HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-12-03, Page 8THURSDAY, DRCEMIW 3. 1931 Winter is Near I PREUARB YOUR CAR FOR WINTER DRIVING Anti-Freeze, Winter Oil in mo­ tor and lighter grease in renr-end and transmission are very neces­ sary, We also specialize in Heaters> Tire Chains and Batteries, New Tires $3.95 each and up Exeter Markets Wheat 65c, Oats, 3.0c. Barley 37c. Bran $1.00 Shorts $1.00 Low Grade Flour $1.15 Model Flour $2/50 Welcome Flour $2.30 Manitoba Flour $3.7,5 Creamery Butter 25 and 26c. Eggs, extras 40 c. Eggs, firsts 35c. Eggs, seconds 18 c. Sandy Elliot Phone 64, Exeter, Ont, locals PERMANENT WAVE Be sure Euchre to Memorial December 3 to attend the Progressive be held in Parish Hall on, Friday, 4th, at S p.m. ■the Trivitt $15.00 SHELTON PERMANENT DURING THE NEXT TWO WEEKS FOR $5.00 Miss L. Stackhouse Phone 245 for an Appointment The Main Street Mission Circle .will hold a Ten Cent Tea and Bazaar at IMrs. W. S. Howey’s on Friday, Decembei- 4th from 3.30 to 6 p.m. Sale of fancy articles including fancy cushions, for Christmas gifts ‘ at reasonable prices. 1 ‘The regular meeting of the Exe­ ter Branch of the Canadian Legion will he held on Thursday evening, December- 3rd at 8 p.m. ‘Mr. and Mrs. A. \A. Fowler and two sons, Donald and Ross, of Ohes- ley, spent the week-end with and Mrs. Geo. Jacques, Mi\. this save Watch the advertisements week. Subscribers can easily the cost of their paper by taking ad­ vantage of the bargains that are being offered. " ’ Ernest C. Harvey and A. E. Bus­ well are opening an office in the (building recently vacated by the Canadian National Express, and ex­ tend a cordial invitation to those with insurance problems, to call, and their needs wil be given care­ ful attention. Full jnfo-rmation will be given on such ^prfi®g?iies as,’ the • Mutual Life of C'a^dh,' '/Canada’s pioneer Mutual”; Lumberman’s Cas­ ualty Co., “World’s greatest' Auto- rmobile Mutual”; Zurich General Ac­ cident and Liability Ins. Co., “The World’s Strongest Casualty Co.! Mill Owners Mutual Fire Ins. etc. Day phone 38, night 47s- v126w. ??? - Co/, and COW FOR SALE—7 ‘due December 15th. Apply Advocate. , old,years Tinies- ltp. Grant’s Apply to John Rowe or B. ROOMS- TO RENT—Over Bakery. W. F. Beavers. FOR SALE—Small barn. Apply 1. ltp.to- A. Wildfong, Exeter R. FOR SALE'—Christmas trees.- N. Wells, Phone ISO, Exeter. Do horse eon’s you want a tarpaulin for your or truck? If so, call at Wil- Grocery, ■ phone. 56. FOR SALE—2 sows with lit— 2 weeks old,- also 20 pigs, 6 A few young sows and - Apply at Dashwood PIGS tens, weeks old. one boar. - Creamery. Fur neckpieces made to order; fur collars and cuffs put on coats; also cut work done. Mrs. John-- Taylor, phone 226, cornel- of Wil­ liam and Ann Streets. FOR SALE—Dining room suite, good as new, to be sold cheap. Ap­ ply to W. II. Hamess. FOR .SALE on OR RENT—Brick Andrew St., fullyresidence equipped with modern conveniences Apply to Crediton. Geo. Hepburn, R R. 1, ltp. SLIGHTLY USED electric A bargain, phone 64. Sandy radio. Elliot. WANTED—First class farm lab­ orer. Must be of clean habits and non-smoker. Yearly employment. Reginald Knight, R. R. 3, Exeter. Anti-Freeze! Fill your radiator now only $1.50 to fill your small Cars.—SANDY ELLIOT MOUSE FOR RENT—Comfortable brick residence on Andrew Street, all modern conveniences. Apply to ‘Wesley Lamport. • FOR (SALE—Quantity of brick. Apply to .sandy Elliot. good FOUND—-Ladies* purse on tralia Station street. Owner Ihave same by proving property and paying " '“ “ ' ' ““ lioney, meh Cen- may fdf advortisment, Din Ma- one mile' east of Mt. Car- ’ Found—-In Exeter on Saturday, ■a ladies’ white gold wtist watch. Owner may have same by proving property and paying foi* advertise-* meat. Apply at Times-Advocate. I We have just unloaded a car of hico Ontario Oats, See us for your lequii’ements.