HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-10-01, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-APVOCATE £*«, J.A. McTAGGART, L.D.S, ’ * HE NS ALL, ONT. telephone 100 Main Street HENSALL Mrs. Alex Smith visited week in London. Priest is spending a. few friends in Atwood. last 'Week. A number of flax men in the county wve evidence in fa* vour of Mr., Griigar’is appeal. Mr. Gelgor claims he is not a manufact­ urer, simply ’ using i» his mills the materia^ H tgjows, A Stanibury appeared for Mr. Geiger and Councillor Consitt for the Council and the town, The jjudge re­ served his decision. DASHWOOD JMr. • ri»d a day last Mr. Jus. days with Quite a number from here attend­ ed' Zurich Fair on Tuesday, Mr, John Dick} of Orillia, was a recent visitor with his mother here.Mrs. Fisher, of Exeter, visited with Mrs. John Murdock on Sunday, Mr, T. c. Joynt made a business , trip to Toronto, the. first part of the week. Messrs, John and William Craig spent Friday visiting relatives in Atwood, (Mrs. T. C. joynt, Mrs. R. Bon- thrpn visited .last week with friends in Barrie, tMiss Mary .Tom, of Exeter, sipent Monday visiting with Mrs. John Murdock, Quite a numiber of our citizens Attended Mrs. Short’s sale at Exeter on Saturday. Dr, Spellman and Miss Elva Bol­ ton, of Kitchener, spent Sunday with triends in town, 'Miss Violet Willis, of Decker, Mich., is visiting for a few days with friends in town. Mr, Wm. Simpson, of Detroit, ®pent the week-end with friends and ■relatives in town Miss Nellie Boyle has returned Dome after a pleasant . visit with friends in strathroy. Mr, Eldred Smith left last week tor London to attend the University of Western Ontario. IMr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt spent Sunday visiting with’ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Consitt, of Hay. . Mr. George Cameron, of Gueliph, is visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Sicott, of Tor­ onto, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty. Miss Evelyn Hunkin, of Thames Road, is visiting for a few days at the home of Mr. W, L. McLaren. Mrs. Barber, of St. Hyancinth, •Que., is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hoggarth. Miss Olive 'Anderson, of Worth­ ington, England, is visiting at the Rome of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Good­ win. Mr and Mrs. Alf. Sweitzer and Children and Mrs. Rout. Higgins vis­ ited relatives in Kitchener on Thurs­ day. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. case have re­ turned home after a pleasant visit with friends points, Mrs. Thos. ■to London after a couple' of weeks visit with friends in and around 3Hen.sall Mr. and Mrs./Walt. Fairburn and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love, of Hills- green, visited at "‘the home of Mrs. P. Fisher, on Sunday. Mrs. Andrew Dougall and daugh­ ter, Miss Cassie have got nicely set­ tled in the"' west’ building known as the Dr. Hardy premises. Services in the United church will Re withdrawn on Sunday evening, ■October 4th owing to the anniver- jsary services at Chiselhurst. Mrs. W. McLean after a pleasant visit at the. home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore has re­ turned to her Home in Hamilton. An entertainment will be given in the United church on Monday even­ jig, October Sth. An excellent pro­ gram is being prepared by Mit'chell talent. Mr. Alvin McEwan has returned Rome after spending this last few •months on road work outside of Walkerton. Mr. McEwan is a finish-, •er and during this last 2 years has finished 2'5 miles of cement road. A children’s choir led tile singing in the Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday ’morning last and Rev. Mr. McIlroy occupied his own pulpit­ in the evening a duet was given by Misses. I. Daters, M. Workman, I. .Uoggarth and D. Little. Services * in the United Church were in charge of Rev. Arthur Sin­ clair and coiiimunion whs observed after the morning services. A very pleasing Quartette was given by Mrs. Hedden, Mrs. Drysdale, Mrs. Sinclair «md Mrs. Hess in the morning. Rally Day services were held in the Saibibath school of the United church on Sunday morning last'. The ■church was beautifully decorated with flowers and a large numiber were present. An interesting and well rendered program was,given as IXene Broick Drys- Hugh in Detroit and other Simpson has returned follows: instrumental, Miss Douglass, trio by Misses Olive Minnie Sangster and Kathryn Rale and addresses by Mrs. Micidwan and Mr. John RoWCliffe. The young people of the United church held their meeting on Mon­ day evening with Miss Elva Shad­ dock. presiding.’ After the devotion­ al exercises a solo was given by Mrs. .Alice Joynt followed by an instru­ mental duet by Misses Irena Doug* ias and Flossie1 Foss. The topic was (given by Mr. Ferris Cantelon follow­ ed by a duet by Mrs. Hedden and Mrs. Hess, after which ajiymri was CREDITON Beginning with next Sunday, ser­ vices in tiie United church will be­ gin at 7 o’clock instead of 7,30, There was a very good attendance at the Rally Day Service in the United Chui'ch on Sunday mOrning. The program was eujbyed by all, Next Sunday evening, Rev. Denny Bright, of London, Representing the Western Ontario Bible Society will give an illustrated lantern “Up the Hudson Bay Tirail’ United Church. There will appointment of officers and sers after the service, Miss Ila confined to years with sufficiently recovered to be able to take several car rides. many friends are pleased to hear that she has made rapid recovery of late. 'Mr, Lester Maiclsaac, of Detroit, spent Sunday at his home here wlith his parents Mr. and Mrs, Maclsaac. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Lydia Braun is confined to her room through illness, Mrs. Damm, of Chesley, is taking, care of her mother. Mr. and Mrs, Renny, of Detroit, spent Sunday with the latter’s par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. j.- t. .Hirtzel. M'iss Laurene Hirtzel returned home having visited the past few weeks with them. Mrs. Christian Eilber, of Zurich’, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eilber, of Detroit, called on relatives in town on Saturday. . Miss Jessie Farr, visited with Dr. the week-end. Mrs. Mallett, left, Mr. Arthur Mallett, of London, spent .Sunday at the Central Hotel with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fahner. Sunday School Rally was held at the Evangelical Church over the past Sunday. Quite a number of scholars were promoted into higher classes. .An additional two teach­ ers were appointed, Miss Mabel Fah­ ner and Alvin Fink'beiner. Fred Faist, who is. one of the fruits of the Sunday .School, delivered the Rally sermon in the evening. He has re­ turned to the Theblogi'cal Seminary to finish the ministerial course of study. , . Remember the Fowl Supper on Thursday evening, October the 8th, in that cement chur’ch-shed. in the centre of the village of Crediton. Mrs. Godfrey Wein, the convenor of the most responsible committee with her secretary , Mrs. Harry -Beavers, state that everything, will be in the usual splendid order to accommo­ date a- mass of people. The Sunday evening services at the Evangelical at 7 o'clock on henceforth. The Star Class Sunday S’chool recently extended an invitation to the True Blues and Wide Awake girl's classes was cheerfully accepted and 42 young people met in the Institute Hall. The three presidents of th classes, Earl Haist, Clara Gaiser and Gertrude Beaver together with the energetic social committee of the .Star class: Lloyd Fahner, Ervin Finlcbiener, Lorenz Wein, Eldon Smith and Earl Haist, all joined in the pleasure and success of this function. The two girls’ classes furnished the program and the Star Class furnished the games and the lunch. Fred Faist,5 who a few days later returned to Naperville, Ill. to resume his studies had the games and contests excel­ lently in, hand and all the young people responded. IThe call for a social evening is usually well receiv­ ed. sb should also the call for Chris­ tian activities with, a deeper spirit­ ual aspect, find ’ri ready response. 