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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-06-18, Page 4
THURSDAY, JUNE 18th, 1931 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Wiliam Bollen, Andrew St. is confined io her home through ill- mess. Mrs, Amos Darling, of Ailsa ■visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hunkin on Sunday. Mr. Reg. Beavers, ot the gidiari Bank of Commerce staff, received word of his transfer Bridgeburg. The Orpheus Concert Co, with Francis Abbott as reader, will sup ply the program at Middleton church Goderich Tp.» on June 23rd, iST. MARYS AVINS FROM EXETER The Exeter Tennis Club went to Bt, Marys Wednesday afternoon of last week and spent a pleasant ternoon on the St, Marys courts, though thej' were beaten in events. This was Exeter’s 1 game away from home and they were well entertained in the stone town. Rt. Marys had previously won from Stratford and London, were as follows: Ladies’ Singles—Elsie Ruth Moorhouse, 6-0,6-' G’Dea vs. Mrs. H, Carey Whetstone vs. Retn Craig Cunhas to t af- i, al- all first The scores McKee vs. •0 Loretta 6-2, 6-3; Rowe, n- Doubles—M. Whetstone McKee vs. Ruth Moor- Margaret Martin, 6-2, 4- Marg, J, 6-0. Ladies’ and Elsie Douse and 6-2; Greta Abray and Loretta O’ Dea vs. Mary Grant and Mrs. Carey, ,6-2, 5-7, 6-0. Gems’ Singles—W. Gilpin vs. W. Quinn, 6-2, 6-2; H. Gregory vs, H. Creech, 6-2, 6-1; F. Mitchell vs. J. M. Southcott, 6-1, 6-1. Gents’ Doubles—W. Gilpin and F. Mitchell vs. Messrs. Quinn and Bat- eon, 6-1, 6-0; J. Court and H. Mc- Grigor vs. Messrs. Creech and South cott, 6-2, 6-2. MAIN STREET W. M. S. On Wednesday the 10th inst. the W. M. S. of Main St. Church held, their monthly meeting in the church A good attendance was present and & very pleasant and enjoyable time was spent, Mrs. Chas. Johns, of Elimville, gave' the' address of the afternoon. S>he is the Presbyterial Secretary for the Huron Presbytery for. Literature. In a bright and cheery manner she urged all to sub scribe for the Missionary Monthly as well as to secure as many outsiders as possible because it is such a bright and interesting magazine published at such a small price. She quoted a large number of societies, in the Presbytery who have more ■subscribers than members. The .address was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. W. G. Medd read the monthly lettei’ and was assisted by Mrs. Wm. Vale and Mrs. Jonah Sims in carry ing out the program which was very .interesting. ‘Miss Wellwood, one of our missionaries in West China, was •the subject of prayer. Miss Well wood is of special interest to presbytery as she went Out to field from St. Helens in West wanosb. this this Wa- JJJWEJL SCHOOL RESULTS Announcement of the- Lower School results so far and the pro motions were made In Exeter High School on Friday. Rupiis failing in departmental subjects have the op ton of trying the government exam inations and nine pupils have made application.All first and second form pupils were given a -statement to take home. E. J, wethey, Brin, FORM X A (I) Violet ©quires 608 (H) Doreen Borland 607 IB (I) Dorothy Hicks 690 (II) Geraldine Armstrong„_____ _ 601, The following have passed in all their subjects; ’Armstrong, Gerald ine; Raynham, Charles; Rierling, Phyllis; Borland, Loreen? Dunstord, Florence sery ard; . bert; Hicks, Dorothy; Johns, Mary; McTavish, John; May, Gordon; Mc Falls, Ardys; Mooney Irene; Schroe der, Gerald; iStanbury, Jean; Stuart, Marjorie; Stone, Gladys; Strange, Grace; Squire, Violet; Taman, Jean nette; Telfer, Helen; Tieman, Ruth. The following passed on all but one subject; Charles Complin, Allan Westcot t All but two: Reaver, Eugene,Hy. Frayne, Jean Horner, Jessie Mon teith, Feme Welsh. .AH but three: John Alexander, Gordon Appleton, Hazel Clark,, Jack Essery, Ruth Hendrick, Andry Mur dock, Dorothy Sims. • The following have passed in the number of subjects indicated: Jas. Brintnell 3, Hazel Elliott 4, Elgin Luxton 1, William Calwill 5, Hubert Quinton 4, Homer Tinney 1, John Tjnney 4, Edward Ward 2, McFalls, Marleys 3. Dunsford, ’William; Es- Beatrice; Etherington, Rich- Frayne, Lloyd; Gardiner, Ro- baby band entertained The W. M. S. of James Street Unit ed Church met Thursday afternoon ot last week with the president Mrs. C. W* Cludstie in the chair. Follow ing the