HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-10-22, Page 4r WWYi octow Wl Leavitt’s Theatre THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATB . WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY OCTOBER 21st and REGINALD DENNY, in “Stepping Out” CHARLEY CHASE COMEDY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OCTOBER 23f(l AW1 24tli MARIE BRESSLER AND l’OLLY MORAN* in “Reducing” MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY October 26th, 27th iind 28th JOHN BOWS, IN. tax Slim Sommerville Comedy ^ARABIAN NIGHTS” ^Admission: Adults 38c, plus 2c Cliildren 20c. Mt. Pleasant HURON COUNTY PRESS ASSOCIATION WET AT OAKWOOD * The Huron County Fresa Associa­ tion convention was held at the Gait Wood Golf Course, Grand Bend on Friday of last week with a goodly number of representatives of the press in the county present together with their wives. In the beautiful log club house anh ?n the dining room adjacent comfortable fires were lit in the large stone fireplaces, making the rooms comfortable attractive for those present, weather outside at times and dreary but did spirits of those who about the fireside* session opened with J. M, Southcott in the chair and a discussion on “Free Readers” was ably led by Miss M. Clarke, of the Clinton News-Record, Miss Clarke sptoke of the increasing requests for free readers that are finding their way to the editors desk, stating that if the readers sent in -in a single week were used there would be little room for any other While there is a desire to worthy enterprises, free stop paid advertising and enue of a newspaper, so at present, is jeopardized free readers, for the publication of terest to farmers and thought that perhaps wpre least interested them. DASHWOOD — on TUESDAY, OCT. 27th ON THE FARMS OF FRANK HARBURN & BERT BUTLER, LOTS 10 and 11, CON. 13 HIBBERT CLASSES FOR ALL COMERS CLARK SWITZER, President, Science Hill, Ont. CLIFF. DOW, Sec’y.-Treas. Staffa, Ont. BIRTHS DOW—In Exeter on Tuesday, Oc­ tober 20th, to Mr. and Mrs/ Gil­ bert Dow, a son. MORGAN—In Mrs. Patterson’s Hos­ pital, Hensall, on Saturday, Oct­ ober 10th, to .Mr. and Mrs. Archie Morgan, of Usborne, a son. RYAN—In Stephen, Twp., on Satur­ day, October 17, to Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan, a daughter. ■SIMS—In Crediton, on Thursday, ’October 15th, to Mr. and Mr*. Sa|m. Slims, a daughter, (Betty Jean.) DEATHS 3PQRD—In Exeter, on Thursday, October 15th, Emily Gould Snell, widow of the late Albert aged 79 years, ■days, JfVHALEY—In St. day, October Hern, beloved Whaley, St. Marys. 11 months Ford, and 4 m Thurs- Eilizabetli : d. s. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs. John H. Herdman ^announce the engagement 'of their ■eldest daughter, Florence Elizabeth, to William Henry ,B;rad’show, eld­ est son of Mr. and Mrs. David Brad­ shaw, England, the marriage to take place shortly. IN MEMORTAM JSIMS—In loving memory of Garnet Sims, who died four years ago, October 20, 1927. 13, how we miss you dear Garnet! XJould wo but hear your gentle voice And see your smiling face. God took you Home'—'He loved you best, But nene can ever take your place. JJay by day we miss you more, .But" now you rest on Heaven’s bright shore. A dear one laid to rest, Where death divides loved ones at "last. Alone through life our burdens we .bear,- JBut we there. Sadly ^brother know the angels guard you missed by mother, father, and sisters. CARD OR THANKS * The family of the late Mrs. Albert J?ord wish to express their sincere thanks to the neighbours and friends for the kindness and sym­ pathy extended during their recent ^bereavement and especially to JB. McTavish, Mrs. Cottle and jjdtt Cottle. Rev Miss CARD OF THANKS WishMr. and 'Mrs, Chas. Johns 10 express their sincere gratitude <0 nil friends and neighbours of "Elimville who so kindly remember­ ed the late Mrs, S’. Whaley by lov- Rig messages- and many beautiful Uldwers during her stay at their. iiorne. It was also Mrs. Whaley’s ■wish to thank all who were so kind •id i’emembering her during her long! illness as each little act was very’ approMaWd by her. not were 'The the ancl The dull the was dull gathered morning president news, assist all readers the rev- hard hit byr the Many requests come items of in- tlie the in speaker farmers reading the St.Mr, Lome W. Eedy, of Marys Journal-Argus, chairman of the Advertising committee of the C. W, N, A. spoke of the development of national advertising by weekly newspapers. National advterWsiug as a source of revenue for both the farm and weekly papers has been greatly curtailed during this season of depression and with the revenue from these advertisers cut off some papers have increased their sub­ scription