HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-07-09, Page 8TBECBSMV. JVW »«■. 1931 USED GARS .. $20,00 $3'5.00 .. $45.00 $50.00 .. $75.00 FORD TOURING FORD COUPE ... FORD OOACR FORD. COUPE .. FORD COACH .. >»»< * ea„ ea, Exeter Markets Wheat, W. Oats* 25 c. Barley, 30c. Bran and Shorts 90c* Low Grade- Flour, $1.05, Welcome Flour §2.30 Model Flour $2,59 Manitoba Flour §2.60, Creamery Rutter* 25c. Dairy Butter, 17c, and 13ft Eggs, Extras, 14c, Eggs, Firsts, lie, Eggs Seconds, 9c, 1922 W2 1923 1923 J9£5 FORDSON TRACTOR AND OLIVER PLOW See it work on your farm. CASE TRACTOR REBUILT NEW TIRUS 30X83 ht .... §3,95 NEW TUBES 30X33 ......... 95ft Larger sizes at correspondingly *low , prices. NEW BATTERIEIS—13 plates 44 lbs only $6.75, All tires and batteries sold for cash only and installed free of charge, Did you get your pail of oil, 5 gal­ lons best oil and pall worth §1.00 all for only $4,75. Ask about our new low flat rate labor charges, phone 64* “the home ■of the Ford,” Sandy Elliot A. Fields, of London, will hold another Gospel Air meeting Satur­ day evening, July 11th on the Main Street “ <;ome. of Exeter. Everybody’ wel- Geo. Lawson had an oper- it' THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, M. A Minister Miss Lena C'oates, A.L.C.M., Organist HQ a.m.—-Sunday School a.m.-—Rev, R. Ch Rogers, B.X,, of Cromarty. No evening service during July. ,,,, ... . ......-r- locals Dr, Atkinson wishes to announce that he will take his holidays from July 12th to Vuly 26th. inclusive. During this time his office will he closed. • Mr. ation for the removal of .ftis tonsils on Monday. Trivitt Memorial Sunday School picnic is being held this (Wednes­ day) afternoon at Grand Bend. ■Misses Margaret and Dorothy Lind of Morton, N.Y., visited for a few days with Dr. and Mrs. E. pr. ■Mrs. Jas. Irving and son Grenfell, Sask., are visiting former’s brothers and sisters, the Luxton connection in this commun­ ity. Mr. John Trevethick^ of Brinsley, and daughter Amy, of Grand Rapids, Mich., and one son Garnet, of St. Thomas,* visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. Amy on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ford and two children, of Flint, Mich., mot­ ored over and spent the week-end with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. John Ford. Mr. Robt. 'Gambrill, Miss Violet Gambrill and Miss Rogers are in London taking a summer course in orchestral music, time the course has Western University, students enrolled for 77 for vocal. A new communion istering the Sacrament in the seats was used in the James St. United church Sunday morning^ The new set was on trial, and at the close of the service by a- standing vote the congregation voted for the adoption of the new system. S. Stein- Jack, of with the This is ’the first been given at There are 30 orchestra and set for admin- NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS This store will be closed Wednesday afternoons during the months of June, July9 and August MEN’S G( SWEATERS A SAND BLUE and NEW VOILES AND BATISTE Ir neat small patterns in fast colors, dainty fpr hot weather dresses. SPECIAL AT PER YARD 45 and 50c. CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTONS Two only pieces of 42 inch Circular Pillow Cotton, loyely fine weaves SPECIAL AT 40c. for 35c.; 50c. for 42c. )LF SETS ND SOCKS IN GREEN at $4.95 BATHING SUITS Everyone wants a smart bathing suit. The prices are much lower this season. PRICES RANGE FROM 75c. TO $4.50 UNBLEACHED SHEETING One piece only 2 yards wide unbleach­ ed sheeting, good strong cotton and extra value SPECIAL AT PER YARD 38c. Fancy Plaid All-Wool Blankets These beautiful all wool blankets come in plaids and plain colourings They are satin bound and come in a wonderful range of