opening exercises and the usual business the Bc-by Band and. Associate Helpers were entertained. Mrs. Sid Davis conducted the re sponsive .reading, Mrs. Flossie Reed gave a piano solo and a •solo was sung Mrs. A. Q. Elliot. Following; this the associate secretary, Mrs, T. Rundle took charge and her helpers sang “You May Help A Load To Lighten,’ The superintendent of the Baiby .Rand Mrs. J, M. Southcott spoke a few words and a very inter esting and inspiring address was given by Mrs. W- G. Medd, superin tendent of , the Main Street Baby Band. Her remarks were chiefly to the mothers present while at the same time she gave some interesting hints *to the children in the way of helping mother. Doris, little daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs, Asa Penhaje, sang a solo; Misses Lillian and Kath leen Kestle favored with a duet; so lo by .little Mary Fletcher; reading by Edith Hunter and Florence South cott; solo by Lloyd Walker; chorus by Grant Taylor; Ernest McTavish and R, Southcott, The President gave a short address on “Sending the Gospel to the Heathen.” dainty lunch was served to mothers and children which much enjoyed. Grand Bend Casino A1 DANCING Wednesday and s Saturday THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs, John Cann and Mr, and Mrs, Robert Cann and family, attended the Cann reunion at Qshhwa on Saturday. Mr, and Mys. Dave McNicol Jl, of 'Toronto, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Ken, McNicol. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, pollen were spectators at the Air Port, London, on Sunday, Beautiful weather is heading out, Thames Read is like King’s Highway Mrs. J, W.- Hackney was called hurriedly to Sarnia on Sunday night where her brother Mr. Garnet Pass- more was operated on for appendicitis. ‘ We are glad to know he is getting along nicely at -present, Miss Anna Hackney is visiting with Miss Margaret Lannan, of Mit chell, ' AUCTION SALE] HOUSE, LOT AND CHATTELS The undersigned has received in* structions to sell by public auction the property of the late Mrs, Valen- ■ tine looking more every day. A the was Music by A London 8-piece Orchestra KIRKTON UNITED CHURCH S. S. ANNIVERSARY AND GARDEN PARTY LUMLEY WHALEN Mrs, Geo. Mardlent, of London Twp., spent Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Millson. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden, of Ex- «ter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire. • , , . Mrs. Alice Gunning and Elsie -spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Al len Jacques.Mrs, Frank Parkinson is spending this week with her sister, Mrs, John Stevenson, of Thorndale. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Par kinsen's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wood- Ward, of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mossip and Taylor, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster. The regular meeting of the Whal en W. M. S. was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss. Bes sie Morley with 2'3 members and several visitors present. Mrs. Frank Gunning 2nd vice president was .in the chair. The meeting opened the Doxology, Lord’s Prayer hymn 303. The Bible reading Phil, 4th chapter 18-25 was read by Harvey Squire. Miss Bessie Morley read the devotional leaflets entitled "^Choosing our Idfeails”. The festive program leaflets on tionalities” were read by Miss sie Brooks, Mrs. Will Brooks Mrs. John Hazelwood. Hymn and prayer by Mrs. Will Morley ed the meeting. A bale of quilts and second hand clothing was pack ed after which lunih was served on the lawn and a social time spent by all. with and Mrs, sug- “Na- Jes- and 181 clos- FORM it (1) Anna Aikenliead 604 (2) Wesley Greb .'579 The following have passed in all •subjects': Aikenhead,, Anna; Amy, Marguerite; Brooks, Edith; Coates, Betty; Ellerington, Fred; Fraser, Ruth; Greb Wesley; Heywood Clif ford; Miller, Lillie; Mustard, Kath ryn; Russell, Margaret; Smith, Hazel; Cooper, John; Ratz, Gordon; Etherington, Alma. The following Middle School pu pils have completed the following form two subjects: Lois McDonald, Physiography; Beth Elliott, physio graphy; Nora McInnis, 2 French & Grammar; Kenneth Hockey, second Geometry; Gerald Skinner, second French; Helen Finkbeiner, 2 Latin 2 French; Allan Fraser. 