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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-10-15, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE /Thursday, October m urn DR. J. A. McTAGGART, L. D. S, HENSALL, ONT. {Telephone 106 Main Street HENSALL Mr. Harvey Hudson visited over the week-end in London. Miss Beatrice Cooper, spent the' week-end at, her home in Kippen, Miss Jean Bonthron, of Guelph, spent the holiday at her home here. Miss Beryl Pfaff, of London, vis ited over the holidays at her hopie here, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bonthron spent Sunday visiting friends in Kitchen* k er. < Mr, Harry Cook, pf Tprpntp, .spent the week-end at his home here. Mr, Jas. Smith, of Kincardine visited last week with relatives here. Mr, Lester Fisher, of Windsor, ispent the week-end at his home here. Mr, Earl Drummond and family .spent the week-end with friends in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. -T, C. Joynt spent the week-end visiting friends in Detroit. ’Miss Marie Bell, of London, vis ited over the holidays with her par ents here. Miss Margaret McLaren, of Lon don, spent the week-end at her home here. Misses Martha and Merle Carlyle of London, were holiday visitors at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Lennis Seaman, of Kitchener, spent the* holidays at itlieir home here. Mr. and Mrs. John G. .Scott, of Cromarty, visited with friends in town last week. Miss" Helen Pyfous, of Windsor, has been spending a couple of weeks here with relatives. Miss Elizabeth Murray, of Hay, yisited last week with her sister .Miss Hannah Murray. Messrs. Laird and Harry Joynt, •jof Toronto, spent the week-end with then* mother here. Mr. and Mrs. James O’Brien, of JBxeter, spent the Week-end with 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett. Mr. Sam Rennie accompanied by his mother spent the week-end vis iting .relatives in Detroit. ' Mr. Jas. Sweet anc Mrs. Eagen, of Lucan, visited last week with .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cornett. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hamilton, of Toronto, are visiting at the home ■of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parks. Mr. and Mrs. O’Day and Miss .Stella Ingram, of Detroit, were holi day visitors at their home here. Miss Greta McNaughton has returned, . home and her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Mae McNaughton, of Tor onto, spent the holidays with her /parents Mr. and Mrs, D. McNaugh ton. Quite a number- from here at tended anniversary services at the Uniteci Church Lucan on Sunday ‘last. Misses Dorothy and Elva McQueen jgpent the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott, of Cro- anarty. Mr. Harry Harmon was called to Toronto last week owing to the sev ere illness of his daughter Miss Doris who is in a hospital there. Thanksgiving Day passed off quietly in the village. Quite a .number of our citizens spent' -the day out of town and others being- visited by relatives and friends •from different points. Special Thanksgiving services were held in our local churches on Sunday last and both sermons and music were appropriate for the oc casion. In the United Church the Rev. Mr. Brook occupied the pulpit .and in the morning a solo was given by Mr. W. O. Goodwill and a violin solo by Miss Greta Lam- mie in the evening. In the Car mel Presbyterian church Rev. Mr. Crofif delivered a splendid address and special Thanksgiving anthems were rendered by the choir. Barn Burned ‘ The barn on the farm of Mr. Mel vin Traquair just east of Hensall was burned early Sunday morning. The cause,of the fire is unknown. A number ’of pigs, hens and imple ments and also the season’s crops were destroyed. The separator of the threshing outfit belonging to 'Triebner Bros, was standing on the •floor and it was also burned. A call was sent to the Hensall Fire department which quickly respond ed and helped to save the other buildings. Mr. Traquair .lias suf fered severely from fire as the home on his other farm was burn ed a few" years ago. Mensall Bride-Elect is Honoured by Friends A pleasant evening w.as spent