The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-12-03, Page 5’J^SffiWWTORF®
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M J, A« McTAGGART, L. D. %
telephone 100 Main Street
Mis$ Alice Higgins is visiting in
Airs, John Fisher is visiting her
daughter in Toronto.
Reeve Geiger is in Goderich this
week attending County Council,
Quite a number from town took
in the dance at Exeter last Friday
iMrs, Talbot, of London, has been
visiting with her daughter Mrs. Dr,Visiting with her daughter Mrs.
jollier, »
Mr. Alox Sparks left last weeli
.Detroit, where he will spend
Winter with his sons there.
■Mr ............ . I_____,
Exeter, visited with friends in Heft-
Ball on Thursday of last week.
Misses Mary and Emma Johnston
have returned home after a pleas
ant visit with friends in Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. S’. L. Peppier* and
Miss Mattie Ellis visited over the
week-end with friends in Guelph.
Mr. Chas. Troyer, who. has been
Visiting in London for the past few
weeks, ,1ms returned tp his home
Mr, John Sheppard took in the
winter fair in Toronto last week
and while there visited relatives
and friends.
Mrs. Sarah Dick has left for Tav
istock where she will spend the
and Mrs, AV.. 0. Pearce,
•winter with her daughter,
fDr.) Cawthorpe.
- Mr. and. Mrs, AVm. Consitt have
returned .home from Toronto where
they were visiting friends and also
took in the AVinter Fair.
- Mr, and Mrs. E. Sheffer have re
turned home after visiting for the
past few weeks with their daughter
Mrs. Dr. Reid, of Port Rowan.
A court of revision on the Hen
sail .Municipal voter’s list will be
held in the Town Hall here on Dec.
"3.4th ‘before the County Judge.
John Passmore, Ed. McQueen,
Geo. Brock and George Follick have
returned home from a weeks shoot
ing up in the Bruce Peninsula.
a Our business men are 'busy dec
orating their store windows for
Christmas and are making quite a
handsome display of almost every
Mr, and Airs. Thos. Consitt have
got nicely settled in their new home
on the North side of King St., which
they recently purchased from Mr. J.
W- Ortwein.
Mr. AVm. Lemmon, proprietor of
the New Commercial Hotel, has ad
ded to the comfort and appearance
of the hotel by the erection of a
porch at the front door.
Mr. Clare Vanhorn and sister,
Ruth, accompanied iby their mother
Airs. Wm. Vgnhorn and Miss AVarn-
er, of London, were Sunday visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mr. George Petty has sold the
'dwelling house just across the track
•from the railway station, recently
occupied by Thos. Shaddock,
Lloyd Vennor, who has
moved in.
Election talk is quiet in
lage for the coming year’s
but as there is usually an ____
in the village each year things will
Jikely brighten up before nomina-
the vil-
Jikely brighten up before nomina-
tion day.
Mrs. Joseph Hudson Sr., celebrat
ed her 91st 'birthday cn Thursday
_ last. 'Mrs. Hudson is hale and
‘ (hearty doing a lot of her own house
work and enjoys life,
friends wish her many
The friends of Rev.
nel, who preached fo.r a number of
years in Carmel . Presbyterian
church previous to the Union, will
3’egret to learn that he is seriously
311. It appears that Mr. McConnel
bad been invited to take the ser-
vices of one of his former congreg
ations and when going there was
taken very ill.
A fire about six o’clock on Satur
day evening destroyed the bank
barn on the fifty acre farm, 3rd
concession of Tuckersmlth, east of
Hensall*belonging to Robt. Cooper,
■one of Mr. Cooper's sons was doing
the evening chores when the lantern
side but
• .and quit'
burnt. Th
.The Young People’s League of
the United Church had a good at
tendance at their regular meeting
-.on Aloiiday evening. The meeting
was in charge of, Miss Doreen Far
quhar. The meeting opened with
.singing a hymn after which the roll
call and the business items of the
meeting were disposed of. A trio
was given by Misses Sinclair, Spen-
,.cer and McDonald accompanied on
the piano by Miss Gladys Luker.
'The topic was taken by Mrs. Hugh
. McEwen; solo by Katherine Drys
dale; instrumental' by Miss Florence
which one verse of
sung; Mrs.
