HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-10-01, Page 8THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1931 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATK USED CARS - . « • 1929 ESSEX COACH 1927 CHRYSLER COACH 19.37 WHIPPET COACH 1928 FORD COACH ’ 1929 FORD ROADSTER 1928 FORD DELIVERY 1936 FORD ROADSTER 1932 FORD SEDAN 1929 FORD TRUCK 149 people have bought cars from US this year. We know we can please you. : Exeter Markets Wheat 45 c. Barley,, standard, 35c. ‘ Bran 75c, Sherk 80c. . . Low Grade FlonJit Welcome Flour $2*00 Model Flour, $240 Manitoba Flour, $2.50 Creamery Butter* 26c, Dairy Butter, 18 and 19c. Eggs,. extras 24c, Eggs, firsts 20c, ] locals__ | CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bev* J. Bernard Rhode*, M, 4. Minister ‘ . Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M., Organist IQ a,m»—-Sunday School 11 a.m,—“A Lesson in Grammar” 7 p.m,—“The Secret of Satisfaction” Monday, the ,5th, at 8 p.jn. A fare­ well for pr, Margaret Strang, un­ der appointment to the Peace River country, followed by a con- * gregational social. Sunday, the 18th, our Church Anni­ versary. u ,----- ----------------- '•< Mr, Harold Wood, of Chatham, spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mr. Jas. Hern, who has been ill for some time, is again able to be around. Mr. J. G. Stanbury was at Blyth on Monday acting as Council in court there. Mr. Howard Leary, of London, visited witli Mr. and Mrs. Jos, May on Sunday, iMr. and Mrs. W. J . Statham, of London, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. J. R. Hind. Dr. and Mrs. Kydd, of Atwood, spent Thursday with Mrs. McAvoy and Miss Sanders. Miss Marjory Carrick, of Wash- ago, visited with friends at Sex­ smith over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Scott and son Murray spent a few days the latter part of the week visiting at Niagara Falls, Mr. F. M. Boyle is confined to his home suffering from heart trouble. His many friends will hope for his speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McClellan, of Stratford, spent the week-end with Mrs. MdClellan’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aidworth Mr. and Mrs. Norman 0‘shawa, are visiting for of weeks with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ford. • Mrs. W. W- company with daughter Miss are visiting in Aliss Flossie ginning of the week for Toronto ■where she will take a course in So­ cial Science at the University. iMr. Charles Pearce, who is at­ tending Normal School at London, spent the week-end with liis par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce. Mrs. E.. J. Shortt held a success­ ful auction sale of her household effects on Saturday. Mrs. Shortt has rented her residence to Mr. Wm. Winer. The Young People’s Society of James St. held a weiner roast Mon­ day evening on the banks of the river on the 2nd concession of borne. Mr. and Mrs. Harold peter son Stanley and Mr. Peter Sr., of Atwood, motored down and called on friends in this community on Tuesday. Main Street United Church will hold their anniversary on Sunday, November 1st. Rev. Dr. Lcickie, ■ president of the conference will be the preacher. • Miss Ethel Dow has returned * home from Winnipeg and will care ( for' her father, Mr. Alex Dow, who j has been quite \’l. They are mov- FOR SALE—Two Holstfein • heif- inS into the 1101ue of G- J- Low. ers due middle of October. Apply to' in the report of the Exeter Fair R. Skinner, Exeter. Itp jast week a‘ mistake was made in ----------------------- '■ 1 the Shropshire Down sheep. In this FOR SALE—Buckwheat honey in ciass Mr. Rd. Hunter, of Usborne, your own containers; also light am-_ WOn g5x first p]aces- and three sec- ber honey 6c. a lb. in your own con- i onds. tainers.—W. F. Abbott ' ' ltp. ' LOOK THESE OVER Sandy Elliot Ford Dealer Phone 64 CHILDREN FOR ADOPTION The Huron County Children’s Aid Society has five children for whom good ■ homos are sought. They are boys of six months, two years, five years, and nine years, and one girl ■of two years. All are bright and attractive. : Communications from per­ sons who would like to adopt one or more of these children should be addressed to H. T. Edwards Superintendent C, A., Society, Goderich A rally meeting of the Women’s 'Association of the James Street United church will be held jn the Abasement of the church at 3 p.m. on Thursday, Each member is request­ ed to bring a friend. Come to this meeting. Miss Catherine Hicks, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Hicks un­ derwent an operation ?or appendici­ tis in Chatham Hospital Tuesday ^.