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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-10-15, Page 4
I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1031'THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE w SOUTH HURON PLOWING MATCH WILL BE HELP ON THE FARM OF Mr. Edward Walker 2 1,2 MILES SOUTH OF EXETER ON NO. 4 HIGHWAY —'QN -tv,.... THURSDAY, OCTOBER»22nd FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS APPLY TO PERCY PASSMORE, PRESIDENT, R. R. NO. 3, EXETER HAROLD JEFFERY, SECRETARY, R. R. NO. 3, EXETER LOCAL NEWS ,,J. q. stanbury was iu Goderich cm Tuesday on legal buslpess, ; Beta Bowe, assisted Stadia ‘ehoir as soloist for their niversary services o’n Sunday, IMr. and Mrs. Clifton Davis London, spept the holi- relatives ip town. C. apd Mrs. Harvey apd Brantford, apd^hlr. aPd‘ Willow with s. the an- and family, of days with Rev, L- family, of Mr©. Norman Stacey, of Grove, spent Thanksgiving their mother, Mrs. J, S. Harvey. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kydd and daughter Vivian and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kydd, Thanksgiving parents Mr. Kydd. Mr. George of Toronto, spent the holiday with their and Mrs. Jonathan Mt. Pleasant PLOWING MATCH CARD OF THANKS on TUESDAY, OCT. 27th ON THE FARMS OF FRANK HARBURN & BERT BUTLER, LOTS 10 and 11, CON. 13 HIBBERT CLASSES FOR ALL COMERS CLARK SWITZER, President. Science Hill, Ont. CLIFF. DOW, Sec’y.-Treas. Staff a, Ont. DANCE Opera House, Exeter — on — Thursday, Oct. 22 Music by DEVIZES MELODY BOYS Dancing from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. Admission: Ladies 25c., Gents 50c. Tax included BIRTHS "VAHEY—In London on Monday, October 5 th to Mr. and Mrs. ■Percy Vahey, a daughter. iWILLIS—In Stephen, on Saturday October 10th, ‘to Mr. and Mrs. James Willis, Jr., a son (LeRoy). DEATHS ^TAYLOR—In Fanwood, New Jersey, » October the 2nd, Wilfred Taylor, sson of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tay lor, aged eight years. ^WILLIS—In Stephen Tp., on day, October 10th, LeRoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. James . Jr. Satur- imfant Willis MARRIAGES FYNE—'BACON—At the Thames Road manse on Wednesday, Sep tember 30th Miss Dorothy Irene Bacon to Stephen Pyne, both of . Elimville by Rev. , james An thony. JB.LOOMFIELD—BE’ARISDELL— At 1 the Trivitt Memorial Rectory on • Saturday, October 10th Miss Mar- i jorie Bearsdell, to Mr. James Bloomfield, both of Woodstock, by Rev. E. L. Vivian. ’JROUTLY—HORNE—-At the Elim- ‘ville parsonage on Saturday, Oc- 4 tober 10th, Elva Lauretta, daugh- , ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Horne, , .of Elimvllle, to Mr. Wm. Ttoutly, eldest son of th.©.’ « Matthew and Mrs. Routly,- of Shorne, by Rev. L. C. White. ^THOMSON— J OR i'—At the home of the bride’s parents in stephen on , .Saturday, October 10, 1931, Ven- etta Mildred, second daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jory to Mr. ^Leslie Watson Thomson, ■®st son of Mis. and Mrs. Thomson, of Usborne, by ’ .McTavish. J. late Us- young- H. D. W. Rev. IN MEMORIAM' ^tcBONALD—-In most affectionate memory of our beloved husband And daddy, Gordon, whom God called home one year ago, Octo ber 13, 1930. TVe think of you, dear Gordon And our hearts are sad with pain; 0hf this v/orld would bo a heaven, Could w© hear your voice again, Mo one knows <ie silent heartache, Gnly those who have lost can tell; grief that is borne in silence, For th© one we loved so well* Jin our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and true; ijrhe’rs is not a day, dear Gordon, ^hat we do not think of you. ’^jjh.dly missed by liis loving wife and ^attghteL Mr. Wm. , Mitchell desires to thank the firemen for the splendid efforts’put forth in saving his home •at the time of the recent fire. Dr. Win. Lawson, of Listowel, spent the week-end with his parents EXETER COUNCIL 1931 Beavers and friend Mr. John Clarke, of Osgoode Hall, Toronto, and