rates or reduced from a weekly to semi-weekly paper. Week­ ly newspapers can be assisted in se­ curing national advertising through the lo.cal dealers who are handling nationally advertised lines and this fact should be brought to the at­ tention of the local dealers and their co-operation solicited. A discussion took place on both these papers during which many helpful sugges­ tions -were brought out. At noon the party adjourned to the Brenner House where a splendid luncheon was served. Following the luncheon the party took a motor trip through the various parks and the tints of the trees with' their autumn colors were most attractive as the party motored through the wooded : lanes, This popular sum­ mer resort in its autumn loveliness presented a very different spectacle to the busy scenes of the holiday season. The party was particular­ ly impressed with the beautiful buildings that have been'erected at the golf course by Mr. Walker and so artistically furnished in its rus­ tic beauty, and was a revelation to a number of those present. ’A short round-table conference was held in the afternoon and this was followed by the election oif of­ ficers when the following were elect­ ed: pres., J. M. Southcott, of Exeter Times-Advocate; Vice pres., Miss Clarke, of Clinton News Record; Sec’y Treas., Walter Naftel, Goder­ ich; members of executive, W. H. Robertson, Goderich ,5kgn?al;' K. Mc­ Lean, Huron Expositor, Seaforth. A hearty vote of thanks was ten­ dered to Mr. Waliker for the splen­ did-accommodation afforded the as­ sociation for their convention. After the close of the session a number of the members enjoyed a short time on the links. and Ex- STAFFA Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. D. Bruce spent Sunday in Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stewart, of eter, spent Sunday in Guelph. Miss Edna Fell, of Goderich, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fell has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. R. Speare, of Palm­ erston, spent a few days: with the former’s father, Mr. Joseph CARD OF THANKS Spear. Mrs. J onah their P.and express . John Brown, Thomas J. Kessei desire to sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbours for the kind­ ness and sympathy shown to them in so many ways in their sad be­ reavement in the loss of their dear­ ly beloved sister, Jennie, also for the beautiful floral tributes and loan of cars and also to Rev. A. W. Sauer and those who assisted in the singing. IN MJEMORLlM In loving memory of ALEXANDER McFALLS who passed away one year ago October '21st, 1930 Wife and Family M Dr. H. L.D.S., D,D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in H&rtleib Block, wood, Rrsi three days of week; and! at office over the Post Office, ZurlcH, three days of week, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Guenther and sou Douglas returned to their home in Hallonqjiist, Sask,, on Wed­ nesday .after spending the past six weeks with relatives,. -Mrs. K. Snider and Miss Thomp­ son, of Stratford, visited with Miss Myrta Hoffman on Wednesday. IMiss G, McDowell, of Goderich, ©pent the week-end with Dr Mrs, R, JI. Taylor. Mr, and Mrs. J. Huron, spent the •Mrs. Burns’ mother zel. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon McPherson, of Bryanston, spent Friday with Mr, and Mrs. A. Oestricher. Mrs. Mc­ Pherson stayed over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder visited relatives in Toronto over the week-end. Miss Lucille Willert returned to Birmingham, Mich., after spending several weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willert, Mr. and Mrs. Meerburg and fam­ ily, of Port Frank, were Sunday vis­ itors at the home of Mr. Jonas Hartleib. Mr, and Mrs, F. Ten Eyck, of Kit­ chener, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Henry Becker Sr, Don’t forget the Hallowe’en Sup­ per to be held in the basement of the Evangelical Church on Friday, October 30tli. The supper will be followed by a good program given by local talent. Miss Edna Fisher has returned home after spending the past few weeks in London. Dashwood Club Meets The Fungalore Club of Dashwood held their first meeting of the seas­ on at the home of Mrs, Thomas Klumpp, the retiring president. (The election of officers for .the season re­ sulted as follows: President, Miss V. Birk; Vice-President, Miss A. Hoff­ man; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. A. E. Oestricher. The remainder -of the evening was spent in cards after which the hostess served lunch. Motor Accident On Saturday evening a car owned by E. Becker, of Dashwood, struck a buggy driven by Mr. J. Green, of Exeter, on the Lake Road about five miles east of Dashwood. The driver of the car because of approaching headlights of another car was un­ able to see the dimmer light of the horse drawn vehicle. No one was hurt but both the car and buggy were 'damaged, settled out pf court. plea on his farm on Saturday, fell from a tree and suffered a broken the con- Mr- chil- the back, He waft removed to Stratford Hospital where his dition was considered serious, Cornish has a wife and three dren West and moved here from a year ago. ZION SUW’ Good Rev, uncl Burns, of week-end Mrs. J. S. Port with Wit- The affair is being CENTRALIA and Mrs. H. I<err and Ml*., Mr. and Mrs. W. Cameron, of London, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. T. Neil. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Madge, Hensail, visited on Tuesday week with Mr. and Mrs. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. W. Folland, al Oaks, Michigan, visited of of last ■ Grant of Roy- recen li­ ly with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bowden. On 'Sunday, October 2|5th the services will be withdrawn in the church here both morning and ev­ ening owing to Harvest. Thanksgiv­ ing services held in the Whalen cir­ cuit. Rev. W. Kitely, of London, a former pastor will take charge of the services. Sunday School ser­ vices will be held in this church as usual at 10.30 a.111. Mr. and Mrs. Miles McCabe spent th© week-end at their home in Strathroy. Mrs. McCarthy, who has 'been visiting with her daughter for the past week returned with them. Mr. urines here. Mr. London, called Grant ’Ford on Sunday evening. Mr. John Essery attended the Insurance Agents’ Convention in Toronto last week as tlfe guest of the Representatives of Yorkshire Insurance Company held in Royal York Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Haddock have purchased the Mrs. Andrew doing some moving in. (Intended Mr. Albert’ Parsons, spent Thanksgiving : and Mrs. W. Parsons, Mrs. Spencer and daughters Mise­ rs Jeah and Joel, of iSt. Thomas, spent the holiday with Mr. and Harry Mills. Trueman Mills, of St. Cath- spent Monday at his home and Mrs. Frank Vanstone, of on Mr. and Mrs. residence of Mr. and Maguire. They are remodelling before for last week.) of London. Day With Mr. THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kydd, Mrs. .. ____, with Mr, and iMrs. Allison were the guests of Rev, G. M. and Mrs. Chidley, of Watford on Wednesday last. A splendid contribution of fruit and vegetables of all kinds Were sent to Hensall from this district for the relief in Saskatchewan, Mr. J- W. Hackney is trucking them to the station. The W. M. S. meets with Elim- Ville this Wednesday afternoon. Back Broken In Fall Mr, Harry Cornish of Mt, Pleas­ ant while engaged In picking ap- The anniversary services' on day met with good success* crowds were present to hear* Mr. Gale, of Bayfield, who preached excellent sermons, Special music wag rendered by the choir assisted by Mrs. lyhite, of financial objective reached. Mr, 'and Mrs, W, and Mrs, Geo. Earl and Mrs, Harold Hern and son, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Horne and presented their daughter Mrs; ,g recent Ibride, with iful gifts, Mrs. E. Stone land ton, Kyle. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor of Exeter, one day last week, The late Mrs. Scott Whaley, of St, Marys, formerly of Zion, was buried on Saturday at Zion cemetery IMr. Laverne Morley had his ton­ sils removed at Dr, Fletcher’s Hos­ pital on Tuesday. Elimville. The was more than J. Brock, Mr, and family, Mr, Wim. Routly, several Ibeaut- son, of Kirk- spent Sunday with Mrs. H. SHIPKA The Ladies’ Aid had a successful quilting last Wednesday at the horn© of Mrs. M. Baker. The ladles had decided to fill a box with warm clothing to be sent to the west. The next meeting will be held Novem­ ber 4th at the Finkbeiner, Mr. and Mrs. the opening last wing erected at pital, London. home of Mrs. L. J. Ratz attended Friday of the new St. Joseph’s Hos- has AUCTION SALE — of --- CHOICE THOROUGHBRED DURHAM CATTLE Frank Taylor, Auctioneer, been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 31, Con. 5, USBORNE, 011 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1931 at 2 o’clock p.m. the following: Thoroughbred Durham cow due October 22; thoroughbred Durham cow due December; three thorough­ bred Durham cows foot; two-year-old young calves, LOYAL MEMBER _____ „ .