HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-06-18, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE TOVJISPAY, JUNE 18th,
.......... r....................Special m we. was given by the choir
and special sermons were delivered
for the occasion. In the morning
the anthem And a ladies quartette,
comprising Misses (M. Huiser» L
Hoggarth, M. Workman and I Ea
ters sung, “In the Garden” and in
the evening a quartette was given by
Misses D, Little, R. McLaren, M,
Workman arid Margaret McLaren,
singing, “When the Crooked Ways
Are Straightened.”
Death of Mrs. H. Aldridge
The death occurred in Victoria
Hospital, London on Friday after
noon after a lengthy illness of Mrs.
H. Aldridge of the Township of Hay,
in her 49th, year. The deceased
whose maiden name’ was Annie
Tweed, was born in England and
oame to this country a number of
year ago. -She is survived by her
husband who is a successful farm
er in Hay Township. The 1‘nueral
was held on Monday afternoon at
St, Paul’s Anglican church, Rev. M.
B. Parker, rector of the Anglicifn
Church, having charge of the ser
vices. Interment tool? place in the
Hensall Union cemetery,
The annual recital put on by the
pupils of Miss Greta Lammie was
given in the Town Hal! on’ Friday
evening last. The hall being well
filled with an appreciative audience.
The stage was artistically decorated
with a profusion of summer flowers.
Every number being well rendered.
Miss Vena Hudson,/reader of Sea
forth, assisted with the program,
numbers being all well received and
she also responded graciously to the
encores. The program was opened
by an orchestra (consisting of piano,
Kathleen Drysdale & Isobelle Smale
triangle, Mildred- Follick; sand
blocks, Jean Foster; castanets, Ruth
Coles; drum, John Mclllroy; piano
solos, Edison McLean, Pearl Thomp
son, Laura Tremeer; reading, Vena
Hudson; duet, Jean Foster and
Mona Glenn, Isabeele Smale and
Elizabeth Bean; violin, solo, William
Glenn; piano trio, Mildred Follick,
Katherine Drysdale and Ruth Coles;
pianologue, Ana Hudson; piano sol
os, Helen Glenn, Ethel Clark, Myrtle
Thompson, Irene Hoggarth and
■Philippa Penfold; violin selection,
Audrey Murdock, Egbert Faber,
Wm. Glenn and Ray Patterson;
reading, Vera Hudson; piano duets,
Grace Brock and Gladys Passmore,
Florence MacDonald and Marion
Sinclair; part song, by eight girls
accompanied on the guitar played
by Effie Bell and Greta Lammie.
During the program, the pupils pre
sented Miss Lammie with a beau
tiful casket of flowers.
Dr, H. H. Cowen. L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office 1n Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, In
Zurich, last three days of week.
Mrs. C. Stade and Mr. and Mts.
Hy. Neuschwanger visited with rela
tives. in New Hamburg a few days
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Fassold, of
Detroit, spent a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. P. Fassold last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Merner and fam
ily, -of Zurich, called on Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. "'Merner on Sunday.
Miss Florence- Fried, of Los An
geles, Cal., -visited with her aunt
Mrs. Jaco.'b Kellerman last week.
Mrs. Ida, Beaver and daughter
Mildred and Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Beaver spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Weber.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Kibler and
family, of Listowel, were Sunday vis
itors with Mr, and Mrs. J. Keller
Misses Gladys and Ruth Weiher,
of London, spent the week-end with
their parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Weber.
Miss Anna Tie man, of MacDonald
Hall, Guelph, spent a few days with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan';
Miss Myrta Hoffman, of Kitchen
er, visited at her home over the
Mrs. J. Schroeder visited with her
daughter Mrs. E. Bruer in New Ham
burg on Monday.
Mrs. B. Stacey and Mrs. H. Hoff
man and Harry and Gertrude at
tended the funeral -of the late Clar
ence Buehlow in New Hamburg on
Mr. and Mr. Kitchen and Bob and
Jean, of Toronto, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Kraft on Sunday Mr.
