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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-09-17, Page 5
Echoed ot ©ommerce CLINTON, ONTARIO Offers you, the Practical Business Training that has made it possible for our scores of students to obtain and hold positions in this time of depression, because of their high standard of efficiency. Prepare to be pne pf the employed next year by taking) a THOROUGH PRACTICAL COMMERCIAL COURSE NOW We offpi* you the fallowing courses; Secretarial, Stenographic, Commercial, General Of fice and ’Special Courses arranged, PALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 8, 1031 o ' Write or phone for particulars; M. A. STONE, B. F. WARD, B. A*, Com. Specialist Principal Vice-Principal Phone 198 DR. J. A. McTAGGART, L. D. S, HENSALL, ONT. ^telephone 100 Main Street HENSALL Mervyn Br-own, last week, with on of his ■Sunday Toronto, parents Flossie Foss has returned Hills- home Ho us- home Mr. South- at the White. Agnes she is Mrs. hear through ill- <& Son are with' the King THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ?! Morlock, Lulu, Ella a few days in Pan- Ann Arbor, Mich,, THURSDAY, 17, XW' T III hi min ™ RED & WHITE store 1 Mit- Zeta DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGRON' At office In Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. iMrs. Fisher and Miss Edna Fisher returned home after spending the summer at Ipperwash Beach. Mrs. P. Brown, of Detroit, is spending a few weeks with fives. Miss Blanche Ed'ighoffer, of cheli, spent Sunday with Miss Nadiger. Mr. Del'brjdge was d guest speak er1 in the Evangelical Sunday School on Sunday. . * Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor are spending a vacation in Toronto. Mrs. (Rev.) Granpner, Misses Clara and Martha Graupner, Mrs. A. Meyer and daughter, all- of Farm ington, Mich., spent a few days with friends here. Milton Sauer returned to Napier- ville, on Monday where he is a stu dent in North Central College. Leonard Birk, of Guelph, sp6nt the week-end at his home here. •Mrs. J. Kellerman and Mrs. iC. Fritz spent «a few days in Kitchener last week, During the severe electrical storm on Monday morning Jiglinting struck a brick building on the main corner owned 'by Mr. Jonas Hartleib in which Mr. David Tieman has a hard ware business. The current appar ently entered 'along the radio aerial knocking out soihe bricks in the corner of the wall and 'badly dam aging a "splendid new radio which Mr. Tieman had on display. A pitch fork standing near the radio had the paper label burned off fortunately no- fire resulted, nearby radios were also put commission. congregation evening ser- with their Church. The and soloists of Crediton, to Ho- Dr. M. C. Pear- The bride wore a it but Several out of Bridge Party Miss Alice Hoffman was at a jolly 'bridge of four tables.at her home on Wednesday evening in honor of the University students who will soon return. The lady’s prize was won by Mrs. A. E. Oes tricher 'and the gentlemen’s prize by Mr. Lome S- Tieman. The host ess then served a very dainty lunch after which an hour was spent in real old time chat. Among the guests were Miss M. Hoffman, of Kitchener; Ira Tieman, of Hamilton; Milton Sauer, of North Central Col lege, Naperville; Harry Cook, of Toronto University; Lome and Eu gene Tieman, of Western Dashwood Ladeis’ Aid hostess Mr. Frank Delbridge, of Exeter, ■ spent Tuesday in town. Miss Edith Forrest V'isited last week with friends in H'illsgreen. Quite >a number of our citizens are •attending London Fair this week. Mrs. D. McKinnon spent a day ‘last week visiting friends, in Varna. Mr, and Mrs, Roy McLean visit bed friends in Stratford last. ’ .Mr, visited here. Miss home after several weeks’ visit in Toronto. Mrs. Hannah Patterson is visit ing for a few days with friends in ■Kincardine. Mrs. Leo Bishop, of North Battle ford, Sask., is visiting her mother Mrs. R. Welsh. Mrs. Nicholas Clupfrard', of De troit, is visitfng at the home of Mrs. John Dinsdale. o Mrs. Wim. McLean, of Hamilton, is Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. .Miss Edna Butt, of Toronto, is spending a few days visiting friends in and around Hensall. Mi\ Ch'arles Rhodes, of Ridge town, visited last week with Mr. .-and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Love, of .green, spent Sunday at the of Mrs. Alex McMurtrie. Mrs. Emma Hawthorne, of ton, Texas, is visiting at the ■of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davis left for Hamilton last week, where Davis has secured 'a position. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gillmore, of the West are visiting at the home of Messrs. John and Wm. Craig. Mr. 