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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-10-29, Page 4
TW EXETERTIMES-ADVOCATB -^RUAR—In Hay Township, on1 Oc~ . toiber ftQth to Mr. ’and Mrs. ^o- s-eph. Druar, a son. \ = .^MCDONALD—In Exeter, on Th^rs* **■ day* October 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDonald, a daft gib ■ ter. , , DANCE DEATHS pow^-in feter, op Monday, Go iober 26th, 19&1 (Alexander Dow, in his 83 rd year, * ABBOTT’—In Centralia, op Satur* • day, October 24, 1931, Ernest Ab bott in his 61st year, , . X>OYLE"*-In London, on Tuesday, ’ . October 27tih, James Matthew Doyle, formerly of McGillivray. Thursday, Nov* 5 Music by GERALP STWUW AW HIS SIN-PIECE ORCHESTRA OF SEAFORTH Dancing fit>m 9 p.m. till 1 imp. Admission Ladies ftdc, Gents 30c. Tax Included IN MEMjORIAlM DAVIS—In loving memory of Mrs. Montgomery Davis, who passed ■ away one year ago, October 30 tlx, 1930. •- 5 "No one knows the heartaches sister No one knows the bitter pain; ’That we suffered since we lost her. Life has never been the same’. When all is still and silent, And sleep forsakes our eyes, , 4 Our thoughts are in a silent grave, Whex'e our dear sistex” lies. Father, Sisters and Brothers IN MEMORIAM OfAPPLETON-—In loving memory my dear wife, Mrs. John Apple; z ton, who passed away, October ■ 25th, 1930, J miss you just as much today ,'A.s the day God called you away* 3?n my memory for evexv you will good and true wife, you were to' me, ;WeTl meet again I know some day, In that bright and happy land, far away. ’ ( Tier loving Husband, John Appleton be ; IN MEMORIAM .. TRAQUAIR—In loving memory Mr. Robert Traquair, who died, October 27, 1930. ? We think of you, dear father,’ . , And our hearts are sad with pain; Oh! this world would be a heaven, ■ ... Could we hear your voice again. ’’Friends may think we have forgot ten, ' ’ , When at times they see us smile; JBut they little know the sorrow, •, . (That smile hides all the while.’ ''.Ever remembered by Wife, Daugh- ‘ ters and Son. of AUCTION SALE HOUSE AND PROPERTK AND douwi^old EFFETS' : SATURDAY, OCTOBER H>M"' at ft o’clock the following; The house and property and household Affects of the late Thom as Flynn, Min Street, Exeter, will he offered for sale by public auc* tion on Saturday, October 31st at 2 0,’clock. Terms: houehold . ef* feet® cash, Real Estate; IQ per' cent on day of sale and balance in days,F. T&ylor, Auctioneer,, CLEARING 30 years team1 years fresh A 'large Mr. and was en- recently of one IN MEMORIAM WEBB—In loving memory mother, who passed away ; year ago, November 1st, 1930, ; We little thought when she left ;■ home, /That she would n,o more return; That she so soon would sleep " -death .‘And leave us here to mourn. :We do not know how much she suf- ~ - fared, ; We did not see her die, * We only know she left us here; :We’ll meet her bye and bye. Th os. Webb and. Family, in .TFSBOBNE OLD BOY j . PRESENTS MANSE TO ’ REGINA .CONGREGATION For the purpose .of accepting the sgift of a manse from the donor, A. • 2EL Hodgert, the congregation of •.Westminister United Church, Re tina, gathered together Thursday ^evening, October 3, at 8 p.m. '• ■ ■ Revi A. D. McKenzie^ pastor, was £he chairman of tlie evening and Rafter the singing of a hymn a chap ter of the Bible was read, followed £jy prayer. Mr. T. A. WRson read the report of the details of the gift ■add Mr. Wm. Leigh read -the agree ment on which the gift was given by -donor, which was unanimously Accepted by those present. The. transfer W-^s presented by A. ’ E» Tiodgel't and the title deed by Miss .iiillian Hodgert to Mr. W* J. Allison who accepted the gift on behalf of the trustee board of the ohurch.