The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-12-03, Page 1ft- ESTABLISHED 1873 ... .i n I EXETER, ONT,, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 3rd, 1931 ■J? FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, NO.. 2709 ladies’. Misses’ & Children’s Winter Coats REDUCED IN PRICE Owing to the mild weather we have reduced the prices of our coats much earlier than usual. We still have a large range to choose from at real bargain prices. One rack of Ladies Coats as low as $9,85 each. 2 ONLY LADIES’ MUSKRAT COATS ON SALE We have oh hand two beautiful quality Northern Muskrat Coats. These coats were' $170,00 each. We offer them this week at less than they cost us, $125.00 each. Children’s Pullover' Knitted Snow Suits, greatly reduced in price clearing as low as $1.95 suit., Complete Showing of Christmas Goods Christmas goods are now on display at much lower prices than they have been for years. Look over our stock of ties, handkerchiefs, fancy linens, etc., etc.- Our Overcoat Department is Busy Because our prices are as low as good coats can be sold MEN’S OVERCOATS On Sale $20. values. ... at $13.50 BRING IN THE BOYS FOR OVERCOATS, We carry a large selection and our prices ,are low. 3 J j L* MEN’S OVERCOATS On Sale s Reg. $22.50 .... at $15.00 Best Navy ...... at $19.00 W Leather-lined O’Coats, $15. w Beautiful Barrymores $25. * W Price . MEN’S SERVICE , RUBBER BOOTS $2.95 a pr. HONOURED BY SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Mrs. A, E. Buswell before leaving Lucknow was presented hy the Ladies’ Mass of the Siunday School of the United church with a silver hot water pitcher and was also made a life member of the w.M.S, MOVED .TO LONDON Mr. Wesley Lamport, who for a number of years has been in charge of the imperial Oil interests in Ex­ eter has heen transferred to- Lon­ don taking over his new duties. last week. Mrs. Lamport expects to fol­ low shortly and their residence in town is being offered for rent. The best wishes of many friends will follow them, Mr* Rod Ellis, who has assisted Mr. Lamport will in future have charge of the Imperial Oil here. AUTO ACCIDENT Mr, Earl Whiting met with an auto accident about six o’clock on Tuesday evening while driving on the highway just south of Exeter. Meeting a rig that-was in the act of turning on the highway Mr. Whiting endeavoured to slow up and turn out and in doing so’ his car skidded on the slippery pave­ ment and took to the ditch a drop ■Of several feet. The top was dam­ aged and some glass broken and Mr. Whiting was cut about the hands from the glass. LEATHER COATS AND WINDBREAKERS For Men and Boys $5.00, $6.00, $8.95. A Bargain in Men’s Natural Wool Underwear On sale for one week only, men’s Admiral brand natural wool under­ shirts and drawers all sizes up to 44. This is out regular $2.00 line on Sale this week at $1.69 each garment. SUPERIOR CHAIN STORE SPECIAL PRICES FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY McLaren Jelly Powders (all flavours) . .. .............. 5 for 25c. P & G Soap................... ..10 cakes for 33c,. Very fine old cheese..................per. Ib. 22c. Peas, Corn or Tomatoes . . 3 tins for 25c. Reman Meal ............... Pitted Dates ............... Fresh Broken Sodas . . Orange Marmalade . . . CHRISTMAS FRUITS, NUTS AND PEELS" We ae now showing the finest quality of Christmas baking necessities at the lowest prices in years. May we have the privilege o* serving youf with these? Phone 32 CHINA TEA POTS, STAINLESS STEEL CARVERS ' STAINLESS STEEL KNIVES AND FORKS, CHINA OV ENWARE, PYREX OVENWARE, FANCY CAKE BOARDS AND COVERS, DUST MOPS, GRANITE TEA POTS, OVAL ROASTERS IN GRANITE GR AL UMINUM WARE OR BLACK IRON, CREAM & GREEN GRANITEWARE, ALUMINUMWARE, SKATE AND SHOE OUTFITS, HOCKEY STICKS, BOYS’ SNOW SHOVELS, POCKET CUTLERY, SILVERWARE, ELECTRIC HEATERS, FLASHLIGHTS, GREEN ENAMELWARE SETS-—S PIECES FOR $9.00 Come in and look over these suggestions. TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD Rhone your hardware necessities to 27 DIED IN LONDON y Mr. John Markham, who for a ■inimber of years was organist of the ;*£rivitt Memorial church died at this home 273 Elgin street, London, •OH Sunday last in his 57th year. Mr, ,Markham is survived by his boreav- -ed widow. Mr. and Mrs. Markham, -While residents of Exeter, had many friends in this community whose ‘Sympathy will go out to th'e -bereav- ed widow. The funeral was conduct- W froth st. David’s church, Hamil­ ton Hoad, Tuesday afternoon in ter­ men t in Woodland cemetery. Mri and Mrs, J, W. Powell of town at1 -tended the funeraL CHANGE IN MAIL COURIER I Ths carrying of the mall from the postoffide to the Exeter station lias been added to the Dashwood Rural Route and beginning with Tuesday, December 1st Mr* Harry Hoffman will have charge. With the reduction of the mail service from four to two trips a day there has been a curtailing of the expense In connection with the courier and With a view to economy the mail delivery has boeii added to. the Dashwood route. Mr. Gillespie who for many years has had charge of both mail and express delivery will continue with the express, the of­ fice for which has beeit transferred from the Main St. to the station. 