Reg. Beavers, of Bridgeburg, spent the ThanlcsgiV” ing holiday with Mr. and Mrs, B. W. F. Beavers. -Owing to the frequent urgent ap peals being made to finance local church and community enterprises it is considered wise not to make the canvas in aid of the Bible’So ciety until the second week in Nov ember. In the meantime the collect ors will be appointed and people will be getting ready their coming. the for pre- ap- and That 90c., Tuesday, October 6, The regular meeting postponed from Monday to Tuesday evening was held in the Town Hall. Ab sent councillors Rowcliffe. •The-minutes of the meeting held September Sth were read and ap proved. Circulars were laid on .the- table. The Auditors’ Report for Sep tember was read and accepted on motion of Grieve and River^. Car. The following accounts were read and ordered paid: John Norry, meals for tramps Colt revolver for night Constable, $ 12.90; W. S- Howey, Bicarbonate Soda, fir© department $7.84; Grigg Stationery, books for Library $68.- 60; Mrs. Beatrice Christie, coal, li brary $56J50; Charles H. Stephen, drawing gravel $14.40; Wm, Johns team labor $4.50; John Parsons, labor $6.00; Thos. Webster, labor $i5.75; Edward J. Coombes, labor $5.75; Jonathan Kydd, cleaning tank for town hall $10.00; W. T. Gillespie, draying $3.40. Cemetery Accounts, William Smith, labor $27.75; Traquair & Lindenfield, paints $6.00’. Passed on motion of Bierling and Grieve. Carried. Adjourned by Grieve and Rivers. Jos. Senior, Clerk MEN’S UNION MEET Main .Street United churchThe Men’s Union met in the church par lour on Wednesday, October 7th.' President G. W. Layton was in the chair. Mr. Win. Ward who was chairman of the.committee to over see the cleaning of the lot to the north .of the church reported that the lot had been ploughed and cul tivated mended having spring. several times and recom- seeding next spring after it worked again in the Mr. A. Ryckman, also a member on the committee, recom mended another plowing of the lot before spring. It was decided, on motion of Mr. W. S. Martin t,hat a levy of '215 cents per member be made to help defray the expense on the lot. Suggestions as regards programs for the winter were made by Messrs. W. G. Medd, W. C. Pearce, G. Mawson and R,ev. C. J. MoorhouSe. the meeting was finished the mem bers played the wives of refreshments. Mrs. Geo. replied in behalf of the ladiei the hearty vote of thanks which was extended to them by the 'Men’s Union. After the business of crokinole after which the men present served Mrs. Geo. Layton is, to ST. W. M. S. regularly monthly meetingThe was held on Thursday, October 8th with Mrs. C. W. Christie, the presi dent and Mrs. H. Taylor assisting in charge of the- devotional period. Considerable discussion on business matters were gone into during Which it was moved and seconded that a unanimous vote of thanks from the James Sit. ladies be ex tended to Mr. Gillespie for his kind generosity in conveying from the church to the railway station the five bales Of clothing being sent to needy auxilaries in the* stricken areas of th© West. The programme for the afternoon was convened by Mrs. H« Taylor, who also read the devotional leaflet. Book, Mrs. Christie tive map- sketch country, the people which was continued *n good read ings oh the same subject by Mi'SJ .McTavish, Mrs. Bell and Miss Shap- ton. a splendid piano duett was contributed by Mrs. Goulding and Mrs. H. Carey. Mrs. J. Grant brought an interesting and inspiring report from the recent convention held at Roy’s United church which she attended as a delegate. The, ■meeting closed with th© singing of a hymn and the bonediction. The W.M.S. will hold their anniversary on tit© 2’5th with an entertainment and social on the Monday evening following. STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen convened at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, October 5th, 1931, at 1 p.m. All members were present. The minutes of the