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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-07-23, Page 5
»THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE a———— w PR. J. A. McTAGGART, >, S, HENSALL, ONT, flCeleplmne 1OO Main Street HENSALL hire. Chas, cooper is visiting with relatives in Woodstock, Miss Edna Butt, of Toronto, is Visiting relatives in towm ’ “ Mr. and. Mrs. A, Foster'‘and fam ily spent Sunday in Klfchener. Miss 'Mavis Spencer “spent sa few days visiting friends ill Toronto. > Miss visited day. Miss visited here. Mrs, Edward county. She lived there for some time after her marriage and later was a resident of London. Her husband died there and she came to make her home with her son-in-law and daughter, Rev. and’Mrs. Fletch er, of Thames Road, where Mr. pjetcher was minister tor over 40 years. After his resignation he mov ed to- Hensail, where Mrs. hqr daughter hept house until his death, Mrs, Agur continued to Agur and tor him Hazel M-orefa, pf pashwbod friends, around Hensail Sun- Mary McMbedie, of Rondon, for a few days with friends live here and until this last year she has been in good health, Her mind and mem ory are still good and she enjoys meeting and chatting with her many friends, McAllister—-Broadfoot Mrs. Sam Stacey and son Jack of ‘ Detroit, are visiting with, friends in town, • . Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Bbnthron and Mrs. L. Simpson spent Saturday in Kitchener. Miss E, Murd’oclk.' had a pleasant motor trip to the Nortliwn Penin sula last week. 4 Mrs, Jas, Bonthron assisted in the choir of the Presbyterian church at, Bayfield on Sunday. Miss Amelia McKay, visited with Miss Greta a couple of weeks. Dr. Geo. Blatchford, . . visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blatchford. Miss Mae McNaughton is visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs, Dan McNaugton. Dr, and Mrs. Murray Fisher, of Gravenhurst, spent a few 'days with tjie former’s, mother here. Mr. Robt. Mavers, .of Vancouver, spent the week-end at ^the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. • Dr. R. P. I. Dougall, of Petrolia, spent the week'®n^ visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dougal. •Mr. and Mrs,. Alvin Butt, cof Tor onto, are visiting for a few days this week with Mrs. John Murdock. Mr, and Mrs, J. B, Harding; and son, William, of London, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett. • Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Weitzer and children, of Detroit, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roibt. Hi^" gins. Mr. Wm. Pepper cut a feld of wheat on Saturday and the wheat harvest will be in full swing this week. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell and family ^of Toronto, spent the week-end in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murdock. Mts. Peter Miss Eleanor’ the home^of Gravenhurst. a The choir of the Carmel Presby- , ' terian Church assisted in the new Presbyterian church at Bayfield on Sunday evening. Mrs. James E. Short accomipanied- by her daughter, Mrs. Forrester, both of Windsor are visitors with, the Misses M. and E- Johnston. Misses Jean and Dorothy Camp bell and brother Keith, of Toronto, are spending •part of their vacation ■ with relatives in town. A great deal of hay .remains to be harvested in this district’ and owing to the very wet weather some of it is in a very bad condition*. . Dr. Russel McKay and bride, of Hagersville wh'o are on their honey moon trip spent a few days last week visiting with Hensall friends. Mrs.’ E. Rennie spent a 'few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Cant- elon and Mr. Cantelon at their cot tage so beautifully situated ons Pike . Bay. Rev. Mr. Bremner, of Brucefield, occupied the pulpit in the. United church On Sunday last in the morn- • ing and Rev. Mr. Connor, of Kippen in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Misses Florence Welsh and Nellie Boyle are spending two weeks camping at Mr. and Mrs, G. T. Mickle’s cottage at Rondeau Park. Misses M. and E. Johnston Have returned from a delightful inotoi- \rip to the northern peninsula visit ing Pike Bay, Lion’s Head and Toib- ermorray returning by Owen Sound Harrison