The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-09-24, Page 5THE EXETER TIME5-ADVOCATE ‘
^Telephone 100 Main Street
Mr, Laird Alicfcle spent Alonday
in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bonthron spent
Sunday visiting friends ip Kitchen
days last week with friends in Ham
Mrs. John Alurdock spent Sunday
.tat the home of her sister Mrs. John
H. Petty.
Mrs, Sparrow, of Paisley spent the
•week-end at the home of AH’, and
tl’ed' AIcEwan.
Mrs, George Alclntyre, of Detroit,
is visiting for a few weeks with
friends in town.
Miss Beryl pfabf, of the London
Normal School spent the week-end
at her home here. ■
Miss Lillian Steacy, of Detroit, is
spending a few days visiting friends
in and arpund Hensall.
Mrs. Agnes Ross, who has been
seriously ill at her home on King
street is improving nicely.
Aliss Alargaret Slavin after spend
ing several .weeks here has returned
to London where she has a position,
’ Mr. and Airs. A. J. ‘Todd, Air. and
Mrs, Fred Corbett are spending a
few days visiting in Rad Axe, Mich.
Miss Nellie Carmichael, of Exeter
Is visiting for a; few days at the
Mme of Air. and Mrs. Donald Parks.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie, of
‘Toronto, are spending their vaca
tion visiting relatives in this dis
Miss Aladelene Higgins atfer
pleasant visit . with relatives
■Hensall and Clinton lias returned
Messrs, Bontliron & Drysdale are
having their furniture and hard
ware department painted and redec
orated .and making other
Quite a number took in
ball match on
when Ingersoll and
played an exhibition
winning 4 to 0.
Rev. Dr, McIlroy,
Ciarmel P/resbyteriian
Jiad charge of the morning service
• on (Sunday at the Presbyterian
Church at Seaforth.
Mrs. David Paisley and children
who have spent the past month at
the home of the former’s, mother
Mrs. E. Rennie returned to their
home in Alontreal last week;
Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
will be observed in the United
'Church on Sunday, Sept. 27th at the
■morning service- and preparatory
service on Friday evening preceding
z Rev. Al. Parker, of the St. Paul’s
-Anglican Church here occupied the
pulpit of the St. Thomas. Anglican
■Church, Seaforth, on Sunday at
their annual Harvest Home Festi
« The Young people of the United
•.church held their meeting on Mon
day evening with Mr. Walter Spen
cer presiding. After the devotion
al exercises an instrumental duet
was given by Alisses Gladys Pass-
more ancl Grace Brock. A very in
teresting address was given by Rev,
R. R. Connor, of Kippen, . after
which a chorus was given by a num
ber of girls accompanied by Misses
Greta Lammie and Effie Bell on the
guitars and the meeting closed with
■the Alizipah benediction.
Services in the local churches
were well attended on Sunday. Ill
the United Church Rev. Mr. Sinclair
occupied the pulpit and', special parts
an the anthems were taken by Dr.
Bmill'ie in the morning and Miss D.
.Smith, Air, Goodwin and Dr. Smillie
In the evening. In the Carmel Pres
byterian Church, Rev. Kaine, of
,’Seaforth had charge of the ser
vice in the morning and Rev. Mr.
McIlroy in the evening. In the St.
Haul's Anglican church the services
" were withdrawn owing to the Har
vest Thanksgiving Services at Staffa
when the choir of the St* Paul’s
‘jchurch assistedq with the. singing.
.Aldon Appleton, of London,,
last week visiting friends
Jack Carmichael spent a few
Rev., L C. White, of Elimvjlle,
conducted the services in the Unit
ed church last Sunday and Rev. H.
AV. Hagelstein took charge of the
services at E Um vllle. This exchange
was on behalf of missions.
There will no evening service in
the United Church next Sunday ow
ing to the Anniversary Services at
Air. A. Miller, of Brantford, is
visiting with Air. and Mrs. Lloyd
Air, Geqrge Clarke, who lives just:
south of the village had the misfor
tune to have his barn
lightning during last
night’s storm.
