HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-07-02, Page 4' TOTftSpAT, 2nd, 1931. 4Biimiw.'iii.ii r..: School Reports ItEPORT S. S. NO. 1, USBOHNE Jr. IV to Sr, IV—Audrey Row- 66.$. H5r. III to Jr, IV—Olive Persons $£.5; Grace Wurm 64.8; Chester JDunn 61.8; Marjorie Etherington #0; jack Boa 55.5; Billie Rowcliffe SjS.l; Ray Squire 374; the last three jDvere recommended on trial. Jr, III to Sr. HI—*Frayne Parsons $8.4; Wilfred Buchanan 67; Edith Mhm 67. 2nd to Jr. in—Grace Beekier 77.- 1; Jack; Kestie W5; Billie Kestie G, Squire 31, the last two re- commended on trial. 1st to 2nd—Margaret Dougall 88.- '4; Lawrence Dunn 68.5; Andrew Hoa 68; Russell Ferguson 66; Bob- t>ie Jeffrey 61. Pr, to Sr. I—-Harold Warn; 90. Jr, Pr. to Jr. 1—Billie Reynolds $3; Donald Buchanan 91; Harry JDougall fifi; Marcel Van De Vilde 84; Billie Parsons 80; Alex Boa 68; Ho- iward Ferguson 60. Music Report Sr. IV—Alex Strang 99; Lloyd Reynolds 98; Ross Oke 92; Harold £udmore 89, Jr. IV—Audrey Rowcliffe 80. Sr. Ill—Jack Boa 96; Marjorie JBtherington 82; Chestex’ 79; Olive, Parsons 75; Grace Wurm 54; Billie Rowcliffe !a0; Ray Squire 39, Jr, III—Wilfred Buchanan 69; .Frayne Parsons 60; Edith Wurxn 45. 2nd—Billie Kestie 62; Grace Heckler 46; Jack' Kestie 40; Gordon Inquire 36. 1st—Margaret Dougall 90; Rus­ nell Ferguson 55; Andrew Boa 50; JLawrence Dunn 50; Bobbie Jeffery CO. REPORT S. S. NO. 5, USBORNE The following are the results of <the promotion examinations for S. ,H. No. 5, Usborne. Pupils are ar-r Tanged according to merit as they Will be in their 'classes aftex* holi­ days. Jr. IV—Roy Perkins; Orville ■Webber, Ivan Webber, Earl Frayne. Sr. Ill—Leeland Webber, I Ivan Perkins, Paul Gregus, Ferrol Fisher, Eldon Heywood. Jr. Ill—-Laverne Heywood, Jack Frayne, Helen Westcott, Gordon Kleinfeldi, Stanley Frayne, Iva Fisher. Jr. II—Raymond Heywood, Lloyd Webber, Shir-ley Gregus. 1st. classi-—Pauline Godbolt. Jr. Pr.—-Marie Heywood, Norman Johns, Nola Perkins, John Westcott, Number on .roll 23; average at­ tendance 22. A. R. Dodds REPORT S. S. NO. 4, STEPHEN The following is the June report for Sharon S. $. No. 4, Stephen. Honors 75 per cent.; Pass 60 and Ixelow 60 failure. To Sr. IV—-Dorothy Becker 78 honors; Gertrude Amy 71; Aldene Eagleson 65; Dorothy Schroeder 49. To Jr. IV—Ray Morlock 80 hon:; •Ruth Becker 71; Dorothy Amy 64; Hertha Becker 61; Ralph Weber ’60; Kathleen Wilds 46. To Sr. Ill-—Ila Schroeder 61. To Jr. Ill—Gordon Eagleson 72; Gerald Wein 71; Bernice Faliner ■6'6; Mildred Martene 65; Henry Wilds 59; Donald Kestie 49. TO II—Kieth Weiber, Wallace Hecker, Norma Schroeder, Verna Wein, Anthony Martene. To 1st—Shirley Schroeder, MUSIC EXAM RESULTS—Edith Weber & Gertrude Amy 96; Aldene Eagleson, Dorothy Becker and Ruth Becker 95; Ray Morlock 94; Walter Webex- 90; Ralph Weber 88; Dor­ othy Schroeder and Bertha Becker ■87; Ila Schroeder 77; Dorothy Amy 78; Gordon Eagleson 76; Henry Wilds 58 Bernice Fahner 54; Gerald Wein and Donald Kestie 3 8. Margaret McMaster, Teacher .REPORT S. S. NO. 3, STEPHEN Jr. IV to Sr. IV—-Allan Penhale -83.2, honors; Billy Triebner 63.6; Grace Penhale 57.72 below pass; Howard Preszcator absent but pro- anoted on.year’s work. Jr/III to Sr. Ill—Laverne Christie ’77.07 (hen.); .Stanley Jreszcotor 75.53 (hon.) Billy Johns 36.54 be- jlow pass. Jt. II to So". II—Ruby Preszcator 81.84; (hen.) Edward Tbriel).ner,.72.- 61; Irene Johns 63.84; Hene'Jm"yA0. 1st class—Clifford Jory, Calvin Preszcator, Pr.—'Shirley Preszcator, Ola Johns Highest mark, Laverne ’ Christie, 100 per rent. in Spelling. Gertrude Francis, teacher And How She: "I spent my vacation up in -ths mountains.” He: "‘Really! Did you have a ^gtiide?” She: "’Well, only my conscience.” Damping' Their Spirits The teacher was reading an ac­ count of the Battle -of Bannackburn, *"And when the English saw the army on the hill behind,” he ^teatL "‘their spirits were dampened/ “Now, what is meant by damping ■'their spirits?” he asked one bright ‘‘Pltten"' water in their whusky," j^ame the prompt reply. F4MQVS GEOML HEAP 1 General Bertram, famous for the) ■ detsmse of Leige ana ror Yser