HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-06-04, Page 2Thu me w PATHFINDER TREAD COOD/TVEAP lot of — the Pathfinder Tread Goodyear. We know all that it does to lead its class by miles—-thou­ sands of miles. The tread means safety— the carcass long mile­ age—and the name quality that no other tire of its kind can equal. WE think a this tire We want you to see it. Come in and price your size. You’ll be sur­ prised. W. J. Beer PHONE 109 Exeter,Ont. 50 YEARS AGO The census enumerators of South Huron have completed their work and handed in the returns to. Mr. R. Porter,, the commissioner. Rev. Mr. Holmes preached a fare­ well sermon prior to his ence which is don Hast week Dublin, sold steers of his own raising to Mr, Jas. Oke, of Exeter, for ket. The steers pounds, and were per pound, In the report of we notice that Mr. 3rd prize in the men’s foot race 100 yards; yards; race, The and improvement of the Bible Chris­ tian church has been given to Dyer & Howard, carpenters and Mr. Geo. I-Ieaman, mason. The wool season has opened. From 22 to 25c, a pound is being paid by local buyers at present, At 10 o’clock Saturday morning the grain store- situated on. the L. H. & B. R. at Clandeboye, rented and occupied by O. G. Hersey, grain dealer, was discovered to be on fire. About 3,000 bushels about 100 bushels of sumed by fire. The Hensail salt have commenced operations and the work is progressing satisfactorily. Exeter firemen are competing tin a demonstration being held in Strath­ ray on the 9th inst when eleven other cities and two towns will take part. Perkis-Pollock-At the B, C. par­ sonage, Crediton, on the 25th by the Rev. J. W. Butcher, Mi-, Chas. H, Perk-ins, of St. Marys, to Miss Madeline L. Pollock, of Exeter. • in the B. C. Church, departure for Confer- now in session in Lon- Mr, Joseph Kidd, of twelve two year-old the English mar averaged sold at six 1,530 cents races THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE 2nd in the and 3rd in cantract for the Clinton R. Abraham took men’s race, 200 the quarter mile the enlargement of wheat and peas were con- well company also inst. business in Lansdowne, Leeds Co., and is there now looking after the business, Mrs. Lutz, left Tuesday ev* oping for her new home. •Mr. Abe Dearing, Sr., of Stephen, on Monday purchased the house and land on Huron street which was put up for sale by public auction being the estate of the late Thomas Welsh, •On Tuesday evening the baseball boys organized with the following officers: Hon. Pres., A- Q. Boibier; Hon. Vice-Pres., N. D. Hurdon; pres, J. J. White; Vice-Pres., Harold Bis­ sett; Secretary-Treasurer, E. H, Powell; Manager, R, N. Creech; Captain, Tom Carling. The annual meeting o the Exeter branch of the Women’s Institute was held in ‘Senior’s Hall when the elec­ tion of officers took place with the following results: Hon. Pres. Mrs. Johns; Pres., Miss Halls; secretary, Mrs, Hastings; Directors, Mesdames Manson, Howard and Treble; Audit­ ors, Mesdames Christie and Stanbury Librarians, Monroe er, Mrs, Amos. Mesdames Powell organist, Miss'Lewis; McInnis; Pres. Corres,, and lead- Mrs. YEARS AGO WITH ALL THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT PHONES FROM VANCOUVER slats’ diary Friday—well it wassent very ples- ent at are house this evning on acet­ ol’ the way pas is giving way to his feelings here of lately. Ma was tawking about be­ fore they weiit and got marry ed to each other another evry thing was rite until Ma to pa My but did luk stupid when you purpos­ ed to me. and pa replyed and ans­ wered Well I shud of. i went to bed erly. Saterday—Well we was a prack- tissing baj?e ball and I fergot it was supper time and pa had promised me I shu-d mow the yd. this p.m, and all and all he wassent in a very good yumer when I returned back home and he tuk me out in the gar- rige with a rasor strap, in his hand