•Mr. and Airs, John
Pigeon, Mich., and Mrs
and son, of sebeawing,
ing with Mr. and Mrs.
and other relatives last
Misses Esther Eilber
Alaclsaac spent Sunday with friends
in London,
vicinity played a
Main st. girls’
Brock’s field on
the RED & WHITE «»«
struck by
Browu, of
. Bertrand
were visit-'
Fred Haist
and- Helen
McDonald and
and Mrs. Berg
of Detroit, vis-
men who have been working
highway have returned home,
and Mrs. S. Eidt, Mrs. A.
Airs. Chas,
and Mr. William Eidt, of Ham-
N. Y., visited with Mr. and
Charles Miller and Mr
of Elkton, Mich
the base
Hensail teams
game, Hensail
pastor of the
■Church here
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis spent
Monday with the former’s brother
Mr. Delton Lewis near Brinsley.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson
lias returned home after visiting the
■past week with the former’s sister
Mrs. AL J. Graham in London.
Air. and Mrs. Sam Rawlings, of
Ailsa Craig, spent Sunday with Mr,
•and Airs. Joab Sims. Mr. Frederick
’Rawlings who lias been holidayin,
Tor a few weeks returned home
■udon, and Mr. and
and. two children,
^Sunday with Mr.
Quite a number
London Fair last
Miss Verda Hoffman,
Ss holidaying with her
^brother Mrs. H. Hoffman and Clias.
Mt. and. Alts, Arthur Benedict
-and daughter Muriel and sen Gordon
Kitchener, spent Sunday with
Mrs. H* Hoffman and Charlie*
and Mrs, Heatlierloy, of
Mrs. Roland
of Exeter, spent
and Mrs. Henry
here took in
of Kerwood,
mother and
and Airs. J,
Frederick, Mr.
Air. Paul Trask
with Airs. Alary Wenzel and Air.
Mrs. Herb Falirner on Sunday.
Mr. William Fischer had the mis
fortune to fracture his thumb while
working jn Skinner’s gravel pit last
on the
Knetchel 'and’ daughter Alary Lou
Mrs. Daniel Maclsaao over the week
Mr. and Airs. Sam. Goodwin and
family, of Detroit and 'Airs, Leah
Holtzmann' spent Sunday in. Ben-
Mrs. Lloyd Hey and Frederick
were in London last week visiting
with relatives.
Aliss Laura Clark left last Thurs
day for Guelph to attend school at
MacDonald Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Kuhn accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. F. Jennings,
of.Thedford, are visiting in North
ern Michigan.,
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.5.
At office In Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days of week.
Air. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher at
tended the funeral of the late Air.
E. W. Jeffrey, of Mount Brydges, at
London on Sundiay.
Mr, -and Airs. Ardhie Bender, of
Hensall, visited his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ezra Bender on Sunday.
Mrs. R. B. Catt and daughter,
Donna have returned to Regina af
ter spending a vacation with her
parents, Mr. and All®. Philip Fassold
Mr. Clarence Routledge, of Lon
don, was a week-end guest at the
home of Mr. 'and Airs. P. Fassold.
liecord .Potato Crop
Mr. Henry Pfile is doing his share
to increase production during these
times of depression when lie plant
ed 6 potatoes in a special plot and
from these six potatoes he has har
vested 90 pounds. He says they
were named Idaho. This must sure
ly be a splendid bearing type of po
.Eugene Tiernan Milford and Elgin
lVIerner spent Sunday in Detroit.
Mr. Philip Sippel and son Edward
of Pigeon, Mich., spent a few days
with Mr. and Airs. John Kuntz last
Mr. Earl Gaiser macle a business
trijj to Toronto last week.
Mr. and Airs. Burns, of Pt. Huron
and Mrs. Walsh, of Saskatoon, spent
the week-end with their mother,
Mrs. Witzel.