'The Rally Day services in connec­ tion with the United Church-Sunday School was a decided- success. It was one 'of the largest turn-outs of both parents and children, who took their parts well and made for the success of the service. Mr. and Mrs, George Broderick and Mr. Mr. the lecture ' in the be the canvas- Lamport, who has been her bed for the past two rheumatism has now Miss Ila’s of Ridgetown, C. C. Misener over Miss Dorothy Mal- Hynd and Kenneth church will begin October 11th and of the Evangelical and Mrs. Miss Kestle, -of London F, Wright, of Hull, visited and Mrs. Thos. Trevetlriek week-end. LUMLEY Earnest McTaggart; at Watford, and with over visited With Glenn for a station Mr. few John Selves Sr, Mr. agent, and iMrs. John M. days last week. Mr, and Mrs- spent Sunday in St. Marys visiting Mr. and Mrs. 'Elliott the latter’s sister and brother-in-iaw. Mr. and' Mrs. Alex Broadfoot and Miss Erma visited friends on the Boundary this Week. Miss Erma leaves on Wednesday for Toronto,CllGCl WLHUU ----------------—, ,6uhg and the meeting was closed I where She. has a Dietition position in a hospital there. • Mr, an<J Mrs. Clifford -with prayer. . 1 The appeal of Reeve Geiger' rigainst his busihess assessment was | spent the week-end with .ilield here before the cetnity Judge Brintnell arid family', Brintnell •Mrs. D, Dr. IE Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. ' ‘ ' DENTAL SURGEON M office In Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Poet Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. NOTICE-w'The Dashwood , Older MUI will be running every day ex­ cept Saturday. Alex Zmimer, Pro* prietor. ,10-1-2 tp. Mrs. May and Miss Matilda Ehlers of Kitchener, spent Saturday with their sister Mrs. Sam Qestrieher, Miss Lucille Willert, of Birming- ham, Mich,, and Miss Alice Willert of Fort Wayne, were called to their home on Saturday cwrng the the serious illness of their mother Mrs, Fred Willert. Miss Myrta Hoffman, or Kitchen* er, is confined to her home through illness. Mrs. Schaefer and daughter, of Fordwich is visiting at the home of Miss E. Graybeil, Mr. and Mrs, Rudolph Raschlce, (pee Margaret Merner), of Detroit, who were married on Friday in De­ troit spent the week-end with. Mr. and Mrs. George Merner. Week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Merner were, Mr. and Mrs, John Ras'cke, Mr. and Mi’s. Rudolph Rascke, Mr. and Mrs. Geoorge Dulz, Miss Freida Rascke and friend Mrs. Berhart and daughter and Mr. Carl Smuggler, all of Detroit. Ladies’ Aid Visit County Home The Ladies’ Aid of Dashwood Evangelical Church paid a visit on Friday afternoon to the Huron Co. House of Refuge at Clinton. They were welcomed at the door by Mrs. Jacobs, the matron, after which the following program was given for the inmates with Rev. A. W. Sauer actr ing as chairman; A piano solo, by Miss Anna Tieman; vocal solos by Miss Catherine Flnkbeiner and Rev. A. W Sauer; vocal duet by Miss C. Finkibeiner and Mrs. A. E. Oestrich- er; a piano duet by Miss Verna Birk and Mrs. Vernon Schatz; a piano duet by Miss*Anna Tiernan and Mrs, A. E Oestriclier. The pro­ gram was interspersed with hymn singing by both the Ladies’ Aid and the inmates. At the close Rev. A. W. Sauer sang ‘Little Jacob Strauss’ which was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. They especially ap­ preciate music and enthusiastically urged the Ladies’ Aid toT’epeat their visit soon. A treat of home-made cookies and oranges was given to each of the 94 inmates... Mrs. Ja­ cobs, and her two assistants conduct­ ed the guests about 40 in number through the building and explained many interesting phases of their work. ' interesting phases of their •Mrs. ana Motz Shirley, of Exeter, and and CREDITON EAST Davidson arid son William has returned to' their home in Port Huron after visiting with the form­ er’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mern- er for the past few weeks. Master Bartie Motz, cf Exeter, spent ; Sunday with his aunt uncle Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Roland daughter Mrs., Henry Motz spent Sunday in London with Mr. and Mrs. William Heatherley. Mrs. Frank