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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-08-06, Page 5
i-Hjm.uf wujgyi'ii i jijj '.'iLanij .. i IB ILI.IU miudj Jill LU! 1.1J LU. JU jjilijiiujjm.wmi.llilii.iii . 11 Li ill J THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE gfcljwl at Kommerte CLINTON, ONTARIO Ad Offers you the Practical Business ‘Training; that has made it (possible for ohr scores of students to obtain and hold positions in this time of depression, because of their high standard, of effeqiency, Prepare iUr be one of the employed next year by taking; a THOROUGH PRACTICAL COMMERCIAL COURSE NOW We offer you the following courses: Secretarial,! Stenographic, Commercial, General Of fice and Special courses, arranged, 11 FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 8, 1031 •> • Write or phone for particulars; M. A- STONE, B. F. WARD, R. A., ' Com. Specialist Principal Vice-Principal Phone 193 DB. J. A. McTAGGART, L. D. S, HEN SALL, ONT. (Telephone IOC Main Street HENSALL \ Ldst week mention was made that Mr. Geo, Hess was all smiles over • the birth of a baby boy. We regret the error as it should have read Mr. ^George Fee, Miss Catliern Sells, of London, is visiting, with Miss Greta Lammie. . Mr. Robert Horney, of London, is visiting with his sister Mrs. Albert Spencer. Mr. Fred Mitchell, of New Qntar- lo, is visiting his sister Mrs. Fred Kenning. s Mr, Harold Scrut’on, of Pt. Dover, spent the holiday visiting his mother and sisters here. Quite a number of Hensali citi zens took in the hors© races at God erich on Monday. Mr. Wm. Simpson and Miss .Mae Simpson, of Detroit, spent-the holi day with relatives here. Cook Bros, are having their Mill ■painted and repaired J( and getting. - ready for the fall grain. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. "Dolyin, of ■Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coiibett on Sunday. M,rs. M. Lutdett, of Wallaceburg, was a recent visitor with Mr. and. Mrs. Do/iald McKinnon. Mr. and Mrs. Allen and daughter, off Toronto, who have been visiting here have returned home. •Mr. and Mrs, Mark Drysdale and family returned home after spending their vacation in Muskoka. Miss I-Ielen Smith R.N., of Omar, Mich., is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith. Mr. Maynard Harmon, of Mitchell, visited over the holiday with his father Mr. Harry Harmon. Mr. Aaixd”Mr$. Alex MdMurtrie, of Toronto, were holiday visitors with Mr. McMurtries’ mother here. , Mr. and Mrs. John T. Wren, of Toronto, are visiting relatives 'and friends in and around Hensali, Miss Thelma Hudson, of London, visited for a few days with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. Q. S. Hudson. ' Mrs. Short has returned to'Wind sor "after visiting with her sisters Misses Mai’y and Emma Johnson. Mrs. Jas. Edy, of Collingwood, has returned home after visiting her parents Mr. .and Mrs. W. J. White Miss Alm'a Scruton, nurse-in training, of London, is spending a couple -of weeks at her home here. Mr and Mrs. David Cantelon have returned h'ome after spending two weeks at their cottage at Pike’s Bay. Miss Norma Douglas, of I-Iyde Park is spending her vacation with her grandmother* Mrs. John Joihn- •son. Miss Jean Elder, of Toronto, is spending her vacation at the, home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Elder. Mr. 'and Mrs. Alf Hunkin and -family were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W., L. Baren. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davis, of onto, spent a few days here last week visiting his mother Davis. Mr. Leonard Dart, who Mc- Tor^ Mrs. W. has been a member of the staff of the Bank of Montreal here has been transfer red bo El ora. Mrs. Charles Troyer after' -a couple Of months visiting with her •sons in Toronto and Courtland -has .returned home. . Mr. and, Mrs. Norman Cook and family have returned homo alter -spending a couple of weeks camping at Waspga Beach. Mr. and MrS. Allah Soidan, - of Hamilton’, spent the holiday visiting Mr. Soldan’s father Mr. Harry Sol- dan, London Road. Mr. and Mrs. Case ’Troyer, of Bridgeburg are spending a part of their vacation visiting with relatives -and friends in town. Civic Holiday passed off very .quietly in our village a great num bet spending the d’ay at the differ ent summer resorts. Mrs. John Bonthron and children, off Moosejaw, are visiting Bonthron’s sister Mrs. R. son and other friends. Mr. Clare Zu efl e, who ion the Bank of Montreal has been transferred to and hos left for that city. The adjourned inquest on the late Robert Lamont took place in the down hall here on Tuesday morning and was adjourned, for another week. with' Mrs. J. Patter- has been staff