•r^d, little white, born Aug. 8, 1927, bred by W. A. Galbraith, Iona Sta­ tion, Ont., calved the property of H. & W. D. Smith/Hay, Ont., own­ ed by Robert Bell, Hensall. . CLOVERDALE ROYALIST -173,- 7,55- male. Roan, born May 3 0, 1924 bred by Russell J. Scott, Cromarty, Ont.; calved the property of Oes­ tricher Bros., Crediton, Ont.; sec­ ond owner, Robert Bell, Hensall. ROSEBUD 2ND -24)31412- female. Red, little white,"born June 15th, 1929, bred by Robert Bell, Hensall, Ont. ROSEMARY LASS 3iRD -243 629- female; Roan, born July 17, 1929, bred by Robert Bell, Hensall, Ont. ROSEBUD -223827- female. Red, borne June 3rd, 1926, bred by Ro­ bert Bell, Hensall, Ont. ROSE LEE 4TH -211245- female Roan, born September 24th, 1924, bred by Robert Bell, Hensall, Ont. MI-SS RAMSDEN -204123- fe­ male. Red, little white, born Sep­ tember 15th, 1923, bred by Robert Bell, Hensall, Ont. ROSEMARY LASS 2ND -218744- female. White, born July 2(>th, 1925, bred by Robert Bell, Hensall, Ont, ■ with calf at heifer; three -189206- male. TERMS 7 month’ credit on furnishing ap­ proved notes with 5 per cent, add­ ed. , ROBERT BELL, Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer MORTGAGE SALE public auction under of a certain mortgage produced at the sale, OCTOBER 24, 1931 on the premises’ — of — FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE The undersigned has been instruct­ ed to sell by and by virtue which will be SATURDAY, at 2 p.m. the farm property known as Lot 24, South Thames Road, Usborne Twp., containing IOO acres more or less. Th© soil is a loose clay loam, all tillable, and very productive. Some 30 acres are in grass and the bal­ ance under cultivation, There is a good well at the house and another at the bani5 with windmill, and pip­ ing in the stables. On th© property storey brick house in good repair; 2 barns; one on stone foundation, ahd the other on brick, with stabling for about 30 head of horses and tattle, and 6 large hog pens with passages; chicken pens, drive-shed and imple­ ment storage. is a good two- wlth slate roof, L-shaped hank This farm is situate I 1-2 miles east of Farquhar on the Thames Road, and 8 miles east of Exeter. It is centrally located for church and school, and markets, TERMS OF SALE fO per pent of purchase money to be paid e» date of eale, and the balance within 30 days, possession for fall ploughing may be had im­ mediately, and full possession upon completion of purchase money, * For further particulars and con­ ditions of sale apply to r, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall, Solicitors for Mort­ gagee, years team years fresh AUCTION SALE Clydesfljalc Horses, Registered and Grade Shorthorn Cattle, Regis­ tered Yorkshire Hogs and Roots McNeil and Nairn, auctioneers, have received instructions to sell by public auction at Lot 8, Con, 10, Hibbert, 3 miles East of Cromarty FRIDAY, OCTOBBR. 30th, 1931 Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp the following: HORSES—Draft Gelding 6 old, Draft mare 3 years old; of Agricultural geldings 2 old. CATTLE—:4 registered cows with calves at foot. Registered cow due time of sale; 2 registered cows, due in December; Registered Heif- ei' due in May; Registered cow due in June; 4 registered bulls1 11 months old. Two registered bulls 8 months old. . The above cattl© ar© a choice lot from the well known families of Jilts, Roan, Lady’s Mina’s All young and guaranteed sound and fully accredited. GRADE CATTLE— Grad© cow due in December; 2 grade heifers 2 years old; 2 grade heifers 1 year old; 12 two year old steers (feed­ ers.) HOGS—2 Pure bred Yorkshire brood sows due at time of’ sale; 3 purebred Yorkshire brood sows due in December; 4 pure bred Yorkshire hogs, 4 months old. ;RIOOTS—40 rows of turnips. Positively no reserve. Everything offered, will )be sold to the highest bidder. TERMS Six months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved point notes Property owners as security, with interest at 4 per cent, straight, McNEIL & NAIRN, Auctioneers WM. HAMILTON, D. McKELLAR, Executors for the late J. F. Hamil­ ton Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims agaipst the estate of JIOiHN FRANCIS HAMILTON, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Farmer, who died on the Fifteenth day of August, A. D., 1931 are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Ninth day of Novem­ ber, A. D., 1931. AND NO1TICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. DATED AT EXETER, ONT., this 15 th day of October A. D., .1931. GLADMAN & ST ANBURY Exeter ail’d Hensail Executors’ Solicitors NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others ■ having claims against the ©state of NEW­ TON BAKER, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Re­ tired Farmer, died on the Twenty­ eighth day of July, A. D., 1931, ar© required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Ninth day of Novem­ ber, A. D., 1931. AND NOTICE IS ’ FURTHER* GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutors wii] proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. DATED AT EXETER, ONT,, this 