colourings. $4.50, $6.50, $7,00 and $8.50 THREE DOZEN OILCLOTH RUNNERS 18 inches by'45 inches. Splendid for washstands, dressers and sink splashers. PRICED AT 29c. MEN’S SAILOR HATS 2 dozen only Men’s Straw Hats, good Sailor styles values as high as $2.50 TO CLEAR THIS WEEK AT 79c. EACH MEN’S FLEET FOOT OXFORDS A good fitting, good wearing brown canvas oxford with rubber soles. Cool and light for hot weather PER PAIR $1.25 MEN’S HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR Hatchway.. No-button Underwear. It is cool and comfortable because, it is cut right. Try, it this hot weather REDUCED TO $1.00 Specials in Groceries,1 36 oz. Jar Sweet Pickles............... 35c. Brunswick Sardines, 4 tins for..............22c. Zinc Rings per dozen........................ 19c. for Thurs., Fri., & Sat. Pure Orange Marmalade 40 oz. jar .. 29c. Corn Flakes, 3 packages for...............f 24c. Jar Rubbers, 4 dozen for............. 25c. CHERRIES - - CHERRIES We would appreciate your orders for cherries. Our prices are right. MAIN ST. AND JAMES ST. UNITED SERVICES Rev, C, J, Aloorhouse fn charge St. Choir will have charge -of the music, -Our Church Schools -'In, James St. Church, Subject—-Earth’s Grandest Sight’ p.m.—In Alain St, Church, Subject—“A Great Source of Joy in Heaven.” Thursday at 8 p.m, United Prayei’ Service in Alain Street church. James Street Sunday School pic­ nic, Wednesday, July 15th. Main Street Sunday School picnic Wednesday, July 22nd. Main 10 a,nu­ ll a.m.*- 7 < a a and the TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 6th Sunday After Trinity a.m.—Sunday School ■a.m.—Morning Prayer (Subject: “The Holy Catholic Church” 7 p.ni.—Evensong 10 11 of dog owners • is 98, 99 and 100 of By-laws of the Vil- dated Marell 26, Wood- Susan of Sar- The- attention calle to sections the Consolidated lage of Exeter, 1923. ■Section 98—L within the limits owner,, possessor dog, shall pay a vided for by the 1918, chapter 46, and all amend­ ments thereto. Section 99—No person shall stif­ fer or permit any dog of which he is the owner, possessor or harboreT, to run at large or treipass or to do any damage within the Village. Section 100—-Owners of dogs may, however, for the privilege of exer­ cise, lead the dog by leash or line or some other safe contrivance, but the dog must at all time^ while on the street be under the\ complete control of the owner o.r guardian. Burke, of LOndon, visited week at the home of Mrs. Mrs. F. Every person who is of the Village, the .or liarborer of a yearly tax, as pro­ Ontario Statute of H. Neil, of Lon- Neil, of Toronto, and L- C. home three I and Miss Vosper Exeter for a couple having resided in STRAYED—From lot 3, con. 10’, Stephen, a two-year-old red heifer. Information as to its whereabouts will be gladly received by Michael Ryan, Mt. Carmel, phone 28r41, Crediton. Farmhand wanted for two months. Apply to Albert Neil, R. R. No. 1 Hensall.ltp’. FOR SALE SEPARATORS AND ENGINES All makes and sizes, second hand and,1 rebuilt, (Separators with and without cutting (box attachment. Reibuilt -Traotors. All at attractive prices. The Robt. Bell. Engine and Thresher Co. Ltd., Seaforth, Ont. at July and August is the time to get from your flocks those non lay­ ers. We are now in the position to cull your flocks. Culling done by an expert culler. Also whitewash­ ing done at a reasonable price with forced spray. The Hatchery will be open on Tuesday and Saturday nights only. The Hogarth Baby Chfck Hatch­ ery, phone 184w> Exeter, Ontario 7-9-4t? HOT DAYS—Work with a trac­ tor, New and used tractors. Sandy Elliot, phone 64, Exeter. TRACTOR PLOWING AND DISC­ ING—Distance na object for reason­ able amount of work,—Win. fifad- Khaw, Ellmvfflf Haying is in full swing and the wheat is coming along fast. Miss' Edna