Dr. Smillie
Her many
more happy
Mr. McCcn-
The stock was all out
number of implements
a quantity cf hay was
•barn and contents were
Welsh after
hymn 383 w
Hess and Mrs. Alt
’pleasing duett,
instrumental and also sang
Refreshments wet
Sinclair closed
the A.
served and
the meeting
sang a
gave a
A. of St. Raul’s An-
wero the guests of
P. A. of the Middleton
gave a very interesting talk on
church symbols whicih were shown
on‘the screen, An organ solo was
given by Margaret Drummond and
an accordian solo was given by T, Bennett, 'Two splendid contests
wefre given in charge of the Rev-
Mr. Ranker after which refresh*
meats were served.
Board of ReaRh
November 27, 1931
A meeting of the local Board of
Health was held Friday evening at 8 pan, in the Clerk’s Office with all
member's present. Minutes of the
previous meeting were read and ad
opted. Dr, Aloir reported the health
of the village as being exception
ally good and of not having had a
contagious disease therefore no.
quarantining being necessary this
year. He also reported the inspect
ion cf the school children, having
inspected 141 pupils and of having
had good results with same, A
number of pupils being found defec
tive the same was reported to their
parents. • N. Blatcftford reported
everything in good sanitary condit
ion, Considerable discussion took
place as regards the milk supplied
to the village and it was moved and
seconded that we appoint the local
veterinary surgeon to inspect at his
discretion, all milk supplies sold in
the village and report each visit to
the medical officer of health. Ad
■James Paterson, Sec’y.
Council Minutes
'The regular meeting of the vill
age council was held Monday at 8
p.m, in council chamlber; all mem
bers being present except Council
lor Consitt. Minutes of previous
meeting read,
Spencer and Mickle that, minutes
be accepted as read. Carried.
Spencer reported re Fire Brigade
as being nearly complete,
Geiger reported re Kenings and
coke account also the work; done on
the sidewalks.
Communications read from Dom
inion Road Machinery and J. A- El
lis, Secretary Unemployment Relief,
Bills and accounts read, as fol
lows: Library Board, rates, $19 5.18
Huron County Treasurer, rates, $2-
182.70; Mrs. G. Hudson, salary and
chairs, $181.00; Geo. Hudson, meals
$10.00; A.AV.E. Hemphill, .supplies,
$12.9'5; G. Richardson, labor $9.05
C. Volland, teaming-, $’2.4'0>; A.
Spencer and Son, cement $1.20; F.
AV. Hess, repairing and printing,
$5.00; A. Clark, catch basins, $4.75
O. Twitchell, supplies fire hall, $2.-
91; AV. A. McLaren, supplies fire
hall, $5.25; Dr. A. Moir, board of
health acct., $53.25; J. A. Paterson
car hire, $2.(50; Bonthron and
Drysdale, supplies hall, $2.20; J. A.
Paterson, salary, $113.15.0;’ Geo.
Hudson, salary, $9 0.00; A. AV. E.
Hemphill, salary, $50.00; C. Cook,
salary, $75.00; C- Campbel, tile, $1.
A. Dick drawing gravel, $2.40; AV.
Harvey, drawing gravel, $2.40; AV.
Hilderbrandt, labour, $2.80; A. Tay
lor, labour, 1.50; Geo. Hudson, la
bor, $1.00; AV. E. Butt, file, $.2.64;
Total, $3012258.
Mickle and Spencer that accounts
be paid as read. Carried.
Cameron, and Spencer: That we
bass by-law No., 7 for the purpose
of nomination and election and of
ficers acting at same. Carried.
Mickle and Cameron: That by-law
No. 7 be given third and final read
ing. Carried.
Mickle and Cameron. That we
adjourn. Carried.
Jas. Paterson, Clerk
DdiiVt forget the Christmas party,
of the institute on Tuesday, pecem*
her 8th. Miss Reddy, of Huron-
dale, the district president, will be
the speaker, isverybody welceme.
Mr, carl Fliikbeiner,
ville, Ill., is vlsitinig at
Mrs. Resina iStahls.
Air.. Clayton Knaur, <
is spending a few days
of Mr. and Airs. Henry Fahner.
Air. George Luther, of Exeter has
moved his household effects into
the home he recently purchased
(Miss Mary Young is visiting in
Lucan with her sister Mrs, H, Lan-
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra .Oestrjcher, of
Windsor, spent a few days with the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H,
Airs. J. Marr, of Cleveland, is vis
iting with her parents Mr, and Mrs.
C. F. Eilber.
The tender
Skating Rink was given to William
Fisher. AVe
skating this season.’
