HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-06-04, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THrilSDAY, 4IPOT *». 'Wf
Main Street•Telephone 106
. Annual Recital will be given by
the pupils of Miss Greta Lammie A.,
T. C. M.» assisted by Miss Vera Hud
son, of Seaforth, reader, in the Town
I-Iall, Hensail, Friday, June 12th at
8.15 p‘.m. Admission 2‘5c.
Grand Bend, Thursday,Saturday this week, to
at Grieve’s Drug Store.
back to
Friday and
the lc. Sale
of London,Mr, Milton Orfwein,
spent the week-end at liis home here.
-—Mr, and Mrs. James Bopthrpn
spent Sunday with friends in Han
over.—'Mrs. Thos. Palmer is visit
ing for a few days with friends in
Windsor.—-Rev. Mrs. Naylor, of Lis-
tpwel, spent Monday visiting friends
in town.—Miss Doris Chapman, of
Palmerston, is visiting for a few days
with friends here,'—-Mrs. C. A. Mc-
Donnel is sending a, few weeks with
relatives in Toronto.—Miss Greta
McNaughton, who has been in poor
health is in Toronto taking treat
ments in the interests of her health.
—Mr. Jack .Stacey and girl friend,
Mr, Fred Stacey and Mrs. Stacey, of
Detroit, spent 'the. week-end w[ith
friends here.—Mr. James Tapp, of
M'otreal, is visiting at his home here.
—Miss Nellie Carmichael is spend
ing a few weeks in Exeter nursing
her aunt who is seriously ill.'—.Reeve
Geiger is in Goderich this week at
tending the County Coupcil.—'Mrs.
W. C. Davis is having hydro install
ed in her home. The work is being
done by Mr. Ray Pfaff.—Mrs. Al
onzo Foster spent a few days with
her .father iir Seaforth last week.—
Quite a number from here attended
the concert “Apple Blossom Time”
in Seaforth, Thursday and' Friday
evenings last.—Next Sunday the Odd,
Fellows will attend the services, in
the United Church in the evening.'
A special sermon^will be preached to
the Odd Fellows and a Masonic hymn
will be sung by the congregation.—
The W. M. S. of the United church
will hold their meeting on Thursday
afternoon in the 'basement of the
church. Mrs. A. Sinclair will have
charge of the study.—Quite a num
ber of our citizens were visited by
American relatives on Saturday on
account of Decoration Day in the
States..—Miss Margaret McLaren, of'
London, is visiting her parents on
the London Road.—'Mrs. Tait, of To
ronto, is visiting for a few days at
the home of Mrs. R. Bonthron.—Mr.
Wm. Simpson accompanied by his
mother and sister, of Detroit, spent
the. week-end at the home of Mrs.
Robert Bonthron.—Large crowds at
tended the anniversary services in
the United Church Sunday last’when
the Rev. Mr. Lane, North Side Unit
ed Church, Seaforth, preached very
inspiring sermons both morning .and
evening. The new Hymnary was
used for the first time and special
music was given by the choir. Ip
the morning special parts in the
anthem were taken by Mrs. George
Hess and Mr. W. O. Goodwin and a.
solo “The Lord Is My Shepherd” by
Mr. Sam Rennie. In the evening the
choir was assisted .by a male quar
tette from Mitchell consisting of
Messrs. Jack Skinner, Franklin
Moore, Lorraine Stewart and Dalton
Davidson. The quartette gave
splendid numbers and a solo by
Moore.—Mrs. John Pope,
•spent the winter months
daughters in London and
returned home.
The play entitled “Eyes
was put on in the Town Hall by the
Listcwel Dramatic Club on Monday
./evening under the auspices of the
United Church. The house was well
filled and the play was much enjoy
ed by all. The play was filled with
comedy, patliosoand a thrilling situ
ation and was a beautiful story with
a strong moral and happy ending.
Miss Winnifred Anderson A.T.C.M.
gave very delightful solos ’ between
acts and the Hensall orchestra play
ed before the play.—Mrs. Ed. Shef
fer was a visitor with friends in
Hillsgreen last week.—-Mrs. John
Zuefle spent Monday with friends in
Exeter.—The Young People’s Anni
versary of Carmel Presbyterian
church will be held On June 14th.
