HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-10-15, Page 6OCTOBER *5, 1931 THE EXETER TIMES-AJDVOCATE Kirkton Fair Is The Best In Years Kirktoa Fair on Wednesday of last week, was one of the best that .Jhas ‘been, held in years. Exhibits in practically all classes surpassed ’anything that has been held by this enterprising Agricultural (Society. The indoor's exhibits were particu­ larly Mere Mas work Children’s department, of home made cooking was never ■r either in quality or quantity, visitor to the Kinkton Fair who love* of horse flesh caff Usually a good showing of some of the finest animals and this year was no exception, The classes of ■cattle, sheep and pigs were all well filled with choice stock. •Although rain had threatened earlier in the day a large crowd was present end the weather was ideal. The program in the afternoon con­ sisted of school parade and drills and followed with sveral short ad­ dresses by Messrs. Fred Sanderson M. P.. Chas.'Richardson, M.L.A., W. G. Medi M.L.A. and Thos. McMil­ lan M. P. The Seaforth Pipe Band provided the music throughout the afternoon. A number of races were run off. There were a number of conces­ sions on the grounds dispensing hot dogs and eats and in various man­ ners trying to attract the patronage .of the public. a The directors are to be congratu­ lated on the splendid success at­ tending their efforts this year. Mr, Amos Doupe, the popular secretary -was at his old post with a smile for all. The list of prize winners follows: good. Roots and vegetables of excellent quality. There an excellent display of ladies’ and also a fine display in the The display Hh‘ t>ett< A is a find cheery was as foal in Bl. HORSES General Purpose Brood Mare, having raised 1931—-Archie Robinson. Foal in 1931—Robt.‘ Elston, J. Pym, Sherwood Brock. Three-year-old Filly or Gelding— Stewart Dow, H. V. Crago, Bert Jlundle. Two-year-old Filly or Gelding— TiUther Rowcliffe, Nelson Watson,; Hiram Hanna. : One-year-old Filly or Gelding—, Arthur Ford, Wm. Arthur, Manson Bros.. Team in harness—Wm. Decker, J. C. Harrison. Best horse or colt in class, sweep­ stakes—Wm. Decker. Agricultural Brood Mare, raised foal in —Geo. Kemp,, Robt. Elston, JBowden. 1931 Wm. Praises' Famous Vegetable Pills For Indigestion ■"Having been troubled with Indigest­ ion and Sick Headaches for several months, I was recommended to try •your famous Pills, After the first dose I was made aware of their very real tonic value.”