The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-11-05, Page 5a
DR. J. Af. McTAGGART, L. D, S,
(Telephone 106 Main Street
Harriet Sperry, nationally
sprano, is to appear in oonr
the Crediton Town Hall on
Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Jenks visited
friends in Atwood recently.
Miss Murtha Lamport, of London
visited friends in town on Saturday,
Mrs. C. Schaefer, of Palmerston
is visiting with her grandmother,
Mrt. George Scott.
Mrs. Gladwin Lavender visited,
for a few days last week' with rela
tives in HlHsgreen,
Mr. Albert. Spencer moved on
Monday to tlje new home he recent”
’ ly built on King St,
Mr. Earnest Bates, of Stratford,
Visited in town on Monday and also
attended the funeral of tlie late Al
bert Bell.
Miss Mary Buchanan, R.N., of .St.
Thomas, spent a few days last week
with her parents, Mr, and, Mrs, A-
Mr and Mrs. Richard Blatchiford
have returned home after a very
pleasant months visit with, friends
in Windsor.
Mrs, Lou Simpson and daughter
Miss Mae returned to their home
in Detroit, after u pleasant visit
with relatives- here, ,
Mrs. J, W. B'onthron has return
ed home aftei* a pleasant visit ‘with
friends in Hanover.
,Miss Alice Walker entertained
the Arnold Circle at her home on
Wednesday evening and-a very en
joyable. evening was, spent.
Rev, Mr. Goodwin, of Blytli, bad
■charge of the- services in the Carmel
Presbyterian church on Sunday last
Very inspiring sermons were given.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin and
daughter accompanied b.v Mrs.
M^ulkinsop visisted ’recently with
Rev, Mr. and Mrs-. Naylor, of Lis-
At the Y’oung People’s League on
Monday evening, Nov. 9, the men
of the church will have charge of
the program. A very enjoyable
program is being prepared.
Mrs. Arthur Sinclair and Mrs.
Maud Hedden rendered -a very beau
tiful duet “Some Sweet Day” at
the funeral service of the late Al
bert .Bell on Monday by request.
M’essrs. I-I. O. Dayman, E. Willard
and (0. Twitchell left Tuesday, .for
Bass Lake, Northern Ontario,’
a deei* hunting expedition,
•deer season opens Thursday.
Mrs. B. Reid, of Port Rowan,
ited' last week at the home of
parents. ’. ___ __ ___
She was accompanied home by
mother; who is not enjoying
best of health.
Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Callahan
daughter, Margaret, of Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Sheffer.
- — — ------, and
Miss Marjorie Cope, of Detroit, and
Miss Hannah Calvin, of Lobo, visit
ed with Mr. and Mrs Fred. Corbett
of Play and, Mr. and Mrs. Ro.y Mc
Laren? of I-Iensall on Monday.
Next Sunday will be Young
People’s Day in the United Church
when Rev. Duncan McTavish, of Ex
eter, will preach in the morning
and Rev. Mr. Sewart, of Staffa in
the evening. A special feature of
the evening service will be a male
Hallowe’en was celebrated in the
village Saturday night. Groups of
‘young- people dressed, in comic cos
tumes paraded the streets and vis
ited the stores and homes and in
most homes preparations- were made
tn receive them with plenty oi can
dy, cake oml fruit. No damage be
ing done.
A number fiom . here attended
the funeol of the late Albers B'.il
which took place from his home on
the 3rd Concession of Stephen. Mr,
Bell formerly lived on the Dr.’
Moir farm, just south of Hensail
and was well known here. Mrs.
Thos. Welsh and Miss Alice Bell
were sisters of the deceased and
Mr. Wm. Bell, of the London Road
a brother.. Mr. Bell was found dead
early Friday morning. '
■Coming to the Exeter Opera
House on Saturday, November 7th,
43ox?s BIG FUN SHOW, featuring
Col. Geo. A. Clark and Madame La
Clare, famous western rodeo stars,
also The Kansas Farmer, versatile
-comedian; 10 big vaudeville acts;
Music, Mystery, Laughs and Thills.
.All ^eats 25c.; Dance after 25c.
Ladies free. Show starts at 8.30
iSharp. Don’t miss it.
by Rev. Mr. Guest, of Arkona. the
■fowl supper on Tuesday night made
.pent the week-end in
two most excellent sermons
the annivcrs;
a huge success.