Rev. Mr. Goodwill, of Blyth, will
be the speaker of the day and spec
ial music will be given by the choir.
On Monday evening, June 15th, Lan
tern Slides will be given on “The
Wonders of the World,” also a short
program of home talent, admission
2i5 and 15c.—'Mrs. Robert Cameron
is assisting as Librarian during the
absence of Miss G. McNaughton.—
The merchants of Hensall close their
places of business every Wednesday
afternoon during;,the months of June
July and August.—Miss Gibons, of
Clinton, lias joined the. staff of the
Bank of Montreal here as steno
grapher.—Rev. Arthur Sinclair is
attending the Conference at Chatham
this week.—Mr. Robt. Higgins,
•enumerator for the village of I-Ien-
sall is. taking census this week. Jos.
'Hudson is taking the census for poll
ing division No. 1, Hay and Robert
Caldwell for No. 2„ »lay.—Mrs. L.
Hudson is visiting friends in Toron
to this weak.—Mr. Geo. Hawkins is
building a new garage on the prop
erty lie recently purchased on Sotit’a
Richmond St. The work is being
done by Mr. John Coulter.—The
many friends of Mr. Wm. Fraser
will regret to learn he is confined ‘to
liis’ room through illness.—The pu
pils of the entrance class with their
teacher Mr. .Cldude Blowes held a
picnic at Grand Bend on Wednesday
Afternoon. All repo’rt a gcod time.
Minutes of the previous meeting
were read and adopted on motion
of Mickle and Consitt.
Couclllor Consitt reported receiv
ing 100 feet of fire hose recently
purchased from the By-Laterial Fire
Hose Co., of Kitchener, same in good
Bills and accounts were read as
follows: Municipal tVorld supplies,
$2,19; W. Spencer, rebate on Hall
rent, $5.00; By-Lateriai Fire Hose
Co,, Fire Hose, $98,00; C. Volland,
teaming, $2,60; W. Dabus, work at
hall, $300.00; total $116,79. Passed
on motion of Consitt and Spencer.
Mickle and Consitt that the Coun
cil now adjourn until Monday, June
8th, at 8 p,m. Carried,
The Court of Revision on the as
sessment roll was held the same ev
ening; all members of the council
taking the oath except Councillor
Cameron who was absent,
Mickle and Consitt that the Court
of Revision be adjourned until Mon
day, June 8th at 8 p.m. Carried,
James A. Patterson, Clerk
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, In
Zurich, last three days of week.
bacik’ to Grand Bend on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday this week to
the big lc. Sale at Grive’s Drug
of Love”
Mrs. Aggie Schlundt and family.
Earl and Marie from Pontiac, Micli.,
were visitors at the home of Mr. F.
Schlundt over the weeiki-end.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Eckstein, of Jack-
son, Mich., spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Eckstein.—Mr.
and Mrs. Milford Mclsaac and fam
ily were weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. P. Mclsaac.—Mr. and Mrs.
I Raymond Calfas, of Detroit, visited’
with Mr. II. Calfas on Saturday and
Sunday.—rMr. and Mrs. Oscar Hart-
lieb and family, of Detroit were
week-end visitors in town.—Mr. and
Mrs, Elmer Kleindfield, of Detroit,
and Mrs. John Kleinfield, cf Crom
arty spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Link.—Mrs. Wm. Eveland is
visiting in Sarnia.—Miss Gyace
Mr. and Mrs.
‘ Sunday.—Mrs. Geo. Link entertain
ed her Sunday schol class on Satur
day afternoon.—Mrs. E. French at
tended the funeral of Mrs. Geo. C.
Dale, at Seaforth on Tuesday.—Mr.
and Mrs. Boritzki and Mr. and Mrs.