'and Mrs. Jas. Eby, of ;ampton, spent the week-end home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. The many friends of Ross will be sorry to •confined to her home ness. Mr. Albert Spencer making good progress Ihouse they are building on ^Street. Miss Lizzie Bean, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Scott Memorial Hospital is at date, improving nicely. While visiting at the home of Mrs. John Henry Petty, Mrs. Elam Butts, of Toronto, fell breaking her ami near the shoulder. Next Sunday Holy will be observed in the Carmel Pres-1 Crediton Evangelical Ladies’ Aid on byterian church and Rev. Mr. Kaine,4 Friday afternoon in the church base- •of Seaforth will occupy the pulpit. | ment. Messrs. Jack and Fred Stacey, ac companied by their mother and sis- ■>ter, of Detroit, are spending their vacation visiting friends in and around Hensall. Mr. Willi'am L. McLaren ■ has a Dahlia in his garden of the fancy variety which stands nine feet high and has a number of large beauti ful flowers oii it. The new grain elevator being ■constructed for Messrs. Thompson & Company, of Blenheim, is about coirupleted. Another .story has been added to the bui|ld;fng and when completed will be one of the finest <iel®vators in this district. Services in our local churches were well attended on Sunday last. ,in the United church Mrs. Gardiner, ■of Kjirkton, delivered a fine -in the morning and Rev. .pecufried the pulfrit in tile In the St. Paul’s Anglican Rev. M,‘ Parker had charge of the services and in the morning Holy Communion tvas (Observed, The Young People of the United Church held their league meeting on 'Monday evening last in the form ■of a social. The program, being .in charge of Mrs. Maude Hedden. After the opening exercises an in strumental was given by Miss G. Luker, followed by .a reading by Miss Ellis; an instrumental was ygiven by Miss Mildred Smillie after ■which several selections were given by the Hyde orchestra. The topic which was very ably given by Mr. Sinclair was on "The Depression in Saska.t'chawan*'’ attar which a social bottr was spent in contests and •Jarnos and the close of the evening .itandy was served. CREDITON Mr, and Mrs. Ernest HJI11 and daughter, of port Huron, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs, Richard Hill, also called1 on many of their old friends, Mr. E, M. Hill and family, of Pt, Huron, yisited last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Brokenshire, of Mt, Carmel, Mr. and Mrs, S. S. Wuerth attend ed the Toronto Exhibition last Wed nesday. Mrs. Emmery Fainter, Mrs, Art, Amy, Mr. Fred Haist and Mr. Ever- ert Haist, of Zurich, were in Toron to last Thursday attending the Ex hibition. (Mrs, Edward an'd Carl visited dora, Ohio and with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cunnington and family, of Dashwood, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Royal Gaiser. Mrs. Samuel Goodwin and chil dren, of Detroit, are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Leah Holtzmann. Mrs. Josiah_Haist and Mrs. KempV of Stratford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Haist. Rev, L. C. White, B.A., of Elim- ville, will conduct the services in the United Church next Sunday. Mr. Christian Wfein is sporting a new Ford coach. There was a good attendance at the Anniversary Services in- the. United Chur/ch on Sunday. Rev. R. A. Brook preached very acceptably to two appreciative congregations. The Zion Evangelical kindly withdrew their vice and worshipped brethren of the United selections of th© choir were also much appreciated. • Renney-Hirtzel The marriage of Miss Dorothy Hirtzel, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. John Hirtzel, ward Renney, of Detroit, took place on September 9th. son officiated. blue transparent velvet gown with a hat to match, and a corsage of yellow tea roses.- Miss Laurene Hirtzel attended her sister and wore a brown crepe dress with a 'brown hat and a corsage of pink tea roses.. George Renney, the groom’s brother acted as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Renney will reside at 12760 Appo- line. Avenue, Apt. 26, Detroit, Mich. Fire Put Out When Neighbors Respond to Telephone Call The residence of Mrs. Charles Box, concession 4, might have been totally destroyed by fire last Satur day. only for the timely assistance rendered by the local telephone of fice. It appears that the coal oil stove had been lit to prepare the dinner and left burning while other work was being done outside. 