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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-11-19, Page 4
T*'"' BIRTHS DTIRE—In Exeter -on Friday* Nov ember 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. JoM. Stir©, a, daughter. ' TOCKER—At Dashwood, on Frb November 13th, to.M>'« und: Valentine Becker, a day. Mrs. ter. dough- ^■*"**“ jf,THE OOTR TIMES-ADVOCATfc I. I 1, Ji foresting rending wus given by Mtaf- Evelyn Faulder* wherein! parent# were reminded of their own youth* ful impetuous love time. A suitably solo was sung by Miss Audrey Powe = in a very creditable manner, In teresting and humdrous spweWf were mad© by Roy. Mr. Curtis auA Rev. Mr. Blackwell, both of ARsM Craig; Rev, Mir. sippeii and Mr« Herman Powe, past county Master# A hearty vote of thanks was tender ed Mr. and Mrs, Fanider tor thehft kind hospitality in lending tlmBT home for the occasion, to/ which Faulder replied in his usual kuuil^ manner. The singing Of the Nation* Anthem concluded a most plensur* able QPWS W SANATORIUM Dr* MW Opens New Sanatorium MHo South of I£cnsaU-*-Sitmvtvd Amid* Beautiful .Surromuiings—- Up-to-date Hospital Will Serve This (X>noiuiiity**AX'ilI Specialize in Radium Treatments, CREDITON IMisses Lulu Kerr and Bernice Martin spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Kerr. Mr. and Mrs* H, c. Beaver ami Eugene were in Hamilton over tite week-end visiting with Mr, and Mrq. R, Huxtable. Miss Lavina Smith returned home on Sunday having spent the past week wltli her sister Mrs. H. Sparl-' ing ip. tValkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Sparling am} pon visited with IMIr. and Mrs. J, F, BmRh on Sunday. Miss Janet McLean, of Wingham, spent a few days with Mr., and Mrs. M* XV. Teller last week, The County of Huron has made the street through Crediton a through highway.and “stop" signs have been erected at the corners. Motorists who have been habit of ignoring the had better be cdreful liable to a fine if they orders. Life is too 1,897,500 1.897.500 .1,863,000 1,798,000 1,697,000 1,694,000 1.691.500 1,627,000 812,000 ,496,000 . 472,000 MISS AUGB HOFFMAN, D^hwQc?4 MRS; LEE WILSON, Exeter ____ MRS. WALTER HARNESS, Exeter MRS. MRS* MRS. MISS MRS. MRS. MISS GLAVIN, Clandeboye MISS FAIRBAIRN, Kippen\ CAN YOU PICK THE WINNERS FOR THIS WEEK'S REPORT? To be Known as “Huron Springs Siumtorium"«• * • A .»• > A ACARD OF THANKS R. IL Elworthy and to express their family . sincere to the many friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy expressed during their re* eent bereavement; dteo to1' the floral tributes, the loan of cars and -especially to the Exeter Lodge of .Oddfellows. Mrs. 4esire thanks CARD OF TIL1NKS Mr. and Mrs. XVm. Fraser wish to thank the neighbors and friends - - - ■ — sincetfow thpir kindness to Ruth lier recent ao’oident. IN MEMOR1AM WRNIBH—In loving memoryS3RNKJ.II— la loving memory .of Mrs. Samuel Cornish, who passod away, November 20, 1930, We do not forget her, we too dearly, Foi' her memory to fade lives like a dream. Our lips need not speak, hearts mourn sincerely. For grief often dwells where it seldom is seen. Lovingly missed b,y her daughters. loved from when her our our LUMLEY Mr. XVm, McTaggart, who recent ly underwent an operation in tip Clinton Hospital is now and able to be around. Mr. Robert McArthur aall, has been spending a few; days with, his daughter Mrs. Stewart Mc Queen, Miss Eliza Newell of Hensall, vis ited last week with ther sister Mrs. Noah Horton of .the Boundary. . Mr, and Mrs, Harold Hicks, pf London, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Selves Sr. Miss Sarah Mans-on, of Hensall, apent the week-end with her cousins the Misses Margaret and Jean Mc Queen. Mr. W. N. Glenn is busy this week trucking his potatoes to London. He had a wonderful crop. at his home Jr., or Hen- Tp. No- place same. BOWDEN, Centralia ......... .. . MOTZ, Creston GOLLINGS, Thames Road ,., MOIXARD, Shipka ............. DAVIS, Wincheisea