Abner Mollard and
theMousscau entertained
Owl Clqb on Thursday night.
The funeral of Mrs. James Hodgins
was a very large one owing to the
esteem in which she was held in the
Mr. Wesley Isaac is improving his
bouse with, ajicw kitchen and a coat
.of shingles.
Miss Emma Mollard is on the sick
list but is somewhat improved.
Mrs. , Harmon Gill is home aftei
■visit in Windsor amt Detroit.
Rev. Mr. Stone, a returned mis
ary will have the morning' st*
■next Sunday and Mrs* Stone
jlfcach in the evening. Come in good
Humbert to hear those worthy people*
Miss Violet Tiedeman, of Fergus,
visited her uncle and aunt, Mr.
Mrs, Bert Holt.
Mr. Ed. Wilds, of Peace River.
Red Mr. Mark Wild last week.
cert at
Satrw’day evening, November 14th,
at eight-thirty o’clock. It has been
due to the efforts, of prominent
members of the community and the
churches that Mxss iSperry’s services
have been secured. Miss- Sperry lias
made an enviable record for herself
on the American concert stage, and her appearance ■ ~ -••
looked forward
Mrs. Richard
on Sunday ater
London, at the home "of Mr
Mrs. Walter Dearing.
Mrs. 'S. Brokenshire spent Sunday
with Mr. and IMrs. Will Mawhinney.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W- Morlock spent
the week-end in Detroit with Mr,
and Mrs. Russell Clarke,
Miss Ella Link, of Hamilton, vis
ited with Mr. and Mrs H, K. Eilber
last week.
We are sorry to report that Mr.
John Morlock is on the sick1 list.
|M.iss Clara Thompson spent
week-end with her parents Mr.
Mrs.. J, R, Thompson,
IMr. and Mrs, Carl Scriven
at Crediton can the
to with keen antici-
Hiik returned home
spending a week in
a n cl
son Ross have returned to Toronto
after spending the past three week's
with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schroeder,
iMir. Herbert Wein and Mrs, John
Klump and Mr. and Mrs. H'arry
Fahner have been visiting for the
past week with relatives in Toronto
and Mimico.
There was a very good' attendance
at the Lecture on “The Romance of
Canadian History” by Prof. Fred
Landon, M.A., in the' Evangelical
Qhurch last Friday evening. Mr.”
Landon dealt with the history of
Canada under the French Regime
and' pointed out very clearly the
difference between French settle
ment in Canada and English settle
ment in the New England States.
The lecture was much enjoyed by
duet by Misses Ila and Nola Sweit
zer; solo by Miss Helen Hayter and
a piano a»d organ -duett by Misses
Ruby Finkbeiner and Addileen
Don’t forget the lecture in James
Street' United Church, next Friday
evening. Prof. Dearie will give <a
demonstrated lecture on “Movies,
Talkies and Tellies.” This is the
last lecture of the series and it will
be a social evening.
There was ran instrumental
Philco Radio—Hear the new 5
tube latest type screen grid set.
Marvelous reception, only $55.00—
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
- At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week ana
at office over the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days of week.
Mr. John
spent a- few
relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Hartman, of the
Goshen Line have returned from a
visit to Detroit.
Mrs. Hardy, of Exeter, visited
with her sister -Mrs. W. Wolfe a few
days last week.
We regret to report that Karen
Pedersen ' is on the /sick-list,
hope for a speedy recovery.
Mr. M. Mclsaac and ’son
of Detroit, were week-end
with the former’s parents,
Mrs. P. Mclsaac.
Mr. and Mrs. Bear, of
Mich., visited with relatives here
last week.
A number of young people from
here are attending the Teachers’
Training Classes held at the Evan
gelical church in Crediton this week.
Miss E.
London at
Miss E.
in Zurich.
Mr. Harry Guenther and sister
Rose, of Windsor, Were week-end
visitors with their parents Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Guenther.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolfe and fam
ily spent Sunday in Exeter.
Mr. Ira Tieman, of Hamilton, is
visiting with his parents.
Mr. Clarence Rutledge,
don, spent the week-end at
home of Mr. and Mrs. P Fassold.
