HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-08-27, Page 4THURSDAY, AVGUST M THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
t„ .MJ! I.,HI. ..' JI.
In the first pny-pK game to de
cide the winners pt the second half*
ORuton defeated the Irish nine 1 to
2 .on Tuesday evening on the latter’s
diamond. Clinton scored* four times
|n the opening inning. Vucan scored
itheir two runs in the seventh on
Yirild pitches. Jardines, a new-com-
^r to Clinton was on the mound for
the winners while Ray Freckletoix
.pitched a steady game for the losers,
The second game will be played in
Clinton on Friday evening. The
•winners of this series will earn the
.right to meet Exeter (winners of
the first half) to decide who will
liold the trophy. This final play-off
series should be run off next week
tut the dates cannot be set till after
the Friday game in Clinton. Sweet
love, the formei’ Exeter pitcher is
-expected to. be in town for the play
off and help the boys in these games.
One bushel of each of the Man-*
chu and 0. A. C. varieties of Soy
beans were sown per acre broadcast
tor hay production. Twenty pounds,
of each of the above varieties'were-
sown in drills 28 inches apart at
the rate of- 40 pounds seed pei* acre
for seed production. These plots
have made excellent growth and are
looking very well.
Anyone interested in the' grow
ing of soy beans will find it worth
while to visit Mr. Christie’s farm
and look .this experiment over, Mr.
Christie has a number of pamphlets
foV dlstrllbutipn dealing with the
growing of Soy beans,
The Ladies’ Aid will hold their
regular meeting on Wednesday ev
ening at & o’clock: on September 2nd
at the home of Mw. Arthur Fink-
beiner. >
Miss Mildred Guenther- and Mr.
Car) Guenther and friend, of Kit
chener, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Wm. Sweitzer,
■SOY bean experiment
A Soy bean experiment is being
carried on this year at the* farm of
•C, W. Christie, hot 14, Con. 3, Ste-
5>hen, south-west of Exeter, This
experiment is -being carried on un-
-der the direction of the Department
<Of Field Husbandry at the Ontario
Agricutural College in co-operation
with the Huron County Branch of
the Ontario Department of Agricul
ture and Mr. Christie.
The results of the examinations in
the Theory of Music of the London
College of Music, London, Eng., have
been announced. The foillowing three
pupils were prepared by Mr, La-
Verne Morley, A.L.C.M., of Lucan,
Both pupils and Mr, Morley are to
be congratulated upon the high
standing obtained: Miss Grace Lind
say, Junior Honours 95; Senior 80;
Miss Greta Broadfoot, Junior Hon
ours 85; Senior 86; Miss Violet
Tyndall, Junior Honours, 86; Sen
ior, 73, The examinations were
marked by Mr, F. J, Karn A.L.C.M.,
at London Eng.
Decoration services were held at
Brinsley cemetery on Sunday and al
so at Mars Hilt Beautiful floral
offerings were placed on the graves
of departed friends and relatives.
This was followed by a united ser
vice in the Anglican Qhurfch at
Brinsley in which Rev. Mr. Hagel-
stein and Rev. Mr. Blackwell tool;
World’s Grain Exhibition
JULY 25 to AUGUST 5, 1932
WorfcHXc^u^nship Maralhcn
Wed Sept 2
Opening Day Ceremomer.
wona vnampiansnip iviaiainen J,
SWIMS—Fr,., Aug. 28. and •
British £mpw» Servic* League.0
B " ORIENT! A" — Glamotoui
Grandilond Pageaaf
Of WORLD SALONS are ktofthed l<M
From the moment the impressive Open
ing Day Ceremonies inaugurate this
year’s Canadian National Exhibition, to
the closing ceremonies on the evening
of September 12th, every hour will be
.crowded with countless features of
tremendous importance and interest.
St. Hilda’s Band of England, each
member a bronze, silver and gold
medallist; Kaye Don, holder of records
on land and water with his remarkable
speedboat Miss England IJ, the craft in
which Sir Henry Seagrave was killed;
costly exhibits from xorexgn countries
the products never been displayed
here, before; sports attractions of inter
national prominence carded only at the
Canadian National Exhibition1—such
a colossal and diversified programme
warrants a visit from all Canadians
this. year.
Excursion rates apply on railroads,
steamships and busses.
Avoid disappointment and inconvenience by
mailing reservations now for
''ORIENTIAt ” glamorous spectacle of the
mystic East—nightly grandstand pageant;
also for the 4 concerts by internationally
CHORUS in the Coliseum.
