The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-11-26, Page 5the exeter times-advocate DR. J, A. McTAGGART, L. D. St ICENSALL, ONT. telephone 106 Main Street ‘ HENSALL Mrs. Bertha Bell, o£ Toronto, spent the week-end with friends In town. Miss Martlm Carlyle, of London, visited over the week-end at her home' here. Mr. and Mrs, Letteau, of Wallaee- bnrg, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Donald McKinnon. Mrs, M. McNichol, of Exeter, vis­ ited friends in town this week, , Mr. Milton Boyle, of London, is spending a few days at his home here. Mr, Thos, Wren is spending a few days in Toronto and while there is taking fn the Royal Winter Fair. Mrs, Annie Henderson, of Platts- ville, is a visitor at the home of Mrs. John Rope. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fines, of Clin- t»n, were Sunday visitors with Mr, qnd Mrs. Laird Mickle, Messrs. Harry Horton "and. Fred Corbett, of Hay, are in Toronto this week taking in the Royal Winter Fair. Miss Elva Bolton, of Kitchener, visited over the week-end at her Rome here, [Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett, of Hay, were.Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren. Loyalty .Sunday was observed in the United church on 'Sunday last. Appropiate sermons were delivered ■for the occasion and special music was rendered by the choir. Rev. .Arthur Sinclair occupied the pulpit and in the morning, Mr, Sam. Ren­ nie gave a very pleasing solo and in the evening Dr. iSmillie took the ;j$olo parts in the anthem. A duett was given by Mrs. Geo. Hess and 3Mr. W. 0. Goodwin and a male quartette by Dr. Smillie and Messrs. "W. O. Goodwin, W. Carlyle and S. jRennie. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miew, of Uodericli, spent .Sunday visiting with Miss Mattie Ellis. Mr. John McLaren, of Seaforth, visited on Wednesday at the home of his brother, Mr. W. L. McLaren. Mr. Wm,"Miew, of Goderich, vis­ ited on Sunday with Mrs. John Mur­ dock. Mrs. Jas. Foxworth, of Strathroy, is visiting at the home of her daugh­ ter, Mrs. A. Scruton. Mrs. Thos. Simpson, of London, visited friends in town on Sunday and also attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Alex Smith. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Bontliron spent the week-end with friends in Han­dover. Miss Mary Stuart, ■ of Seaforth, visited for a few days this week with friends in town. Messrs. John Passmore, George Folliok and Edgar McQueen left the first of the week on a hunting trip to Pike Bay.' Miss Beryl Pfaff, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. } Mrs. Jas. Eby, of Collingwood, is visiting this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White. ■Miss Marie Dell, of London,”is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell. Misses Nellie Carmichael and Ethel Murdock visited last week with friends in Tonawanda, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reid, of Ches- ley, spent a few days last week with friends in town. MRS. ALI'lN SMITH DIES AT ‘ SEAFORTH HOSPITAL FOLLOWING' OPERATION 'The residents of Hensail and the surrounding district were shocked *to learn of the death of Mrs. Alex Smith, who passed away on Thurs- sday evening in the Scott Memorial Hospital in Seaforth. Mrs. Smith, who was in her sixtieth year, had .been apparently in her usual good health last week, conducting a meet­ ing of tho Women’s Missionary So­ ciety in Carmel Presbyterian church •on Thursday last and attending the morning church service on .Sunday. She was taken suddenly ill Sunday evening and was removed to the Hospital in Seaforth where an op­ eration. for appendicitis was per­ formed. A .serious condition was 'discovered and unavoidable compli- lations set in from which the pa­ tient was unable to rally. Mrs. Smith, who prior to her marriage was Miss Mary white Marshall, was born in the neighborhood of Kirk­ ton. She was a woman of .sterling character with a lovable disposition which made her beloved by all who knew her, and her untimely death will bring sorrow not only to her immediate family but also to a host Of friends . Besides her husband she is sur­ vived by two sons, Floyd, of De- > troit; Eldrid, student at the Uni­ versity of Western Ontario. London .and one daughter, Miss Helen Smith, R N.r of Omer, Mich. The funeral took place from her ’ late residence on Sunday afternoon at oile-thirty o’clock, service being (Conducted by the pastor of her church. Rev. J. E. McIlroy assist­ ed by Rev. M. B. Parker, rector r of St. Paul’s Anglican church. Ih-| •torment was made in the Kirkton {her cemetery CREDITON Mr, ’ and Mr®. Wilbur King a'nd Mr. and Mrs. Jas. King, of Forest, visited at the hemes of Messrs. Eli aud. Albert King on Sunday. The Young people’s Society of the United Church, met last Friday ev­ ening. There