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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-09-17, Page 8
AW QWM SERVICE’’ is our motto, at all times FAIR WEEK SPECIALS ,3 lbs- Icing Sugar for ............ 22c/ $ lbs. Australian Raisins 2|ev Fateon Vanilla „.....bottle Aylmer Soup: 1 Tomato, 1 Vege table, 1 Green Pea ........ 3 for 25 c Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 3 for 25c. Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 2 for 23c. lobby’s PorH & Beans .... 3 for 25c.. Toilet Soap: Palmolive, Lux and Calay ....................... s for 21c; Cascade Salmon, large 2 for 25c Golden Spray Cheese .... 15c. a box Rubber Jar Rings .... 12 cut 4, 25c. Fresh Salted Peanuts ........ 18c.. lb. Bpices for Pickling ............ 4c. a oz. Exeter Markets Wheat, 400. Oats, 20 c, Barley, standard, 35c,. Bran, 85c, Shorts, 85fi. Dow Grade Flour, $1,00 Welcome Flour $2.00 Model- Flour, $MQ a . Manitoba Flour, Creamery Butter ,26c. Dairy Butter, 1§ and 19c, Eggs, extras 21c. Eggs,. firsts 1,8c, Eggs, seconds 12c. ....« CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN -CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, M. A. Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.1LO.BL, Organist. SACRAMENT -SUNDAY 10,00 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.*—-Holy Communion Subject: “The Place of Remem brance” « ’ ' 7 p.m.—-“An Amazing Estimate” Friday, September 18th, the Pre paratory Service at 8 p,m« Sunday, September 27 th, will be Rally Day, 'W EXETER TIMES^DVOCATl If ’ during September until Feir Pay SMART NEW FALL COATS . We are showing a fine range of new cGats. The styles are smart, the cloths new. Better quality fur at lower prices this season. We invite you to see them. Fresh cooked meat each week at lowest prices also Cream, Vegetables; and Fruit. Coates’ Grocery Miss Leila Stackhouse is holiday ing at her home in Brucefield. An exhibitor from Ridgetown with a load of sheep arrived in Exeter Tuesday believing that it was Exeter Fair Day, , Dr. and Mrs. Q, F. Roulstoia re turned last week after visiting for a couple of weeks at Jackson’s Point on the shores of Lake Simcoe, Prof. Chas. E. and Mrs. Locke, of Brookline, Mass., motored here and spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Acheson, the two ladies be ing sisters. Mrs. Amelia Dale who was visiting in Brookline returned to Exeter with them. Mr. and Mrs. Locke and Mrs. Dale attended the 41st annual reunion of the Locke ■family at Portsmouth, New Hamp shire where Prof. Locke was one of the speakers. The family are the descendants of ©apt. John Locke, who settled in Rye and- was killed by Indians in 169 6 at Locke’s Neck. Upwards of 100 were present at the reunion. doing stock, on a FOR SALE—General store, splendid business, nice clean Owner would exchange same good farm within ten miles of Exe ter. Might consider stock and equipment. Write full particulars to Box Number A280, Exeter. FOR SALE—The following ar ticles will be offered for private sale and must be sold before the middle of next week as the owner is leav ing town. Priced right for quick sale. Three rocking chairs, couch, 3-burner oil stove, washing machine several doz. sealers, brass bed, box springs and mattresses, rug, brass curtain poles & rods, 2 tables, buffet chiffonier, small looking glass, gar den rake, snow shovel. Apply Mrs. A. Rumford, Gidley St. ]• locals Miss Grace Creech is holidaying in London, Mrs. Geo. Jaques is visiting in London this week. Rev, E. L. Vivian is confined to his home through illness. Miss Madeline Dearing, of Lon don, spent the week-end with her parents. Mr- and Mrs. K. J, Lampman spent Sunday visiting with relatives in Norwich. Mrs. Hy. Eilber, of Crediton, vis ited Tuesday with Mrs. Wm. Kuntz and Mrs. Scott. Miss Thelma Rowe, of Carson ville, Mich,, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Skinner, of Thorndale, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Jaques on Monday. Mr. Philip Hern is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Sam’l Stevenson, of Birr, this week, and is attending Western Fair. Mrs. W, L. Hewitt was taken ill recently and has been confined to her bed. Mr. Hewitt has been in disposed for some time. Mrs. Garnet McFalls and little daughter Donna are visiting for a week with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Bilyea, of Granton. Mrs. Robert Stephenson, Miss Reina and Herbert, of Varna, were visitors this week with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston. Miss Hilda Quinton, Mr. Albert Lamble and son Lewis, oif Wood- !stock, spent Sunday with the form er’s sistei’ Mrs. E. L. Vivian. Mrs. A. Rumford, Gidiey St., in tends moving to Forest next week and is advertising some articles for private sale :See advt. local page. ‘Mr. Sydney West, who recently un derwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, was brought on Sunday and is getting nicely. Mrs. Lamble, of Woodstock, the past week visiting with Mrs. E. L. V,ivian and on Sunday rendered two very pleasing solos during the serveies at Trivitt Memorial; church. Mr. Thos, Flynn, wno has been ill for several weeks is gradually weakening. He is being 'cared for by his daughters London, and Mrs. forth. Mr. and Mrs. home along spent Get your fur coats and furs re modeled early. Cut rates till De cember 1st. Dressmaking style.