"ORIENTIA"—Reserved seats $1.00,
Box Seats $1.50 each (5 or 6 chairs in each
CHORDS—Sat., Aug. 29; Thurs.,
Sept, 3; Tues., Sept. 8 and Sat., Sept. 12.
Ground floor reserved, 75c. Box chairs, $1.00.
AUC. 28. M SEPT. 12.1931
$21,000,000 IMVISTED.'n
Gtntral Man^tr
Miss Hazel Gunning, of Woodham
is holidaying this week with her
cousin Miss Verna Scott.
Mrs. Jas. Walks, of Anderson was
a recent visitor with Mrs. F. Gol-
Miss Grace Anderson, of London,
was home for the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Harris spent Bunday
with Mr. Oliver Harris, Mitchell.
Mr, and- Mrs. Moir, of Hensail,
spent Sunday with friends here,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, of
London, were week-end visitors with
M«r, and Mrs. Geo. Jeffries.
Mr. and' Mrs. Seers and Mrs, El
sie and Mr. and Mrs. Stone and Mr,
and Mrs. T. Fletcher spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Layton,
of Mt, Elgin.
Misses Anna Hackney ' and Mary
Gardiner are visiting in Detroit
with Mr. and Mrs. Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Len. Harris spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Oliver
Harris, Mitchell.
Miss Alva Coward and Miss Mox
ley, of Grims'by, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Coward.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin and family
of Brantford and Mr. and Mrs, H.
Leslie, of Stratford, were Sunday
guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. Camp
Miss Doris -and Mr. Jim Reinent,
of Galt, are spending the week with
their mother Mrs. Campbell.
Thames Read Sunday School Picnic
A goodly number gathered at
Springbank Park, 'London, on
Thursday for the picnijc, with well
filled baskets. Willing hands pre
pared a delightful meal at noon. The
afternoon was spent in games -and
races for the kiddies. The amuse
ment park, the scene of interest!
providing' its humourous moments
for some in its laughter halls. By
evening about 160 were ready for
supper and once those baskets pour
ed out ocf their best, aftei’ which a
ball game was enjoyed, By 9 o’clock
many were home feeling they had
spent a happy day in pleasant places.
The thanks of the Sunday School
go out to. their superintendent and
officers for the planning and arrang
ing of so happy a time.
Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Foss and son
Charles, cf Lyndonville, N. Y. visit
ed over the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Harris and Miss Maude
and Allen Millar, of Chiselhurst.
The farmers in this district are
mostly through harvest. Plowing
and preparing the soil for Fall wheat
is the order cif the day now.
The W.M.'S. of Chiselhurst United
church presented a play in the base
ment of the church entitled "Tired
of Missions”, after which ice cream
and cake were served. There was a
good attendance.
Miss Beatrice Daymond, of Kipen,
visited with Miss Bernice Harris for
a few days last week.
Miss Pearl Harris visited for a
week with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Squires, of Exeter.
Miss Bernice Wren, of Toronto,
^pent a few days last week "visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. T.
Wren. Her sister Agnes accompan
ied her back to Toronto.
Cliiselhiirst W. M- S.
The W.M.S. held their joint meet
ing of July and AUgust on Wednes
day evening, August 14th. Instead
Of the tegular monthly meeting it
was an open meeting for everyone
and about 100 were present. A spec
ial programme was prepared by Mrs.
Roy McDonald and Mrs. W. J. Py-
bus, their Sunday schpol (classes tak
ing prominent paTts. The meeting
was opened by singing hymn 92 fol
lowed by all repeating the Lord’s
Prayer. Another missionary hymn
was sung, "Far and near the fields
are teeming,** and the devotional
leaflet was read by Mrs. A, Cud-
micro. The little folk then render
ed a Japanese motion song which
was enjoyed by all. Then followed
a missionary play entitled, "Tired
of Missions,** by th* young ladies
and members of the Auxiliary. The
play was both interesting and profit
able, showing how foreign people
suffer when Christian nations fail
to support missionaries to carry on
the work. A collection was taken
amounting to $12.00 and cake and
ice cream served.
Mr, F. J. Fairhall, of Montreal* is
visiting’ his father* Mr. Charles
Fairhall and his sister Mrs. E, Ab
Mrs. E. Anderson and daughter.
Miss Agnes and Miss Mildred Elliott
are holidaying at their cottage,
"Limberlost,” Grand Bend.
Mrs. R. McCoy, of London, visit-
eed ait the home of Mr, and Mrs. T»
W, Neil.
Messrs. Harold Fisher Richard
Parker, Horace Flitton, Harvey Pol
len Harry gtanlake, Roger Campbell
and George, Archie and Garfield
Thompson, spent the week-end at
"Rosa Lee’ cottage Grand Bend.