at fhe home of Mrs. Annie Saunder- cock, on Thursday, when a large aiumber of friends and neighbors, field a surprise party for Mrs. But* chard, a bride-elect, and who is at ^present a guest with Mrs. saunder- .cock and family. The early part .of the evening was spent in danc ing. A delicious lunch wa^ served, 4ifter wjtfidi an address was road, sind Mrs. BUtchard was presented with a handsome traveling case. The presentation was made by Miss Isabelle Raundercpck, Although taken by surprise, Mrs. Butchard made a fitting reply, pancing was resumed, until the early hours pf the morning, Hensall, October 6, 19*31 Regular meeting of Council held this evening at 8 p.m. In Council chamber. All members being pres ent except councillor Cameron, Min utes of the previous meeting were read, Spencer and consitt that the minutes be adopted as read, Gar. Gdlger reported re the tarring of the pavement on King Street also the repairing -of the various side walks.. < Bills and accounts read, as fol lows: J, Passmore, hydro Septem ber account $7.00; J, Passmore, hydro, August account $7.00; Q. Alexander, gravel 124 yards $13.60 D. A. Cantelon, coal^ $79-87; G. M. Case, coal and teaming $53.70; Bonthron <& Drysdale, supplies $5.- 10; Wm. Harvey, drawing gravel $2.40; N- Blatchford, labor streets $5.00; E. Sheffer, labor sts, $13.- 75;, total $187,42. iMickle and Consitt that accounts be paid as read. Carried. Miss C. Mitchell appeared ask ing for a drain from her property at Nelson and Queen Streets also presented a partially signed* petition for consideration to be considered bn October 20th or next meeting to be held on that date. .Consitt and Mickle that we ad journ. James A. Patterson, Clerk CREDITON FOR SALE OR RENT—Residence occupied by the late Mrs. Win. Year- ley. Apply to H, Eilber & Son. , 10-l-3tc. Mrs. Norman Holtzman and Mrs. Henry, of Ortonville, Mich., are vis iting with Mrs. Leach Holtzman. Rev. George Finldbeiner, of Chi cago, Ill., is visiting with his sister Mrs. Rosina Stahl. Mr. and Mrs. RusselT Huxtable, of Hamilton, are spending a few days with Mr- and Mrs. Henry Bea ver. Miss Margurite Guettinger is con fined to her home through illness. Mrs. Hill, Miss Clarissa Hill, Mrs. D. Geil and Mrs. Kehl, of Detroit, called on friends in -town last week. Mrs. Cliris Eilber, of Zurich Mrs. Raymond, of Buffalo, N.Y., Mrs. G. Treller, of Detroit, and Mrs. Wm. Eilber, of Newark, Ohio, visited with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sparling and son spent Thanksgiving with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith. Mrs. Harrison Holtzman and chil dren, of Ortonville, Mich., are vis iting with her mother, Mrs. Mary Haist and Mr. and Mrs. W. Watson and family, of Thedford, spent Thanksgiving with her. Mr. Levi House and Miss Ada House visited the week-end with Mrs. G. Gaiser and family., Mr. and Mrs. E. K. F-ahner spent; Thanksgiving in Detroit.. iMisses A. Gaiser, E. Kenney and P. Love attended the Teacher’s Con vention held at Exeter ’and Guelph last Thursday and Friday. (Sacramental services next Sunday morning and evening at the Evan gelical church. The quarterly con ference will meet in the evening of Octobe’’ 21st. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett, of De troit, spent the we&Tc-criCl with Mr. and Mrs. Albert King. Mrs. King returned home with 1 them for a week’s visit. Mrs. George Wright, of Windsor, spent the week-end with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson. ’Miss Iva Brokenshire, of Windsor spent Sunday with her mother at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill. Mr. Tom. Yearley is suffering from a sprained foot. Don’t forget the locrure in the United church next Friday evening at 8 o’clock. Dr. Kingston will give an illustrated lecture on the 'Total Eclipse of the Sun of 1932.” The Evangelical orchestra will be in attendance to add to the bright ness of the meeting. A freewill offering will be taken to defray the expenses. At the close of the lec ture the YOung People’s Societies of Crediton, Brinsley and Shipk-a will entertain the Young People from Exeter Main Street and James St. churches. Everyone