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mawhinney
and son, accompanied by Miss Alar-
guerite Knight were in London on
Saturday and also attended the
events at the airport, While there
Air. Mawhinney and Edgar enjoyed a
very pleasant ride in an aeroplane.
The second ibirthday group of the
Dorcas S. S. Class of the Evangel
ical church was held last week in
the Sunday School auditorium and
a splendid attendance greeted the
evening’s performance. The pro
gram was arranged in parts: Part
1 was sacred; devotional hymns,' a
scripture in concert, prayer by the
pastor and a male quartette by Ezra
Faist, AVm. Sippell, John Moirlocik,
Joe Finkbeiner. I’art 2, Recitations
by Dalton Finkbeiner and Melvin
Gaiser; violin solo by Arthur Gaiser
duett by the “Holtzmann twins”
and a piano duett 'by the “Smiths.”
Part 3, humorous readings by Mrs.
J. R. Thompson and Lavina Smith;
piano solo -by Lorene Hirtzel; class
song by a ga'oup of thirty Dorcas.
Part 4, reading .by (Margaret Kuhn,
vocal trio by three Dorcases; Mrs. E.
Wenzel, Mrs. Gordon Morlock and
Mrs. AV. M. Sippell, piano duett by
Helen Teller and Evelyn (Sippell.
Part 5 was an interesting change to
the program, the presentation >of a
play entitled, “Wanted a Servant.”
The characters • were, Mrs. Albert
Gaiser, Mrs. 1\I. Telfer, Mrs. A.
Holtzmann, Mrs. Wes. ■ Wein, Mirs.
Harry Finkbeiner, Mrs. W. Fisher.
The closing part 6, vcical duett by
Miss Thompson and Virginia Moore
with Mrs. Milton Ratz as their ac
companist, they were from .Shi'pka;
piano solo by Ruby Finkbeiner; vo
cal solo by Mr. M. Telfer and guitar
duett by Elsie 'Thompson and Irene
Fahner. Mabel Fahner was conven
or of a large social committee and
gave the evening a most pleasant
social half hour. Mrs. Albert Gais
er was convener of this birthday
group and deserves some of the cre
dit for the success. Mrs.. Gordon
Morlock was convenor of the pro
gram which greatly pleased the au
dience. Mrs. Clayton 'Sims is presi
dent of this large class and moved
a vote of thanks to the group of en
ergetic members. This was support
ed by Mrs. H. IC. Eilber. Proceeds
$19.00. AVe await with- • interest
the efforts of the last group some
time, in the new year.
of Naper*
the home of
of AVhterloo*
at the home
the estate, of the Ute Mrs. G.
and Mrs. Morrison and daugh-
of Detroit, were the guests of
and Mrs. George Eijbler last
for the Community
hope to have good
II ■
GOLDEN YELLOW SUGAR ____ __________lb. for 38c,
WESTON’S VICTORIA PKG, (# select assortment of biscuits) ., each 20$.
TASTY MINCEMEAT (A renl treat) ....................per lb, 15c.
New Dates
4 lbs. for 2$c.
New Pitted Dates
3 lbs, for 25c.
JNeW Currants
per Jb» 15$.
DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS (six different flavors) 6 for 25 c,
FANCY PINK SALMON (Cascade) . ................. 2 large tins for 23c.
Wagstaffe’s New Turndown Peels
Lemon and Orange per lb. 17c.
Lemon, Qrange and Citron Mixed per lb. 19c.
Pineapple Rings
Red or Yellow
per lb. 59c.
RED & WHITE BAKING POWDER (contains no alum) .... per lb. 29c.
Crown Tea Ready Cut Macaroni Kolona Coffee
1 lb. pkg. 39c.2 lbs. 13c.per lb. 29c.
10 lbs. for 23c.NO. 1 COOKING ONIONS (Large and bright)
Good Tender Peas, No. 4, .... 3 tins 23c.
Sweet Corn, large tins............... 2 for 19c.
Golden Spray Cheese . ,...........per lb. 25c.
Jewel Shortening 2 lbs. for 23c.
Seedless Grapefruit . . .
Large Sweet Oranges , .
Juimbo Salted Peanuts ,
Large Juicy Prunes .. . ,■i
Do not order your Xmas Candies until you have seen our display
Phone 102 “Quality always higher than prifce/’
JI i
li 1*1 I
Harry Cornish was brought
home from -Stratford Hospit-
Thursday though his condi-
mnch the same. A
Mr. Alfred Tilley has rented the
farm formerly owned by Mr. Albert
Smith. Mr. Tilley takes possesion
at once and intends moving in t’his;
Mt, and Mrs. Wm. Mason and
family visited with friends in AVest
AVilliams last Sunday.