campaign in the Great War, drop­ ped dead in a theatre at Brussels, Belgium, on June 24th. General ; Bertram was a national hero of Bel­ gium credited with Relaying the Germans ten days at Leige at the be­ ginning of the war while Marshall j off re reformed the lines of the French army in defense of Paris. When the Canadian Weekly News­ paper editors visited Leige in 1924 General Bertram conducted t them over the last fort to fall ip that fam­ ous siege. BRIDE-TO-BE HONORED “Miss Marguerite A^dworth, whose marriage -takes place in July was honor guest at two delightful func­ tions this week. Miss Anna McEw­ an entertained at a crystal shower at her home, Blake street oix Wednes­ day evening. The gifts were aimang- ed on a wagon, prettily decorated in green and yellow and drawn in by little Misses Margaret Ellicott and May‘ Douglas, The evening was spent in games. The hostess served refreshments. On Thursday evening Miss Edith McClellan was hostess of a kitchen shower. -The gifts wrap­ ped in. mauve and yellow were brought in on a dinner wagon dec­ orated in the same shades. Misses Grace Shaw and Frieda Heinbuch as­ sisted the guest of honor, in opening her parcels. A buffet supper was served. iMrs, William Anget, of To­ ronto and Mrs. Frank Petch, of Georgetown were among the guests During the evening Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McClellan were presented, with an address and a bouquet . of roses in honor of their forty-first wedding an­ niversary.”—iStratford Beacon -Her­ ald. ST. JIARYS WINS AT TENNIS The St. Marys Tennis players vis­ ited Exeter on Wednesday afternoon i of last week and a series of games were played in Exeter. The St. Marys players were successful in winning all but one event but the Exeter players in most cases gave them stiff opposition and on the whole the af­ ternoon was much enjoyed by the tennis players. ‘The ladies of the Exeter club served luncheon on 'the grounds. Th results were- as fol lows: I LADIES—Miss E. McKee, of St. Marys, won from Mrs. Hy. Carey 6-1,6-2. Miss L. O’Dea, of St. Marys, won from Miss A. Acheson 6-3,6-4. Miss Margaret Whetstone,, of St. ■Marys, won from Miss Margaret Martin 6-2, 2-6 and6-3. Misses E. McKee and Miss L. O’Dea won from Mrs. Hy. Carey and Miss A. Acheson. 8-6, 6-2, ' Misses. M, Stone and' Greta Abrey won from Misses' Reta Roiwe and Mary Grant 6-3,6-1. GENTS—-W. Gilpin, of St. Marys, won from W. Quinn 6-8,6-4. F. Mtchell, St. Marys won from J. W. Batson 6-2,6-2. H. Creech, Exeter won frrom H. Gregory 9-7, 6-3-. Gilpin and Mitchell won f£om Batson and Quinn 6-3, 6-2.v. H. McGrigor and J. M. Court, St. Marys won from H. Cree'ch and-J. M. Southcott 7-5, 6-3. HURONDALE W. I. The Hurondale W. I, held their June meeting at the home of iMr. and Mrs. A. Hicks on June ,24th, with an attendance of thirty. The President, Mrs, R. Kestie presiding. The meeting opened in the usual way by singing the Opening Ode and repeating’ the Lord’s Prayer in un­ ison. We were greatly favored by having Dm M. C. G. Fletcher, of Ex­ eter, as our guest speaker. His sub­ ject being '‘Contagious Diseases,” which was very instructive and thor­ oughly dealt with and Hurondale W. I. appreciates Dr. Fletcher’S kindness and willingness very much in giving us of his time and helpful knowledge especially when we know what a busy life he leads. Mrs. Wm. Etheringtoh gave a splendid piano .solo. A reading was well given by Mrs. B. Williams; Miss Campbell, of London, sang a beautiful .solo, accompanied on the piano by Miss Laura Hicks; Miss Hicks then favored us with a Selec­ tion on the guitar. A lettex* of thanks was read by the Secretary, Miss N. Keddy from Mrs. J, M. Glenn for box of fruit received when she was ill. Final arrangements were made for the picnic which is to be held at Grand Bend on the afternoon of July 16th, Everybody try to' be there at one o’clock and help make this get-together one of the best yet. The sports committee, which is Mes- i srs. C. Down, H. Strang, M. Cud- more, G. Hicks and Misses M. Mc­ Queen, K. Sprang and N. Oke are planning to make this part of tlie afternoon’s enjoyment