is invited to attend this lecture. There will be service in the Unit ed church next Sunday evening ,commencing at 7 o’clock. The convener of the Fowl Sup per Committee, Mrs. Godfrey Wein and her secretary Mrs. II. Beavers, as also the convener of the General Committee Mr. Art Amy and the pastor W. M. Sippell unite in thanking all the faithful leaders and helpers in that large project, affording the usual degree of sue* cess. The program Committee with Lavina Smith as convener also re ceived congratulations. The congre gation expresses appreciation to the usual host of friends who came from near and far to enjoy the pleasure of the evening. The excellent, or* der that existed makes it,advisable henceforth to give the entire even ing’s program in the shed, enjoying to the fullest extent the supper and the closing jovialities without com punction Of conscience. The following is a list of those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late Mrs, Lydia Brann Mrs, Wm. Daferner,. Lansing, Mich. Mrs. A. Oakes, Naperville, iij.j Mr. and Mrs. Otto Braun, Owendale, Mich,; Mr, and Mrs. W. pomni, of Chesley,. Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Braun and family, of Forest, Ont.; Mr, and Mrs, Joshua Braun, of Bad Axe, Mich,; Mrs. Sol schluchter and Mr, Mose Braun, of pigeon, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. S. Stahl, Mr. and Mrs, Umlbach, Waterloo; Mrs. Agnew, of Clinton; Mrs, Preeter and daughter Mabel, Mr. Royal Braun, Mr. Mat thew Guenther, of Kitchener;, Mrs, Dam'bra, Mrs, Suhr, Mrs, Saunders, of London; Mrs. Nichols, of Toron to; Rev. and Mrs. Sauer, of Dash wood; Rev. and Mrs. Braun, New Hamburg; Mr. and Mrs. S. Preszca- tor, of Exeter. Among those who attended the funeral of the late Gottfried Gaiser held on Tuesday of last , week were Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Braun, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Giff, Mr. Laurence Strickler, of Bright, Ont., Mr. and Mrs,, Moses Geiser, Mrs. Cecil Wag ner, Mr. Gordon Braun, Mr. Delton Wagnor, Miss Loreen Wagner, of Kitchener, Mrs. Suhr, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Spott, of London, Ont; Mrs. C. Wein, Mrs, Frank Vanspoint, Mrs. Wm. Gregory, Mrs. Jack Gregory and friends, of Detroit, Mich,; Mr. Christian Ingold, Mr. Russell In gold, Miss Esther Ingold, of New Hamburg, Ont. Mrs. Lydia Braun passes Mrs. Lydia Braun, widow of the late G. K, Braun, of Crediton, died in the early hours of Thursday, Oc tober 8th at the age of 80- years. She was born April 23, 1851 just south of the.village, a daughter of that sturdy pioneer Theolbold Stahl and his wife Christina. This was the first home where Evangelical ministers preached the Gospel in this vicinity and these people be came charter-members of the first Evangelical church of Crediton. On October 12, 1869 she married Gott- leib Braun and moved into the vil lage where they resided till their death. Twelve years ago these two people celebrated their golden wed ding anniversary and 2 years ago their diamond wedding jubilee. Mr. Braun died one year later. The three sons remaining are: Chas. D. Braun, of Detroit; Rev. Otto- Braun, of Owendale, Mich and Wm. Braun, of Forest. The four daughters are; Mrs. Wm. Daferener, of Lansing, Mich.; Mrs. Archie Oaks, of Napier- ville, Ill.; Mrs. Ernest Kelhoefer, of the Baptist University, Shanghai, China; and Mrs- Wm. Domim, of Chesley. There are also fourteen grandchildren and two great grand children. -Mrs. Braun made her de cision for the Kingdom when a very young girl and joined the church during the pastorate of the now sainted Rey. .Samuel Krupp. She was a memlber of the Crediton Evangelical church for at least 70 years and an energetic memlber of the Sunday - School in which she taught for many years. She believ ed in tithing and was anxious to address the W. M. S- on that sub ject and missions in which she was deeply concerned. She really was what the church calls an intercess ory missionary at home. A staunch supporter of 'temperance, social and moral reform. The past summer she attended the tabernacle camp meeting and W. M. ,S. convention at