Mr. Melvin Stacie visited in St.
Thomas a few days last week.
Miss M. Knight spent the week
end at her home near Strathroy.
Mr. Wm. AVenzel spent the week
end with friends near Woodham.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Willert and
family spent Sunday wlth_ the form
Jackson, who is ill.
The heating system of the church
was re-modelled last week, which,
it is hoped, will make it more com
fortable for all during the cold
Bear in mind the chicken pie
supper on December 5th.
The Y. P. Society of this church
visited Kirkton Society on Monday
evening and provided the program,
afterwards a very enjoyable ’ time
was spent.
Card of Thanks
I wish in this way to express my
appreciation to my friends for their
kind support in the recent contest,
also to the donor of the prizes and
to the contest manager, and extend
my congratulations to all the other
candidates. Mrs. Harry Ford.
to 'his
tai on
tion remains
large number of neighbors gather
ed together last week and cut about
35 to 40 cords of wood and finished
his contract for the ditch, which
had been at a standstill owing to
his accident. We understand, “the
Legion’’ is taking an interest in the
Mr. and Mrs. J. AV. Stewart re
turned Saturday after spending a
week in Flint.
The AV. M. S. meeffe at the home
of Mrs. A. Hunkin on Thursday.
The Progress Club had a good
turnout for their meeting on Wed
nesday evening. Election of of
ficers was held and resulted as fol
lows: President was left open but
Mr. Monteith was their choice; Vice
President R. . Mavers; Secretary,
Anjia Hackney; Assistant Secretary,
Mary Gardiner; Treasurer, Arthur
Rhode. Program committees were
arranged for three months. An in
teresting time was spent with the
questionair e with those present div
ided into .four groups each one to
reply to questions given on early
Life of Joseph. Master L. Allen and
Minnie, Elsie and Noreen McNicol
contributed to a short program.
Games were the order and closed
with singing “Auld Lang Syne”
Hon. James Gardiner was a visit
or with Mr. J. Duncan on Sunday,
Mr. Pollen is very busy these
days preparing the mill for re-open
ing shortly.
Mr. Jack Gollings is home hav
ing finished his time with Mr. C.
H. Atkinson.
Hon. James G. Gardiner, of Re
gina, and his mother attended ser
vice in the Thames Road Church
on Sunday. On Monday Mr. and
Mrs. AV'm. Kydd entertained a few
friends in their honor the occasion
being Mr. Gardiner’s
Jack rabbit hunt of the
held on Friday when 29
Jennie Robinson has gone
mother, Mrs. Levi. Hamacher.
Mr. Erwin Plolt 'pent the week
end with his grandmother, Mrs. J.
Holt in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Don. Webb, of Lan
sing. Mich., have been spending a
few days with their friends return
ing on Sunday.
The boys who spent a few days
hunting geese around Camlachie had
very poor success.
Mr. Bruce Bossenbury and family
have moved to their winter home in
Forest. Bruce has left for
Creek, Alberta, with his
Addison, who spent most
summer here.
Mr. Ed. Gill, who is in
hospital is slowly improving.
Miss Emma Mollard is still on the
sick list with little improvement.
Mr. AVilliam Baker, who built a.
new house in the village this fall
moved into it Thursday last. AVe
welcome the family to the village.
Mr. AVellwood Gill lost a very
fine horse which dropped dead in
the harness last week.
The Late IToliii Devine
’ There passed away at his late
residence on Tuesday last, Mr. John
Devine. He was a life long resi
dent cf this community; and was
well known and liked by everybody
who" came in contact with him. Not
being in good health for a number
of years, but no one heard him com
plain. He leaves to mourn his loss-
a loving wife, two sons, Henry, a
farmer cn the fourteenth of Step-
lien and Edward at home; three
daughters, Mrs. Jas. Grigg, .of Thed
ford, Mrs. Colby, of Toronto, and
Mrs. Bruce Teiderman, of this vill
age. They have the sympathy of
the community.
The first
season was
jacks were
Mrs. J—
to spend the winter with her neice
at Niagara Falls.
Mr. .and Mrs. Ruben Shier and
Mr. and Mrs. AV. A. Gilfillian spent
Thursday in London.
Mrs. Chester Hazelwood and. son
Edison' and James Colgan, of De
troit spent a few days here. They
returned home on Sunday taking
Mr. and Mrs. AValter Hazelwood with
them for the -winter.