very interest­ ing for both young and old. At the close of the meeting Mrs. A. Ford had charge of a flower con­ test. Lunch was served by the host­ ess Mrs, A, Hicks assisted by Mrs. L. Rowcliffe, Mrs. H. Perkins, Mrs. A, Ford and Miss N. Keddy and a sociable time was spent. Tlie next meeting will be held at the homo of Mr. and Mrs, Mc­ Queen. Roil Call, ‘‘How to make Mix4 W. I. a Failure/" THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE FARMER’S ATTENTION! FOR SAW 3 Melotte Cream Separators 1 viking Cream separator ' ? Magnet Cream separators < 2 Simplex Cream Separators 1 Auchorholth Cream Separator 1 Massey-Harris Cream Separator YOUR CHOICE OF THE IA)T AT $10.00 Wm. J, Smith McCormick-Deaying Sales & Service CENTRALIA, ONT, EXETER AVINS FOURTH STRAIGHT The Exeter softball team added another win to their string on Mon­ day evening when they defeated the fast Flying Frenchmen from Grand Bend by the score of 17 to 9. This was Exeter’s fourth win in as many tries while it was the second loss for the Bend. Gregory, the ex­ Stratford man, was . on the mound fox- the Bend and was touched up for a number of good hits by the winners, Sweetlove oPP°se(i Gregory and although not at his best pitched a good game, Both teams scored two runs in the third inning, Exeter took the lead in the fifth by scoring five runs. They added four more in the sixth, two in the seventh and four more in the eighth. Grand Bend scored one in the fifth, sixth, arm seventh and added four more in the eigtli. Minore, for the Bend, hit a home run in the eigth. Both teams contributed errors and a number' of wild pitches scored some easy runs. A fair-sized crowd whs on hand to witness the game, The line-ups: Grand Bend—W, Desjardine, ss; H. Green, cf.; L. Ravelle, rf.; W. Ra- yelle; 3rd; W- Gregory, p.; J. Manore 2nd; G. Statton 1st; L. Baker, c. R Sharpe, If. Exeter—Pollen, 2nd; Boyle, 3rd; Creech ss;* V Harness rf; .Sweetlove p; Pryde cf; W. Harness, c; Jas. Taylor, If; Skinner 1st. EXETER TAKES ANOTHER FROM GRAND BEND On July the 1st, amid the swelter­ ing heat and a large holiday crowd the .Exeter softball team outscored the Flying Frenchmen by the score of 16 to 9. This was the second win over the Frenphmen in three days. It was Exeter’s fifth consecutive win and now gives them a good margin fox’ first place standing. Gregory and Sweetlove started the hurling but Gregory was replaced by Ravelle after a barrage cf hitting by the winners. Both teams started the scoring in the first inning, Grand Bend counting foui' tinxes and Exeter twice. Exeter scored runs ixx every inning while Grand Bend scored four in the first, one in the fifth, and two in the seventh and eighth. J. Man- ore and R. Ravelle hit homers fox' Grand Bend. The game was late In starting and was called in the eighth innings. The line-ups: Exeter—-Pollen, Boyle, Pryde, Pat Skinner,‘Sweetlove, D. Harness, J. Taylor, Steiner and Taxnaxi. Grand Bend—W. Desjardine, L. Ravelle, J. Manore; R. Ravelle, W, Gregory, L. Baker, L. Mason, G, Stattori, R. Sharp. , CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. Geoxjge Hicks and family visited with fi’*iends in Blytlx ■on Sunday. Miss Kathleen Hicks, R. N., has returned to New York after visiting' for the past couple of weeks with her parents, Mi”, and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McFalls and young son, and Mrs Hodgins o,r Greenway, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl McFalls, of Biddu'lpli, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John McFalls. Mi\ and Mrs. S. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson and little daugh­ ter, of London, .and Mr. and Mrs. H. Essery, of Winnipeg, Man., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parsons on Sunday, Mr. Cecil Hodgson, of ’•Sudbury, and Miss I. Robinson, of Toronto, are visiting* with the former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson. The local baseball team were de­ feated on Friday night of last week, when they visited Hensail team, by a score of 16-5. On Friday night of this week the Crediton ball team will play the Centralfa ball team on the local diamond. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Detroit, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mi's. C. Baskerville. . Mr and Mrs. A. McGowan, of Bly- th, and. Mr? Hilliard McGowan, of Niagara Falls and Miss Mytrle Kelly ■of Oakville, called on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks on Tuesday of last week. A number of tlm friends of Miss E. Clarke gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks on Wed­ nesday evening of last week, to pre- *scnt her with a couple of gifts prior to her' departure from this commun­ ity, W. J. iSmiith has had his Diesel Engine and Chopping Mill machinery overhauled this past week prepara­ tory (b the fall and winter grinding. Bill is high man on a cream separa­ tor contest just closed, having sold an even dozen machines in the month of June for the International Har­ vester Company Limited. The ’ only date in Roman history we can remember is, Anthony’s with Cleopatra.. AmmdMeeting The annual meeting of the Bnuth Huron Conservatives will be held in the Town Hall, Hensail — -pa — Wednesday, July 8th at 2 p.m. Officers will be elected for the coming year and other business will be transacted, The Hon, Thos. L, Kennedy, Min­ ister of Agriculture and Mr. George Spotton, M.P., for North Huron will address tlie meeting. Ladies are cordially invited. "‘GOD SAVE THE KING” Col. H. B. Coombes, President Robert Higgins, Secretary , KIRKTON The recent rains have done much fox- the crops. Mrs. Rev. Bell has returned home from New York where she was call­ ed owing to the illness of her . sister who passed away, She accompanied the remains to St. Catherines where they were laid to rest oxi Monday. Our sympathy goes out to her ixi her sad bereavement. Miss Eleanor Doupe, of Stratford, spent a few days with friends here this week. ,We congratulate Miss Doupe on her success in her gradu­ ation as a nurse. Mr. and Mrs. ,S. N. Shier and Mr; and Mrs. Janies Stephen, Velma and Elaine Stephen, of Anderson, spent the week-end on a motor trip to Chesley and Owen Sound. The Strawberry Festival on Tues­ day evening in connection with tlie United Sunday School was a success in every way and drew <& large crowd about 609-being present. The tables were nicely decorated with roses and were well filled with cake's and pies and othei' nice things and “Oh, Boy” 11'1101 large .strawberries with sugar and cream. The Woodstock Entertainers proved to be real enter­ tainers and kept the’ crowd in peels of applause with their humorous numbers. Our baseball team have finished their games for tlie amateur Base­ ball League of South Perth and out of the twelve ganies played.they won nine which places them at the top of the’ “league. The line up: Lloyd Shier, capt. aiid manager; Russel Brock, catcher; G. Jose, 1st b; Alvin Crago, If; Alex Crago, 3rd b; Car­ man Gregory, pitcher; Floyd Prid- jh’am; cf; Andy Anderson rf; Stanley Howe, s.s.; Ross Marshall, 2ndb; spares, Arnold Wiseman, E. Selves, Bill Doupe, Lome Marshall and Hy. Greason. THAMES ROAD Mrs. John Stewart has returned home after visting fox’ two weeks in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stewart. ■Sunday visitors at the home of i Mr. James Anderson were: Mr. and Mrs, Rd. Anderson, Jean and' David of Kinburn; Mrs. Geo. Hoibkirk ana Miss Margaret, of Hensail; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire, of, Woodham; Mr, and Mrs. J. T Hern, of Zion; Mrs. Hy. Tindall, of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McLean, of Kippen. Mrs. Robb and M^ss Margaret, of Stratford, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. John Duncan and' Mr. anti Mrs. Gilbert Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Suhr, of Strat­ ford, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fossitt, of Mitchell, and Mrs. Pollen, of Exeter, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed.- Pollen. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Simpson have returned home atfex- attending the wedding of Mrs. Simpson’s sister ill Toronto. .Ml‘.‘ and Mrs. 