Park and Jinless Falls. Mr. Ray McArthur who has been in the employ of Victor Bruce- has ■severed his connections witli that ■firm and is-fitting up the old Flour and Feed store for a garage. Ray is a splendid mechanic wbo takes well with the public. s . . Police Make Raid Constables Whitesides and Gundy of Goderich and Hudson, of Hensall, made a raid on Saturday night on a farm house out of Hensall which is occupied by two Belgians who re cently moved there from Centralia. "We understand quite a lot of liqour ' Was found and the names of some men and women who were found there all of whom will be brought to trirf^,. The two Belgians were taken to Goderich on Saturday night. The Hensall district is getting somewhat notorious for drinking dives and we hope tlijs will be the start of a gen eral clean upy Celebrates 100th Birthday On Friday of this week Mrs, Mar garet Agur, Hensali’s oldest citizen, Will celebrate her 100th birthday. Mrs. Ague was formerly Miss Mar garet Ballard and was bdni in prince of Toronto, Lammie for of Detroit) Fisher and daughter, Fisher are visiting at the former’s son at On Wednesday July 15th at high noon a very quiet wedding was sol emnized at the parsonage In Hensan by the Rev, Miss Rossie daughter of Hensall was Mr,1 Jas.. McAllister,'•younger gon of the late Mr. Wm, McAllister, of Hay Township. The bride was gowned in a beautiful rose beige georgette with radium lace japquette with ac cessories to match. The bride and groom left on Wednesday afternoon for Toronto from there taking the boat down the .St, Lawrence River through the Thousand Islands to Quebec. The bride travelled in a suit of gloria blue crepe with black flat fur trimming, On their return they will. reside on the McAllister homestead on the Parr Line. Arthur Sinclair, when E. Broadfoot elder Mrs. Jas. Broadfoot, of united in marriage to Death of Robert Lamont The death occured here early Sun day morning of Robert Lamont aged 72 years. Mr. Lamont lived in the house lately vacated, by Mr. Lawren ce Hefferman, moving in here from the farm ,;of Mr. Robert Cameron where he'* was recently employed. Siome friends called on him Satur day. Monday evening, Mr. A, Fostei* who lives opposite him, not having" noticed him about went over to see where he was and found him, dead and in a very decomposed condition. Dr. Collyer was’ immediately called and also Dr, O’Dwydr, Coroner, of Zurich. After an examination and consulting with County Crown At torney an inquest was decided »on. On Tuesday morning a jury 'consis ting of Messrs. Mark Drysdale, Geo. Hess, Dr. Campbell, Wm. McLaren, Errold Drummond and Alfred Clank' viewed the remains and then ad journed for two. weeks. , Drs,. Coll yer and O’Dwyer conducted a post mortem of the remains after which they were turned over td W. H. Hoffman and Son, undertakers, of .Zurich for burial.'The. funeral took I place on Tuesday afternoon inter ment in Bayfield cemetery, Mr, Lq- mont was, born in Stanley T.wp and a, brother of Wm. Lanront, of Zur ich and the deceased had several children in the West and the U.S.A. MADGE—RUSSELL A pretty wedding was solemnized at th© Manse, Hensail, on Wednes day at 2.30 pan. when Isabella Jean Russell, youngest daughter of Mrs: A. Hodgert, of Hensall, was united ip marriage to John Gibson Madge, only son of Mr and Mrs.- Walter Madge, of Tuckersmith. The cere mony was peformed by Rev. A. Sin clair, pastor of the United churbh, Hensall. The bride was beautifully gowned in a dress of eggshell silk flat crepe with matching hat and accessories and she carried a bou quet of 'sweet peas. ,The ’bride was attended by her sister Miss Verna Russell, who was daintily dressed in figured .mauve chiffon. The groom’s gift to .the bride was a handsome cabinet of silver, to the bridesmaid, a plate and silver holder, to the best man, gold cuff links. Following the ceremony, the wedding dinner was served at the home -of the bride’s uncle, Kenneth McNicoI, of Thames Road. The bride and gtoom left later,by motor for Hamilton, Nia gara Falls and other points, bride travelling in a dress <c-f navy chiffon voile,'with hat and shoes to match. Mrs. groom’s fine farm in Usborne. On their return Mr. Madge will reside on WHAlXft . the