—Mrs. Norman Hockey, Street, Exeter. any Main Mrs.1 Treble, of Brownlee, of Sea- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Good 2-year-old Perchferon colt, cheap; will exchange .for cow, pullets or yearling hens.—W. F. Abbott ltp FOUND—In Exeter a club-bag, .containing semi© ladies’, wearing’ apparel. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for ad vertisement. Apply to Times-Advo- cate. DOST—No. 2 Kodak camera and pair white kid .pumps at Turnbull’s Grove. Finder- kindly leave with Mr. W. T. Acheson and will be suit ably rewarded. iSTRAYED—From a farm on the Lake Road, west of Exeter, a black driving horse five years old, collar- marked on shoulder. Information gladly received by J. G. Dow, Exeter LOST—Between Crediton and Mt. Carmel, a rim, tire and tuibe, size 29x4.40. Finder rewarded by leav ing at Crediton P.O. , ltd. WANTED—An unlimited number of cheap horses. Apply to Frank .Taylor, NOTICE All accounts owing for flowers at the Exeter Cemetery are now due and must be settled at once. After' October the 1st accounts will be placed for collection with costs add ed.' JOHN FORD We have 'buyers waiting for sev- farms, must be good land and buiit. see R. E. Pickard. oral well sale If you have a farm for AND STOCK FOR SAI® One hundred acre farm for sale in ichoijce locality, 1 1-2 miles north .of Crediton. Ninety actes cleared. Forty acres in hay and pasture; al so stock and implements. Wo hid sell' entire lote of implements and Stock and farm in lump sum at very low price. Also two acres of land south of Exeter school. Also choice building lot on Andrew Street one block east of Trivitt Memorial Church.-—Ksli Heywood, R. R. No. s, ctaAiuB. Gordon Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCausland, of Almia St, London, and 'Miss Ina Jaques, R. N», o,f Victoria Hospital, called on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques Sunday 'evening Florence, daughter’ of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Southcott, who was taken to Victoria Hospital on Wednesday of last week for treatment ’was brought home Saturday eveniag’ and is again able to be around. MrS. Chas. Wilson, who recently Underwent an operation for the ve- moval of a cataract on one of her eyes is getting along nicely and sat Up for the first time on Saturday. She is expected of a few. days. Dr. and Mrs. of Kerkonkson, last week visiting the former’s par ents, They left to visit his brother Albert in Toronto .and spend, some time, .at the Exhibition, afterwards leaving for Rochester, N. Y., to 'vis it Mrs. Johnston’s people. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Neil, who re cently returned from a motor trip to Texas are visiting with their daughter Mrs. J. H, Jones. Mirs, Neil, while ill the South had the misfortune to stumble, badly sprain ing one of her arms and she is still suffering from the effects. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Westcott and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hector; of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold ’Westcott, Of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. F, W. Lee and family, Mrs. Leslie and Mr. Kennotli, of. Thorndale, were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geonge Eas'ter- brooks. Mrs, Wm. Kuntis and sister Mrs. Emma El. Scott have just returned from a visit with their sister, Mrs. Sarah Bertrand in Detroit and with the former’s children in Windsor, Mrs. Scott will ’leave Thursday to Visit fdr a few weeks at London and Jfamiltoii before returning to her home In plainsfield, Now Jersey. Rev. A. M. Grant, of Belgrave, occupied the pulpit in James Street United Church Bunday evening and preached .a very Actaptabie sermon. Miss Joan Bhoefe took a solo part in the anthem and. Misses Ina Hard ing and Celia Christie sang a duet. At the morning service Miss Reta Rowe sang a solo, home in the coarse W. C. B. Johnston, N. Y., were "here JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D, McTaviish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.iM. Organist and Choir-Leader SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Rev. Robert Laird, D.D., of Torqntq, at both services 10 a.m..—'Sunday School 11 .a.m.—Rev. Dr. Laird “The Church in a Time of Crisis” p.m.