HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-11-26, Page 8I THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1931 Dominion of Canada NATIONAL SERVICE 5 per cent. LOAN A YEAR TERM AT 99 M ,tQ YEAR TERM AT 90 APPLICATIONS NOW RECEIVED Gladman & Stanbury EXETER AND HENSALL Exeter Markets Wheat 65c. Oats 29 c. , Barley 37 c. Bi’an $l.Q0 Shorts $1.00 Low Grade Flour .Model Flour $2 .'50 Welcome Flour $2,30 Manitoba Flour $2,715 Creamery Butter 2^ and 26c. Eggs, extras 40c. Eggs, firsts 3‘5c. Eggs, seconds 18c, Winter is Near!, ..... <£oaa(s THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J, Bernard Rhodes, M. A.« Minister Miss Lena Coates, 4 Organist 11 a, m.—“A Seeker Truth.” 10 a.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.— “The Freedom Truth.” Thursday, 7,30 p.m., the Study Class­ PREPARE YOUR. CAR FOR winter driving Anti-Freeze, Winter Oil in mo­ tor and lighter grease in rear-end and transmission are very neces­ sary. We also specialize in Heaters, Tire Chains and Batteries. New Tires $3.95 each and up Sandy Elliot phone 64, Exeter, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper were in Toronto taking in the Royal Fair the forepart of the week, The annual meeting of the Exeter Chamber of Commerce will be .held Friday evening, November 27th at the Central Hotel Supper at 6.3,0. Election of officers and other busi­ ness. Will all the members who can attend kindly leave your name with the president, not later than Thursday evening. T. O. Southcott, President CARD OF THANKS ” Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner wish to thank their many friends andi neigh­ bors for the many acts of kindness extended to Viola following her re­ cent accident. Anti-Freeze! Fill your radiator now only $1.50 to fill your small cars.—SANDY ELLIOT of on 1931.— A complete demonstration Singer machines and attachments Saturday, November 28tli, S. Martin & Son. FOR SALE—Jersey cow, 3 years old, due to freshen, December the 31st. Apply to Wm. J. Smith, Cen­ tralia, Ont. GARAGE FOR RENT—About December 1st. E. C. Appleton, Huron Street. FOUND—In Exeter on Saturday, a ladies’ white gold wrist watch. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for advertise­ ment. Apply at Times-Advocate. ■ We have just unloaded a cai’ of nice Ontario Oats. See us for your requirements.—HARVEY BRIGS. LOST—Part of green stock rack between Elimville and Cudmore’s gravel pit . Finder please Chas. Stephen, Elimville. — I —----------—. New fruits, new peels, new are here. Everything that is ed for your Christmas cake pudding. Try us this SOUTHCOTT BROS. notify vis- last re-has week in Oshawa, Rev. J. Kervin Werner, of with the latter’s Russell over the dates, need- and season.— HONEY FOR SALE—Good grade of dark honey at a reasonable price. Wesley Dearing, R. R. No. 1, Exeter ll-19-2tp SLIGHTLY USED electric A bargain, phone 64. .Sandy radio. Elliot. FOR SALE—Two Edison graphs; one machine with cords. Apply to F. Rabethge. phono- 52 re- 2tc. COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF EXETER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Court will be held pursuant to The Ontario Voters’ Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of Huron, at the Town Hall, Exeter on the 2nd day of December 1931, at 3 o’clock p.m. to hear and determine complaints of errors and ommissions in the Voters* List of the Municipality of the Village of Exeter for 1931. Dated the 17th day of November, 1931. Jos. Senior, Clerk of the Municip­ ality of the. Village of Exeter, MEETING OF COUNTY COUNCIL Tiie Huron County Council will meet in the County Council Cham­ ber, Court House, Goderich, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, Tuesday the 1st day of December 1931. All accounts and petitions must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday the 30th day of November to insure attention and notices of deputations of requests for nearing should be sent previous to the Council meeting. Goderich November 10th,. 1931 Geo, W. Holman County Clerk. WANTED—>An unlimited number of cheat) horses. Apply to Frank Tnyior. J) Miss Mary Cann spent the week­ end in London. Mrs. Chute, of Aylmer, is visiting with friends in town. Miss EUa Link is visiting with relatives at Ubly, Mich. Master Joe Martene, of Dashwood spent Sunday with Billy Wilson, Mr. John Brockenshire has re­ turned to Atwood< after visiting in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, W- d. Rydkinan ited with Seaforth friends Thursday. Miss Ruth Collingwood turned after visiting for a Melbourne. Miss Florence Down, of is visiting with her father, JV. and Mrs. Down. Owing to the fine weather on Sunday a number from here spent the day at Grand Bend. Miss Edna Martene has returned to Wilson’s Grocery after holiday­ ing at her home, for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. London, visited mother Mrs. D. week-end. Mr, Earl Russell and his mother and rMi'SS Thelma Taylor spent Sun­ day with Rev. and Mrs. Cunning­ ham at Millbank. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bernard and Miss Olive Barnard, of Detroit, were visitors at the home of Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Down on Sunday. Miss Margaret Trothan, of Lon­ don, visited with hei‘ uncle, Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Down for a week re­ turning to her home on Saturday. One year ago the forepart of this week this section was visited, with a heavy snow storm and the high­ ways were blocked to motor traffic. Mrs. 'A. Bickle and daughter, Dorothy Ann have returned to Lon­ don after visiting with the form­ er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Kuntz. Mi*. Chas. Acheson, who has been with the Market Branch of the Bank of Montreal in London for some time has 'been transferred to the Forest Branch. Mrs. W. J. Ryckman received the word on Monday or the death of her uncle, Mr. J. A. McNaughton, of London. The funeral took place .in that city on Wednesday. Mr. Wm. Andrew has hollyhocks in bloom and the buds are as fresh as they ever were. He brought a couple oif beautiful aouble red buds into the office on November 20th. Mrs. Louis J. Hornat, of Prague, Czech o-Slovakia, spent a few days with her uncle, Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Down, leaving to join her husband at Windsor and going from there to Winnipeg. .'Mr. Wm. Middleton, of town in Kitchener Wednesday of week attending a banquet at Walper House in honor of the presi­ dent .of the Master Baker’s Assoc­ iation of Canada. Mrs. E. A. Amy - left Tuesday morning for Hamilton where she will join three other ladies and to­ gether they are leaving for Califor­ nia to spend the winter. We hope they have a pleasant vacation. The many friends of Mr. Gilbert Fredkieton, of Lucan, will regret to know that he has been confined to his bed for a week with low blood- pressure and he has been advised to remain there for several weeks. Rev. J. W- Down, who has been confined to his bed through illness, is improving nicely but is advised to be quiet and rest for a few days longer. He wishes to express his thanks to all who have called and to those who have sent flowers. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers were in Bayfield on Saturday and while there visited with Mrs. Hinde, Who took them to the Anglican Church to see the beautiful memor­ ial window she had dedicated to her husband, the late Rev. Mt. Hinde. Mrs. K. J. Sims has ihg Splendidly during weeks and on Monday she was taken for an her and that July, ever, Summer-like weather Valls, cattle are still good pasture, ing along fast; of the farmers sheep into it to keep it back, horse-shoe Ditchers are still enjoy* ing their favorite Ragtime at the skating rink. other years iee-mak- fng has been in progress before this, was last the been improv- tile past few of this week auto ride by brother, Mr, Ernest Appleton wife, this being the first she had been out She is still quite since lame, time last hoiw- pre- The With com- some still Flowers are In bloom. In the fields Fall wheat Is too fast to suit who are turning the The •t- CHURCH Canada Church is i RECEIVED BY MARION E. WOODS, B. A TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY Phone 133, Exeter Lockhart, of Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart is a Strang; Supt. 'Cradle Rhodes; iSu®tsz Home Mrs. Campbelland Miss pianist, Miss iStrahg; midweek Every Childs’, Misses’ and Ladies’ Coat will be sacrificed this week. Here is your chance to buy that new coat at dollars below the regular cost. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—-“Every Mau to His place The Pastor p,m,—-Sunday School p.m.—Rev. George Gilmour, Thorndale. We welcome Mr, Gilmour to Exeter and James Street The W- A. will meet Wednesday December 2nd at 3 p.m. FULL-FASHIONED SILK HOSE Circle Bar, full-fashioned silk hosiery in all the newest fall and winter, shades at PER PAIR $1.25 STAMPED GOODS 11 3 7 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C.J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m,—“How to avoid Sacrifice in Our Discipleship” p.m.—Oui* Church School p.m.—“Are We Sure? or What Absolute Confidence in Christ Will Do.” • 7.30 p.m.—Thursday, meetin prayer. Wednesday, December 2nd, Men’s Union. Dr. Moir, of Hensall, will address the members and friends on the subject of Radium. Keep the date in mind. 11 3 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middletniss Advent Sunday . a.m.—Morning Prayer and Holy Communion Members of the A. Y. P. A. will at­ tend this service. p.m .—Sunday School and Bible Class p.m.—Evensong 11 3 7 Monday, November 3 0th—Miss Bon­ is, of the Exeter High School will address the A. Y. P. A. at 8 p.m. Everybody welcome. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2nd INTERCESSORY SPECIAL SERVICE TRIVITT MEMORIAL at 8 p.m. as ordered by the Primate of Every member of the expected to attend RIBS FRACTURED Mr. Sid Wilson, of Usborne, had the misfortune to have a couple of ribs fractured on Tuesday when he was crushed against a gate post by a horse. Dr. Dunlop attended him. Luncheon Sets, Towels, Aprons, Pit low Cases, Vanity and buffet sets. 2 splendid range of stamped goods to choose from. * CHAMOISETTE AND KID GLOVES In the better qualities. These are fully guaranteed and are smartly styled $1.00 to $2.95 FANCY & BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS Hundred to choose from. At any price you care to pay. All at lower prices. SILK & RAYON LINGERIE GOWNS, PYJAMAS, VESTS, BLOOMERS, SLIPS AND PANTIE SETS. A BEAUTIFUL RANGE OF SILK AND RAYON LINGERIE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. SILK SCARVES In all the newest colorings and shapes in crepes and silks. $1.50; $1.95 and $2.25 LADIES’ BATH ROBES Make your choice now while we have a good assortment. Beautiful cloths and colorings. $2.95 TO $5.75 ALL WOOL PLAID BLANKETS In the new two-toned and fancy plaids. These beautiful all wool blankets make a real gift. $6.50 to $8.50 CHILDREN’S KIMONAS A smart little garment, cozy and warm for the little tots. 2-^—6 YEARS $1.50 CHINA & CROCKERY DEPARTMENT WE HAVE ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW TO SHOW YOU AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR. OUR TABLES ARE FILLED WITH LOVE­ LY GIFT DISHES. 15 MEN’S OVERCOATS Values to $25.00 , for $12.95 MEN’S SWEATER COATS For rough wear Special at $1.49 5 DOZEN SNAGPROOF OVERALLS 9 oz. blue denim fully guaranteed. Special at $1.75 MEN’S FLEECED SHIRTS & DRAWERS Extra heavy quality each 85c. Southcott Bros Mr. Chas. Hodgert, of Lucknow, spent Sunday visiting with his sis­ ter Miss Jessie Hodgert of town. Mr. and Mi’s. Jas. Pomeroy, of London, spent the week-end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sanders. IMr. J. W. Batson visited with his brother in Hamilton on Sunday. Messrs. Silas Reed and Stanley Wal­ ter accompanied him. At the James Street Sunday School on Sunday afternoon prizes were awarded to the winners Who wrote in connection with the tem­ perance study .program. Sixteen papers were written by the scholars nine from the intermediate school and seven from the junior. The win­ ners for the intermediate were Jean Pilon, Lorraine Armstrong and I Ilene Walker; and for .the juniors;, ' Robert Southcott, Aidwin Walker, and Howard preszcator. The prizes were both, donated and presented by the pastor, Rev. Z). MclTavish. Mrs. M. Vincent and daughter Mass Marguerite, of London, motor­ ed up and visited, with Mrs. C. A. Southcott on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Detroit, visited with J. W. Batson. Mrs. former college chum of Mrs. Batson. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bradt and family with Miss Hartnoll, of Lon­ don; Kir. and Mrs. W. J. McAlister, of Mt. Brydges, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. James Jewel. Messrs. “Bill” and Archie Davis attended the 6th annual reunion of, the former’s Battery, the 63rd at Hotel; London,' on Saturday night. Three former Exeter boys, “Bill” Brown, Gordon Wells and Melville Gladman also attended. Miss Jean Penliale ip the auto ac­ cident a week ago had the misfor­ tune to sever a chord in the right wrist since which time she has had no control of her right thumb. A' slight operation to connect the ends of the cords was held at Dr. Fletch­ er’s hospital Wednesday morning. . ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the teach­ ers and officers of Caven Presby­ terian .Sunday School was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanbury on Wednesday evening of last week. The financial report as presented toy -’the. Assistant Secretary, was satis­ factory and the other reports from the various departments indicated a healthy condition. Much apprecia­ tion /Was expressed of the working out of the plan adopted this year of having the various classes conduct the opening exercises in turn. It was decided to hold the Christmas entertainment on Monday evening, ' December 21st. “White Gift Day” will be next Sunday, November 29th when each family is asked to bring • some article of children's clothing, - FOR NEW -- Dominion of Canada National Service Loan CARLING & MORLEY EXETER, ONTARIO wrapped in white paper. These gifts will be sent to Dr. Margaret Strang, to Telieve the distress in her Mission at North Stat. Plans were made for a Teachers’ Study Course to be held each Thursday .evening to which-all interested will be invit­ ed. Election of officers concluded the business, after which Mrs. Stan­ bury served lunch. Following IS the staff for 1932: Supt., J. G. Stan­ bury; Secretary-Treasurer, Harry G. Strang; Assistant Se’ci’Otary-Ti'easiir- er, Miss K, Roll, Mrs. Department, Hamilton; Orchestra Leader, Hy; Gidley; the teachers, Rev, Mt. Rhodes, Henry Strang, Miss jeckell, Mrs, Rhodes, Miss Frain, Miss Hamilton, Miss L. Coates and Mrs, Atkinson; Supply staff, Thos. Pryde, Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Love and Mi^s Strang, ,. , W. R. Goulding A. T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St« United Church Instruction In Vocal Organ Tfceoir#Plano Supervisor of Music in School* Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 192 EXETER. ONT ’ibhe man who is'nt earoful 6t Kish health has to take his medieffle.