Hudson, of Detroit, visited over the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Willert.—Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elliott
and family, of Milford, Mich, call
ed on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Link on
Saturday.—Mr. J. Link is. visiting
with her daughter Mrs. Jacobs in
Clinton.—Mr. Geo. Palmer is sport
ing a new Chrysler coupe.—'Mrs. C.
Schlundt, Earl and Mary, of Pon
tiac, Mich,, visited Mr. and Mrs. E.
Nadiger over the week-end.—-Mr.
and Mrs. Allemang and family, of
St. Clements, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. E. Nadiger.—Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Schroeder, of
Windsor, visited with the 'former’s
parents Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schroed
er on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Btrome
and son Claire, of Elmira, spent Sun
day in town..—Mr. Reuben Goetz is
attending a meeting of the County
Council in Goderich this week.—Mr.
Chris. Haugh spent a few days in
this vicinity last week.—Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Pfile and Mr. Fred Pfile
of Detroit, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Pfile.—Mr. and
Mrs. Mastervido and Mr. A. Kessel,
of Lansing, visited with Mr. and J.
Kuntz over the week-end. Mrs. A.
Kessel, who has been visiting her
parents returned to her home in
■Ranging with Mr. Kessel.—Mr. and
Mrs. Garnet Jacobi and Mrs. Lydia
Pfile, of Zurich, called on Mr and
Mrs. Hy. Pfile on Sunday.—Mrs. M.
Thomas, of Goderich, and Mr. Mac
Brand, of Detroit, called at the'home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid on Sun
day.—Mrs. J. C. Reid, Laura Mae
and Billie spent Monday in London.
—'Children’s Day in the Evangelical
Church will be observed on Sunday,
June 21st. A special program is
being prepared.—Mr. Henry Becker
Sr. visited Mr. John Gloor, of Lo
gan, who is seriously ill.—(Sunday
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Beck
er were Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Eckstein
and Mr. and Mrs. I.’ Brand, of Kit
chener and Mr. and Mrs. (Jack Fish
er and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thuell,
of Brussels.—Mr. Lorne Tieman has
accepted a position at B'Ob-lo for the
summer vacation.—The annual
Strawberry Festival under the aus
pices of the Ladies’ Aid of the Evan
gelical Church will be held on Mon
day, June 29. Don’t forget the date.
—The Walther League of the Luth
eran Church held a very successful
picnic at Grand Bend on Wednesday.
—Everybody come to the school
DON’T MISS IT—The hl# lc Sale
this week-end, 2 articles for the price
of one, at Grieve’s Drug -Store, nt
Grand Bend, Ontario.
We are pleased to hear that the
milk tested from Wein’s Dairy un
der government inspection through
Dr. lVIisener received a splendid re
Mrs, Susan Girvin, who spent the
Winter months with Mr and Mrs. H.
K. Either, has returned to Lucknow
where she will visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Anderson.—(Mrs. Misener
of London, is visiting with her son,
Dr. C. C. Misener.—Mfrs. Louisa
Schwartz is visiting in Detroit with
her children.—Mrs. Annie Haist and
Lloyd, of Detroit, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hill.
—Misses Eileen and Thelma Lam
port, R. N., of Detroit, accompanied
by Miss Tyne Swompster, R. N, and
Mr. William Benninger spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S, Lam
port.—(Mrs. Lydia Brown is visiting
in Chesley with her daughter, Mrs.
Wm. Damm.—Mr and Mrs. J. Marr
and Miss L. Eiliber, of Cleveland and
Mr. Elgin Eilber and friend, of De
troit spent
of Mr. and
church held
fairly well
served by the ladies was enjoyed by
all. The Melva Concert Company
gave a good entertainment.—Next
Sunday is W. 1VI S. Day at the United
church. The special feature of the
evening service will be slides pictur
ing “The Passion' Play at (Oberam
mergau.” We hope to have Miss L.
Gaiser ,of McMaster University give
a lecture on this play. Everybody
is invited to attend this lecture.—
Mr. and Mrs. -Chester IVIawhinney
and Mabel Fahrner were in Toronto
for a few days.—Mr Henry Eilber
returned home on Monday from Vic
toria Hospital much improved,
hope that he will socn Ibe able
resume his (office duties.