vious meeting were read and proved. Moved by Mr. W, Sweitzer seconded by Mr. H. Beaver: By-law No. 455 being a By-Daw to levy and Collect the taxes for the yeai’ 1931, having been read three times 'be passsd Reeve and Clerk Corporation be Carried. Moved by Mr. by Mr. W. Dearing: That W. Morlock be appointed of Taxes for th© year ary of $100.00 and roll to be returnable 16th, 1931. The said Freeman file a. bond with the due performance of his duties Collector before the roll is handed to him. Carried. Moved by Mr. H. Beaver, second ed Mr. W. Sweitzer; That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the Certificate required for the 'registration of the GVll-E5senb'ach Plan Nd. 25, beirig a subdivision of part of Lot number six in the DRW Concession of the Township of’Ste phen. Carried. The Reeve notified the Council that he had received a notice from the Victoria Hospital, London that David Waghorn, of Crediton, had been admitted to the hospital as an indigent patient. The Clerk was in structed to answer the- same by in forming the hospital authorities that under The Hospital and Char itable Acts, the patient was not chargeable against the Township of Stephen. Moved by Mr. W. Dearing,., sec onded by Mr. E. Gill: That the fol lowing pay sheets and orders be ppid: William Sanders, road 2, $14.4i5; George Hirtzel, road 4,. $2.00; Geo.. Eilber, road 9, 54c.; Roy Hodgins, road 22, $88.00'; Roy Hodgins, rd. 22, $8.00; Wesley Isaac, road 17, $4.50; John Rollins, gravel $23.75; James Patterson, gravel $7.7|5i; W. Baker, road 21, $3 8.00; George Eil ber, salary $79.60; Gordon* Turn bull, gravel $14.50; total $281.09. Centralia Farmers’ Co-Operative Co. cement for tile $6.90; Envelope- <Folders Limited, envelopes $6.20; Ernest Guettiner, milk inspetor $5.- 65; Huron Expositor, printing $1.- 50; Bank of Commerce, collections $3.10. The Council adjourned to meet again at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, November 2nd, 1981, .at 1 P-m. , ., and signed by the and the Seal of the attached thereto. E. Gill,seconded Freeman collector at a sal-1931 postage. The on December Morlock shall Clerk if or the as Henry Eilber, STAFF A From the Study gave an instruc- o>f the Korean and their habits The , United largely success, stock, delighted with his impressive discourses and special music was given by the choir Mr. Stafford Love, of Woodstock, sang a solo at the morning and evening services, also Miss Rowe and Mrs. Cecil Stewart of Exeter sang duets at both .services. These numbers were much appreciated. On Tuesday evening a hot fowl supper was held in the church sheds A splendid program was given, by the orpheus Concert Co., of Exeter Mr. and Mrs, Waltev O’Brien, of Flint, Mich., ate visiting th© form er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, F. O’Brien, Miss Edna Fell, of Goderich, • is visiting her brother, Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Fell. Mr, Howard Leary, of London, spent the holiday With his parents Mr. and Mrs, John Leary. • Mr. and Mrs, Jds. May, of Exeter also visit- wltli Mr, and Mrs, Leary, Anniversary Services of the Church on Sunday last were attended and were a decided , Rev. Mr. Love, of Wood- the congregation MORTGAGE SALE Mr, Charles Mrs. E, A. of London, her parents CENTRALIA Mr. F. JR Fftirhall, of California, visited with his father Fairhall and, his sister Abbott on Sunday, ; Miss Mary OABrien, spent th© holiday with Mr. and Mrs, C. L O’Brien. iMr. John Brawn and Mrs. Arm strong attended th© funeral of the late Miss J. KesseJl, of Dashwood, on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Armstrong remained for a few days. On Tuesday evening of last week: the Young people’s Society .enjoyed a weiner roast at the river. The evening was spent in games after which all gathered around the bon fire and sang old time songs. The evening was under the direction of ■Miss E. Gourlay, the social Vice- President. Air report a good