'The wick started to burn up and in a short time the interior of the house was a mass of flames. A call was sent in to the telephone operator and immediately the special fire ring was sent in to all lines in the neighborhood and in a very short time the neighbors were at hand to extinguish the fire. Tihe interior of the house and furnishings were badly burnt. This is but 'another instance of the value of the tele phone. Often we are inclined to look upon these luxuries but prove their phone staff principals and rules laid down by the Bell Telephone Company that court esy .and prompt service is very sential. modern inventions as in times as these, they value. The local tele- are living up to the University. Ij The Ladies’ Aid of Entertain es- Dashwood Communion • Evangelical church entertained the A program as follows was i given with Rev. A. W. Sauer as the chairman: Scripture Lesson by D. Tieman; readings by Mrs. Link, Miss Gertrude Schade Mrs. Wm. Snell; p'iano duet by Anna Tiernan and Mrs. A. E. tricher; vocal solos bjr Rev. A. W. Sauer, Miss Alice Hoffman and Fred Faist, of North Central College Naperville, Ill*. A piano solo by Miss Anna Tiernan 'and -a short speech by Mi’S. Swartz, president of the Ckedliton. Ladaes’ Aid. There were about 60 ladies present. The committee in charge of lunch ar rangements were Mrs. R. H. Tay lor, Mrs. V. Schatz and Mrs. A. E. Oestricher, they were assisted serving by Alice Hoffman, Ella tinsou and Alma Tiernan. Mrs. Geo. and Miss Oes- in Mar- ELIMVILLE and Mrs. Ai“en Jones,of Nelson Coultis. S. of Elimville Roy’s Church last and visited the, So- appointment. They address Sinclair evening Church, THAMES ROAD pleasant evening was spent manse atA the Thames Road, manse Tuesday evening when about twenty young ladies were ehtortafnqd; the .guest of the evening being Miss Kathleen Wiseman who leaves next week to attend Western University, Much to her surprise she was presented with a handkerchief shower. The evening was spent in. contests and games at the close of which Mrs. i Anthony served' a very delightful lunch. Miss Wiseman expressed her surprise and appreciation. Oil Thursday last the ladies of the congregation met at the church and quilted several quilts which has been ■added to ‘by other contributions of clothing to- make up a bale to be forwarded to. the needy in Saskat chewan* con* with trip CANADA PHY GINGER ALE (holiday package) 6 12 <?z. hotties for 65c, s Clark’s Pork & Beans Medium tin 8c, eacji Certo for Jellies . per bottle 29c. J l" " \ ■ 1..........1 qg Sliced Singapore Pineapple No. 2 tin, 2 for 23c, SEE s PURE SEVILLE ORANGE MARMALADE, 40 oz. jar each 20c. ''ES Selox (The Speed Soap)Pure Castile Soap Bulk Soap Chi^s SE 2 large pkgs, for 25c.8 cakes for 23c.2 lbs. fgr 19c. l i i l l l l l TOMATO SOUP (Campbell’s or Red & White) 3r tins for 25c. = ■MW Crown Tea is Good Red & White Peanut Butter Ready Cut Macaroni i;,”' per lb. 39c. |1 lb. glass barrel, each 21c.2 lbs. for 15c. ' ■£: ■SCm =RANGE OF ALL SIZES, FRUIT JARS, ZINC RINGS, GLASS TOPS, RUBBER RINGS AT LOWEST PRICES Kolona Coffee, pure coffee ., per lb. 29c. Royal Mixed Cookies ■ . per lb. 15c. Golden Spray Cheese .... 1-2 lb. pkg. 15c. De Luxe Jelly Powders...............5 for 25c. Raisin & Nut Cookies .... 2 doz, for 17c. McCormick’s Salted Wafers . per pkg. 10c. Jumbo Salted 'Peanuts...........per lb. 15c. Red & White Toilet Tissue . .•••• 3 for 23c. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 Your dollar buys more at a Red & White Store. EXETER, ONT. We Deliver WINCHELSEA cutting and silo filling is swing this week, in this dis- near with with A. Corn in full trict. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coleman were in Clifford on Thursday* of last week attending the. funeral of Mrs. Coleman’s1 brother Mr. Borden Wightman, who was killed along with Mr. J. Klein while at work on the Blanshard telephone line Sebringville, coming in contact a high tension hydro wire. Mrs. .Newton Clarke visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Dobbs, of Lucan last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Elston, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis, of Saints,burg, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davis on Sunday. .Mrs. W. G. Batten ana Mr. Harold Denham spent the week-end in Bridgeburg, visting the latter’s bro ther Mr. Ralph Denham. . Qiiite a number from around here attended the Air Pageant held at the London Air Port on Saturday last. The Late John Francis The sudden death of the late Jno. Francis which occurred on Tuesday, September 8, 1931 at the home of his daughter Mrs. R. E. Pooley in Wifichelsea came -as a shock to the neighborhood. Mr. Francis was in apparent good health for his advanc ed years up until his sudden death came during the forenoon on the day of his death. He had gone to the garden to dig potatoes when he was suddenly stricken and passed away a very short time after being remov ed to the house. Mr. Francis was born in Devonshire, England on October 20, 1842 -coming to Canada with his parents at the age of nine years when his father took up a farm in Fullarton Township near Munroe where Mr. Fr-ancis spent his entire life up until three years ago when he moved with his now bereaved widow to Winchelsea to make their home 'with tiheir daughter Mrs. R. E. Pooloy. Mr. Francis was a de vout member of the United church ■ formerly Methodist at Munroe, be ing an ever ready worker in his church and also the community 'in which he lived.