* The gift of thei'^iia'nse which is iituatod dt -2i42"Rae 'Street, a; memorial;to the late Mrs. Hodgert, nee Lamond, who •Away on December 28, ,192 8 Hodgert had been a very energetic firorker in the Ladies’ Aid of the .church and had endeared liefself to all with whom she pad come in con- <tact. Tho trustees are preparing a ^plaque to be used as a corner stone 4o keep the generosity of And the wonderful helpful Hodgert ever fresh miiiidg of the congregation. •The .mooting then adjourned to dining room of the entirch were .a social hour was spent. ' A. short wusical program was arranged tor <the’ eujoymoht of those present with 4he Westminister Orchestra, Mes* Barnes Harris and Geake, and Mr. 4PAttl Whuff the assisting artists. Lunch was served by the ladies the congregation under the di* action of Mrs. Menzies. Many -jtW opportunity of thanking j^didgert and family for their igonercus gift and wished them -<fiitied" health and long life, ^evening v;as ’dosed jby singing the & AMonul Anthsnx, ■ * is for Annie passed Mrs. this gift spirit of in the tooic Mr, Vetfy con- 'The were ■open, jointer plow in Monteith director in W. C. Hodge, Science PLQV5TNG MATCH attracts great crowd Thursday last was an ideal day for the South Huron Plowing Match which whs held on the farm, of Mr, Ed. WTalkex’ two miles south of Ex eter. Early in the morning men and'teams began to arrive at the farm, some of the plowmexi coming from, considerable distances and were provided with local teams, AU of ths classes were well filled1 and the judge- expressed his apprecia tion of the Splendid work d'one. AU day long interested, spectator® nrany of them women, paid a visit to the farm, ’ people coming and going at all times. The ladies of the James St. W. M. S, served lunch on the grounds to the plowmen and the spectators. . Notable among the winners, were Frank Hamilton, of Cronxarty, who won first for plowing and finish in class 3, the sweepstake® for finish, first for best team and equipment aiid first for best plow team on the grounds. The prize for the best plowed land in South Huron went, to William Dennis, of Walton, who' won two firsts * in class 2; the sweepstakes crown" went to Harold Smith, of Fullarton; special for youngesv plowman went to Gordon Scott, of Cromarty who incidentally used the oldest plow, a veteran of 4-5 years belonging t-o his father, number of valuable prizes’ contribut ed by local merchants were- award?- ed to the contestants-. A great deal of credit for the success of the oc casion goes to the directors in charge. The officers are Percy Passmore, Pres.; Gordoxi McDonald, 1st Vice; Rowland Williams, 2nd Vice; Ha-rold Jeffery, Secretary; Earl Shapton, Treasurer. Results in Each Class The winners in each class as follows: Class one, sod, Charles charge—1st, Hill, also first for curwn and first for finish; 2nd, E. Mitchell, of Den- field; 3rd, William Collins, of Mt. Pleasant; 4th, Elmer Dennis, of Walton; Sth, James Hogarth, Hib bert. Class two, directoi’ in charge, W. D. -Sanders, for South Huron Plow men only, jointer plow in sod, open to those who never won a first ex cept in 'boys’ class—1st, Wm. Dennis also first for crown and first for finish; 2nd, Ward Hern; 3rd, Arth ur Day, of Exeter; 4.th, N. Roach. •Class three, director' in charge, J. Allison, jointer plow in stubble, boys 18 years and under—1st, Frank Hamiton, of Cromarty, also for first for finish; 2nd, Harold Smith, of Fullarton, also first for crown; 3rd, Norman Harbour, of Cromarty; *4tn, Gordon Scott, of Cromarty, also the special for the youngest plowman; 5th, Clayton Watson, of Kirkton. . Class four, L. L. Fletcher, director in charge, riding plow in sod, open to all, 1st, Earl Shapton, of Exeter, also first for finish; 2nd, Jos. Har ris, of Munroe, also first for crown; 3rd, Leonard Switzer, of St.. Marys, i • Class five, T. Alien,^director in •charge, tractor in sod, 12-inch fur row, 1st, so first wart,' of ish. ■Class. Allen, tractors in sod, 10-inCh fur- i’<rws> 1st, Gordon McG&vin, of Wal ton, also first for crown; 2nd, Paul Armstrong, St. Ma/rys, also fox’ fin ish; 4th, CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. W* Harmon, of Hensalt visited ’with friends In the village on Sunday* Mr* and Mrs. A> Copeland, Wixqf- ham; Mr. and M pinsmore 4.1$ family, of London; Were Sunday visitors with ML and. Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Mrs. Thomas Willis has spent the past week at the home of her sister Mrs. w* Bird, of London, helping to take care of Mr- Robert MeFali®, who is ill with pneumonia, ■ Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, and Jean spent the week-end Visit* ing with Mr. and Mrs. P. Sinclair in Windsor. Mrs, George Hicks, visited with I her mother Mrs, Marshall in Blyth for a few days last vreek. ‘Misses Wilson spent .the past week in W’iarton visiting with .their friends. They accompanied Mrs, Fred Kerr, the latter joying a hunting trip, ; Mrs. John Essery visited with Mr* and Mrs. C. Murdy ip. Lu can, ; Mrs. Fred Fairhall, of California, attended the funeral of the late Mr. R Abbott and will remain for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Byron Hicks were in Aylmei' on Tuesday attending tha funeral of the late Mrs, (Rev.) Andrew, Of Three Hills; Alta,, wife of a former pastor.on the Centralia charge. Fowl Sapper Draws Large Crowd Oil week their shed, and $300.00', The concert was put on by Francis Abbott, of Exeter, Read er ; Mr. (J. Sullivan, of London, so loist, Mr, Duncan, of London, Vio linist. 'The play entitled “The Old Maid” was very much enjoyed. Ernest Abbott Passes Centralia lost one of its best known citizens in the person ,of Ern est Abbott, who died at his home there on Saturday, October 24th, 1931. Mr. Abbott was born in the Town ship of McGillivray, on April 23rd, 1871 and resided in or around Lu can until. 1919 when he took’ up permanent residence in Centralia. He was twice married,3 his first wife being Anni© Isaac, who died- nine teen years ago. In 1914 he wdd united in marriage to Clara Fair hall, daughter of Charles and the late Catherine Fairhall, of Centra lia. The deceased had always enjpyed good health until about two’ nfontlx® ago, when lie suffered a. paralytic stroke, from which he nevei’ fully recovered;. The death of Mr. Abbott was a great shock to the entire Community-! and surrounding country because of [ the esteem in which lie was held by all who knew him. He was a man of sterling character and was wide ly known for his high principles and greatly beloved for. his kindly' disposition. Mr. Abbott is survived by liis widow, Clara Abbott, of Centralia, La Verne Abbott, a sonTby his first, marriage,- who resides in Detroit*. Mich.’ and three brothers, Ben, of London; Alonzo, of Lucan and Wil liam, of Exeter. The funeral which was largely at tended was held from the family home in Centralia at two o’clock on Tuesday, October 27th and relig ious services were conducted: by the Reverend Robb, of Centralia Unit ed Church, both at tiie house and at St,'John’s cemetery, Cljandeboye, where interment was made. Six nephews of the deceased, Homer, Frank and Ernest Lewis and Clif ford, acted . Wednesday evening -of last the Women’s Association held annual supper in the -church A large cx’owd was pi’esept proceeds amounted to about Murray and Francis Abbott, as pall-bearers. , R. Williams, of Exeter, al- for crown; 2nd, Ivan Ste- Farquhar, also first for fin- six, director in charge, T. 3rd, Lloyd Barling, of Sit. /Marys Kenneth Johns, of Elfcnville. KIRKTON and Mrs, Harry Burgen haveMr arrived! home from their honey moon and will reside in the village. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Paul spent a few days this week in ’Toronto. Mrs, Wm< Bibby is leaving short ly for England to spend the winter. Mrs. Elgin Robinson is in _j. We understand she is St. not her Marys, feeding well but hope to see home again soon. .Visitors at the home of Mr. Mrs. Walter Hazlewood this week were Mr. and and son James, J6bh Avery, of We are glad Agnes Greason, seplfs Hospital, ______, from pneumonia is improving, Miss Annie .Muir* of Mary® is visiting her sister Mrs. Milton Greg ory. and Mrs. Charlie ClaTl< of London and Toronto, to snow that who is in M London, suffering Mrs. Miss JO- GREENWAY Geo. Bullock was in London last week serving as a member of the jury on the fall assizes. Rev. G. J. and Mrs. Kerr, of Lam beth and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kerr of London, visited at A< M. son’s. . • Mr. and Mrs.- Ed, Bullock family visited in Qrediton. ’ Mrs.’