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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-08-27, Page 8
■' TIlVtCSBA*', AVOCST 2Tlh, 103.1 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATK is the Attest ©t ml Mrs. J» J. O’Brien, Mrs. J, Elston returned Tuesday &$ter visiting "with Mrs, Bakev Oakwood, Grand Bend. Mrs, Bowies, toon and. daughter, pt St. Thomas, visited at the-hump ot Mr. J. W. Powell. Miss Vera Ramsay! of Burford, is visiting with Mrs, Agnes Campbell and Mrs> Jphn Stewart this week. Air. and Airs. Chas. pupsto’to, ot Sudlbury, are holidaying with th® former's parents, Mr, and Airs. Wm. Punsford, Donald, the young son of Air, and Airs. Ben Case, had a party on Tuesday afternoon and pleasantly entertained' albout twenty hoi’s and girls. Games and amusements were greatly enjoyed and were followed hy plenty of goodies to eat. Rev, D. MeTavish is walking around with the aid of a cane the result of a sprained ankle caused when the rung of a ladder gave way while descending from the loft of the barn allowing him to drop for several feet. Airs, (Dr.) W. E. Weekes and son Billy returned on Thursday last af ter Visiting for two months -with Airs. AVeekes’ sister in Vancouver, her home city, where she spent a most enjoyable time renewing old scenes and1 old acquaintances. IMPROVING The many' friends of Airs. K. J. Sims, who has been seriously ill in Victoria Hospital, London, will be pleased to know that she is some what improved. Airs. Sims,, Who has been ill for some time, was re moved1 to the hospital where she underwent an operation on Friday for kidney trouble. Her condition has been serious for several days but she is now showing signs of ini-' provement. INJURED WHILE DIVING A fourteen-year-old St. Afarys girl Jeart .Alberts, daughter of Air. and Airs. John Alberts sustained serious injuries on Saturday last when she dived i.nto shallow water at Grand Bend. Beth arms and the right leg are paralyzed as a result of injuries to her spine. X-ray photos however show no evidence of a fracture or dislocation. The accident occurred while the young swimmer was bath ing in company with her .father and she dived' into the Jake from the diving platform into shallow water. Since the platform was erected in the spring the water in the lake has lowered considerably, when the young lady came to the surface she was in difficulty and her father car ried her to shore and she was later removed to her home. Next Saturday evening (D.V.) we will hold cii old-fashioned gospel meeting in Exeter at 8.15, A. Fields & Son, London. Air. and Airs. W. H. Johnston have returned home after visiting for a few weeks at Grand Bend. While at the Bend they were visited by their son Freeborn with his wife and two children of Washington, D. G., who have left to visit nt Roches ter and also with the former’s brother, Dr. Cecil Johnston, of Ker- honkison, N.Y. state, before return ing to their home at Washington. One interesting feature about this family is that Air.. Johnston was born in Canada; his wife was born in New Zealand; their daughter Alary in Washington and Hugh in West Au stralia. Air. Albert Johnston, of To ronto, also visited with hi,s parents at the Bend. OFFICE CLOSED I wish to announce that my office will be 'Closed from August 30th to Sept. 8th.—John AVard, Chiropractor PIANO TUNING S. Boardman, 11 years with the Heintzmen Co., will be in Exeter and district this week. Orders left with S. Martin & Son, phon© 3, will re ceive prompt attention. Over 20 years’ experience. Farm hand daily or would con sider yearly job, can manage farm. AV. Seymour, in care of AV. Cornish 1-2 mile .south of Exeter. FOR SALE—Child’s steel crib Walnut finish. Phone 116. FOR SALE-—Ten weeks old Bay- ron strain of White Leghorns also Barred Rocks. AVm. Haddock, Cen tralia. 