—Miss M. Croydon. Dr. Carter’s Little Liver Pills are no ^ordinary laxative. They are all vegetable and have a very definite, valuable tonic action upon the liver .. . exactly what you need to end Constipation, Acidity, Biliousness, Headaches, Poor Complex­ ion, etc. All druggists, 25c & 75c red pks. F.oal in 1931—-Wes. Doupe, am Hanna, Wm. Bowcren. Four-year-old and upwards or- gelding—-Stewart Dow, Geo. sey, Milton Hooper. Three-year-old filly or gelding— Maurice Blackler, H< Rundle. Two-year-old filly Schelleiiberg, Wm. Baker. , One-year-old filly Ezra Schellenberg Kemp. Team in Harness—'Simon Norman Haines, Best horse or Norman Haines. Heavy Hlly Ark- V. Crago, Bert or gelding—E. Arthur, Oliver, or gelding1— Henry Rodd, G. Thiel Wes, Maguire, colt, sweepstakes— Draughts Brood mare having raised foal in 1931—Wm. Urquhart. Foal in 1931—AVm. Urquhart. Four-year-old and upwards filly or gelding, jaS.' Scott, John Berry. Tliree-year-old—Stewart Dow. Two-year-old filly or geldi.ngi— Gleason Gill, Chas. Atkinson. Team in harness—Jas. Scott, R. Scott, E. J. Willert. Sweepstakes in class—Jas. Scott. Judge—T. F. Hardy, Roadster Brood mare, etc.—Wm. McPher­ son, Arthur Rundle. ■Foal in 1931-—Arthur Rundle, W. McPherson. Two-year-old filly Dr. Campbell, Wm. Gill. One-year-old filly Wm. McPherson. Single roadster—H. G. Berry, Fred Brock, Gleason Gill. Span roadsters—-Wes. Maguire. Saddle horse—'Arthur Rundle, Mrs. Hugh Berry, Bert Rundle. Best horse in class, sweeptstakes —'Wes. Maguire. Carriage Brood mare, etc.—J. E. French. Foal in 1931—Wm. Arthur, J. E. French, Manson Bros. Three-old-filly or gelding—Glea­ son Gill. ITwo-year-old filly or gelding— Wm. Decker, Wm. Arthur One-year-old filly or ge’ld'ing1—‘J. E. French, Manson Bros., William Arthur. ■Single Carriage Horse in harness —E. J. Willert, Manson Bros. 'Span Carriage Horses in harness —-Wes. Maguire. ■Sweepstakes in class—William Decker. or gelding— McPherson, G, z or gelding— CATTLE Shorthorn T'wo-year-old bull—yas. H. Rob­ inson. Milch cow—Robinson Bros., Jas. H. Robinson, second and third. Two-year-old heifer-—Jas. H. Rob­ inson. One-year-old heifer—-R. D. Hunt­ er, Robinson Bros., Jap. H. Robin­ son. Bull calf under one year—Robin­ son Bros., R. D. Hunter. Heifer calf under one year— Robinson Bros., Jas. H. Robinson. Best -male animal iii 'Class—iRo'b- ‘inson Bros. Best female animal in ■ class— R. D. Hunter. Jersey Mich cow—Wm. Ratcliffe, Wm. Bowden. ■k? Sr 11 \THti I .. i anljweeter syrup buM BENSON’S GOLDEN SYRUP c/ ___ EDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP The CANADA STARCH CO., Limited MONTREAL For the nett 52 years MANUFACTURED ONLY BY Tp IWiLBUFtM co., Limited -w- - Toronto, pm. * When those nasty,mattery pimples come on the face their presence is a source of embarrassment to those afflicted. Why then rest under this cloud when there is an effectual remedy for these facial defects. Mr. N, Kissack, 393 Chalmers Ave., Winnipeg, Man., writes:—“My face was covered with 'nasty pimples filled with matter, I went tA a doctor and he told me his son had had his pimples cleared up by using Burdock Blood Bitters and advised me to |ise it. I got a bottle ahd all the pimples vanished, so, now, I certanily have great faith in B.