HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-07-02, Page 8THURSDAY, JULY ?n<l, 1031
See it work on your farm,
NEW TIRES 30X3S at .... $3.95
NEW TUBES 30X3.J ............ 95c. ea.
Larger sizes at correspondingly 'low
NEW BATTERIES—13 plates 44 lbs
only $6,75, AH tires and, batteries
sold for cash only and installed free
of charge.
Did you get your pail of oil, -5 gal
lons best oil and pail worth $1,00 a’lj
for only $4.75.
Ask about our new low flat rate
labor charges, phone 64, “the home
of the Ford.”
Sandy Elliot
Exeter Markets
Wheat 60 c.
Oats, 25 c.
Baxley, 28c.
Bran, $1,00
Shorts, $LQQ
Low Grade Flour, $145
Welcome Flour $2,3O'
Model Flour $2.50
Manitoba Flour $2.60;
Creamery Butter, 25c.
Dairy Butter, 17c, and 18c,
Eggs, Extras, 14c.
Eggs, Firsts, 11c.
Eggs Seconds, 9c.
i localsJ
Three-cent postage came into ef
fect July 1st.
Mr. Hy. Parsons dug new potatoes
from his garden on Monday. There
were thirteen new potatoes in the hill
and of a good size.
Mr. and Mts. M- King and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swartz, of
Stephen, spent tM week-end in Bur
ford and Niagara Fans.
- Miss Dorothy Manning, teacher at
S. S. No. 1, Usiborne, has been re-en
gaged for the coming year. Miss
Manning is spending her vacation
with her -parents Mr. and Mrs. Mann
ing in Clinton.
Messrs. W. W. Taman, Thomas
Pryde, E. Dignan and W. Frayne
were in Hensall Wednesday evening
of last week where the former in
stalled the officers of Zurich Ma
sonic Lodge.
Mr. N. S. Eaton, C.N.R express
lagent in Exeter, who recently re
ceived word of his transfer to Engle*-
■ .'hart has now -received word that he
is being transferred to Burlington.
Mr. R. W. Ryder, of Campbellford,
J"“'* ' taking Mr. Eaton’s place
Ryder is moving into the
residence on Main Street,
will holiday for a couple
Ontario, is
here. Mr,
C. B. Snell
Mr. Eaton
of weeks before leaving for Burling
Mr. and Mrs. John Stanbury left
■Wednesday for Kincardine where
Mr. Stanbury is taking over a
butcher business, having purchased
a stpre with residence in connection:
Mr. Stanbury has been in the butch-
' ering business in Exxeter for several
years andathe best wishes of many
Iriends. will follow him. and Mrs
iStanbury to their new home.
One of the hottest . spells this
community has experienced in years
visited this community for the holi
day the thermometer registering
anywhere from, nienty to one hun
dred. A large number sought relief
at the lakeside being -one of the lar
gest crowds ever at Grand Bend.
A number of -school reports
‘other correspondence has to be
over until next week.
Rcy. J, Bernard Rhodes, M. A.
■' Minister
Miss Lena Coates, Organist
10 a.m,—Sunday School
11 a.m.—Rev, R. c, Rogers, B.A, at
No evening service during July.
Dr: Atkinson wishes to announce
that he will take his holidays from
July 12th to July 26th inclusive.
During this time his office will be
Don’t forget xne W.C.T'.U, Gold
Medal contest to be held in Main St.
United church next Tuesday evening
An auto accident owured at the
Thames Road church corner on Fri
day morning of last week when a car
driven by Thos. Allen Jr. and in
which was Charles Little, collided
with a car driven by Mr. J. L. Irwin
•of Ilderton, accompanied by his wife
and son. Mr. Allen was driving west
and Mr. Irwin north, and both had
a clear vision but their attention
Was attracted by some cattle that
were running at large at the time.
Irwin’s car was damaged •and
Irwin received some cuts about
face but was not badly injured,
little sen was also shaken up.
HOT DAYS—-Work with a trac
tor. New and used tractors. Sandy
Fflliot, phone 64, Exeter.
•wereThree two-year-old steers
impounded on my premises on. Lot
11, con. 16, township of Stephen
(Bhipka) on June 2*3, 1931. Parties
sn^y obtain animals by proving pro
perty and paying expenses.*—■Chris
tian Finkbeiner, R. R. 2, Dashwood.
, PHONE 50
Do you need tents for camping,
any style, also camp bed and chairs
for rent. Phone 56.—Wilson’s Gro
CREAM FOR .SALE—We are plac
ing cream for sale at Mr. Frank
Coates (Grocery store owing to Mr.
