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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-07-23, Page 2
THURSDAY, JULY 2k% 1931 -TOR EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Salad* Green tea is a masterpiece in blending AT. All A” GREEN TEA “ *Fresh from the gardens* th Sunday School Lesson CHRISTIANITY SPREAD BY PERSECUTION Sunday, July 25—Acts 7:54 to 8:4; 11:19-21; 26:9-11; I, Peter 4:12-19. Golden Text Be thou faithful unto death, and I “will give tliee'a crown of life. (Rev. 2:10), If we were engaged in a human warfare, suppose we ourselves and our armies had things so arranged that every attack by the enemy, even their seemingly most successful vic tories, all worked in our favor. War fare of that sort would be rather one-sided, would it not? Qur own success would be guaranteed no mat ter whatt happened; the enemies de feat would be assured no matter yrhat victories they won. This may sound very fanciful, and it is so, when applied to human war fare, But it is an accurate descrip tion of what the trusting child of God may count upon in »all the ex periences of the-warfare of the Chrjs- tain life. Every attack by the enemy, iwhether of evil spirit’s or of evil men against tbe Christian who is really trusting God and abiding in Christ, means victory for the Christian— even when the enemy’s attacks are, to all appearances, deadly successful. One of the most remarkable verses in the Bible is in Psalm 76:10: “Surely the wrath of man shall praise Thee; the remainder of wrath Shalt Thou restain.” That verse might well have been chosen as the Golden Text for this lesson on .persecution. Let us keep in mind the supernatural law that ................................................. tp.................................... every seeming victory by the enemy over the Christian is the Christian’s gain and victory, and defeat. the enemy’s loss Only thus can we un derstand why God permits “success ful” persecution of His own devoted children. A human father might say, from his limited wisdom and de* voted love for his own children, that he would never permit them to be persecuted if he could prevent it, God could prevent it, yet He allows His children to be perescuted and He would not be truly loving if not allow this. Stephen is one ters described in Whom the Divine mistakes er mean that Stephen was not a sinner, for all men are. But his life, after he was saved, must have been pe- cularily yielded to God and kept the faith in Christ, It was one rare'ibeauty and power. Naturally, Satan hated a man this sort; and so did the Jews and other men whose lives were continu ally rebuked by Stephen’s character and life, even when he did not open his lips. But Stphen had Go d' given message to deliver-, and it' ;cut to the bone, as God’s Word is bound to do. The Jews lied about Stephen bearing the false witness that he had spoken blasphemous words against the temple and the law; he was arrested and brought before the San hedrin for trial. Stephen made his own defense in. an oration that is one of the most remarkable in all history and liter ature. He told the entire story, of Israel, from Abram’s call on to -Moses and the Exodus, Israel's shameful failure, the captivity in Babylon and culminating in tlmir betrayal and murder of the Son «f God 'their true Messiah, Stephen tolci the truth, and it cost him his life, As they were stoning him ta death andL successfully accomplishing their evil purpose ta get rid ef him, his reward, and vic tory marvelously appeared. God open ed the heavens to Stephen’s human sights h© saw the Lord Jesus Christ not sitting on the right hand of Cod, but “standing on the right hand of God” as Christ actually rose from the throne ta receive his z martyr. And stephen’s last word manifested his miracle'-victory, as ba grayed ter his enemy murders, ‘‘Lord, Jay net this sip tn their charge.” It was like the prayer of Christ on the cross. (Luke 23; 84.) Did this persecution of a noble character end the persecution again st the church? No, it only began it, for immediately there followed “a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem; and' they were all scattered abroad,” The enemies ,of Christ apd His church were like wild animals infuriated by the taste of blood. • ' A And did this put tap end to the Church? Exactly tbe opposite: then, as always, persecution multiplies the Church, resulting