2 French; Leila Heywood, 2 Latin, 2 French; Gwendolyn Hicks, 2 Latin; Greta Horner, 2 Latin, 2 French; Hugh McKinnon, 2 Latin, 2 French; Greta Nadiger, 2 Latin, 2 French; Jean Penhale, 2 Latin, 2 French Oneida Restemeyer 2 Latin; Dorothy Ryck- man 2 Latin 2 French; Gerald Zwicker, 2 Latin 2 French. •The following 2nd form pupils have passed in all their subjects but one: Doreen Caldwell, Margaret Jones, Evelyn Sippell, Roylance Westcott. The following passed all but two: Orville Lawson, Reba Simmons, May Sims’ The following in all but Helen Salter, Eileen Sims. The following have passed in the number of papers indicated: ~ ces Anderson 3, Edith Dick 1, Alex McMurtrie 3, Florence Mitchell 4,- Viola Skinner 3, Jack Stanbury 4, William Stanlake 4, Ellen Mae Scott] ' 2. PICNIC AT SPRINGBANK Residents of the second and concession of Ushorne together with a number of friends had a most suc cessful picnic at .Springbaink' on Sat urday. The weather was ideal and between 125 and 150 persons were present to enjoy a jolly time. Sports were held and were keenly contest ed, Dinner and supper were served and the tables were well laden with good things to eat. The results of the races'were as follows: Boys, .3 years and under—Douglas Ross Coates Glenn Fisher. Girls’ 8 and under—Iva Fisher, Pauline God bolt, Hazel Kerslake. Boys .8 .and under—Jack Kestle, Bill Kestle, J. Westcott. Girls ten .and under—F. Fisher, Helen Westcott. Boys 1’4 and under—Allen Westcott, Elgin Luxton, Roylance Westcott. Girls 14 and under—Belva Fisher, Dor othy Kerslake, Betty Coates. Young men’s race—'Harry Frayne Cresteent Dayman^ Tom Yellow. Young la dies race—Vi ole,t Frayne, Lida Ste wart, Lauretta Yellow. Married ladi.es’ race—-Mrs. Whitney Coates, Mrs. Lloyd Parsons, Mrs. Hy. Coates. Married men’s race—-George Frayne Lloyd Parsons, Harry Coates. Mar ried ladies race'—Mrs. Gordon Hey wood, Mrs. Clark Fisher, Mrs. Geo. Westcott. Ladies throwing1 ball-— Mrs. Maurice Coates, Miss Margaret Ellerington, Miss Violet Frayne. Men ’throwing ball—-Harry Coates, George Frayne. Boys throwing ball —Earl Heywood, Harry Frayne. SUNDAY; JUNE 31st Morning service at 11, Frank Langford, B. D., will be the speaker. Evening service at 7. Rev. W, E. Millson, D. .D., of ’Toronto will preach. Special music by the .school at both services, Rev. three: Fran- DIED IN LONDON Mr. James McFalls, a former resi dent of Exeter, died in London, on Friday of last week and the funeral was held Sunday afternoon the re mains being brought to Exeter for interment in the Exeter cemetery. The deceased was in his 65 year and had been ailing for some time. He Spent his early life on a farm in Us- borne township, but owing to ill health he was forced to, give up farming and came to Exeter to re side. Three years ago the family moved to London. Besides his be reaved widow, whose maiden name was Miss Whiteford, he is survived by one daughter, Leia and one son, Silas; also two brothers ami four sisters, Samson, of Exeter, William, of Lucan, Mrs. Charles Hodgins and Mrs. Jos. Hodgins, of Lucan and Mrs. Richard Atkinson and Mrs. Thus.. Atkinson, of Mooresville. Rev. Jas. McGinley and a Baptist minister conducted the funeral service in London. A large number were pres ent at the service at the grave testi fying to the high esteem in which the deceased was held. The pall bearers were .six nephews; Alex and Mark Hodgins, C. Atkinson, V, Dan- cey, Harold and GarnSt McFalls. ....li Ml I.U. I ’ ....................— 'll USED CAR VALUES third TUESDAY, JUNE 23rd Strawbery Festival and Concert ■Supper served, in the basement from 5.30 to 8 p. m. followed by high-telass entertainment by noted Woodstock Male Quartette assisted by Miss Nancy EagieShame, reader. Admission; Adults 50c. Children 25c. iMr, Grant Ryokman returned home recently after having a very pleasant visit in Flint Michigan with her son Roy and wife and other relatives, Mrs. Fraser, of Moncton, visited a few days last week with her neice Mrs. W. Kerslake. Mr. Gerald Glenn returned back to school this week after being home for some time with mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen and family visited in Blake on Sun day with' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont. Mr. Donald McKaig visited, his aunt Mrs. N. Horton and family foi’ a few days last week. Miss Bella