HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-10-22, Page 8THURSDAY, OCTQBBR 22, 1931 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Petroleum Coke MADE IN CANADA BY THE IMPERIAL OIL CO. MORE HEAT NO ASH ORDER EARLY Exeter Markets Wheat 45 c. Barley, standard, 85e. Bran 75c. Shorts 8Qc* Low Grade Flour, $X.QO Welcome Flour $2,09 Model Flour ? 2,2*5 Manitoba Flour, $2,50 Creamery Rutter 26c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodei, M. 4, ’ Minuter Miss Lena Coates, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School Butter, 18 and 19c. extras 34 c. firsts 30c. seconds 1GC, 11 a.m.—A Universal Request 7 p.m.—“A Gracious Transforma­ tion” Better Values Than Ever IN LADIES’ COATS We have just received another shipment of Misses’ & Womens’ Coats; R. G. Seldon SNELL BUILDING — FOR — I ■ ■ tall# I # II It ■mm ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Xocals_ { Prof. J. H. Crocker of the Unl- versity of Western Ontario will give an illustrated lecture on “China from the Chinese Viewpoint” in the Main Street United church on day evening at 8 p.m. under auspices of the Young People. Fri- the JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D, McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.TC.M, Organist and Choir-rLeader SPECIAL W. M‘. S. SERVICES 11 a.m.—n-The Pastor (Subject—’“More Fruit” p.m.—Sunday School 0 p.m.—Rev, J. U, Robins-, Listowel Music by the choir of Listowel United church 3 7 CLEANING, PRESSING, ETC. FLORIST’S AGENCY FLOWERS FOB .11.1. OCCASIONS PHONE 273 WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER ?Qn Friday, October 23 rd there .will be a meeting of the Memorial Laymen’s Association the Parish Hall at 8 p.m. with Hartman as special speaker, Trivitt in Mr. Toronto, Mr. and week for MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—Our full privilege ’‘Power With God and Man” 7 p.m,—Rev. J. J. Brown B.A., of •Lucan will preach. We wish to greet Mr. Brown warmly as this is his first visit in Exeter. Thursday 7.30 p.m.—Meeting for Prayer. Friday 8 p.m.—The University Lec­ ture in Main Street Church by Prof. Crocker. 11 ; D. D. G. M. Bro. E. M. Dignan {will pay his official visit to Exeter Lodge No. 67, I. 0. 0- F. Tuesday evening to install the officers. Sev­ eral jewels will be presented. An invitation is extended to all Odd­ fellows. C. Heywood, N. G. DIED IN STEPHEN A shadow of gloom was cast over this community on Tuesday, Octo­ ber 6th, when it was learned that Jennie Kessel had passed away. She was not well for nearly a year, but was up and around until Saturday previous to her death. She was a lovable disposition, and always {ready to help in any act of kindness She used to like to go to church, but of late years on account of sick­ ness in the home was unable to at­ tend, but she spent her Sundays at ■home, singing and reading her Bible She was born 68 years ago on the sfwrm where she died and had lived there all her life. She was a daugh­ ter of the late Pascoe and Mary •Ann Kessel. She is survived by one sister and four brothers, Mrs. John Brown, Thomas P., Jonah J. all of Stephen, William H., Josiah N. of Marsden Sask. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon to the Exeter cemetery. ‘The pall-bearers were Henry Eaglesoii, Horatio Rey­ nolds, Daniel Weber, William Davey William Hartman and Chris Dinney. Friends and relatives attended the funeral from Port Huron, Zuricn, Crediton and other places. Miss Edith Walter visited in Lon­ don op Sunday. IMiss Mary Grant, R. N-, spent the week-end visiting in London. Mr. and Mrs. G&o. Ferguson, of London, spent the week-end in this community. » Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott mo­ tored to Preston ana spent Sunday with relatives. Mr. and Mrs, T- S. Woods and family spent Sunday visiting with friends in Dutton. Mrs. Peter McEwan, of is visiting at the home of Mrs. Arthur Jones. IMiss Hazel Hay left last Nova Scotia where she- will visit for a time with friends, Mrs. R. Northcott has returned after a pleasant visit with her son Frank of Alvinston. Armistice Day, November 11th, will be observed throughout Cana­ da as a public holiday. Mrs. Vahey and two children re­ turned to their home in Exeter from London on Sunday. Mr. John Taylor, of the Taylor Tire Shop has sufficiently improv­ ed to be out a little each day.. Mrs. Reg. D. Turnbull, of Hamil­ ton, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Turnbull. Mr. and Mrs. daughter Patsy are visiting for a few days in Mr. Lloyd past week returned to Mr. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L» Vivian, L. Th. ' Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Twenty-First Sunday After Trinity 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Lit­ any /Subject: “Fellowship with Jesus Christ.” (3' 7 ♦'Wl ALL WOOL FLANNELS 32 inches wide in colors of red, green, sand and blue. Splendid for girls’ dresses AT PER YARD 85c. CHILDREN’S BATH ROBES In warm and cozy Eiderdown cloth, in bright cheery patterns EACH $1.50 SILK AND WOOL HOSIERY In all the newest fall shades. A good weight for early fall wear AT PER PAIR 48c. DRESS GOODS 4 pieces of Dress Goods. Not this season’s material, but will make splendid school dresses for children REDUCED TO PER YARD 39c. Hatchway, Stanfield’s and Turnbull’s Underwear We offer these well known brands in two piece or combinations. Prices are much cheaper this season. New combs, at $1.75, $2.00, $3.00 and $3.95. STAMPED MATS In many new patterns for this season. Make you selection now while we have a good assortment. 65c., 75c., and 85c. NEW COUCH COVERING In a good quality tapestry in splendid colorings. Very .suitable .for .covering couches. AT PER YARD $1.25 TWILLED PLAID BLANKETS In pink, yellow and blue .checks. A heavy weight blanket in large size. Reg. $3.50 SPECIAL AT $2.65 NEW CHINTZ For Comforters, curtains, box cover­ ings, etc. We offer some smart new pat­ terns ’ AT PER YARD 25c. Rubbers and Rubber Boots at Great Reductions Miner’s rubber boots, fully guaranteed, per pair $2.95 See our heavy work shoes for men at per pair $2.75 George Hey and parents has in Detroit. qf Windsor, with his aunt The South ■ is being held the farm of Highway No. Huron Plowing Match to-day (Thursday) on Mr. Ed. Walker on 4, south of Exeter. STRAYED—Eleven head of cattle from Lot 12, 5th Con., Hay Tp. Tn the lot is one white steer weighing about 1100 lbs. with round punch in right ear; the others with piece off left ear. Information received by A. F. Todd, R. R. No. 1, Exeter, phone'83r7 Hensail. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A desirable new residential property in North London, for sale, or will exchange for property in or near Exeter. Apply to Times-Advocate. 10-22-tfc Paisley this week. Beavers, wno spent the w ith his his home Harry Parsons, spent a couple of days and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. Parsons. Mr. and Mrs, Waller Cunningham spent the week-end with their son, Rev. Borden Cunningham, of-Mill­ bank. Mr. and Mrs. London, are visiting foi’ a few at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hornick. Mr. Jas. Jewell, working in London, city after spending his home here. Mr. James Hern, ill for some time resume part time May’s seed store. Miss Ella Jones, ited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Th os. Jones on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Messer, of Toronto, spent several days last week with Mrs. Messer’s parents', Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Horton. Mt. Carl Morlock, of Crediton, a student at 'Western University was a winner of one of the three Round­ tree prizes in medical history. Miss Murray and Mrs. B. W- F. Beavers were in Clinton on Saturday attending a meeting of th,b execu­ tive of the County W C. T. U. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Higgins and daughter Ferrol and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Snell, of Clinton, visited on Sunday with Sheere. Mr. Ernest pecialy large pear trees, the pear weigh hi; C. F. Hooper, of days Wm. beenwho has returned to the a few days at who has been is again able to duty at Jones & of Stratford, vis- Mr.and Mrs. Nelson ■5,0 White Rock pul- Apply to Walter Miller, Dash- Itp FOR SALE- lets, wood, phone 100rl8, Zurich LOST—An ensilage fork on Street. Finder please return Times-Advocate. Huron to the has picked an es- from one of his g 15 oz, and measuring 11 inches in circum­ ference. Mr* Reg. Beavers accompanied by liis friend Mr. Victor Anderson, of Bridgeburg, spent home of Mr. and Beavers’. A number from Pym pear Sunday at the Mrs-. B. W. F. p.m.—Sunday School! p.m.—Evensong. Subject: “Our best Service for God.'