8-20-2tc. Tractors for Sale or hire. LOt us do your plowing. Phone 64. Sandy Elliott. 2tc July and August is th© time to got from your flocks those non lay ers* We are now in the position to mill ydur flocks. Culling done by ah expert culler. Also whitewash ing done at a reasonable price with forced spray, The Hatchety will be open on Tuesday and. gaturdajr. nights only. The Hogarth Baby Chick Hatch ery, phone i84w, Exeter, Ontario 7-Mt? Exeter Markets Wheat, 4 Oct pats, 20 c. Barley, standard, 350* Bran, 85e. Shorts, 85 c, Dow Grade Flour, $1.00 Welcome Flour, $2.20 Model Flour, $2.40 Alanitoba Flour, $2,50 Creamery Butter ?6c. Dairy Butter, 18 and 19c, Figgs, Extras, 31c, Eggs, Firsts 18c, Eggs, Seconds, 13c. o-—-——-------------“~9 locals Cr~—--------’ ------- Rev, J. AV. and Airs. Down are spending a few days in London. Aliss Phyllis Winer spent a few days last week at Ipperwash Beach. Airs, Rd- Terry, who hag been ill for the past two weeks, is slowly improving, Airs. Nash, of Sarnia, visited at the home of her daughter, Airs. J, AV. Powell. Aliss E. Al. Bowey visited with her sister, Airs. K. Clarke, in Wind- soi' this week. .Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen, of Sea forth, called on Miss Grigg and Aliss McFaul Sunday. , Airs. J. W. Powell and daughter Alarion, spent a few days last week at Grand Bend. Air. and Mrs. H. AV. Doerr and son George left Tuesday to visit for ■a few days in Kitchener. Airs. Geo. Jones visited with her sister Mrs. Ray Francis at Kirkton for a few days last week. Air. and .Mrs. J. G. Stanbury and family have moved back to town from -their cottage at Bayfield, ■Mr. Harry Fuke, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Timmins, call ed on friends in Exeter Alonday. Miss Ruth and Ellis Pearce spent a few days last week with Air. and Airs. AV. G. Whitney, at Milverton. Aliss Dorothy McCurdy, of Us- borne, is spending a few days- with her grandmother, Airs. T. McCurdy. (Misses Isobel Turnbull, Aleta Sal ter, Gertrude Francis, Jean Sheer© •and Celia Christie spent the week end at Grand Bend. Airs. Geo. Vosper, of Toronto, is visiting with her sister, Airs. Caleb Heywiood at the home of Airs. Gar net Heywood, Huron Street. Airs. Al. Keena, of Stratford, and Aliss Constance Joanne Down, of Woodstock, were guests last week of Rev. J. AV. and Mrs. Down. Air. and Airs. AVm. Ryckman were at Seaforth Monday visiting a neice, Miss McNaughton, oif Hensail, who is ill in the Scott Memorial Hospital. Airs. E. Christie spent a few days in AVindsor and> Detroit and was ac companied home by her daughter Aliss Grace, who has been visiting there. Air. and Mrs. Oliver Davis and family of Fort Erie, who visited last week with Mr. and- Airs. .Sid Davis, are holidaying this week at Airs. Davis’ home in Parkhill. Airs. McKenzie, oif Lucknow, has been visiting her ■ daughter Airs. Rhodes at the Manse 'and returned on Saturday accompanied by her daughter for a short visit. Mrs. Morrison and daughter, Miss Morrison and Miss Al. Ellis,' of Hen sail and Aliss Violet Morrison, of Clinton, called on Mr. and Airs. AV. H. Johnston Sunday evening. Masters Ray, E’arl, Jack, Stanley and Kenneth Frayne, sons of Air. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne, visited with their aunt, Aliss Emily Frayne at Staffs for a few days last week. The Canning factory bias re-ar ranged its machinery in preparation for til© corn pack. The corn crop is particularly heavy this season, the corn having made remarkable growth. Mrs. Petzold, of Green Coast Springs, Florida, (nee Miss Laura Holoper) is visiting with her sister, Airs. Earl Guenther, of Dashwood and called on friends in Exeter on Tuesday. Traffic. Officer Lever andl Con stable John Norry last week investi gated an auto that had been aban doned near Dashwood and found that it belonged, to a Mr. Fuzzora, of Bracebridge. It had been stolen. The