time, Mr. and Mrs. Miles McCabe spent the holiday at their home in Strath- roy, Mr. and Mrs, Majcweil Baynham and son Douglas, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Baynham and daughter Betty, of Guelph, spent the week-end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham Sr. Mr. Wm, J. Smith has purchased a new Essex car. Mr. Wni. J. Colwill returned to his horn© last week after spending the past few weeks in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Spence, of New Jer sey, were guests of Rev, A. V. and Mrs. Robb, during the past week. The two ladies are sisters. Mr. Herman Hodgson spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson. Mr. Harold Horton, of Oshawa, Was the guest of Mr. Clifton Mit chell on Sunday. Mi< and Mrs. Walt. Widmyer and family, of Wiarton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George McFalls in Biddulph. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills and their daughter Marilyn, of Wyoming, spent the holiday with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills. ■Mr. Wm. J. Parsons has been con fined to his home owing to illness for the past week. Mr and Mrs. Patrick Marrinan and family who- have occupied Mr. Andrew Maguire’s house for the past couple years have moved to a farm near Mount Carmel. iMr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson and family, Mr. Findlay Anderson, of Belgrave and Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Powe and S0n Teddy, of London spent the ’holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks. Don’t forget the hot fowl supper on Wednesday, October 21st under the auspices of the Woman’s Asso ciation. Supper will be served from 5.30 to 8 p.m. followed ’ey a good program. Miss M. Evoy spent the week-end at her home,in Stratliroy. Mrs. Andrew Proctor and child ren, of St. Marys visited for <a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks.« Mrs. George Baynham Sr. attend ed the funeral cf her sister Mrs.' I. Shaddock in Parkhill on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Connor and Mrs. Frank Lewis also attended the fun eral. .'Miss McAllister, of Hensall, is visiting with Mrs. E. Anderson and Miss Agnes Anderson. Miss Margaret Hicks nurse-in training, Vitcoria Hospital, London spent Saturday with her parents and AUCTION SAC^ } rr- Of | . HOUSE AND PBO1WTY 'HO'.lbSEHO:tD RFFETS | -r-r.OP —- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1»31 at 2 o'clock the following: The house and property an$ household effects of the late Thom as Flynn, Mill Street, Exeter, will be offered for sale by public auc-- itlon on Saturday, October 31st at! 2 o’clock, Terms: liouehold ef fects cash, Real Estate; 10 per cent!, on day of sale and balance in ,30> days, F, Taylor, Auctioneer. auction sale Mrs. 'Andrew Hicks. WINCHELSEA Mr. Quite a number from this - com munity attended Kirkton Fair last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Prance and family visited with friends at Park hill on© day last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coleman and son Bobbie visited Mrs. W. -Wightman, of Sebringville, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ily visited with Mr. Ilotham of Delaware on Sunday. Miss Leona Pym, of Elimville, visited with her cousin, Jean Davis on Saturday. IMr. and Mrs. P. Foster, of St. Marys, visited with‘Mr..and Mrs. I-I. Foster on Monday. Mr, and Mrs-. R. E. Pooley spent the week-end with friends in Tor onto. with Mr. and Davis and fam- and Mrs. Ted LUMLEY -Mr. companied by of Hensail, week visiting their aunt, Mrs. Fras er, an aged lady who is quite sick and no hope held for'her recovery. Misses Margaret and Jean Mc Queen returned home on Monday last after spending a few days at Niagara Falls; Mr. Grant Rycnuan and son Mer- vin are this week visiting friends in Klint Mich. Mr. Chas. Kenny, of London, vis ited his friends on the Boundary for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John