On Tuesday evening,' October 27,
the Walther League of the Lutheran
Church held a Hallowe’en masquer
ade party. About thirty members
were present and all enjoyed them
selves to the utmost by playing
games, and singing. The’prizes for
the best costumes were won by Miss
Gladys Meyers and Albert Miller. A
dainty lunch whs served at the close
of the meeting. •
A Hallowe'en supper and1 program
was field on Friday evening in the
Evangelical Church under the, aus
pices of the Ladies' Aid. There was
a splendid attendance,. The base
ment was prettily decorated with-
pumpkin faces and. hallo we’en dec
orations. The program, which was
Well rendered consisted of the fol
lowing: orchestral selections by the
Sunday School orchestra with Miss
Gertrude Hoffman as accompanist,
addresses by Rev.
Rev. W. Y. Dreier,
tioh by the choir,
Keeler* vocal solo
man, piano duet by Miss C.
beiner and Mrs. T. Klumpp,
dia.n selections 'by Rev. Sauer.
Ings by Misses 'Ella Martinson and
Verna Birk, cornet 'and saxaphoiie
duet by Harry Hoffman and Howard
Klumpp, cornet solo by Maurice
Klumpp and a selection by the La
dies’ quartette, Mrs. R. H. Taylor
was general convenor of the affair.
days last
of London,
week with
Mr. and
Grayibeil is visiting in
Marlinson spent Sunday
of Loa
A. W. Sauer and
, of Zurich,
piano sdlo
by Miss A.
by G
and Mrs* Joe Ravelie returned
after a two week’s visit wi':h I size,
daughters ill Detroit.
FOR SALE—Chicken crates, any
available any time.—Exeter
Lumber Conipany,
Mrs. Busan Llgbtawleu of Sea^
forth, visited last week with her
cousins Messrs. Rich and Chas.
The HuroncTale W. institute held
their meeting at the home of Mrs,
Ben Williams last Wednesday, Sev
eral of the neighbor ladies enjoyed
a pleasant afternoon at the meeting
Mr. Henry Johns had the misfor
tune to fall in the stable while’
suffering from a weak spelli las?
Saturday, He struck nis head on
a box, making a deep cut about an
inch in length. . Dr. Fletcher was
called immediately and 4ook Mr. Johns to Exeter where he dressed'
the wound) He is recovering as
quickly as can be expected for a
man of his age.
Mrs. Jackson and son, Mr. Harry
Jackson, of Windsor
garet Jackson R. ]
were visitors this
and Mrs: White. •
Messrs. Gilbert,
netli Johns. - and
were in Clinton attending the Jun
ior Farmer’s, Judging Contest on
Thursday of last week. Delmar was
successful in winning third place
for which he will receive a
trip to the Royal Winter Fair-,
Mr. Kenneth Johns is laid
with carbuncle’s on Jus neck.
Mr, John Kellett is qui,te ill with
liim a speedy
1 to'illllllliaiiiiiiBiiaiiiiEiiiaii
•, and Miss Mar-
N,, of London,
week1 with. Mr.
Alien and Ken-
Delmar Skinner
His friends hope for
Miss Ruth Skinner, oi Exeter,
spent Sunday at her home here,
Quite a number from this church
are taking in the meetings of the
O. R. E. C. held at Crediton this
Mr and Mrs. Mervyn Wilson spent
Saturday at the home of bis. parents
Mr. and Mrs. S. Wilson.
Last Sunday’s weather was al
most ideal for an anniversary oc
casion and very large crowds- were
present at Elimville church it being
filled to the door at each service.
Rev. Robb, of Centralia, was the
special preacher for the day and de
livered two rousing and inspiration
al addresses which were well receiv
ed by his audience. The choir ren
dered two anthems and the male
quartette one number at each ser
vice. The- church was•beautifully
decorated with vegetable's, fruit and
flowers, also flags, a reminder of
Rememlbrance Day. The freewill
offering amounted to $230.00.
A very large number of outsiders
were present on Sunday quite a few
visiting with friends and relatives.
It would be impossible to name
them all but among them were no
ticed, Mr. and Mrs.'Len Harris, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner, Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Duncan and children, of
Farquhar, Mr. and Mrs. P. Whit
lock, Thames Road; Misses Joy and
Evelyn Whitlock, of St, Thomas;
Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Pym, Miss
Lila Pym, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest- Pym
and children, Mr. and Mrs. George
Earl and1 family, Mr. Jafe. Earl -and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson
and children; Mr. and- Mrs. Mervin
Johnson and child; Mr. and Mrs.
Well. Brock and daughters; Mr, and
Mrs.'Milton Brock1 and son; Mr. and
Mrs: Thos. Morley; Mr. and Mrs.