congregation of the new Pres byterian Church at Bayfield has re ceived many gifts in money and fur nishings, the latest being a fine chapel clock in golden oak presented by Mr, AVilliam Greenlee, of Exeter, who So successfully carried the con tract for the new building, tb com pletion this summer, Mr. and Mrs, Benson Ttickey and son RoSS, of town, Alls. E. Polleji, Vera and Everett, Of Farquhar and Misses Alice Clifford and Margaret Blay, of London, spent the past week visiting at Grand Bend,, Air, E. Pol len and Airs, AV. Pollen spent the Week-end with them. Mr, and Mrs. Robinson, of Detroit spent the week-end with relatives and were accompanied home by their two daughters Thelma and Duelia who spent the past two weeks visiting here. Missag Aiiha Hack ney and Mary Gardiner returned to Detroit with them on a visit* CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, M, Minister ', Miss Dena Coates, A.L.C.M., Organist 10 a.m.-—-Sunday School 11 a.nv—>“Th© Challenge Supreme” 7 p.m.^’The Song of the Night- Watch.” Please note that we are resum ing our two services this Sunday, MAIN ST, AND JAMES ST, UNITED SERVICES Rev. D. AleTavish in charge Janies St, Choir will have charge of th© music, 10 a.m.—Our Church Schools 11 a.m,-—Alain St. Church “Th© Paths of Righteousness” 7 pan.—James St. Church “Christ with Reservations” TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E- L. Vivian, L. Th, Organist, Aliss AlacFaul Choir-Leader, Air. Aliddlemiss 13th Sunday After Trinity 10 a.m,—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning prayer 7 p.m.—Evensong Air. J. Janies, of Walkerton in charge Aliss Ilene Kestle, of Windsor, is visiting at her home here. Schools will re-open Tuesday of next week following the summer va cation. .Mrs. (Rev.) Kestle, of Bowman- ville, is visiting her sister Mrs. E. Passmore. „ All’s, T. J. Thornton returned Sat urday 'after visiting .for a few days in Windsor. Mr. and Airs. Jos. Grant, of Lon don, spent the week-end at their homes here. Reg. Beavers, of Brid'geburg and Stanley Neale, of Hamilton, spent the week-end in town. Aliss Jean Ross, of -St. Thomas, is visiting at the home of her grand father, Mr. AVm. Rivers. (Miss Vera Dunn is visiting with her cousin, Mrs. AV. AIcLean, of Hamilton,- for a few days. Master Thos. Walter has returned home after visiting with Air. and Airs. Jos. Grant, of London. Aliss lya Leary, of .Staffa, spent a few days visiting with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. M§^ Air. and Mrs. Ro-bt. Dale and fam-' ily, of Tonoto, spent the. past Icbuple. of weeks holidaying at Grand Bend. The weekly half holidays in town will be continued for the next three weeks, viz; September 2, 9 and 16 th. (Mr. Bailey and Air. Paynter, of Toronto, called at the home of Mr. and Airs. AV. T. Acheson on Sunday. The choir of the Janies St. United church are holding their annual pic nic at Stratford to-day (Wednesday) Several members of the Exeter I. O.O.F. were in Clinton Sunday after noon attending the Decoration Day services. Air. and Mrs. AVm. Smith and son Walter, of Toronto, 'called on the former’s brother, Air. Sam’l Smith on Sunday. , . Mr. and Airs. Will Senn and daugh ter, of Hamilton,, visited with their cousins, Mr. and Airs. B. AV. F. Beav ers during the week. Dr. Hollaway and wife, of Peter- bO'i’o, have returned to their home after visiting for a week with Air. and Airs. R. N. Rowe. 'Aliss Olive AVood, R.N., who has been holidaying with her parents in Usborne and at Grand Bend, left Tuesday for Toronto. The Canadian National Exhibition opens in Toronto o.n Friday. One of the opening events is the Wo men’s Marathon swim. Airs. D. D. Smith has returned .to her home in Toronto after spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Armstrong. Air. and Mrs. j. AV. Long and soil AViDbert, of Owen So,und, .spent the week-end at the home of the form er’s son, Mr. Aiaurice Long. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Acheson, of ■S(t. Thomas and Mrs. Billings, of Loiiidion, spent the week-end with Air. and Mrs. AV. T. Acheson. Mrs, Shanks and daughter Alias Olive 'Shanks, of Chatham, visited last week with, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Penhale and other relatives. Mr. E. M. Quance left the fore part of the week for Toronto where lie is taking a short course in Vul canizing at the Good Year plant. Air. and Mrs. W, H. Aitken and son Donald, of Toronto, are visiting with Airs. Aitken’s father Mt. Sam’l Smith, and other relatives and friends. Mr. AV. M. Aisop, of Kitchener, jg relieving at the Canadian Bank Of Commerce tor two weeks, Mr, Vau ghan BerdtiX is Spending his holidays at Washago Beech* Harvest is practically completed in this tcommunity and silo filllnigi will soon be the order <of the day; The corp has mhde wonderful growth. LUX FLAKES ....................3 for 25c. GOOD MUSTARD (bulk) .... 49c. a lb. This store will be closed Wednesday afternoons during the maths of June, July, and August Beautiful Summer Dresses GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE We place on sale all summer dresses on our racks. Every dress will be reduced in price. See our values in House Dresses at each 89c GOTHAM ADJUSTABLE HOSIERY Seven inches of adjustment space—to fit every length of leg. 'Each a run-stop and when folded a picot top at Priced at...............................$1.35 and $1.95 STRIPED DIMITY A beautiful fine woven cloth, suitable for underwear, etc. .A regular 35c. quality Special at per yard ............... 19c. PURE LINEN HAND TOWELING A regular 20c. line; good strong weave and all linen. Special............... at 2 yards for 35c. HEMMED SHEETS Size 2 yds. by 2 1-2 yards;. these are seconds? but will wear just as well as firsts Get a supply at each........... $1.29 Genuine French Limoge Dinner Set One of the best values we have ever seen in Dinner Ware.. .A full 97 piece of French Limoge China in a beautiful pattern. You will surely like it) A REAL BARGAIN AT $37.50 HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR You will come back for it again. .No buttons to come off. Cool and comfortable Now selling at per garment. L $1.00 MEN’S SAILOR HATS Every hat must go. We offer your choice of any sailor hat in the store. 59C. MEN’S FINE SHIRTS A special purchase of fine shirts with at tached collars. .You will want two or three at this low price each. 89C. HEM-STITCHED LINEN TABLE CLOTHS 52 in. by 67. .A beautiful all linen table cloth. .Well worth the money. t EACH SI.59 Grocery Specials for REDPATH GRANULATED SUGAR Thurs,, Fri. and Sat. LIPTON’S TEA (black or mixed) ........... OUR VINEGAR AND SPICES ARE YOUR PICKLES THIS SEASON Southcott Bros. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. O’Brien visited in .St. Thomas Tuesday. .Messrs. AV. C. Davis and Clare Weber, o.f Moncton, have returned after a motor trip to Niagara-on-the- Lake and Musk oka District going as far as Port Carling. Air. and Mrs. Alt" Salters and. Aliss Florence Barlet't, motored up from London Sunday bringing with them Miss Helen Salter, wno' spent the past week in the city. Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Oke, of Tor onto, Mrs. Nethercott, Airs. AV Bald win, son and daughter, of St. Thom as, motored .up and called on old friends and relatives on Alonday. Air and Mrs. AValter Dearing, of London, Air. and Airs. Peter Robert son and son Peter, Air. James Mc Donald, of Stratford, visited with relatives in Exeter over the. week end. Air. and and Airs. B. AV. F. Beav ers spent the week-end in Brantford, returning with them were tlieir neices, the Misses June and Geraldine Lavery, who will visit with them for a time. Miss Elva Coward, Aliss