'John Downie, of Winnipeg, spent Sunday and Monday I with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kydd Mr. Downie is governoi’ of Winnipeg jail Misses Helen and Isohel Anthony, of Hamilton, are visting with their parents at the Manse Mrs. Kennedy and little daughter Donna', of London, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gollings. Mr. and Mrs. John Ratcliffe, Of Strathroy, attended the Jubilee ser­ vices and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moodie. Visitors at the home of Mr. Arth­ ur Gardiner for the Jubilee re-un-3 ion were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gardi­ ner and daughter Vera, of Walton; Rev. William and Mrs. ^-ardiner and daughter Eleanor, of Thedford^ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fulton anti three daughters, of Stratford, Visited with relatives in the community on Sunday, Mr. -and Mrs. Dave McNichol have returned to Toronto after holidaying for two weeks with relatives. Among the visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Hackney on Sun­ day were: Mr, and Mrs. W. Robin­ son end daughters, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hopper, of Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne and family of Exeter, Mrs. Elizabeth Passmore, of Exeter, and Douglas Passmore, of Sarnia.. BfcASON Wt BLONONES3 A Scotsmiin and a J«rw called ofl .■ tamous eye epeeiallsL They entered the consulting room together, nyhat can T do for you?*' Inquired the specluHst. “We’re going blind/* replied the Scotsman, “an we thocht ye might b« able fa help ua wi’ yer skill?* “Going blind !’* said the ’specialist ‘♦How do you account for that?” ♦‘Veil,” responded (the Jew, “thlt gentleman is my partner, and we've been vxxtchmg vcw another !”■—Londoxi Tit-Bits, What’s a Home Nowadays? ♦♦We want to buy a bungalow/* ' ♦‘Yes; si,r. I’ll take you and the lady out to see one,” ♦‘Oh, anything you happen to hava 7U hand will do." • “But Sir—" ‘♦It isn’t as If we were buying a car, you know." In a Different Sense. “I flatter myself you will like thia article," said the would-be contributor. ♦That’s a fact/’ returned the editor, glancing over the first few lines, “You do like it, then?" “No, I mean it’s a fact that yon flatter yourself." In Bad. Gibson—Why don’t you take your wife to a girl and music show? Crabson—T don’t dare. If I do and show much Interest sha will suspect me and if I assume a “fed up” ex­ pression she will think I attend regut larly and divorce me. MIGHT BE He: My college course cost me an enormous siim. . !UShe; I suppose you had to bribe the professor to pass you. Musings of a Motor Cop. , Hortense Magee, you always heed The frivolous publications; I wish your taste led you to read The traffic regulations. Father’s Snappy Style. The minister had just finished ask* Ing the blessing when Dicky remarked, “You don’t pray like daddy.” “Indeed!” said the minister. “Why?" “Well," said Dicky, “last night when daddy sat down to the table he just said, ‘good Lord, what a supper!”’ The Irish O’s. Among the-* questions that young Malachi recently put to his father was this:“Dad, was tilde '‘Invented in Ire­ land?” / • “What an idea 1 Why did you ask?” “Because it is spelled o’clock.” The Original Touch, Author (at private film exhibition)— That’s quite an original plot. When.; are you showing me the film of my book? Film Magnate—You’ve just seen it —London Punch. The Obvious Gesture. “If you were suddenly informed by a lawyer that you had fallen heir to a million dollars, what would you do?" “I’d call for a stimulant,” replied the impecunious citizen. /‘Do [yoii think I’xn made of cast iron?” Same Effect. Visitoi?—You must have been visit- ed by a bad hurricane from rhe ap* pearance of your building. Farmer—No; I rented my farm last month to a movie concern to make a five-reel comedy.—Film Fiin. OH MY “You say your sistex* Is out? When will she be in?" As soon as she sees you go."