J. tStanibury retiring from business*.
Nelson Stahlake. ‘ 6-25-2tc
NOTICE—We are prepared to do
dressmaking, plain sewing and fancy
work.—Miss Phyllis Winer, phone
237w. ' 6-23-2tc
ING—-Distance no object for reason
able amount of work,«—Wm. Brad
shaw, Elimville.
The Exeter Canning factory com
menced their pea pack on Monday.
Mr. Stanley Ward, of London, is
holidaying at his home here.
pected to visit Exeter on Saturday
his drug ..store, at Grand Bend for
the summer. ' ■ * ' •
Mrs. J." M. Southcott and family
are holidaying at their summer cot
tage at Grand Bend.
Miss Annie McGill, of the Thames
Road, 'is visiting with her grand
mother Mrs, T. McCurdy.
Mr. Stephen Powell dug new po
tatoes from his garden on Friday,
June 26th, They were a fair size.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman and
family moved out to their summer
cottage at Grand Bend on Saturday.
: ' Mr. and Mrs. John Andrew and
Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Sims spent Sun
day in Goderich visiting friends and
Mr. H. E. Huston and family have
moved . to their summer cottage
“Outside Imr” at Grand Bend 'for
the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Linklater and
family, of Goderich, visited -on Sun
day with Mrs. Linklater’s father Mr.
F. Blatchford.
Mr. and Mrs, Albert B’oulter and
family, of London, and Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Gibson visited with friends
in Galt on Sunday. , i
Mr. Chas. Mason received a nasty
gash in his lower lip Monday morn
ing when he was struck in the face
by the crank of a car.
Miss Dorothy Sims left last week
Id visit in Windsor with her brother
Melvin. -She will also visit with
other relatives ’ in Detroit.
Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Horney and
daughter Mary visited a couple of
days last week at the -home of Mr.
and Mrs. -Chas. Kerslake,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Rabethge were
in Toronto on Thursday last attend
ing the Sparton Radio Convention
held at the Royal York Hotel.
Mr. John Morpeth, of Kirkton,
and friend Mr. Leonard, of York
shire, England, called on Mr. ana
Mrs. Wm.' Ward one day last week.
; Mr. Reg. Beavers, of the Canad
ian Bank of Commerce staff, who
has been relieving in Exeter left on
Wednesday last for the Bridgelburg
Mrs. R. G. Gillies and son, Bobby
of Hamilton, are holidaying with the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
Martin. Mr. Gillies was here on
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kernick and
family, of Toronto, motored up and
spent the week-end with relatives
Master Jack Kernick is remaining
with relatives on a visit.
Rev. R. N. Stewart, of Staffa, con
ducted the services in the Main St.
United churcl} oil'Sunday preaching
very acceptable sermons. The- pastor,
Rev. C. J. Moorhouse conducted an
niversary services, at Staffa.
The Sunday evening service in
C'aven Presbyterian church was
withdrawn in favor of the annivers
ary at Cromarty Presbyterian church
When Rev. R. A. Cranston, of Wel
land, conducted the services.
Mr. E. French, of Toronto, who
has spent the past three weeks visit
ing with his sister, Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Follick, left to spend -a few
days in Owen Sound and Musltoka
before returning to his nolne.
Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Seldon and
son, Wallace, are in Kingston where
they attended the wedding of their
son, Dr. Harry Seldon, of Slxarbot
L.hkd to Miss Lola Saundel’cack. The
wedding took place oh Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. ’ Saylor, of
London, Mr. and Mrs, Hy. Tyndall,
of Seaforth; also Mrs. John Harris^
of Mbnroe, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wes. Armstrong and at
tended the
London Tennis Club is ex-
W,S. Howey nas reopened,
Thames Road Golden
FOR SALH-—'Massey Harris bin
der,w 7 ft, nearly new; John Deere
mower, nearly new;' l(Mt. sulky rake
M. H. hay loader, good; M, H. drill,
nearly new; spring tooth cultivator,
good. Apply to Albert Harlton, R. R.
2, Alisa cralg, administrator,
Rcv. D. McTavish, Pastor
W. R, Goulding, A.T.C.'M,
Organist and Chpir-Leader
.m.—Bunday School
^a.m,—“Christ Crucified Afresh”
tA communion Meditatipn.)
7 p.m.—“We Live in a Big World”,
All the members of the congre
gation are invited to be present at
the -Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
next Sunday morning.
Mrs. Keena will sing at the morn
ing service.
Thursday at 3 p.m. the regular
meeting of the Women’s Association.
Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor
Miss Evelyn Huston
ary Day.
11 a.m.-
and Choir-Leader
chuch school, Mission-
reasonable Choice”
p.m.—“Should Christianity have
Thursday 8 p.m. prayer service.
Meeting of Board of Session after
prayer service.
Rev. A. E,
decupled the
United church Sunday morning and
evening and his sermons were much
appreciated by the congregation. The
pastor Rev. *D. McTavisit conducted
anniversary services at Fullarton.