and' sed it wood hint him wirzen it wood me, and I sed Now pa it is time you begin to consider yure own age & well fare. But I dont -beleave it helped me very mutch having kind thots for uthers. Sunday—Cuzzen Ez cum to see Ant Emmy today and he marryed to a woman witch is ri'tch but very yery mean and Ant Emmy was- simpetise- ing with him and sed Why o why did you marry this woman for her money Ez and Cuzzen Ez replyed that he tryd evry uther way he cud think of but failed. To get the money I supose. Munday—well we had .a empos­ sible sitchuation at are house tonite when Mrs. Glitch and Mrs. Flitch both cum at the same time. Both of them has just got over a, operashun at the hospittle. Teusday—Ant Emmy js very thrif- fty. Today they was a cheep sail on difrunt kinds of'* writeing paper and she got a big box of paper with blaciki edges and inveljups. I ast her was enny body dead of are re- la'shun and she. sed no but it a s'inch they will be, 1 of thesed'ays. Her mottoe is perpaif for the hereafter. Wensday-—Joe Gush has ben mar­ ryed to sevral women and pa ast him how he was getting along with the al'lamony and Joe sed Well he had got them drawing in alfalbettickle order now so he was making pro­ gress. Thirsday—Mrs. Gillein called ma and ■ sed sumbudd# had throwed a old scarecrow over in our back 'yd. Ma and me went to look and it was pa laying under the cherry tree, we dident tell him what Mrs. G-illef had sed. But ma looked like she wood haf to laff. , . Canadian Shredded Wheat in 100% Canadian grain. Eat TWO Shredded Wheat Biscuits a day 'and help Canadds Prosperity, from Mr. John Rowe, Con, 2, and also fifty acres adjoining Mr. Henry Smith. Brighten the breakfast with berries. “I pile luscious red straw­ berries on our Shreddedt Wheat Biscuits and theii pour cream dr whole milk over them. The flavory shreds blend with the juices of the berries in such a way as to stimulate the most jaded appetite, Shredded Wheat i» so heal thf ul and wholesome/* 15 Mr. Nelson Stanlake on’ Thursday disposed of his 100-acre farm in the Township of Hay, situate -on the Lake Road to Mr, Isaac Dunsford of the Township of Stephen. Mr. Stan­ lake the same day purchased fifty acres Hay, from Mr. Sherwood Hunter, of Usborne, had two valuable milch cows killed by lightning on Saturday afternoon. The election oif officers for the ensuing term took place in Exeter Lodg No. 67 I. O. O. F. on Tuesday evening: N. G. Brother T. C. McLeod V. G., Frank Triebner; Fip. Sec., W. Johns; R. S., R. N. Creech; Treas­ urer, E. M. Dignan; Dist. Rep., Dr. Kinsman; W. J. Statham; Rep., to Grand Lodge, Wilbur Martin. , Mr. John Scott,, who na.s been con-' ducting the creamery here l'or a num­ ber of years, last week sold the busi- nss and premises to Mr. W. G. Medd, who conducts the Winchelsea cream­ ery. Mr. James Walters left yesterday for the Canadian Soo and from there he will go to visit his daughter, Mrs. Graham, at Elam, .Sask. Mr. A. C. Moir, station agent "-at Stanley, Alta, and his wife and two children are visiting with relatives, 'in and around Exeter. Mr. James Walters has disposed of his terrace dwelling on Albert St. to Mr. Ambrose Cottle. Use a new Pathfinder Tube fef; tire insurance. 25 YEARS AGO Mr. Samuel Sanders is the first to report ripe strawberries in his garden, having them as early as Sat­ urday last. Melville Howey, Phm. B., who re­ cently graduated at the Pharmacy College, Toronto, is now engaged with his brothei' W. S. Howey in the drug store here. Mr. E. McTaggart, of Allanford, formerly of Exeter, has been .appoint­ ed station- agent at Blyth, to succeed Mr. C. W. Vail, who last week mov­ ed to London. Dr. Lutz, who left here some time has purchased a drug store FOR HOUSES^ALL BUILDINGS Put it on with LED - BED NAILS NO MORE DlStAPPOINTNLENTS “Going home!” sang Lou to her­ self; “Going home!”' echoed rails as she sped along. the