McClure were in London a day'last week visiting their sister Miss Maud Glenn before returning to Toronto, and Mrs. Welly Kerslake ac- Mrs. Fred Simmons were in Moncton last Myrtle—"My folks are going to send me to a girls’ finishing sOhoot’ Mildred-—"Mine can’t handle me, either.” is a good two- with slate roof, L-shaped bank foundation, and of —, FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF usborne The undersigned, has heeh instruct ed to sell by public auction under’ and by virtue of a pertain1 mortgage which will be produced at the sale, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1931 at 2 p.m. on the premises the farm property known as Lot 34, South Thames Road, Usborne Twp., containing 100 acres more or less, Th© soil is a loos© clay loam, all tillable,' and very productive. Some 30 acres are in grass and th© bal ance under cultivation. There is a good well at th© house and another at the barn, with windmill, and. pip ing in the stables, On th© property storey brick house in good repair; 3 barns, one on stone the other on brick, with stabling for about ?0 head of horses and cattle, and 6 large hog pens with passages; chick’en pens, drive-shed and imple ment storage. This farm is situate 1 1-2 miles east of Farquhar on the Thames Road) and 8 miles east of Exeter. It is centrally located for church and school, and markets. TERMS OF SALE 10 per cent of purchase money to be paid on date of sale, and the balance within 30 days.- Possession for fall ploughing may be had im mediately, and full possession upon completion of purchase money. Foi’ further particulars and con ditions of sale apply to FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall, Solicitors for Mort gagee. has with heifer; calf at three -189206-male. 1927, AUCTION.SALE --- Of --- CHOICE THOROUGHBRED DURHAM CATTLE Frank Taylor, Auctioneer, been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 31.J, Con. 5, USBORNE, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1931 ,at 2 o’clock p.m. the following: Thoroughbred Durham cow due October 22; thoroughbred Durham cow due December; three thorough bred Durham cows foot; two-year-old young calves. LOYAL MEMBER red, little white, born Aug. 8, bred by W. A. Galbraith, Iona Sta tion, Ont., calved the property of H. & W- D. Smith, Hay, Ont., own ed by Robert Bell, Hensail. CLOVERDALE ROYALIST- -173,- 715 5- male. Roan, born May 30, 1924 bred by Russell J. Scott, Cromarty, Ont.; calvqd the property of Oes- tricher Bros., Crediton, Ont.; sec ond owner, Robert Bell, Hensail. ‘ ROSEBUD 2ND -24(31412- female. Red, little white/born June 15tli, 1929, bred by Robert Bell, Hensail, Ont. ROSEMARY DASS • 3RD -243629- female; Roan, born July 17, 1929, bred by Robert Bell, Hensail, Ont. ROSEBUD -223 827- female. Red, borne June 3rd, 1926, bred by Ro bert Bell, Hensail, Ont. ROSE LEE 4TH -2112 45- female Roan, born September 2 4th, 1924, bred by Robert Bell, Hensall, Ont. MISS RAMSDEN -204123- fe male. Red, little white, born Sep tember 15th, 1923, bred by Robert Bell, Hensall, Ont. ROSEMARY LASS 2ND -218744- female. White, iborn July 20th, 1925, bred by Robert Bell, Hensall, Ont. . TERMS 7 month’ credit on furnishing ap proved -notes with 5 per cent, ed. ROBERT BELL, Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer ZION add- on Mr. Zion Anniversary will be held Sunday, October 18tli. Rev. Gale, of Bayfield, will be the special speaker.. Services at 10.30. a.m. and 7 p.m. • • The 'lantern slides- which were shown last week on Korea were very interesting and instructive. A number attended the anniver sary at Woodham and Thames United Churches on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern daughters Loren© and Hazel Mr. Visited Sunday. Mr. Thomas Brock, of town, vis ited at the home of Mr. John Johns on Sunday* Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern visited with the former’s aunt Mrs. Chas. Kerslake on Sunday. 