Mr. Adam B'irke, Leonard and
Verna spent a few days with rela
tives in Detroit last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther, of;
Windsor spent, the week-end with
his parents, Air. and Mrs. Charles
Master Lloyd Guenther spent a
few clays in London last week with
his grand-parents, Air. and Airs. A.
Week-end guests, with Mr. and
Mrs, E. R. Guenther were Air.' ancl
Mrs* Horner Guenther, of. Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs-. Leeland Guenther, of
Hallionqu'i&tj -Sask.,, Mr. and
Lloycl Ed'igholffer ancl All®.
Guenther, of Mitchell and
Gladys Guenther, of Kitchener, and
Miss Grace- Guenther, of Stratford.
Miss Anna Tiernan, is spending a
few days in Chatham with Aliss
ty Willard.
Jia ne
Quite a number from here attend
ed London Fa.!? last week.
Mr, aiidi Mrs. Geo. McGavin and
family, of Seaforth, visited' with
Mr, and Mrs. George Davis on Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Francis, of
Kirkton, visited with Mr. and Airs.
R.- E- Pooley on Sunday,
Aiaster Gordon Brooks entertained
a • number of his boy< friends to a
birthday party on Saturday after
noon. All reported a good time*
M'ffes Bessie Bell, nurse-in-train-
ing in London yisited at her home
here last week.
The girls of this
game of hall with
team in Air, John
Friday evening last. Opr girls won
with a score of is to 17.
Rev. Hagelstein,* of Crediton,
preached on this circuit last Sun
day. Rev, L. C. White occupied the
pulpit in the former’s church.
. Mr. and Airs. Lloyd Johns visited
the latter’s mother, Mrs. Rpnner-
man in Stratford Hospital,- last Sat
Silo filling is keeping the farm
ers busy these days.
Master Graham Bell entertained
a few friends at a party last Satur
day afternoon. The little folks hud
a very jolly time.
Mr, Sam, Brock lias been obliged
to take to his bed.
lie will soon be able
Mr, Walter Johns
Cornell University at
on Monday, He and his brother
Kenneth made the journey by motor
Walter’s many
every success.
Air. and Mrs.
Mrs. Dan Hyatt,
ed Wednesday with
Air. and Mrs. John
other relatives.
Next Sunday the
held in the
ual. Rally
ed at the
which will
stead of the usual hour of
We hope that
to be- around
B.A„ went to
Ithaca, N. Y„
ifriencs wish him
John Herdman and
of Strathroy, visit-
their cousins,
Herdman and
■Service will be
Sundays School
commence at
service will be
at 10.30 as us-
2./30 in-
What might have been, a
fire happened at Mr. Mark
when his coal oil stove over-run and
started a big blaze in the house. The
prompt action of Air. Walter Statton
With some fire extinguishing pow
der soon had it out with little or
no damage,
The funeral of the late Airs. John
Luther was largely attended testify
ing to the high esteem in which she
was held in the community. Besides
her sorrowing husband she leaves to
mi’ourn. her loss one son and two
daughters, Alanford, at home; Mrs.
Wm. Cliff and Mrs. C. Guenther, of
Exeter. They have the sympathy
of the community extended to them.
Mrs.’ John Gill and Mr. Lloyd
Taylor were chosen as delegates to
attend the missionary convention in
Toronto. . *
. Mr. Wesley Nickles has rented Air.
Gratton’s house on the Blue Water
Highway for tlie. winter rru.3ths,
moving in Monday.
Mr. Hector Gill had the misfor
tune to get caught between two
boats whilp lifting the nets on the
lake and had his arm'broken.
Mrs. R. Ravelle, who' was in Lon
don attending the funeral of her
aunt, .returned h'ome Friday night.
Mrs. Joe Oliver spent a week in
London, the guest of Mrs. ,S. Stew
The Owl Club held a very enjoy
able picnic at Ipperwash where they
dinner and after the dinner
sides were chosen for a. base
game by Airs. Roy Holt and
Sarah Hamilton, the former’s
winning. Then a horse-shoe
pitching contest was next for the
ladies when Airs. Sarah Hamilton
ancl Airs.
the game,
lake the picnic was- carried to
Frank where supper was served
the men in the party contested
horse shoes. Walter Statton and J.