Scheiding, o.f London, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Miss Verda Hoffman has returned to Kerwood after a weeks’ holiday with her mother and brother Mrs. H. Hoffman and Charlie. Mrs. John Lawson received the sad news of the deam or ner daugh- Orleman in Pittsburg Mr. Eli Lawson and Lawson, of Exeter, the late Mrs. <0rleman Oscar Pfaff,of the Hy. the ter, Mrs. H. on Sunday. Mr. George brothers of left here Sunday to' attend the fun­ eral. The late Mrs. Orleman visited relatives here in August. IMr. and Mrs. Woodham, spent Sunday with former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Pfaff. Potato digging is the order of day. ■ ■ ■ , , Quite a numiber fvbm. mere attend­ ed Exeter Fair last Wednesday, Mr. Durr, of near Parkhill, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Baynhanl. ZION Union Rally Day service was held in the afternoon. Among those tak­ ing part were: Marion Pooley, Thel­ ma Jacques, Lloyd Hern, Edith Earl Those. Hern and a splendid address was given by Rev. L. C> White. A numiber of the W.M.S ladies at­ tended the convention at Roy’s church on Thursday last. Anniversary services will be held on October 18th. Mr. and Mrs. W. J Horn, of Tor­ onto, visited with the former’s sis­ ters, Mrs. W. J, Brock and Earl recently. Mr, E. Ward, of Exeter, week-end at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Batten, the guest of Mr. Harold Denham, ; Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of Blue­ vale, visited on Sunday with the lat­ ter’s aunt, Mrs. J. Johns and uncles Mr. W. J. Brock and Mr Geo, Brock Mr. Henry Hern and Mr, John Horn attended ilderton Fair Oil Wednesday, , Mrs. Geb. spent the Mr. and rll ULY CHICKEN HADDIE—the finest packed ............... |IIIIIIIIIIIIII|IIIII|I|IIIIIIIIIIIIIII|III|III||IIIII|IIH I THE RED & WHITE STORE ““ limy-1 .1^1 HI ■! B IflUI. I’jyi1! w 1 lb. tin 14c. ...... 1 Fancy Red Cohoe Salmon 1-2 Jb. tin 2 for 25c. • MW *' WHITE''' WC’O-i.11 1 1 Jb, tdbe ?5c, | Tilts is exceptional value Best Quality Rise 2 lbs, for |5<pf FINEST QUALITY READY-CUT MACARONI ....per lb. 6c. Big Five CJe«m»er Large pkgt each 5c, Handy Ammonia 4 pkgs, for 25c. Magic White JaveJJe Water Large bottle 9c, LUX TOILET SOAP (SPECIAL) .......................... ....,, . , 3 cakes for 20c. Fresh Molasses Snaps 2 lbs. for 21c. Swansdown Cake Flour Large pkg, 29c, Royal City Mixed Biscuits Per lb. 15ci PURE CANE SUGAR?... ............,..,.,...,,9 lbs. for 48c. Gold Medal Peanut Butter Per lb. 16c. Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 3 pkgs, for 24c. De Luxe Jelly Powders . 6 pkgs, for 25c. GOLD SOAP..............................................................................10 cakes for 35c. PUMICE SOAP, removes grease, tar, ink» stains of all kinds . . 2 cakes 15c. FRESH SHIPMENT OF NEILSON’S CHOCOLATES IN FANCY BOXES 25c.; 59c.; and $1.00 FULL ASSORTMENT OF ICE CREAM BRIX; ICE CREAM CARTONS, DIXIE CUPS, ALASKA BON BONS, LOLLY POPS, ETC. ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT. Phone 102 LET YOUR DOLLAR BUY MORE We Deliver HL* ELIMVILLE The W. M- S. held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday after­ noon of last week. The t meeting opened with hymn 389 after which all repeated the Lord’s Prayer. The minutes were read and approved. >11011 Call was answered by seven members, Mrs. H. Delbridge read the Scripture -lesson from Psalm 9 6. Mrs. Chas Godibolt read an interest­ ing page from the Missionary mon­ thly. Hymn 355 was next sung. Mrs. (Rev.) -White then read a letter from the West telling of the need of clothing so it was decided to pack a bale. The Thames Road W. M.S. have accepted our invitation to visit us on October 21st. Lunch and Reception committee were appointed After Hymn 177 was sung Mrs. God­ bolt closed the meeting with prayer and Benediction. Mr. and Mrs W. Vear, of Exeter, were visitors at 1\It. P. Murch’s last Sunday. ‘"Ijlessrs. Chas. Stephen, ■ Jackson Woods, Lloyd Johns arid Ed. Johns visited at the home of Mr. Neil O’­ Reilly near Shelburne on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tallbot and daughter, also Mr.