-morning. Miss Margaret Gladman, Messrs. Chas, and Don Gladman and Mr- Shepphard, of London and Mr. Ri­ chardson, week-end Gladman. of Tilbury, spent • the with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Main St. Young People’sAt the League Monday evening J. M. South- icott gave an address on “What th© reading of newspapers should do for me” which was followed by a very Interesting discussion. WANTED TO BUY—Real good sharp and big watch dog, German police dog, preferred. No cattle dog. Apply at Exeter Times-Advocate. FOR SALE OR RENT—Residence occupied by the late Mrs. Wm. Year- ley. Apply to H. Eilber & Son. > - 10-1-3LC. HONEY FOR SALE—Good Qual­ ity amber honey; 41c. a pound in customer’s containers. Darrell Park­ er, R. R. 3, Exeter.- 2tp. EO'UND—-In Exeter on Monday a blue serge vest. Owner may call at Times-Advocate. -Chicken house by 16.! Apply i Itc! i I FOR SALE- good condition, size 10 1-2 Good flooring, well lighted, at Times-Advocate brick moved FOR SALE—Two storey kitchen to be torn down and away.—Apply to Sandy Elliot '2tc. The Thames Road Farmer’s Club is booking orders for both nut and . fine coke and Alberta coal. Orders should be left at once for October delivery.—P. Passmore, Sec’y. Get your fur coats and furs re­ modeled early, cemfoer 1st. style.—'Mrs. Norman Hockey, Street, Exeter. ■Cut rates till De- Dressnuaking any Main WANTED—An unlimited; number of cheap horses. Apply to Frank Taylor. FOR SALE-—White Leghorn, cock­ erels, guaranteed R.O.P., registered and pedigreed stock bred and raised direct from Dr. Roe, Atwood. Apply to Milton Brock, R.R. 1„ Granton, phone 44 Kirkton, FARM FOR SALE—Composed of Lot 13, North Thames Road, in the township of Usborne, County of Hu* Von, containing one hundred acres of choice land, on the premises are a two storey brick house, bank barn, pig pen, two good wells, 9 acres di bush, 20 acres of fall wheat,14 acres of hay, Sealed tenders will be re- celved by the undersigned up to Oc* tobev 21, 1931, the highest or* any tender not necessarily accepted,— Mary Cottle, Russeidale, P. O„ Ont, t < Hoag,- of a couple Taman, of town, in Mrs. Goodison and Marjorie, of Sarnia, Boston, Mass. Hunter left the be- Us- and i Mr. Ed. Aidworth has returned . jto Saskatoon, to resume his studies, 111, after spending the summer on a i mission field at Uffington, Ontario. I Mr. and Mrs. Geddes, of London, j called on friends here last week. ! Rev. A. E. Johns and two sons were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. ■Elford on Sunday. Mr.'Johns, who last year was' a ■ professor at the Brandon'University has, this year se­ cured, a position, with,thP’University at Hamilton. • ■ Mrs. Asa Rumford, Who;has been dcmi’pying Mr. E. M. Dignan’s resi- deiwc on Gidley Street has moved to Forest, Mrs. Rumford made many friends in Exeter while here and their best wishes will follow her to her new home. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Treble, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Flynn and daughter, of Sarnra, were in Exeter the latter part of the week /making arrangments for the disposi­ tion of the real estate ;and house­ hold effects of their father, the late Thomas Flynn. ; Dr. R. Hewitt, of Regina Sask., is tills week attending a medical .convention in Toronto. Mrs. Hew­ itt, who has been visiting for a mon­ th with her father In Exeter has t joined Mr, Hewitt in Toronto. They will visit in Exeter over1 the week­ end before returning to their home. •Mr# W. J. Horney, who has been farming neat', Kipnen and <whose barn was burned the latter part of July intends moving to Exeter and will occupy his residence on Bfrncoe street. Mr. Horney ig holding an auction sale of his farm stock and implements Oft October 8th, See ad­ vertisement 1ft another column* JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Bev, p. hlcTafifib, Pastor W, R; Goulding, A.T.C.M.* Organist and Choir-Leader SPECUP HARVEST HO^IE SERVICES Special speaker for the day REV. E. J, ROULSTON, of Wheatley 11 a.m.—“Old Wells Dug Out” 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—“What religion can do for us.” Music by Male C'horus assisted by Mrs, Roderick Ferguson, of Glencoe MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—“The True Law of Growth and Enlargement.” p.m.—Our Church School. - p.m.—“Wilt Thou be made Whole The only Way?” Our song service of old songs to begin the service. Thursday at 8 p.m. meeting for prayer. ' 3 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, Jj, Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 1.8th Sunday after Trinity . a.m.