The Dedication Services pT the
new church hell which has been pre
sented to the church by the Young
Peoples’ Society will take place on
Sunday, September 6th, Special nin-
sic is being provided by the choir
and the speaker fox* the day will be
Rev, F. Langford, of Toronto. A
Young Feoples’ Rally service will be
held in the evening and a cordial
welcome is extended to oil young
people to be present at this service.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Penwiarden,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. George Baypham, Mr, and Mrs,
Fred Huxtable, Mr, and Mrs. Fred
Bowden and families spent the
week-end at Whitcott cottage, Grand
Miss Beatrice Essery is visiting
friends in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Raynham
left for their home ixx Winnipeg on
Thursday evening of last week aftei*
holidaying with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Baynham, Sr.
Mrs. Spencer and daughter, Miss
Joel, of St. Thomas, spent Monday
with the former’s sister Mrs. Harry
Miss Agnes Anderson’s Sunday
School class held a weiner roast at
the river on Tuesday evening of last
Mrs. D. C- wiiic'ox, or Stratford,
was a recent visitor with her sister
Mrs. T. W. Neil.
The Young People’s Society and
the choir leader, Mr. Lloyd Hodgson
requests all those willing to help the
choir furnish special musife fox* the
Dedcation Services on September 6
to be present at choir practice on
Friday evening of this week - \
On Saturday, August 22nd, Mrs.
Thos. Heywood -celebrated her nine
tieth birthday at the home of Mrs.
Cecil Skinner, when their' infant
son, Samuel Rex was baptized
photos were taken and- supper served
at which a. special feature was a
large, cake trimmed with 90 candles.
These , lighted were afterwards
blown out by the aged lady who al
so cut the cake. Mrs. Heywood is
able to get about very well and can
see to read and sew. ’She has been
totally deaf for the last 28 years.
Best wishes for many more birth
days were sent by many friends of
Mrs. Heywood.
Mr and Mrs. David Baird and son
Jack, spent Sunday at Grand Bend
with the former's mother, Mrs. John
Baird. &
Master’ Charlies and Freddie Sims
are holidaying with theii’ grand
mother, Mrs. John Baird at Grand
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Brotoken-
shire and three children, of Fergus,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.
Anderson; Mrs. Brockenshire and
children remaining for a week’s vis
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz and
two children arrived from Melfort,
Sask., Tuesday and intend making
theii’ future home in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Heatherly, of Lon
don, spent Wednesday with Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Motz.
Mrs. Eldon Merner .and two chil
dren, of Stratford, is visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Merner.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mills, of Cleve
land, have returned home after vis
iting with the latter’s parents Mr.
and Mrs. Chris. Ra.u for a few days.
Miss Evelyn Heaman is holidaying
with Miss Ruth Drummond in Ailsa
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Lyn’ch and
babe accompanied by the former's
mother, Mrs. John Lynch, of Detroit
spent the week-end with the Misses
Carey here.
Misses Alice and Lizzie Dederich
are spending a few days at Port
Mrs. M. Madden and Benardine
accompanied by Mrs. Joseph Glavin
ate visiting friends at Detroit this
Miss Mary Mahoney returned
home after a pleasant visit with
friends at London.
Mr, Jolxix Holt is spending a few
days in Detroit.
Miss Lizzie Clark, of New York*
is visiting at the home of her moth
er and brother James Clark.
Miss K. Mulligan and friend of
Detroit, spent Sunday with friends
in the neighbourhood.
Miss Eileen O’Rourke is visiting
friends at Detroit this week.
Mr .and Mrs. George Clark! atid
family accompanied by Misses Mary
and Frances Campbell, and Helen
Dunlap spent Sunday With the lat
ter’s parents Mr. and Mrs, Dunlop
of At'kona.
Miss- Mildred yeah of Wtochelsea
visited with bar cousin, Miss Doris
Flford a tow flays last week.
Ml H, J. Avery, of St. Thomas,
spout Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
tVes. Horne.
‘ Mr. and Mrs,. J. Bannerman, Miss
Vera Blannermau, Miss Gladys Cam
eron and Mrs. Walker, of St. Marys,
balled at Mr, Lloyd. Johnson’® on
Sunday last,
Mr. mid Mrs, Alex Ijohns and two
children, tot Warwick, visited the
former’s mother, Mrs, J, Johns re
Master Melvin Gardiner, of Far
quhar, spent a few days at Mr. Will.
Johns the first of thi» week,
Miss Margaret Trptham, of Lon
don, and Miss Verna Brack! visited
with M'iss Elva Horne recently.