Bob Kitch.en is remaining for some
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kraft enter
tained a number-of friends on Mon
day night.
iMrs. Snyder of Pigeon, Mich., was
a guest with her brother -Mr. Irvin
Eckstein and Mrs. Eck'stein over
Mrs. C. Finkbeiner and daughter
C'athern, .are visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. P. I-Iumble in Sarnia.
Don’t forget the Strawlberry Social
to be held on the Evangelical church
lawn on Monday, June 29. A splen
did program will be given by the
Huronia Male Chorus.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wilfong and
Mr. and Mrs. M. Laub, Mr. .Simon
Willert and Mi*. Arthur Willert mo
tored to Detroit for thq week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. W. McEwen, of Den-
field', called on. Mr. and Mrs. E.
Gaiser on Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Sinnet, Mr, and Mrs,
Russell and Ralph, Mr. and Mrs,.D.
Miller 'and family and Mr. Jim Car*
avella all of London, were Sunday
visitors with the Misses Hold,.
Mr, and Mrs. Adam Fassold and
son, of Detroit, spent a few days
with Mr. .and Mrs. P. Fassold.
Mi'. Clarence Routledge, of Lon
don, spent the week-end at the home
of. Miss Nelda Fassold,
(Telephone 106 Main Street
.1! .........................II ........,,, III
Mrs. Roy McLaren spent Friday
In Stratford.
IVIlss Leone- Lemmon was in Strat
ford on Friday,
Mr. W. C. Pearce, of Exeter, was
in town on Monday,
Mr, Peter Case, of Exeter, "was a
recent visitor in town-
A number from Hensall attended
]the air-meet in London on Sunday,
Mr, Wm, Frazer is aible. to be
around again aftei’ his recent ill
Mrs. Snetsinger, of London, visit
ed for a few days with friends in
Miss Jessie Johnston, of Clifford,
visited with friends in town on Sat
Miss Verna Morgan, of .London,
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Laird
Miss Lois Moffatt, of Brucefield,
is visiting her grandmother Mrs. P.
Rev., James Mclllroy was in Tor
onto last week attending the As
Dr. and Mrs. Collyer and babe
epent Sunday visiting relatives in
A number of the ladies of the vil
lage have organized a ladies bowl
ing club.
Mr. Harold iScruton, of Pt. Dover,
visited over the week-end at his
home here,
The new Hymnary was used for-
the first time in the United church
on Sunday last.
Mrs. Yungblut, of Kitchener, is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James Bonthron,
Miss Eleanor Fisher, A. T. C. M.
was in Clinton for a few days trying
music examinations.
Mrs, Alex Swan, of the village
has rented her f3,rm in Hibbert to
Mr. Peter McNaughton.
Mrs. Collyer ad son Charles, of
Montreal, are visiting at the home
of Dr. and Mrs. Collyer.
Mrs. P. Fisher visited for a few
days last week with her daughter
Mrs. Moffatt at Brucefield.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Efrby, of Col
lingwood, visited over the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walker, of
Feterboro, visited for a few days
with friends ‘in and around Hensall.
Mrs. Wm. McLean and babe, of
Hamilton, is visiting for a few weeks
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith, of Kin
cardine, visited over the week-end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
The pupils of the public school
are busy studying for the final ex
aminations "which will be written
next week.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Cantelon and Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Chapman spent the
week-end at Mr. Cantelon’s cottage
«bt Pike’s Bay.
We understand the three-cent
.stamps will cc<me into effect on July
1st instead of the- two-cent stamps
we are now using.
Mr. Robert Higgins census enum
erator for the village has -completed
liis work and -made his returns to
■Commissioner Consitt.
Mr. F. M. Boyle, who has con
ducted a barber shop here for the
past year has closed his shop and’ is
now barbering in Exeter.
Rev. Kieth Love and sister Miss
Grace Love, of JEIillsgreen, visited
•over the week-end with Mrs. P.
Fisher and Miss Eleanor Fisher.
Mr. Josh. Ashton is improving the
appearance of his house on South
Richmond St. by having the veran
dah nicely painted and a new side
walk laid. *
A number from Hensall attended
the Musical Festival given by the
London Salvation Army Silver Band
in James Street Church, Exeter on
Tuesday evening.
