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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-11-12, Page 5
OK. I, A. McTAGGART, U a I, HENSAIxL, ONT. Ifelephone JOG Main Street Song Recital HENSALL Mir. and Mrs. Garnet Case visited friends in London .oil Sunday. Mr. Adam Reichart. is visting for a few weeks with his son in Detroit. . Mrs, Geo. Case spent Sunday vis iting with Mrs, Luker, of Biddulph. Dr, Ivan Smillie spent a few days this week with friends in Toronto. Mrs P. Fisher is. spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs, Mof fat, at Brucefield, •Mrs. Wm, Hyde is visiting this week with her sister, Mrs, Albert Bell, of Ushorne. M'rs. Archie Rowcliffe underwent aji operation for the removal of her tpnsils on Saturday, Mrs. J, D, Campbell, of Windsor, is visiting With her 4ipd Mrs. Jas. A. Bell. |Mr. E. Kennedy, of a week-end visitor at Mr, and Mrs. O, Geiger, Mr, Edgar Stewart, of spent the week-end at the Mv. and Mrs. David Foss. Miss Eleanor Fisher is lor a few days at tne home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love, of Hillsgreen. Remembrance Day, November 11 will be observed as a holiday when the banks and places of business will be closed. , Mr. and Mrs. Duncan and Jack Young, of Harrington, West, spent .a day last week with Miss Minnie Reid and Mrs, Reid. Messrs. Herman Dayman, Orville Twitchell and Ezra Willard, who spent the past two weeks in New. Ontario -deer hunting have returned' •home, bringing witn them two fine deer. Young Peopled Day was observed in the United church on Sunday last. Very .inspiring sermons were preached by Rev. D. McTavish, of JExeter in the morning and Rev. Mr, Stewart, of Staffa, in the evening. Messrs. Fe.rris Cantelon, Claude' Blowes Sam Rannie and Dr. Smillie well assisted with the service of’ song. At the Young Peoples League at the United Church on Monday ev ening the men of the church pro vided the program. Rev. Arthur Sinclair having charge of the meet ing, the following program was giv en, each number being very ably taken: instrumental, Lome Elder; ■solo, Dr. Smillie; selection by the Pike Bay quartette; .reading, Dr. Moir; solo, Mr. Sam Rannie; In strumental John Zuefle and Fred Hess, solo, Mr, Claude Blowes; read ing, Mr. Ferris Cantelon; selection by the Pike Bay quarette after which the meeting closed by singing the National Anthem. The W- M. S. of the United church held its monthly meeting at the church on Thursday afternoon with a large attendance. The presi dent, Mrs. McDonnell, was in charge Following the devotional eexrcises Mrs. Alice Joynt sang a delightful solo, accompnaied by Miss Eleanor Fisher. The visiting committee re ported having called on a number of sick and shut-ins. Mrs. A. ■ Mc Donald and Mrs. Sinclair were ap- I>onted to 'visit the sick and the ffiliut-ius the coming month. The of fering ■ amounted' to $14 and the mite box money amounted to $43. “The Romance of a Coin” was ably given by Mrs. C. McDonnell. The devotional leaflet was given by Mrs. A. McDonald. A paper on “Faith” was read by Mrs. Wilson Carlisle. The study on Korea was given by Mrs. George Hobldyk, andi was much enjoyed. A paper “Original Religion in Korea,” was given by Mrs. Horton, and a reading on Kor ea by Mrs. Archie Rowcliffe. A story of Korea was told by Mrs. J. W. Peck and the story continued by Mrs. Vincent. The meeting closed, with hymn and prayer, program was •arranged by Mrs. George Hobkirk. Hensail Council Harriet Sperry SOPRANO Assisted by NELLY SYMWE, ENGLISH PIAxYISTE Crediton Town Hall Saturday, Nov. 14th 8,30 p.m, ADMISSION 25c. I? o THE EXETER TIME5.ADVQCATE wjmit wm®® m parents, Mr,. Toronto, w&s the home of Toronto, home of * Visiting CREDITON A good representation from here attended the lecture on “Movies, Talkies and Tellies" iby Prof Dearie of Western University in James St- church, Exeter last, Friday evening All enjoyed the lecture and the so cial hour in which the young people of Main Street and James iStreet entertained the visitors. Rev. E. A. Stone, a returned miss ionary from Japan, spoke on miss- sions among the farmers in Japan; in the United church on Sunday ev ening, The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup per will be celebrated in the United church next Sunday evening. Miss Laura Clarke, who is attend ing MacDonald Hall, Guelph, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs F. W> Clarke. Miss Erma Falrner is visiting With friends in Waterloo. Mr. ’ George Castle, of London, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. B. Brown. Mrs. Charlotte Brown left for Kit chener, on Sunday where she will visit with her daughter, Mrs. H. Sweitzer. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haist and daughter, of Zurich, were the guests of Mr. ‘ , day. Mrs. to her Mrs. Smith were visiting with their sis ter, Mrs. H. Sparling, in last week1. Herbert Swartz, from visited at John Gaiser’s week-end. Messrs, Thos. and Edward Cham bers, of Crediton and Aubrey Cham bers, of Thames Road and Mr. Jos. Woodall attended the funeral of Mr, P. Chambers, -of Woodstock, on Monday, the deceased being an uncle of Mr. Woodall. A W. M. S. Thanksgiving Banquet will he given in me basement of the Evangelical church on Thursday evening, beginning at 6.30. All the members of the W. M. S. and their husbands, are cordially invit-ed. A very interesting program follows, consisting of orchestral music by married men, Thanksgiving address with a Rememflmauce of Armistice, debate between three' men of 60 years old and three who are young er; Vocal solo and a humorous read ing. We jooft for a full attendance. The next birthday group of the Dorcas Band S. S. 'Ciass will give an interesting entertainment in the basement of the Evangelical ’church the evening of November 2i5th. Luifcji will also be served. The group is endeavoring- to equal the entertainment that was given by the first group- which presented a very novel number on their program. and Mrs. Fred Haist on Sun- Christian Trick is connned home through illness. , Clayton Sims and Miss Alma Walkerton. Milverton, over the CREDITON EAST and Mrs. Eldon Merner and Hensail, November 3, 19131 Regular meeting of Council held ttliis evening at 8.30 p.m. 'All mem bers present. Minutes of the -previous two meetings read. Moved by Spencer nind Cameron that the minutes be adopted as re'ad. Carried. Reeve Geiger reported the work ♦ op. the drain, at Nelson and Queen ■and the- work at the catch basin in front of the church on Nelson street also crossing in front of J. Bon- thron’s property. ■Communication read from Ontar io Employment Office, town clerk, •Goderich; T. M. Costello, Judge, re Geiger’s appeal; George Brock, sec retary re Fireman’s resignation. Cameron and Mickle, that ..communi cations be accepted as, read. Carried Bills and accounts read: J. Pass- more, hydro, $7.08; J. Fisher labor ditches $2.30; Mrs. R. Cudmore, "■.cement streets, $10.80; Total $22.- 08. Per Consitt and Cameron that the accounts as read be paid. Cart ‘ Mickle and Consitt that the clerk lie instructed to write the Fire Chief accepting the resignation of himself .and fire brigade to take effect at noon oh November 14, 1931. Car. •Mickle ami Consitt that Cameron .and Sp,encer be a committee to se-( 4ect a man to act as chief and mech anic for fire engine at a Salary of $25.00 per year and to select the balance of Fire Brigade sifbject to ^Council’s acceptance. Carried. ■ iCameron and Spencer, that we adjourn, ciai'ried. James A. Paterson, Clerk. Mr. two children moved their furniture up from Chatham the past week and arc occupying the house of Mrs. Flynn. We welcome them to our community. > Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carruthers have moved from the farm of Mr. Jack Aplpeton into the late Sweitzer home which they purchased from Mr. H. Kuhn, our midst. Mrs. Chris. Margery and Crediton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. Mrs. George Hayes and daughters Doris and Patsy spent Monday the former’s parents Mr. and. Wilson Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Heatherley daughter Thelma and Mr. Stanley Kelly, all of London, visited on Sun day with Mr and Mrs. Henry Motz. We welcome them to Wein and daughter, Miss Tillie Wein, of SHIPKA with Mrs. and Misses Ila Sweitzer and Beatrice Baynham left on Thursday for Lon don where they have secured a posi tion. Miss V. Moore, who has spent the past summer in London has return ed home.’ Mr. and! Mrs. Wilson, ol’ London, visited over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, P. Mollard. Mr. iSandy McE'achen of Pt, Huron called on friends here on Saturday. Miss Lorraine Baker is spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. E. Gill, Of Grand Bend. Rev. Mr. Hagelstefn Is starting a series of .sermons on the Lord’s Prayer starting last Sunday. The Young their first meetini on Monday night, the church. Mr. and Mrs. E. day with Mr,, and Leury. Mr, Curl Finklboiner Ville, Ill., is visiting at People’s Society held g for the season November §th at Keyes spent Sun Mrs.W. Nell at , of Napler- the home oiAt Hamilton, Petro Palumbo Mrs. A. Ffnkhoiner. ■pinched by the police for privately | jyjr> an<j jjrS< Albert smith and planting a potent,potation in a P®°k. family have moved their household of poppers. Would that make them I goods near cvediton at the home of lhem pickled peppers?M|‘. dnd Mrs. W. Jones. CWRAUA Miss Kathleen Hicks, R.N. York, is sending a couple of weeks vacation with her parents, Mr, and Mrs., Andrew Hicks., IMr and Mrs, Qrovener, of iStrath- roy, visited with the Misses Wilson on Thursday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden and Harold, were guests of Miss Verna Pollock in Ripley on Sunday, Mrs. Fred Fairhan left on Mon.’ day for California after spending the past couple of weeks with Mrs- E. Abbott and Mr. Chas, FairhalJ. JVfr. and Mrs, Doherty, of St. Thomas, visited on Friday of last week with Mr, and Mrs, B. Cook- Miss Margaret Cook returned with them for a visit. The Young people’s Society will make their annual visit to the Coun ty Home in Clinton on Friday even ing of this week, A good program has been provided and as many as' can are invited to go along and help make the evening a success. Mi’, and Mrs. Hubert Neil spent the week-end with their parents. M'1’. and Mrs. James Neil, Mrs, W. Ab'bott and Mr. Francis Abbott, of Exeter, visited with and Mrs. George Baynham .Sr, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Proctor family, of St. Marys and Mr, Mrs. Allan McGowan and Orville, of Blyth were Sunday <?sitors with Mr. and Arthur Brooks. Mr. Fred Huxtable, who has been assistant at the Centralia Chopping Mill for the past six months has been appointed manager and will now have full charge. This ’mill is equipped with the most modern machinery and has a capacity of 50 bags per hour, which is a conven ience to the farmers of the sur rounding country. Fred will en deavor to maintain the service and quality which has been, the means of building up the splendid patronage this mill enjoyed for the past ten years, catering to the better, class of farmers. NW Mr, on and and GRSENWAY and Mrs. Fred Shettler,Mr. Buffalo, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. McPherson, recently. Next Sunday afternoon Rev. S. J. Mathers M. A. will speak on War and Peace. Last Sunday Rev. A. R. Stone, of Japan, gave a very interesting ad dress on his work among the rural sections. 'Several attended the United Church Training School in Crediton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Becher, of Michigan, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Curts last week. Wedding bells are still ringing, in our burg. Wo wonder if all those golden weddings last spring caused this epidemic. The young folk of the United Church .gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchinson last Mon day and presented their daughter Mrs. J. Scott with silver knives- and forks. Miss' Ruby Brown read, the address -and Miss Dorothy Belling made the presentation. A very pleasant evening was spent in games and music and later refreshments 'were served. ° We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pollock (nee Miss O. R. Corbett) who were married in Fordwich on Saturday. Miss Helen McLinchey was pre sented with the gold medal that was donated by Hon. J. c. Elliott for obtaining the highest mark's on the Entrance examinations held at Park hill. This ig the second time' that a gold medal has been won by a pu pil of that school, congratulations. Mrs. Irwin Luther is teaching at No. 10, Stephen, this week. Mrs, Wm. Sherritt is visiting friends in Windsor and Wheatley. The Sunday School executive of the United Church .will- meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Steeper on Thursday evening. of .Mr. LUMLEY and Mi’s John M. Glenn vis ited relatives in Brussels on Sun day last. Miss Margaret Taman, of Exeter, spent the week-end with Miss Mary Kerslake. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Broadfoot, of the Mill Road Tuckersmith, visited the Broadfoot family on Sunday. A number of the Masons from the Boundary attended a Masonic ban quet in Stratford on Monday even ing of this week. Mrs. C. Eiliber, of Zurich, is this wSek visiting friends on the boun dary. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerslake, of Elimville, accompanied by Mrs. Geo. Kerslake, Sr., of Exeter were recent visitors at the home of Mr. Wellirig- ton Kerslake. WINCHELSEA Miss Grace Hocking and Master Gordon Hocking, of Munroe, spent the week-end with their aunt Mrs. R. E. Pooley. !Mir. add Mrs. Lome Scholdice and family, of Centralia visited with Mi*, and Mrs, Newton Clarke on Sunday. Mr. and M'rs. A. K. Pym, Of Elim- vi'IIo, spent Sunday Avitli Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Veal. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brock' and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Heywood on Sunday. Mr. and Mirs. J, Anderson and Miss Irt*ne Andrew of Exeter visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley on Sunday. Mr. Chas. Ubsliftw and Miss Sarah Upshaw of the Base Line visited with Mr, and' Mrs. C. W» God,bolt on Monday, ,4 Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Davis visited with Mr. and Mrs. jg, k, Hutton on Sunday. Ill III K the red & WHITE ST0RE BOYS AND GIRLS LOOK! Robertson’s Ideal Chocolate Bars .. 7 for 15c, GOLD MEDAL ORANGE MARMALADE FREE—I 1 lb.& 40 oz, jar 21c. !offee for 49c. CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES s Medium Size Prqnes 3 lbs. for 25c. I Choice Macaroni 1 | Per lb. 6c. | Best Quality Rice 2 lbs. for 15c. m i n i McCORMICK’S JERSEY CREAM SODAS, large fancy package 2 for 19c. Schneider’s Pure Lard 1 Rose Brand Baking Powder 1 Broken Sodas ll l l l l l l l 2 lbs. for 21c.| 1 lb. tin 17c. |2 lbs. for 17p, No. 2 tin 5 for 25c. Pure Cane Sugar Red & White Matches 10 lbs 53c. . .. 3 for 23c. 2 lbs. for 15c.Icing Sugar Maple Leaf Salmon . ,1-2 lb. tin each 17c. Chocolate Mallows , Jumbo Peanuts . . . Texas Grapefruit . Spanish Onions . . . . .., per lb. 15c. . . , .per lb. 15c. .,,.. 6 for 25c. 3 lbs. for 21c. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES —GRAPES, BANANAS, ORANGES, APPLES, CITRON, SQUASH, WATERMELON, SWEET POTATOES, CRANBERRIES, LETTUCE, CELERY, CABBAGE, CARROTS AND TURNIPS ALSO FRESH OYSTERS IN BULK. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.” If:Ijhr; ZION Mr. Garfield iBrock, lost one ’bf his horses last week. A number attended the Oyster Supper at Woodham on November oth, The road between Whalen and Winclielsea has grading. Mr. and Mrs. family and Mr. Batten spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Wilbur Batten, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Earl and brother and sisters, his .father ana mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ephri'am Hern and brothers and sisters; grand father and uncle and aunts, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brock and Mrs. Herman Kyle to a fowl' supper on Wednes day night. On Wednesday evening a union service will be held in Elimville church by Rev. L. C. White. Rev. L. G. White received a let ter of appreciation for the fruit and Vegetables . sent from the Elimville curcuit to the needy in the West. The W.M.S. held their November meeting at the home of Mrs. George Earl Thursday afternoon, November 5th with the President Mrs. Melville Hern in charge.' We had a good at tendance. The meeting opened with the Doxology and Watchward after singing hymn 402 a number of members offered short prayers fol-j lowed with, the Lord’s Prayer in unison, meeting the .roll __ .___ . .. .. ... verse of Scripture on ThanksgivinL Mrs. W. J. Brock sang a solo which was enjoyed by all; the Scripture Lesson Revelation 22nd Chapte,r was, read by Mrs. Charles Jaques. We' meet next month at the of Mrs. Milton Brock. Mrs. Geo. Earl being the Band Secretary invited the Band members to this meeting. At this time they gave a short pro gram as follows: Recitations by Betty White, Earlraa Jaques, Irene Brock, Anna Brock an^ Irene Pool ey. Marjorie Earl sang a sole en titled “Jesus Bids Us Shine”; the President read a short story for the children entitled “Crippled Tom”. A collection was taken for the Baby Band. Through a rriends’s gift Gladys, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. R. W. Batten was made a Life Member of the Baby Band and the certificate was presented at this time. After singing a hymn the meeting was dismissed by (Rev.) Mrs. White. After the meeting Mrs. Eai'l served a dainty lunch Fhich was enjoyed by all. John with been improved, by R. E. Pooley and Mrs. R. and W. and lastThe minutes of the were read and approved; call was answered with a o’ ”C3 home Baby Baby KHIVA .Inspector BeacOm, of Goderich, visited the school here on Monday. M'iss Catherine Walker left last week for Detroit where she will re main for some time. Mr. James M-cLaughlan visited a few 'days last week in East Williams. Mt. and Mrs. Otto W'iltert' spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Rader, of the Goshen Line.