HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-07-23, Page 8T THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1931 USED CARS s*or? will he closed Wednesday afternoons during the months of June, July, and August «■ locals_ [ COLORED VOILES be H. Kinsman is visiting in TO RETAIL AT $1.00 Mr. Middleuiiss r after Trinity at 9 a.m. Saturday.School of Ilderton with Mr. and R.N., of De- 79c. PIGS FOR SALE—Weighing 35 to 40 l'bs. choice quality. 98c. and $1.75 is erecting a residence on Main Street Church J. Moorhouse 10 11 visited Mr. high as $1.95. Out they go at the low price of 59c. " FOR .fearpet, .walnut table, 2 walnut chairs, jtoman, corner cabinet, dence from 9 a.m. to 2 fidley, William St.. Jas. Francis has been holi- at his home in Bright. N. McTaggart has returned to after visiting in Toronto. Annie Simmons, of London, on John have a quantity of Bran, and Low Grade Flour on See us for special prices on chesterfield Highboy Ot- Call at resi- p.m. Harry 7-23-2tp as to (Wednesday) at Bayfield. Kestle has not been and has been confined fall supplies in now. HARVEY BROS. Dr. Atkinson wishes to announce that he will take his holidays from July 12th to July ' 26th inclusive. During this.time his office will closed. 10 a.m.—Our Church Schools •In James Street church A, Carmichael, of Delta Quinte Conference will MEN’S BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND ./ DRAWERS Penman’s make our regular 75 c. line. Shirts with long or short sleeves. For one week only 59c. 8th Sunday a.m.<—Sunday a.jn.—Morning Prayer and Com­ munion. Subject—-“In the Midst of Heaven” 7 p.m.—Evensong Subject—“The song of Moses.” Sandy Elliot SALE—Kitchen table, woo 1 12x12, walnut rocker, small table, walnut CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ' Rev. J, Bernard Rhodes, M. A. Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M., Organist 10 a.nn—Sunday School k 11 a.m—Rev, R. c. Rogers, B.A, of • Cromarty, No evening service during July, ' 50 from JApply Chris. Wein, 1 1-4 miles north 5p£ Crediton, or telephone. 7-23-2tp Butter, 17c. an extra iso. Firsts, 11c, Seconds, 9 c. i i tiiMUj ii i ______________________.________ \ MEN’S HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR The popular no button underwear. This sold last year at $1.50 a garment OUR NEW LOW I^RICE IS $1.00 - ... . .. «i n,i> I. lipi n- . MAIN ST. AND JAMES ST.' UNITED SERVICES Rev. C. J. Madhouse ip charge Main St. Choir will have charge of- the music. CIRCLE BAR SILK HOSIERY In ail the newest shades. A wonder­ ful all-silk, full-fashioned hose TR2VITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rcfctor, Rev. E. L, Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choii>Leader, MEN’S AND BOYS’ ALL WOOL BATHING SUITS You will want one for your vacation. Prices are much lower this season. J92J FC HD TOURING ......... $20.00 1932 FORD COUPE .............. $35.00 1923 FORD COACH ........... $45.00 1923 FORD CQIIPE ............ $50.00 1925 FOBD COACH ............ $75.00 F0RD3QN TRACTOR AND OLIVER PLOW Bee it work on your farm* CASE TRACTOR REBUILT NEW TIRES 30N3B at ...$3.95 ea. NEW TUBES 30X3^ ............ 95'C. ea. - Barger sices at correspondingly 16w prices, NEW BATTERIES—43 plates 44 lbs only $6.75. All tires and batteries sold for cash only and installed free Of charge. „ Did you get your pail of oil, 5 gal­ lons best oil and pail worth $1.00 all for onb\$4.75. Ask about our new low flat rate labor charges, phone 64, “the home Of the Ford.” The Canadian Canners Employees . picnic will be held on Saturday, July 25th to Grand Bend. All employees and their families are invited. Any­ one- wishing transportation be at factory ■ We Shorts hand. ■ton lots. . Have you tried feeding our Calf Meals, Hog Minerals, or Lay Mash. They are priced right. We sell Calf Meal at $2.50'; Hog Mineral $2.75 and Lay Mash at $2.00 