stanlake Gdrdon Gratton Cochrane# Harold Francis Abbott, Harry and Russell ColHngwood. Miss Margaret Penhale who is at tending Normal School in London, was home for the week-end. ’ Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers motored to Glencoe Tuesday taking With them Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman, of Detroit, who have been visiting here. The couple of daughter, Glencoe. The Young Ladies class of James street United church elected their officers for the coming year a’s follows: president, Miss Velma Lowry; vice (president, Miss Inal Harding; secretary treasurer, Miss Jean Sheer©; missionary represent ative, Miss Pearl Wood; member ship convenor, Miss Mildred North- ’ cott; secretary-treasurer of flower committtee, Miss Lydia Stewart; convenor of program committee, Miss Lily Hunter. XMAS IS ALMOST HERE! DR. J. HARRY BROWNING Physician and Surgeon M.»., C.M., Toronto L. ft. c. p. anti S., Edinburgh' L. F, P. and S., Glasgow, Etc. Post Graduate New York ■Specialty, maternity; diseases: nerves, stomach, skin, urinary and sexual troubles. All modalities in electro physio therapy, ultra violet, &C. Modern hospital accommoda tions. 4-1-32 W. R. GOULDING A. T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in • piano Vocal Organ Theorj Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main. St. Box 123* phone 192 EXETER,ONT <1 IN LOOKING FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS CALL AND SEE OUR BIG STOCK. WE HAVE A LOT OF NICE THINGS, IN FACT EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE FROM A FOOTSTOOL TO A CHESTERFIELD SUITE WOULD DO FOR A GIFT. EVERYTHING AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. ¥ See our box spring and spring mattress for only $26.75 “We Sell For Less” R. N. ROWE Funeral Director Ambulance Service Day and Night