. Geo. Luther spent last with Mr. and -Mrs. M. -Luther, of -Grapd Bend. /, Last 'Tuesday’afternoon Mrs. Fred Sharpe entertained the members of the Bafby Band' and their mothers at her home, Ah excellent program with Mis. Sharp© presiding was en joyed by the thirty-one ladies and nineteen reading by prayer by Mrs, music by Mrs. L. Belling and Mrs. companies by Miss Mason mental by Miss E. Goodhand dress by Mrs. Frank Steeper; D. Brown and the pastor, Rev. Mathers. A new life member man XJlens and a new member Mathers were introduced social Leask, Brown dainty $2,715. A large number from hero attend* ed the anniversary services at Grand Bend on Sunday. •Several from the united church are planning to attend the Sunday School convention in Brinsley on Thursday. Mi* Wil- aft d week babies Mrs. present. Bible Arthur Brophey; McGregor; vocal Brophey, Miss D. Frank Turner, ac- Instru* ad- Mrs. S. J. Dor- JOhn A happy hour followed’ with Misses Goodbahd, < Belling and assisting the hostess servo refreshments, collection was auction sale ,— of -— farm stock and implements McNeil & Nairn have received instructions to sell by public auction on Lot 24, South Thames Road! miles south of Farquhar Hall op TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, 1931 A full line of farm stock and implements TERMS—CASH McNEIL & NAIRN, Auctioneer NEIL McGILL, Proprietor CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE Updei’ and iby virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Chat tel Mortgage which will be produc ed on the day of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Lot 13, Con. 14, STEPHEN TWP. — on — WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4th 1931, at one o’clock the following farm stock andi chattels Bay mare, 13 years old; sorrel horse, 18 years; 2 young-Durham cows; 1 Holstein cow, 12 years old; roan steei’ coming two years old; 1 Ired heifer, 2 years old.; 3 spring calves, red, roan and black; York shire sow. Fo’rdson tractor, 2-turrow Oliver tractor plow, 8 in. grinder, walking plow, .stock rack, Deering Binder, Petex’ Hamilton mower, Frost and Wood rake, Adams wagon, Bissell disc, Peter Hamilton drill, Frost & Wood hay loader, Cockshutt manure spreader, fanning mill,, .set of bob sleighs, set of scales, 2Q00' lb. capa city; cutter, buggy, set of Diamond harrows, set of single harness, set’ of double harness, car; pulley and ropes in barn; water tank, about 7 tons of hay. TERMS OF SALE $10.00’ and under, cash; over that amount 8 months’ credit will be! given on furnishing approved, joint notes which ax'e to bear interest at 6 per cent, per annum.”’ A discount of 5 per cent, will be allowed cash. '■ ELI LAWSON, Bailiff FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Plydesd/de Horses, Registered and Grade Shorthorn Cattle, Regis tered Yorkshire Hogs and Roots MeNeil and Nairn, ^uetloWJS* have received instructions to sell by public auction at Lot 8, Con* 10, Hibbert, fti miles East of Cronmrty FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30th> 1031 Cojnmencing at 1 o'clock shajp the following: HORSES—Draft Gelding 6 old, Draft mare 3 yeai’S old; .of Agricultural geldings ft old. CATTLE—4 registered cow® with calves at foot, Registered cow due time of sale; 2 registered cows, due in .December; Registered Heif er due in May; Registered cow duo in June; 4 registered bulls1 11 month® old. Two registered.bulls 8 month®, plgb The above cattie are a choice lot from the well known families of JiJts, Roan Lady’®,Mina’s AH young and guaranteed sound and fully accredited. ■GRADE CATTLE— Grade cow due in December;' 2 grade heifers' 2 years old; 2 grade heifers 1 yeax* old; 12 two year old steers (feed ers. ) HOGS—2 Pure bred Yorkshire brood sows duo at time of sale; 3 pur© bred Yorkshire brpod sows due ixx December; 4 pure bred Yorkshire hogs, 4 months old. ROOTS—40. rows of turnips. Positively no reserve. Everything offered will be-sold to tlx© highest bidder. , TERMS Six months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved point.notes Property owners as security, with interest* at 4 per cent, straight. McNEIL & NAIRN, Auctioneers ' , WM. HAMILTON, D. McKELLAR, Executors for the lafe J. F. Hamil- tonBMEstate, BAILIFF’S SALE — of ---- foi’ goodYour batteries should- be in shape for winter driving. New bat teries oi’ battery repairing at the Huron Garage. ; FARM STOCK, IblPLEMENTS AND GRAIN The undersigned has been instructed by F- E. Willis, B'ailiff for the Mort gagee Landlord of the premises, to sell by public uactlo'n on the f premises, at Lot 10, Con. 10, USBORNE, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 1931 at 2 o’clock pap, the Farm Stock, Grain and Imple ments as follows: ' IMPLEMENT'S—*Cutfing ibox, bob sleighs, 2-fur.row plow, disc harrow, spring tooth cultivator, seed drill, 12 hoe; root pulper, gravel box,. M, H. binder, mower, side rake, hay loader, hay rack, plank,, lumber and lath, land roller, wagon and tank, slings complete, wheelbarrow, Toot pulper in barn, portable engine ana jack, manure spreader, walking plow. GRAIN-—400 bus. wheat, oats, 40b bus. mixed grain, of hay. ‘CATTLE—8 young cattle, CHICKEN—30 chicken. TERMS.