in a great increase of salvation among the Jost. The enemy’s success is the enemy’s de feat. The Church’s “defeat” is the Church’s success. The persecution, scattering the Church abroad, car- ried.tlie- Gospel far afield to Phenice Cyprus and Antioch apd a great number believed and turned unto the Lord. When Stephen was stoned to death a young man named Saul kept the the murderers the freer to do Saul was not or witness for Don1 Swat Flics and »tain your wall*. Hang up Aeroxon. A wider and longer fib bon coated with the •wettest bf 8luc that; will not <jry, Good for 3 weeks’acrvice. So/* Agan/a Newton A, Hill . Toronto' At drpg, grocery end, hardware •tore* I He did charac- against Ot the tew the Bible history records no sins. This does not by of of outer garments? of that they anight be their deadly work, merely a bystander “'Saul was consenting, unto bis death But God was going to make the wrath of this young map to praise Him, and Saul himself, his name changed to Paul, told the story to King Agrippa wifen, because of his devotion to the Lord and the Gospel after his conversion, he was prose cuted and in danger of his, own life. In the lesson passage he tells of the deadly enmity he had against the Church and how he hounded many Christians to death. But God won this murderer and made him perhaps the greatest messenger of life the world has ever known. No wonder Peter could write; “Beloved, think Israel’s long-drawn out and persist-* ifc n°t strange concerning the fiery ent rejection of God and His prophets Got So Weak She Could Got Work Nervous Breakdown Mrs. W. Brousseau, Sidney, B.C., writes:-—‘‘I had a nervous breakdown and got so weak I could not work steady for more than an hour at a timfe, and what I did do would play me all out, and I would have to stop and rest for two hours before I could start in again. Since I have taken two boxes of Mil burn’s Heart and Nerve Pills I can. do » full day’s work, and be ready to go out of an evening.” Price 50c. a box at all druggists and dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T.‘Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. trial which ig to try you, as though some-strange thing happened unto you; but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partaker’s of Christ’s sufferings; that when His glory shall be reveal ed, ye may be glad 4.1so with exceed- joy.” (I.' Peter 4:12, 13.) AEROXO FLY CATCHER Gets the fly every time « ZURICH OFF TO CAMP Thirty St. Marys noys are spend ing a week at the Rotary.Boys’ Camp at Kitchiganii, four miles south of Goderich on Lake Huron. There are also 81 lads there from Strat ford. The camp is under supervis ion and everyone enjoys a good time. ♦ Air, and Mrs. Sam, Gascho and ■family, of Halrriiston, visited With relatives in "town on Sunday. Mr. Gordon Rau, of Detroit, .spent the week-end with Jiis parents at Grand Bend. Air. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf,, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson. Airs. O. ‘Klopp and daughters, Edith and Delores have returned to their home after, spending a week with Mr, and Mrs, Len Haist, of Detroit. Aliss Lottie 'Turkheim has opened up a beauty parlor in connection with Oes'ch’s Miss Hazel spending her holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis. Bedard,' Mrs. D. N. Brand, of New Ham burg, and Mr,s. E. D. Brand, of Lon don, visited Sunday with Miss Anna Hess. ’ ' ■ Air. and Mrs, -Alex Voisin, who for the past few years have been re siding in St. Clemens have moved near Dashwood to reside. While riding in a car driven by Mervyn Stelck, Irvin Denomme and Miss Evelyn Sweitzer were inured, when their car was strulck by a truck driven by HermaUj Debus. The in jured received cuts to the head and face. Miss Ruby Hendrick, R.N., of De troit, is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. Hendrick. Mrs. Cook, and chey, of Windsor, the latter’s brother Mr. W. C, Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Geogrey, and family, of Detroit, are visiting with' the former’s- mother in to'wn. Barber Sih op. Bedard, of Detroit, is and Mrs. Albert Mrs. D. McClin- are visiting with and Mrs. 5Q YEARS ASQ Messrs. Fraiyk Rellns and p, ■ FhUlips left on Tuesday last Mahtto'ba. On Wednesday of ' week Messrs. Whiter Drew and chard Farmer also took their parture for the great Jone land, Mr. A- Munroe, operator in tlie G* W, R. depot at