&B -Nelson Wat- Morrison. under one year—AVm animal sweepstakes- Two-year-old heifer—Wm> Bibby Thos. Brock* iGne-year-old heifer gon, Mrs. R. Heifer calf Decker, Best male Wm. Ratcliffe. T. Eaton & Co., special for best group dairy cows—Geo. C. Jutosh, D. J. McKay. Aberdeen Angus One-year-old ton. heifer-—'Arthur the Mc- Harl- Holstein two and over—'GeoAged bull McIntosh. Milch cow*—iGeo. C, Mdntoslr McKay, D. J. McKay. Two-year-old McIntosh, H. G. Kay, One-year-old McIntosh, D. J. Bull calf under one year—-Geo. C. McIntosh,. D, J. McKay, H. G. McKay. Heifer calf under one year—Geo. Mc- c. G heifer-—George McKay, D. J. heifer—George ■McKay. H. C Me- C -Geo.C. C. C. McIntosh, O’Neil Bros., D. J, Kay. Dairy cow, any breed- McIntosh, H. G. MbKay. Judge—JJ. E. Turner. Herefords Two-year-old but!—Howard Wright. One-year-old bull—Fred Carbert, Lome Marshall. Milch cow—Howard O’. Wright. Two-year-old heifer—Howard C. Wright. One-year-old heifer—O’Neil Bros. Fred Carbert, Howard C. Wright. Bull calf under one year—-Fred Carbert, Howard C. Wright, Nor­ man Haines, Heifer calf under one year—Fred Carbert and 2nd, O’Neil Bros. B’st male, sweepstakes—Howard C. Wright. Best female, sweepstakes—'O’Neil Bros. Grade 'Cattle Milcli cow—Norman Haines, N. Clarke, Chas. Atkinson. Two-year-old heifer—James H. Robinson, 1, 2, and 3. One-year-old heifer—Wm. ^Simp­ son, Norman Haines, Jas. H. Rob­ inson. Heifer calf under one year—C. Atkinson and 2nd, Norman Haines. Two-year-old steer—Jas. H. Rob­ inson, 1st and. 2nd. One-year-old steer—Jas. H. Rob­ inson, Chas. Atkinson, Wm. Simp­ son. Steer calf under one year—Jas. H. Robinson. . Fat Chas. Fat 2nd. Best animal in class—'Norman Haines. cow or heifer—-Nor. Haines, Atkinson, Norman Haines, steer—<Jas. H. Robinson and SHEEP S. Pym & class; Leicester, all prizes in this for one-year-old to Adrian Sons John class 'ram' Pringle; K. Wat- Oxford Downs, swept this McKay took except first which went Shropshire, R. D. Hunter, first for ram lamb, frst for breeding ewe and second .for one-year-old ram. All the other prizes in this class were taken by John K. Thompson; Grade, Ewe having raised lambs in 1931—John McNay, J. F. Linden, sherling ewe, J. F. Linden, John McNay, Ewe or weather lamib, J. (K. Thompson, J. F. Linden; Lin­ colns, Thos. Snowden took first for ram lamb, second for breeding ewe and second ewe lamb. The other prizes in this class were taken by J. F. Linden; Southdowns, John K. Thompson swept this class; Dorset Horned, P. E. Dearing took all prizes in this class except second for ram lamb which went to John K. Tliompon; Pen of sheep, long wool, J. F. Linden, Thos. Snowden; Pen of sheep, short wool, J. Thompson, P. E. Dearing. HOGS Yorkshire, Aged boar, Jas' son; boar littered in 1931, James Watson, Charles Barnett; sow hav­ ing raised pigs in 1931, Charles Barnett, James Watson; sow litter­ ed in 19/3,1, D Douglas & Sons, Jas. Watson; Chester Whites, Aged boar Switzer Bros; sow littered in 1931, Switzer Bros. 1st and second; Berk­ shire, Aged boar, R. N. Spence; boar littered in 1931, Arthur Harl ton, Thomas Snowden; sow having raisied pigs in 1931, R. N. Spence 1st and 2nd; Thomas Siiowden, Tamiwortli, & Son 1st in 1931, D. sow having D. Douglas 1931, 2nd; pen of- bacon hogs, James Watson, D. Douglas & Son, Charles Barnett. Judge—Charles Harvey. POULTRY* Anconas, Cock, T. C. Shean; cock­ erel, T. C. Shean, 1 and 2; hen, D. Douglas & Sons, T. C. Shean; pallet T. C. Shean, 1 and 2; White Or­ pingtons—Cock, Elizabeth Marriott; Cockerel, D. Douglas & Sons; hen, D, Douglas'& Sons; pullet, D. Doug­ las & Sons; Barred P T. C. Shean won at Plymouth Rocks, D. Sons won all prizes; Willie Wyan­ dottes, cock, Scott Thompson; T. C. Shean; hen, D. Douglas & Sons, 1 and 2; cockerel, T. C. Shean 1 and 2; pullet, T .0. SUean, 1 and 2; sow littered in 1931, Milton Hooper; Aged boar, D. Douglas and 2nd; boar littered Douglas & Son It & 2nd raised in pigs in 1931, & Son; sow littered in D. Douglas & Son 1st and pen of- bacon hogs, lymoutli Rooks prizes; AjO.V. Douglas and Coiumban wyandottes, George Graham won all prizes in this class; A.O.V. Wyandottes, cock, George Graham; hen, Geo. Graham; pullet, I. all y. H. D. •D. Douglas & Sons, 1 and 2; R Reds, D. Douglas & Sons won prizes; Black. Minorcas, cock, H. Crago; hen, D. Douglas & Sons, V. Crago; cockerel, H. V* Crago, Douglas & Sons; pullet, H. V. Cra- go, Emerson Gunning; White Leg­ horns, cock, D. Douglas & Sons, Scott Thompson; hen, D. Douglas & Sons, Wm, Harding; cockerel, L. Sweitzer, 1 and 2; pullet, D. T. C. Shean; cock, T. C. Shean, C. Shean, 1 and 2 Shean, Hartwell Epplett C. Shean, I-I, Epplett; George hen, George cockerel, D. Graham; pul- Douglas and Rocks, Ottes Jas & Sons, Leghorns, 2; lien, er el, T> pullet, Jersey ] Graham, Graham Douglas let, Geo, Sion.; Sawyer, T. C. T. Black Giants, cock, Thos. Brock: Thos. Brock & Sons, Geo. Graham, D. pen of Barred Doug- Brown 1 and ; cock- Frank Gunning. Bell Fleur—■JEUch. Selves, Wm. Ratcliffe. Snow—Rif chard Selves, John Wilson. Baldwin —Clarence Routley, Gordon Sin­ clair. Fallawaten—'James » Sterling, Frank Gunning; Golden Russet, J- Stirling, Mrs. Silas Shier, Roxbor- oush Russet—-James Stirling, Frank 'Triebner, Mann—‘Frank Triebner, James Stirling. King .of TOmkins—' James Striling, Frank Triebner. Mcilntosh Red-—James Stirling, J. R, Hern. Northern Spy—-Robert Rat­ cliffe, -Wilfred Doupe, Ontario—J, Stirling, Frank Triebner, pewaukee —'Leonard Switzer, Jas. Stirling. R. I„ Greenings—-Jas, Stirling Clark. Ribson pippin—Jas. Richard Selves. Talman Switzer Bros., Mrs. C. J. Collection of Apples—'James Stirb ing, E. J- Willert, Wm. Ratcliffe, Grab Applies Grab Apples, B red—Wilfred Doupe. James Malcolm. -Crab Apples, y"el- Ipw-HJames Stilling, Pliims