~-CASH FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer F. E. WILLIS—Bailiff 225 bus. quantity stockers horse acpffler, manure spreacie^- wrjng. puRivAbor? root wheel -harrow, one 16 ft. hay-roe^ slings, ropes, Clinton fanning one i,QOQ lb* scale, 18 ton of mixedl' hay, small .quantity of grain* opofl? buggy, ft iron kettles, set of Aonlbhr harness, set of single harness, apt*, of chimes, horse blanket®, qnanMtx of hemlock plank, carpenter tools, brand new cross cut saw; buck saiwv saw horse, turnipg liabh'e, scalding; barrels, 15 single cords of wood, (beech and maple), 2 post hole ah” gers, grain bag?, logging chains, whiffle trees, neck yokes, turnips- and mangolds, well drilling outfit, 2 wagon reaches, set plow harness. HDRS'EiS——Black mare, 12 years- old; black horse 14 years old; aged' horse; driving mare. CATTLE—Red cow due Jan, 4th;'. spotted cow, fresh with calf at foot;] roan cow due Feb. 1st; black cow,. Feb, 4th; spotted cow due April 3;] Hoistpin cow due May 28th; 4i yea/T-- lings; 2 ydung calves; 1 two-year-- old Durham bull. PIGS—Brood' Yorkshire sow. POULTRY-~-paii' Guinea’ Hens; dozen pullets; 2 dozen liens. TERMS OF SALE ■ On Real Estate—-10 per' cent, cash on day of sale; balance in 30 days. On On cash; credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent, fox’ cash on all amounts^ over $10,00. ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer ADDISON TIEMAN, Clerk MRS. ELSIE LINK, Executrix of A. Wild® Sr. EState. Mrs. Elsie Link, H. Wilds and Bert. Holt, executors of Josephine Wilds- estate. s* Poultry—Cash Chattels—$10.00 and under, over that amount ten months’ NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of tlie estate Of ” BUENA RUMFORD, late of the- Village of Exeter,, in the County; of Huron, Widow, deceased. CREDITORS AND OTHERS hav ing claims against the said estate are required to send full particulars of such claims duly verified to the- undersigned Solicitoi’s for the Exe^ cutrix of the said estate on oi’ before- the Seventh day of November 1931,. after which date the assets of said estate will be distributed, having re- • gard only to the claims of which notice has been received. DATED the 23rd day of October,. 1931. CARLING & MORLEY . < Solicitors for Executrix Exeter, Ont,- TRUSTEES AND RATEPAYERS MEET AT CLINTON The annual meeting of the Trus tee and Ratepayers’ Association of Huron County was held in the Col legiate auditorium, Clinton, on Sat urday afternoon with a large crowd present. In connection with this gathering a public speaking contest and a spelling match were held, the contestants being winners -at theil’ respective school fairs. (Mr. I. Mc Leod, agricultural representative presided over the contests. The winner of first place was Aline Clark, of Fordwich, whose subject was “The Value of Birds to Man”; Donald Harris, of Goderich, whose topic was “Butter”’ secured second pliace while the 3rd winnei’ was Wm. Farrlsh, of -Colborne Township, who spoke on “How Agriculture can Compete with Industry.” Among tlx© other- oontetsants all of whom were, awarded, hooks as consolation prizes, were; Laura Ford, Winchei* sea, “An Irish Boy who became Canada’s’ Greatest Merchant”; Mae Smith, Zurich, “Lowering the Cost of Crop Production”; .Martin Mor- lbck, Crediton, “Conservation of Canada’s Forests.” 