Harry Cornish, cf Mt. Pleasant,
who had the misfortune to fall from
an apple tree while picking apples,
returned home from the hospital
on AVednesday. Mr. Cornish is
paralyzed from the hips down.
The Sunday School children are
busy practicing for their Christmas
Tree to be held on December 23rd.
of the
H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
^t office In Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
it office over the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days of week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lindenfield,
of Parkhill, and Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Davis, of Exeter, were Sunday vis
itors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stein-
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Callfas, of
Sarnia, spent the week-end with
Miss Myrta, Hoffman, of Kitchen
er, spent the week-eftd with' her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Ily. Hoffman.
Kenneth AVein underwent an op
eration for tonsils last week. His
many friends hope for a speedy re
Mrs. J. Thiel, of Zurich, called son
Miss Lavada Hartleib cn Tuesday of
last weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilkie McEwen, of
Ailsa Craig visited her brother Mr. and Mr - - - • ~ ’
Mr.- r
ily, of
and Lavada.
Messrs. Milford and Elgin Mern-
er, Mervyn Tieman and AVm. Haugh
motored to Detroit and spent the
Mrs, Wm.
seriously ill
low at time
Mi*, Rudolph Stade and son
old, of Zurich, were Sunday visitors
with. Mrs. Stade.
Dashwood Public School will hold
their Christmas entertainment on
F r I d ay, D e c enub er 18th.
Mr.’ R, Goetz is attending County
Council in Goderich this week.
Dashwood Evangelical Church will
hold their Christmas entertainment
on AVednesday, December 23rd, A
Cantata entitled “Rose of Bethle
hem will be rendered.
s, Earl Gaiser on Sunday,
nd Mrs. Meerburg and fam
port Frank, were Sunday
with Mr. Jonas Hartleib
Elizabeth Hartleib, of Kit-
and friend Mr. Dundas, of
visited relatives on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. David Sturgeon and
son Russell, of Providence Bay, are
visiting for some time with Mrs.
Sturgeon’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
Mr. and Mts'. Oscar Pfaff, of near
Woodham, spent the week-end with
the former's x>arents Mr.’ and Mrs.
Henry Pfaff Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Brokensliire
of Fergus, spent Sunday with the
latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. AVilson
Anderson, the former's mother Mrs.
S. Brokenshiro returning with tliom
on ‘a visit.
Mrs. H. Kuhn is -confined to her
bed through illness. AVe wish her a
speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heat'hetley, of
London, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. AVm. Motz. Mrs. Henry Motz,
who has been visiting in London
for two weeks returning home.
Miss Annie AVaghorn, of London,
spent Sunday with her parents
and Mrs. Fred AVaghorn.
to be held on December
Maier, who has
for some time is
of • writing.
The Young People’s Society of the
United Church entertained the Mun
ro Young People’s Society on Mon
day evening.
The AVomen’s Institute held.their
mciit'hly meeting on AVed-
of aprons,
brought the
g Mr. Gardiner’s birthday. Mr.
Mrs. Gardiner called on a liuni-
of friends in the community.
Card of Thanks
wish to take this opportunity1of thanking everyone who so kindly
helped me in the recent contest for
the Times-Advccate.
Burton Keyes, of near Lon-
Miss L. Mollard. of Shipka,
the week-end with Miss
Miss Irene P.ooley
friends in Toronto
The children are
preparing for the
which will be held
Mr. and Mrs. Alt Collier, of Kirk
ton, visited with the latter’s parents
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey on Sunday.
Mr. F. C. Davis attended the
funeral of the late Richard Quinton
and Mrs. R. E. Pooley and
Irene P.ooley visited with
over the week-
all busy now
Xmas concert
at the close of
Mr. _________ _ , ..
don, visited with' his mother, Mrs.
Enoch Parker, i___ A
Mrs. Parker lias been confined to. „......._________________ ___her bed, we are glad to know she' ily, of Hensail, visited with Mr. and
is able to be up again.
• Miss Nellie Taylor, who lias been
working near Seaforth, has return
ed to the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. AVm. Tayllor, Sen.
A Christmas concert will be held
in the United church on Tuesday
evening, December 22nd.
Miss Agnes Fairbairn is spend
ing this week1 in Clinton at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Lennis O’
over the week-end. I in Exeter on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. AVillert and fam-
I Mrs. R. AV. Batten on Sunday.
| Mr. and Mrs. George McGann and
family, Mr. Fred McGann, of Sea-
1 forth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G.