'Mr. Mervin Brock, of pt. Stanley, and sisters Minerva and Florence, of St.. Thomas, spent Sunday under the parental roof Alf. Brock. ML ahd Mi’S, Sunday with the Thos. Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Leslie and Mr. and Mrs. P. Foster and children, of St. Marys, spout Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E!ph.“ riam Hern. A number of vegetable^ were col lected through the community on Tuesday to bo shipped to the West. Rd. and and Henry Hern and Mrs. H. Kyle friends near Komoka on with Mr. and Mrs. I the Pow-- a certain’, produced1 — of — REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of er of Sale contained in Mortgage which will be on th© day of sale, there will bO' offered for sale by Public Auction.’- at the Law Offices of: Carling & Morley, Exeter Ontario/ — On — MONDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1931, At 2 p.m the following Real Estate:; Lot Number 6, in the Sixth Con cession of the Township of Usborne- in the County of Huron, containing; One Hundred Acres of land mor©' or less. The farm is conveniently located to schools, churches, and markets, and has erected thereon a two stor ey brick house and a good bank is well fenced and,’. ’»■ barn. This farm drained and has a good' orchard. TERMS 10 per cent. money on day of sale, balance in 30 days thereafter. Real Estate will be put up subject to a reserve bid. For further particulars apply to FRANK TfAYLOR, ESQ., Auctioneer Exeter, Ontario, or to CARLING & MORLEY, Solicitor^ if or Mortgagees, Exeter and Lucan’. Ontario. OF SAME of the purchase' EXECUTOR’S SALE The Executor of the last Will and Testament of CALEB HEY-1- WOOD, late of the Village of Ex eter, in f]ie County of Huron,. Gentleman deceased has instructed. Frank Taylor, Esq., Auctioneer, to- offer for sale by Public Auction on’ the premises on MONDAY the 26th day of October,. A. D. 1931 ait 3 o’clock pan. The following Real Estate Being composed- of Lots numbers^ 10 8 and 109 on the East side off Andrew Street in the Viuage of Ex— eter, containing by, admeasurement two-thirds of an acre of land. Upon the above a comfortable one house and a frame This property is iently and centrally located as to- churches, school and the business section of Exeter, and is a most de sirable property. TERSIS OF SALE- 10 per cent, of the purchase money in day of sa»a, balance of purchase money in 30 .days there after. This property will be put up, fot** sale subject to a reserve bid. For further particulars -apply to FRANK TAYLOR, ESQ., Exeter, Ontario. Or to CARLING & MORLEY, for Executor, Exeter, land is situate- storey frame stable. most conven- Auctioneer- SolicitorS ■ Ontario. Notice to Creditors. RE DAVID WYNN, late of th© Vill age of Exeter, in the County off’ Huron, Gentleman, deceased. CREDITORS AND OTHERS; hav ing claims against the estate of th© said deceased are required to send full * particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or ’before the- ,24th day of October, 1981, after which date the Executors will pro-- coed to distribute th© assets of the said estate, having regard only-re the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated this 14 day of October, 1931. CARLING AND MORLEY Solicitors for Executors Exeter, Ontario. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all. creditors and others having claims, against the eestate of Sarah Jane- Keys, late of the Village of Exeter in the County of Huron, Widow,, deceased, who died on or about the ■ twenty-third day of August A.D.,. 1931, are required to forward their claims duly proven to H. Eilber & Son, Crediton, Ont., on or about the seventeenth day of October A. D., 1931. And Notice is further givdn that after the said date the Executors • will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims off' which they then shall have notice. Bated this 5th day of October A.- B*, 1931. William Mawhlnncy and Thomas’-* Mawhinney, Executors. , B. It. No, 3^ Dashwood, Out- -