The ball' game between Hensall
and Goderich played on our local
diamond on Monday evening was
well attended, the score resulting in
9-7 in favor of Goderich.
The services in the United church
•on Sunday last were largely attend
ed. Rev. Keith Love had charge of
the services, preaching inspiring
sermons. This was his first service
•after ordination.
Rev. Mr. Sinclair of the United
church preached anniversary ser
vices at Lucasville, near Sarnia, on
.Sunday last, it being the oOth anni
versary of the church in which Mr.
Sinclair attended during his early
The Lone iScout Patrol, of Hen
sall, recently held a very enjoyable
meeting in their club house. Mr.
Jack Lawson, of London, was pres
ent -and gave a very interesting ad
dress. After the business, games
were played. At the <close of the
meeting a dainty supper was served.
The following are the officers
^elected: Friend and Adviser, Mr.
Fred Hess; Patrol Leader, Albert
Passmore; 2nd. Harry Hudson; se-
'cretary Robert Passmore.
All entertainment was , given in
the Carmel Presbyterian Church on
Monday evening, a good crowd be-*
ing present. A splendid program of
local talent was given, consisting of
bn address by Rev. Mr. Goodwill;
instrumental by Blanche- Mustard;
•duett by Mary and Margaret Dou-
gall; instrumental by Irene Hog
garth; solo -by Elaine Hoskins; solo
by Mrs. W. A, McLaren, after which
lantern slides on “Wonders of the
World’ which proved to be very in
teresting. Tile slides wore explain
ed by . Margaret McLaren.
Anniversary services were held in
the Carmel Presbyterian church on
.Sunday last ,and a large crowd was
present. The services were conduct
ed by the Rev. Mr. Goodwill, Blyth.
1929 in addition to the killed and
injured, fires in dwellings cost the
people of Ontario, $3,259,326.*—
Ernest C. Harvey, insurance,
Strawberry Festival
Will be held op
Evangelical (,’hurch J^uwn, Crediton
Thursday, June 35th
Supper served from 5.30 to 8 o'clock
Program will be of local talent,
quartettes, and piano trios assisted
consisting of orchestra, vocal solos,
by Mr. Francis Abbott, of Exeter, as
Admission: Adults 40c,; Children
12 and under 25 e.
Under auspices of Ladles’ Aid and
W; m. s.
Rev, W. M, .Sippell, Pastor
Mrs. J. Schwartz, president
Mr. and Mrs. Moses Gaiser, of
Kitchener and Mrs, Kljenecht, of
Shakespeare, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Gottfried Gaiser.
Miss Elsie Thompson and Mr.
Herbert Fahner are busy these days
taking the census.
Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Krotz and
daughter, of Millbank, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wenzel on Sun
A number of children are writing
their examinations in Exeter ’this
While playing ball last week, Ger
ald Zwicker had the misfortune to
break' a bone in his instep and is
now obliged to use crutches to get
around. We hope he will soon re
We are pleased to state that Mr.
Henry Eilber is able to be in his
office every afternoon and appears
to be making rapid progress since
liis recent illness.
The new pavement was opened for
traffic as far as Devon corner on
Saturday. This puts our village
three and three-quarters from the
Provincial Highway where good
roads are assured all year.
The many mends of Christian
Fahner, of Shipka. will regret to
know that he is at present very ill.
His children from the West have
been called to his bed side.
Corrected list of the Star Sunday
School class officers: pres., Earl
Haist; vice-pres., Lorenz Hirtzel,
sec’y-treas., Eldon Smith, treasurer,
Charley Hoffman.
'The annual Sunday School’ picnic
of the United Church was held at
Grand Bend last Saturday with a real
good attendance. A game of soft-
ball was played in the morning also
a girfs soft ball game at one thirty
as well as., other sports were put on
during the afternoon. A game of
soft ball was played at six-thirty
between the Shipka boys and the
Crediton boys the game being in
favor of the Crediton boys.
Last Friday evening Inspector
Beacom, of Goderich met the Trust
ees of the different schools in the
township, in the School House and
explained the new grants which are
being allowed- the school sections.