this place, has gone to cape May, where he purposes re* manning for a few weeks, Mr. P. MePhinips, who has carried on the livery business here for a .humlber of yesrs left on Tuesday for Manitoba, having sold his livery to Mr. A. McDonald, who now has charge of it. Among those who passed the re cent Goderich High School examin ations we notice the names of Ben jamin Bean, Hay; ©bey Hogarth and Ann Coughlin, Stephen, Mr, McNair, a theological student who was appointed by a recent meet ing of the Huron Presibytery as a supply for Exeter, preached interesting sermon in Laven pn Sunday afternoon last, to congregation. Mr. L. Manning, formerly dent of Exeter but now of Manitoba jn a letter received by this father says that he expects that off ninety acres the harvest will yield between two and three thousand bushels of grain. A't a meting; of Exeter firemen on Friday evening last it was decided to have a grand torchlight proces sion led by the brass band. The amount levied on the Exeter assessment this year is 1 1-8 mills on the dollar, being. 1-8 of a mill less than last year. , M.c- for Iqst Ri de- <a very church a Jai‘ge ia rest- He Good Time “So you were up to Montreal last week,” I mention “‘Yell—so I hear,” he replied. * and Down-Draft carburetion. t I Y llfobUlM 1871 O& Published qfery Thursday morslMfc »t Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—12.00 per lilYange, RATES—Farm or Real Estate NS> sale 50c. each Insertion for t**St four insertions. quent insertion. Miscellaneous gr» tides, To Rent, Wanted, Lort, eg Found 10c. per line, of six wor<A Reading notices Card of Thanks vertlslng 12 and Memoriam, with extra verses 25c. Member of The Canadian WMidtf Newspaper Association. 25c. each •wtyHk 10 c. per lint 50 c. Legal 8 c. per line. DE1 one verse R** e&OL. * Professional Cards GLAbWM Sc STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, gA Mopey to Loan, Investment* Matfgr Insurance Safe-Deposit Vault for use of es* Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HENKAIM McLAUGHLIN-BUICK 22 models, listing from $1,290 to $2,660 at factor^, taxes extra. More thati 8 out of 10 McLaugh lin-Buick owners buy McLiugh- lin-Buicks again and Again. Every McLaughlin-Buick has the non- clashing Syncro-Mesh transmis sion and Engine Oil Temperature Regulator. « CADILLAC » (5Vet 50 models available, ting- ing from the Cadillac V-8 at $3,520, and the Cadillac V-J2 at $5,130, wp to the Cadillac V.16 with custom bodies for $15,000 and more. All prices at factory, taxes extra-.. The world’s finest I” MOTORS PRODUCTS ONDER the close scrutiny of present-day buying, the extra value of General Motors cars ' has enabled them not only to hold their 0wn, but also to gain a constantly wider popularity. This popularity is So marked that bn everyone’s lips,- you hear the phrase4 "General Motors Value0. Everywhere, you tee these fine Cars, a model fbr eveiy purse and purpose. Motorists have come to realize that the extra value in General Motors cars is in- created by the service rendered by the splendid body of General Motors dealers located everywhere in Canada. These men, of substance and reputation in their- communities, offer you the convenience of buying througli G M A C, General Motors’ own time payment plan. They also extend the protection of the Genera! Motors Owner Service Policy, whose broad and gdneroui provisions are in force wherever you may be in Canada or the United States. See the neatest dealer today and examine General MotorsValue. ’"Look In the classified pages Of yoiir telephone book underll General Motors Cars* for the address of the nearest dealer jj GM-26-80 t GENERAL MOTORS CARS HAVE OUTSTANDING VALUE 2.5 YEARS AGO Mrs. Lindenfield, Sr., who resides with her .daughter, Mrs. C. Cann, is quite il.l Miss Ethel, daughter of Mr, John Northcott, is reported ill of fever. Her sister, Miss Florence, a trained nurse, is here waiting on her. Mrs, Wm Hawk'shaw last week purchased from Mrs. H- Gidley that handsome little residence on Victor ia (Street recently erected. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkshaw will reside in Exe ter in future. ’ ■The friends off? Mrs. John Sweet, Huron Street, will learn with regret that she js very ill and confined-to her bed. . Gordon, son of Mr. John He'aman, jStephen, was severely Bitten by a dog on Tuesday. The calf of his right, leg was badly lacerated. The little daughter of Mr. James Anderson, one mile north of the Thames Road, Usborne, had her hand badly torn by its being caught in a large pulley attached to a hay fork last week. - ’ \ Tom Carling, son of Mr. W. J., Carling, of town, by prompt and plucky action succeeded in saving- the life of a young man named Gor don, whose home is in Stratford, at Grand Bend on Sunday. Mr. A. J. Snell and h,is wife and son of Lansing, Mich., arrived here ,on a visit to ’his mother here on, Tuesday They made the trip in an automobile. Dr. and Mrs. Anderson, who have returned home from the west were in town Tuesday, they Will settle in Winnipeg. CARLING & MORLEY * BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Mb LOANS, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office; Carling Block, Maia ftNN&r , EXETER* ONT. At Lucan Monday and Thursday Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.*DJDJL DENTAL SURGEON Office opposite new Post Office Main St., Exeter. Telephone# Office 84vr Howie S4J Closed Wednesday Afternoons a-» Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S..D.DJL DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon DR. E. S. STEINER £ VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Vetee£na«i^ a College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED W Office in the old McDonell Barn Behind’ Jones &‘May Store *E±ETEB, ONT. We understand JOHN WARD CHIROPRAOTIC* OSTEOPATH® ELECTRO-THERAPY & UIZERAm VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE 70 MAIN ST., EXBTMfc 15 YEARS AGO The Exeter Canning Factory start ed operation on the pea crop Mon day. The yield this year owing" to the late .seeding and subsequent dry weather will be much below the average. Two vinks of bowlers consisting of R. N. Rowe, W. T. Acheson, W D. Clarke, R. G. Seldon, skip; W- Rivers, W. Fritz, J.. A. Stewart and W. W. Taman' attended Seaforth Tournament last week and the lat ter riilk g,ot first prize in the second event, electric toasters. Mr. Thorn Baker lost one of his .F'ord cars by fire on Saturday night. The driver Mr. Williams was oil' his way home from Stratford and when near Kirkton fire was noticed in 'the lower part of the car. The machine was immediately turned into the ditch and an attempt made to put out the flames but without success. ’Miss Alice Kedwell after holiday ing at her home in pertolia return ed on Monday to resume .her duties at the Central Phone Office. Mr, W. S. Howey lias moved his .drug store across the street while the builders are erecting his new store. Mr. Jas. Lawson has been off duty at his jewellry store for a couple of days owiiig to ill health, The Exeter canning and Preserv ing Company commenced operations on Monday and among the many ex cellent and up-to-date machines they have in operation is the noteworthy silo filling outfit made by the Con nor Madhpie Company of town.' Rev. D. AV. Collins, and Mt. Bed ford, of Windsor, who were taking part iii the tournament in London this week spent Tuesday in town. Mrs, Amos, of town, and Mrs. Van- stbn, of week at ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER •' For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY ’ PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ’ Phone 57-13 Dashwood It R. NO. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER , For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES' A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed^ . EXETER P. O. or RING IM OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey loner tion School. Special course in Registered Live Stock (all breeds^ Merchandise, Real Estate, F«nt, Sales, Etc. Rates In keeping prevailing prices. Satisfaction *'«*- sured, write Oscar* Klopp, Zurich* or phone 1.8-93, Zurich, Ont. CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. Archibald, B.A.Sc., (Tor.)* O.L.S., Registered Professional Eu* gineer and Land Surveyor. Associate Member Engineering Institute t,of Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ontario. Love Sure Is ‘‘Blind’** Haw! Haw! Today I spotted Our friend—Bert Paint Huggin1 his girl on a park , Bench labelled “V^et Paint’’* Brantford, are spending a Goderich.' wise to apologize to a manIt’s if you're wrong and to a Woman if you’re right, « Painless Dentistry, Eh.? . Patient (looking.at biil)—“WhaU« the extra $5 for?” Dentist-»-“Thdt*s for Stjueeafnir the athia of my chair out of shape/’