Menzies, of Fullarton,
pulpit in James Street
3. W. Powell has. taken the Fuller
Brush Agency and is making a can
vas of Exeter,
This store will be closed Wednesday afternoons during the months of June, July, and August
Murray Made Shoes are made from the finest materials that can be
procured. They are shown in the very smartest styles and are wonderful
fitters. You can buy them in any widths C.B.A., AA-AAA.
You should see our wide fitting styles for
plump feet in combination fitting and arch
$4.50 to $5.50
Murray’s new styles in Pumps are smart,
you will agree. We are showing several
new designs.
They are piced from $5.00 to $7.00
25 pair of Children’s Fleet Foot Sandals
with rubber soles and one strap. Splendid
for the hot weather.
Sizes 4 to IO 1-2 Special price 59c.
25 pairs of Misses Sandals, Fleet Foot.
.Cool and comfortable and good wearers.
Sizes 11 to 2. Special Price.
♦ 69c.
Rector, Rev, E. L. Viviau, L. Th.
Organist, Miss MaeFauI
Choir-Leadey, Mr. Middlemiss
Fifth Sunday After Trinity
i a.m,—Sunday School
. a.m.—Morning Prayei* and Holy
Subject: “The Quest”
.Subject: “The Divine -Stranger”
Plan to attend the Gold Medal
contest by the W.C.T.U. in Main St.
church next Tuesday evening.
Handsome Dressy Oxfords for the Particular Man
••muuvvuiv VAlUlUd 1U1 LUC 1 di 111 11141 lVldll ft
We are showing some real values in men’s Oxfords. These are wonder
ful fitters and sure to please at $3.95. $4.50 to $7.(10
Four New Styles
50 & $5.00
Mr. Leonard Grab, of Detroit,
spent the week-end at his home here.
Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, of Toronto, is
visiting her daughter, Mr and Itos. Fred Smith. ' 4*
Miss Effie Treble, of London, is
holidaying for a few weeks, with Mr.
and Mrs, Ed. Treble.
James St. Sunday School will bold
their annual picnic at Grand Bend
on Wednesday, July 15th,
Mrs. Wm. Ferguson returned to
Toronto last week after visiting \vith
her sister Mrs,- Rd, Coates.
The many friends of Mrs. William
Frayne, of Usborne, will regret to
know that - she is seriously ill.
Miss Muriel. Hogarth, of Windsor,
is spending the vacation wth her
parents.Mr. and Mrs.‘Fred Hogarth?
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne and
for Bigwin Inn, Lake of Bays, where
she has secured ,-a position for the
Miss Madeline Dearing and friend,
of London, spent -Sunday with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murray, of
London, spent a few days last week
at the- home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther
Mr. and Mrs.’ George Griffith and
family and Mr,
Toronto, visited
the home Of Mr.
Mr, and Mrs.
Miss.'Hettie Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. M. [ter has been remodelled and.., fitted
M. Russell spent the' past week at'
the latter’s cottage at Chesley Lake'.
Misses Carol and Beatrice Helsom
and Mr. Harrison, of Detroit and
Miss Alice Coleman, of Lucan, visit
ed on Monday with Mr. and Mts.
Frank Coates.
Mr. H. C. Schwegier ana son Glen
accompanied by the former’s mother
visited With Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Dore
over the week-end, Glen remaining
for some holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kress and- son
Billy left Jftly 1st on their holi
days. They are motoring to Capre-
*ol in. Northern Ontario and will also
Visit in Timmins,
Mrs. ,T. G. Creech and two sons
Jos. and Ray,-and Mr. and Mrs. W.
Dearing, of London, motored to Ro
chester to visit with relatives re
turning home Tuesday evening
The morning train to London and
the evening train frbm London were
cancelled Monday,
papers from London
delivered in Exeter
The afternoon train
now arrives at 3 j5(3,
The Mission Rand
byterian church presented a
ionary play Tuesday evening of last
week illustrating characters of other
countries such^as Japan, China and
lnaia-- .
The Exeter Board ‘of Education
has received the .resignation of Miss
LyJlis Marlott, B.A., a teatiher of the
Exeter High School, staff who has
accepted a position at-Burford.
Mr. T. O. southcott and Miss
Stella spent the forepart of the wees
visiting with Rev. R, E. and Mrs.
Southcott at Morpeth. The latter
are moving to their new charge as
Richmond Hill near St. Thomas, the
induction service taking place to
day (Thursday.)
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis and
children, of Waterford, visited over
the week-end with relatives in Exeter
and were accompanied borne..by Miss
Belva Fisher who will visit with
them for a couple of weeks. IMr. R.