-Ewart Cornish, of Goderich, were Sunday visitors at Mr. J. Cornish’s. ; Rev. A. E. Johns and Harold, of Hamilton, were visitors- here over the week-end. Mr. Martin Johns, wljo has spent the past fnonth in the neighbourhood, returned with them. Mrs. Alex McFalls, of Exeter, vis­ ited her sister, Mrs. W. Horne re­ cently. Mrs. Jenny Jackson, of Toronto, spent, a few days during the past week with her sisters, Mrs. A. E. Pym and Mrs. P. Murich.. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wright and, chil­ dren, of London, were callers on friends in the vicinity last Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. .J. Horne, of Toron­ to, visited the former’s brother here recently. Mrs. Jackson, cf Windsor, was a visitor at the home of her daughter Mrs. (Rev.) White last week. Messrs. Kenneth Johns and Jack Dellbridge, who accompanied Mr. Walter Johns to Cornell University at Ithaca, N.Y., returned home on Saturday afternoon after a “wonder­ ful trip through to the . coast taking a different route each way. They motored through the Catskill Mts.; via. the Susquhanna trail and in all covered a distance of fourteen hun­ dred miles. Rev. and Mrs White, Mrs. Hy. Delbridge, Miss Marjorie Delbridge and Mrs. Ed. Johns attended the convention held in Roy's churich last Thursday. Mrs. Walters and Miss Constance Thompson, of Goderlcn, are visiting a few days this week with friends 1 in the vicinity. Mrs. Chas. Johns spent last week with her sister, Mrs. S. Whaley in : St. Marys. ‘ Quite a large quantity of clothing was donated by the people Of this ■ community for the relief of those in the West. It was taken to Exeter on I Tuesday where it will be with donations from other around. CENTRALIA WINCHELSEA packed points London and even accord one of Here’s Another One Two Scots holidaying in went to see a comedy, though the humor did not with their northern ideas, them laughed loud and long at every oppotunity, . iSaid the other in a withering voice; “What are you laughing at, ye silly loon?” Replied the oth’er seriously: fMan I’m trying to get ma money’s worth” The Sunday School held their1 Rally Day servilce on Sunday and was well attended. The choir un­ der the direction of Mr. Cecil Skin­ ner provided an excellent musical program. Mr. Gerald Godbolt acted as superintendent for the- service. The Scripture Lesson Genevieve Kerslake. “Jesus’ Love for the was told ,by Mildred Coutage of Jesus” was told by Reg. Hodgson. “How Came Jesus to the City” was told by Hazel Smith. The address, “The Betrayal, Crucifixion, and' Resurrection of Jesus” was given by Mrs. George Hepburn. Rev. A. V. Robb and Mrs. Robb, Mrs. Arthur McFalls and Mrs. Ro­ bert -Smith attended. the W. M. .S. Convention held in Roy’s Church on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Fletcher, of Farquhar visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kerslake. . Mr. W. J. Smith, Mr. Nelson Bak­ er, Mr. Thos. Willis and Mr. Trios. Boyes attended a ball game at Rod­ ney on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday, October 4th the Unit­ ed Church will hold their annual Thank-offering services. The choir under the leadership of Mr. Lloyd Hodgson will provide special music. Rev. A. Sinclair, of Hensail will be the speaker for the uay. ‘ The Young People’s Society will present their play “The Absent- Minded Bridegroom” on M/ednesday evening of this week in the Green way Anglican church. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks spent the week-end visiting with relatives in Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Neil, of St. Thomas, visited with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. James Neil last week. Mr. Herman Hodgson left recently for Guelph where he will continue his studies at the O. A. C. Mr. Ce­ cil Hodgson" has accepted a position as auditor for the Hydro-Electric Commission in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Miles McCabe spent the week-end at their home in Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Willis