—HARVEY BROS, ■ WANTED—An unlimited number of cheap horses. Apply to Frank Ttiyioft Reeve. B. M‘. Francis is in Goder­ ich this week attending County Council. Mr. and Mrs. W- J. Statham and Lois, of London, spent the week-end in Exeter and Hensajl. Little Miss Leona Treble-, of Tor­ onto, is here visiting with her grandparents until Christmas. Miss Agnes Hamilton has .-been visiting for the past week with her sister, Mrs, Prebble, of Ilderton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis and family, of Toronto, spent the week­ end visiting with relatives in this community, Mr, Chas. Acheson, of Forest and Miss P. Gray, of London, spent the week-end with the former’s par­ ents in town. „ Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Down, of ’ Bowman ville, spent a few days with Mr. Down’s father Rev. J. W. Down and Mrs. Down returning on Tuesday. Miss Ina Jacques, R N„ of Vic­ toria Hospital, London, who recent­ ly .completed her training is holi­ daying with her parents in town. Miss Dorothy Dickson has return­ ed to Exeter after visiting for sev­ eral weeks at Pembroke and Corn­ wall. She intends remaining here until after the holidays. Mrs. Nash, of Sarnia, i-s visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Powell and on Tuesday attended the golden wedding anniversary of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. ~ ~ tralia. ■ Mrs. (Dr.) the office on .. . week a branch containing a ber of ripe raspberries, growth fruit has been more or less plentiful this fall. Mr. Reg. Beavers, who has spent the past month at his home here recuperating from an operation for appendicitis returned to his duties at the Bank of Commerce, Bridge­ burg, Tuesday morning. . Rev. Mr- Geo. Gilmour, of Thorn­ dale, occupied the pulpit in James St. Church Sunday evening and preached a very acceptable sermon. Mr. Mc'Tavish was at Thorndale con­ ducting anniversary services. Mrs. Jas. Green, of town, left for Fargo, North Dakota, Tuesday ev­ ening to spend the winter with her brother John. She is stopping off at St. Paul, Minn., to visit a couple of weeks with a nephew and other friends. Mr. H. T. N. Reynolds, of Sarep­ ta, brought into tlie office on Tues­ day morning, Dec. 1st, a stem of hollyhock containing two (blooms and several buds. The weather this fall has been the mildest experienc­ ed in many years. The National Service Loan a huge issue of $150,000,000 has been ov­ ersubscribed. The amount was raised in seven days and is a glow­ ing tribute to the faith that the people of Canada have in the future prosperity of their country. Several members of the- Southcott family motored to Bayham Monda-y evening and attended a chicken-pie Supper at the United church at Which Rev, R. E. Southcott is the pastor. Mr. H. 0. Southcott took part in the program. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. O’Brien cele­ brated the fifteenth anniversary of their* wedding day on the 115th of last month. It was just such a de­ lightfully pleasant day as tai' as the weather was concerned as it was fifteen years ago. Their friends all join in wishing them many happy returns of the day. ’ Mr. E. M. Dignan D.D.G.M. of the L O. O. F. for Huron District was in Brucefield Monday evening and on behalf of the Brucefield Lodge presented seven veteran’s jewels to the members. A social evening followed at which the wives of the members were present. Mr, and Mrs, J. Bowey of town accompanied Mr. Dignan. Mr, Peter McNaughton, of Mit­ chell, accompanied by his daugh­ ter and'her husband, Mr. and. Mrs. John Barley, also of Mitchell and his son Wilfred, Principal of the Ridgetown Public School visited his lieice Mrs, W. J. Ryckman and Mr. Ryckman on Sunday. All had at­ tended the funeral of the late John A, McNaughton, of London, last Wednesday. WIUTB GIFTS AT UaVJEN The children of Caven Presbyter­ ian Sunday School took part in a very attractive and impressive ser­ vice on Sunday morning when gifts