here Windsor* DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen. L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office In Hartlelb Block, Daah- wpod, first ibm days of week and .at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. ™ RED & WHITE Constable i Whitesides, of Goder ich, was 'in town on Tuesday.. Mr. and- Mrs, Laird Mickle and little son have returned heme from Rondeau where they have been camping for th© past two weeks. Mr, James Vineen, who has been our relieving foreman on the C.N.R, has returned home and taken over his old position on the C.N.R. here. The farmers in the Hehsall dis trict ar© busy cutting their o;ats. With a f©w more days of fine weath er the ed. , Mr. George Walker> °f Windsor visited grain harvest will be finish- .......................... over the week-end with- Mr. ^md Mrs. W. SJieppard. He was ac companied home by Mr, Wm, Mc Kay, who intends making his home in Windsor. Miss Hatty McQueen R.N., of Al bany, N.V., who has been on a holi day trip to Europe for the past couple of months is visiting with her relatives and friends in town for a few days before returning to Al bany. 5 Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and children who have been visiting here or th© past two week's returned to their home Sunday, companied home by gins, who will visit coiipie- of weeks. Th© many friends here of Mr. Harry McManus will be glad to hear that he is recovering after his re cent 'operation in the Stratford Hos pital. For a few days he was a in a very, seriou-s condition and his many friend's were very anxious about him. Miss Greta McNaughton, Librar ian of the Hensali Public Library is in the S'cott Memorial Hospital Sea forth, taking treatment. Miss 'Mc Naughton has been in poor health for some time. Her place in the Library is being taken ,by Mrs. R. Cameron. ‘ A league, game "of baseball was played on. the local diamond here on Friday evening between Hensali and Goderich, Hensali winning 18 to 4. Quite a large crowd was on hand to witness the ,g,ame. The prize which was a side of bacon was- won by Mrs. E. JRannie. They were ac- Miss Alice Hig- in Detroit for a occupied and the ofVenner, visitors with THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Pollen and family were visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wn?. Fossett, of Mitchell. A delightful little party was held -at the home Off Mrs. Pollen on Fri day when about 18 little friends and relatives gathered to wish Vera “Happy Birthday” The afternoon was spent in games. Tea was served at '5 o’clock at which all had a hap py time. The service oh Sunday was in change 'of the Elders and was enjoy ed by a good congregation. Mr. Moodie in charge of the music form ed a men’s choir who rendered suit able numbers. Mr. John Cann Mr. Peter Whitlock pulpit. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hensali, were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ken MeNicoI. Mr. Jas. Roach lost a valuable 3 year-old-colt in Tuesday’s .storm. This locality was in two severe electrical storms on Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock and another at 5 o’clock. Corn and standing grain suffered severely. • The Usborne & Hibbert Insurance directors had an unusually long ses sion Mbilday owing to several claims Miss Ada Leslie, of Stratford, has returned after spending 2 weeks, with Miss Marylyn Campbell. Master Graham Campbell has re turned after holidaying) in Stratford. The Sunday School picnic is be ing arranged for and expects to meet at Springfoank, London, shortly.' The Misses Esther and Velma Neeb wore guests 'on. Sunday With Mi&s Verna Pridham. Russeldale. (Miss Anna Hackney and Miss Mary «Gardiner were week-end vis itors with Mr. and Mrs. O. Moir. The W. M. S. the home of Mrs. Mission Band in gram. Mr. and Mi’s. Miss Mildred of 01’s on Bunday with Mr, and Mrs. I-I. Rhode, We understand Mr. W. MicNiclrol and Mr. T. Harburn have accepted the offer to furnish music one night each week at Ipperwash Dan,ce Pav ilion, Mrs. John Eidt, of New Hamburg, spent last week with .her mother Mrs. Stade- Mrs, Fitzgerald, of Exeter, Spent a few days with her brother Mr, and: Mrs, Ed. Stire on the 14th conoes- sion. . Miss Mildred McDonnell, of Hen sail, is the guest of Miss Anna Tie man. Mr, Lome Taylor and sister Myr- ta, of London, spent th© week-end with Dr. and Mrs. r. H- Taylor. Harry Hartleibjt of London, is spending his vacation with relatives. A number from here attended the races in Goderich on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Theodore Willert, of1 Caro,-Mich., called on friends in town on Sunday, . Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Tiernan and family, of Stratford, spent the week end with relatives in town. Mrs, R,“ Fritzley and son of Port Albert, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Genttner. Word ’wag received here last week of the death of Mr, Charles Willert at the home of his son John Wil lert at Sarnia. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon interment in the Sylvan cemetery.' Mr. Wil lert was a former resident of this community. Mrs. R. Taylor and son of Exeter, are visitin® the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen. Mrs. R. T. Catt, of Regina, is vis iting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Phil lip Fassold. Milton Sauer, who is attending College at Naperville is spending his vacation with his parents Rev. and Mrs. Sauer. ’ Mrs. R. Armstrong and daughter Lottie and friend of London called on .friehds last week. x Mr. Herb Wein is, all smiles on the arrival of a son on July 28tih at Grand Bend. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Harris and family, of Sarnia, is spending a few weeks in town. Mr. and Mrs. Russet Richmond, of Blyth, apd Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bol ger, of Walton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. ,C. Reid. Miss Phyllis Reid entertained the Entrance class and their teacher Mi’. G. Keeler at a euchre party on Sat urday night. Three tables" were in play after which the hostess assist- by her sister Miss Laura Mae Reid served lunch. The prizes were won. by Evangeline Held and Howard Klumpih Mr.' and Mrs. Ted Burkhart”an'd son and Miss Laura Steinhagen, of Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis, of Exeter; and Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Lindenfield and family -of Park hill, were .Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steinhagen. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown, of Paris and Mr. George Brown and son of Parry Sound called on friends in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham, of Guelph were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morenz. Mr. and Mrs. -Fred Burke and family, of Detroit, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther. Miss es Mary and Catherine Burke re maining for a week. Mr. and MrsTOscar Klopp, of Zu rich visited with Mr. C. L. Walper ' and# Miss Edith Walper on Sunday. Mr. Lyle Beckett, of Hamilton, spent Sunday with ReV. and Mrs. Sauer. Mr. Ira Tieman of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Miss G. Cornell, Off spent the week-end Mrs. E. Tieman. Mrs. Buckett and terloo are visiting her sister, Mrs. Alex Zimmer while the' family is enjoying the water of Lake Huron. Rev. and Mrs. Morlock, of Wat erloo, visited friends in town Sun day. Mr, Switzer, of St. George, will give an address on Prohibition on Sunday morning at 9.30 o’clock. Miss Ella Zimmer, off Detroit, is visiting with her father, Mr. Zimmer. Hamilton and New Hamburg, with Mr. and family, of Wa- t Wm. I 741 MT. CARMEL mar- iiican week Get Our Bargains Each Week REDPATH QKANUiATBP 3UOAH f PACKAGE ________________ CASCADE SALMON—LARGE TIN............. ........ p. & q, soap Kellogg’s Pep • per pkg. 11c. Zinc Jar Rings per dozen 17c. Australia Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. for 23c. ,...,. 18 lbs, for 99c. each l&j, . 2 for 25c. ...,, 6 bars for 21c. Tiger Catsup Large bottle 15c. ea. Rubber Jar Rings 4 dozen for 25c. Araba Fly Coils 6 for 10c. . Best Quality Rice 2 lbs. for ,15c. Icing Sugar 2 lbs. for 15c. ' •: ■ • I...... ... Fancy Queen Olives 12 oz. Crackle Jar each 17c. meets this week at J. W. Stewart with charge off til GJ pl‘0- Walter Hensali Madge and were visit- On Wednesday, August, the 5th at St. Martin’s, R. C. Church London, Miss Rose Doylfe was happily ried to Mr. George Nagle, of L Congratulations. Miss Marjorie- Ryan left this for London where She will enter St. Joseph’s Hospital training school. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pickering, Of Detroit, are vis itors at the borne of Mr. Pickering’s brothers J. and G. Pickering. Master Thomas Ryan and sisters Mary and Elizabeth are Itihg ■ their aunt and umjle Mr. Mrs. Thomas Ryan in Chicago. Miss Elizabeth Houlalran return' ed to Detroit this week after ing her holidays at home. » Miss H.' Giavin at Lucan. Mrs. IL Giavin at London. Mrs. T. J. Hall days with friends at Watford. two vis- and ,, ......... When n woman Says she ihasn’t anything to wear, that is, of fcourse, an exaggeration, but not much of one. is visiting is visiting spend' friends ■friends is spendin$ a few Golden Spray Cheese per lb, 27c. Molasses Snaps ......... 2 lbs. for 22c. Sultana Raisin Biscuits per lb. 25cr> Sweet Mixed Pickles .... 