—'Morning Prayer Subject: “An Israelite” p,m.—(Sunday Schoo: and Rector’s Bilble Class,,, 7 p.m:—Eyensong Sunday, October the 11th, Harvest- Thanksgiving Service. 11 3 Free classes in crepe paper craft will be held in the Grigg Stationery Store from October 5th to 10th, morning and afternoon. Miss B. Finasac of the Interlake Tissue Mills Ltd., will be ill attendance; Come, and. learn to make attractive novel­ ties and flowers from crepe papers. Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats 0 ALL WOOL FLANNEL AT PER YARD $1.25 9 X BOYS’ AND MEN’S LEATHER COATS 65c. AND 75c. Just the thing fpr girls dresses, In colors of red, blue, green and brown. An all wool material, extra value. AT PER YARD 85c, MODERATELY PRICED We are showing a very fine range of ladies’ and misses’ coats. These are made from the very newest cloths and are generously trimmed with fur. The prices are much lower this year. . BLACK AND COLORED VELVETS 35 inches wide. A beautiful quality velvet, in all the best shades, old price $2.75. NOW SELLING AT PER YARD $1.95 STAMPED MATS ' We are showing a lot of new patterns, Get them now while our assortment is good, QUEEN’S CLOTH FOR DRESSES A fine all wool dress goods. Similiar to a cashmere. It comes in all'3 the best shades and Men’s Overcoats It is a good time to select that new overcoat you are plan** ning for. Prices are much lower this season than last. The styles are smart and you will like the new cloths. ,t - Boys’ at $6.75 to $8.50; Men’s at $12.50 to $27.50. They are great for the cold weather give endless wear and are much cheaper this season. GENUINE HORSE AT $9.95 ALL WOOL SWEATERS FOR MEN In grey and heather mixtures. A pure wool sweater not too heavy or bulky EACH $2.50 MEN’S COMBINATION UNDERWEAR A good weight ribbed combination suit for the colder weather. In Stanfield’s and Turnbull’s EACH $2.00 HEAVY ALL WOOL SOX 1 The kind you want for .the colder 4 weather special at 1 3 PAIRS FOR 98c. d SPECIAL IN BLINDS 5 DOZEN ONLY AT 75c. MEN’S FLEECED LINED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS PENMAN’S EACH 85c. Grocery Specials for this Week .........6 bars for 21c. . 10 pounds for 52c. ... 2 pkgs, for 25c. .........$5.15 per bag ... 9 cakes for 25c. . . 3 pounds for 19c. ..... 8 lbs. for 25c. Something new at this price, GOLD SOAP . REDPATH SUGAR t.................... SELOX, THE SPEED SOAP............... REDPATH SUGAR, for one week only CASTILE SOAP ....................' . BULK MACARONI .................... OATMEAL, finest Western Oats T i .Mr. and Mr's. -F. A. Briinacom'be and Mr. and • Mrs. W. G. Herdman,' of Hamilton motored up to attend the fair remaining for a few days, guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Welsh.The cities on daylight saving time have now returned to standard time. Mrs. Norman Crawford,-of Hamil­ ton, visited with Miss Mae Jones for a few days last Mr. and Mrs. sun, ‘ of London, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mrs. Jno. Snell returned home on Saturday after visiting in Windsor with her daughters for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. N, M. I-Iill, of Tor­ onto, have been holidaying for sev­ eral days with the former’s mother, ’Mrs. J. Hill.' Mr. Syd West has resumed his position with the Times-Advocate after being off several weeks follow­ ing an operation. Mr. Cecil Rowe office on Monday ball measuring 39 ence and weighing Si libs. The rite of confirmation will be administered by the Archbishop of Huron on Sunday, October 11th at 3 p.m. in Trivitt Memorial Cihur.ch. Mr. to. his Bank spent town and with relatives in London. Mrs. Jas. McDonald and daughter Marguerite, of Kippen and the form­ er’s sister, Mrs. Jojin Gilmore, of Moose Jaw, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston on Wednesday of last week. The inquest into the death of Miss Drake at Dublin is to be held in Seaforth on Saturday, October 3rd. The trial of John Lamont, driver of -, the car causing the fatal accident is! to come up later. At present out on $5,000 bail. Mr. Geo. Lawson Sunday’ of the death Mrs. Hy. Orieman, week. Elmore Tuckey and spent Sunday with Maiwson. brought into tile morning a puff ins. In circumfer- NEW FALL SUITINGS EXETER BEATS ZURICH The Zurich horseshoe pitchers vis-* ited Exeter , on Friday evening of last week playing a return ''match and’ were beaten by ithe Exeter players by 1024 to 985. When'the .Exeter players visited Zurich the home players were 14!) in the-lea/l. The results: , ! • Zurich ! C. Meyers & E. Surerus .............20’3 Heideman Stade ................... 23-3 S. Myers & G. Koehler ............. 