HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-08-06, Page 8THCRSDAY, AVGUST t>,THE EXETER TIMES-ADV^CATE LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Robt. Eacrett, who- has been ignite ill at her home is improving. Miss Minta Harriston, of Ononda­ go, is visiting with Mrs. E. A. Amy. Miss Dorothy Herbert, of London, is visiting with her cousin Miss Y« Skinner. Miss Merle Willis has returned to Detroit after visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs- Jas. Willis. Mr. Earl parsons who bps been night watchman for Exet.er -has re­ signed his position owing to ill health. Mr. C. Hodgson has returned to Toronto after spending several months with his sister Mrs. R. Skin­ ner. Mrs. Robert Campbell, of Saginaw Mich., who has been visiting her sis­ ter Mrs. Mary Gould returned home on Sunday. Mrs. Edwards -and son Rolland, motored from Toronto to spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Phillips and son, Stewart, of Owen Sound, are holidaying with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. B* S. Philips. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Coultis, of Toronto, visited with relatives in this community the forepart of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Rydall, of Shallow Lake, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kydd, of Usborne. Master Jack Rydall has been -here for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gedde-s, of -St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and three children, of near London, vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. A.' Geddes tand Miss O’Brien on Sunday. JExeter Markets Wheat, 40c. Old Wheat 40c, Malting Barley 30c« Bran, and Shorty 90a, Low ’Grad© Flour, $1.05. Welcome Flour $2.30 Model Flour $2.-50 Manitoba Flour $2.60; Creamery Butter 26c* Dairy Butter, 17c. and 18c. Eggs, extra 18c. Dggs, Firsts 15c. Eggs, Seconds 10 c, I ........... ................................. locals FINGER CAUGHT IN BINDER Keith Wener, youngest son of Daniel Weber, south of Sarepta, in Stephen Tp., sustained a badly lac­ erated index finger Tuesday morning ,while assisting his fattier to replace fa binder knife. He came very close to losing the finger. The injury was dressed by Dr. W. E. Weekes. Mt. The Public Library will he closed from August 10th to the 24t'h in­ clusive.—H. E. Huston, Sec’y.-Treas We can repair any machine from a scuffler to a threshing machine and the. capacity of 'our mill is 50 bags per hour. A trial will con­ vince you. Tjhe place where yoai will eventually come. The Annex Shop, Centralia, Wm. J. Smith, Prop. -O Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis and Mr. Jas, Francis spent Sunday and Monday in Bright. Mr. 'and Mrs. J. K. Cox spent the week-end visiting with .friends in Windsor and Detroit. Miss Carrie Davis, of the Exeter Post Office staff, is holidaying this week at Port Stanley, Miss Tenie McCurdy, of the Jones & May -staff, is holidaying this week and is visiting in Essex. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Roland William's mot­ ored to Toronto for the week-end. Mrs. Robert Carter, of Montreal, is visiting for a month daughter, Mrs. and Mr. ter. Mr .and Mrs. London, attended the Monday and visited in town. .Mr. Reg. Parsons with her Wm. Hat- Homey, ofRobt. Horney picnic witih relatives over ■holi- and motored* from St. Paul, .Minn., and is daying with his parents Mr. Mrs. TSara’l Parsons. Mr. W. C, Davis "is remodelling his residence on Ann Street adding an addition with several rooms and bath to the rear of the house, -Mr. T. O. Southcott motored to Preston, on Sunday and was accom­ panied h'ome by Mrs. Southcott who bos been visiting there for two weeks. IMr. and Mrs. Win. Ward* spent Saturday Stratford, few days chell. Mr. E. attending and Sunday visiting in Mrs. Ward' had previous visiting spent a in Mit- Toronto FARMERS’ SONS ATTENTION Any Huron County boy contem­ plating entering the Ontario Agri­ cultural College for t either the As­ sociate or Degree Course is eligible io -compete -for the Huron County and M-assey Fund Scholarship. Par­ ticulars regarding this Scholarship may be found elsewhere in this paper. Applications must be made on or before Saturday, August 15th, and should be forwarded to the On­ tario Department of Agriculture, Clinton, Ont. WANTED—A house to Phone 85 or apply to box 65. rent, Itp HONEY FOR SALE—At able price by the pail or your containers. Wesley phone 17 r 14 C-rediton. a reason­ will fill Dearing, 7-23-2tp NOTICE TO OWNERS OF TRACTORS orNo vehicle shall be operated object moved over or upon any high­ way with any flange, rib, clamp or •other device attached to its wheels, or made a part thereof, which will injure the highway. FOR SALE—iFre-sh cucumbers, jerkins, 9-d-ay dill pickles and table sizes, phone Prices moderate. W. Sherritt 91 r 8, Hensail. -8-6*3,te. new Philco and Victor radios Phone 64 for -Sandy The are now on display, demonstration in your home.