per cwt. Get your i i ’I* NOTICE Dr. J. G. Dunlop wishes to .an­ nounce that his office will be closed between the dates of July 22nd and • Au»ust 6th inclusive. TUB EXETER TIMES-ADVncATl Exeter Markets Bran and Shorts 90c, Low Grade Flour, $1.05. Welcome Flour $2.99 Model Flour $2.0 Manitoba Flour $2.90: Creamery Butter 29c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs. Eggs 78c- I no more It is Na- It is lux- fURE CLOVER HONEY FOR SALE r We are again in a position to sup­ ply our customers with new clover honey at prices incomparable with other foods. Honey is considered as a luxury, ture’g Own--Health Food. urious, wholesome and contains prac­ tically all the mineral elements/us- ed by the human body and can be absorbed into the blood without further digestive changes. It does not contain the harmful qualities of sugar. Diabetics eat it. Why not make a habit to use honey in your daily diet? It creates real mental and physical energy. Bring your containers. We will fill them at 7c per pound for a limited time only. Containers may be left at Lloyd Gaiser’s, Crediton or Ernest Roeder’s west of Dashwood. 3. IL1BERER & SONS • Western Ontario’s Largest ers of Choice Honey, Two South of Hotel, Zurich, Produe- Blocks Qnt. 12 th a with Fer- who B. W. F. BeaverS McCallum family cottage at Grand LOST—On Sunday, July black wallet contaning. a Y. M. C. A. card and stamps. Finder kindly re­ turn to Mrs. H. Jennings, Exeter. ltp HOKEY FOR SALE—At a seas­ onable price by the pail or will fill your containers. Wes. Dearing, phone 17, V 14 Crediton. 17-23-2tp ■SEPARATORS AND TRACTORS FOR SALE—one nearly new steel 22-32 Rumely; one nearly new 24- 36 Bell; one 33-45 Waterloo two years old; one 24-40 White; one 28- 50 steel White; one 28-42 Goodison; one 28-42 Waterloo; one 33-46 Wa­ terloo; one 3 3-48 Waterloo; one steel 2S-45 ’ Case. Several ■ other sizes with straw cutters. New Bell Machines, both steel and wood, all sizes. Ona each 15-30 and 20-35 Imperial Tractors. THE ROBT. BELL E. & T. CO. Ltd .SEAFORTH, ONTARIO_________’_____ / July and August is the time to ■ get from your flocks those non lay­ ers. We are now in the position to cull your flocks. Culling doiie by an expert culler. Also whitewash­ ing done at a reasonable price with forced open nights The ery, phone 18 4w, Exeter, Ontario 7-9-4t? returned a .few-days. Roy Patterson summering at with Mr. and spray. The l-latcnery will be on Tuesday and Saturday only. Hogarth Baby Chick Hatch­ TDACTOTt PLOWING AND DISC­ ING—Distance no object for reason­ able amount of work.—-Wm. Brad-, shaw, Ellmville. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Persons holding Stimson default­ ed bonds or other worthless secur­ ities pr non-yielding stacks should communicate, with advertiser. P.O. Box 25 2, Hxetef, Miss London. Miss Lula Lindenfield is holiday­ ing at .St, Mary’s this week. Mr. daying Miss Exeter Miss spent Thursday last at her home here The War Veteran’s picnic is being held today Mr. Ed. well lately his bed. Miss Gladys Hunkin Sunday with her father Hunkin. Master Frank Prebble, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. J. Hamilton. Mr. Dwight Evans, of Blenheim, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T'. Acheson. Mrs. Myrtle Kuhn and two sons of London, are visiting Mrs. Geo. Grant. Mr. H. O. Soutlrcott new verandah to his Andrew Street. Miss Harriet ,Knipe, troit, visited at the home of W. D. Sanders this week. Miss Dorothy Snell, of St. Thomas, is holidaying, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Etherington liaye. returned home after visiting in London and Stratford. Mrs. Eaton] .and Jack are leaving this week to join Mr. Eaton, C.N.R. express agent at Englehart. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones and fam­ ily are holidaying at their cottage “The Mayflower” at Grand Bend. Miss Mildred Rowe spent a few clays last week the guest of Miss* Mamie Pridham at Grand Bend. Miss June Coward, of Usborne, visited with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. Hodgert the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reichard and two children, of Detroit, visited over the week-end with Miss E. M. Bowey. Mr. Earl Russell and Miss Thelma Taylor are holidaying this week Mr. and Mrs. M. Brokenshire at gus. >z rMr. Geo. Willis, of London, is summering at Grand Bend, visit­ ed with his mother in town on Tues­ day. , (Mrs. W. T. Roadhouse, of Toron­ to, visited during the past week with her neice, Mrs O. S. Winer and Mr. Winer. Mr. and Mrs. visited with the at “Pinecroft” Bend on Sunday. Mrs. James F. Russell, of Rib­ stone, Alta., is visiting with het mother, Mrs. E. Jory an A with her sister, Mrs. C. P. 'Harvey. Mr. and.Mrs. Ed. Harwood, Mrs. J. Davidson and Miss Reta. Davidson of Toronto, visited Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Down over the week-end. A new cement driveway is being laid south of the postoffice by Mr. J. Hunkin also a portion at tho, rear of the building is being cemented. Miss Doreen Caldwell spent the week-end in London, visiting with Vivian Elliott. Vivian with her to visit for County Engineer and wife, who are Grand Bend visited Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers on Saturday. Mr. A. R. G. Smith, of New. Ham­ burg, Inspector for the Department of Agriculture, Province Of Ontario, was a visitor at the Rectory Hxeter. Mrs. William Bird, of London and Mrs. Sewell and daughters Mildred and Mamie, of Leamington, visited on Thursday with MTr. and Mrs Wm.- Hodgert. Mr. .and Mrs. Roy Alderson and daughter and Mr. and .Mrs. William Zavitz and family, of Arkona, Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Collingwood. iMr. Reg, Beavers and Mr. Chap­ man, of the Bank of Commerce staff at Bridgeburg, spent the week-end with the former’s ^parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Summer school in connection with the United church is being held in Goderich this week. Rev. D, MC- Tavish, of town, is in charge of a Literary and Recreatioh study group •Miss Margaret Martin and Harold Skinner are representing Main St. Y.P.S. while Misses Doris Salter, Jean Penhale, Viola Skiiuiet, Ituby and Adeline Stone afij Hassel Clark' are •representing Janies SL 11 a.m,- Rev. T, Bay of preach. 7 p.m.—In Rev. C. Mr. T. S. Neale, of Hamilton, vis- ite“d in town over the week-end, ( Mr. and Mrs. W<m. Hey, of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. < Taylor. ( Miss Gertrude Kent, R.N., of Lu­ can, is visiting with her sister Mrs. < II. N. Taylor.' Miss Helen Penhale has returned ' home after holidaying for two weeks < at Grand Bend. The. Main .Street .Sunday School are ' to-day "(Wednesday) holding their annual picnic at Grand Bend. Mr. W. J. Beer is in Toronto talc- ' ing a course in vulcanizing at the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Sichdol. Mr. and Mi’s. Carberry, *o.f Buffalo, , spent the week-end visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. Archie Davis. 1 Mrs. Reynolds and Mr. /and Mrs. , Jack Head, of London, visited at the home of Mr. Thos. flatter on Sun- , day.. . Miss Olive Wood R. N., of Toron­ to, is spending this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood. 