! CLEANED OUT Mrs, Justwed: Do you ever go through yOtir husband’s pockets while he’s asleep? » Mrs. Longweid: Never; after he’t 0ald my monthly bills searching hia pockets wouldn’t get me anything* Those l Strikes. The Public said, “Thia land immense They say was made tor me. Why should 1 just be audience Fcr folks who can’t agree?" CHLSELHURST > The Ladies of the Chiselhurat Gnitefi Ghureh is serving a Straw-- berry supper in the basement of the- church on Friday, evening, July 3rd from, to 8 o’clock, after which a good musical and literary program, will be given. The ladies stringed orchestra of Main Street Church in Exeter will furnish the music. Come- and enjoy the supper and entertain­ ment. An autograph quilt is also to be disposed of made by the girls- of the junior anfi Intermediate class­ es of the Sunday School the proceeds, to go to help educate a girl in India. HOT DAYS-—W°rk with a trac­ tor. New and used tractors. Sandy Elliot, phone 64, Exeter, MORTGAGE SALE , —•by — # UUBLIC AUCTION zo ■.. of 1 . REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the Power; of Sale contained in a certain Mort­ gage which will be produced, on the- day of sale, .there will be offered, for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION oxs the premises on FRIDAY, JULY 10th, 1931 f at 2 o’clock the following Real 1 Estate; Lot number 6 in the S. Thames Road concession of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, containing 100 acres of land more or less, TERMS OF .SALE The property will be put up sub­ ject to a reserve bid. 10 pex- cent, of the purchase money shall be paid on the day of sale; and the balance* shall be paid in 30 days thereafter. For further particulars apply to CARLING & MORLEY, Solicitors for Mortgagee, Exeter, Ontario or to FRANK J'AYLiOR, Auctioneer,. Exeter, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against14 the estate of FREDINANU GRATTON, late of the Townsiiip of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the 26th day of March A. D„ 1931, are required to forward their claims duly proven to H. Eilibei’ & Son, Crediton, Ont., or or before the 18th day of July A. D 1931» AND FURTHER NOTICE IS GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutor will proceed to distribute the- estate having regard onily to the claims of •which lie thexi shall have notice. DATED this 30th day of June A. D. 1931. FREDERICK GRATTON," Executor Grand Bend, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an creditors and others having claims against the estate of MAR­ GARET ANDERSON, late of the Vil­ lage of Exeter, in the County of Hu­ ron; Spinster, who died on the 21st day of June A.D., 1931, are requir­ ed ito forward theix’ claims duly prov­ en to the undersigned on ox’ before the twentieth day of July A.D., 1931. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutor will proceed to distribute the- estate having regard only to tbs claini'S of which he then shall have notice. DATED at EXETER, Ont., this 29th day of June, A.D., 1931. GLADMAN & STANBURY . - Exeter and Hensail . Executor’s Solicitors NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of LYMAN GRANGER GLANVILLE, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on the. fifteexith day of June, A.D., 1931, are required >to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on •or before the twentieth day of July A.D., 1931. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe- cutoi’ will proceed to distribute'the- estate having regard only to th© claim's of which he then shall have notice. DATED at EXETER, Ont., thisf 29th day of June, A.D.,1931. GLADMAN & STAjWBVR'Y Exeter and Hensail Executor’s Solicitor^ NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re CALEB HEYWOOD, kite of flifif Village of Hxe-ter, lax tiie porujntjf of Huron* Gentleman, deceased. CREDITORS AND OTHERS bay-* ihg claims against the estate of the said deceased are Required to sehd, full particulars of such claims toi the undersigned on or before the nth day of July, 1931, after which.' date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said es­ tate, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall thetf have been given, Bated this 3fith, day of June, 1931’ CARLING & MORLEY , Solicitors for Executor ’i ...... .Exeter), Ontario