W. Holt held the count throughout
Frank. Geromette were
scoring five .ringers in
After a splash in the
hut were closely caught by
England and Frank Statton.
Mur-Aliss Jennie McDermitt, of
kirk, and her friend Miss Marvey,
a University student were visiting
the McQueen family over the week
A number from the Boundary and
Cliiselhui’iSt,-attended the Anniversary
Services in James Church, Exeter on
Sunday last.
Airs. Ben Case, of
visited her
and Airs,
Miss Jackson, of
a few days last week withjier
Mr. AV. N. Glenn.
the London Rd.
and father Air.
Shirley Ka.plin, of Detroit,
with Miss Ruth Love on Sat-
Wm. Frost and family,, of
Elginfield visited the past week
with Mr. and Mrs..Joseph Hickey.
Air. and Mrs. Wes. Mellin spent
Sunday evening with Mrs. J. J. Car
ruthers Sr.,
Miss Ethel Oliver and Miss Crowe,
of London, visited- with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, Love over {he week-end.
The 'annual Thanksgiving Service
at Grade Church Greenway will be
held, on September 27th. Services
morning and evening. On the fol
lowing Wednesday night September
30 th a fowl supper will be held in
the church shed. After the supper
an excellent program will be given
by outside talent in the parish halt
fion’t miss this treat.
„ 1Q lbs. for 52c,PURE CANE SUGAR
Red & \yhite Cpffep Crown T$.#.1 Kolpna Coffee
1 lb. tins each 45c.I lb. package 39c.1 1 lb. pkg* 29c.
NEW JAMS-—Pure Raspberry pr Strawberry Jams 40 jar ,... each 28c.
Lux Sp$p Flakes Mother’s Baby Soap Lifebuoy So^p
2 pkgs, for 15c.3 cakes for 16c.3 cakejj for 23c.
SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR.......................................,t Large package 29c.
Royal City Mixed Biscuits 1 Best Quality Rice Best Icing Sugar
per lb. 15c. |2 lbs. for 15c.2 lbs. for 15c.
GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE, Finest loaf cheese in Canada .... per lb, 25c.
SERVUS BROOMS» good mediupn weight, five-string................. each 39c.
Fancy Pink Salmon 2 tins for 25c.
Forest City B .Powder qt. jars each 35c.
Gold Medal Peanut Butter , . per lb. 16c.
Nugget Shoe Polish...........2 tins for 25c.
Good Sized Sweet Oranges per dozen 25c.
Assorted Chocolates (just in) .... lb. 39c.
Jumbo Salted Peanuts........... per lb. 15c.
Fresh Marshmallows............. per lb. 25c.
We still have a complete stock of fruit jars, zinc rings, rubber rings; glass
tops, vinegars and spices.
Where quality and prices are right. Come in and see.
Phone 102 We Deliver
Quite a number ‘from here at
tended the London Fair last week.
•Miss' Lizzie Collie
home after spending
at Ipperwash Beach.
Next .Sunday will
at the Sunday School.
We are sorry
Clarence Routly
her bed.
Mr. and Mrs.
Chesley, spent a
with Mr. and Mrs. Shier.
has returned
a few months
be Rally • Day
to know that Mrs.
is still confined to
ill; Basket of Cut Flowers, Airs. G,
Heywood, P, Hern; Hand Bouquet,
Mrs. Cunningham; Novelty in cut
flowers, Mrs. Heywood, L, Reynolds.
Judge, Bavid Rowoliffe
Lawson, Mrs, Hey; fancy knit-
Dr. Grieve, M^s, Marriott; tat-
Miss W. Frain, Mrs. Marriott;
work, Mrs*
cross stitch, Mrs.
Marriott; new head
George Vickers, of
few days this week
died in
•Following a. brief illness
James Hogan, well-known,
priest at the St. Patrick's
Catholic Church, Biddulph,
St. Joseph’s Hospital, on Tuesday.