Sunday at the home
Mrs. C. F.Eilber,.—The
social of the United
last Friday evening was
attended. The supper
i to
in Sarnia.—
of Stratford visited with
E. R. Guenther on
on Friday, June 12th.
—■1 ■ ■ ■ ................................................................I I* ................................................................
SERVUS BROOMS, good weight, 5 strings, regular 49c. for 39c.
NO, 1 LARGE NEW POTATOES....................... 5 lbs. for 25c
GOLDEN YELLOW SUGAR......................... •................ 5 lbs. for 27c.
CANDIES: FRESH CHOCOLATES, ASSORTED ....-................ per lb. 39c.
per lb. 25c.FRESH CHOCOLATES, MAPLE BUDS.................
s 2 large tins for 25c.3 tins for 25c.1 lb. tin each 17c,
2 lbs. for 23c.Per lb. 36c.2 lbs. for 19c.
Red & White Shaker Salt Ogilive’s Minute Oats HANDY AMMONIA
cs=2 large pkgs, for 17c.Regular 25c. pkg. for 19c.3 pkgs, for 17c.
ICING SUGAR......................2 lbs. for 15c.
NEW CHEESE...........................per lb. 15c.
JEWEL SHORTENING ... 2 lbs. for 25c.
NUGGET SHOE POLISH .... 2 for 25c.
LARGE SALTED PEANUTS ... per lb. 19c
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis and son
Eber and Mrs. John Sims and Mr.
Delton Lewis of Brinsley spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wein
near Sharon.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hayes and
Slaughter Patsy, of Exeter, spent
Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
Mr. Garnet Rau, of Flint, Mich.,
has returned to his home in Flint
after visiting lii^ parents 'Mr. and
Mrs. Chris. Rau.
Miss Edith Sweitzer, of London,
spent Sunday with her parents Mr.
and 'Mrs. Ed. Sweitzer.
Mrs. H. Hoffman and son Charlie
and Mrs. Norman Heaman and
daughter Vera, spent Sunday with
Miss Verda Hoffman in Kerwood.
Mr. Fred Kerr and daughter Lulu
and girl friend, of London and Miss
1VI. Walker and Mr. Roland M'otz
spent the, 24th in Ingersoll where
Mr. Kerr'attended the annual shoot
ing match and winning 3rd prize.
Mr. and Mrs. .Stuart,Kuhn, of Kit
chener, spent the week-end with the
former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mr. Herb Truemner, of
Michigan, spent the week-end
his father Mr. Dan Truemner
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein.
Hoimull Council
A regular meeting of the village
Council was held Monday evening.
June 1st. All -members were pr^-
ont except Councillor Cameron. The
The basement of the church
busy scene on Wednesday
when a number of the W. M S.
ladies decided to QUilt and two fin
ished qitilts ’and a bale of used gar
ments was the result of their after
noon's work.—Thames Road friends
are planning for their Jubilee, (50
year). Rev. Wm. Gardiner, of Thed
ford will be in charge, of morning
service and Rev. Wm, Montieth the
evening service.—Mr. Hy. Anderson
of Western University, is home for
the summer,—-Miss Helen Morgan
is recovering from an attack of the
mumps.-—A little daughter. has ar
rived to gladden the home- of Mrs.
Cordon McDonald.—Mr. Wm. Mood-
lo is busy these days with his men
and teams widening the Thames Rd.
Next Sunday the W M. S. will have
charge of the service at 10.30 a.m.
Mrs. Layton, of Exeter, will be rhe
speaker for the occasion.—'Misses
Margaret and Mildred Bell, of De
troit, were visitors in the village last
Sunday.—‘Misses Florence Bell and
Maizie O’Reilly playing together on
violins and accompanied on the
piano by Mrs. John Brociklwere heard
on the radio from CJGC London on
Monday evening ad gave very pleas
ing numbers. Elimville is being put
on the map these days.— On Fri
day evening of last week about 2'5
relatives of Mr. Silas Johns met at
the home of Mr. Wm. Johns, it be
ing Mr. Silas Johns’ eightieth birth
day, He was completely surprised
having had not the slightest intima
tion until the last minute that he
was to be feted in any way. The
party, comprising his three brothers
and their wives;; Mr. and Mrs. John
Johns, of Exeter, Mr. add Mrs. Harry
Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Johns,
his own family and grand children
sat own to a Bountiful supper after
which he was presented with a hymn
book. The remainder of the even
ing was spent in social chat and all
had a most happy time together.