—iRev. Dr. Laird “What a Man May be. to His Fel lowmen.” - SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR 7 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader i a.m.—Our Church School . a.m.—“Vessels of God’s1 Mould ing” p.m.—Our service is withdrawn. We unite with James St. congre gation in their anniversary 'ser vice. Thursday at 8 o’clock, meeting for Prayer. 10 11 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian., L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Sixteenth Sunday Aftejr Trinity 8.30 a.m.—Holy communion 10 a.m.—‘Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer (Subject, “The Fullness of God” 7 p.m.—Evensong Subject: “The Angels of God” Mr. Aljoe Sanders, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Stanbury in Kin-,, cardine on Sunday. (Miss Katherine Woods, of London spent Sunday with her parents Mr... and Mrs. T. S. Woods. Miss Phyllis Gill, of Grand Bend, is spending the week with Mrs. McAvoy and Miss Sanders. Miss Helen Brown R. N., has re turned to Toronto after holidaying with Miss L. M. Jeckell. , Mii-sses Rosa Dearing and Luella Stanlake are visiting with their aunt Mrs. Litchfield in Detroit. Miss Hannah Kinsman is Victoria Hospital, London, she is receiving treatment. Mrs. Reg. Taylor returned home after visiting the past week with friends in Guelph and Toronto. . The bridges at the north-end and on the Lake Road have been painted with a coat of aluminum paint. Miss Lottie Halls, of *Winnipeg, is visiting with Misses Andrew*. and other friends in this coimmunity. Misses Ber-va Spearin and Hazel Spearin, of near Brussels, are visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. Milo Snell. Mr. ‘Tony’ Lawrence has returned to his duties at the Bank of Montreal after holidaying at his home at Ayr. An 'accident occurred at the north end Sunday evening when two cars came together but little damage was done. Mr. Earl Tapp, of Toronto, is vis iting for a few days at his home here prior to the opening of phar macy. Mi’ and Mrs Harry Rader and Mrs Geo. Lawson, of Crediton, and Mr, •and Mrs. gid Sanders visited in Cor unna on Suday. Master Jimmie Taylor returned home after spending the past week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Steinhagen, Dashwood. Rev, E. L. Vivian has been indis posed during the past week. Sunday he was assisted With services in Trivitt Church by Hy. Joinings, Jr. Quite a number from Exeter were in London on’<Saturday and took in the Air Pageant. Thousands of people were on the field, to witness the various manotivers. Mr, and Mrs. E. N« Keddy motor ed over from petroit on Tuesday ahd were aiocompanied home by their daughter Miss Lois who has been visiting for a week at the home of Mr. W. C. Roddy. Mrs. (Dr.) J. W. Harrison and Mrs. W. Carr, of Detroit, spent a tew days in. Exeter visiting ■with rel atives. They returned to Detroit on Tuesday aocompaneid by Mrs. Coul- tis and Mrs, Arthur Francis, ill in where I FRENCH KID GLOVES In black, black and white and brown, very smartly trimmed, best French make $2.00, $2,50 AND $2,75 SILK CREPES FOR DRESSES One of the most popular material* in the best selling shades $1.50 SILK AND SILK AND WOOL HOSE In all the newest shades for fall. Better quality at lower prices 50c. TO $1.00 CIRCLE BAR SILK HOSE The best value on the market for the money. Full Fashioned and pure silk. EACH $1.00 NEW DRESSES FOR FAIR DAY We will have a display for Fair Day a fine new range of popular priced dresses in the very newest styles $5.95 TO $14.95 MEN’S FINE SHIRTS In good working prints in light and dark colors. Our regular $1.00 quality SPECIAL AT EACH 89c. GIRLS SILK AND WOOL PULLOVERS In bluet sand, red and green combina tions just the thing for school wear 85c. TO $1.50 SPECIALS FOR FAIR DAY Boys’ Ribbed Hose reg. 25c. ., special 19c. Girls’ Sand Hose, regular 25c., special 19c. Large size Flannelette Blankets . ,. .$2.19 Men’s New-Way Braces reg. 75c. for 65c. MEN’S WORK SHIRTS Well-made blue Chambry Shirt, well cut and roomy. A real bargain SPECIAL AT EACH 85c. 0 36 inch Striped Flannelette reg. 25c. for 19c Ladies’ Sand & Black Hose reg. 25c. for 19c Boys’ All-Wool Sweaters reg. '$1.25, 85c. Hemmed Stitched Pillow Cases, 2 for 45c. MEN’S WORK SOX Our regular 25c. value. We make a special of this line 5 PAIR FOR 98c. Special Prices On Groceries Crown Pint Jars I R 96c. a dozen a I I Orange Marmalade 40 oz. jar 20c. Falcon Coffee, regular 50c. coffee for 39c. Tea, extra special, black or mixed,, lb. 34c. Pure Clover Honey, 10 lb. pail . 