was a good attend’ ajice, Two very interesting and instructive papers on “The Value and Place of Newspapers in Our Lives” were given by the Misses H* Lovie and Beryl Hill, An interest­ ing discussion followed, IMr. J. Pogue, of the Department of Public Highways, Toronto, was in the village on Monday and Tues­ day auditing the books of the Town­ ship Treasure:' in connection with the road expenditure on Township roads during t'lie past year, Mr. Herbert K, EUber was in Goderich on Tuesday on a business trip, Mr, and Mrs, Emmery Fahrner and family and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finklbeiner were visiting in Kitchen­ er on Bunday, Mrs. Mary Haist left for the States on Sunday where she will vis­ it with her children. Mr. Norman Holtzmann, of Bald Eagle Lake, Mich., spent the week­ end with his mother Mrs, Leah Hol­ tzmann. ■Mrs. Daniel Mclsaac, who was op­ erated on in St. Joseph’s Hospital last week is improving. Mr. Oscar Wolf, -of Det/rdit, is visiting, with relatives. i The Crediton United Church Sun­ day School is busy preparing foi* their Christmas entertainment which will be held on December 18th. Next Sunday in the United Sun- School will be assistant’s Sunday and assistant teachers, assistant su­ perintendent and pianist will have charge of the services. May there be a splendid turnout of old and young. This surely means me, and I’ll go!’ CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird and daughter, of Grand. Bend, 'spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 8. Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bowman, of London, and Mr. Mark Mitchell, of Centralia, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Rau. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Rawlings and son, Fred, of Ailsa Craig and Mr. Isaac Sims, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sims. Mr. and Mrs. 'Oland Trimmer and children, of near Grand Bend and Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Wein and chil­ dren, of Sharon, spent Sunday with Mr. -and Mrs. Aaron Wein. Mr. and Mrs/ Allen Brown and daughter, Kathleen and Mrs. Muriel Drummond and daughter, Ruth, of Ailsa Craig, spent Sunday with Mrs. Chris. Hoffman and Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson spent Sunday in London with the former’s sistoor, Mrs. M. J. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis and Mrs. Leonard Wein and son Marvin of Sharon, and Mr. Joe Flynn visit­ ed Sunday with Mr. Delton Lews, of near Brinsley. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Polnuck, of Detroit, spent Sunday with their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. Mrs. Blake Heath and two chil­ dren have returned to their home in Windsor after holidaying with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuhn. Mr. Stuart Kuhn, of Kitchener, spent .Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuhn. KIRKTON We are glad to know that Agnes Greason is home from, the hospital much improved in health. Mrs. Ira Marshall and Miss Thel­ ma Marshall are visiting friends in Toronto. ' Messrs. John Morpiiet and Hor­ ace Greenstreet are in Toronto at the Royal Winter Fair. ' The baseball boys are fixing up the diamond to he in readiness for next season. Mrs. S. Shior is visiting her daughter in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Clark and son James were visitors at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hazelwood on Sunday. Jimmie j.s an air pilot and is giving an exhibition on Sat­ urday afternoon by dropping from an airplane at 3,000 ’feet with a parachute. The bank which has been operat­ ing here for .the past 22 years,, wo understand, is going to close its doors to only throe days a week. The. bank started as the Molsorts Bank and was afterwards taken over by the Bank of,Montreal. We Will be sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and; also Clarence An­ derson who have made many friends here. Mr. Larry Randall, ‘of Chesley visited with friends here over tlio week-end. The funeral of Mrs. Alex Smith, of Hensall, was largely attended on Sunday afternoon at the Union cemetery* Mrs, Smith was Mary W. Marshall, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs* James Marshall of the 3rd concession of Blanshard and spent her girlhood days here. When she married Mr, Smith they moved to Hensall where they lived until death. Slio was in her 60th year >TT W a ELIMVILLE Ml Will. Johns was in Toronto the first .of flm week, < Mr, J. Kellet js recovering (from his recept illness with pneumonia, Mr, and Mrs. Hord, of London, were visitors at the parsonage on Sunday, Miss Helen Dyson, of London, visited her friend, miss Mary Hun­ ter this week, Mr, Ben. Y^illlains was in Toron­ to the first of the week with a ship­ ment of cattle. » Mr. and