HY, FORD, Elimville > .ft < I 6 Boost Your Favorite With Another Year Now. It May Be The Deciding One To Put Her In First Place. THAMES ROAD (Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kydd have re turned after spending a few days at Shallow lake. Mrs. Jack' Cottle spent Wednes day at -Stratford Hospital with her brother, Mr. Harry Cornish, Mr Chas. Cotard has purclmsed the farm recently occupied by Mr. Neil McGill while Mr. and Mrs. Mc Gill have moved to the Mithell Road to the fam purchased from the Mc Cullough estate, by Mr. Wm, Nairn. Quite a number from this com munity attended the Services at Ex eter on Armistice Day. Mr. and Mrs. P. Stone and Miss Jeanette with Miss Blackball were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ellery, of Ingersoll during the past week. Mrs. N. Squires, who has been ill, was taken to a London hospital on Monday evening. ' Mr. Wilfred Allen spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Allen. Mrs. A. Squires funeral of her aunt, Geo. Young, of London, hesday, November 11th. ceased lady had been ill time, iler maiden name Hicks. The funeral was held to the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery on Friday, November the 13th. The ladies o.f the Thames Road United church served supper in the basement Monday ev ening, tables were laden with a choice lot of delicacies to* fill the wants of the inner man. Following the supper a play "The Village Lawyer" was put on by the Thedford Dramatic Club. There was a good turnout. Program Club The meeting was held on Thurs day evening owing to wet weather. The program by the Juniors' was missed. The meeting was opened by Rev. Anthony, chairman, followed by devotional exercises. A few min utes were devoted to> the question- aire after which Miss M-ary Bor land gave the Bible reading. Miss Baxter gave a paper on "Trees and J ’ ’ attended the late Mrs. on Wed- iThe de- for some was Ida the f an oyster In addition to oysters the USBORNE COUNCIL The municipal 'council of the ■of Usborne met on Saturday, vember 7th in its regular monthly meeting with all members of the ■council present. The minutes of the meeting of October 3rd together with the spec ial meeting of October 19th were .read. Correspondence —Circular letter from Pedlar people Oshawa, adver tising snow fences. Tabled.- Shier—Dew: That a grant of Ten dollars be made to the South Huron Plowmen’s Association. Williams—Westcott: In amend ment. That fifteen dollars be given.- The motion carried. Westcott—Williams: That a new -cash book be ordered for the Treas urer from the Municipal World Publishing Co., Ltd. Messrs. Moodie and Kowcliffe re ported that they had completed -their portion of ditch on Con. 4 o.p-. posito Lot 9. They were instruct ed to procure 8 30 inch tile for gate and Wm. Ford six tile on mo tion of Westcott-Shier. The town ship to bear the cost of tile and the interested parties to Carried. Westcott—^Williams: Jbe expended for a ^Canadian Legion and •to decorate the Soldiers’ monument on Remeforance Day. Treasurer Report received October 21st—$2,0 Ob from Treasurer of Biddulph Township on account Elimville Drain assessment on Biddulph Township. Received $237.33, 1930 taxes and penalties $19.36, Received $15.00 refund from Ch Kistner contractor Elimville Drain to replace bridge vail. Bills paid on motion of Dew and Williams, October 22nd-. Chas. W. Kistnor, advance on Elimville Drain ■Contract $640.00; Municipal World jui ■ors lists $3,25; Edward Johns, 1-2 cord of wood for Township Hall $7.00; S. Huron Plowmen’s Asso ciation, grant $10.00; Canadian Le gion, grant and wreath Remem- tirance Day $15,00; selection of jurors. Brown, ditto $3.00; H. Strang, clerk ■Ritto $3.00; Richard Johns:, weed -.cuttin'g 80c.; Chas. Godibolt ditto $4.00; Alfred Brooks ditching $5* 4)0; Wm. Routley, grading $8.00; Wm. Brooks, ditto $4.00; Isaac 'Gower, ditto $4.00; Wm. Johns, dit to $6.00; Chas. Johns, ditto $8.00; Frank Skinner, ditto $2.00; Frank -Cornish, ditto 'Horno, ditto $12,00; Chas, Stephen, ’tracking gravel $144.65; R. W. Batten, ditto $144.00; Garnet Wil* ;Sbn, wcrit in pit $34.25; C. Kistner, ibalahco contract Elimville Drain ^23'015,00, extra allowed by engineer iaOLOO, total $2569.00; FL Ford, '>uperintendanc6 $82.60, * Council adjourned to meet Sat* ^irday, December 15th at 1 Rm. ' Henry „Clerk relation to the Bible.” Miss Rhode gave a paper on the of the Hamboo, A talk was given by Rev. Anthony on outlining some places of in- along different lines, with a their Anna story then trees, terest view to visiting, if plans can be ar ranged. The meeting closed; by pray er and singing “Sun of My Soul*’. A committee was appointed to for next meeting. plan KIRKTON There was no preaching in the United Church on Sunday owing to Anniversary services at Mt. Pleas ant. Rev. T. A. Bell was at Granton on Sunday preaching for Rev. Mr. Lloyd1, Who had charge of the Anni versary qt Mt. Pleasant. The hunters, who went north have returned horn© bringing with them four fine deer. Mr. family onto. We Hazelwood has sold his farm to Mr. Cluff, of Toronto, who takes pos session shortly. Mr, Thos. Ross who has been liv ing at Wallaceburg is moving into Mr. Alex Irwin’s house on the fourth line. Mr. William Williams has rented the farm of Mrs. J. C. Gardiner a term-of five years. and Mrs. Trueman Tuft and spent the week-end in Tor- understand that Mi’. Robert for CHISELHURST The services of the United church will commence in the afternoon on Sunday, November 22nd. ’Sunday School at 2 p.m. and church at 3 p.m. . ■Services have -been a success in the morning. Mr. Bert Riley has completed his threshing for this year. Mr. Daniel Kinsman, of Leaming ton, who has been, visiting his brother Mr. Earl Kinsman has re turned home. Mr. Geo. T. Wren is taking, in the Fat Stock Show at Toronto this week. SUPER-SONNE A GREAT NEW DEVELOPMENT IN THE NEW SPARTONS That $15.00 grant- t-o the for a wreath Investigate The Outstanding Sparton Jas. Ballantyne $3.00; H. H. $10.00; .Freeman New’ Features Volume —Super-sonne —Pentode Tubes —Lafoy Automatic Control —Tone and Static Control —-Controlled-mu Tubes —Full Vision Dial —Standard Canadian Tubes —Superheterodyne 1 -—Gyro Speed Regulator Sparton Model 15 MODEL 15 The most beautiful small console every developed by Sparton. Su perheterodyne amplification with Pentode and Controlled-mu tubes, automatic volume control and tone and static control. Solid wood, hand-finished carvings. An outstanding value. Now comes Sparton with the Super-sonne principle ... a chassis improvement that makes the superhetehodyne circuit do things that no radio has ever done before. Remember that Super-sonne is one of the most important new developments in radio. Whether you are a ra dio fan, a music lover, or both, a rare thrill awaits you when you hear these new instruments New low prices, wide range of models’—outstanding values. Ask tor a demonstration of the Sparton Automobile Radio. Dr, Moir* Of Hensall, who for several years has 'beep quietly devel oping a country sanatorium espec ially for radium treatments has now brought his 'plans to fruition and* is opening about a mile be known as Sanatorium.“ be used primarily for the giving of radium treatments as Dr. Moir has been specializing in radium for the past ten years, being the pioneer in the use of radium in Wetsern On tario. He has taken special courses in American hospitals and has treated patients from all parts of Western Ontario. He has treated over 700 radium cases. In addition to tjie radium treat ments provision lias heen made for all classes of medical cases but these must be treated by their own local doctor who may bring all minor surgery 'cases and medical ca’ses there where they can be convenient ly attended by their own doctor near their own home. Doctor Moir only takes charge of cases referred to him from other doctors, The -Highway