- GRANDMOTHERS’ DAY Under the. auspices of the Wo­ men’s Institute. will be held at the home of Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers on Tuesday, October 27th at 3 p.m. Roll Call, “Pioneer food dishes”; topic “Early History of the Business Places of Exeter” by Mr. Joseph Senior. Exhibit of pioneer sils., A hearty invitation is to every grandmother of the munity to be present. u ten- given com- PartyPlan to attend the concert in the Opera House on. Monday, No­ vember, 2nd, under the auspices of the A.Y.P.A. of Trivitt Memorial Church. Thames Road Farmers’ Club have d few inquiries for .chestnut and No. 4 coal. In order to make up a car wd must have more orders. We are also booking orders for another car of coke.—P. Passmore, Sec’y. WANTED-—An unlimited number of cheap horses. Apply to Frank Taylor. OPPORTUNITY! You can make splendid money selling personal Greeting Cards. Onr co-operation and beautiful portfolio assures suc­ cess. Now is the time to” Special Radio Prize .beginning. No charge samples. Commission master- Kraft .wuted Toronto 2 Contest for the weekly. Exeter took in the Passion Play in London the lat­ ter part of last week while others took in the play at .Stratford the forepart of this week. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Taylor, Mr. Harold Taylor and Miss- Hilda Rob­ bins, spent several days during the past week visiting in Detroit and* Saginaw, Mich, Mrs, Frank Sweet, who was visiting in Exeter returned to Sarjiia with them. Mr. and Mrs* Wm. Hunklng daughter ’anjl Miss Ida Lyon, Londesboro, 1 spent Sunday at home of Mr. Arthur Kerslake. Lome and Miss Ciara Dunking Mrs, H, Lyon, of Londesboro, ted with the latter’s daughter, A. Kerslake last week* The friends of Mr* Douglas bury of New York, son of Dr. and Mrs. been over iftgs over $ui>orvisor of the program as well. and Of the Mr. and visit- Mrs. Stan- Stanbury, of Toronto, have enjoying his weekly broadcasts the radio on Wednesday even- from 8.30 o’clock* He is heard WEAF and has been appointed Grocery Specials ICING SUGAR 2 pounds for ,14c. Golden Yellow Sugar 6 lbs. for 34c. LEAS CATSUP Bottle 10c. MAPLE LEAF SALMON ‘ l-2s 2 for 35c. TEA SPECIAL Green, Mixed and Black Per lb. 34c. Many Flowers Toilet Soap 4 for 23c. BOARD .OF EDUCATION The monthly meeting of the Board of Education was held in the j ■Public Library Tuesday eveniaigj October 13th. Three members were absent. ’ The minutes were -read and approved. Principal Howard reported an at­ tendance at Public .School of 23S, with work progressing satisfactor­ ily. visited with Mr. and Gladman Tuesday and Fowl Supper at Caven j Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hind visited in London on Sunday. Miss Gorle, of Toronto, visited for a few days with friends and relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. John,. McLaughlin, of Seaforth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones on Monday. Mrs. Wesley Snell returned home last week after visiting tor a couple of weeks with relatives in Port Hu­ ron. Mr and Mrs. E. J. Nasll, of Wing­ ham, spent Sunday, with the form­ er’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pow­ ell. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long, of Harrow, spent Sunday and Monday with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Long. Mrs. E. O. Brown and son Oswald, of London, Mrs. F. W. took in the Church. 'Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden motored to Palmerston Wednesday where Mr. Ogden is spending a few days in the interests of the Huron Weather Insurance Company. Rev. F. II. and Mrs. Rhodes, ac-; companied by Miss Boston, of onto, are spending a few days the former’s soli Rev. J. B. Mrs. Rhodes at Caven Manse. Mrs* William fraquair has turned to Essex after spending summer with Mr Jones and other community. Rev. Peter Strang, of Regina, vis­ ited with liis brother Mr. Harry Strang, of Ushorne, for a few days. The two gentlemen spent Monday visiting in Goderich and Wingham. Miss Marjory Hunter and Miss Lillian Brown, of the Victoria Hos­ pital Training staff, Londqn, spent the week-end with the former’s par­ ents Mr. and Mrs* R. D Rev. F. G. Farrill, Street Church, Clinton, very acceptable sermon United Church Sunday evening, this service Mr* Geo* Mawson gave a splendid account of the finances of the church for the trustee board ift preparation for tiioir anniversary which is to be held Sunday, Novem­ ber 1st, when Rev. Dr* Reekie, President of the Conference will be