Mrs. Sam, Miller and family, from Dashwood, visited at Mr. Thos. Bell’s last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner and family, of Centralia, visited with Mrs. Heywood, Sr., last Sunday. Mr, .and Mrs. Alden Jones and Miss May Jones, from London, visit­ ed at Mr. Henry John’s last Sunday, Mr. Henry Squires, of Exeter, spent Saturday last at the home of his granddaughter, Mrs. Wm. Brad­ shaw. , Mr. Cecil Bannerman and Miss Vera Bannerman, of St, Marys, vis­ ited with their sister, Mrs. (Lloyd Johns on Sunday last. Mj*s. Harry Cole attended the banquet in St Marys last Friday given by the St Mary’s Journal Ar­ gue to their correspondents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bosnell and daughter, Roberta, of Toronto, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns. . Rev. White received .a letter of .thanks from Rev. Whiteside, of Tor­ onto for the shipment of fruit and vegetables sent him recently. Mr. Walter Walsh and Miss Ida Hall, of London, and Miss Francis Baynes, of Wellburn, were week­ end visitors at Mr. Will. Elford’s. Master Laurie Stephens is recov­ ering from a nasty fail at school last week when he struck his face on the cement walk of the ’ school while playing. Mrs. Nettleship, of St. Catherines, field secretary of the W. )C. IT, U,, gave an address to the school chil­ dren of- No. 6 on Thursday after­ noon of last week. There will be no Young Peoples week night meetings until after Christmas as the program for the concert on December 22nd will be under preparation. ■ I,t has been arranged to have a chicken pie supper on December 4th A good program will be given by outside and home talent. Further particulars next week. Everyone is delighted with the beautiful weather we are having. Its hard to realize that Christmas is only one month away with cur­ rant and lilac bushes sprouting now leaves. Mr. Delmar Skinner returned home Saturday night after spending five ■days in Toronto, where he enjoyed a free trip to the Royal Winter Fair being a winner at the Junior (Farm­ ers’ recent judging contest. Several carloads of young people from the village drove to the home of Mr. Leon. O’Rielly, last Thurs­ day evening giving them a surprise party, it being .Miss Maizie’s birth­ day. A very enjoyable evening was spent by everyone. Rev. White showed about sixty very fine pictures of the hospitals canneries, scenery, etc., of the Bri­ tish Columbia coast, illustrating the scene of the work of Dr. George Darby, medical missionary among the people there. There was a good number present to see them. Mr. Ben. Williams received word on Monday of the death of his brother-in-law, Mr. ./. A. McNaught­ on, in Victoria Hospital, London. He had been ailing for some time but had only been in the hospital a few days. Another brother-in-law pased away on Tuesday. He had been in ill health for some time too, but was taken to Victoria hospital only a few days ago. Mr. Williams went to London Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. ]?. Murch received word last week that her sister, Mrs. Jean Jackson, in Toronto, had been bad­ ly -scalded about the body. On Sat- Mr. and Mrs. (Murch and Marian, Misses Bernice Murch and Dorothy Delbridge and Mr. Harry Murch mo­ tored down to see her, returning on Sunday. We are .pleased to report that Mrs. Jackson is recovering and although very (painfully scalded is not in a critical collection as her re­ latives here had tea reef. W. M. S. Meeting The November meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mr. Robt. Woods by the kind invitation of Miss Logan. There were- twenty- four members present. Mrs. Sher­ wood Brock had charge and opened the meeting by singing hymn 97. Mrs. Chas. Godbolt lead in prayei* and Mrs. Everett .Skinner .read the Scrljituro lsssoit* Mrs* Wliit© g&vo a reading, hymn 81 was sung and Mrs. White took charge of the busi­ ness part. The minutes of tho> last meeting wore read and approved. Roll call wag. responded to by a ver­ se on Thanksgiving. Monthly leaf­ lets weie read by Mrs. .Sher. Brock, Mrs. Sher. Hunter, Mrs. Nowton Clark, Mrs. Will. Eltord, Mrs* Wes; Horne and Mrs. Chas. Johns. Sev­ eral ladles also led in prayer and meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. White. Just a few days in which to secure your Free I’Vess or Advertiser at $3,915. Leave your order at the Times-Advocate. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIII^ the RED & WHITE ST0REI 1 Imm Vhir I f I I I I iai III 10 lbs. for 54c. . . . . 3 for 25c. ,,.. 3 for 25c. PURE CANE SUGAR ...-------- ......................... ESSEX PEAS, SWEET & TENDER, No. 2 tin GOOD QUALITY SWEET CORN, No. 2 tin . Libby’s Porjk and Beans 30 o?5. tin ‘ 2 for 29c. J Libby’s fork and Beans No, "2 tin 3 for 23c. Fr<ssh Broken Soda? 2 lbs, for 17c, ORANGE MARMALADE, 40 oz, jar best quality ,,21c, each R. & W. Tomato Soiip 3 tins for 25c., Red Plum Jam 40 oz. jar, each 19c, ' R. & W. Tomato Juice 3 tins for 2$c, McCORMICK’S JERSEY CREAM SODAS ........... .......... 