Lombard—-W. H. John Grieve. Yellow Stirling. Coe’s Golden Truemner; collection Truemner. Coilec1* varieties, Mrs. Thoma# Thompson, Samuel Norris tion of other Washburn. House Asparagus Begonia, Richard variety, Emerson ; Geranium, variegated, H, plants, 'Foliage Sprengeri, 1 Rex, Mrs. Selves; Hartwell Gunning, iClarencep >. iC. J, Begonia,. Epplett; W. H. Newton Stirling, Sweet— Drown. TURKEYS Bronze, old male, Thos. Snowden; young female, Thos. White, young male, D. Son; young female, D. Son—Geese, Toulouse, & Son yon all prizes.— den D. Douglas and Sons won all prizes.—Geese A. O. V., Montie Dolbson.— ..Ducks, Douglas ,& Son took all class.—Ducks, Aylesbury, las & Son took all prizes.- Rouen, R. D. Hunter all pl’izes in class.—-Ducks, A.O.V., D. Douglas & Son all prizes excepting second for young male, Dr. John Grieve.— Pair Guinea Fowl, Thomas Snow­ den.—Pair C'inchiiia Rabbits, aid Hern.— R. School Children, let, Leon Paul, Murray, Special, Ephriam Hern and Son. Snn.wden— Douglas & Douglas & D. Douglas -Geese, Em- old male, Pekin, D. prizes in D. Doug- ■Ducks, Ger- E. Pooley’s Prize, cockerel and pul- Gerald Paul,—Mc- White Leghorns Mal­ H. round, Walter Switzer.—'Head GRAIN AND SEEDS. .Sheaf Fall Wheat, James colm, Samuel Norris, Amos Doupe. —iSlieaf of Oats, Amos Doupe, Ben Thiel, Samuel Norris.—-Sheaf of Biarley, W. H. Sweitzer, Amos Doupe.—Fall Wheat, 1 bus. Hilton Truemner, Lome Marshall.—Oats 1 bus., Switzer Bros., Plilton Triem- ner.—Barley, Hilton Triemner, James Stirling.—Gallon White Beans, large, Alvin MclCurdy, Ev­ erett Doupe.— White beans, small, Hilton Triemner, John O’Brien:— Sweet corn, Golden’ Bantam, Jas. Malcolm, Scott Thompson.—Indian Corn, Mrs. Ella Heywood.—Sweet Corn, white, Fred 'Doupe, Newton Clarke.— Ensilage Corn and ears, Lome Marshall, Mrs. R. E. Pooley. —10 ears Ensilage Corn, Miss Car­ rie Wynn, Mrs. George Ryland. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Rural New Yorker Potatoes, Epplett, Amos Doupe.----Green Mountains, Robert Ratcliifife, Hilton Triemner.—Irish Cdbbler, Leonard Switzer, Wes Doupe.-vDoloey’s, L. Switzer, Chas. Atkinson.—Swedish Turnips, Nes'bit Russell, Charles Atkinson.-—-Heaviest Turnips, Jas.. Stephen, Fred Rodger.—-Field Car­ rots, E. J. Willert, Mrs. Ella Hey­ wood.—'Mangolds long red, Hilton Triemner.— Mangolds, intermediate Swizter Bros., Amos Doupe.—‘Man- gols, yellow or red Leviathan, Chas. Atkinson.—Mangolds, Globe, Nel­ son Watson, W. H. Switzer.—Sugar Mangolds, Switzer Bros., Jas. Step­ hen.—Heaviest Mangolds, william Stevenson, Amos. Doupe.—Garden Carrots, intermediate, F. Gunning, Ray Fran'cis. — Garden Carrots, short, Maurice .Blackler, Melvin McCurdy.—Parsnips, Amos Doupe, R. N. Shier.—Blood red beets, long, —Ja-m'es Malcolm, Monty Dobson— Blood red beets, Hazlewood, Len. Cabbage, flat, Gordon Sinclair, Wes Doupe.—Head cabbage,, red, Clar­ ence Routley, Ottis Sawyer.