- Elliott. HONEY FOR SALE-^-Choice Clov­ er Honey 7c. per lb. in customer’s containers. 75c. per 10 lb. pail in out containers,' Darrell Parker, R. R. 3 Exeter. , 2tp. FOR SALE—A baby buggy in -good condition. Apply at Times-Advo- cate. PIGS FOR SALE—Weighing 35 to 40 lbs. choice duality. 50 from Apply Chris. Wein, 1 1-4 miles north of Crediton, oi* telephone, 7-23-2tp NOTICES Dr. J. G. Dunlop wishes to an­ nounce that his office will be closed between the dates of July 22nd and August 6th inclusive. July and August is the time to get from your flocks those non lay­ ers. We are now in the position to ouli your flocks, Culling done by an export culler, Also whitewash­ ing done at a reasonable price with forced open * nights The cry, phone 184w, Exeter, Ontario 7-9*4t? spray. The Hatchery Will be on Tuesday and (Saturday only. Ho’gatih Baby Chick Hatch* during August ’Sunday school August 12th at of the Sauctu- < Monday after visiting of Mr. Alex McPher- CAVEN PRESBYTERlkN CHURCH Rev. J, Bernard Rhodes, M* A. Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M., Orjicatujlst 10 a.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—’’The Song ary,” Na morning serviice Ths church and picnic will be held Bayfield. MAIN ST, AND JAMES ST UNITED SERVICES Rey. D. McTavish. in charge James St, Choir wjli have charge of the music. 10 a.m.—Our Church Schools 11 a.m.- Rev. 4 p.m.- Rev. —J'ames Street D. McTavish 7 —Main Street D. McTavish TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E* I*. Vivian, I,. Th. Organist, Miss MaeFauJL Choir-Leader, AR*. Middlemiss 10th Sunday After Trinity a.m.—Sunday School a.m,—Morning -Prayer 10 11 7 p.m.—Evensong Preacher both morning and evening Mr. J. James, of Walkerton. Mr. James will conduct the ser­ vices during August. R. Hopper is in a three-day convention of funefa] directors at the King, Ed­ ward Hotel, Mrs. Hopper visited in Wingham. Mr. S. E. Litchfield and. family, of Detroit, . are visiting among friends around Exeter and London. Mrs. Litchfield was formerly Miss Charlotte Dearing. '> ■Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Quance and son Clifford and Mr. and. Mrs. W. H. Harness and daughters Betty spent Civic Holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W'm. Wilson, of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and daughter, Frances, of. Hamilton, who were holidaying for two weeks at Grand Bend called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz on Monday. Mr. and 'Mrs. JJurbrigg and son Raymond, of Toronto, accompanied by Mrs. Zunbrig'g’s mother Mrs. Northcott visited over the week-end with friends in Exeter and -Credit- on. . Mrs. K. J. Sims was getting along nicely last week and was up only two or three days when she was compelled to >go- to bed again with an attack of appendicitis. She is now doing nicely. Mrs. -George Roberts, of Guelph, spent the past week visiting at the home of her* brother, Mr. R. W. Ry­ der. Mr. Roberts came, up on Friday and spent the week-end, Mrs. Rob­ erts returning with him. Mrs. Wm. Box, Mr. and Mrs. Ern­ ie Box and son Billie, of Seaforth; Mrs. Minette, of Toronto, Mrs. dall, Mr. and Mrs. Swindel and son, Billie, of London, visited Mrs. Chas. Box on Monday: Mr. ,J. James, of Walkerton," a senior student of Huron College,' conducted- the services in the Triv- itt Memorial church on Sunday and will have charge during t'he rest of this month -while the rector, Rev, E. L. Mr. spent .home and was accompanied home by Mrs. Newman, who has been visiting here also Mns. Sieldon and Wallace. Master iSeldon Newman will contin­ ue to visit here. ReV. A. E. Moorhouse, of Peter- boro, twin brother of Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, who is visiting with his -brother In town assisted with the union services in Main Street and .James Street Church on Sunday preaching very acceptable sermops both morning and evenings. - Mr. W. J. Beer left the beginning of the week 'for London where he was joined by(!his sister Mrs, YoUpg and son Sterling, and the* latter’s lady friend for a motor trip to Montreal and Quebec. They Intend returning through tn© States and expect to be away abbut two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sa liken, of De­ troit, Visited over the Week-end with Mr. and Mrs- YA H» Dearing and other friends, Mrs. Dearing of town, and Miss Madeline, of Ron­ don, who days will trait and Mich. Ron- little with Vivian is on holidays. Frank Newman, of Kingston the week-end visiting at the of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seldon ts having two- weeks holi* spend one week In De* the other in Bay City, Miss Velma