Brintnell, of Stratford, was home over the week-end. Mitchell, pn AVilliain Street, Exeter —on — SATURDAY, JUNB 30th 1931, at 1.30 o’clock the following: Walnut organ, ptiqt^ires, 6-pieca parlour suite, hull rack, 2 small tables,' 6 lamps* parlour heater, car-» pets, feurtains, base burner, sewing machine, i extension table, 4-burner c-oal oil stove, side board, 6 cane bot tom chairs, 9 kitchen chairs, arm chair, 3 rockers, Morris "chair, lin- ■ oleum, clock, paper rack, 2 dressers, 2 commodes, toilet set, bedding, hall lamp, lounge, cupboard, icoolC stove, 2 burner coal oil stove and • roven, step ladder, sealers, pots, paps, dishes of all kinds, drop leaf table, copper boiler, coal'oil cans,, shovels, hoes, barrels, shot gun, 3 beds, corner stand, 2 bed mattress es and springs, centre table, bureau, stove pipes, buggy, egg incubator. Also brick house TEM'S OF Chattels—Cash. Real Estate—10 per cent, on day • of sale and balance in thirty days. For further particulars apply to- ARTHUR MITCHELL, Executor, Ontario FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, Exe ter, Ontario. cutter and 250- ■ and property, SALK Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the South Huron Conservatives will be held in the Town Hall, Hensall Monday, zJune 29th at 2 pan. Officers will be elected for coming year and other business be transacted. the will will'Several prominent speakers 'be present to address the meeting. Ladies are cordially invited. “GOD SAVE THE KING” .Col. H. B. Coonfbes, President Robert Higgins, Secretary WINCHELSEA and Mrs. Ed. (Sprague andMr. . , daughter Violet, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley. Mr. and Mrs. W- J Veal attended the Bell family re-union which was held near Seaforth on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Whaley, of St. Marys, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Miners spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Batten. Mr,, and Mrs. K. Hutton, Mr, sand Mrs. D'. Alexander, of Thames Road and Mr. and Mrs. D. Sours, of Clin ton, called on Mr, and Mrs. George Davis on Sunday evening. . Mr. F. Davis spent the week-end with his daughters in Seaforth, MT. CARMEL Holy , $525.00 , $425.00 . $350.00 SHARON SCHOOL PICNIC, Sharon School held its annual picnic at Grand Bend on Wednes day, June 1. Mother Nature prov ed kind by providing fadiant sun shine for tjie large crowd that gath ered. Both young and old joined in the sports with great enthusiasm and the prizes were contested for 'closely. The following were the sports: Boys and girls race 12 to 14— Dorothy 'Schroeder, Kathleen Wilds, Joe Martene. Boys and girls race 10 to 11—Ralph Weber, Ila 'Schroe der, Dorothy Amy. Boys and girls race' 9 yShl'S—Gordon Eagleson, G. Wein, Norma Schroeder. 'Boys and girls race 7 to 8—Keith Weber, W. Becker, Shirley Schroeder. Chil dren or under—Bernice Schroeder Howard Holtzmann, Harold Holtz man. Boys’ three-legged race—Joe Martene and Walter Weber, Gordon Eagleson and Ralph Weber, Henry Wilds and Gerald Wein. Girls’ 3- legged race—Aldene Eagleson and Gertrude Amy, Dorothy iSchroeder and Ruth Befaker, Ila Schroeder and Dorothy Amy.. iOoup’l,e race—Gor don Eagleson and Norma Schroeder, Gerald Wein and Mildred Martene, Keith Weber and Verna Wein. Book race—Dorothy Schroeder, Joe Martene, Gordon Eagleson. Wlieel-barrow race'—Joe Martene and Walter Weber, Gerald Wein and Gordon Eagleson, Ray Morlock and Ralph Weber. Filling bottles with beans—Gertrude Amy's side won: I. Schroeder, Ruth Becker, Kathleen Wilds, Verna Wein, Norma Schroe der. Water drinking relay—Joe Martene’s side won: Ray Morlock, Gordon Eagleson, Gerald Wein and Wallace Becker. Hoop race for girls—Dorothy Becker, Ruth Beick- er, Gertrude Amy. Potata^race— Aldene Eagleson. Eating a' dough nut aff <a string—Gertrude Amy. Cub-race—Ger. WCin, Keith Weber, Henry Wilds. Hopping with legs tied —(Kathleen Wilds, Aldene Eagleson, Young men’s race— Mr. Chas. Kerslake, has been on the sick list, but is improving. Mr, Chas. Anderson, of Sarnia,f spent the week-end at his home here Miss Ella Millson-, of Lambeth, is visiting with Mrs. McAvoy and Miss Sanders for a few days. BiRTHS WEIN—Ill Crediton on Sunday. June 14th to Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein, a daughter1 (Arliss June). HUNKIN—>In Usborne, on Tuesday, June 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hunkin a daughter (Betty Viola). MARRIAGES the Gerald Wein. Lorantae Wein.Youg ladies, race—.Edith Weber, j1929 ESSEX COACH LIKE NEW........................ 1928 DURANT COACH, GOOD CONDITION .