HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-11-19, Page 8THUB6DAY, NOVE51BER 10, 1031 Sunshine Anti-Freeze ONLY — 80c. Per Gallon WHY PAY MORE ! ’ M NOT HARMFUL TO RADIATORS AND WILL STAND PLENTY OF FROST Exeter Markets Wheat -Oats 29c* Barley 37 c. Bran §1,00 • shorts ?1,oq ' Low Grade Flour $.145 Model Flour $-2.'5O Welcome Flour §2.30 Manitoba Flour §2,715 Creamery Butter 2J and 26c. Eggs/ extras 40 c. Eggs, firsts 35c, Eggs, seconds 13c,. * North End Service Station, E, L, Gibson, Prop locals HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR RAW Fl llS Used Cars >929 FOR FOURDOOR SEDAN 1929 ESSEX COACH, like new 1930 FORD TRUCK 1% ton CHRYSLER 4-DOOR SEDAN 6 OTHER CHEAPER CARS Sandy Elliot Phone 64, Exeter, Ont. Mrs. Wanless, of Dulut'h, visited (with friends in town during the Week. ■ The regular meeting''1 of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held Tues­ day, November 24th at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Frank Taylor. A phort course in needlecraft will be given by Miss Gall commencing the jfirst week in December. ROSES IN NOVEMBER of by That Exeter is in the Garden Ontario is further1 demonstrated the fact that Mr. J. G. Stanbury has ‘this week a bouquet of a baker’s 'dozen of roses as gorgeous as any cut during June, the month of roses. PRESENTATION IJO'IJJJ ILL'JJ 64, SJ.andy Elliot, CEREBRATE DIAMOND WEDDING Alda Pilkey, of Sarnia, spent days visiting with relatives Philco prices are no higher than the ordinary radios. Own a Philco. Phone * 1 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATK CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Bernard A. Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M., Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday. School 11 a.m,—‘An Unshaken Confidence' 7 p.m.—“The Peril of inde'eision” Rev. J. W. Down is.confined to his home through Illness, Mr, and Mrs. John Stanbury and Mrs. McCreath, of Kincardine, spent Sunday ip town. Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Jaques and Mr. Philip Hern spent Friday with Mrs, H. Kyle, of Zion. Mr. Chas, Pilon, of Windsor, in town JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader .nu—Rev, C. J. Moorhouse p.m.—.Sunday School p.m,—“More than Others” o’clock Thursday the regular meeting of the AV. M. Si 3 7 3 SOUTHCOTT BROS. Big November Sale Ends This Week Make your dollars count on Thursday, Friday and Saturday as this is the last week of our big sale. All special priceywill be off on Saturday night. visited a Mr. and vis- on Cro- with ited with his family Monday. Mrs. Wm. Balman days last week with. AV, Pincombe, • ■ Miss Gladys Hamilton, of marty, spent the week-end Mrs. J. Hamilton, Mrs. Jos, May is visiting for a few and Mrs. at Brock­ attending the past week. A. Amy intends leaving for California where -she spend the winter. Sheer© and. . Mrs. Rd. days with her -sister, Mr, John Leary, of Staffa. Mr. J. G. Stanbury Was ville most of last week the Assizes as Counsel. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson and son Jack, of Sarnia, visited in Exe­ ter during Mirs. E. next week expects to Mrs. M. Coates returned Monday after visit­ ing for several days in Toronto. Mr. C. Vivian, of Hamilton, spent the. week-end with his brother, Rev. E. L. Vivian at the Trivitt Memor­ ial Rectory. Mr. and Mrs. Robt/ Kydd spent Wednesday and Thursday with their daughter, Mr. and, Mrs. AV. B. Ry- dall, at Shallow Lake. Mi-, and Mrs. David Hall, of De­ troit, spent the forepart of the week visiting with the former’s mother, Mrs. I. Hall, Exeter North. Messrs. Stanley Ward, of London, and Sid Lawton, of Hamilton, were week-end visitors with the former’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. John Ward. Miss Helen Ratcliffe, nurse-in­ training in Victoria Hospital,' Lon­ don, was a guest of Miss Doreen Westcott near Exeter on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. AVill Ryckman at- P. Mo- On Tuesday evening of last week a banquet was tendered tp Mr. A. E. Buswell by the officers and teach­ ers of the Lucknow United Sunday School prior to his moving to Exe­ ter. About forty sat down to the tables which were beautifully dec­ orated and a splendid banquet was served. Mr. Buswell, who has been) tended the funeral of