were presented to be sent to Dr, Margaret Strang for distribution on her Mission Field at North Star, Al­ ta. A beautifully decorated Christ­ mas tree on the platform formed the centre around which the gifts of children’s new warm clothing all wrapped in white paper were group­ ed and the large number of parcels attested to the interest taken by everyone. Mrs. Rhodes received the gifts and Rev, Mr. Rhodes offered the prayer of dedication. John Essery, of Sweet Wrought Wednesday .of Cen- into last num- Seoo-nd STAMPED GOODS 11 * $6.50 to $8.50 11 3 sliver 3 7 i 4 7 3 7 “Tennyson” of the Triv- Miss Bonis, ALL WOOL PLAID BLANKETS In the new two-toned and fancy plaids. These beautiful all wool blankets make a real gift. FULL-FASHIONED SILK HOSE Circle Bar, full-fashioned silk hosiery in all the newest fall and winter shades at PER PAIR $1,25 CHAMOISETTE AND KID GLOVES In the better qualities. These are fully guaranteed and are smartly styled $1.00 to $2.95 SILK SCARVES In all the newest colorings and shapes in crepes and silks. $1.50; $1.95 and $2.25 THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATK W. R. GOULDING A, T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St.- United Church Instruction In Plano Vocal Organ Supervisor of Music in Studio, Main St. Box 123, EXETER. ONT CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, J. Bernardi Rhodes, M, A. Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M., Organist 11 a.m,—An Ounce of Experience 10 a.m,—Sunday School 7 p.m.—“Identity and Difference” Thursday, 7.30 p,mM the midweek Study Class. JAMES ST UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor ■ W. R, Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—-“God’s in His Heaven, Is All Right With the World?” p.m.—Sunday School pan.—“Goads and Nails” MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader 1 . 11 a.m.—“Common Salt,” Some valuable lessons it teaches for the Christian, p.m.—Our Church School p.m.—“A Godless Life,” It’s harvest. 8 o'clock Wednesday, Men’s Un­ ion, open meeting. 7.30 Thursday Prayer Service withdrawn. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, D. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 2nd Sunday After Advent L a,m.—-Morning Prayer and I-Ioly Communion Subject: “The Healing of" the Nations" p.m.7—Sunday School and, Bible Class p.m.—Teacher Training Class, p.m.—Evensong Subject: “The Christus” WEDNESDAY OF EACH WEEK 8 p.m.—Divine Service On Friday night, December 5th, in Elimville church a chicken pie supper will be served,- commencing at 5.30; a good program afterward. Outside and home talent. Adm­ ission 25c. and. 15c. . *Mr. Turner, of Lucan, father of Mrs. G. Freckleton, has been ill threatened with pneumonia, but is improving. > The Young People’s Guild Caven Presbyterian Church- held a Literary Meeting on Monday ev­ ening, November 30th at which (Miss Ross gave a very interesting ad­ dress on “My Teaching Experiences East and West.” SLIVER EMBEDDED FOR OVER A YEAR Miss Doreen Caldwell had a removed from her left hand Satur­ day evening that had been embed­ ded in the flesh for o-ver a year. The sliver was about an inch long and had run into the fleshy part of the hand between the first two fin­ gers while polishing a hardwood floor. Part of the slitver was re­ moved at the time and it was thought then that it was all out. The remainder was removed by Dr. Fletcher. TENNYSON NIGHT Monday night was night at the A. Y. P. A. itt Memorial Church, of the Exeter High School staff; gave a most interesting paper on Tennyson while several of his poems were read by Miss Irene Russell, Miss Margaret Russell and Miss Marion Woods. Messrs. B. Cousins, W. Manwaring and Ted. Moyle sang “Sweet and Low” while MrS. N. J. Dore sang “Crossing the ' Bar.” About fifty were present and the President, Miss Amelia Acheson, was in the chair. . »■ CHILDRENS’ & LADIES’ COATS 4 Every Childs’, Misses’ and Ladies’ Coat will be sacrificed this week. Here is your chance to buy that new coat at dollars below the regular cost, Luncheon Sets, Towels, Aprons, Pil- low Cases, Vanity and buffet sets. A splendid range of stamped goods to choose from. FANCY & BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS Hundred to choose from. At any price you care to pay. All at lower prices.