In future the grant on teacher’s sal
ary will be based on the assessment
of the section and it figures out that
the weaker section will receive a
larger grant than the stronger sec
The Crediton Minstrels put on a.
show in Exeter last Thursday night
under the auspices of the Exeter
Tennis Club.- They had a good
crowd and in spite of the warm
night the boys came across in good
style. They have now raised about
$90.00 towards paying the de-bpon
the community field and are to be
complimented on their efforts. Dur
ing the past week, several games of
ball have been flayed on the field
and it is rumoured that the tie foot
ball game will be played off on our
grounds. The boys will be assured
a good crowd if they decide to come.
Children’s Day Festivity was held
in the Evangelical church the- past
Sunday with the usual degree of
success. The Junior choir function
ed in both morning and evening ser
vices. The program in which the 14
classes of the Sunday School were
represented together with the devo
tional misisonary offering and pipe
gan selections, in the opening and
close constituted the ’evenings pro
ceedings. A few of the Striking num
bers were the pantomine “The Old
Rugged Cross by the True Blue class
Rainbow exercises by Junior Girls,
Blossom Bells sung by Primaries,
iialogue, “Helping Others to under
stand the meaning of the offering”
by Alma Wuerth and Ray-Morlock;
also other interesting numbers in
song: and exercise. The '-committees
gave self-denying efforts .for which
the Sunday School superintendant
and pastor tender a hearty vote of
M'r. Chas. Anderson, of Sarnia,
and Mrs. Anderson and Jack, of Ex
eter, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, of
Windsor spent Sunday with the lat
ter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Eli Law-
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz and
daughter Shirley .are visiting with
relatives in Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Messner and
daughter Elda spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz.
Mr. Aaron Wein is all smiles. A
baiby girl arrived at his home on
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Morley, of
Albert Lea and Mrs. John Morley,
of Exeter, visited with the latter’s
sisters Mrs. Chris. Rau and Mrs.-Wil
son Anderson on Thursday.
Mi's. John Baird and grand child
Norma Sims, of Grand Bend, spent
Sunday with relatives, here.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Kuhn, of Kit
chener,. are holidaying with the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
The District Aiinual W. I. oj South
Huron Held at Crediton
The District Annual of the South
Huron Women’s Institute was held
June 9th beginning .at 10 a.m. in the
United Church, Crediton. There were
75 representative members present
from the district. The president,
Miss N. Keddy, of Hurondale took
the chAir. The Institute Ode and
the Lord’s Prayer constituted the
opening devotion. Community songs
were conducted by Mrs. Emmery
Fahner, of Crediton. The financial
report as given by the sec’y-treas.,
Mrs. Dan Mclsaac, of Crediton, shows
tlie district to be in excellent finan
cial condition. A reading “My Lad
die,” was given by Miss Pearl Wurtz
of Zurich, JMrs. (Dr.) Bnowiling, of
Exeter, 1st* vice.-pres., took the chair
and reports were heard from each
of the W« I. belonging to the South
Huron District; Exeter, Hurondale,
Seaforth, Zurich and crediton, The
Creditor branch served dinner. The
•Miss Kathleen Hicks, of New
York and Miss Helen I-Iicks, of Lon
don, visited' last week with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks.
Miss Kathleen will remain foi’ a two
weeks’ vacation.
Mr. .F. J. Fairhall visited with
his father Mr. Chas. Fairhall and his
sister Mrs. E. A. Abbott on Monday.
Mrs. George Thompson, who re
cently underwent an operation for
appendicitis in Victoria Hospital,
London, returned to her home on
Mrs. Julia Scandrett and daugh
ter, Miss Corinne, of Belgrave, are
visiting with the former’s sister Mrs.
Arthur Brooks.
The third baseball game of the
series was between Exeter and Cen
tralia at Centralia oil June 16th with
the score 11-5 in favor of the locals.
On Friday, June 19th, at Centralia,
ail exhibition, game will be played
between Thames Road and Central*
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= SPECIAL—LUX TOILET SOAP ...................................3 cakes for 20c. =
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9 inch, per dozen 9c. S
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5 cakes P&G Soap
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$1.25 VALUE FOR 88c.