and the crediton Mrs. Adam Gaiser, * of ‘ Denver, Col,, is visiting, with Mr., and Mrs. Henry Ha.isL Mrs. Harrison Holtzman and babe of Detroit, Miss Pearl'Hoitzmaih of Anu Arbour and Miss Neigarth, of Rattle C/eek are visiting with Mrs. Mary Halst. Miss Addilen Sweitzer, of London is spending her vacation with Miss Norms, Finkbeiner. ♦ Ruth, Frederick and William Brown, of Zurich are visiting with their grandparents, Mr, Herman Qestricher. Mr. and Mrs. French, and Matilda Qesfcricheib are visiting with Mr, , and Mrs. Her man Oestricher, Mrs, James and daughter, of Lon don, are visiting with the former's mother, Mrs, Elizabeth Wein, We are sorry to report that Mrs. Joseph Finkbeiner is confined to her home through illness. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Eilber and Bernice are camping at Grand Ben'd, Berry picking 'is the order of the day. Master Aubrey Kuhn, of London, is spending his holidays with his grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Clark. and and and Mrs. of Toronto, of Windsor Mr. and Mrs. Merner Eilber family, of Detroit, called >on Mr, Mrs. Charles Eilber on Friday. •Mrs. Voelker* and Violet, of geoq, Mich,’, are visiting with and Mrs. William Smith. s Mis Cora .Stahl, of London, spending her vacation with mother, Mrs, Resina 'Stahl. Misses Helen Maclsaac, Velma Guettinger and Nola Fai^t are camp ing at Grand Bend. Pi- Mr ' is her Abell-Oestriolier . A very pretty but quiet wedding was solemnized at the altar of Zion Evangelical Church, Crediton,' on Saturday morning, July 18th when Lyd,ia Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Oestricher, of. Crediton was united in marriage to Mr. Harry Reginald Abell, of Mont real, the Rev. -M. Sij^pell officiating. . The. bride was unattended and looked charming in a French en semble of skipper blue georgette with accessories to match.. After a dainty wedding breakfast, served at the home of the bride’s parents, the happy couple left on a motor trip to Lake of Bays, Muskoka. On their return they will spend^a short time at Crediton and then will proceed to' Montreal where they will - be at home to their friends at 5452 Island Ave., Notre Dame de Montreal, Quebec. Prior to leaving Windsor the bride was a Member of the t'&achiiig staff, she was entertained by the teachers of Tuscarora School •nt. an afternoon tea.at which occa sion she was presented with a love ly silver flower basket filled with Sweetheart roses. The choir of Central Unite chur'ch of which she was a member, entertained her at a picnic at Kingsville-on-'Lake and presented her 'with a beautiful In dian, brass tray. school her pupils pleasantly surpris ed her with a miscellaneous shower1. Mr. and Mrs. H. Oestricher'and fam ily are esteemed members of the Crediton Evangelical church and a host of friends join in extending I hearty congratulations to the bridal, party .at their home. Sill the RED & WHITE store Bl 'Im mf w I f I I I I m ■-W- SUGAR IS ADVANCING™-RUK NOW! REDPATH GRANULATED SUGAR a__________ ______IS lb* for W. SPECIAL: EAGLE BRAND MILK ,,. ________ __________2 tins for 33c. FANCY RED 5QCKEYE SALMON .,... .tip e^h W PALMTREE SOAP-—-Pure psilpi and olive oil soap 5 cakes for 17c. McCORMICK’S FANCY ASSORTED COOKIES ............. per lb, 19c. GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE, it spreads like butter........... 1-2 lb. pkg, 17c. I* * Beqson’s Gprnstarch per ^kg. Campbell’s Tomato Soup '] 2 tins for 21c. Haxi^y Ammonia 3 large pkgs, for 15c. Molasses Snaps 2 lbs. for 23c. Sweet Mixed Pickles qt. jars each 35c. Fancy Qween Olives qt, jars each 39c. Rice Rrispiei 2 pkgs, for 25c. Huron Toilet Tissue 8 rolls for 25c. New' Dried Apricots per lb. 15c. AySmer Tomato Catsup .... 2 bottles 23c. Tiger Catsup . .................quart bottle 19c, De Luxe Jelly Powders 6 for 25c, Pure Clover Honey ...... 10 lb. pail 80c. Brunswick Chicken Haddie . . 1 lb, tin 19c, Fly Tox ................... 