'Mr. G. S. Tracy, accountant at the*. Bank of Montreal, is spending his holidays at West Port and Morris­ burg. I, 4 Mr. and • Mrs. Marshall Box and daughter, Lois, of Parkhill, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Chas. Box, of Stephen. Mrs. A. S. Davis and son Walter are visiting for a week with tbe for­ mer’s daughter Mrs. Gordon Wells, of London. Mi-. W. A. Patrick, of Toronto, who is holidaying at his home in Seaforth, visited in Exeter the fore­ part of the week. • Miss Olive Quance and her nephew Fred Hillhouse, of Toronto, are vis- itiug with Mrs. W. J. Beer and other relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Albert Johnston, of the- Ex-, •celsior Life Insurance Co., Toronto, visited recently with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston. Baby Frankie cake, of London, is visiting with Ills aunt Mrs. Norman Hockey for several weeks owing to the illness of his mother. Mr. Grant Sanders, who has been visiting, with his parents in Exeter and at Grand Bend returned to Campden, N. J., on Saturday. Mr. S. Clarke, teller of the Bank of Montreal, has been transferred to the Mitchell' branch. His place is be­ ing taken by W. W. Lawrence, off Ayr. Mr. and Mrs. Dow and Miss Criss­ ie D6w> of London, Duncanq> Colquhon, ed at the hoiiie of Sunday. /Mr. and Mrs.' C. Celia and Laverne spent Friday in Chatham with Mrs. Christie’s mother •and sister Mrs. Ferguson and Miss Celia Ferguson. and Mr. and Mrs. of Hibbert, visit- Mr. Alex Dow on i House arid Porch Dresses We place on sale this week about 60 Print & Gingham House s Dresses. Some of these styles are fairly short and retailed* as GYPSY VOILE This is a regular 35c. value comes in pink, < mauve, yellow, peach and blue. A beautiful material to underwear and. gowns. ' VERY SPECIAL AT PER YARD 19c. These are mostly small epos and sold as high as 75c. a yard. We are clearing them this week at x AT PER YARD 29c. 1 1 I WHITE RAYON SLIPS In a beautiful quality Rayon in two styles. A built up shoulder or with shoul­ der straps. 10 dozen Mens’ Navy Blue Work Shirts This shirt, is made by Deacon Shirt Company. It is full and roomy and give wonderful satisfaction. We think this is the best shirt value in the market at 08 C. MEN’S STRAW SAILOR HATS About two doen left. Values as high as $2.50 in this assortment. Take your pick if we have your size. 10 DOZ. MENS’ COTTONADE PANTS Bull Dog make, cut full and roomy,'wonderful wearers. Sold last season for $2.00. Plain Grey, Plain Blue & Grey stripe.. Our new price is $1.59 ' u Mrs. C. Hedden is visiting' her sister Mrs. Geo. Jewell at Londdn. , Mr. and Mrs. Oriby Kestle, of De­ troit, spent a few days with rela­ tives.. „ Mr. Ralp Adair, of Moncton, has ben engaged as teacher for S. .S. No. 2, Hay. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Hicks and fam­ ily, of Flint, Mich., are holidaying with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dearing, of. London, spent the week-end with relatives in town. C. H. McAvoy and Mrs. Dawson were visitors with Mrs. McAvoy and Miss A. L. Saunders on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Heaman, of Toronto,( and Miss Lizzie Frayne, of London,* are visiting in this commun­ ity. Mr. Hugh Spackman is renewing acquaintances in this community vis­ iting at the home Weekes. Mrs. Stacey and of 'Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. : Sunday. Mr. John Thompson, of Carnduff, Sask., arrived Monday evening and is visiting with liis sister Mrs. Win, Walker and other relatives. Mr. Ward Boltoii, Mr. John Bol­ ton, Miss Charlotte Bolton and Mr. Will McKay, of St. Marys, were'vis­ itors at Mr. E. Linden field’s Sunday. Mrs. S. Frank Glass, of London, accompanied by her granddaughter,’ Miss Barbara Atkinson, of Exeter, are leaving shortly on an extended trip. Frojn Buffalo they will mo­ tor to Syracuse, N. Y., and On to Albany.-—London Advertiser. Rev. W. Stenlake, of Kerwood conducted union services in Main Street Church Sunday morning and in Jiames Street Church in the even­ ing ;and preached two Splendid ser­ mons acceptable to the congregation. At the morning service a quartette was Sting by Misses M. Rollick, H. Dignan, D. Grassick and V. Gambrill Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, who has change of the * services this month conducted the anniversary services iii Kerwood. i W. Christie, Miss Mr. and Mrs. L C. Tapp and twb children, of Muskoka, are visiting with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Tapp. ^Mf Tapp is princi­ pal of the Gravenhurst High School. .Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grant,’ Of London, visited in Exeter over the week-end. They were rfecompanied home by Master Tom Walter who has been spending,, his holidays ih Lon­ don. <Mr. W. T. Johnston, of London, accompanied by Mr. Finnigan, of Detroit, formerly of West Wawanosh, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. II. John­ ston one day last week, Mr. John­ ston is a former pupil of Mr. w. H. Johnston. ■ Miss Norfna Bolton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon BOlton, Il.R. No. 1, Hensail, who ]jas been attend­ ing Westervelt secured an office position with the London Life Instttaiice Company, Head Office; vho U; ................... Sichtrol London, has I of Mr. James . daughter Alda,; at the home of Lindenfield*t» over ill a ’At A Boy, Bill! Little Willie was sent to bring the kittens. His mother heard shrill “meowing” and called out; “Don’t hurt those kittens when you are carrying them, Willie.” “Oh, nd,” replied Willie, “I’m carrying them most carefully by the stems.!’ A at greatly reduced prices ■S’ Now is the time to order Kaicker Trousers from $3.50 up Shirts and Ties to match in VV. ,W. TAMAN PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. , * . » Mrs. Fleming, of Toronto, .who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hammond, of Hensail, underwent an operation for the removal of her ton­ sils, the operation, by Dr. Dunlop. Mr. an<J„ Mrs. B. wore • in Brantford bein'?. performed W. F. Beavers' Thursday of last week attending the annual'reunion ,of (lie Senn family peid in Mohawk pferk. ■“ About 75 members #if the connection were present. Four deaths have been recorded in the family since- .the gathering last year. A number of addrosses were given in­ cluding a short sketch of the family history by Mr. Mark Senn, M.P. Mr, Phillip Senn,, of Brantford, aged 86, was the oldest momber present and was elected president. The reunion is to be held at .St. Marys next year. Mrs. Wareing after an extended Visit of fourteen months with her dahghter. Mrs W. D. Sanders, left oh Thursday last for her home in Cherry Tree, Blackburn, England. She was acfempanied as far as Mon­ treal by her daughter, Miss Harriet Knipe R. N., of Detroit. Mrs. Ware­ ing .also visited her daughters in Winnipeg, Man., and in Detroit, and while jn the latter place underwent an operation for her throat affect-, ion. She has hot enjoyed very ’good health for several months. ’ While here she made many friends who will miss 'her very much, but who join ih wishing her a safe ahd pleas­ ant journey. ,, W. R. GOULDING A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church > Instruction In Plano, Vocal Organ Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 191 * EXETER, ONT. *T Theory 1 Dj; M. M. Fisher, of Gravenhurst,. and little daughter Gloria, accom­ panied by his mother Mrs. Peter Fisher, of Hensail, visited on Friday? with Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Johnston. Dr, Fisher was a former pitpil of. Mr.. Johnston in Stanley Township. ■ A group of little children were? given a very happy time last Thurs­ day afternoon when Mr. and Mrs. PL A.”Gambrill took Thelma Hockey,, Kathleen Kestle,Calvin. Heywood,- Ellis Pearcq, Billy Walper and Jack." Harness to Springbank. They were given lunch, games, rides, treats ga­ lore and the children certainly en­ joyed themselves.. They and their friends wish to expfeac their appre­ ciation of the thoughtful kih$ness> of Mr. and Mrs.^A, Gambrill. The children recently tobk part in a, Singing contest at the Huron W. C. T. U. convention held in Main Street church, Exeter, and Mrs. Gambrill vry kliidly and cffocicntly , trained >them. 4