12 oz. bottle 19c Peanut Better .... 1 lb. glass barrel 21c. HARVEY & HARVEY Phone 102 Medium Prunes . .2 tbs, for 19c. Choice New Apricots Fresh JumbQ Peanuts \ ... Willard’s Assorted Chocolates Crown Tea, black or mixed . . , per lb. 15c. . per lb. 15c. . per lb. 29c. . per lb. 39c. OUR PRICES ARE LOW; OUR QUALITY BEST II * ,We cater to Farmers’ exclusively, for clh’opiping and rolling mill and the Annex Machine Shop, is a combina tion of quality, service and satisfac tion, at prices in keeping with the times. Keep us busy, we like work, and volume of business regulates the price. Mrs. and with Moose week Jaw, with spent Mrs. Dobbs,Pre; Sunday with. of Mr. WINCHELSEA IfQuite a heavy stor.m passed over this district on Sunday, the wind and rain doing much damage to the standing crops. Master Harold Davis is spending his holidays with his. aunt, Mrs. Jas. Horne. Mr. and Mrs. William Haynes, of Rannock, visited with Mr. and Geo. Davis on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley Miss Ethel spent the week-end friends in Toront’o. Master Gordon' Brook's is spend ing his holidays with his father Mr. Wm. Brooks, of Whalen. .Mrs. Eaton, of a .few days last Sherwood Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Saintsbury, spent and Mrs. Newton Clarke. Mrs. Steele, of London, is visit ing with her sister, Mrs. Fred Del- bridge. Mr?' and'* Mrs. Mac. ‘ Lam'ond, of Cromarty, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Creery. Mrs. Ed Sprague ,of Toronto, who hag been holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Po'oley, returned home last week. Mrs. J. Jackson, of Toronto, vis ited last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Veal,. Miss Verna. Brock and Miss Greta Hunter, spent a day last week with Mrs. Mack, Lammond, of Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Creery visited with Mrs. N. B. Davis, ‘of Saintsbury. Mrs. R. W. Batten and family vis ited with Miss Lila McCoullough, of Cromarty, on Tuesday Miss Mildred Veal is spending a few days with her grandmother, ,Mrs. M. E'lford, of Exeter. KIRKTON Miss Eleanor Doupe, of Stratford, spent*the weekend with friends here. ■Mr. and Mrs. John^Simpson, of Detroit, were visitors this week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hazelwood. Allen Duffield, of Toronto, is vis iting his grandparents Mr*, and Mrs. Charlie Duffield. Mrs. Norman Tuft and two daugh ters Kathleen and Irene from Cat man, Man., are visiting with Mrs,’ S. Tuft. Mr. and Mrs. G. WoOllon, of Tor- onta, and Mrs. Geo. Myers, of Stratford, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. S. .Shier, Barn Destroyed by Lightning During the electric storm on Sun day afternoon the barn of Mr. Rich ard 'Selves, two miles north of here on the Dawson farm was struck by lightning and burned to the (ground with about 25 toils of hay and five hundred bushels of coarse grain. A large crowd s60n gathered and man aged to save the pig pen which was only a short distance away. The barn was iunsured in the Blanshard Mu tual Fire Insurance. Co. Among the visitors who called on Miss Kate Doupe on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. King o.f Nepuwa, Mau.; Mrs. Gideon Doupe and Miss Alice Doupe, of London and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bpearin of the 4 th line. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McKewing and two daughters Marion and Bess, of London, called on friends here Sun day. name most Mrs. MicKetwi nig’s maiden was Nellie Dalmage and spent of ther girlhood days here. Uncle—Well, my boy, you look pensive. What’s on your mind? Bobby—-I was just wondering if a wasp landed on a nettle, would the wasp sting the nettle or the netle sting the wasp? in as be GREENWAY There will be no service in United Church next Sunday but services "will be held as usual August 16th, 231th, 30th. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Strew, Clemens, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. clrie Walker, Vera Walker, Stewart and Nleil Whlker, visited Mr, and Mrs- Irwin Luther on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs, Bloomfield and chil- visited Mr. and over the week- the the on. ML Ar- of Port Rowan; Miss London and Messrs. and Mrs. W. and Marion, Purdy, of Armstrong, Mar- of Sarnia, Miss Hensali, visited over the week- GRAND BEND Mrs. Morris. Brenner, who went, to London on Friday was taken quite suddenly ill and had to remain the hospital but is getting along well as can be expected Sid will brought home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Geromette, of Buffalo', is spending a little while with her daughter Mrs. Roy H'olt. Quite a number took in the races in Goderich on