19th day of October, A. D., 1931. -GLADMAN & ST ANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for the Executors Tn NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Estate of William Somerville, Deceased AH persons having claims against the estate of William Somerville, late of the Town of Exeter,, in the County of Huron, retired farmer, deceased, who died on or about Sep­ tember 6th, 1931 must furnish the undersigned Administrator with par­ ticulars of such claims on or before the 10 th day of November, 1931, af­ ter which date the assets of the de­ ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the administrator shall then have notice. Dated at Toronto,, this 17th day of October, 1931, lames F. Somerville, Administrator Care of Henry c. Fowler, his Solicit­ or, IS Toronto St.> Toronto 2. i AUCTION SALE £ — — i HOUSE and property aw* household EFFETS I ‘*rw vJl’ SATURDAYS, OCTOBER 31, 1934 at 2 o’clock th© following; The house and property and household effects of the late Thom­ as Flynn, MiR Street, Exeter, will- be offered for sale by public auc­ tion on Saturday, October 31st at* 3 o’clock. Temns: houehoJd ef­ fects cash. Real Estate: 10 per cenf- on day of gaj© and balance in W days, F, Taylor, Auctioneer, auction sale the Pow-- a certaim produced. — of — REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of &r of Sale contained in Mortgage which will be on the day of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction;- at the Law Offices of: Carling & Morley, Exeter Ontariori —r- Oil — MONDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1931 At 2 pan the following Real Estate;’ Lot Number 6, in the Sixth Con­ cession of the Township of Usborne- in the County of Huron, containing:: One Hundred Acres of land more or less. The farm is conveniently located/ to schools, churches, and markets,, and has erected thereon a two stor­ ey brick house and a good bank!. is well fenced and; a good orchard. OF SALE of the purchase barn, This farm drained and lias terms 10 per cent, money on day of sale, balance in 3(h days thereafter. Real Estate will be put up subject to a reserve bid. For further particulars apply,to FRANK TAYLOR, ESQ., Auctioneer Exeter, Ontario, or to CARLING &’ ■ MORLEY, Solicitors for Mortgagees, Exeter and Lucaril Ontario. EXECUTOR’S SALE The Executor of the last WilB and ’ Testament of CALEB HEY­ WOOD, late of the Village of Ex­ eter, in the County of Huron,. Gentleman deceased lias instructed Frank Taylor, Esq., Auctioneer, to offer for sale by Public Auction on’ the premises on MONDAY the 26tli day of October^ A. D. 1031 at 3 o’clock p.m. Th® following Real Estate Being composed of Lots numbera- 108 and 109 on the1 East side oB- Andrew Street in the Village of Ex*, eter, containing by admeasurement' two-thirds of an 'acre of land. Upon the aboye land is a comfortable one storey house and a frame stable. This property is most iently and centrally located as to- churches, school section of Exeter, sirable property. TERMS 10 per cent, money in day of, sa?e, purchase money in 3 0 days there-- after. This property will be put up foaj- sale subject to a reserve bid. For further particulars apply to FRANK TAYLOR, ESQ., ■Exeter, Ontario. ■Or to CARLING & MORLEY, for Executor, Exeter, ' situate frame < conven- and the 'business' and is a most de* OF SALE of the purchase’ balance oil Atvctionefii* Solicitor^ - Ontario. Notice to Creditors. RE DAVID WYNN, Ute of th© Vill­ age of Exeter, in the County of” Huron, Gentleman, deceased. CREDITORS AND OTHERS hav-- ing claims against the estate of th© ■ said deceased are required to send full particulars of such claims th- the undersigned on or before the - 24th day of October, 1931, after" which date the Executors will pro­ ceed to distribute the. assets jpf tlx©" said estate, having regard only ta« the claims of which, notice shall, then have_been given. Dated this 14 day of October, 1931.. CARLING AND MORLEY . Solicitors for Executors Exeter, Ontario^ - NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all1 creditors and others having claims* against the eestate of Sarah Jan©' Keys, late of the Village Of Exeter'"' in the county of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about th©" twenty-third day of August A.D... 1931, are required to forward theirj- claims duly proven to H. Eilber &: Son, crediton, Ont., oil or about ths- seventeenth day of October A. D., 1931. And Notice is further given thati after the said date the ExecutotS' Will proceed to distribute the ©stats’ having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated this 5th day of October A. , 1931. William Mawhinney and Thoma# Mawhinney, Executors. R. R. No. 33 Dashwood, OnS* D.