—Head Cababge, round, Walter Hazlewood, Newton Clarke.—Cauliflower,' Clar­ ence Routley, Gordon Sinclair.— Celery, Ottis Sawyer, Emerson Gun­ ning.—Tomatoes, red. Switzer Bros. Samuel Norris. Tomatoes, pink— I-Iartwell Epplett. Citron, round— Wm. Urquhart, Fred Doupe. Pump­ kin—Wm. Arthur, Wes. Doupe. wa­ termelon—Fred Doupe, E. J. Wil­ lert. Musk Melon—Mrs. Allan Hey-' wood, Ottis Sawyer. Table Squash, —Mrs. Silas Shier, Walter Hazel­ wood. Onions, white—Walter Haz­ elwood. Onions, yellow—'Mrs. Thos. Washburn, Dr. J. Grieve. Cucum­ bers, green—Mrs. Ella Heywood, R.1 N. Shier. Onions, red—Mrs. Ella Heywood, Dr. J. Grieve. Huiblbard -Squash — James Sterling, Scott Thompson. Collection of Vegetables —-James Malcolm, Ottis Sawyer. Judge—P. Coates FItUITS Apples Oldenburg—'Wm. Rat- Peaf—Sw/itzer Bros., Gravenstein— Frank Sterling. Wolf River Albert (Shier. Duchess of cliffe. Sweet Ray Francis, Triebner, Jas. —James Stirling, Blenheim Pippin—Jaifies (Sterling, Alvin McCurdy. Maiden Blush—-0. Sawyer, Samuel Norris. Alexander, Frank TrieHmer, Samuel Norris, Wealthy—John T. Hern, F, Trleib- nor. Culvert—Richard Selves, Frank Triebner. Cayuga Red Streak—"W. Ratcliffe, Nelson Watson, St. Law­ rence—Frank Triebner, jas. sterl­ ing., Fall Pippin—Gordon Sinclair, Ray Francis; S\yitzer, Dr, Gage—James Drop—-Hilton of plums—>H. pears Duchess—Mrs. Geo. Jaques, Jas. Stirling. Sheldon—Charles Atkin­ son, 'James Stirling. Barlett—Wm. Decker, Mrs. Wm. Rice. Clapp's Favorite—'James Stirling. Flemish Beauty—Fred Roger, Ever. .Doupb. Grapes Grapes, Concord-—Mrs. W7 Rice, Mrs. L. Williams. Niagara—Dr. C. A. Campbell, Mrs. Adam M. Doupe. Rogers—JVIrs. L. Williams, Dr. John Grieve. Judges, J. L. Routley, R. Humphreys Public School Parade and Drill First, Fullarton No. 5, teacher, Mary Gilfillan; second, Kirkton No. 11; third, Science Hill No. 7. Driving Contests Lady driver, E. J. Willert, Wes. Maguire; girl driver, Beat. Willert; boy driver, Harold Willert, W- Ma­ guire; best single turnout, Willert, H. G. Berry. “ Foot Races Bicycle race, boys under 15, Geo. Weber, A. Rinn; foot race, boys under 15, N. Ensinger, Reg. Paul; foot race, girls under 15, Lorraine Ross, Mary Morley; foot race open to residents of Blanshard, Usborne and Fullarton, Irvine, Howe, Horne; potato race on horseback, Bob Rundle, Baker, Allen Baker; relay race in pairs on horseback, Lloyd and Philip Hern, Morris and Ross Hern, Allan and Gilfillan. Farmer’s Trot—Darkey Patch, Tony H., Dolly Wilkes. DAIRY EXHIBITS R. E. Pooley, Special 1 doz. brown eggs,‘Leon Paul, Paul; White Eggs, John T. Hern, Sinclair; Dairy Butter in Crock, Miss Bella Miller, Scott Thompson; Dairy Butter in prints, Lloyd Walkom, S. Thompson; Dairy Butter, fancy dis­ play, John T, Hern; Lloyd Walkom. Judge—Mrs. Jas. Stephen Flowers Snapdragon, Mrs. E. F. J. Rutherford; petalled, Mrs. Ella