Mrs. the superintendent of the school, | Haughton near Mitchell on Monday •was presented with a Hymnary and a Bible in appreciation of his ser­ vices. LOST—License plate No. W1071. Finder please leave at Times-Advo- cate. Itp. HONEY FOR SALE—Good grade of dark honey at a reasonable price. Wesley Dearing, R. R. No. 1, Exeter- ll-19-2tp SLIGHTLY USED electric radio. A bargain, phone 64. Sandy Elliot. Mr. Wm. Mitchell handles best lines of radios in Canada at price. the the Mt.LOST—Between Exeter and Pleasant Church a license plate KX- Walter ltc. 324. Find please return to Cutbush. FOR graphs; cords. SALE—Two Edison one machine with Apply to F. -Rabethge. phono- re- 2tC. 52 COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF EXETER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Court will be held pursuant to The Ontario Voters’ Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of Huron, at the Town Hall, Exeter on the 2nd day of December 1931/ at 3 O’clock, p.m. to hear and determine complaints of errors and ommissions in the Voters’ List of the Municipality of the Village of Exeter for 1931. Dated the 17th: day of November, 1931. Jos. Senior, Clerk of the Municip­ ality of the Village of Exeter. of last week. She was an aunt of Mrs. Ryckman. Mr. Ulric Snell, of- town, and Messrs. H. Mousseau, J Johnston and G. Koehler, of Zurich, were in the Bruce Peninsula last week and bagged several fine wild geese. Mr. John W. Taylor, of the Tay­ lor Tire Shop, who has been indis­ posed for some time has again tak­ en charge of the business. Mr. Gor­ don Appleton has been in charge during his illness. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dunsford, Mr. and Mrs. John Dunsford and Mrs. Evans, of Marlette, Mich., spent the week-end with 'the former’s -brother Mr. William Dunsford and renewing old acquaintances in the commun­ ity. Mr. David Balkwill and Mrs. O. C. Wigle, of Kingsville, motored* up on Tuesday of last week and visit­ ed with M!r. and Mrs. J. T. Miners, the latter being their sister. They returned home on Wednesday ev­ ening. ' Mfr. Wm. Davis and his: mother have moved into their home on Ann street which has been recently re­ modelled and stuccoed- and furnish­ ed with all modern conveniences. They -have now a very comfortable and attractive1, home. With the cutting off of the morn- ting train from Wingham to London the annual visit of -Santa* Claus on his stop-over at the Exeter station While 'on his way to London, did not take place this year. -Santa visited London Saturday last. Rev. E. L. Vivian and Mr. Day Jr., Claus 11 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—AV. M. S. Thanksgiving Rev. D. McTavisli will preach. " p.m.—.Our Church School p.m.—“Claiming our Birthright” A sequel to last Sunday evening’s -message, 7.30 p.m.—Thursday, meeting for prayer. 3 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leadei*, M1'* Middlemiss Sunday Before Adventp a.m.—-Morning Prayer ^Sunday School 11 3, p.m.- 7 p.m.—-Evening prayer Preacher all day—Rev. Mr. Fin­ ley, of Knollwood Park, London. ■Choice Dairy Butter at Southcott Bros. DEATH OF MRS. TOOHEY Mrs. Maria 'Toohey died- on Mon­ day of last week at her home, lot 28, concession 7, Biddulph Town­ ship, just five moilths after her husr band, James Toohey, passed away. She had lived on the farm where she died for the past 40 years. She was born in Biddulph Township, 77 years ago, • the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, John O’Meara. Sur­ viving are five sons, Rev. Bro. An­ thony, of New Mellerey Ablby, Per- ota, Iowa; Patrick, Hubert and Timothy, of Biddulph. Township and Joseph, of London; two daughters, Rev. Sister Mercedeg, of Ursuline Community, London and Rev. -Sister Regina, of St. Joseph’s Community, and two stepchildren, Dennis Tooh­ ey and, Mrs. B. Dempier, of London. She was a member of St. Patrick’s Church, Biddulph, and belonged to the Altar Society, the Catholic Wo­ men’s League and the League of the Sacred Heart. SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MEETING OF COUNTY COUNCIL The Huron County Council will meet in the County Council Cham­ ber, Court House, Goderich, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, Tuesday the 1st day of December' 1931* All accounts and petitions