Father Hogan was removed to the
hospital from his home on Monday.
He Was n great wer tt£ Sport and
always took an active interest in
horseshoe pitching and other forms
of outdoor amusement. He was a
zealous worker and devoted his time
and energy to the church.
(Continued from page 4.)
Tinted Snap Shots, Robt. Sanders,
Miss White; Photographs, amateur,
Airs. Geo. Churchill; Photographs,
Jos. Senior and 2nd; Collection of
Photographic Views, Jos. Senior and
Judge, Airs. N. J. Dore
Cut Flowers
Anitira’hi'iium, Snapdragons, Mrs.
G. Heywood; Airs. George Church
ill; Antirrhinum, Simpcragons, Mrs.
G-. Heywood, Mrs. W. H. Dearing;
Asters, white, All®. Dearing, Mrs. G.
Heywoocl; Asters, pink, All®. Church
ill, IMrs. Dearing; .Asters, purple,
Mi®. Deiaring, P. Hern; Asters, Com
et Collection, Mrs. Dearing and 2nd;
Asters, white, Mrs, Churchill; As
ters, mauve, Mrs. Dearing, Airs.
Churchill; Asters, purple, Airs. G.
Freckleton, Mrs, Churchill; Asters,
pink, Airs. Heywood, Mrs. Churchill
Coxcombs, display, L. Reynolds,
Mi®. Heywood; Coxcombs, display,
feathered, Mrs. Dearing; Dan Dew;
Cosmos, single and double, L. Rey
nolds; Dahlias, decorative variety,
Mrs. Cunningham, All®. Heywood;
Dahlias, cactus variety, Mrs. Hey
wood, Airs. Cunningham; Dahlias,
pompom variety, Mi®. Heywood,
Airs. E. Thompson; collection of not
less than 4 varieties, Mrs. Cunnipg-
ham; Dianthus or Pinks, Mrs. Hey
wood; Gladiolus, best spike, Mrs, G.
Heywood;' Gladiolus, best three
spikes, Mrs. Heywood; Gladiolus,
best 6 spikes, Mrs. Heywood; Glad-,
iolus, best collection, Mrs. Heywopd
Gladiolus, basket or vase,
Heywood; Impatiens or
All®. Freckleton,, Mi®.
Marigolds, African,, Mrs. Deairing,
Reynolds; Margolds French, All®.
Cecil Rowe; Phlox,
Airs, Dearing; Phlox,
Perennial, Mrs. Heywood; Petunia,
single, L. Reynolds, Mrs. Dearing;
Petunia, double, L. Reynolds, Mrs.
Heywood; Pansies,
Mrs. Heywood; Salvia, L. Reynolds,
Mrs. Churchill; Stocks, Mrs. Hey
wood, L. Reynolds; sweat Peas, best
collection, L. Reynolds; Verbenas,
Airs. Bearing, Mrs. Heywood; Zin
nias, P. Hern; Zinnias, Mrs. Hey
wood, Mrs. Churchill; Zinnias best
display, Airs. Heywood, P. Hern;
Collection of Annuals, L. Reynolds,’
Mirs. Freckleton; Collections of
Perennials, Mrs. Heywood; Bride’s
boutiuet, Mrs. Bearing, Airs, church-
best collection,
Living Ro on Accessories
Centre piece, W. H. Smith,
Stephen Fennell; Table Scarf, W. H.
Smith, Mrs. E. Darling; Cushion em.
Mi®. Darling, W, H. Smith; Cush
ion, W. H. Smith; Mrs. Fennell;
Card table cover, Airs. Fennell, Mi®.
E. Darling; Buffet set, white, Mrs.
Geo. Alarriott, Mrs. Erl. Lawson;
Buffet, set, colored, Mrs. Darling,
Wm. Hey;. Centre piece, white, Airs.
Darling, Airs. Marriott; Centre piece
tatted trim, Preston Dearing, Mrs.