E. Davis, of Trenton, who has been
holidaying with his parents also re
turned with them,
Mrs. Chas. Anderson and son Jack
moved to Sarnia Saturday to join
Mr. Anderson jagent for the Metropol
itan Life Insurance Company,
has taken over the duties of
Metropolitan Life in Exeter __
moved into the residence vacated
by Mr’. Ander-son.
Mrs. Pollen has movdd from An-
. drew Street into the residence of Mr.
■ Milo Snell on Main Street. The lat-
visited with -Mr. and Mrs.
Passmore in Sarnia on the
Marjorie Pearce left Monday
Harold Foster, ,of
during the week at
Jas. Handford.
Clarence Heywood,F
Tire evening
are now being
by auto truck,
from the
of caven
recently transferred to
Mr. Hansom, of London,
up with modern conveniences. 'Mrs.
C. Pilon is moving into the residence
On Andrew Street vacated by Mrs.
Pollen. Mr. Kirk Hutton is moving
into the- Hansford house on Well
ington Street vacated by Mrs. Pilon.
The ladies or the Main St. United
church held a very successful straw
berry festival on Friday evening of
■last week. The ladies provided a
sumptuous sypper with heaps of
strawberries and cream after which
a fine program was carried out. The
Orpheus Concert Co. provided the
music and were assisted by Francis
Abbott as reader,
er, of London,
some readings.
. and Rev. Jds.
greetings. The
about $100.09.•Mr. and Mrs. , I
Wm. Essery and Miss Vera, of Ex
eter and Miss Rinn, of Kirktott, at-,
tended the annual district conven
tion of the Huron, Grey and Bruce
Horticultural Societies at Goderich,
on Thursday last. About 100 dele
gates* were in (attendance and there
was a splendid- display of flowers.
First and third prizes for roses went
to Wingham and the second to Sea*-
iforth. DjuSrin.g the afternoon ises1*
sion, WilHani Hartry, of Seaforth,
Who presided,,- was taken suddenly
ill and was removed to his home.
Miss Jean Walk-
also favored with
The local clergy
Anthony conveyed
net proceeds were
Wm. Ward, Mrs.
at greatly reduced prices
Now is the time to order.
■ • ______________________ X
Knicker Trousers from
Shirts *and Ties to match in
Green, Tan and
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Batson motor
ed to Lucknow Sunday and visited
with Mr,, and Mrs. A. E. Buswell
Mrs. Buswell and daughter Helen
returned with, them and are visiting
Mr. and Mrs? Wm. Winer, Siverne
Phyllis and grandson Donald, visited
over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Winer, Marlette, Mich., and
also attened the Wiper reunion held
at Miller’s Lake, Mich.
Mr. Wilbur Millson, of Vancouver,
B. C., is visiting with his aunt and
uncle Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Welsh. Mr.
Millson enlisted in Exeter at the
time of the war and after returning
from overseas spent some time here.
Mr. Fred Ford, Mr. Basil Young
and. Miss OBve Hoag,, of Toronto
Mr. and Mi’s. N. Hoag, of -Oshawa,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs* W. J.
The latter
Mr. W.
Tripp and
Springs and Miss Ross, of Sarnia,
spent the week-end with the form1
ex’s daughter Mrs. A. O. Elliot,. Mr.
W. E. Tripp and Miss Lois are re
maining tor a week or two.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gay, of Devon1'
shire, Eng., visited last week
Mrs. M. E. Kefslake and the
connection in this community,
and Mrs. Gay are visiting with
son in Montreal and took the
sion to visit relatives in this
* • ■ —-y r - • i -#„•
W. R. Goulding
■ c A. T. o, M? T
Organfst and Choirmaster
James St. United Chnrctt
Instruction In
Piano Vocal Organ Theory
Supervisor of Music in Schools
Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 19>-
Ford, of Usborne.
two are remaining on a
E. Tripp, Mr. Stanley
Miss Lois Tripp, of Oil
Miss Mary Wells visited for a*few*
days in London last week.
■Mrs. Elizabeth Passmore has re
turned home after spending two'
weeks in Sarnia Whdre her son Garnet
recently underwent an operation for
appendicitis. Fie is now getting
along nicely, Douglas Passmore re
turned ‘
a picnic at Mr. James Harrison*®
Thames Road on Wednesday after
noon of last week. Games ami
amusements were enjoyed followed
by a sumptuous repast and all enjoy
ed a very jolly time.
The choir of the Mabrgt. United
Church held picnic in Mr. Silas-
Stanlako’s grove on Wednesday af
ternoon of last week, the afternoon,
being spent in games and amuse
ments followed by lunch. Mr, and
Mrs. stanlake provided a surprise m
the form of a freezer of ice cream,
to which everyone did justice.
With his grandmothei* on at
Young Peoples’ Guild of
Presbyterian church enjoyed
ic at Mr,