Alossley, Mr. Reg. Marriott and Air.. AVeail, of Grimsby, spent Saturday and Sunday visiting with the former’s grand mother, Airs. Daniel Coward, of Us borne. Messrs. E. J. AVethey and Gordon Duncan left Tuesday moirning by auto to spend several days in the i Border Cities. Air. Duncan has been, visiting at the home of Air. and Mrs. Pulleyiblank. The engagement is announced of Dorothy Anna, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Gus A. .Smith, formerly Of Selbringville, Ont., and Airs. Smith, of London, to Air. Stephen Richard Dundas, of Clandeiboye* youngest son of Mrs. and the late •Mr. J. Dundas, the marriage to take place early in September. Rev. F. G. MIcTavish, wife and family, of Campbellford, Ont., spent Sunday at James St. parsonage. Air. McTavish is a brother of Rev. D. MeTavish, of town, and is at pres ent holidaying at- Ripley. They were accompanied by Mr. and Airs. H. L. Street and daughter, Margaret, of Kincardine. Mrs, Street, also is a sister, Mr. and Airs. W. C. PCaifoe, of town, and their daughter, mts. W. C. Redmond, of Syracuse, N. V., And Rev. j, W. Redmond, of Potsdam, N, Y., motored to. Muskoka last week and were aocompaiiiod homo by Miss Eva Peatoe, who has been employed for the sumntor at the Elgin House, The Redmonds left Exeter Monday tor their homo, CASCADE SALMON ... lb. 2 for 25c. CASCADE SALMON ... .1-2 lb. 3 for 25c. THE BEST; .TRY THEM FOR Summer Furnishings AT REDUCED PRICES MID-SUMMER CLEAN-UP SALE OF SOME SMART LINES IN ‘ Hats and Caps — Shirts and Ties Summer Underwear and Socks Sweaters and Golf Knickers TIP TOP Tailors are conducting a $1,000 guessing con test, open to the general public, in connection with the Air Derby at the Canadian National Exhibition. Register your guess at this store. W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. . Aliss Dorothy Walper, of Wood- stock, is visiting at the holme of Mr. and Airs. L. J. Penhale and other relatives. ' EXETER WOMEN’S INSTITUTE PICNIC The ladies of the Exeter Women’s Institute with their husbands and families held their annual picniic on. Wednesday afternoon, in Queen’s Park, Stratford. The weather was ideal. Some 43 people were present and the afternoon, wtts spent in gam es, races and various other forms of sport. Under the able management of Air. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding the sports were run off smoothly and with much enjoyment for everyone present. The results of the races were: children under 8 years, Hazel Snell, Marion Elliott ana Grace .Snell children under six years, Jean Ell iott, Betty Harness and Dawson Goulding; ladies’ race, Mrs. AV. R. Goulding and Mrs. Geo, Jacques; men’s race, Geo. Jacques and B. W. F, BeaVers; ladies* tumbler race, Mrs. W. H. Harness and Mts. Geo. Etheriiigton; walking on paper race, Mrs, B. W. F, Beavers, Mrs. A. Mit chell, Mts. Aliddleton. and- Florence Stewart; tossing bail in pail, Aliss N> MclTaggart; pushing the peanut race, Mrs. Geo. Jacques;. Several amusing softball games were played during the afternoon, Supper was served about six 'O’clock, W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. ?; Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction In Plano Vocal Organ Theorjr Supervisor of Music in Schools ■ Studio, Alain St. Box 57, Phone 191 EXETER, 6NT MARION E. WOODS, B.A. TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY Phone 133, Exeter AIUSICAL SUCCESS 'The following pupils prepared bX Ain’s. Gamtorill were suctcessiful at the midsummer examinations tor pianoiforts playing here at Exeter, centre for the London college oii music, England: Jack Doerr, ele- monthy grade; Laurene .Beavers, in termediate grade; Reta Oke, senior grade; scott Thompson, London, senior grade; Hazel Earl, Woodham graduate teacher; Peatl Baker, Granton, graduate teacher. The tests Included graded theory and har mony,