it is expected will be kept open all .winter mak ing access to the hospital compara tively easy. The sanatorium grounds comprise two hundred acres of land, 100 acres on either side of Highway No. 4. The main building, which is a three*storey brick, is situated on the east side of the Highway on what was .once the Bell farm,. It is modern in every way and equipped with all modern conveniences. The basement contains the utility rooms composed of kitchen, furnace and storerooms leaving the upper floors for patients quarters, these, com prising in all 22 rooms, including a large sun-room fitted with vita glass, laboratory for radium and electric treatments and special rooms for hydro therapy. One of the bathrooms is especially beauti ful with fixtures in lavender and with two-toned decorations in green, The living rooms for the house mat ron, Mrs. Robt. Paterson, Jr., are also situated on the first floor. The hospital is wired fox’- radio through out, programs being transmitted to all parts of the building. The hospital is heated by a hot water system. The drinking water is supplied by an electrical system fyom the springs of water from which the sanatorium gets its name An electric call system is used, coloured bulbs registering the calls. A dumb-waiter from the basement serves all floors. The hospital will be supplied from its own dairy and poultry and vegetables will be rais ed, on the. place. The rates are particularly reason able, the charge for the rooms be ing at the rate of $1'5, $20 and $25. per week, this also including nurs ing care. The formal opening of the. hospital will not take place un til next spring, but patients how ever, are admitted now and Dr. Moir is doing a commendable thing in that for the coming winter he has offered to treat free the im mediate families of all, unemployed who require radium treatment pro viding that the costs of the rooms are taken care of. ’The surroundings present one of the along the highway, arations have been made for the er ection of a dam which will flood .about six acres of tn© ravine which runs through the property provid ing both boating and bathing facil ities. Over one thousand cedar trees have been planted out in scat tered bluffs and preparations have been made for a .rock garden near the front of the hospital. On the west side of,, the highway Dr. Moir has his own residence, a very, at tractive bungalow together with foui’ cottages that will be used in connection with the sanatorium Work. A foot-bridge across the stream to these cottages lias been erected. ■ The spot is . ideally located for a golf course and DA Moir is willing to co-operate if a local golf club Could be formed. an up-to-date hospital south of Hensall to the “Huron Springs Sanatorium The hospital will and profitable evening;i in time will beauty spots Already prep- of on of 5139.50 complete with standard Canadian Tubes MADE IN CANADA “ONLY SPARTON MAS THE MUSICAL BEAUTY OF SFAItTON” Fred Rabethge, Dealer XVHALEN W. M. S. The regular monthly meeting the Whalen W. M. S. Was held Thursday afternoon at the home Mrs. Will Morley with twenty one members and eight visitors present. Mrs. Will. Morley, 1st Vice-Presi dent was in the Chair, The meet ing opened with hymn 319 and prayer by Mrs. A. Gunning and Mrs. J. Hazelwood. The scripture lesson Gen. 1-3*5 and Rev. 22-5 was read solo “A Song from Heaven and Homeland'’ by Mrs. Frahk Squire by Miss Florence Fallen. A lovely accompanied by Miss Bessie Morley was much Enjoyed by all. Several readings were read by Miss Bessie Motley, Mrs. Hilton Ogden and Mrs. A. Gunning. Hymn 168 and prayer by Mrs, F. Gunning closed the meet* ing, 'Tea was served and a pleasant social time spent by alt ’ . . a safety of the Town not very artists pf the better crowd bad and there other places. in th© other signs, as they are do not obey precieus, to have a Jot of careless drivers rush ing across the street without single thought for the others. The