C. J. Drown; Aster, Aster, Walter Heywood, Aster, curved E. J- G. G. Antirrhinum, Heywood, Mrs. Aster, straight Heywood, Mrs. comet, Mrs. Ella Heywood; curve petalled, Mrs. Lome Walters; Aster, petal, collection, Mrs. Ella Heywood Cormos, single, Mrs. T. & H. Fan- son, Mrs. C- J. Drown; Cosmos, double, Mrs. C. J. Drown, Mrs.' Ella Heywood; Dahlias, Mrs. Arthur Cole Mrs. T. & I-L Fanson; Dahlias, col­ lection, Mrs. Arthur M. Rice; Dianthus Mrs. Ella I-Ibywood, Fanson; Gladiolus, Drown, Mrs. Atkinson; spikes, Mrs. Ella Heywood, Mrs. A. Cole; Gypsophila, Mrs. A. Cole, Mrs. Thos.• Washburn; Impatiens or Bal­ sam, Mrs. Arthur Cole, Mrs. Ella Heywoot; Sweet peas, Mrs. Arthur Cole, Mrs. T. & H. Fanson; Mat- hiola or Stock, Mrs. Ella Heywood, Mrs. Thos. Washburn; Phlox Drum- mondi, Mrs. Arthur Cole' Mrs. Ella Heywood; Phlox Perennial, Mrs.* A- Cole, Mrs. Ella Heywood; Petunia, single, Sid Adamson, Dr. J. Grieve; Salpiplossis, Mrs. Ella Heywood, Mrs. R. E. Pooley; Scaibiosa, Pin­ cushion flower, Mrs. Ella Heywood, Mrs. Arthur Cole; Tagetes, African Marigold, orange, Mrs. T. & I-I. Fan- son, Wm. Atkinson; Tagetes, Afri­ can Marigold, lemon, Mrs, T. & H. Fanson, Scott Thompson; Tagetes, French Marigold, Mrs. *R. E. Pooley, Nesbit Russell; Verlhena, Dr. John Grieve, Mrs. Ella Heywood; Pansy, Mrs. Sid Adamson, Mrs. Arthur Cole Pansy, collection, Mrs. Arthur Cole, Sid Adamson; Zinnia, John T. I-Iem, Mrs. Arthur Cole; Annuals, Mrs, R. E, Pooley, Mrs. Arthur Cole; Per­ ennials, collection, Mrs. Arthur Cole Mrs. Ella Heywood; Basket Cut Flowers, Mrs. Geo. Jaques, Mrs. C. J. Drown; Spray, Mrs. Arthur Cole, Mrs. Ella Heywood; rose, Mrs. Ella Heywood, Doctor C. 'A. iCamp- bell; roses, best collection, Mrs. A. M. Doupe,-Mrs. Ella Heywqod; Bou­ quet ,for living room table, Arthur Cole, Monty Dobsoii; quet for dining room table, Mrs. A. Cole, Mrs. Ella Heywood. House plants, Flowering Begonia, tuberous rooted, double, W. H- Siwitzer, Robert Spence gonia, tuberous rooted, Thos, Washburn, Mrs, zer; Any other house Cole, Mrs. H. or Carnations, Mrs. T. & H. Mrs. C. J. Gladiolus, 6 Mrs;. Bou- De­ single, Mi's. W. H. Swit-. plant, Scott Routly; Drown, other Ferns, Switzer Epplett; Rubber plants John Berry) Dr, John Grieve; collection ^Foliage, Plants, Mrs. Thos. Washburn,, Jes­ sie Jaques; Window Box, Robert Routly; Jerusalem Cherry Tree, J- Wilson, Mrs. T. & H. Fanson; S, B; Taylor Special, assorted Mrs. Geo. Jaques. I.ADIEB’ WORK XTseful Quilt, Wm. Stevenson, Farrow; Comforter, wool Thompson, Lloyd Walkom; forter, down filled,' Emerson Gun­ ning,' Mrs. Roy Farrow; Bedspread, Mrs. Ewart Pym, Harry Rodd; La­ dies’ Sweater Coat, Hartwell Epplett ■ Sport Shirt, Elizabeth Marriott, Mrs. Ewart Pym; Rag Floor mat, braid-- ed, Mrs. Geo. Jaques, Harry Rodd; Rag floor mat, crocheted, Mrs. Geo. Jaques, Dr. John Grieve; Hand Knit- Socks, Gordon Sinclair, Dr. John