Musters Russel Hunter, of Strat
ford and Clifton Hunter, of Exeter,
spent a few days with their cousin,
Mastex* Elgin Skinner last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Len, O’Rielly, Mx*.
and Mrs, John Brock and Grace, mo
tored: to the home of Mr. O’Reilly's
parents, near Shelburne last Sunday.
Misses Maizie and Thelma O’Rielly
returned' with them after spending
the week there.
Qu'ite a number , spent Sunday at
Rev. A. E. and Mrs, Johns also
tlieir five children visited 'at the
home of the former’s brother, M.r.
Wesley Johns last week. They Have
been living in Brandon for the past
few years and are moving to Ham
ilton,' where Mr. Johns has a posit
ion teacliinlg in McMaster University
The two older sons Martin and. Har
old will remain in this vicinity for
a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Beil and. fam
ily visited at Mr. Lome Rader’s
(Reeve of Stephen) on Sunday last.
Mrs. Elizabeth Heywood cele
brated her 90tlx birthday on Satur
day last. She spent the day with
hei* granddaughter, Mrs. Cecil Skin
ner, of near Centralia. Her many
friends extend theii’ heartiest con
gratulations. »
Mr. Harold Bell and Miss Helen
Munch were in Toronto last .Satur
day where they were groomsman
and bridesmaid at the marriage of
Miss Adelaide Jacldson to> Ms. M.
Alexander, of Toi’ontoi.
A community picnic will be held
at Griand Bend on .Saturday after
noon next. A cordial invitation is
extended to. all to attend.
Rev. Stewart of Staffa, will preach
here again next Sunday evening.
A number of young (girls and boys
of the Sunday -schoor were very
pleasantly entertained on Tuesday
afternoon at the honxe of their tea
chers, Mrs. Henry Delbridge and
daughter, Miss Marjorie Delbridge.
The W.M;S. held tlieir; regular
monthly meeting on Wednesday,
August 19th in the church. Mrs. C.
Johns had change and opened the
meeting by 'all repeating the Watch
word also the 23rd Psalm and the
Lord’s prayer. Mrs. Johns read the
Devotional leaflet. Mrs. Chas. God
bolt and Mrs. H. Delbridge led in
prayer. Other leaflets were 'read by
Mrs. Frank Brock, Mrs. John Prance
Mrs. Wes. Horne 'and Mrs. Fred
Delbridge. Roll call was l'esponded
to by a quotation on flowers. It was
decided to have a quilting on Sep-
tem'bei’ 3rd in tile basement of the
church. Mrs. (Rev.) White was ap
pointed to give a report at the Con
vention to 'be held at Roy’s church
on Thursday September 24tli.
Ml’S. Helen Rretfipur, of Rondon* spent the week-end with her parent^'
Mrs, David Roger has moved into?
Mrs. David Goulding’s house,.
Miss Agnes Gregson, of Stratford,
is spending liei’ holidays at* her homer
Billy Hazlewood, of Detroit, is vis*
Ring with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills, and Mr.-
and Mrs, Chester- Mills, of London,
were Sunday visitors with Mr, and.
Mrs, Walter Haziewood,
Mrs. (Samuel Doupe and Lanor
Doupe, of London, are visiting with,
friends here.
Mrs, John Hodge, of St, Marys,
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wil--
fred Doupe.
Miss Hester Hannah is renewing
acquaintances here,
IMiss Bella Hazlewood and Mr-
Sparling, of London, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnston.
Mi’, and Mrs. Reg. Doupe, of St.
Marys, were Sunday visitors with'
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Doupe.
Mr, and Mi’s. John Veitch, of Lu
can, were Sunday visitors here.
Mr, and Mrs, John Robinson, of
Carlingford, were visitors with Mr-
and Mrs. John Williams on Sunday.
Mi’, Alex Smith, of Edmonton and
Mr. and Mrs. E'arl Switzer, of At
wood, called on friends here Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Shier, of
St. Marys, were visitors with Mr,
and 'Mrs. Stuart Shier.
Visitors at the home of Mr. and'
Mrs, Silas Shier on Sunday were:'
Mr. and Mrs. Albert .Spencer, of Hen
sail; Mr. and Mrs. Hazelwhite, of
St, Marys and Mr. and Mrs. George*
Myers and family, of Stratford.