concert given in Hall, last Saturday was well, attended. ITlie •evening deserved a but the weather 'was, were attractions at The program was of a very high order. Tlie numbers, rendered by the singer and the pianist’ were a delight to listen to. Those who didn’t attend the concert missed a treat. Perhaps these artists pay us another visit and come dor- the auspices of some of church organizations.. We sure they will have a better attend ance, The Young People’s /Society of the United Church will meet Friday evening in tae basement the church at 8 o’clock. can un- our feel on of Alli our young people are- requested; to at tend. < Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eilibcr and daughter Bernice were in Lucknow last Wednesday visiting Mr. * and Mrs. Fred Anderson. /Mirs, returned with winter here. Mrs. Lydia spent Monday Mary Haist. Mrs. G. Gaiser ’is visiting with relatives in Kitchener. • Mr, Albert Morloick is erecting an up-to-date hen house. XV. M. S. Thanksgiving: Banquet The annual W.M.S. Thanksgiving banquet was held last Thursday ev ening in the basement of the Evan gelical church. Huslbands were al so invited and therefore sixty people sat down to four neatly decorated tables. The banquet hall was also neatly decorated in the W.M.S. col ors of purple; and gold. The men had charge of the program that fol lowed after the banquet. (Married men’s orchestra played an overture “College Girls.” A few moments of silence was called for by the pastor, in remembrance of Armistice and the many soldiers who did not re turn after the war. The prayer that followed was for world-wide peace. Art Amy gave an interesting thanks- - - - ‘ ‘ the the __ . . Glavin them to spent the Sweitzer, of Exeter, with her sister Mrs,. giving address. A debate on' subject, “Resolved that after . age of 60, man has not come to the end of his most useful career earth." on The affirmative was sup ported by Ezra Faist, Wm. Morlock and Geo. Finkbeiner and the nega tive was supported by Harry Beav* er, Chester Mawhinney and W. M. Slppell. .The judges were J. Smith, E. Wenzel and Harry Kuhn decided in favor 6f the affirmative and the audience was satisfied. Clayton Sims contributed a patriotic solo and H. K. Eil'ber a humorous read ing. A male quartette (H. Morlock W. M. Sippell, E. Falman and A. Morlock) gave the evening a sacred trend with several spiritual num bers. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the judges also to the social committee with' Mrs. Godfrey Weiu their convenor and the dec orating committee With Mrs. Roy Finkbeiner their convener. Presi dent Mrs. Louisa .Schwartz respond ed as if she felt delighted With the evening’s results. Mention was al so made of the program Conimittee and their success.. Thank offering $4'5.00 for Mi'ssidilS in ’Caiia'cfa. A birthday gloup of the Dorcas S. iS. Class will 'give their entertain ment on Wednesday evening, No vember 25th.« Tire public is cord ially invited, A light lunch Will be served at the dope and a small ad mission price charged^ L. O. L. Fowl Supper A very enjoyable event took place at the home of Mr. Ed. Faitldet, of Crediton, on Friday evening, Nov ember 13th, it tbeiiig the anhtlal fowl supper of L. O< L. 1343, Cred iton. About, eighty guests, iiiclud- ing Mr. Norman Miller, of Clinton, Cotiiity , Master, of goitith Huron and Miss, Judd, Mistress of L. Q. B. A., Clinton, sat down t0' a bountiful supper of fowl and* other good things. A splendid program follow ed, with Mr. Miller as able chair man. All joined ill singing “The Maple Leaf Forever" after which a fine patriotic poem was recited by Miss Corbett, of Brinsley. Violin selections by Mr. Billy Scott and Flynn Brothers were much apprec iated. while Rev, Mr. Slppell, of Crediton, gave several fine select* ioiis on the violin adcompanled by Ills daughter, Miss Evelyn. An in* ELIMVILLE Miss Ruth Skinner, of Exetm> spent the past week at her home/ here. Mr. uind^ Mil's, Wm. Johns an® daughters also Mr, Silas Johns vis*' ited at Mr* Will Pybus’ near Chip- elhurst on Wednesday of last week*- Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock were callers here on RemembraMC^' Day. * ' Mr, Lewis Woods, of London, vtw ited his father and) brother herd last week. Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw spent a dajf last week with her grandfather Mr< Henry Squire, ' Mr. Ro'bt. XVoods has a large vat-* iety of beautiful roses which been blooming profusely all mer and are still flowering, of his friends have Deen very pleased with bouquets he lias them and some of his flowers havflh brightened the ehuiich and the sicK- room as well, l Mr. and. Mrs. George (Rosnell an®' son Paul, of Toronto, were weeSS* end visitors with the former’s siste^- Mrs. Wesley Johns. i It was decided on Sunday to pre*; pare for a Christmas concert. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Allison audi tive children from Springfield, werer visitors on Saturday at the homo oE’ Mrs. H. Ford. J The members of the Mission Ban® are invited to the home..of Mrs. C* Johns on Saturday afternoon for the- purpose of making picture books fo^r less fortunate children. .Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jones, of KIp* pen, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones, oE Hensall, visited at Mr. Henry John®9' last Sunday. haveL sum*- Manyf mucltf. given! t CENTRALIA and Mrs. John McFallsMr. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McFalls of dulpli, visited on Sunday with and Mrs. George Beer in London Dr. and Mrs. Heighway, of London^ visited on Monday with Mr. andj Mrs. John Essery. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hodgson ant? family, of Chatham, and Mr. Her-* man Hodgson, of Guelph, spent th$ week-end wit'll tlieir parents Mi\ and Mrs. D. Hodgson. ’ Mr. .and Mrs. Jack, Routledge ancL family, of Hamilton,’ called on Mr., . and Mrs. Geo. Thompson on Satur day evening of last week. / Mr. and Mrs. E. Willis, of ExetexJ- and Mr. Robert McFalls and Mr. S«. McFalls, of London, called on Mr* and Mrs. Thomas Willis on Sunday,, Miss Margaret Cook lias returned home after visiting for the pastt couple weeks with relatives in St*.. . Thomas. On Friday evening of'^'Iast wee®,' the Young People’s Society visite® ths Huron County Home in Clinton* A splendid program was put on "bsp’ the Young People consisting of in strumental duets by Miss Hazel? Smith and Mr. Stanley Smith; Miss Evoy and Mrs. Penwarden; Miss W. Willis and Mrs. Penwarden; vocaS' duets by Rev. and1 Mrs. Robb;] Messrs. Cecil and Harold Skinner;] Misses Greta Pollard and Florence/ Mitchell;-solos by Mrs. Roy Fletche# and Mr. Wm. J. Smith; readings by| Hazel 'Smith and -Jeair Thompson;] several old time violin selections byf Cecil iSikinner. A treat of oranges! and cookies were provided by theh Young People for the inmates. Mry Wm. J. (Smith and family donated].' a bunch of bananas as a treat. Mr* and Mrs. .Tacobs expressed their ap preciation on behalf of the Inlnateity in"' i Mrs, .Lippardt, who is ill. witS' pneumonia, at the home of hem daughter Mrs, Goo. Fee in Hensall^, is recovering nicely. an4 Bid* Mf*. NOTICE TO CREDITORS i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatb all creditors and others having- Claims against the estate of JO SEPHINE WILDS, late of the Town ship of Stephen in the County off Huron, Widow, who died" oh thep eleventh day of September, A.D. 1931, are required to forward their" Claims duly proven to H. Either & Son, Crediton, on oy before the 21st? day of November A.D., ,1931/ AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after the said date the Exe cutors will proceed to distribute th® estate having regard claims of which they have notice, DATED at crediton sixth day of November ’ MRS. ELSIE LINK, Dashwood / MARK H. WILDS and , i BERT HOLT, Grhhd Bend, .-JiLriJ.... Exccntoxlf- only to the then (shall Ontario, th!#1 a.d., mt