Grieve; Child’s Dress or Rompers,. Mrs. Geo. Ryland, Gordon Sinclair; Hand Knit mitts, Herb Desjardine, Elizabeth Marriott; Work Apron, J. Jaques, Mrs. Ewart Pym; Plain Pil­ low cases, hand-made, Mrs, Ewart Pym, Jesse Jaques; Bedspread, ap­ plique, Dr. Jno. Grieve, Mrs. L. Wil­ liams; Child^s Knitted dress, Mrs.. George Ryland; Ladies’ Smock, Mrs. Ewart Pym; Rag Floor Mat, Herb Desjardine, William Decker; Pyjam­ as, Elizabeth Marriott; Best labor saving device, Mrs. L. Williams,. Mrs. H. G. Berry; Ladies’ Dress,.' Mrs. Ewart Pym, Elizabeth Marriott Fancy Lady’s Night Robe, embroidered,. Elizabeth Marriott, Mrs. George Ry­ land; Lady’s Night Robe, silk, Mrs.. H. G. Berry; lady’s band-made bed. Jacket, Mrs. H. G. Berry, W. H. Switzer; Lady's hand-made bloom­ ers, Mrs Ewart Pym; Table centre,, white embroidery, Elizabeth Mar­ riott, Samuel Norris; Table centre, colored embroidery, William Neeb, Mrs. L. Williams; Library Table runner, Mrs. L. Williams, Harry Rodd; Buffet set, Mrs. L. Williams, Mrs, H. G, Berry; tea cloth emib.. Mrs. E. Williams, Mrs. Q. Ryand; Tea cloth, c. trim., Eliza Marriott,. Mrs. L. Williams; Pillow slips and1, sheets, fancy, Elizabeth Marriott,, Mrs. Roy Farrow; Fancy Apron,, Mrs. H. G. Berry, Mrs. L. Williams; Pillow slops, crochet trimmed, Eliza­ beth, Marriott, Jesse Jaques; Pillow Slips, embroidered, Elizabeth Mar­ riott, Mrs. H. G. Berry; Dresser Cover, Mrs. Roy Farrow, Elizabeth’ Marriott; Child’s Dress, embroider­ ed in colors, Mrs. Ewart Pym, Eliza­ beth Marriott; Child’s Jacket and Bootees, Mrs. H. G. Berry, Mrs, V^. Hyndman; Handkerchiefs, H. V. Crago, Mrs. H. G. Berry; Shopping­ bag, Mrs. L. Williams, Mrs. F. J.. Wickwire; Hand-made costume slip,. Elizabeth Marriott;) Bath Towell^X Mrs. I-I. G. Berry, Elizabeth Mas^ riott; Bedroom Towels, crochet in­ sertion, Elizabeth Marriott, Mrb. L- Williams; Guest Towel, colored em­ broidery, Victoria broidery, Jaques; Marriott, Centre Piece: Switzer; Switzer Bros., shion, any other style, Mrs. L. Wil­ liams, Jesse Jaques; Roman Cut. Work, Mrs. Victoria Hyndman, Wm.. Neeb; Work done by lady over 70, Mrs. F. J. Wickwire, Mrs. L. Wil­ liams; Best styles of Needlework, Mrs. L. Williams, Mrs. I-I. G. Berry.. Tea' cosy, linen, Miss Bella Miller,, Mrs. L.. Williams; Tray Cloth, Mrs.. Roy Farrow, Jesse Jaques; Bridge-) (Continued on the Next Page) (bouquet. Mrs. Roy,, filled, S* Com- Elizabeth Marriott, Mrs.. Hyndman; Specimen Elm- William. Stevenson, Jesse Irish Crochet, Elizabeth- Miss Bella Miller; Tatted i, Wm. Arthur, W. H. Cushion, embroidered,. Mrs. H. G. Berry; Cu- s fj CHAPPED SKIN; DiluteMinard’s with one-half J sweet oil or cream. Apisly once a day. For Frost Bite j use the Liniment freely and undiluted. J No trouble. Very healing I j HI1HM KING OF PAIN SPECIAL SALE OF - Phone for price# DEIAVERY MADH ON QUANTITIES A.J. CLATWORTHT Phone 12 GllANTON. ONTARIO J