must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday the 30th, day of November to insure attention and notices of deputations or requests for hearing should be sent previous to the Council meeting. Goderich November1 10th, 1931 Geo, W. Holman County Clerk, WANTED TO RENT— Mod efil house ‘in or near Exeter, will lease satisfactory property. Apply W* J. Smith, box §9, Centralia, to WANTED—An unlimited number 01 cheap horseh. Apply to Frank ______ Louis as lay representative of Trivitt Memorial Church are in Lon­ don this week attending the synod of the Diocese of Huron in special session for the election of a Bishop to fill the vacancy icattsed by the death of the late Archbishop Wil­ liams. Mr. and Mrs. M* D. Beavers and daughter Lorene spent Sunday with friends at Mt. Pleasant it being- the anniversary of the Mt, Pleasant Un­ ited-church. Large--congregations’ at­ tended . the services both morning and evening and listened to splen­ did sermons by Rev, Mr. Lloyd, of Granton. Mrs, E. L* Vivian, whoi recently underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, Louden, returned to her home on Thursday of last week, Her progress is not as rapid as her many friends would life© to see. Her mother, Mrs. R. W* Quinton, of Walter’s Falls, has been visiting with her and left Tuesday for her home. The pretty farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Martene, of Stephen Twp west of Exeter, was th-e scene of a joyous festivity on .Friday, Novem­ ber 6th, when forty-five of tlieir re­ latives and friends gathered to do them honour on the anniversary of their twenty-fifth wedding day. The happy couple were married -by the late and Reverend Pastor of Zion Lutheran church, Dashwood, the Rev. Mr. Thune, and took up farm­ ing where they now reside. Tables were set laden with ample delacicies to tempt the most exacting taste at 6 p.m. Mr. Fred. iStire acted as toastmaster. Suppei’ over, the party engaged in speeches (congratula­ tions to the happy couple and their family of two daughters and one son, at which all were present.) Var­ ious games and singing were in­ dulged in. 'There were, numerous beautiful gifts of silverware pre­ sented which showed the esteem in which they, are held. Mr. Martene in a few well chosen words thank­ ed those present for their presence and for the joy they had brought to himself and bride, all present, good things1 meted out to president of Company,ance SILK AND CREPE DRESSES VALUES $18.50; SALE PRICE $5.95 GROCERY SPECIALS MEN’S HEAVY RUBBERS Seven eyelets regular $3.00 Cl QC SALE PRICE ............ tPl.TO BOYS’ ALL WOOL SWEATERS Sizes 24 to 32 SALE PRICE ........................................ MINER RUBBER BOOTS Fully guaranteed C7 QC SALE PRICE .................. .. .............. MEN’S FLANNELETTE SHIRTS Regular $1.25 SALE PRICE ........................................ BULL DOG OVERALLS Heavy Blue denim (M JE SALE PRICE .................................... MEN’S SWEATERS With roll collars Cl dLQ SALE PRICE .................................... 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT ON ALL STANFIELD’S, PENMAN’S, HATCHWAY AND TURNBULL’S UNDERWEAR LARGEST SIZE FLANNELETTE BLANKETS SALE PRICE, per pair.................. $1.89 PURE LINEN TOWELLING C yards for JCc, SAI<E PRICE.................r FANCY CHINTZ 2?c* SALE PRICE, per yard.......................““ WHITE FLANNELETTE English Regular 30c..........................7 CA­ SALE PRICE ................................... 36 INCH COLORED FLANNELETTE ' 19C-SALE PRICE, per yard.................... KOTEX Regular 49c. ,...,..............QQc. SALE PRICE ................‘...................... CHILDREN’S AND LADIES’ HOSE Black or Sand 1 Qc. SALE PRICE ........................................ BOYS’ FLEECED SHIRTS & DRAWERS CQc. SALE PRICE .......... " 23c-FACTORY YARN, skein.................... ?QC- FINGERING YARN, skein................ MEN’S FLEECED SHIRTS & DRAWERS SALE PRICE ...................................... 85c’ UNBLEACHED SHEETING 72 inches wide JL9c. SALE PRICE ..............................“ MEN’S RIBBED SHIRTS & DRAWERS SALE PRICE ............... 89c> MEN’S OVERCOATS, SALE PRICE $12.95 MEN’S SUITS $25 SALE PRICE $19.50 BULK MACARONI ...................... 2 lbs. for 13c. CASTILE SOAP ................... 