—The Live Oak Mission Circle met
at the home'of Miss Elva Horne on
Wednesday, May 27th for their reg
ular monthly meeting. Miss Horne
had charge and opened with ’ the
hymn “God is with us” followed by
prayer by Mrs. (Rev.) White. Roll
call was answered by a verse on
“Flowers.” There were eighteen
members and three visitors present.
The Scripture lesson .from Matt. 25-
3-46 was read by Miss Marjorie Del-
bridge. A reading, “Thy Full Re
ward,” was given by Miss
Herdman. The hymn, “Yield
Temptation” was next sung.
Florence Bell gave a sketch
life of Mr. John Netram, the
missionary of India. Heralds report
ing were Misses Mary Hunter and
Helen Murcli The meeting
with the hymn, “Fight the
Fight,” and prayer/
spent a couple of days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. John MoFalls.—
Mrs. George Thompson was taken
to Victoria Hospital, London on
Wednesday of last week and on
Thursday morning underwent an op
eration for appendicitis, Her many
friends will be glad to know that
she is getting along real well.—Mr.
Truman Mills spent 'Tuesday of last
week with liis parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Mills.—Mrs. Durham, of Brant
ford, is visiting for some time with
Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson.—
A very sociable evening was spent
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Hodgson on Monday evening when
the lady friends >of Miss Mildred Mit
chell gathered there to present her
with a miscellaneous shower in hon
our of her aproaching marriage. Af
ter the arrival of the guests the
bride was brought into the living
room and was seated in a large chair
over which was built an arch artis
tically decorated with spring flowers
■from the centre of which hung a
large white wedding bell. The gifts
were presented to her in two large
baskets which were beautifully dec
prated with white tissue paper and
pink satin streamers, and carried by
Miss Flossie Davey, Mrs. Wm. Skel
ton, Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson and Mrs.
Robert Smith,
many useful gifts
appreciation in a
capable manner.
popular young lady of this commun
ity, she has been pianist in the
church for the past five years and
her presence will be greatly missed;
but her host of friends wish her suc
cess and happinesss.—'The first of a
series of baseball games will be play
ed on the Crediton ball field' on Fri-
day evening, June 5th between Cred
iton and Centralia. This is the first,
of the league games and we hope
Our baseball fans will come along
and help the players out. with a few
good cheers.—Mr. and Mrs. M. Slea-
mon spent the holiday visiting w'ith
relatives in Toronto.—Miss Laura
Knight, of London spent last week
end at li^r home here.—Mr. and Mrs.
E. Thompson and daughter, of Lon
don, spent Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Parsons.—-Miss Evelyn
Clarke spent the holiday at her home
in Goderich.—Mr. and Mrs. E. Car
ruthers, of London, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. George iBayn-
Mildred received
and expressed her
very pleasing and
Mildred is a very
Emerg-Frayne, Mrs. B. Williams;
ency Fund Committee, Mrs. W. Eth-
erington, Miss Nora Oke,
Rowcliffe, Mrs. S. McQueen;
Mrs. 1VI. Beckler, Mrs.
pianist, Miss Reta Oke.
The annual picnic is to be held at
Grand Bend on July 16th. In clos
ing the meeting the National Anthem
was sung,
half-hour over
by the Misses
A. McTaggart,
Nora Oke and
The June meeting will be held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hicks.
Roll Call, “My Favorite Flower for
a Bouquet.”
Mrs. L.
W. Wood;
Then followed the social
the tea-cups, served
Oke assisted by Miss
Mrs. S- Mitchell, Miss
Mrs. B. Williams.