2,08 . O. Surerus & Masse ................. 170 C. Sruerus & Mousseau ........... 171 • a • • ' X We have a complete range of woollens for your new suit or overcoat. We also have a complete line of samples. SUITS $20.00 ■'.Suits with extra pants $24.00 and up B ... * v I' Total Exeter Pryde <& Hockey ...... Laverty <& Heywood . Kirk & Horton ........ Fraser & Ellerington Law-son & Smith ...... Stanley Walters has returned < duties on the staff of of Montreal at H.ensall, a week with his i .Gents’ Furnishings Our stock of Gents’ Furnishings for the coming season is up-to-date with all the latest in Men’s wearing apparel. - Total 1,024. w.. w. PHONE 81w TAMAN EXETER, ONT tournament 'Murray ‘ presiding, the I the Lome rink on Mon- He ’ parents in A local horseshoe i day evening between chosen sides, eight men to a side, each team play­ ing eight.games. K. Hockey and W. Hodgert were high men with a score of 19S out of a possible 200, losing only one game. The results were: ... 162 ... 161 ... 193 C. G. K. F. Cornish and 0. Lawson .. Anderson and J. Lawson Hockey and W. Hodgert.. Ellerington and W. Simmons 104 he is H. L. JW. i C. Heywood and T. Welsh Heywood and W. Laverty.... 172 Kirk and H- Hdrton...... 132 Ellerington and H. Smith.... 171 138 word sister received of his of Emsworth, Penn. In company with his brother, Mr, Eli Lawson, of Crediton, he left the same day to attend the funeral, j 'On Sunday last the officers of the! Trfvitt Memorial A. Y. P. A. were publicly installed during the even­ ing service of worship, The rector Rev. E, L. Vivian preached an ap­ propriate sermon on "The church and Her Organization Work” There was a, good attendance. The officers installed were as follows: iiros. Miss Aindlia Acheson; Vice-Pres.," Miss Mildred Murphy; “ Secretaryt Miss Marion Bissott (included unavoid­ ably absent); Treasurer, Miss Rosa Dearing, . ' .. 625 *. 613 HAND INJURED . While leading a span of horses f at the Ailsa Craig Fair, Eli Rees, of | the seventh concession, McGillivray, met with painful injuries to his left hand. The horses becoming fright* ened caused his hand to become tangled in the harness tearing off a part of the third finger at the joint and badly lacerating the rest of the -hand, Mr, Rees suffered consider­ ably from loss of blood, w. o. t. u. The regular meeting of the W,C. Mr's. Pearce, ^Evangelistic . Suiperintendant had charge’- of the devotional service.’ A couple of hymns were sung, and ’ prayers’,were offered niid tfte Bible reading was taken from Romans 15. Miss Murray whs' very giad to re­ port that the W.M.S. auxiliaries throughout the Presnyterial of the United church are standing behind the .Temperance work sy-ippathy and support, ray," Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Mrs. Moorchouse were attend the coming vention to be held in London Oct­ ober 6—‘9th and bring back reports Miss Murray requested the members of the W.C.T’.U. to remember the coming ^convention in their prayers for the coming week and especially those who have the responsibility, The clip sheet was then, taken up» all present taking part,, Internation­ al Goodwill being the subject. Rt. Honourable Arthur Meighon is quit­ ted as saying-—“Civilization has to end war or war will end civilization War has lost its ’efficiency, can bring victory again, it bring defeat and despair conquerors anc| conquered, no problem; it awords no it offers n,o, prize to the victor, and the ohly way to get rid of war is to organize for peace.” The musses of mankind in every nation long for ■ with their -Miss Mur- 13 eavers, and appointed to Provincial Coii- It never can only for both it solves security; T.V. was held in Main St. chftrch on peace. Science has given us so great Monday, September 28th, with Miss) command over the elements of na- W. R. GOULDING A. T. <D, JM!. Organist and Choirmaster James Si. United Chmreht Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone EXETER, ONT MARION E. WOODS, B.A. TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY Phone 133, Exeter’ ture that millions can be snuffed owfc in this day in a mere matter of mo­ ments. The French today’ can cltopb in one air raid 1'20 tons Of bnmb® ten times the war maximum in­ weight, anti every top ten times 'powerful in explosive dCstrufctlon, What is the remedy' for this great menace? Our World W- C. -T. U-. recommend Peace programs anti speeches, the study of cause of and emphasis of. those' spiritual principles which, are fete only sure foundation of world Peace. We work and pi’ay for a warloss World* Between the nations no moro wars,, within the nations no more drink.