1 Popular Lecture “THE LUGGAGE OF LIFE” By Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor of James St. United Church1, Exeter — Will be given in — Main Street Church, Exeter, on Tuesday, December 8 at s o’clock Into the Luggage the speaker will pack everything from nick­ names to religion, from the bottle of milk to keep baby quiet in church to the "Rod and fortetli though we vale. One hour and wholesome entertainment. Musical numbers will be given. Admission 25c. and 15c. Staff" that e'Oin* pass through the a quarter of H ■■■— ...........— r ■ nrw.r,„„r„„ To Our Subscribers Owing to the pressure in winding up our Subscription Campaign we were unable to have the label sheet corrected this week, but this will be at­ tended to before another week. Bi Y. I*, s. ENTERTAIN The Main Sifeec United Church Young People's Association very pleasantly entertained the Young People’s Society of Roy’s United Church on Monday evening. The Young People from Roy’s provided a splendid program. Mrs, Andrew Christie very ably presented the to­ pic education and rural citizenship} Mr. Dow, Mr. iScott, Mrs. Hey and Mrs. Grant contributed to the dis­ cussion and some very interesting points were brought out. A, fine program of readings and music was, also given. Miss Mary Gilfillan oc­ cupied the chair. Pollowing the program a social hour was spent in group games into which all entered heartily, Lunch was served at the close by the Main Street Young ■People, . MISS ALICE HOFFMAN CARRIES OFF GRAND PRIZE IN SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST. MRS, C. L. WILSON IS CLOSE SECOND The Times-Advocate "Good-Will" Subscription. Contest was brought to1 a close with a whirl-wind finish on Saturday afternoon at four o’clock and the standing of the candidates together with their awards was as follows: Miss Mrs, Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Miss Miss F, Pollings, Geo. Davis Harry Ford. votes votes 2,890,000 2,510,750 2,501,500 2,116,000 1,757,750 1,213,000 1,147,1500 560,000 votes votes votes votes- votes votes votes votes votes i PRESENTED WITH CLUB BAG Mr. M. R. Complin, for nine years manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce in Exeter and secretary of the Exeter Chamber of Com­ merce was pleasantly surprised on Friday evening of last week -when a number of members of the Cham­ ber of Commerce met at the bank and presented Mr. Complin with a handsome club -bag on the eve of his departure for Hamilton, A Very complimentary address was read by Mr. B. W. Jb Beavers, past presi­ dent of the association. Mrs. Com­ plin was present for the occasion and -both Mr. and Mrs. Complin ex­ pressed their appreciation ami spoke of the very happy associations they had formed during their stay in Exeter. They left for their new home Saturday, moving vans . hav­ ing come up from Hamilton to con­ vey their furniture to that city. Mr. R. H. Sayers, who has taken Mr. JJomiplin’s place at the bank was of the Chamber of Commerce. annual meeting with election of of­ ficers will be held following quet at the Central Hotel evening. 'elected Secretary-Treasurer pro tem of the Chamber of Commerce. .The a ban- Friday CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND The Relief Committee of are again making an appeal __ funds, and other necessities for the spreading of Christmas Cheer and for the carrying on of relief work during the winter. For 'several years past homes in Exeter have •been made*happy at the Christmas .season by the generosity of the citizens and the splendid work of the Relief Committee. This year a certain amount of work is planned ’for the holiday season but the com­ mittee will be called upon to ex­ tend their work over the winter months and for this reason an ur­ gent appall is being made to share the Christmas, spirit with those less fortunate but to do it in a system­ atic manner through the central committee. The committee have a 'goodly supply of potatoes and apples on hand but are in need of cloth­ ing, vegetables and fruit. The vegetables and fruit may be left at Jones & May seed store and the clothing at the Times-Ad- vocate. At the present time milk is needed and for this funds, are re­ quired. Contributions will be re­ ceived at the Canadian Bank of Commerce or the Times-Advocate, and will be acknowledged through this paper. Exeter /for FORMER EXETER GIRL WINS SUIT The many friends of Mrs. Vera Wilken, daughter of Mrs. Marshall, Who a few months ago moved to London, will be pleased to learn1 that she has .won her suit for dam-* ages against the owner of the car which caused the death of her hus­ band, the late Lloyd Wilken at Iro­ quois last June. Mr. and Mi’s. Wil­ ken were returning to their home after a, dance when the car in Which they were riding was rammed from behind by the car of a, young farm­ er named Milligan, who had per­ mitted a young lady friend to drive. The force of the impact was such as to drive the forward car into a tree and resulted in a factored skull for Mr. Wilken. The defendant Milligan and his party claimed that the other oar had suddenly turned in front of them but Mr. Justice Sedgowlck of the Supreme Court of the Brookville Assizes where the case was heard for two days has given judgment in favor of Mrs. Wilken for $3,000 damages and coats. As a great many witnesses Wore examined the expenses will be heavy, Mrs. Wilken was accompan­ ied