35 oz; jar 39c. each ^E'
40 oz. jar each 48c. EE
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EE Gold Medal, Golden Bantam
EE 2 tins for 25c.
12 oz. jar each 25c. S
5 lbs. for 25c. S
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ELIMV1LLEmeeting was resumed at 2 p.m. and
all took part heartily" in a sing-song
A reading, “When Hannah Struck'”,
was given by Mrs. Rufus Kestle, of
Hurondale, vocal solo by Mrs. Harry
Hess, of Zurich. Mrs. McLennan, of
Sarnia, representative for South,
adHressesed the meeting in the in
terest of energetic Institute Work,
the musical festival found consider
able emphasis in her .address there
fore a committee was appointed to
meet in the near future to consider
and put on foot the suggested musi
cal festival for South Huron. Mr.
Cochrane, of Exeter, favoured the
meeting with a violin solo; Miss
Moore, of Seaforth, contributed a
piano selection. A reading by Miss
Grant, R. N., of Exeter, vocal solo
by Miss Kathleen Strang, of Huron
dale and a paper on Music was given
by Mrs. Emery Fa.lrner. A six-hand
piano selection by Misses Lavina
•Smith, Alma Smith and Clara Mor
lock closed this part of the after
noon session.
The following officers were elect
ed'^, Hon. Pres. Mrs. John Hey, Zur
ich;' Pres. N. Keddy; 1st vice-pres.,
Mr§. (Dr.) Browning; 2nd vice-pres,
Mrs. Harry Hess; 3rd vice-pres., Miss
Eva Scarlett; sec’y-treas., Mrs. Dan
Mjclsaacs; Miss Keddy was appointed
member of the Provincial Executive
of the W. I. and Mrs. Archibald, of
Seaforth was appointed delegate to
the district convention to be held in
autumn at London. Mrs. (Dr.)
Browning and Mrs. B. W. F. Beav
ers, of Exeter tendered a vote of
thanks to the local branch for roy
ally entertaining this convention
and to all who took part in the pro
'The Mission Circle members held
a picnic in Mr. E. Johns’ orchard
on Wednesday evening of last week.
The weather was ideal and after
supper was disposed of, ball games
etc. were played in an adjoining
field until dusk then bonfires and
torches were put in action and all
enjoyed a Social time in the mellow
glow, singing songs and swinging.
About 40 young people were pres
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Johns, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Johns and Mr. Wm.
Johns were in Sarnia last Wednes
This congregation was well rep
resented at Zion Anniversary ser
vices last Sunday.
During the severe eletrical storm
of Sunday afternoon the transform
er on the hydro pole at Mr. Ed.
Johns’ gate was struck and had to
be replaced with a new one on Mon
day. A .few others were without
hydro as a result of the lightning.
Several telephones were off duty as
well. ' ' '
Mr. and Mrs. E. Johns and family
and Mr. Silas Johns were at Mr. W.
Bybus’ near Chiselhurst on Sunday
Mr. ad Mrs. Will Roe and little
son Robert, Mrs. Helen Wenzel and
son Jack, of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs.
John Francis, Mr. and Mrs. William
Butler, of London, attended the
Johns’ reunion on Saturday.
The Johns’ family reunion was
held last Saturday afternoon at the
home of Mr. Ed. Johns with seven
ty-nine persons present. The weath
er was perfect for such an event,
and ball games were enjoyed by the
men, boys and girls as well as the
other games. Ice cream and lemon
ade made tasty refreshments after
strenuous exercise, when all enjoyed
a visit together. Regrets were ex
pressed that some could not be pres
ent as had been their custom. A
sumptuous supper was served picnic
style, under the shade of tress and
shortly after all repaired to their
various homes. Messrs. .Sam Johns,
Edgar Cudmore and Kenneth Johns
were appointed a 'committee to ar
range for the picnic next year.
Mr. and Mrs. I-I. Henderson and
children visited relatives near Staf-
fa last Sunday.