E. S. Steiner; Tray cloths, Airs.
Darling, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; Lunch
Cloth and 4 serviettes, Mrs. Elsie
Thompson, W- H. Smith; Breakfast
set, Airs. E. Darling, Airs. Bruce
Rivers; Tea Cosy, Airs. E. Darling,
Mrs. Bruce Rivers; Doilies, six, Mrs.
Marrwcr, Mrs. uariing; came macs,
All®. Marriott, Preston Dearing; 6
dinner .napkins, Mrs. I-I. K. Hynd
man, All®. G. Freckleton.
o Bedroom ‘ Accessories
Pillow Cases, colored, Win. Hey,
Airs. Darling; Pillow cases, other
sort, Mrs. E. Lawson, Mrs. Church
ill; Pillow’ cases and sheet other
style, Mrs. Marriott, Mrs. Darling;
Guest towels, Airs. Cihur'chill, Mrs.
Fennell; Towels, Airs. Churichill,
Mrs. B. Rivers; Bath towel, Airs. E.
Lawson, Mrs. Elsie Thompson; Van
ity set, Chas. Aidworth, Mi®. L.
Rowcliffe; Dresser Scarf, Airs. Law-
son, Airs. L. Rowcliffe; ’ Boudoir pil
low, Mrs, Bruce Rivers, Mrs. E.
Darling; Eed spread, fancy em.,
Airs. Thompson, Airs. Churchill; Bed
spread-, other .fancy sort, Chas. Aid
worth, Mrs. C; Sims; Curtains, Mrs.
E. Darling; Mrs. Churchill.
Kitchen Accessories
Tea towels, Wm.’Hey, ^Irs. E. S;
Steiner; pan holder, hand made,
All®. Fennell, .Mrs. Lawson; Break
fast Cloth em., All®. Fennell. Airs.
Lawson; Cutains, hand trimmed,
Mrs. Fennell, All®. Darling.
Domestic Class
Quilt, pieced cotton,
Floor Mat, hooked, All®.
W. H. Smith; Floor Mat, clioclieted,
P. Hern, Chas. Aidworth; Men’s
Work Sihirt, Mrs. E. R. Pym, Mrs.
Lawson; Knitted Men’s Socks, Mrs.
Marriott, Airs. Lawson; Knitted
Alitts, Mrs* Lawsoil, Airs. Darling,
Knitted Sweater, Airs. Dearing, All®,
Al. Rader,
L. Rowcliffe; Quilt, best de-
other material, P. Hern, Mrs.
Link; Comforter, silk or cot-
P. Hern, Mrs. Darling; Floor
braided, Al. Rader, C. Aidworth
Churchill; Knitted Scarf, Airs.
Sims, AIrfe. Lawson.
Ladies’ and Children’s Wear
Apron, dainty, Airs. Lawson,
H, Smith; Apron, serviceable work,
Airs, Cunningham, Airs. J. Jaques;
House Dress, Mrs. E. R. Pym, W.
H, Smith; Boudoir jacket and cap,
Mrs. Darling, Airs. Chjircliill; Night
Robe, Mrs. C* Sims; Win* Hey; Un
derwear, ladies, Airs. Darling, Airs.’
H. A
Baby’s Dress,
son; Baby's
Mrs. E. Darling
Cover and Pillow to match, Airs* E.
Darling, Airs. Fehnell; Child’s play
dress and bloomers, Airs. Fuss, mi®.
C. Sims; child’s Knitted Costume,
Mi®. C* Sims, Mi®. Lawson*
Italian hem and drawn work, Mrs,
H. K* Hyndman, Airs. B. Rivers;
fine cut work, Mrs. Marriott, Mrs.
. Fuss; Collar and Cuff Set, Mrs
• Fancy Work Bag, Airs. Law-
Airs. Darling; Handkerchiefs,
PL A. Fuss, Airs. 9. Fennell;
Lawson t
Wrap of Shawl, Mrs.
Airs. Bruce iiivers;
E. R. Pym, Mrs. Law
jacket and bonnet,
Baby's Carriage
H. K. Hyndman; fancy crochet, Mrs.
Alarriott, Airs. Lawson; eyelet work •
Churchill, Mrs. Fennell;
of ribbon articles, Airs.