9 cakes for 25c. P & G SOAP ............................. 10 bars for 34c. LIPTON’S OR SALADA TEA, bk., mix. 54c. lb TOILET PAPER 9 rolls for 25c. GROCERY SPECIALS FINE TABLE SALT ................. 10 lbs. AYLMER PORK & BEANS .... 3 cans RAISINS, large Australian, with seed 3 lbs 25c NEW PRUNES .......... 3 lbs. lor 25c. NEW COOKING- FIGS 3 lbs. lor 25c. Miss a few in town. | Miss Ila Hunter is off duty at ’ Grant’s, Bakery and her place is be- > ing taken by Miss Helen Salter. I Mrs. Nettleship, of London, field • secretary of tlie AV. C. T. U. was in j town on Sunday and addressed the ! scholars in othe various schools. Mr. and Mrs. jack Routledge and two children 'of Hamilton spent the past week visiting Mrs. Routledge’s father, Mr. AVm. Rivers. They re­ turned to their home Monday ac- • companied by Miss Julia Rivers, i who has been visiting' here. and wished the same measure of in life that had been them. |Mt. Martene is the Hay Fire AUTUMN (W. F. Abbott) leaves are tumbling Insur downAutumn Gee them falling, falling. As they pass, all tinged, with Hear them calling, calling. Winter’s blast has hithei’ come; We must all take warning; Lest we leave, our cares too late—- Find them lost by* inorhing. Autumn brings its- Varied hue—> Drown and green and golden Baring Nature, late so fair1; Death the eye beholden. Death? No! ’Tie hut transient form’- Sad would we he mourning, Saw we not the brighter day Springtime buds adorning. Autumn shells a finished life; Full ears for His gleaning, Ready for a nofole'r strife—— God’s own perfect meaning.. gold. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander ‘McFalls of .Lucan, celebrated 'the sixtieth year of their marriage at their horn© in Lucan on November 9th. In cele­ bration of this unique occasion a dinner was served to members of their family and intimate friends. Three of the four Children -were present: Mrs. C* W. Hawkshaw, of Lucan; Mrs. T. A. Webb, of Edmon­ ton; -Mrs.' W. ‘Tier, ,of Winnipeg; and Peter B. McFalls, of Toronto. MISSION CIRCLE BANQUET The home -of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ryckihan was the scene -of a de­ lightful banquet given -by the los­ ing side in the Main .Street Mission Circle contest under the leadership of Miss D. Ryckman. They entertain­ ed the winning side, the young men of the chuPch who had become asso­ ciate members of the Circle andi the Cider associate members also the former circle leaders, Mrs. Howey, Mrs. Wickwire and Mrs. Moorhouse. Mere than forty took part in the banquet which was followed by number of toasts, proposed by Miss and all responded National Anthem. 1 proposed by Rev. Mr. Moorhouse and responded to by- singing a verse of “ O Canada.” The Circle was pro­ posed by W* Q. Medd, M. L. A. and responded to by Mrs. -Geo. Layton, ‘’The Loosing side” was . proposed by Miss Irene Mooney, captain of the winning side end responded to by Miss -Mae Sims, The1 “Host and Hostess” was proposed, by Mr* G* Layton and responded to by Mr* Ryckman* Alter the banquet games Were played around the table follow­ ed by a program. Everyone report­ ed a delightful time, , a “The King” was Marjorie- Pearce by singing; the The Nation” was Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Green on Sun­ day gave a goose dinner In honor of Mr. Green’s birthday* Mrs. John W. Stewart, of also Mr. and Mrs. ThoS, Mr. and Farquhar Dunsford, their son JOhn and wife and daughter Mrs. Evans,, all of lette, them Mich.,spent Sunday their Mar- with W, M. S. of caven churchThe entertained the Home Helpers on Friday evening, November 13th at the church. Mr. Rhodes acted as chair-man for the evening, ’.Thvo short playlets were given andi mus­ ical numbers were rendered by Miss Coates add Miss Strang, followed by a musical romance accompanied by the kitchen orchestra* All present took part in a contest after which iunch was Served and a social time spent together* •i W. R. Goulding A,‘T. O* M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church , Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theorjf Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, phone 19» EXETER. ONT MARION E. WOODS, B. A* TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY Phone 133, Exeter You can’t sell a woman a bargain. If she knows it isn’t in style* #