from London to .Brookville by her counsel,, Mr. J. <?. Stanbury, Who has personally conducted the case from the beginning. Mr#Gr I. Gogo, K, U», of Cornwall; de­ fended Milligan and Mr, T. .S. El- more K, 0., in Toronto, acted for Mefkely, the driver of the Wilken Mt who Was added as co-defendant. hiofe K. u., of Toronto, acted for Alice Hoffman, Dashwood ................15,238,000 !5<-piece Bedroom -Suite and Mattress Lee Wilson, Exeter ..............,.................4.870,>500 4-piece Bedroom Suite and Mattress: W. H, Harness, Exeter .............. ............... . Dining-Room Suite Wm. Motz, Crediton ...... ......... ......... Sonora Electric Radio Fred Bowden, Centralia ............. .................... Breakfast Set Farquhar .................................. Set of Dishes Winehelsea ................................ Wrist Watch Elimville ..................... ........... . Set of Silver Leila Mollard, Shipka ....... ............................ •Cedar Chest Reta Glavis, C’landeboye ............................... Aeropack Alice Higgins, Hensail ................................... 362,500 Dressing Gown and Slippers Agnes Fairbairn, Kippen ............................... 250,000! vote3 Blanket During the last, week and particularly the last day or so of the contest a great deal of interest was manifested both by the con­ testants and the public. Every mail brought subscriptions with, votes for their particular candidate. One letter came by air mail from the West and. arrived just in time. A large number of new subscribers has been added to our lists and we wish to welcome these newcomers to our great family of .readers. We wish also to express oui’ appreciation to those who have responded and assisted, their favorite candidate to win one of the prizes. ’ We stated at the beginning that there would be no losers. Everyone received a prize and all of them seemed to be perfectly satisfied. We have been pleased with the words of appreciation that have been ex­ pressed in connection with the prizes. In selecting the prices we wanted something that we felt everyone would be happy to own. The gift of these prizes was made possible only by the splendid co­ operation of the various merchants of town and to them we owe an expression of appreciation. We wish also to express our gratitude to the candidates on the fair way and sportsmanlike manner they entered into the con­ test. Some of them worked like trojans from the start to the fin­ ish and the .results were shown at the close. The Times-Advocate now has one of the largest and one of the cleanest lists of any place the size of Exeter in the province. This is one consideration that the national advertiser takes into account and emphasizes very strongly and national advertising is one of the great sources of revenue for any paper. We have been 'delighted with the many kindly remarks and. words of appreciation that have come from so many subserbers It is always a pleasure to us to know that the home-paper is ap­ preciated. And finally we would express our appreciation to the judges Messrs. Paul Coates, R. N. Creech and Ulric Snell who had charge of the final summing up of the votes, and also to the campaign manager, Mr. Williams, who conducted .the campaign ill such a clean and straightforward manner. IN CRITICAL CONDITION Mr. Wm. Dunsford, of town, who is in ,his 89th year, is in a very critical condition and is liable to slip away at any time. He has taken little or no nourishment for the past’ week. His son, Mr. Chas. Dunsford, of Sudbury and wife, vis­ ited here during the past week and expects to return again this week. TAKES OVER DASHWOOD a PLANING MILL i The Exeter Lumber Co. nave tak­ en over the Dashwood Planing Mill having purchased the stock and leased the mill from Mr. Thomas Klumpp. The new company took possession on Tuesday and will con­ tinue to operate it as usual and will have the assistance of Mr. Klumpp. Gifts for Christmas YOU ARE INVITED TO INSPECT OUR LINE OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS. WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORT­ MENT OF GIFTS FROM 25c. AND UP CHINA, GLASS WARE, NOVELTIES, SILVER WARE, COMMUNITY AND WM. ROGER’S SILVER PLATE, NIFTY BRUSH LINE, PEARL-TONE 3-PIECE SETS FROM $5.50 TO $16.00 CANADA’S FINEST $15.00 WATCH “THE WINDSOR OTHERS FROM $3.75 TO $35.00 . ALSO LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LATEST STYLE DIAMONDS —..........-•.........................................J,i„T S.^B. TAYLOR, JEWELLER 5 I Do not failf to get in on this special good-will offering of Erie Service Stations, Limited, To further introduce the sale of Erie Gasoline in Exeter &nd Goderich we are offering to every purchaser of 5 or more gallons of Erie Gasoline at our service Station located on the Coriier here during the week of November 30 to December 7 a special grease job ticket. This ticket and 25c. entitles you' to a complete chassis iuhricattbn of your automobile at any time. Every gallon of Erie Gasoline is -refined to the test which gives maximum motor performance, mile- age, starting quality and pick-up considered. Every gallon is pure, unadulterated, filtered gasoline. Erie Service Stations Limited Tel. 247, Exeter Head Office 303 Sell Tell. Bldg., London You’ve trifed the rest, how use the best