On Sunday afternoon a large"
crowd gathered at the old cemetery
to do honor to the pioneers who are
iadd to rest there by plalcing a bou
quet of flowers on their graves. The
gathering was sponsored by the
members of the Women’s Institute-
who had prepared' the bouquets,
there being 112 graves all told and
many who had friends buried there*
brought flowers and placed them on
the graves. Rev, Mr, Bell acted as
chairman and other speakers were
Rev. Mr. Bulteel and' Mr. Hazelwhite-
of St. Marys, The Woodham or
chestra led the music with Dr. Camp
bell at the organ. Three hymns,
were sung: "0 God, Our Help in
Ages Past;’’ "For All the Saints,
Who From Theii’ Labors Rest" and
"Abide With Me." Mr. Harold Tuft
of Toronto, sang a solo ‘‘There is no
de’ath” with Mr. Roy Goulding, of
Exeter, at the organ. Many visitors,
from a distance were present.
Mr, Ed. Sprague and daughter,
Miss Violet SpVague, of Toronto,
spent the week-end wiith Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Pooley. Miss Violet
Sprague* is remaining here this week
Miss Marion Pym, of St. Marys,
is holidaying with her cousin, Miss
Jean Davis.
Quite a number of people from
around here spent Sunday at Spring
Mr. Theron Creery and Mr. Billie
Paton, of Detroit, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Creery.,
Miss Mildred Veal spent -a few
days last week with her' cousins, the
Misses Doris and Annie. Elford'.
Master Norman-Brooks, of Whal
en, spent last week with liis aunt,
Mrs. F. Delbridge.
Mrs. Henry Delbridge. and Miss
Marjlorie Dellbridge entertained their
Sunday School class to a social af
ternoon at their home on Tuesday.
The Sunday School picnic Was
held at Grand Bond on'Wednesday
Everyone reported a good time.
Rev. R. N. and Mrs. Stewart have
returned after spending their vaca
tion in Montreal.
Mrs, Burr, of Stratford, is visit
ing 'at tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. R.
Mr, and Mrs. Pierce and daughter
Jennie, of Fordwfch, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs.’ George Tutfiii.
Mrs. pollen, of Exeter, spent a
few ’days with. Mr. and Mrs. George
Tuff in. '
Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Leslie, of
Stratford, are holidaying with
friends in and around the tillage.
Mr. Howard Leary, of London,
spent Sunday with liis parents, Mr.
and. Mrs. John Leary.
Mrs. W. J. Britol and son Curtis,
and Mrs. Anderson and three chil
dren, of Aurora, Ill., spent a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ulens.
Miss Mae Patterson, of Grand
Bend, is visiting her sister Mrs.
Wellwood Gill.
Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Hay ter, of"
Detroit, are visiting relatives here.
*Miss Reid, of Thedford, is a, guest
of MiSs Annie McGregor.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I-Iodgins, of Cor
bett and theii’ guest Miss Irene Mui’—
ray, "Of Thedford, spent Tuesday
with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hodgins.
Mrs. Prouty and two sons, of Ex
eter are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
W. Lovie.
Miss Jean Hodgins, of Detroit, i®>
holidaying with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Hodgins 'after a week
spent at iSault Ste. Marie with her*
brother Kenneth.
The Turner family bar a re-unioA
at Grand Bend recently in honor of
some guests from the West.
Mrs. Turner is visiting for a few
weeks with her d'auightei’ Mrs. Hod
gson, of Brinsley.
Mrs. Ross Battram visited at Grand
Bend last week.
Master Billie B'attram, Normans
Battram and Bruce Stanlake visited
Mrs. Roy Smith, of Patkhill last-
We congratulate Edison Pollock,
and Stanley Hartle, who have -been
given -their Entrance Certificates-
because of illness at the time the
Entrance Examinations were held.
Mr. JloJin Laurie and Miss Leask
motored as far as London with their'
nephew Allan Barry on his return,
to his home in Hamilton after-
spending his vacation here.
Mr. Lloyd Brophy has bought his-
father’s farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Inch and Mr. and
Mrs. R>oihm visited with Mr. and.
Mrs. C. HI Curts on Sunday.
Rev. S. J. Mathers M.A., will bd*
iii his own pulpit in the United
Chuiich here next Sunday.
Mr. ’and Mrs. George Robertson",
and Miss Lona Fields, of Wheatley,,
motored here with Mrs, Herbert-
Harlton, who has been spending two ■
weeks with them,
Mr. Alex HoteJon, of London, vis
ited her son Mr. J, Hotson last
Mrs. 0. Rickiborn, Mr. Ernest Me—
Pherson and Mi*, E. Geromette visit
ed Mr, and Mrs, H. Purdy, of Hen
sail, last week,
Miss Myrtle Luther, of London, iS;
holidayitig with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Ge'O'. Luther.
Rev. and Mrs, ,f. L. Foster, qf"
Gosto, ’are visiting relatives .liefe#
Mr. Foster preached Very acceptably
jn the United Church on Sunday and
by request sanjg a solo which was ,
mu|cix appreciated-