Martens has taken position at Wilson’s Grocery. Mr, Maurice Long has taken position with the Hui'on garage. Mr. Clifford Lamport is at present critically ill at the Byron -Sanitorium. Miss Dorothy Welsh is holidaying with relatives in Pontiac and De­ troit. Mr, John Pry de, of Windsor, is visiting at the home or his uncle, Mr. Thos. Pryde. James Street School picnic will be held at Grand Bend Wednesday of next week, July 15th. Miss Ruby Creech is in Stratford where she is taking a month’s cour­ se in Kindergarten work. ■Miss Ruby Truscott, of Hamilton, is spending a few days with. Mrs. J. M. Southcott at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Ford family, of Flint, Mich., spent week-end with relatives here. Miss 'Ann Allison, R. N.» of NeXv York, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T'. Allison. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jones, of De­ troit, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Elliott. Master Tom Roberts, of Toronto, is holidaying with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Doerr. Mr. and Mrs. John Bender, of Hay attended the Bender family re­ union at Stratford on Saturday, July 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Clarke, of Detroit, spent .the Fourth of July and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Kestle. Miss Greta Dearing has returned home after attending the Anglican Summer School at Huron College, London. Messrs. Jos. and Raymond Fraser, of Detroit, visited over the week-end with their brother, 'Mr. William Fraser. Messrs. Ed. Taylor, Billie Burke and Bruce during the E. Taylor. Mr. and on, and Mr. Alton spent the week-end with Mr. Mrs. J. ,H. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Moir, of Stettler, Alta., are holidaying for two weeks with the former’s mother, Mrs. John Moir. ’Miss Sanders have returned to of weeks after London for some time. Mr. and Mrs. C. J.. Patterson and daughter Marion, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mrs. Patterson’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Rd. Quanee. Mr. Thos. Pryde received a nasty cut in the chin when lie stumbled against a stone at the martfle works. It required three stitches to close the wound. Mrs. I. Statham and two sons, Fielding and Harry returned to Strathroy Tuesday after visiting with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Davis. Mrs. rMalclm Fraser, and Mrs. El­ mer Caulkett and three children,of Pt. Huron, have returned home after sppnding a few days with Mt. and Mrs. Wm. Feaser. Mr. and Mrs. Horatio Reynolds have just returned from attending the fiftieth wedding anniversary of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. William Reynolds of Sarnia. Messrs. Harold and John Kuntz, and MiSs Ella Kuntz, of Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Sickle, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz.. Mr. Joseph Senior was at Dash­ wood Tuesday taking & photo of a ,6io*-acre field of Irish Cobbler po­ tatoes belonging to Mr. Earl Gaiser. The potatoes are looking well. •Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Saul, of Lon­ don, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ man Hockey on Sunday. Mrs. Char­ lotte Hockey returned to London with them to spend a week or so. Rev. Borden Cunningham, wife and daughter, visited with their par­ ents in town during the past week and were accompanied home by Mrs. Cunningham’s mother, Mrs, D. ^Rus­ sell on a visit. Miss Mary Batson, of Sauit sto, Marie, is visiting with her brother j,. w. and Mrs, Batson, Miss Bat­ son came to EXOtOr with Mi\ and Airs. H, S. Parish# who were on their way to Toronto, Mrs Amy, of Toronto, is visiting with Airs. E. A. Amy, of town. Air. Grant Sanders is visiting his father in Exeter and Grand Bend. .Mr. C. McAvoy, of-Wingham, vis­ ited his mother in town on Sunday. Miss Alice Coleman, of Lucan, is visiting with Air. and Mrs. Frank Coates. Master Percy Herbert spent sev­ eral days with his cousin Viola Skinner. Mrs. Emma Atkinson, of stock, is visiting -with Mrs. Atkinson. , ■ .Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gow.ie, nia, spent the week-end with Miss Pearl Love. The date of the Skinner re-union has been set for July 18tli,j to be held at Bayfield. IMr. and Mrs. A. Ingram, of De­ troit, spent the week-end visiting with relatives here. . . u Mr. Garfield Neil, of Hamilton, spent the week-end visiting in Ex­ eter and Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Atkinson,. of Newmarket, is visiting with relatives in and around Exeter. Miss Harriet Knipe, R.N., of De-r troit, spent the week-end at the .home of Mr. W. D. Sanders. Mrs. Goodspeed, of Port Arthur and Donald, of Belleville, have ar­ rived home for the summer. Miss Margaret Rogers, A. M., of Elora, is a guess at the of Mr. and Mrs. Gambrill. Mr. John' E. Dignan has rose bushes that are very attractive on account of their excessive bloom. Mr. Ed. Aidworth has returned to his field in the Musk-cka district af- attending the marriage of his sister here. .Mrs. (Rev.) Vivian and lllings- worth have returned/home after vis­ iting for two weeks at Walter’s Falls. Mr. and Mrs. David Hall, of De­ troit, spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. Isaiah Hall, Exeter North. Miss Lucille Ray, who visited at the home of Mrs. A. S. Davis has re­ turned to her Mississippi. Dr. and Mrs. troit, called on cott and. other relatives in town on Friday last. Miss Celia Christie and Miss Mildred Rowe are this week attend­ ing Summer School at Alma St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lakin, Mich., were the guests of Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ford for a. few days last week. Bofden Sanders, who has been con­ fined to his home for the past six months, is again able to be around greatly improved in health. Mrs. Alex Lloyd and two chil­ dren, of Toronto, and Aiaster War­ ren Millar, of London, are visiting at the home of Air. L%Dhy. Mf. and Mrs. R. Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. J. Peart motored to Shal­ low Lake last week companied home by Misses Gertrude Gladys McLean left for Sparrow Lake where they have secured positions for the summer. Air. Bert Bissett and sister Mrs. J. Jones were in Toronto Thursday of last week attending the funeral of their uncle, the late Wm. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. ft. Hale and daughter, Mrs. C, H. Wells and Mr. Wells, of Wichita, Kansas, visited recently ‘with Mr. John Greb and home at Pontotoc, >u I Southcott Bros u MacDougall, of De­ Mrs. George South-1 College; i of Flint Mrs. I. and were ac- Mrs, Noble. Frauds and Friday last Mr. Glen Rutherford and daughter? Air.-Wilson and daughter and Miss Freeda Spackman, of Blenheim, called on AIr.s. Geo. Southcott on Sunday. Airs. Paul Coates, who has confined to her bed. for some was able to sit up fdr half an on Sunday for the first time her illness. Mrs. Ella Alillson returned to her home in Lambeth Tuesday after vis­ iting for tow weeks with Airs. Mc­ Avoy and Aliss A. Sanders and with friends at Hensall. Mr. and Airs. Abe Musser, of Re­ gina, have motored down from the Western province and are visiting with relatives in Exeter, Thames Road and community. Donald Goodspeed has received word that he has successfully pass­ ed his Entrance Examinations at Al­ bert College and also received the Tuite Prize in English. Mrs. D. Witwer, of Kitchener, who has been visiting her many friends here wag called home Suddenly by the serious illness of her sister-in- law