* He was united in marriage to his now bereaved widow whose maiden name was Miss Ros- ina Ellacott, 48 years ago. Besides his .sorrowing wife he is survived by one son, Mr. Roy Francis, o.f Kirk ton and two daughters, Mrs. R. E. Pooley and IMiss Ella Francis, of Winchelsea. The funeral was held Thursday, September 10th irom the residence of Mr. Pooley with a short service at the home and proceeded to Munroe where services were held in Bethel Church with Rev. L. C. White, of Elimville Circuit in charge and assisted by Rev. Mr. Menzies, of Munroe. Interment in j ’ cemtery. The frail bearers Messrs. Alvin and Frank Walter and Simmons Walkom, lie Williams, Lorel Butson. Munroe i. were Harris, Les- Mr. London, visited at Mr. Henry Johns’ on .Sunday. Miss May Jones is spending the weak with Mrs. The Y. P. church went to Sunday evening Oiety of that supplied the program for the even ing. Mr. Walter Lidstone, Presi dent occupied the chair. Rev. and Mrs. L. C. White and children have returned home after four weeks’ vacation spent .in Mont real, Ottawa, Windsor, Chatham and Goderich. , A representative of the Chipman Chemical Company gave a demon stration of the use of Athacide for weed killing on Monday on Conces sion 6, for the Council. Miss Elva Horne has been fined to her bed for a few days the summer flu. Mr. Joshua Johns. enjoyed a to Toronto Exhibition and Niagara Falls; also visited Mr. and Mrs, Giles in Hamilton. We are sorry to report that Mr, Sam. Brock is not as well again’. Miss Ruth Skinner and friends from Exeter visited at her homo here last Sunday. Miss Lorena Johns, of Toronto, is holidaying with her mother hero. Quite a large number from this ■community were in London siatutday to see the Air Pageant. They en joyed the novel and thrilling sights very much. Miss Moore, of London, is spend ing a couple of weeks with her cou sin Mrs. Chas. Johns, Mr. Young n representative vu.., the Exeter* Stephen and tTsborno I Mrs. Noah Morton, Sunday School Association visited* Mrs. Harbolo and little daughter our Sunday School Inst Sunday aLiFoai’lle, spent the week-end with tornooti. . hot' hunt Mr& Bfoadfoot. u LUMLEY Miss' Mae Rrintnell, R.N., of nia General Hospital, visited at home here oh Sunday. Mrs. George HobkJirki and Miss Margaret, of Hensall, accompanied by Mr. George Hoibkirk, of Detroit, and his .sister, Miss Ruth Hobkirk, R.N., of Buffalo, visited with the Broadfoot's on Sunday last. Mr; Bert Riley, of Chiselhurst, is this week busy threshing out a num ber of barns on the Boundary. Miss Eliza Newell, of Hensall, is spending this week with her sister Sar- her CENTRALIA CREDITON EAST Women’s Association of the church will hold their fowl Wednesday evening, Oct. 21. The United supper Mr, and Mrs, Rex Mills and daugh ter Marilyn, of Wyoming, spent the week-end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills. * • Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Abbott and daughter, of Detroit, spent the week-end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ford visited on Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr. and IMrs. W. Madge near Hen sail. Mrs. Arthur Brooks visited with her sister Mrs. Alex McGowan on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hicks and fam ily returned to their home in Flint, Michigan, after visiting with rela tives in this community for the past couple of weeks. 1 Mr. Earl Hodgson and daughter Mary Margaret, of Chatham, are holidaying with the former’s par ents Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson. Mr. Harold Fisher spent the week end visiting with friends in Goder ich. Rev. Connor, of Kippen, will con duct the services in this church on Sunday morning and evening, Sep tember the 20th. Mr. .and Mrs. Win. Skelton visited with Miss Evelyn Clark in Goderich on Sunday. The first meeting of the Young People’s Association was held in the basement of the church on Tuesday evening of last week for election of officers for the coming year. Pres., Mr. W. Skelton; Associate President Mr. George Thompson; Honorary President, Rev. A. V. Rolbb; 1st V. President, Miss Flossie Davey; 2nd Vice-President, Mr. Warren Bam ford; 3rd Vice-President, Miss Lil lian Kennedy; 4th Vice-President, Miss Elsie Gourley; Secretary, (Miss Evoy; Corresponding Secretary, Mr. Gerald Godbolt; Treasurer, Miss W. Willis; Pianist, Mrs.