- SILK & RAYON LINGERIE GOWNS, PYJAMAS, VESTS, BLOOMERS, SLIPS AND PANTIE SETS. A BEAUTIFUL RANGE OF SILK AND RAYON LINGERIE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. LADIES’ BATH ROBES Make your choice now while we have a good assortment. Beautiful cloths and colorings. $2.95 TO $5.75 CHILDREN’S KIMONAS A smart little garment, cozy and warm for the little tots. 2—4—6 YEARS $1.50 CHINA & CROCKERY DEPARTMENT WE HAVE ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW TO SHOW YOU AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR. OUR TABLES ARE FILLED WITH LOVE­ LY GIFT DISHES. , Xmas Groceries and Fruits — Lowest Prices In Years » Try us this season for your fruits and nuts for pudding and cake. We have insisted [ on having the very finest and best in New Almonds, New Currants, New Peels, Candied I Cherries in bulk, New Walnuts, Bleached Sultanas, Candied Pineapple Rings, New Aus- tralian Raisins, New Seeded Raisins in packages, Cooking Figs. Prices guaranteed the o best. Mincemeat in bulk, 2 lbs. for 25c.; Mixed Peels ready cut, 2.packages for 25c.. ; WE WANT YOUR POULTRY------------HIGHEST PRICES PAID The Exeter H. S. boys in a .game of rugby at St. Marys Saturday a£- ternopp. defeated the boys of the Stone.Town Collegiate by the score of 12 to 5. The teams are now tie as St. Marys won from, the Exeter boys in town the Saturday previous. ■Miss Jean S. Murray left Tuesday to spend a week in Toronto where she will be ,a member of the Exam- ’ ination Board for the papers sent in by the candidates who took part in the recent temperance examinations hold under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. in the Sunday Schools of Ontario. She motored to Toronto in company with her sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. A. G, Smil- lie, of Toronto, who had been visit- their son Dr. Smillie, of Hensall. j imrirMi.rflninBiMr.WMimiwi«iBMiaiii.iji iia'i ■twiiii.i ,iu immimbi bbi ■:_( urn i I DR. J. HARRY BROWNING Physician and Surgeon M.D., C.M., Toronto L. R. C. I- and S., Edinburg L. F. P. and S., Glasgow, Etc. Post Graduate New York ‘Specialty, maternity; diseases: j nerves, stomach, skin, urinary and j sexual troubles. All modalities in • electro physio therapy, ultra violet, I &c. Modern hospital accommoda-i tions. • 4-1-32 IN LOOKING CHRISTMAS GIFTS CALL AND SEE OUR BIG STOCK. WE HAVE A LOT OF NICE THINGS, IN FACT EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE FROM A FOOTSTOOL TO A CHESTERFIELD SUITE WOULD DO FOR A GIFT. EVERYTHING AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. See our box spring and spring- filled, mattress for only $26.75 ...... . ’ Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers wore in Glencoe on Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman, of Detroit, re­ turned with them and are visiting with the latter’s sisters Mrs. W. A, (furbttll and Mrs. Beavers. “We Stell For Less” R. IN. ROWE ’ Funeral Director 8S Ambulance Service Day and Night MEN WANTED Earn $3 to $8 Daily at Auto and Ignition Repairing, Bat* tery, Welding, Electricity, Ra­ dio or Drafting. Learn in few weeks GUARANTEED PRAC* TIC AL, Shop Training. Quick, sure plan for profitable spate time Jobs. Write for Free Pay Raising Information and Em­ ployment service. Application at once. Standard Trade Schools Dept, (44) TORONTO, ONTARIO Theory Schools Phone 192 MARION E. WOODS, B. A. TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY Phone 133, Exeter Mrs, McNicol and Mrs. Wi Ilian* MelvilU worn in London Tuesday