Bayport, Mich., and our own W. M. S. Convention’ at Mildmay, Ont. and the Religious Education Assembly at Waterloo. The memorial ser vices were held Saturday afternoon the pastor W. Maurice Sippell con ducted. A text and theme were en twined in the oration, “Prov. 10-7. “The memory of the just is blessed and Mark 14-S She hath done what she could.” In reading the con cluding ceremony of the memorial, the pastor said: “Her end was like the setting of the sun at the end of a beautiful long busy day in May when the golden glow of even-tide slowly recedes/’ Rev. A. W. Sauer of Dashwood and ’Rev. George Fink beiner, of Donners Grove, Ill. assist ed in the services. 'The W. M. S. quartette sung the closing requiem “The Soul Reaches Home.” • A brief memorial was conducted during the session of the Biible School on Sunday. The superinten dent Mr. Art Amy gave'the intro ductory remarks referring to Jhe Oldest member of the School having been called to her reward and how faithfully she had served in thei capacity as teacher of the Friendly Bible Class. F. W. Morlock and W. M. Sippell sang, “I Shall Not Fear If Jesus Leads” after Which the pastor gave a brief address on the tender intimacy that exists be tween teacher and class, for her class room was draped with the class colors and a great spray of flowers stood on a table at the entrance. In her memory the sons and daugh ters of the “Brauns” presented the Friendly Class with a picture of the “Ascension” woven in silk by Chin ese artists of Hankow, china and also a picture of “Jesus th© Good Shepherd” later was presented to Mrs. W. M. Sippell by Mrs. Archie Oaks to be placed in the Beginners class room of which she was the teacher. When we hear a man say all he is he 0'Wn.es to his wife, We want to lend him 30 cents to pay it sill the red & WHITE STORE/j;,iX ji ...,uiii iu .................1!! .UtRJJI' HARVEST SALE SPECIALS 'w 10 lbs. for 53c.-<■PURE CANE SUGAR Maple Leaf Salmon 1-2 lb. tin each J 7c. Pure Raspberry! Jam' • 40 oz. jar each 28c. Pi»re Strawbemy Jam 40 oz. Jar each 28c. GOLD MEDAL MARMALADE....................................., 4Q qz. jar e$ch 21c. Christie’s Chocolate Puffs 1 lb. package 25c. Quality Tomatoes No, 2 1-2 tins 2 for 17c. Lux Flakes 3 pkgs, fpr 25c. RED & WHITE JUMBO PEAS, Sweet & tender ...... . Special 3 for 27c. Thistle White Corn . No. 2 tin 2 for 17c. Red & White Peanut Butter 1 lb? glass barrel each 21c. 2 in 1 Shoe Polish 2 tins for 19c. GOLD MEDAL MINCE MEAT...............................40 oz, glass jar each 43c. SPECIAL AYLMER'BRAND, TOMATOES 2 l-2s, CORN 2s, PEAS 2s 3 TINS FOR 27c. BEST QUALITY RICE................................. MACARONI .................................... ............. SCHNEIDER’S PURE LARD .................... JUMBO SALTED PEANUTS........... WILLARD’S ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ROYAL CITY MIXED BISCUITS........... , , ..... 2 lbs. for 15c. ....... , , ., . per lb. 6c. ......... 2 lbs. for 23c. ................. .... per lb. 15c. ......................per lb, 39c. ........... per lb. 15c. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 “Where Your Dollar Buys More at a Red & White Store” III'ill If EXETER, ONT. We Deliver IIIIIIIIIIIIIH DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days o£ week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Mr. W. MjcNiven and daughter, Flora, of London, Mr. and Mrs. W. Banbury and Misses Jean Banbury and Irma Matheson, o£ Thamesford and Mr. and Mrs. N. Aempy and son, of Ingersol, were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Oestricher. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harris and family, of Sarnia, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hart man Elsie. Miss Thelma Elsie re turned with them for a short va cation. Miss Aleatha Ogden and Mr. H. Sutton, of London, spent Thanks giving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger. J^isi? Bell, of London, spent the week-end with her aunts Mrs. Faust and Miss M. England. (Mr. and Mrs. Lome Pfile, of Mt. Clemens, Mich., visited with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pfile over the week-end. Mr. Leonard Birk, of Guelph, was a holiday‘visitor'at his home here. The Misses Gladys and Ruth Weber, of London, were home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Dan- Mclsaac, of Mackinaw, Mich., and son, of De troit, called on their aunt Mrs. R. Mclsaac on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bruer and fam ily, of New Hamburg, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Schroeder over the holiday. Mrs. Granger, Mrs. Miles and Mrs. Magwood, -of Sarnia,- spent Thanksgiving Day with their mother Mrs. H. Bender. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bender, of Hensall, spent Sunday in town. j ,Mr. and Mrs. W. May, of Kit chener, spent the week-end With Mr. and Mrs. S. Oestricher. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Raschke, of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Merner over the week-end. Miss Kathleen Merner returned with thm for a short visit-. The Misses Marie and Esther Al- lenmang were holiday visitors with friends fn town. Miss Emma Tiernan, of London, spent the week-end in town with relatives. Mrs. Gill has returned from a visit with relatives in Detroit. Mrs. Wm. Consitt, of Hensall, and Orville (Smith, of the Parr Line spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. Jonas Hartleib. Mr. Czar Steinhagen, of Guelph, was a week-end visitor at his home here. Mr. Ira Tieman, of Hamilton and Miss G. Cornell, of Kitchener,, spent the Thanksgiving holiday with the former’s .parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Tieman. Miss Myrta Taylor, of London, and Mr. Jack Taylor, of Windsor, spent a few days at the home of Dri and Mrs. R. H. Taylor. Dr. and Mrs. E. Broughton and family and Miss Grace Kellerman, of Toronto, visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellerman over the holiday. (Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith and fam ily, of Kincardine, are visiting at the home of Mr. Jonas Hartleib for a few days. Misses H. Martinson and A. Hoffman and Mr, G. Keeler attend ed the Teachers’ Convention at Ex eter, on Thursday and at Guelph on Friday. \ • Messrs. Htigene ahu Lome Tie* man, of London, spent the holiday at their homes here, Mr, and Mrs. Herman Zimmer and Miss Theda Hayter, of Wind sor, were holiday visitors with with relatives. - Miss Ella Martinson spenlt .the week-end at her home in Elmira. iMr. and Mrs. J. K. Ehlers, of Zurich, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oestricher on Sunday. Miss Laura Sippel, of Stratford, and Mr. W. Klickman, of Elmira, were weeke-nd visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile. Thanksgiving and T.aJIy Day Services A day of Thanksgiving was. fit tingly observed in the Dashwood Evangelical church on Sunday, Oc tober 11th. The pastor Rev. A. W. Sauer preached at both services. In the morning a Thanksgiving anthem was rendered by the choir and at the evening service besides “an an them by the choir, Miss Alice Hoff man sang a solo entitled, “Thanks giving” by Erances Allitsen and the ladies quartette composed of Miss es Cathern Finkbeiner and1 Ajlice Hoffman, Mrs. . A. Oestricher and Mrs. T. KLumpp sang “Praise Wait- eth for Thee.” A Rally Day program was -car ried out during the Sunday -School session in which each class pro vided one or more numbers. The church was decorated for the day by a nicely arranged display of flowers, fruits, vegetables and grain in sheaf. GRAND BEND Quite a number took in the an niversary services at Thames Road Sunday to hear Rev. J. M. Colling, also at Greenway to hear Rev. W. J. Maines. Miss Mary Lofland, of Detroit, is visiting her mother Mrs. Mark Wild. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Statton have moved into Mr. Wheal’s house for the winter. The old camp grounds were well lighted up on Saturday night for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Statton and son spent Sunday with Mr. Bert Batty, of, Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turnbull and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker spent the week-end with friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Oliver and Mrs. Russell Webb took in St. Marys Fair and report a good time?’' Mrs. Bert Craig and Mrs. Arnold Ravelle spent Friday with Mrs. S. Dewey in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McPherson, of Greenway spent Thanksgiving with Miss Emma Mollard. Keep in mind the Fowl Supper, October 27th. THAMES ROAD The anniversary services on Sun day were a success, large congre gations being present. Rev. J. Mor ley Colling, of Lambeth, preached two splendid sermons. Miss Pearl Wood sang very acceptably at both services. , Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reed and fam ily, of Toronto, Miss Anna E. Gar diner, of New York, Miss Mildred Hackney, of Kirk ton, visited With Mr and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner and family on Sunday. Prof. E. S« Moore, of the Univer sity of Toronto, accompanied by Mrs. Moore rfnd daughter, Ruth, .were the guests of Rev. J, and Mrs. Anthony at the manse. Miss Helen J^nthony was home from Hamilton over Thanksgiving, ELIMVILLE There will be no preaching ser vice in this church next Sunday it being Zion Anniversary. Rev-. White gave a number of in teresting lantern slides on Korea in the ichurch last Tuesday evening. ,Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Jeffrey, of Thames Road, visited at Mr. P. Murch's last Sunday. Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock of St. Thomas, were week-end vis itors in the neighbourhood. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones, of Lon don visited at Mr. Henry Johns last Sunday. Mr. Enos Herdman, of Toronto, and Miss Allan, of Cooksville, spent the holidays at the former’s home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch, of London, were visitors in the village on-Monday. A very large quantity of fruit and vegetables was collected for the Saskatchewan relief from this neighbourhood Quite a number from here attend ed the Thames Road church anni versary services last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Francis, of London, visited in the vicinity last week. MT. CARMEL Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Blundy, of Sarnia, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Carey. Miss Madeline Glavin, of Colgan, spent the week-end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glavin. Miss Nora Collins and sister Mrs. B. Mplligan, of Detroit,, are spend ing a frew days with friends in the neighborhood. 4 Mrs. Jeremiah Campbell and Ur- sulia are visiting friends at Detroit this week. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Marrinan and family, of Centralia, moved their household effects to Mr. John Pat ton’s farm, 14th con. McGillivray where they intend to reside. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Marrinan to our midst. tf Mrs. John Houlahan returned to her home last week after a pleasant visit with friends at Detroit. Mr. and ;Mrs. McConnell, of Lon don, called on friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Denomme and fam ily, of Detroit, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Houlahan. Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Morrissey ac companied by Miss Kathleen, Jack and Cyril motored to Detroit on. Saturday to spend the holiday with friends. Mastei* Timothy Coughlin, of As sumption College, Sandwich, spent the week-end at his home here. . Mr. Joseph Ryan, of Detroit, call ed on friends here on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Carey, of God erich, spent a few days last week the Misses Carey here. SHIPKA Miss Martha Lamport, of Lon don, spent Thanksgiving with het parents. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford McPher son and family, of Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sweitzer and family and Mr. John Ratz and daughter Ida, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Sweitzer, in Mel bourne. Mr. and- Mrs. Buck, of Windsor, spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. T. Raynham. Mt. and Mrs. Win. Sweitzer, Miss Virginia Moore and Miss E. ”Ball attended * the golden wedding anni versary o*f their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bassow in Zurich on Friday.