Airs. Ebg, of Waterloo.. AliSs Leia Alollard, of Shipka, a pupil of Miss Pearl W°od> A.L.C.M., | has been successful in passing her senior grade piano ‘examinations of the London, England, College of Alusic. Rev. W. J. Aletherell, of Rochester N. Y., Mr. and Mrs". Hy. Netlierell, Mrs. Samuel Hooper and Alrss H. Williams, of Mitchell, were visitors with Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Down on. July 1st. Mrs,, Fred Witwer, of Kitchener, who has been visiting witlv relatives and friends in Detroit,/ Flint and Holland, Michigan, is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Isa- ah Hall. Air, and Mrs, Fred Southcctt and family motored here last weektfrom California and will spend the sum­ mer at their cottage at Grand Bend. They visited with Airs. Geo. South- cott at the home1 of Air. and Airs. R. E. Pickard. Dr. W. J. and Mrs. Armstrong, of Mitchell, accompanied toy several friends paid a visit to Air, and Mrs. Ward and inspected their beautiful rose garden one day last, week. Air. Ward's roses this year have been ex ceptionally beautiful, Mf. and' Mrs. W. H. Johnston /have returned home after a two weeks' visit with friends end rela­ tives arouhd Lucknow and Dutigan- iiott. Mr. arid Mrs, Thomas Web­ ster had daughter Ettabelle motor­ ed down With them. been time h-our since at greatly reduced prices Now is the time to order Shirts and Ties to match in Green, Tan and Blue. w. PHONE 81w » . TAMAN EXETER, ONT. h Frank Taylor, of town. Leon Dearing and daughter W. R. GOULDING A. T. O. H. . Organist arid Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in' Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone EXETER, ONT Aliss L. Hunter, who has been, teaching school at Elsie, Omt., has returned to her home for the holi­ days. Miss Hunter has been re-en­ gaged for another year. Air. and Airs. Norman Ford, of Detroit, spent the week-end -with Airs. Chas. Box, of Stephen, and Mi’, and Mrs. Airs. Nora returned to Detroit’ with them on a visit. Dr. W. E. Weekes returned home last week after a, short visit to Van­ couver and ’Victoria, B. C., where he attended the convention of the Can­ adian Aledical Association. Mrs. Weekes and son Billy accompanied him^and are •remaining on a visit. Mr. and Airs. Fred H. Brown, of Woodstock, Accompanied by their grandson Willie Down, and Mr. and Mrs,. A. N. W, Keena, of Stratford, visited with Rev. and Mrs. J. W< .Down, on Sunday. Mrs. 'Keena sang a solo at the James St. church Sunday morning that was much ap­ preciated by Hie congregation. Members of the Seaforth Lodge, L, O. L. visited the Exeter lodge Friday evening of last Week when the Arch degree was exemplified on a Seaforth candidate by tho Exeter lodge officers, The Exeter lodge Went to Bayfield Monday evening and initiated three candidates for the Bayfield lodge. The members of I by the leader, Miss Flossie Hunter* the dtder will walk at Blyth on Sat-J Following the program, games were* urday* July ilth. . played. Word wag received in Exeter re­ cently of the death of Mr. Edward Prout, of Winnipeg, Man. Mr. Prout was a former barber in Exe­ ter and a nephew of Mrs. Susan At­ kinson, with whom he made his homo •during liis early life. Mr. H. O. Southcott, Southcott and Mr. and Southcott hiotored to near Aylmer, Thursday of last weofc and"'attended the induction of Rev. R. E. Southcott, into his hew charge. Miss Stella (Southcott, who has been Visiting at the home of her brother for a week has returned home. The Mission Sand of the James St. United church met Tuesday af­ ternoon. The president, Misg Dor- orthy Tracjuair was in the chair the program was given by “Purple” side. Readings were en by Ola Reed, Grant Taylor Jean Appleton. A story was Airs. T. O. Mrs. J. ML Richmond* and! Diet giv- and told tv *!*