'Tha Spelling Match,.which was conducted by Mr. Beacom, proved a keen contest, the winner® were William Brown, of Zurich; Francis Martin, of Colborne Township and Mary Patterson, of Goderich Township. Among the contestants, all recipients of consol ation prizes and winners of their respective school fairs were Ella Routly, Winchelsea. iSpeciai speak ers were; Thomas McMillan, M.B., W. G. Medd, M.L.Ao C. Robertson, 1\LL,A., Geo. Spbtton M.B., McBeth, President of the Trustees’ and Ratepayers’ tipn and W. W. Morris, of Secretary of the Ontario Association, The election of officer® was the fin al item of business which resulted as follows: President, Malcolm Mc- Kellar, Seaforth; Rev. G. L. Ross, President, (Mrs. grave; Secretary, Dungaim on. Malcolm Ontario Associa* Toronto, 1st Vice-Fresident AufUth; 2nd Vico- & W. (Scott, Bel* Mrs. R. Davidson, AUCTION SALE — of --- REAL ESTATE, FARM STOCK IMPLEMENTS & HOUSEHOLD .EFFECTS . . The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions from the Exe cutors -of the estates of Alex Wilds the elder and Josephine Wilds, de ceased, to sell by public axiction on Lot 20, Con. is, Stephen Townsliip — on —- TUESDAY, NOVEMBER. 3rd, 1931 at 1 o’clock p.m. the following: REAL ESTATE—W 1-2 of E 1-2 and E 1-2 of W 1-2 Lot 20, Con. 15, Township of Stephen, containing 450 acres more or less. This land' is well fenced and drained. There is a bank barn on it 40x64, driving shed, dwelling with frame kitchen,’ hen house, plenty of water- and’' .mostly all seeded-down. . ’’ • Also the S 1-2 Lof 17, Con." 14, Township of Stephen, Containing 5o acres more Or leSgL ‘There Is a -dpantity of. bush, 12 acres seeded doWn, 19 acres under cultivation, fair fences, plenty of Wiater and partly drained. 'HOUSEHOLD EFFE’Q^S—2 bed room stands; 3 chairs; 1 grinder and press; large lamp; bureau; commode, stand, clock, pictures, 1 driving ro/be, couch, 1-2 dozen din ing room chairs; 3 rocking chain’s, side board, fall leaf table, 18 gob lets with trays; fruit dishe®, cream pitchers, milk pitcher, laii’ge water pitcher, box stove, glass cupboard, extension table, kitchen stove, ing cream separator, sink, 1*2 kitchen chairs, single burner gun, rifle, looking glass, pots pans, 2 vinegar barrels, lawn moWer und< other articles too numerous to mention. ' IMPLEMENTS, 6 ft, out; Hay gon, box, ,3-sectioii harrows, Fleury walking plows, 1 pair bob sleighs, cutter, twin plow, 1 one* NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that', all , creditors and others claims against the estate of FRANCIS’ HAMILTON, late Township of Hibbert, in the of Perth, Farmer, who died __ Fifteenth day o£ August, A. D., 193X' are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Ninth day of Novern-- her, A. D., 19 81. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after the said date the Exe cutors will proceed to distribute the- estate having regard only to the* claims of which they then shall have notice. DATED AT EXETER, ONT., thi^ 15th day of October A. D., 1931. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exetei’ and Hensall; Executors’ Solicitors, having. JOHN of the• County on thO ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that* all creditors and others having claims against the estate of -NEW-- TON BAKER, late of the Village of* Exeter, in the County of Huron, Re tired Farmer, died on the Twenty-- eighth day of July, A. D., 1931, ard required to forward theii’ claims-; duly proven to the undersigned om- or before the Ninth day of Novern* ber, A. D., 1931. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that’ af tex- the said' date the EXe^- eutors ’v^ili proceed 'to distribute th£* ’estate haviixg '1‘egard only to the?; clalmfe-b¥ which' they then shall5.' , , have'notice:' * ' ' ' DATED AT EXETER, ONT., this* 19th day of October, AID., 1931. GLADMAN & ST ANBURY . ^Exeter and Hensail Solicitors fox' the Executory Vik- doz, shot and ■M.H. binder out; MbCormlek mower 5 ft. M. H. hoe drill; international steel rake 1.0' ft,; lumber wa- good wagon, wagon box, gravel carriage, top buggy■<iisc> one riding plow, 2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Estate of William Somerville,. , Deceased All persons 'having claims against, the estate of William Somerville,, late of the Town of Exeter, in the- County of Huron, .retired farmer,, deceased, who died on or about Sep*- temper 6th, 1631 must furnish the- undersigned Administrator with par-; ticniars of such claims on or ibeforu- the 10th day of November, i931, af ter which date the assets of the de ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the administrator shall then have.- notice. Dated at Toronto, this ivtit of October, 1931. James if. gomerviiie, Administrator Cafe of Henry 0. Fowier, his Solicit or, 15 Toronto St., Toronto 2, In