- Mrs. J. Hanover visited, a few days last week with friends in Goderich. HARTLEY Mr. and M'rs. Ross Love visited over the week-end with Miss Edith Taylor, of Grand Bend, Mr. Garfield Finkibeinet, of Lon don, spent Sunday jyltli Mr, Joseph Carruthers. Mrs. Jack SOott and Miss M. Noble called on Mi’S. Ross Love on Satur day. Mr. and-Mrs. Colin Love and Mr. E. Gill went to London on Sunday to see Mi‘< Ed. Gill Jr., who is in the hospital. Miss O. Corbett, of & »S. No. 10, is taking a week’s'vacation. Mrs. Luther is teaching in her* place. dnd and of THAMES ROAD Mrs. H. Walkes. of London, is visit ing with Mrs. F. Gollings. M'rs. N. Baker and Mrs. Chambers visited last week Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chambers. Miss Margaret Taman spent the week-end with Miss Mary Kerslake. Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs, J. W. Stewart were Mr. Mrs. Haberer and Miss Leona, Zurich. All roads lead to Thames Road church on Monday, November 16th for ,the Oyster Supper. Thedford Dramatic Club will put on the play “The Village Lawyer”, The Progress Club met on Thurs day night with Miss Blackball Miss Baxter in charge, The Live Oak Mission Ci/^lAheld a Pie Social on Tuesday evening, A good program was also rendered- by the young people. v if The weekly prayer m^to/ccm- menced this week on Wednesday ev ening this being a special service in keeping with Remembrance Day. Mr. John Kellett, who has been very ill with pneumonia is holding his own. Mr. Orville Martin and lady friend Miss Gray, of Englehart, N. D., were visitors at Mr. John Brock’s on Mon day. MT. CARMEL and ELIMVILLE Mr. Scott Whaley, of St. Marys, visited at Mr. Chas. Johns’ last week. Mrs. Whiteford, of Exeter, is vis iting her daughter Mrs. Wes. Horne. Miss Bessie Bell, of Ontario pital, London, spent Sunday relatives in the village, Mr. and Mrs. Shipley 'from Hcs- with near Lucan were Sunday visitors at. Mr. Samuel Brock’s. We regre’t that Mr. Brock is still confined to his bed. Some from here were at Kirkton Anniversary Services last Sunday. The C. W. League will hold a social in the hall on Friday, Novem ber 13 th. Mr. C. O’Brien, who has been ill for the past week, we are pleased to say, is improving. Miss Katherine Walker is visiting her sister Mrs Miller and other rela tives at Detroit this week'. Miss Hilda Dederick, nurse-in- training at St. Joseph’s Hospital; London, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. Gordon Nett, w’ho has been the guest of his uncle Jeremiah Campbell for the past three weeks, left on Friday for his home in De troit. ?? d Heroes of the great war, with us, let me say : We salute you one and all on* this memorial day, : Words seem poor pay for all that you have done, ■ Fought and bled and th© battle won, ; Scarred and maimed, God Mess' such mother’s sons > Deal” heroes, grateful hearts to-day go forth : To tell the world that we know your worth; : May your troubles be light and like bubbles float away : While a great reward awaits you, in the bright land far away. • The seasons come and pass away, • The soft breezes blow on poppies gay, Nodding their flaming heads, saluting Our dead, Over and around those narrow beds Where our dear heroes lay In Flanders Fields, that’s where our hearts are to-day. In Flanders Fields, far, far away The same old moon sheds its silvery light Casting its mystic beams around, On each white cross, and narrow mound 'Silently it keeps guard with its silvery light On all that remains'of our dear heroes to-night, Sleep on in peace, no more shall cannons' distuibe your rest Until the roll is called up yonder, to God we’ll leave the rest. (By Beatrice Lawson, Crediton, Ont,) Peerless Poultry Prescription ' , • - in Liquid Form , Kills Germs—Makes Hens Pay Made in Canada Thousands of hens are lost annually through contraction of disease. One sick bird; drinking at the fountain can poi son the entire flock before you discover the ailment Peerless Poultry Prescription Used in the drinking water daily kills the germs and prevents the further spreading of disease. Peerless Poultry Prescription is a remedy for the entire poultry family and will save you many dollars. Every bottle guaranteed. GET IT NOW—16 oz. BOTTLE $1.00 SOLD BY HARVEY BROS.