Ewart Pym and daughter; iMr. and
Mrs. Jbhn Sleamon; Mrs. Matt Rout-
ly and Miss Ella Routley; Mr. and
Mrs. Ern Foster; Mr. and. Mrs-. Em
erson Gunning; Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Jacques, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Haw
kins and children; Mr. and Mrs.
John Simmons; Mr. and Mrs. Will
Pybus; and Miss Marjorie Hunter;
Miss Greta Hunter, Miss Ina Jac
ques and Miss M. Johns, of London
Hallowe’en passed oft fairly quiet
a few pranks of the usual order
were carried -out, but nothing very
Startling was done.
B ra d s li a w—H er<l man
•Another important event, although
of a quiet nature, took place at the
Elimville .parsonage Wednesday of
last week at noon when Miss Flor
ence eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John* Herdman, was united in mar
riage to Win. Bradshaw, Elimville,
son of Mr and Mrs. D. Bradshaw of
Englandi, by Rev. L. C. White in the
presence of immediate relatives.
The bride’s dress was eggshell crepe
back satin trimmed with lace and
she carried a bouquet of pink and
white- carnations. She- wor& blonde
shoes and hose to match. Miss V.
Westlake, cousin of the bride was
bridesmaid and wore new blue silk
crepe trimmedi with lace while Mr.
Squire Herdman, brother of the
bride supported the groom. After
the ceremony they returned to the
home of the bride's parents where
a sumptuous wedding .dinner was
served to the immediate family al
so Mr.< Henry Squire, grandfather of
the .bride. The bride’s travelling
dress -was brown silk and wool en
semble with brown velvet hat,
brown cout mi cl
to match. The
spent in London,
ford, Alvinston and other places
Since their return they have
up their residence north of
ville. !The best wishes of.
friends is extended to them.
other accessories
honeymoon was
Stratliroy, Wat-
iiiiiiiii in in m in nun
™ RED & WHITE store
PALM OLIVE BEADS (the Lind that cleans)
3 tins or 27c.
per pkg. Sc.
Table Figs
per package 10c.
New Prunes medium size
3 Jbs. for 25c.
L'l-l-1 ■■MI.'y'WWBi"?'■ .1.11 ' i,!..!'
New Cooking Figs
3 lbs. for 25c.
CHOCOLATE MALLOWS (fresh) ......... .....................per lb, 15c,
Clark’s Pork and Beans
No. 2 tin 2 for 15c,
Gold Medal Peanut Butter
per lb. 16c.
Red & White Coffee
1-2 lb, tin 24c,
OLD WHITE CHEESE (real tasty) .......................... .., per lb, 25c.
10 bars for 35c.
Aylmer Pumpkin
Large tin 2 for 19c.
Manyflowers Soap
5 cakes for 25c.
Special Brooms 1
5-string ? each 29c.
Brooms will advance |
Golden Fluffs choice Candy
per lb. 15c.
French Style Prepared
Fancy glass jar 10c.
EXTRA SPECIAL—RED PLUM JAM 40 oz. jar 2 for 35c.
Phone 102
“Quality Goods at Lowest Prices”
We Deliver
and Mrs. E. J. Pym and fam-
s Road, spent Sunday
Mrs. Joe Bailey.
. and Jesse Horn and
of Woodham, visited
Mrs. Jas. Horn on
ily, of Thame
with Mr. and
Messrs Wm
Miss S,
with' Mr
Mr. E
called on Mr.
on Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Lucan, visited with Mr,
E. Creory on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs, John
. and
of Lumley, Geo. Davis
Coursey, of
and Mrs. J.
of St. Marys, visited with Mr and
Mrs. Jas. Horn one day Ias$t week.
Mrs. R, Alexander and Miss I.
Creevy visited with Mrs. Geo, Davis
one day last wook.
'The Girls’ Mission Band of Cro
marty Church intend to present a
three act play, entitled “Sophronia’s
wedding” on Wednesday evening,
November 11th, in Mr. Oswald
Walker’s new hall in (Cromarty.
Come and see the girls in their old-
fashioned costumes. It is a
scream from beginning to end.
Mr. W. Folland and Mr. Norman
Bailey, of Royal Oak, Michigan, vis
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bow
den on Thursday of last, week. Mr.
and Mrs. Bowden returned with
them ‘on a couple, of weeks’ visit.