* 1929 FORD ROADSTER......................................... 1930 FORD TUDOR. WE PUT OUR O. K. ON THIS ONE 1927 CHEVROLET TRUCK MODEL T FORD TRUCK FORDSON TRACTOR CASE TRACTOR 5 GALLONS BEST ENARCO OIL AND A PAIL WORTH $1*00 FOR ONLY $4.75 NEW BATTERIES FROM $5.50 UP TIRES $3.95 UP Get 6tir new low flat rate labor charges on yoxir repair job. You know what the bill will be before We start to work. Phdne 64, SANDY ELLIOT “The Homo of the Ford.*’ Exeter Carrying the lady home—Arnold Becker and Moloeta Wein. Kicking the foot-ball farthest — Lorance Wein. Tie race—EldOn Smith and Clara Morlock. Ladies’ nail-driv ing contest—Mrs. Wes. Wein. Best imitation of a baby crying at night —Mrs. Holtzman. Young ladies’ shoe race— Margaret McMaster. Guessing contest*—Leonard Wein. Treasure, hunt—Ba Schroeder. After the sports all indulged in a rousing game of dodge bail; then sides were* chosen for soft ball and a game was staged that showed ©baron to be on the level with any team in the National League. Eat ing then became the chief feature in which all indulged. After another game of ball and a farewell glance at Lake Huron all wended their way J home feeling that another day to be I remembered had just closed, INGRAM — HOGGARTH — At Hensall United Chur'ch parsonage on Wednesday, Jiine 17th, Mar garet Anna Hoggarth, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hoggarth, of Tuckersmith, to John Foster Ingram, youngest soil' of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ingram, of Hay, by Rev. A. Sinclair. STEWART — PIPP Y — Ou Friday, June the twelfth at 540 Esplan ade, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Mary Greta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Pippy, of Sydney, to Doug las Bennett Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart,. Of Exeter. GRANT—WALTER.—At the Trivitt Memorial Church on Thursday, June 11th, Florence Helen, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Walter to Mr. Joseph Grant, of London, second son of Mr. and Mrs. J. ,S. Grant, of Exeter, by Rev. E. L. Vivian. PAGE—“HODGSON—-At tile Janies James St. parsonage on Wednes day, Jun© 10th, Olive Jean Hodg son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgson, of Ailsa Craig to Sam uel Russell Page, son Of Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Page, of Grand Bend by Rev. D, McTavish. DUFFIELD— ’.HAZLEWOOD— At Whalen on Wednesday, June 10 Verna Kathleen, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hazelwood to William Duffield, son taf Mr, »and Mrs. Alex Duffield, V. The annual . rally of the Name Societies of this district was held on Sunday afternoon at church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and was attended by upward of 500 men rep resentatives of the Societies from French Settlement, Zurich, Lucan and Mt. Carmel accompanied by their clergy marching from hall to church headed by the Dashwood, Band, when a sermon appropriate to the occasion was preached by Mons. Forristal, of London. Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Blundy, of Sar nia, called on Mr. and* Mrs. James Carey on Sunday. Mr. Fat Flannigan and bride, of Detroit, called on friends here last week, Mr. sus in The ry, of cemetery here on Thursday of last week at 10 a.m. Miss Greta Mulligan, of Dublin, is visiting at the home of her uifcle, Mr. T. Collins. Mr. Oswald Hall, arid friends, of London, called on ’the former’s par ents on Sunday. Mrs. Walker and Catherine visited friends at BorniSli for a few days last week. Mr. Frank Coughlin made a busi ness trip to St. Louisi, Mo. last week. ■Mr, and Mrs. John Campbell, of Detroit, were visitors in the neigh bourhood for a few days last week. MORTGAGE SALE --- of --- RESIDENTAL AND BUSINESS PROPERTY IN THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL Under and by virtue of a certain mortgage which will be produced at. the sale, the undersigned have been authorized to sell — on — FRIDAY, JUNE 19tli 1931, at 2 o’clock on the premises' 'The combined residence and busi ness propjerty, being Lot Number 221 on the South