Monday.. Mrs. Roy Scott, of Sarnia, is vis-‘spent the week-end with Mr. John iting her mother Mrs. Wm. Patter-1 Lawrie and Miss Leask. son at present. Mrs. M. McAlpine and two daugh • Mr. Ted Mollard, of Windsor, who ter© and .Miss Janet Wilson, of- Al inas been spending a few weeks j vinston visited their' brother Mr. , with his uncle Mr. Abner Mpllard. Junies Wilson last week, returned home on Sunday. ■Mrs. Blatchford, of Toronto, call ed on a few of .her friends on M'on- day of this week. Mr. Mathers, of Preston,' is visit ing his son the this week. Mr. and Mrs Hensali, spent John MousSou. Two very large crowds greeted the Rev. G. A. Leichliter on his re turn to preach at camp services for the month of August. You will be made welcome at any of these ser vices. One Of Mr. Roberts’ best saddle horses had the misfortune to have its neck torn when it collided an >auto but it is getting some ter. For awhile the recovery doubtful. dren, of .Stratford, Mrs. E. Shaddock end. Mr. garet Mabel Mrs. C. Rocklburn end. Mrs. Leask, Miss Marion Leask and Mr. John Thompson off Oshawa, ’ Rev. S. Richard Monday .1 SHIPKA J. Mathers Taylor, of with Mr. with bet- was After an illness of about two years with hearty trouble, Mr. Frank Adams passed away on Thursday morning, July 3 0th at his home on the 18th concession of Stephen Township. He had been around as usual until two weeks ago. He took worse and was confined to bed until the" end came. He was born 56 years ago on the farm near where he died. He leaves to mourn his loss, his widbw whose maiden name was Miss Mary Vincent and four sons and three daughters, namely x Mrs. L. Patterson; Wilfred, Clinton, Leslie, Elgin, Vera andjEl- va, all of Stephen Township; also two brothers, Mr. L’ouis and Mr. Si las Adams, of London and two sis ters, Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins,, off Lon don, and Mrs. O. Reynolds, of Dash wood, all of whom ’ were at .the funeral. The funeral was largely attended. Service was in the United 'Church, Shipka and interment in the Exeter cemetery. Rev stein was in charge, have the sympathy of ity. Miss Joyce Baker, < wan, is at present visiting home of her aunt Mrs. John Sharpe. Mrs. Rev, Williams and daughter Misses Eunice and Rutli, 'off Mount Drydges, spent last week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, F. Stharpe, Quite a number from here attend ed the services Sunday, owing the pastor Rev. is on holidays. There will be Sunday School and church service next Sunday as usual August 9th, in the United church. Everybody welcome. Miss Beryl Robinson, .has returned to her home in Cleveland after a pleasant visit with Miss Laura Leask. Mr. and Mrs. R. English, Mr. Mel bourne English and Mrs. Archie Mc Intosh spent Bunday in London. Mr. and Mrs. John Prance, of Winchelsea, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Bullock. The services in the Anglican church have been withdrawn for the balance of the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ulens and family Mr. and Mrs. A. Matthews, of - London, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Bro- phey, of Parkhillj spent Monday at Ipperwash. t Mr. Lawrence Pollock: was in Tor onto for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Reeves, of Dayton, Ohio, were guests of relatives over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. T. Burnett, Veroni'ca and Tommy were guests of Mrs. An gus McIntosh. Mr. W. Frost, of Elginfield visit ed Mr. and Mrs. J. Hickey over Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McPherson, moved here from Crediton to Mr. A. McLinehey’s home last week. . Mr. - Hagel- The family the commun- of Saskatohe- at the at Grand Bend on to the absence of Mr. Hagelstein who have for sale at the Annex Centralia, one Bese Melotte Separator 600 lbs. one Massey 550 lb. one De Laval 500 lbs.' We Shop, Cream Harris all overhauled and in good working order last. 30 r at your own price while they; Wm. J. Smith, Prop., phone 31, Crediton. WHALEN and Mrs. Wm. Hodgson and, spent Sunday in Centralia. Melvtille Gunning is quit© Mt. family Mrs. ill with the flu. Mrs. Mervin Johnson and son Neil spent a few days last week, at Grand. Bend. Shirley Squire returned home oil’ Thursday after holidaying in Exeter with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs, N. Ogden. Mrs. Geo. Millson days last week with Mrs. Gem Mardlin,\of Marion Toohey( daying with her Alice Gunning. Miss Florence Loudon, has returned.to her home here having finished her training hi Victoria hospital. 4? r.'.i..... spent several her daughter* London Twin Lucan is lioli-of grandmother Mrs. Pollen R.N., Of DnngcT'ous Ago Wanted, at once: married man with, car over forty, j