Mrs. Grant Ford, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Vanstone in Lon
don on Saturday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Abbott
and little daughter returned to their
home in Detroit on Saturday of last
week. i
JVTr. Jim Essery, of Newmarket,
Oiit'hrio, spent the past week1 renew
ing old acquaintances in this vicin
ity and visiting
Lantern slides
Temperance will
Sunday School next Sunday morning
Everyone invited. The visit to the
Huron County Home has been post
poned. to Friday, November l'3th.
Mrs. (Dr.) Heighway, of London,
and ;Mr. H. Gilson, of British Col
umbia visited, with Mr. and Mrs. J.
Essery on Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. E. Abbott is confined to her
home owing to illness.
Mrs. C O’Brien recently attended
the funeral of her nephew in De
troit, Mich,
Mr. .Wm. Skelton underwent an
operation in Victoria Hospital, Lon
don, on Saturday of last week. His
many friends will^be glad to know
that he was aible to- return home on
Monday evening.
I take this opportunity of thank
ing Mrs. Hector Mitchell for the re
turn of my wrist watch which I lost
at the Centralia fowl supper,
cerely., Mrs. Fred Bowden.
(Intended for last week.)
Mr. Tierney, of Montreal, Mr. and
Mrs. Spencer, of St. Thomas
ed- the funeral of the late
Abbott on Tuesday.
family and Mr. Dawson Woodburn,
of Toronto, spent the week-end with
Miss Corbett, Miss Lois Brown and
Mr. Russell Pollock, motored to Ford-
wich on Sunday.
Miss Murriel Fallis of Sarnia, vis
ited her sister, Mrs- Lloyd Brophy.
Mrs. Roy Sheppard, of London, is
spending a week with Mr. and Mrs.
Our community was shocked on Sat
urday morning to hear of the death of Mrs- James E. Hodgins, after only5
two hours illness. She has spent all
her life in this vicinity, being- the
daughter of the iate;Mr. and Mrs- H.
Love, and won the love and respect
of a host of friends. She leaves to
mourn her loss besides her sorrowing
husband, two daughters Sarah and
Jean and three sons Hugh, Kenneth
and Charlie. The funeral was at
Grand Bend on Monday and was
largely attended-
his father
along the line- of
be given
Rev. A. JR. Stone of Japan,
in the
All new subscribers to the Times-
Advocate during the “Good Will’’
campaign will receive the paper for
the balance of this year free.
'A very pleasant day was spent at
the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Swallow,
Woodham, Sunday, OctOber 25th, it
being the occasion of their fiftieth
wedding anniversary. Dinner was
served to some thirty guests, their
five daughters 'and husjbanlds, to
gether with seventeen grand-chil
dren and one great grand-child be
ing present. Shortly
hour a purse of gold
ily was presented to
groom by the little
daughter, Eva Ruth Orchard. Many
other gifts and .showers of congrat
ulations -were received from far and
near, which were greatly'appreciat
Mr. Swallow was born in Picker
ing, (Ontario in 185 6 and Mrs. Swal
low formerly Madeline Fox, was
born near St. Marys in 1863. They
were married in Woodham in 1881' ‘
by Rev. Mr. Quance of Elimville,
both, having Jived in this vicinity
all their lives. We wish IMr. and
Mrs. Swallow many more happy
years together.
atfer dinner
from the fam-
the bride and
■great ,grand
. „ „ . will be
the preacher in the United church on
Sunday next afternoon and evening.
Mrs- Stone will speak at Grand Bencl
in the interest of the W. M. S.
Six members of the United church
school here arc taking a course at the
Standard Training School held i.n
Crediton this week.
Hallowe’en passed off quietly with
a good bon fire of the straw in Mr*
England’s field.
Several from here arc helping at
the celery gardens-
Times are looking up for Mr. Geo.
Luther, as a cow belonging to him
gave birth to twin calves last week.
A large number from here attended
the Township S. S. Convention at
Brinsley last Thursday- Wc are pleas
ed to report that both the Grand
Bend and Greenway- Sunday Schools
received the 100 per cent* credit for
organization and equipment.
Mr. and Mrs. W* J. Brown attended
the graduation exercises at the West
ern University, London, last Friday*
when Byron Brown received his de
gree of Bachelor of Arts. We con
gratulate Byron on his success for it
represents a great deal of faithful
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Carruthers
moved to Crediton last week. Mr. J.
Appleton moved onto his farm here.