8 oz, bottle each 35c. Good Five String Brooms ...... each 29c. Certo ,..,.......... per bottle 29c. Large Watermelons each 59 c. .Medium Prunes............. ,., 2 lbs. for 19c Zinc Jar Rings ..................... per doz. 19c. - Rubber Fly Swatters . each 10c. ICE CREAM, IN BULK, BRIXY. DIXY CUP AND CONES ALSO ICE COLD DRINKS x HARVEY & HARVEY - E] Phone 102 HIGHEST QUALITY-—LOWEST PRICES iniiiiiiiHiiiiiillllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH rain or shine.. Miss Oppenhejser, of Buffalo, is a guest at the Evangelical parsonage with Rev, and Mrs. A. W. Sauer Mrs. J. McNiven and daughter, Miss Flora McNiven, of London, are spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Oestricher. Miss Hilda Snell, of Detroit, is spending her vacation with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell. Miss Sophia Stire, of London, spent Sunday with. her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Stire. ' Mr. and Mrs., Wm. S'chroeder and family, of Detroit, were Sunday .vis itors *.in town. ... Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mclsaac, of Windsor, were week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. P. Mcfsaac.: • Wednesday’s electrical storm re sulted in misfortune for Mrs. G§o. Becker, who resides north of Dash wood when lightning struck a tree near their home. Mrs. Becker was standing on .the verandah at the time iaud-> suffered severe shock. Her right arm was affected and one side of her face was swollen, suffering considerable pain but is ex pected to recover. Mrs. E. Bender and son Edwjn and ( Miss Lily Carr, of Blyth, were visit-* ors with Mr, ahd Mrs, Ezra.\ Bender j On closing day of last week. ' ! iMr. Clarence Routledge, of Lon-' don, spent the week-end at the homie of Miss Nelda Fassold. Mrs, Sillery, of Seaforth, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolfe and fam ily attended the Pfaff reunion at Grand Bend on Sunday. (Joseph Gelinas second. Time 2.06. The ball game Dashwood vs. 14th Concession resulted 2JL-10 in favor of Dashwood. The Jine-ups werb; t Dashwood—P. E. Tienian, c; E, Merner, lb; M. Tiernan, 2b; R. Bay- nham, 3b; G. Dulz, ss; H. Gaiser, rf; K. Wein, cf; W- Ziler, If; Brok- enshire. ‘ < f Dashwood S. S. Picnic SSZ IIIIJ? Traus Grace, where CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs, David Baird and son Jack and Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Merner spent the week-end at ,Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs.'.Henry Pfaff Sr. ahd Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bullo'ck- and daughter Helen and Mr. Harry Lewis • attended the Pfaff re-uni'on Avhich. was held at Grand Bend on Sunday. | . Mr. dnd Mrs. Leonard Wein and] son Marvin, of.Sharon, spent Sunday*, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mrs M. J. Graham, of London, is visiting her brother and sister Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and daughter Thelma and Mr. Stanley Kelly, all of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Esli Hey- , wood'north of town. Miss Verda Hoffman, of Kerwood, spent -Sunday with her mother and brother Mrs’, Hannah Hoffman and Charlie. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Baisden, of London, and son Dawson, of De troit visited Wednesday with the former’s sister Mrs. Hannah mail. A highly respected resident of this community passed away oh Wednes day of last week in the person of Mrs. D. A. Johnston, aged 64 years. The deceased had been ailing for about three years. Her maiden name was Eliza Gunning. She was born in BJanshard, a daughter of the late James Gunning, and had lived in this community all her life. She was a member of the Whalen Unit ed Church, an assistant teacher in the Sunday School and connected with the w.MjS. Besides her be reaved husband, she is survived by two sons Earl ahd Mervin; also five brothers and three sisters, Frank add Thos. Gunning and Mrs, John Fost er, ,of Granton; Robert and Fred of St. Marys; George, of Brandon, iMan. Mrs. John Ashton, of Loudon Mrs. Alfred Brook, of Usborne. •funeral was held Friday after intorment ini the Zion cemetery, „...................