Davis on Sunday.
A.- Y. P
. .. Y. ..
Churclt, Goderich Township and the
Church Bayfield in the
Hail at Bayfield on Friday
The < visitors supplied the
L. Peppier act*
The Rev. Mr.
Rarker showed some very interest
ing .lantern slides on the life of St.
Fait! and also depicting the -ter*
tortures the early Christians i Detroit
were subjected to in Rome, Mrs,, i Mrs.
Peppier gave an amusing reading I hope for a speedy recovery,
and a duet was rendered by Louise Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kuntz
Drummond and Irene Hoggarth on*1 daughter Euoleen jrere in London
litletl "School Days.” Airs. Varley Saturday,
program with Mr.
Ing as chairman.
Hid Mrs. Herb AVein
are spending a few day
this week.
Saner is on the sick list.
and Mrs. Arnold Kuntz
i in
and Mrs. John Leary,
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Wilson spent
Wednesday with Dr. and Mrs. De
Vai, of AVingham.
Mr. Jas. Wallace, of Seaforth, is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Vivian,
Mt. and ‘Mrs, Durward Elliott, of
Windsor,‘are visiting with Mt.
Mrs. Frank Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Leslie
family spent Sunday with Mr.
Mrs. George Du Ison.
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott enter*
talned their friends to a party on
Friday evening. ,
and a
was a
by a
to a
Howard Leary, o,f London,
Sunday with hjs parents Mr.
Rev. White, Messrs. J. T.
of Zion; Z. .
Delbridge, of Elimville, attended
the meeting of the Presbytery at
Blyth on Tuesday,
Miss Bernice MUrch returned
home from Toronto the end of the
Week. Her aunt,
recovering nicely
received a couple
Mr, Wellington
Mildred Bell, of Detroit, visited at
their home here the latter part of
last week, On Friday evening a
party was given the young people
of the vicinity at the homo of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell,
in honour of their son and datigh*
Mrs. White and children are in
Windsor with her- mother , Mrs,
Chas. Johns and Henry
of Elimville.
Mrs. Jackson T is
from the scalds
of weeks ago.
Bell and Miss
The death took piace on Monday
November 23rd of one of the oldest
pioneers in Stephen Towifship in
the person of Miss Margaret Regan,
aged 82 years. She had been in
failing health for the past two years
the victim of a stroke. She is sur
vived by two noices Misses Mary
and Anna Reardon and a nephew,
Patriot “ M
R. c
celebrated by Fr. Corcoran.
Mr. and* Mrs. Denqmme and fam
ily, accompanied by Mrs. Denomme’s
sisters Misses Margaret and Eliza
beth Houlahan, of Detroit,' spent
the week-end with the latter’s par
ents Mr. and Mrs. John Houlahan.
Misses Alice Dederick and AVin-
nio Madden, of London, spent Sun
day at their homes here.
Miss Evelyn Clark returned home
from St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
on Friday and pleased to say she is
doing fine.
Reardon with whom she
for the past three years and
whose home the funeral took
on Thursday at .10 a.m, to the
cemetery with Requiem Mass
Misses Ila and Evyline Sweitzer
from London spent
with their parents.
iMr. Isaac Tetreau
ic.h last Tuesday on
Mr. Major Baker wont to London;
Sunday to see Mr. Ed. Gill Sr. who
is in Victoria Hospital, At the time
of writing, Mr. Gill, we are glad to
report is improving.
Mr. Carl Finkbeiner, who has
been visiting for a few weeks at the
home of Mr
is visiting
Miss Ila
spent last week at the home of Mrs.
Jacob Ratz.
Mr. and Mrs. AVm. Sweitzer spent
Saturday in London.
Mr. and Mrs. AVm. Sweitzer, Miss
Edith Ball and :
Moore spent Sunday
the home of Mr. and
lantyne, of Usborne,
Mr. and Mrs. Goo. __ ____,
Parkhill and Miss Olivo Sheppard,
of London, spent Sunday with Mrs.
T. Keyes and Miss pearl Keyes.
Miss Thompson, Shipka School
teacher, spent the week-end at her
home in Strathroy.
Traffic Officer Norman Lever and
Mrs. Lever spent Friday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
the week'-end.
was in Godet-
and Mrs. A. Finkbeiner
with friends around
Lamport., of Crediton,
Miss Virginia
afternoon at
’ Mrs. Jim Bah
Sheppard, of