* F. Pen warden; Assistant Pianist, Miss Greta Pol lard. Mr. and Mrs. David Baird andi son Jack and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Merner and Mrs. Davidson, of Pt, Huron spent Sunday in Bayfield.’ Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wilson, o£ London, and Mr. an'd. Mrs. G. T'uck- ey, of Denfield and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wein and son Marvin, of Sharon, spent Sunday with Mr. and> Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mr.s. Kate Hedden, of Exeter spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Andterson are visiting the former’s M. J. Graham in London. Mr. and Mrs. Roland two children, of Exeter, day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. ’ Mrs. John Baird, of Grand Ben'd, • is visiting at the home of Mr. Mrs. Sam. Sims. Mr.’and Mrs. Stuart Kuhn, of chener, spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Harry Kuhn. Will the party who so politely removed the parts of harness from, the barn of Mr. Aaron Wein please return them at once and save further trouble. sister Motz spent Mrs. and, Kit- and ZION Hern spent a few days Falls and Toronto Ex Wedriesday next will be day of the year in Exeter, nual Fall Fair. KIRKTON and Mrs. Blatchford, the the of DeMr. troit, were Labor Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dobson. iMr. and Mrs. Nathan Doupe Miss Velma at Toronto past week. Mr. and Doupe spent a few and Niagara Falls and days the Mrs. George Harrah spent the week-end with friends at Bridgeburg. Roxie Doupe won the silver cup donated by T. Eaton & Co., for the scholar receiving the most points at the School Fair held ac Winchelsea on Wednesday. There were seven, schools in the contest. Our sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Francis in their be reavement in the death of Roy’s father, Mr. Henry Francis. . Mrs. Hannah, Sr., celebrated 8Sth birthday on. Tuesday and ceived several cards and gifts, hope her health continues so will see many more. Dr. G. Jose was asked to send a baseball team to Granton on Satur day to play against a team of Lucan. The boys from here were the win ners by a score of 15 to 5. The line-tip was us follows: D. Sinclair, c<; Kerslake, 1st; Ross Marshall, 2nd; W. Rrintnell, ss; IL Shier, 3rd; Ira McCurdy, rf; .Ray Mills, of; Lloyd Shier, if; Howe, p.;, Alvin Drago, Goldie Atkinson and Bob Rundle were subs. her re- Wo. she Mr. Ross at Niagara hibition. Mrs. Wilbur Batten and Harold Denham spent the week-end with friends at Brid'geburg and S(t. Cath erines. . Mr. Fred Brock spent Sunday; with his aunt Mrs. J. Johns. Mr. Tennyson Johns called on. friends in Hensall on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor, of Exeter, called’ on Mr. and Mrs. Har old Hern on Sunday. A number attended the funeral of the late Mrs.. Hy. Squires on Fri day of last week. Morris Hern attended Field Day; at Granton on Saturday. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Alt Brock visited the former’s father Mr. John’Brocks of Centralia, who has been sick but is able to be around again. Zion AV. M. S . The IV. M. S. held their monthly meeting on "Thursday afternoon 'Sep tember .3rd -at the home of Mrs. W. J. Brock with a good attendance. The second Vice-President, Mrs. W. Brock had charge of the meeting. The meeting was opened by Singing, hymn 269 followed by the Watch word repeated in unison. The scrip ture lesson John 21-1-17 was read by Miss Myrtle Earl. Hymn 221 was followed with prayer by Mrs. War ren Brock and the 23rd Psalm re peated in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read and ap proved. The roll call was answer ed’ a with verse of scripture' on pray er. The President Mrs. Melville Hern was appointed delegate to the ‘convention to be held at Rby’s church. The devotional leaflet on' "Peter the man of impulse’’ was read by Mrs. Milton Brock. A read ing "In the Shaded Room” was read by Mrs. Harold Hern; solo by Mrs. R. E. Pooley. The story of the life of Barbara Heck was read by Mrs. Warren Brock. The meetng next month will be held ut the home of Mrs. Wellington Brock. After sing ing hymn 284 Mrs. Brock dismissed the meeting. Mr. Jos. Haskett, of Biddnlph tp* who is charged with receiving stOldtt auto parts has beau confuted for trial at the assizes to •w’*dwld jit London. At the preliminary trial police claimed to have found the engine and parts from, an auto re* ecntiy stolen in London.