2 pkgs, for 19c, Oxydol Large pkg, 19c. each Princess Soap Flakes Large pkg. 18c. Good Five String Brooms each 39c. Freshly Ground Rex Coffee . , per lb, 45c. Magic White Javelle Water per bottle 10c. De Luxe Jelly Powders Huron Toilet Tissue ... Icing Sugar .................... Best Quality Rice ..... 6 for 25c. 9 for 25c. . 2.lbs. for 15c, . 2 lbs, for 15c. Ideal Chocolate Bars....................7 for 15c. Texas Grapefruit....................... 6 for 25c, Large Sweet Oranges ..... .per doz.. 60c. Lemon or Orange Peel , .... .per lb. 17c, Lemon, Orange & Citron mixed 19c. a lb. New Maraschino Cherries . . . per lb. 35c. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN SEASON, ALSO FRESH OYSTERS, FILLETS, ACADIA CODFISH, ETC. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.” CENTRALIA Mr. and. Mrs. Kerr, of London, visited on Thursday with. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Neil. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Neil are spending this week in Toronto. Mr. Willis is attending the Dairy­ man’s 'Convention held in the Royal York hotel. Mrs. Julia Scandrett and daugh­ ter, Miss Connie, of Belgrave, spent last week visiting with the former’s sister Mrs Arthur Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson and, daughter Jean are holidaying with friends in Brantford and Ham­ ilton. ,Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Neil are this week , moving into Mrs. W. J. Doblbs residence having rented their farm to Messrs. Shoemaker and T'esko. «JMr. Gerald Godbolt spent a few days last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Elston in London. Miss M. Evoy spent the week­ end at her home in Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. John Essery will be “At Home” to their many friends on Tuesday next on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. >On December 2nd .the Huronia Male. Chorus, £f Exeter, will pre­ sent a program in the auditorium of the church under the auspices of the Sunday School in the interests of the M. and M. Fund. Dr. Ross, of Blyth, returned medical mission­ ary from China will give” an address. Keep this date in mind. GRAND BEND Mrs. Wm. Elsie and son Percy returned home last Thursday, from New Brunswick where they spent about four weeks with her -daughter Mrs. Broderick and report a very nice trip. Mrs. Remmie Ravelie, who has been in Hamilton visiting her daughter returned home on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shephard, of Thedford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Gill, of the Lakeview House. Mr. Bruce Tiedermann has open­ ed up a barber shop at the Oakland House. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holt spent a couple of days in Sarnia last week. Mir. Joe Brenner, of London, vis­ ited at his home here on Sunday. Mrs. Peter Ravelie and kiddies visited her parents in Zurich over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Paulinsky have re­ turned from their honeymoon and the community extends congratula­ tions to them. spent a few days last week with his parents. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the funeral last Thursday of Mr* W. LaFond at" Grand Bend. Miss E. Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark underwent an operation for appendicitis last Mon­ day at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don. Her friends are glad to report that she will be able to return to her home this week. «Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ratz and fam­ ily and Mrs. A. Finklbeiner were in London5 last Wednesday. Misses Minerva and Dorothy Vin­ cent spent a few days last week in Hagersville. (Subscriptions to the Times-Ad- vocate may be paid at the Times- Advocate office and the votes will i be credited to your favourite candi­ date. The Times-Advocate has never witnessed as much enthusiasm as is being manifested in this great, prize distribution contest. We have heard many words of appreciation of the beautiful prizes offered. Now the big question is who is going to get them? CHISELHURST Mrs. Barnes, of Connecticut, who has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Sitoneman, brother, Mr. Carl Stoneman, also her sister, Mrs. Wm. Dinnon, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. James Squires and daughter, Violet, of Woodham, also Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann and son, Arnold, of Thames Road, were Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. Harris. ’Mr. Cecil Harris spent Monday in Toronto. ’ Rally Day. service was represent­ ed in the United Church Sunday school on Sunday. The teachers have started to prepare for a Christ­ mas concert. Tremeer Bros, threshed a consid­ erable amount of clover in this com­ munity last week. HARTLEY Mr. and Mrs. M. Miller and Mr. Willis Hayter, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hayter. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Love and fam­ ily and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love were visiting with Mr, and Mrs. 8. Greb on Sunday. Mr. Orval Hayter, Kenneth Lovie and Russell McGregor motored to Detroit last week, ’Mr. Carlyle Taylor, of Grand Bend,, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Love. Mr. T. Hayter, of Detroit, has been visiting with his mother, Mrs. Austin Hayter, MT. CARMEL The W. L. will hold a social in the hall on Friday evening. All are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Denomme and chil­ dren, of Detroit, spent a few days, ■with Mrs. Denomme’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Ragier. Mr. Martin O’Rourke returned to his home after spending a few week’s with friends at St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Rouleau, of Detroit spent the week-end with the latter’s .parents Mr. and Mrs. James Carey. Mr. and Mrs. John Rowland spent Sunday with friends at Lon­ don. Mr. Andrew Keough is Visiting friends at Detroit this week. Mrs. Edward Hall returned home last week after a pleasant visit with friends at Goderich. Little Evelyn Clark daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark, of the 14 th concession of Stephen was rushed to St. Joseph’s Hospital on Monday evening of last week and was operated on the same evening fox* appendicitis. Evelyn is now do­ ing nicely. WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Morley and family, of Brantford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley. Mrs. Agnes Foster, of Granton, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gunning. Miss Ruth Morley, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tooixey, of Lucan, were Sunday visitors. with the latter’s mother, Mrs. A. Gun­ ning. Mrs. N. Ogden, of Exeter, spent several days last week with her. daughter, Mrs. F. Squire. Miss Bessie Morley is holidaying; in Exeter, the guest of Mrs. Ewart Pym. Miss Olive Elliott, of London, spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. W. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. A. Arksey returned to their home in .St. Marys after vis­ iting for some time at the home of their son, George. Miss M. Sadler, Teacher, spent' the week-end at her home in (Staffa. Mr. Herb Langford has erected a fine new bank barn. The work is' completed. His other barns werer destroyed by fire in September. ’t SHIPKA Miss Irene Gill, of Grand Bend, visited over the week-end with Miss E* Ball. Mr. Marvin Stelk, of Hay, spent ■the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ratz. Miss Leila Mollard visited ovei* the 'week-end with friends at Hag- ersville. The Young people’s Society are having a lecture and concert on Novembei* the 30th. Rev. Mr. Ha- gelstoin will give a lecture on “Ab­ raham Lincoln,” Everybody wel­ come. The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid will bo held next Wednesday af­ ternoon, December 2nd at the home of Mrs. Albert Gaiser. Mr. J. Gower and 8. Ratz are spending a few days at Thedford with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wrexler. Mrs, Buck and family, of Wind­ sor, are spending a row weeks with her father Mr. T. Raynham, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baynhum GREENWAY Miss Dorothy Belling is visiting relatives in Detroit. Last Friday evening a number of of the young people of the United' Church gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eagle&on and present­ ed them with a Pyrex pie plate- an a’ silver case. Similiar gifts were given also to Mr. and Mrs. .Jack HOdgins5 and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hodgins' all of whom were recently married. Lunch was served and a pleasant’ time was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Rompf are illoviil.s into Mr. W. T. Ulens house for the winter. Rev. S. J. Mathers will begin a Teachers’ Training class in the Unit­ ed church on Friday evening. Every­ one is welcome. Mr. Geo. Down called on friends' here on Saturday. Mr 8am. Gratton is visiting- Mr* and Mrs. J. Hotson. Mr Gordon Ulens and Miss Lillian’ Ulens visited their parents Mi*, and! Mrs. W. 'T. Ulehs over the week-end. Summer weather still prevails. We aren’t sure whether it is Indian or not. Large heaps of crushed stone are being piled up on the Lake Road/ and Thames Road. The stone is being taken from the pit on the jax'xh of Mr* John Cann recently* taken over by the county and will bo used in building up the roads' in the spring