and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Bird, of London, on Sunday. Miss Bernice Conlin, nurse-in- training at St/ Joseph’s Hospital, , London; Speht sYinday at the home- of her parents sit Fairview Farm. J .' .........' • KIRKTON was read by The story, Out-of-Doors” Hicks. “The MissMiss Helen Brethorn and Mildred Routley, of London, spent the week-end at their homes here. • Miss Myrtle Pridham, of ' Russel - dale, was a week-end visitor with Miss Venetta Moore. Mr, Clarke and Miss Clarke, of Belleville, spent the week-end with Mrs. C. Jose. Mrs, Tillis and two cnildreii visiting with Mrs. S. Batten. iMr. and Mrs. Richard Paynter St. Marys are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herman Paynter Mr. an*d Mrs. George Darling and son Thomas, of London, were Sun­ day visitors with.Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter Hi Dr, spent week, Rai United Sunday School on Sunday the prepared program was given. A good attendance was present. Mrs, Frank pridham and Miss El­ sie pridham, of Russetdale were Sunday visitors with'Mr, and Mrs. S, Shier, are of azlewood. Garence Jose and his mother a few days at Belleville this 'Mr. David Alexander and daugh­ ter Miss Edna Alexander, of Wood- stock, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Creevy on Sunday. Mr. John Dellbridge returned home Saturday after a trip to New York. Rev. A. E. Johns, of Hamilton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Veal on Sunday. IMrs. . R. her father last week. Mr. and W. Batten, visited with Mr. S. Whaley one day Mrs. John Hotham and family, of Seaforth, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Davis on Sunday. GREENWAY Next Sunday afternoon commun­ ion service will be held in the Unit­ ed Church with the pastor in chaa-ge. A mission Band concert on Friday October 2nd in the United church promises to be an interesting event. Admission 15' and 10c. Last Sunday Grace Caurch observ­ ed their annual Harvest Home ser­ vices. Rev. Hotsford, of Watford, gave two forceful < sermons to large congregations morning and evening. In the evening Miss Helen Hayter . sang a solo with Mrs. Lewin ac­ companying her. v - Mrs. A. Hicks has been visiting friends in London and Parkhill. IMrs. Ralph Turner has recovered, from her recent illness. Mr. arid Mrs. Richard I-Iodgins of Granto’n and Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hodgins, of Woodstock, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hodgins. Mervin Battram ‘ returned from Hospital on Monday after an opera­ tion for appendicitis. ■Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb and family visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Mc­ Pherson on Saturday. Rally Day Services were held in the United church on Sunday. The members of the school and Rev. Ha- gelstein, of Crediton, took ipart. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Curts and her father Mr. Pressey, of Arkona, vis­ ited friends in Strathroy. •Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophey, Pearl and Clarence spent the week­ end in Tilbury. KHIVA The deepest sympathy of. this, ■community is extended to Mrs. T. Collins and family , in the death of Mr. Collins, who passed away [Sept. 22 after a lengthy illness. Mr. Wm. Barry, spending a few days er, Mr. J. Barry. Mrs. Mary Weiss of London, is with his broth- and son John and Mrs. Wilmer McLean, of Gode­ rich, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Han­ over on Wednesday. Mrs. A. McDonald home, after spending Flint, Michigan. Mr. and * Mrs. H. has returned a few days in Eagleson family of the Goshen Line Sunday in parkhill. Mr. J. Hanover has returned after visiting in Buffalo for weeks. <Mr forth with •Mr of Buffalo Miss Florence and friend spent day in Waterloo with Mr. and L. Held. and spent home* a few . and Mrs. S. Gotchalk, of Sea- , spent a few days last week Mi*, and Mrs. Wm. Stade, Wm. Plano ver and Miss Mrs. J. Hanover SHIPKA Ann, and Siun- Mrs, theirThe Ladies’ Aid will hold regular meeting on Octo,bet 14th at the home of Mrs. Baker instead of October 7th, at the regular time.J*