Mr. and Mrs. F.l’cn Curts attended
the funeral of Mrs. Curts mother,
Mrsu Pressey, of Arkona. ,
Miss S. Young spent -a few days the
guest of Mrs. John Eaglesoil, Grand
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McPherson and.
Quite a number from here attend
ed the (Mt. Pleasant Plowing Match
on Tuesday.
Miss Eliza Shier is visiting
friends in Stratford.
Mr. Thos. Ross, of Wallaceburg,
is visiting friends here.
Rev Mr. Brock, of Milverton, will
be the preacher at the Anniversary
Services in the United 'Church on
Mr. and Mrs. McLennan, Mrs.
Hawthorne and son and Mr, Albert
Smith, of Milbank, were visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Shier
and other friends this wOe-k.
Hallowe'en passed oft quietly.
The small boys had a bit of fun but
no damage
Camm left
nual deer hunting trip in the north.
While helping Mr. David Gould-
ing to remove .a large stove on Mon
day Wm. Pym had the misfortune
to get his hand caught between the
arowbar and the stove crushing his
hand severely. He was. taken, to
Stratford Hospital where he had to
have part of the second fnger am
putated. Mr Pym returned home
from the hospital on Sunday and his
many friends hope to see him
around again soon.
Mrs. Harry Lewis has returned’
S. Cater and Mrs. M. J.
of London, spent Sunday
and Mrs. Wilson Anderson.
was done.
Ira Marshall, Hiram
Hugh Berry and Cecil
on Tuesday for their an-
Having installed new equipment
We- are now prepared to charge and
repair batteries.—Huron Garage.
i ted
nson, oi
Mr. and Mrs. Hector
son Grant, of Rxctcr, vis
and Mrs. Harold Ilcrn
Mr. and Mrs. John Part
London, visited with the
Ssister, Mrs. John Hicks on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Hern and
daughters and Mrs- H. Kyle motored
to London Sunday and attended the
anniversary services at St. Andrews
United church. They visited with
Mr. and Mrs. John Parkinson. Mr.
H. Hern accompanied them and vis
ited with Mrs. C. Baker.
A number attended the anniversary
services at EUmvilk on Sunday.
The services in Zion United church
will be held next Sunday at & p.aib
Sunday School will follow the preach
ing services.
A donation of fruit and vegetables
was recently sent to Mr. Whitesides,
of Toronto, the evangelist who con
ducted, the services on the ElimvllR
circuit last fall.
Mr. Ross Hern and lady friend
spent Sunday wUh his uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hc.dtor Taylor* of
her. home after a week’s visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Edwards in Inger
Mr. F.
with Mr.
Mrs. Eli Lawson has returned to
her home after a few Jays’ visit
with her sister and brotlier-ln-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry pan-sons, Exe
Mr. and Mrs. Roland. Motz and
two children, of Exeter and Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Motz spent Sunday’with
Mr. and iMrs. Jake MessnerMr. and iMrs.
a few
passed off very
people’s steps
Father Cyril Doyle, of Lon
don, called on friends here last
Mrs. Thomas Rowland attended
the funeral of her brother the late
James Doyle at London last week.
Misses Winnie Madden, Rae Moir,
Helen Dowell, of London, accompan
ied by J, Moir, of Detroit and Mr.
F. Kelly, of Hamilton, spent Sunday
with the former’s parents.
Mr.. Gordon Nett, of Detroit, is
spending a few week’s at the home
of his' uncle Mr. Jermiah Campbell.
Misses Marie and Marjory Regan,
Alice- and Gertie Dederick, .of Lon
don, spent Sunday at their home
Mr. James Hall, o’ Detroit, spent
the week-end at the home of his
mother Mrs. Ed. Hall.
Miss Edith Ball Visited over the
week-end with friends at Grand
Miss Martha Lamport, of London,
spent the woek-en^ with her par
ents here.
The (regular meeting of the La
dies’ Aid will be held on November
11th at the home of
Fin kb ein er.
Several of the young people at
tended tiro lecture in the Evangel*
teal church on Friday evening last,
Quito a. number from hero attend
ed the Sunday school Convention
held in Brinsley on Thursday, last.
the friends of Mrs. L. Schroeder
are glad to know that she is able to
sit up each day lor a short while.
Mrs. Lome
Sacrament of
will- be held on
the 8th at
Everybody welcome.
the Lord’s
Sunday No*
the United