69c. iJAMES, STREET • -• WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION The Women’s , Association, j.of Janies Street United church' held their regular meeting in the church parlors with the President, Mrs. W. R. Goulding, presiding. Mrs. M'aud I-Ieywood took change of the devo tional period. Plans for the Harvest Home Service on October 4th were completed. The special speaker of the- day is to be Rev. Mr. Roulston o’f Wheatley. Special music is be Supplied by the Men’s choir with Mrs. Roderick Ferguson, of Glencoe, as soloist. For the next regular meeting on October 1st the ladies plan a Harvest Home Rally each members being invited to come and bring a friend. There will be a good program and social hour. Mrs. A. O. Elliott favored the ladies with a lovely solo “A Little ( prayer Me.” The meeting closed with benediction. MAIN ST. W. M. S. for the I Red Path Sugar, IGO lbs........................$5.15 Fruit Jar Rubbers, 5 dozen for...........25c. Now is the time to order peaches. Crown Qiiart Sealers $1.09 a dozen EXTRA PANTS with every suit at no additional cost This important offer semi-annually takes place on the arrival of the “Clothes of Quality” representative One day only--Monday, Sept. 28 SUITS, O’COATS MADE TO MEASURE $24.00 AND UP EXTRA PANTS FREE WITH EVERY SUIT ORDERED On one day only, Monday, September 28th, during the visit of of Mr. Park, representative, expert (fitter ahd style authority of the Berger Tailoring Company at our store', we have been authorized, by the Berger Tailoring Company to give with every ’’Clothes Of Quality” suit ordered on that date, one pair of trousers, of the same material, without additional charge. A EXETER, OUT.PHONE 81w The September meeting of Main Street W. M. Sc was held in the church parlors, on Thursday, The president, Mrs. W. C. Pearce, was in charge. The devotional ex ercises were taken by Mrs, S. Skin ner. The clip sheet was in charge of Miss Murray, and was in connec tion with the Temperance campaign. Several short sketches were read by the members. A discussion on the relief problem for the West was in dulged in, for a time. Mrs. Geo. Layton explained the conditions found in so many Homes by the ministers.and others in the stricken area showing that something had to be done quickly, before the cold weather approaches. Mrs. W. H.. Doerr, read the appeal as sent out by the head relief committee, It was moved that, members meet next Friday to decide what goods could be sent from this church. The fall thankofifering was discussed. It was decided to leave the setting of a day, to the committee in charge. The meeting closed with the singing of a hyinn, and was dismissed by Miss Murray. the i On the Mr. JAMES St* W. M. S. 'The September meeting of the James Street United Church W.M.S., was held on Thursday afternoon, with the president Mrs, Christie presiding, The president read a letter from the Emergency Relief Committee, ask ing for the co-operation tit the dif ferent societies to help relievo the deplorable condition in the W^st, c. w. National especially in Saskatchewan. ‘ For the most part clothing for men, wo-, men and children and infants, were the articles mentioned. It was Stated that the Red Cross Society Would see that, the articles sent were distributed to the best of advantage, and it 'also added that the society would supply all the shoes and rub bers needed. A committee was at once appointed to visit the homes of the congregation and arrange to have the collection made and bales sent from the society. Arrangements were made delegates from this society to tend the sectional XV. M. S. ’to held at Roys Church, Thames Road, Sept. 24. Mrs'. Sandy Elliot sang a pleasing solo entitled “My Task.” The pastor, the Rev. D. McTavisli, then introduced the. speaker for the meeting. Capt. Scot, who address ed the meeting oh his work as mar ine missionary, giving a word pic ture of the life and character, the privations and loneliness of people along the Pacific Coast, who are not as privileged as the people In this district. He touched on the work of the medteal aid and the educational work that had been done, and how the efforts of those who had sacrificed their lives and opportunities were appreciated. He made particular mention of a school fol* Indian girls taught by Miss, Fp.ol- ett, at KMi'hidc/ B. 0. Oaipt. Scot possesses the gift ‘ of telling his story in an understandable manner, for at- be the and can carry his listeners right to, the scene so to speak. Mrs. W. R.. Goulding favored with a sole entit-; led ‘‘Have Thine own way Lord.’” W. R. GOULDING A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster Janies St. United Church Instruction in Vocal OrganPiano Supervisor of Music in Schools . Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone lai EXETER, ONT ’ffheorjr MARION E. WOODS, B. A. TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY Phone 133, Exeter Violet E. gambriliJ; A, L. O M. Supervisor of vocal and orchestra/ music in schools Guitar and Violin Cello insti’uctioni' Harmony mail cotir$os for school Teachers phone 161, Exeter