HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-06-18, Page 2TMVttSDAY, Jl’SB lSth. 1031 THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE 5 ItJ n if h 'l. No increase in the price of *s- SHREDDED la h\Yto 11 WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT There will be no increase in cost, on account of the new sales tax, either to your grocer or to you for your nourishing, economical Shredded Wheat. Delicious with berries and fresh fruits The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. Niagara Falls, Canada his horse was strcuk down by the train and instantly killed. used pro- this i 50 YEARS AGO ' The daily mail between Exeter hnd Kirkton starts on July. 1st, Large quantities of strawberries 5n town at present. They are sold at ten and twelve cents per quart Mr. Thomas Greenwood, ex M. P. for South Huron, has secured the Yegistery office of Rock Lake county for Crystal City and proposes to or­ ient a building shortly to be for this office, . Mr. K. Atkinson, formerly1 •prietor of the Royal Hotel, of place, left on Tuesday for Palmer­ ston, where 1 he intends going into the hotel business. A hail storm, the equal of which is unknown to the oldest inhafoit- tant passed over this place on Mon­ day evening last. Skylights and window panes were broken, trees blown down and considerable fruit destroyed.' Mr. L. Hardy, Reeve, and Mr. fWm. Fenwick left on Monday morn- |ing last for Montreal upon an in­ vitation from Mr. Hickson, manager !of the Grand Trunk Railways, for the purpose Reference to Mr. Jonn 'dy, Mr. B. Pickard and Friday evenin; the Northwest. Goderich and expect to land at their destination on Thursday. On Monday night, as Mr. R. Leathorn was returning home and •while (crossing the railway track a short distance south of this place, of interviewing him in this place. Drew, Mrs. John Ked- JSwenerton, Mr. Wm. Mrs. A. Lake left on g for Manitoba and' They sailed from 25 YEARS AGO A number from here took in the Farmer’s and Teacher’s excursion to Guelph on Friday last. Owing to ill health Mr. W. J. Hawkshaw who has been conducting the hotel at Yellow Grass, Sask., has been forced to give up business In consequence they will return to Ontario to reside in future. Shortly after' noon on Monday, No. 6 Company of Exeter district 33rd Battalion left by special train for darling’s Heigh’ts iat Londjon, under the command of Capt. Ranlce, Lieut, W. J, Heaman and Ser. Ma­ jor Hector for a two weeks’ camp. Mr. J. A. Stewart has this week commenced preparation for the er­ ection of an addition to his already large general store. Word has just been received that Mr. Thos. Young, of Dauphin, -Man., who will -be remembered as having taught in S. S. No. 3 Stephen.and also in S. S. No. 6 Usborne is at present in a very critical state of health. w ... On Wednesday evening last two rinks of Exeter Lawn Bowlers vis­ ited Hensail and had a friendly game with the ■club there. Exeter won by 72 shots. The Exeter line-up was' as follows.: Messrs. W. Blatchford, N. D. Hurdon, F. W. Gladman, Jno. Muir, L. 'Scott, C. B. Snell, W. W. Taman, and Rev. Perkins. Hensall line-up: SmaUauombe, Cantelon, Stewart,' Billings, King, Arnold. Cook and McDonnell. The regular team and the busi­ ness men played a game of baseball on Thursday evening when the regu­ lar team beat the business team by a score of 14-13. The teams were business men: T. Carling, Hoskin, Heaman, Cole, I. Carling, Hawk- shaw, Creech, White, Statham and the regular team was Sanders, Bell­ wood, Knight, Powell, 'Bissett, Sen- oir, Harding, Southcott, Stewart. bookkeeper with T. Hawikins & Son. Mr. Fred Hogarth returned Tues­ day from the West where he has been .for several weeks. Mr. Harry Rowe left Tuesday ev­ ening on a trip to the Thousand Is­ lands to attend a coal convention. Mr. Ed. Triebner motorman with London Street Car, Co. is visit- with his parents. the ing DASHWOOD (intended, for last week.) Mr. Alfred Wild’ passed away Thursday afternoon at the home his brother, Mr. Fell# Wild at the age of 69 years. Ji months and 29 days. He had been iji failing health for sometime. Besides hjs bereaved widow he leaves Ho ‘inoufn his loss one son and two daughters residing in ’Michigan and two brothers, Mr, and Marqus Wild, of Funeral services were on of Felix Wild Dashwood, held on Saturday afternoon in the Lutheran church with Rev, Ness of­ ficiating. Interment took, place in the Bronson Line cemetery, Dashwood Civile' Holiday will be observed on .Friday, June 12th, The school picnic will also be held on that day at Grand Bend. All are in­ vited to come and help give the kid­ dies a good time, Mr, and Mrs. Olaf Pederson at­ tended the fuperal of a friend at Winghani on Friday. Mrs, O. Restemeyer were Satur­ day visitors in London. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Moore, of Seaforth attended the funeral of the late Mr. Alfred Wilds on Saturday. Miss Gladys' Guenther R.N., of Kitchener, is spending a week with her brother, Mr. E- R. Guenther. Miss Taylor, of Hensail, lias ec- cepted a position in the local post office. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Broughton, Billy and Betty and Miss Grace Kel­ lerman, all of Toronto, were week­ end visitors with Mr. and ‘Mrs. J. Kellerman. Mr: and Mrs. Harry Kraft spent the week-end with her parents Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Calfas, Sarnia, are spending a week with latives here and in Mitchell. Dashwood ’Band furnished music for the celebration at Ilderton on June 3rd. Edmund and Rudolph Becker were on a fishing trip near Georgian Bay during the week-end. in of re- . Exeter 2fattr«-Mtwrair lU«t*bll«bed 1878 and HIT Published every Thursday marateBr flt Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—12.00 per yaa< m advance. RATES—Farm or Real Batata fag sale 50c, each insertion for tUH ’ four insertions. 25c, each lubae* quent Insertion. Miscellaneoua ar­ ticles,-To Rent, Wanted, Loll, of Found 10c. per line of *lx wordfl, 10c. per Ilnau 50 c. Legal »<• 8c. per line. D| one verse 6ac**, Rending notice* Card of Thanks ver Using 12 and Memorlam/ with extra verse* 25 c. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Professional Cards GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, M Money to Loan, Investment* Mattei Insurance Safe-Deposit Vault for u*e at ov* Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HEN8AL* CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, LOANS, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office; Carling Block, Mate EXETER, ONT. At Lucan Monday and Thursday 15 YEARS AGO Mr, W G. Medd, of Winchelsea, has purchased a Clinton auto truck for drawing cream. Mr. N. D. Hurdon had a sale of his household effects Saturday and intends spending the summer at Port Frank with his son George. ■Six rinks of bowlers enjoyed a President vs. Past President game on Monday evening, the former side winning by five shots. The line-up: Past President, F. May, J. L. Bur­ well, W. D. Clarke, N. Sheere, T. Boyle, W W. Taman, W. Fuke, N. J. Dore, J. A. Stewart and for the President, F Delbridge, R. N. Rowe, R.-.G Seldon,, ,W ^Rivers, J- A- Mac" Donald, R N.Creech, W. May, T.1 Elliott and C. B. Snell ''Last week Mr. I. R. Carling sold the residence of his brother, the late T. B. Carling, iMain St. to Mr. S. Hfcks, of Usborne. Congratulations are’due Mr. How­ ard Quackenbush, he having passed his examination entitling him D. D. S'. after his name. Miss, Lulu Kestle has engaged as lioli- She year WORRY-SAVING Betty realized one day that day-time was not far off. made a mental note that this she was not going to be bothered with the usual forrisome details. No, indeed, she’d used Ling Distance to settle things on the spot. MRS. HENRY IVISON ' ‘ After -a brief illness Mrs. Ivison passed away at her home west of Kippen in her 71st year. Deceased- was a daughter of the late Robert and ~ ’ ....... “ vice Rev. son is survived by her husband and three daughters; also three sisters. Henry Jane Meilis. The funeral ser- was conducted by the pastor, R. R. Connor, B. A. Mrs, Ivi- DIED AT LUCAN One of the oldest residents of Lu­ can passed way recently 'rd the per­ son of Robert J. McNamee,-after an illness of six weeks. On March 11 last he celebrated his 90th birthday. A family of three sons survive. The funeral service was held from his late residence conducted by Rev. J. J. Brown. Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.B» DENTAL SURGEON Office opposite new Poet Office Main st., Exeter Telephones Office 84w * House MJ, Closed Wednesday Afternoons BANBURY—BURROWS . The United Church, Seaforth, was the scene of an .attractive wedding when Kathleen Francis, elder daugh­ ter of Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. Bur­ rows, was united in marriage to Perley Banbury, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Banbury, Wolsely, Sask. Rev. W. P. Lane, pastor of the church .conducted the ceremony assisted by the bride’s uncle Rev. C'. W, Fore­ man, of Walkerville. Mr, and Mrs. Banbury will reside in Winnipeg. slats’ diary to again and again. HvcryMCi-augii- lin-Buick has the non-clashing Syncro - Mesh transmission and the Engine Oil Temperature Regulator. » N the markets of the Empire, General Motors of Canada, Limited, is re­ spected as a customer of importance, due to its large and varied purchases. This recognition assures the finest of material and large quantity buying brings favorable prices. The extensive purchasing activities tn Canada of General Motors are under +he direction of experienced business men* Sup­ pliers everywhere adhere, closely fo specifi­ cations with meticulous regard for General Motors* high standards of quality. Thus, unusual buying advantages accrue to Gen­ eral Motors arid are quickly passed on to the public. They are definitely reflected in