-__ ___ ___ Mr. Robb, of Centralia, conducting I and choirs will provide special mu- the service. The pall-bearers were I sic. .Dinner and supper will be Messrs, John HazlCwood, William served at the church and the scr- Brooks, Alex Duffield, Wni, Hodgson | vices will bo held on the church Frank and Fred Gunning, grounds," Make it a day with us z x DASHWOOD Hoff- and The with Rev. Dr. H. H. Cowefi, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office In Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three dayp of week and At office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. There will be an open air Mission ary service in the Lutheran church on Bunday, July 26th at 10r30 a.m. Sermon by Rev. T. Brasch, of Logan land at 3 p.ni. children’s service and kerrnon’ by Rev. E. Mueller, of Cleve land, Ohio, 7 p.m. sermon by KeV. F. Mallnsky, Elmira, ,Ont„. Dash- vtootl hand, Sunday School .orchestra The Dashwood Evangelical Sunday School picnic was held on. Wednesday at Grand Bend and a splendid crowd was in attendance despite the gloomy forenoon. At 12.30 a program of sports was run off'with the following results: Children 5 and under, Mar garet Gitbnther, Dorothy Moulton, Wilmer Desjardine; girls 5 to 8, M. Moulton, Lois Gaiser, Margaret Wein Boys 6 to 8, Keith Weber, Keith Wildfong, Jack Gadser; .girls 9 toll, Eunice Oestripher, Myrtle Gaiser, J. Moulton; boys 9 to 11, Roy. Bender, Murray Wolfe, Gordon Eagleson; •girls 12 and over, Edith Weber, Al- —---- dine Eagleson, Florence Guenther;■She is J boys 12 and over, Stuart Wolfe, Ross 'Guenther, Walter Weigand; boys any age Eugene Tiernan, Kenneth Weiii, Elgin Weigand; peanut followed,'by prayer and a few busi ness matters discussed after which Mrs. A. W- Morgan, president of the Baby Band very capably took charge of the remainder of the program. A recitation was given by' Helen Selves .and. sa very interesting, talk by Mrs. Medd, of Exeter, on Baby* Band work a solo was sung by Mar garet Allison; Miss Helen Anthony entertained the children with a de lightful story; Helen and Ann Mor gan sang a duet which brought this part of the meeting to a close. A hymn was then sung followed by sentence prayers and the Lord’s pray er, after which lunch was served by» the committee in charge. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. J. Stewart on August 6tli the pro gram will be put on by the Mission Circle girls. A goo.d turnout will be expected. SHIPKA Mr. and' Mrs. McDougal and fam- the and ily, of London, visited over week-end at the. home of Mr. Mrs. Lewis Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lafond andVVU1H, yyci&aiJU, pcaniib -- — --------- - -------«-**-** scramble, Wilmer Desjardine, Russel. family of Sarnia, visited over the Tieman, Donald Gaiser; potato race, | week-end at the home of Mr. __1 ___ . __ THl IT Izll CJl C. Decoration ami Memorial Day * - Services A Decoration Day and Memorial Service was held at the Bronson Line cemetery on 'Sunday, July 19th. At 2.3|0 p.m. the service opened with a selection by the Dashwood band after which Mr. E. Gabfe the chair man of the Cemetery Board gave a short address on the work whiiah had been done. The ‘"'improvements in cluded the levelling of the ground and the erection -of a new fence and entrance pillars. After the decoration of the graves with flowers the mem orial service was held on the ad joining school ground. The service was as follows; band selection hymn “There’s a Land that is Fairer than Day”; prayer by Rev. N. Drier; an them, “Jesus Lover of My Soul” by the Zurich Evangelical choir; scrip ture lesson by A. Mellick; quartette, softly, and tenderly by the Dashwood ladies’ quartette; selection by men’s chorus, of Zurich; address by Rev. A. W.'Sauer, of Dashwood; quartette by Gable family; address by Rev. Nel son Drier, of Osaga, Iowa; closing and benediction by Rev. W. Y. Drier. An offering was received at the gate which will be used for the. mainten ance of the cemetery. Margaret Wein, Mary Moulton, M. Guenther; sack race,‘Milford Mason, Gordon Eagleson; wheelbarrow race, Maida Wein and Gordon Eagleson, Myrtle Gaiser and Murray Wolfe, Mary Moulton and Ross Guenther; slice ra’ce, Maida Wein,- Margaret Wein, Eunice Oestricher; egg race, Donald Oestricher, Lester Schenk, Gordon Eagleson; hare and hound raise, Murray Wolfe and Lome Kleiu- stiver, Russell1 Tiernan and J. Gaiser, Milford Mason and Lloyd Guenther; banana race, Edith Weber and Ella Witmer, Flora McNiven and Pearl Weigand; three-legged race, Ila Ma son and Aldine Eagleson,.. Maida Wein and Phyllis Reid, Mary Moul ton