Lowry is holidaying in Brussels and Wingham. Mr. Harry West, of Sarnia, spent the holiday with his mother. Mrs. B. R. Bartow and family spent the past week at Grand Bend. Mr. Harold Wood, of Chatham, spent the week-end visiting with his parents. Dr. John Ward an-d: family visited in London and Port Stanley Sunday and Monday. J-Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sanders, of Windsor, visited- last week with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kestle. Mrs. Jas. Lawson has returned to London after visiting for two weeks with Mrs. Geo. Anderson. Dr. W'm. Lawson, -of Listowel, spent the holidays with bis parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. LawsOn. Mr. Edgar Lowry, of Welland, visited over the*-week-end with his parents <at the Central Hotel. A Mi’s. George Russell! and three daughters spent part. of last week visiting with friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. James Watts return­ ed to Detroit at ther home son. Dr. George of Walkerton, er’s father ih last week. •A number Exeter from : are now pulling fl»ax for the Exeter Flax Mill. Mr. Vanghan Berd-ux, of Kitcheiic”, has -been transferred to branch of the Caiaadian Commerce. Miss Ruby Treble, of Toronto, who spent part of her holidays visiting in London spent the week-end -at the home -of Mrs. C. H. Sanders. Mrs. Jos. Davis and two children Jeanette and Billy, of Waterford, are .holidaying- with Mrs. Davis’ par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher. . The regular meeting of the James Street Women’s Association will take the form of a picnic to be held on the parsonage lawn on Thursday at 3 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hern, of Norwich, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Snell, visited at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hern. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Statiham and family, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis and son, of Tor­ onto, are holidaying this week at Grand Bend* Rev. L. C. and Mrs. Harvey and family, of Branbfprd, are holidaying in Exeter and are occupying the residence of the former’s motlher on Andrew Street. Miss Ella Link, who has been conducting a -millinery establishment in Hamilton has disposed of the same and is holidaying .for -a couple of Weeks at Grand Bend. MISS Fl-drence Down, Oif oshawa, and Mrs. (Rev.) A. McLaughlin, of Grafton and daughter uetty visited with her and Mrs, wack. Rev. R. Hin,d and lady friend, visited with the form­ town on Wednesday of of Indians arrived in Munoey last week and the local Bank of i father, Rev. J. W. Down Down a few days, last E. and Mrs. -Southcott ac­ companied by their little son Jack and Miss Clara Trudgen, of Rich­ mond, spent a few days last week with the former's mother in Exeter and at Grand Bend. Mr. L. V* Hogarth and Mr, Russelt; E. Balk will motored to Fort Stan ley i and spent the week-end. with Mrs< D. V. Hogarth. Mrs. Russell Balk­ will has been visiting there the past two weeks 'and returned home with them, , , THs store will be closed Wednesday afternoons during the months of June, July, and August House & Porch Dresses Five (5) dozen saipaple dressss that we "bought at a (great saving. Many different styles and patterns of good washing prints; many of them are worth double the prico we ask,Very special at each 89c. GOtD STRIPE, ADJUSTABLE HOSIERY They fit every length of leg, The hose you have been looking for. Dull Chiffon $1.35; High Twist1 . Chiffon $1,95 SPECIAL IN PURE LINEN TABLE CLOTHS 12 cloths only, size 52 inches by 67 inches. These are hemmed-stitched and are outstanding value at EACH $1.59 . 2*DOZEN ONLY WHITE BLEACHED SHEETS Size 72 inches by 90 inches. These are seconds but you can hardly, tell them from firsts. WHILE THEY LAST, EACH $1.35 WHITE KID TWO DOME GLOVJES Fifteen pairs only, White French Kid Gloves with two domes. These are regular $2.50 value. We are clearing them this week at this low price 79c. Print and Rayon Dresses 5 Dozen only Traveller’s Sample Dresses in Prints and Rayons. We bought them at a very low price and are passing them on to our custom­ ers. Values as high as $2.50: each $1.29 or 2 for $2.50’ PURE LINEN HAND TOWELING A pure lineal toweling that sells regu­ larly for 20c. « SPECIAL THIS WEEK 2 YDS. FOR 35c. MIEN’S LISLE HOSE In many new patterns in Lisle and Silk and Lisle a regular 50c. Hose. SPECIAL AT PER PAIR 39c. DRESS VOILES These are mostly small ends. We are reducing the price to move them quickly value to 60c. pej yard. SPECIAL AT PER YARD 29c. MEN’S ALL WOOL SWEATER COATS In grey and heather shades. A splen­ did coat for camping and cool evenings. Sizes 36 to 46 at $2.49 Grocery Specials for Thurs., Fri. and Sat. P & G SOAP....................10 bars for 35c. i GOLDEN YELLOW SUGAR . .7 lbs. 39c. CORN FLAKES ......................... 