side of King Street , in the Village of Hensall. The property is well located, and well suited flor either residence or combined residence and business. ' TERMS OF SALE 10 per cent, cash on day of sale,, and the balance within 30 days* thereafter. Possession will be given upon completion of sale. For further particulars and condi— titans apply to OSCAR KLOPP, Auctioneer, Zurich,. Ontario. GLADMAN & STANRURY, Solicitors*, for Mortgagees, Exeter, Ontario. Notice to Creditors. Whalen by the Rev. A. Centralia. DEATHS also of Robb of McNAMEE—In Lucah, _____ _ June 7th, Robert J. McNamee, in •his 91st year. RUMFORD—Ift Thedford on Satur day, June 13th, Ruena Brad don, •widow of the late ‘Thomas Rum ford, GLANVILLe—In Exeter, on Mon day, June 15th, 1931. Lyman Granger Glanvtlle, in his 66th year, ■on Sunday. Alex Nebib is taking the cen- this neighbourhood this week, funeral of the late John Bar- Centralia, .took place to R. C. GRAND BEND * Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holt and .Miss Gertrude and Edith Lovie visited Rev. J. W. and .Mrs. Mames in Walton on Sunday.’ IMr, Claude Fallis, * of California, and Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard over the week-end. Mrs. Roy ,Scott,, of Sarnia, visited .her father, Mr. Wm. Patterson who is laid up with a very bad attack of sciatica. Mr. Walter Statton is . getting along fine with his new home. Miss (.Gertrude Lovie who lia^ been in London for the past four years is spending a few, weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lovie. Mr. Welland Ravelie, of Detroit, Spent a few days with his Mrs. N. Ravelle. The annual union picnic had all that was desired for a nice day every one enjoyed themselves, Mr || troit, week' Ml’ eter, Mousso. 'mother and A held . Harry Bossenberry Jr., of visited at his home over ■end. . and Mrs. Robt. Mousso, Sjbeht Sunday with Mr SHIPKA of De- the Ex John Strawberry Festival will in the United Church shed Wednesday, June 24. ed from 5 to 8. A Will be given. Mrs. Geo, Potten. visiting her father Finkbeiner, who is The Y. P. S, of the United cltutoh held a picnic at Grand Bend on Wednesday of this week. be On Supper serv- good program Of Regilia,, is Mr. Christian ill. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having” claims against the estate (of GRACE.' HILL, late of the Township of Ste phen, in the County of Huron, wi- ■ dow, who died on the twenty-sec ond day of April A.D., 1931, are ■ required to forward their claims- duly proven to H. Eilber & Son, of Crediton, on or before the twenty- ■ fifth day of June A.D., 1.931. AND NOTICE 1S FURTHER GIV EN that after the said date the Exe cutors will proceed tlci distribute- the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall' have notice. , DATED at Crediton, Ontario, this- 5th day of June A. D., 1931. Herbert K. Eilber, Crediton -and. George Easterbrolok, Exeter, Execu tors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS PIERERY GIVEN that: all creditors and others ■ having., claims against the estate of JOHN MCALLISTER, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Re tired Farmer, who died -on. the • twenty-eighth day of May, A. D., 1927, are required to forward their* claims duly proven to the undersign ed on or before the twenty-second;.' day Of June, A. D., 1931. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- - EN that after the said date the Exe cutors will proceed to distribute the- estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. - DATED at EXETER Ont. this 28t‘l£. day of May, A. D., 1931. GLADMAN STANRURY - Exeter and Hensall Executor’s Solicitor^* NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, all creditors and ethers having, claims against the estate of BETSY’ BAGSHAW, late ef the Village Exeter, in the County of Huron,-. Widow, who died on the twenty- , ninth day of (March, A.D., 1931, are required to forward their claims- duly proven to the undersigned on ■or before the twenty-second day of’ June, A. D., 1931. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after the said date the Exe cutors will proceed to distribute the, - estate having rogaru only to the claims of which they then shall, have notice. DATED at EXETER, ONT., thi$ 29th day of MAY A.D., 1931. GLADMAN & STANRURY : Exeter & Hensall1 . * ‘ Executors* Solicitor^*