and Margaret Wein; .kicking the slipper, Mrs. M. ’ Haugh, Mrs. V. Schatz- naih driving, Mrs. Ezra Tie man, Mrs. Louis Rader; elopement race, Florence Gpenther and Eugene Tieman, Aldine Eagleson and Mil ford Mason; automobile*race, Irvine Guenther’s team won; -putting shot, man. Earl Gaiser and Addison ------------------------------------------------------------- THAMES ROAD Dashwood .Races Large crowds witnessed the ball game and horse races held on the new sport field on Tuesday evening.. The results of the races were: 2.40 class—-Mike Wilkes (J. Wein) won the race; Peter Moko Jun. (Al bert Miller) second; Harry Widower (Henry Becker) third 2.30 class- terich) won the gate (A. Weber) (J. Wein) third; Masse) fourth, Free for all Hey) won (Morman Davenport Time 2.47 Running race—Ted W. (Wallace Wein) won the race; Queeuie Patch Time 3,01% •Tommy I>. (F. Die- race; Harry High- second; Pat Wilkes Bella McKinley (P, Time 2.59 ft. -Gre^ Bird (Sam. the race; ‘Col, Davenport Walper) second; Minnie (H. Eagleson- third. 1-4. x the Tie- were from (nee k.,.1 Finkbeiner. Miss Mona Lippert, of Melbourne, 'who spent a week’s holiday with, with Miss E. Sweitzer .returned to her home -on Sunday. Mr. Chris. Finkbeiner is again confined to 'his home through illness Master Stewart Sweitzer is* at present holidaying with his grand mother, Mrs. L. Sweitzer, of Exeter. M-ix and Mrs. Clarke and family, of Detroit, formerly Miss Ethel Lynch) called on friends here on Sunday. Master Fred’MaicPherson is spend-? 'ing his holidays''^! the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Sweitzer. We 'congratulate Miss Loraine Baker and Miss Gladys Ratz on pass ing their Entrance examinations. The regular monthly meeting • of the Ladies’ Aid was held last week at the home of Mrs. Frank Adams. It was decided to have no meeting in August, the next meeting to be held in September at the home of Mrs. A. Finkibeiner. Mr. Jim Ballantyne, Reeve of Us- borne Twp., with his wife and. ■daughter, Janet, spent Sunday with Mr. * ““ ~and Mrs. W. Sweitzer.I MT. CARMEL Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Alliscn delighted with a flying visit Mr. and Mrs. Dan Henneck Margaret Allison,) of-Buffalo. - Mr. and’ Mrs. Foster Bray baby, of Toronto, have returned af-’ ter holidaying with his brother Mr. John Bray. At the time ckf writing Mrs. Robt. Monteith is in failing health. Berry picking is the daily past time between showers and the on slaught of mo'squitoes. Mr. Course Brawn has purchased his father’s threshing outfit and is preparing for fall business. Mr. hud Mrs. Chas. Hooper "London were visitors with Mr.' Mrs. Edgar Fan son the past -freek. Miss Julia Rivers, of Detroit, and Mrs. Bruce Rivers, of Exeter called on Mr, and Mrs. Brown on Tuesday. Of and Thames Road W.M.M. ^Tlie regular meeting of the W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. W* E. Etherinigtou with a fair attendance on Friday, July 10th. Owing to the very busy season many of1 our ladies. were unable to be present. This meeting whs what wo call Mothers*; & Babies* Day and there was a very good turn out of small children. The meeting opened by singing a hymn, | Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark and family,' of Detroit, are visitors with the lat ter’s cousin Misses Carey. Miss Mary Hall visited With friends at London last week. ■Mr. and Mrs. Cohen and son Eu gene, of Detroit, spent a few days with Mrs. Cohe,n’s sister Mrs. Gus. Morrissey, Miss Elizabeth Houlahan nurse-in training at St. Joseph Mercy Hospit al, Detroit, is spending her vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Houlahan, Mrs, Webster and family, of De troit, spent the week-end with the former’s mother Mrs. Martha Mc Phee and other relatives here. Mrs, E. Shannon letF last week for her home in Grand Rapids, Mich., after spending several weeks with friends here. Miss B. Breen, of London, is the guest of her sister Mrs. T. J. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. R. Etu.e and family*, of Detroit, are visitors at the home of Mrs, Mmes Mt, family attended the Pfaff reuniow held at Grand Bend on Sundew ' t Btue’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carey. and Mrs. Nelson .Shenk and