the outstanding advantages and value of General Motors cars. That motorists appre­ ciate this fact is evidenced by the fromen- ( dous and lasting popularity of all General „ Motors Products. These factors have also enabled us to assemble a reputable and Competent body of dealers all over Canada' who render a standardized, reliable service wherever you drive. They also offer you the convenience of buying. on time pay­ ments through General Motors* owrt low rate time payment plan—GMAC. Every one of them stands back of the General Motors Owrier Service Policy, which assures your complete and continued satisfaction. GM22-3O look In the cUnWled p»gei of your phone book tinder ^General Motor*” for th* addragtOfttMHwawdd**l*r Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.Kr DENTIST Office; Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon « CADILLAC * Over 51 models available, rang* ing from the Cadillac y-8 at $3,520, to the Cadillac V-12 at £5,130 and up to the Cadillac V-16 with custom bodies for as much as £15,000. All prices at factory. The world’s finest cars. In matter of colors, upholstery and even body design, these cars can be highly personalized. z MOTORS <{ forward Ift Canadians everywhere are striking jonuard on the rising tide o! a Jresh and vigorous prosperity,. Mid General. Motors pays tribute 'to Canadian aehtcvenieiii with "Canada tin parade"’< an all• Canadian radio hour every Friday GENERAL MOTORS CARS HAVE OUTSTANDING VALUE Friday—-well I aint ben tawking mutcli albtnit this day witch is the ■last day of skool on acct, of I am continueing to re­ main and be in same old class. Teeclier says I have the onner of being the oldest kid that ever was in this class enny ways, well that is sum thing I gess. .Saturday—A ole frend of pa and ma cum to see us today witch ust to go to skool with them. In there younger yrs. be­ fore he preecher. He is ababtist at that ho seams like a fella. ■Sunday—'Lennie Lakes Lennie Lakes has got a new baby'at there house today. It is eather a boy But like cuz DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TCt Office in the old McDonell Bara Behind Jones & May Store , EXETER, ONT. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY ELECTRO-THERAPY & ULTRA* VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE 70 EXET11.MAIN ST., In yrs. be come a but ■real even nice ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For‘Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY ' PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ’ Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. NO. 1, DASHWOOD •and Mrs. or a. girl J dont no yet witfcli. it is 1 of them. It looks to me they are getting Xtr.avagant be- pa says they onley got there ottomoibeel about J paid for. Munday—I dont feel so good nite foecuz Slib Jenkins socked on the bed today with a ball when it was my turn to bat. I never did have much use for him and enny yays I. am all ways a little Suspi- me It use to­ me bat FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex ’ FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction?: 1 Guaranteed EXETER P. O. dr RING 188 shus of enny .buddy which hits over the lied with a Ball bat. was my Bat to. And he can’t it for -suhch playing 110 hiore. Tuesday—Jake and me went a Fishing today and fergot what time it was and we. got home so we just stayed -a cuppie hours longer and by that time ma whs very terribly wir- red and was so glad to sea me that she kist me insted lammin. I gess I that. Wensday—Virgil the Dockter and the dockter told him he must get more Xersize so he li-as went and hot hisself a juice Harp and is lerning to play on Vh’ge Is a hard worker* Thirsday-— well Jim Bunch is a lot of trubble- and docked up jale becuz he shot his mebby she wont get wall it was a terrible misbaik'e. a shooting at. his Mother ah Law, OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Atrtk, tion School. Special course take* in Registered Live Stock (all breed*)} Merchandise, Real Estate, Farni Sales, Etc, Rates in keeping wittf prevailing prices. Satisfaction en­ sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich* or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. of giveihg me a will remember Benson went to it. m in wife and he says .He waft Not Very Often Bill: “Hullo! Hdw’S the been treating you lately?** Yuss: “Very seldom, lofld very seldom?’ world dear CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. Archibald, B.A.’Sc., (Tor.), O.L.S., Registered Professional En­ gineer and Land Surveyor. Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ontario. Only Partially .Sweet Young. Thing to Oculist: “I’ve broken my glasses, do I ha.v<j to be examined all over?” Recipient of the interrogatory:. “No>, just .your eyes.” Well Done Prisoner: “Your Honor, I'm ntero ly a poor half*stewed mail from the West.” t Judge: “I’m a' hard-boiled Cha$ from the East, Thirty days?*