Mr. J. Hanover has returned home
after spending the past week with
friends in Kinkora.—Mr. and Mrs.
Fred -Stuntz, of Buffalo, are visiting
with Mr. and Mrs J. Ratz.—-IMiss F.
Hanover and friend spent Monday
in Thedford.—Miss Rose Dietrich is
spending a few weeks with friends
near Zurich.—Miss M. Knight spent
the weekend at her home near
Strathroy.—Mr. and Mrs. Louis Held
and son, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vogle1
and son and Mrs. Snider, all of Wat
erloo, spent the 24th with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Hanover.—Miss Bernice
Nee-b is spending a few weeks with
her sister, Mrs. G. McDonald, of the
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Mason.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Ratz and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sluntz called on
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hanover Saturday
Road.—Mr. R. Stebbins,
Irene and Earl Stebbins, and
Florence Hanover motored to
Huron on Saturday.—Mr. and
H. Shade, of London,
not to
of the
•The Sunday morning service
be in charge of the W.1VI.S.
will be special music by the choir
and by the Mission Band girls. Mrs.
A. V. Robb will give her report of
the Branch Convention which was
held in St. Thomas.
Mr. Charles Atkinson, of Detroit,
The May meeting of the Hurondaie
W. I. was held at the home of Mr. G.
Oke and the Misses Oke, twenty-five
ladies 'being present. Tlie President
Mi’,s. R. Kestle conducting the meet
ing in her capable way. , The meet
ing began in the usual way by sing
ing “The Institute Ode” and repeat
ing the Lord’s Prayer in unison. As
this was the annual meeting with
several items of business to deal
wTtli, reports to hear and election of
officers, there was no program. Miss
Nettie Keddy, our painstaking secre
tary read the financial statement for
the year just ending. It was very
gratifying to all to hear what had
been done by a band of rural women
and girls foi* the good of home and
country. Mrs. W. Etherington con
venor of the Emergency Fund Com
mittees, reported having sent many
bouquets of flowers, plants and boxes
of fruit to sick ones, and several
gifts given to brides-to-be along with
the Institutes best wishes. Mrs. M.
Beakler and Mrs. R. Squire, auditors;
reported finding, the books correct.
Beginning a new year again we are
on the way to a good start lead by
the electing of the following officers:
President, Mrs. R. Kestle; 1st Vice
Pres., Mrs. Gordon Bolton; 2nd Vice
Pres., Mrs. A.
Wedding bells will soon be ring
ing in this community.—(Mr. and
Mrs. Hector Millson, of London,
called on their cousins, Mr .and Mf»r
Geo. Millson on Sunday.—Miss Al
ma Parkinson spent a couple of days
at'Niagara Falls last week.—Mr. G.
Lewis, oif Prospect Hill, spent Sun
day at the home of Mr. F. .Squire.—'
Miss Edna iSquire is spending a few
days at Lucan with her friends,
Mrs. 'Stanley.—Mr. and Mrs. George
Arksey were in London on Monday.
—Mr. and Mrs. Woodward, of Strat
ford, Mr. and Mrs. H. Foster,, of
Winchelsea, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson.—(Miss
Sadler spent tlx.® weekend at her
home in Staffa.'—Mr. Wes Shier and
Gladys, of Woodham, also Mrs. Den
ham, of Bridgeburg, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson.
Rundle; Secretary-
Miss N. I. Keddy; Assistant
Secretary, Mrs. W. Jeffery; District
Director, Mrs. A. Cudmore; Branch
Directors, Mrs. •$. McQueen, Mrs, A.
Moir, Miss H. Keddy, Mrs. E. Mit
chell; District Representatives, Mrsj
R. Kestle, Mrs. A, Cudmore^ Mrs. C\
A very pleasing event of a cour
teous character occurred on Friday
evening at the home oif Mr. and Mrs.
George G. Wilson when a number of
(Norma’s friends' surprised her by
presenting her with a beautiful floor
lamp. An address was read by Miss
Marze-tta Sadler which mentioned
Miss Wison’s long service and will
ingness to help on all occasions in
the choir also her services in the
Sunday School, Miss Wilson was
appointed as teacher oif the infant
class when a very young girl and has
taught some of these girls in succeed
ing classes up to the present time.