A community picnic will be held
next Saturday at Mr. Ivoi’ Morgans’.
Mrs. S. Whaley, -of St. Marys, is
visiting with her sister Mrs. Chas.
The Bell family held their- family
picnic at Mr. David McLeans at Eg-
mondville, last Saturday. Those
who attended from this vicinity were
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell and chil
dren; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch
and family; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym
and children; Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Stephen and children; Mr. and Mrs,
Will, Veal and children and Miss
Aggie- Logan. Mr. Wellington Bell,
of Detroit was also home and at
tended. There were about one hun
dred and fifty present this year and
all enjoyed meeting friends and rel
atives whom they seldom see except
at these gatherings which are get
ting to be an annual event with
many family groups.
Mr. and (Mrs, John .Huhter, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Coates, of Exeter;
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden, of
Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Will Ste
phen of Woodham, were callers at
Mr, Sam Brock’s on Sunday. Mr.
Brock is still confined to his bed and
is not making the improvement that
his many friends would desire but
still we hope that there will soon be
a decided change for the better in
his condition,
An Irishman and Englishman were
sitting together discussing matter as
to who could see farthest. “See
that steeple,” said the Englishman,
pointing to -a steeple for away. “I
can see a mosquito sitting on that,”
But .Pat was not to be outdone. “Be-
gtoora,” he exclaimed, “I saw ’im
Mrs. Frank Steeper has gone on.
a motor trip with her sister, Mrs.
Dowker to Morristee, Mich.
We are glad to report Mrs. Ross
Battram, improving .after her recent
The community picnic at Grand.
Bend on Saturday was one of the
best ever held. A large number en
tered heartily into the jports that
had peen carefully planned by a
capable committee and Athe new
method of serving lunlch met -xyith
the approval of all. Next year the
promise is for a 'bigger and better
one and may we all be there to see
Mr. Russell Gill, of Brampton,
and Miss Black, of Appin, visited -
Mrs. Lawrence Pollock last week. '
Miss Rubie Creech, of Exeter and
Miss Patrick, of Staffa, with her'
parents and other friends renewed
old friends at the picnic on Satur
Once-on-a-time curiosity killed a
cat! We hope that will not he the
fate of the- one referred to in -our
items last week. Seein’ the world
is all right but there’s no place like
Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia, and
Mr; Claude Fallis, of Ontario, Cal.,
were guests of their sister, Mrs. L.
Brophey. Claude motored all the
way up in record time.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pollock, of'Ker-
wood, and Professoi’ Smith, of Col
umbia University, Ohio, and Mrs.
Smith, who is neice of Mrs. Edmund
MiaPherson visited here last week.
Miss Laura Leask has returned
from a very enjoyable mo tor.-trip
to Texas and reports the harvest
over in the sunny .south.
Several of our young folk joined
with the young folk of the Bend in
a very enjoyable picnic at Spring
bank last week.
Miss Maude Brown is visiting at
her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Coleman, of Varna,
Miss Taylor and nephew, R. Taylor,
of Bayfield, Seibourne English, of
Detroit, visited at Mr. R. English’s
on Sunday.
Don’t forget the annual School pic
nic which .will be held at Grand Bend
on Friday, June 19.
Mr. Otto Willert was in Toronto
one day last week on business.
1 Mr. Wm. Barry, of London, is vis
iting his brother J. Barry, at pres
Mrs. -J. Hanover and Miss Flor
ence Hanover and friend spent last
Sunday in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilfong and
Messrs. Art and Simon Willert spent
the week-end in Detroit.
Mr. J. Barry and Mr. Jerome
Barry attended the funeral Of the
former’s brother, the late John
Barry of Centralia,
Mr. and Mrs. Art Willert and Mr.
and Mrs. H. Eagleson attended the
funeral 6f the late Joseph Car
ruthers at Grand Bend on Monday.
Mr. Wm. Witzel and Mrs. Alfred
Tilley and family spent'Suhday with
friends at Woodham.
Miss Dorothy Dietrich, of Central
ia, spent the week-end ac her home
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason s]pent
Sunday with friends in Creditor.