Mrs; Fennell; assortment of small'
novelties, Mrs. J. Jaques, Mrs. Alar
riott; specimen of repairing; Mrs.
Fennell, Mrs. Marriott.
Judge—.Mrs. N. A. McLean, of Al
vin ston.
Green Mountain Potatoes, Fank
Triebner, Mrs. J. Van C'amip; Irish
Cobbler Potatoes, Jacob Battler, F.
Triebner; Golden Bantam Corn, C.
Heywood, Mrs. J. Van Camp; Any
other variety of table corn, F. E.1-
lerington, F. Triebner; Blood Beets,
long, Jacob Battler: Rlood Beets,
long, F. Trieoner, unffora rieywooa
Chautenay Carrots, AIs. J. Van. Camp
Luther Reynolds Any other variety
of Carrots, Mrs. J. Van Camp, Clif
ford Heywood; Yellow Onions, F,
Triebner, Airs. 0. Cunningham; Red
Onions, Jacob Battler; Dutch Sets,.
Cecil Rowe, Luther Reynolds; Sweed
Turnips, Jacob Battler, Parsnips*
Airs. J. Van Camp; Celery, Luther
Reynolds, Clifford Heywood; Toma
toes, Luther Reynolds, Mrs. J. Van
Camp; Cabbage, Jacob Battler,
Heyivood; Table
Heywood, Frank
Beans, F. Triebner, Mrs. J. O. Lovie;
Mangolds, Mrs. Al. W* Doupe, Mrs.
J. Van Camp.
Cut Flowers
Asters, Luther Reynolds, Clifford- *
Heywood; Phlox, Luther Reynolds*
Jacoib Battler; Sweet Peas, Clifford
Heywood; Nasturtums, Luther Rey
nolds, Clifford Heywood; Geranium
in Pot, John Triebner; ’Balsams, L.
Reynolds; Dahlias, Clifford Hey
wood; Gladioli, Clifford Heywood;
Collection of Woods, named, from
Huron. County,. Luther Reynolds;
John Triebner; Collection of Leaves*
named and mounted, Luther Rey
nolds; Collection Insects, named
and mounted, Jacob Battler, Luther
Reynolds; Best writing,- first stanza
of the National Anthem, pupil ten
years old and under, J. A. Snell, 'D.
Smitt; Drawing of Huron County*
ten years old and under, F. Ti’ieb-
ner; Drawing Povince of Ontario*
over ten years, F. Triebner.
' Grains
Winter Wheat, Herbert DeSjar-
dine, F. Triebner; oats, F. Trieb
ner, Al. W* Doupe; Barley, Mrs. O*
Cunningham, Lftther Reynolds.
Domestic Science
Home made bread, Mrs. O. Cun
ningham; school lunch, Mrs. Jessie
pie, Mrs.
O. Lovie; best dressed doll, Alargt.
Clarke, Jean Appleton
w.orked towells, Jacob Battler
E. Lawson
sie Jaques; Fancy pin cushion, Mi®.
E. Lawson
Jaques, Mi®. E. Lawson; plain hand-
sewlng, All®. J* Jaques; Landry bag**
Beans, Clifford
Triebner; White
Mrs. Vah Camp; jar plums,
Reynolds; jar raspb^ijries,
Reynolds, Mrs. J. Van
jar of strawberries, Luther
Mi’s. J. O. Love; Apple
O. Cunningham, Mrs. J.
Pair hand*.
Fancy apron, Mrs. Jes-
Crochet work, Mrs. J.
Airs. E. Lawsoil, Jacob
Knitted socks, Mrs. E.
Painting, any object, Al.
Pillow cases, Mi®. Jaques.
, Misccllnnws
Best hammer handle,
Lawson; best gate, F.
Best school display of vegetables
grown ’by school children. Open tn
any school, Jacob Battler*
J’udges, p. Coates, J. A. Stewart,
J. H. Grim
Mrs. E*