3 for 24c. | REDPATH SUGAR ..... 10 ifos. for 54c. HIGHEST QUALITY OF PICKLING SPICES AND VINEGAR AT LOWEST PRICES . ' Southcott Bros Mr. and Mrs. George Mawson, of town, and Mr.- -and Mrs. Elmore Tuickey and son, of Londcn, are en­ joying a motor trip this week. Mrs. May Young, of Norwood, vis­ ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce and sangha solo in ex­ cellent voice at the Main St* United church Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rivers, Mr. Bert Rivers and Miss Julia ‘Rivers were at Mumford, N.Y., last week attending the funeral of their uncle, the late William Hammond. Rev-, and Mrs. Perry, of Wood- stock, and Miss Fern Short, of Lon­ don, visited with Mrs. Etta Short and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Wlesh, Lon­ don Road, north over the holiday, >Rev. Mr.. Perry preached in Hen sail and Staff a on Sunday. Mr. E. T. Edworthy, of and Miss Hildred Horton home Sunday night after trip up the Bluevvater along Georgian'Bay and up to the Muskoka Lakes where they spent a few days at Port Carling; the guests of Mr. T. J. Jamison. Rev. E. L. Vivian conducted the services at .St. Marys Anglican church, Walkerville, on Sunday and will have charge of the services for the month of August. Mrs. Vivfcm and son Illingsworth did not accom­ pany Mr. Vivian -as stated last week but will join him about the of the month. Mr. Frank Johns ’and son motored up from Toronto on day bringinig the former's mother Mrs. Well. Johns who- has been vis­ iting in Toronto. They were also accompanied by Mrs. and four children, of who will visit here for weeks. Mrz .and Mrs. Morris number of visitors vver the week­ end. Mrs, Long’s mother, Mrs. E. P. Hamill, of Chatsworth and Mr. * and Mrs. Jds* Qixon add little son, of Walters Fails visited with them over Sunday, on. Saturday Mr. and Mr, Norman. Ldn® and three -chil­ and Jean of Arner, London, returned a motor Highway middle Roger, Satur- Wan. Street Bartonville, a couple of Long (had 'a Glass and dren, Margaret, Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. Arner, called on them. Mr. and Mrs. .William child- and Mr, and Mrs. Oscar And­ erson and three children, of Sarnia, motored over 'and. spent the- week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Ander­ son, Mr. Edward Ericson, of Pon- tlaO; Joseph P. Muelheon, of De­ troit and Miss Lucille Ackerman, of Royal oaks; Mich., also visited with Mr; and- Mrs, Anderson. Miss Thelma Baker returned to Detroit With them and Will Visit her mother Mrs. Findl-ay, Of Ferndaio, Mioh. who ‘has been has returned o,f Bridgeburg, under the par­ Miss Elia Shapton is holidaying in Dundas. Mr. A-llan Faser, ■visittpg in London home. Mr. Reg. Beavers, spent thb5'week-end on tai roof. 'Mrs. C. I-I. ’ Sanders "and family are holidaying at Grand' BCnd for a couple O;f weeks. Mrs. Horney and Miss Maud Hor­ ton’ have returned from a visit with friends in Hen'sall. > ‘ ‘ Mr. Albert Traquair has improved his residence on John .Street with a very .striking three-color paint job. . Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Crisp, of Lon- , don, visited with their cousin, Mr*/ and Mrs. J-* W* Powell during th^ past week. . «■ Mr. Chas* Loddei’ lias l'esigned his position at Harvey’s Grocery and his place is being filled Strange. Mr. Harry Cole, who Ing the Canada Radio Toron to, visited Ms parent# over the Week-end* Mr. aiid Mrs. E. Lindemfield and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs* Wilton- Bolton, St Marys, on Sunday last* (Mrs. Robt, Campbell has returned to her home in Saginaw, Mich., af­ ter a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs, Mary Gould, 2 con*. Hay, by Frank Is attend* College at > W. R. Goulding A, T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster Janies St. United Church Instruction in Plano • Vocal Organ ’Cteeorjp-' Supervisor of Music in School* Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone EXETER, ONT The Mission Band, of the James Sit. United church held a picnic at Victoria Park Tuesday afternoon. A program was put on by the "gold”’ side and this was followed by games: .hnd refreshments. Miss Flossie* Hunter was in” charge assisted by 'Miss Rota Rowe. Rev. ©. and Mrs. McTavish have’ returned from their holidays at Campbollford and through prihce Edward county. They enjoyed' a trip over the Bluewater Highway to- Orillia and Owen Sound returning Wednesday. Mr, McTavish will have change of the union services, during August. LINDENFIELD PICNIC The members** bf the Lindenfield family held *a very successful picnic?' at Stratford -on Munday* August* 3rd. The weather was Ideal, Guests’ to the number of 60 Were present front Kitchener, Bridgeport, HensallL JJxeter, JtyrKhDI and jkonddn.