the speaker, Tor- with and re- the and Mrs. Arthur relatives in this Hunter. of Ontario preached a in Main St. At NEW FALL SUITINGS Moved by Mrs. Beavers, seconded'1 by F. J. Delbridge that the report be filed, grant of twenty dollars be made as usual, also that desk, cupboard and bench as desired for Public School rooms be procured. Carried. Discussion was held regarding the water supply. Dr. Fletcher was present and reported on tlie steps being taken to remedy the trouble. • Per R. N. Creech and H. T. Rowe that- the Building ana Grounds Com-, mittee investigate the matter of the drainage in the meantime with pow- ( er to act. . i Principal E. J. Wethey was pres- j ent with report on the High School, ’ and matters in connection with the Government Circular were taken up | iMoved by Mrs. Beavers, seconded | by R. N. Creech and carried that the ' following accounts be paid: ‘ i,J Exeter Lumber Co., supplies &c. $88,815,; Jno. Hunter, repairs to pump, $8.00; A. Jones, rent for tab­ les, $3.00; B. W. F. Beavers, sup­ plies, $(3.7.00; Penny Hank, $19.83; Chem. Rubber Co., .supplies, $>1.50; S* Ross, labour, $23.25; Cent. Scien­ tific Co., supplies, $23.53; Grigg Stationery Co., supplies, $33.74, ' Per W. A. Turnbull, Adjournment K. McFaul, Sec’y also that Agricultural PRESENTED WITH LIFE ^lEMBEBSHlP The Women’s Auxiliary of Trivitt Memorial Church met in the Parish Hail on Tuesday evening and decid­ ed to pack a bale of clothing to be sent to the White Settlers in the West* After the general business of the meeting had been transacted Miss Fish, past president, who is leaving Exeter shortly for Detroit was ship the following .address was read by Mrs. ““ Dearing pinned to Miss Fish, the life membership pin. Miss Fish express­ ed her the ved presented with a Life Member- in the Women’s Association, Middleton while Miss Rostt het appreciation and spoke of many pleasant associations with society* Refreshments wore sot- at the close* Exeter, Ontario October 20, 1931 Dear Misa Flsh,«- We, the members of Trivitt Meni- 1 . We have a complete range of woollens for your new suit or overcoat. We also have a complete line of samples. SUITS $20.00 Gents’ Furnishings Our stock t>f Gents’ Furnishings for the coming season is up-to-date with all the latest in Men’s wearing apparel. w PHONE 81w TAMAN . EXETER, ONT. orial Women’s Auxiliary have met here this evening to show our deep ’appreciation for the very active part you have taken in our W. 'A. ' You have been a very 'faithful member for forty some years, and we hope you will be spared to continue your good work for some years to come. As a tangible . expression of our appreciation, we are pleased to pre­ sent you with this Life Membership, and pin, of the DiOqesran W. A. As you are one of the pldest members, we are glad to know you are our first Life Member. Feeling sure that your interest in our branch will remain unabate*d, Signed on behalf of your fellow workers. ' 'Melba Vivian, Hon-P.reS. Ella Middleton, Pbes. Carolyn Davis, Secretary Miss Pridham’s room at the Exe­ ter Public School is closed for a few days owing to chicken pox* e Comm union service was held in the James St. United church Sunday morning and in addition a baptismal service was hold. The children bap­ tised were Lois* trone Pym, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pym; (Margaret Jeanette Rundle, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle; Harold Clark Frayne, son of Mr. add Mrs, Geo. Frayne; Dorothy Isa­ belle Dalrymple, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Dalrymple. W. R. Goulding A. T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction In Piano Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main’St. Box 123, Phone 192> EXETER, ONT Vocal Organ Theory MARION E. WOODS, B.A. TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY Phone 133, Exeter Mrs. Eliza Willis quietly celebrat­ ed her $4th birthday on Sunday. She* was the recipient of many congrat­ ulations' and .birthday gifts, among: which was a lovely bouquet of rlciw red carnations, from her son Frank' in Springside, .Sask, Mrs. Willis i# one of a family of 11 and was born near Brookville. A brother wil­ liam Robertson, of port Elgin !<# the. only .other member of the fam­ ily surviving and he past 80. She is smart On her feet and frequently Walks down town which is several blocks from whero she reside ott. Victoria Street*