Miss Vera Leary made the presenta
tion bn behalf of the choir and Sun
day School after which Miss Wilson
made a very fitting reply. After en
joying some games the visitors pro
vided a very dainty lunch after which
they joined in wishing Norma all the
blessings possible in her new home.
. It is not necessary that you should
’lie to got your life insurance. You
can enjoy in , person th.? fruits of
votir own thrift. Ernest C. Harvey,
LARGE JUICY ORANGES . per doz. 39c.
KOLONA COFFEE, real good per lb. 29c.
CROWN TEA is good...............per lb. 39c.
Red and White Toilet Tissue 3 rolls for 23c
GOOD QUALITY PEAS No. 4 3 tins 25c.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Veal were in
'Kitchener last Tuesday. They were
accompanied as far as .Stratford by
Mr. and Mrs. H. Foster.
We .are sorry to hear that Mr. R.
E. Pooley js confined to his bed
again with an attack of quinsey.
Mr. Ted Packman, who was- em
ployed with Mr. George Bailey for
the past two years left last week: for
his home in Scotland.
Mrs.- R. W. Batten visited in St.
Marys one day last week.
Mrs. C. Godibolt visited with her
sister one the Base Line in Blanshard
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Batten visited
with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten on
Mrs. Carruthers, -of Toronto, is
with Mrs Wm. Atkinson.—-Mrs. Mc
Donald has returned home after
spending a few weeks in Meatord,
her sister accompanied her.-—The.
Kirkton ball team had two' games
this week. On Monday they played
St. Marys Junction and the score was
6-4 in favour -of Kirkton. On Thurs
day they went to Anderson and were
defeated with the score of 4-3—•
Mrs. David Hazlewood spent the
week-end with friends at Seaforth.
—Quite a number of Anglican la
dies were in London this week at
tending the W. M S. convention.—•
A number -of the ladies of the W.I.
was at Staffa on Thursday attend
ing the District^ Convention. —The
Parsonage board of the United
church met at the -parsonage on Fri
day and brightened things up with
a .coat of paint.
Notice! The date of the ‘Straw
berry Festival in the United Church
is June 17th instead of June 19th aS)
reported last week.
Rev. S. J. Mathers M.A., conduct
ed Anniversary Services in his hon\e
town of Palmerston on Sunday. Hiss
Work on this charge was taken by;
Rev. Ballantyne. ,
• Next Sunday the new Hymnary
will be used for the first time in
the United church service.
Mr.. and Mrs. Manford Belling, o£‘
Detroit, visited his parents Mr. and.
Mrs. H. Belling.
We congratulate Miss Helen Me-
Linchey on winning the §5.00 prize
for MicGillWray township in the re
cent E^say Contest. .We understand
that Nathalie- Hutchinson and Nola
Isaac were deserving of honorable
-.Mrs;. C< Woodburn, has been .quite
ill with "the flu butjs somewhat" im-
‘proved. ' '
Mrs*. Gollen was on
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Port Huron spent the
Lloyd Gratton has
Willis Hotson.
Mr, C. Mason, Mr. F. Nickles and
Mr. W. Bullock went to Orillia, last
week to work on the highway.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Prance, of Win-
chelsea and Mr. and Mrs. J. Gar
diner, of Shipka, visited Mr. and'
Mrs. Thos. Bullock on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bullock and Mrs.
T. Bullock visited friends in Exeter
and Creditoii last week.
Mrs. Sherritt motored to Clinton
with Mr. and Mrs. H. Harlton
visited Mr. and Mrs. Turner on
The assistant staff of officers
teachers in the United church school
wore in charge last Sunday after
noon and will do the same the last
Sunday in November.
The petition for world disarma
ment that is being sponsored by the
women of the world, was signed by.
145 persons boro, , . '
Mr. John Shank is sporting a uew
car. . ‘Utt
the sick 1'isb
Wellman, of
holiday here,
been visiting