Oh, how grateful she was for that last-min­ ute telephone call which made this trip possible! Long Distance so of­ ten saved her from missing happy times/ Illustration showsPrestonLed- ,Hed Nail. Note how lead.on head of Led-Hed Nail seals nail-hole, making it completely ^weatherproof. Note generous ^overlap of Rib-Roll. Preston Led-Hed Nails are colored to match the roofing. We also make: Galvanized Rib-Roll and Cor­ rugated Sheets Preston Led-Hed Nails Preston Steel Truss Barns Garages and Storage Buildings Preston Galvanized Tanks Majestic Verti-Fold Garage . DoOrs< Colored Ridgd Colored Flashing Colored Gutter . Colored Eave Trough • Conductor Pine Finials Ventilators Build for beauty with utility. Colored Rib-Roll beauti­ fies and saves. To the durability of galvanized iron Colored Rib-Roll adds the beauty and appeal of color, as applied by our own special process. It cannot warp, shrink, peel, crack, curl or bulge. It is permanent. Properly grounded according to the Ontario Lightning Rod Act, Colored Rib-Roll gives complete lightning protection. It is positively fireproof. Flying fire-brands burn themselves out harmlessly on this fire-proof roof. Can he laid easily and speedily over old shingles. The saving of time apd labor makes it less costly than other roofings. COLORED RIB-ROLL ROOFING Factories uho • Toronto and Montreal' 105 Guelph St., Preston, Ont. Write today for sample of Colored Rib-Roll, suggested color schemes ana useful ropfing booklet. i Stephen Council The Township of Stephen Court of Revision to hear and determine appeals-against the 19 31 Assssment Roll, was held in the Town Hall in Crediton on May 26th, 1931 at 2 p.m. All members were present. After each had taken the oath, the following appeals were disposed of: F. F. Fuller’s assessment was lower­ ed to $S00; The Canadian National Railways’ Assessment was lowered $100; Jos, Mahoney’s Assessment was lowered, to $4700; The estate of William Pfaff, deceased, Assessment ■was lowered $400; appeals of Simon Morlock and Mrs. .. Norh Maloney were dismissed. A number of dogs were added in the different Police Villages. The Court then adjourned and the Council opened for general business. The minutes of the previous meet­ ing were read and adopted. Moved by Mr. H. C, Beaver, sec­ onded by Mr. Wesley Dearing: That By-law No. 453 to rebate the sur­ plus money pro ratla oil hand to the owners of lands in the Township of Stephen with reference to the con­ struction of The Gaiser Drain, hav­ ing been read three times, be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and -the Seal of the Corporation at­ tached thereto. Carried. Moved by Mr. W. H. Sweitzer, se­ conded by Edwiard Gill: That the fol­ lowing pay sheets and orders be passed: Lewis Slchenk, Madden, Lovie, road 20, $42.75; total $101,- 1 10; Sundry persons, rebate of sur­ plus re Gaiset Drain $195.49 Joseph Guin’ah, postage $3.00; Merritt Thompson’, claim re accident on the Town Line, Stephen & McGillivray, $10.00; Hydro Electric Bower Com. account $6.75; Matthew England, sheep killed by dogs, $8,00; Joseph’ Guiiian, sheep valuator $2.00. Car.- •The Council adjourned td meet again In: the Town Hall, Crediton, Ort Monday, D. 1931., at Davey, road 3, $5.60; Hy. road 6, $50.35; Michael road 11, $2.40; William P. the 6 th d'ay of July A. 1 p.m. Henry Ellber, Clerk I’ Mr. and Mrs. ‘William Brownlee, of Lucan, had the pleasure of ans­ wering a telellpone call from their daughter, Mrs. Percy S. Ryan, of Vancouver, B.C., on the eve of Mr. Brownlee’s 79th birthday, on May 26 1931; also their son, W. E., and his wife on the 4tli con. of Biddulph Tp. said “Hello.” The long distance call from Vancouver to Lucan is about ‘ 3,400'dniles; and they report that her voice was very clear and distinct for the long distance Brownlee is a native of Usborne- Tdl Mrs. Brownlee is a native of Bid— dulph T'p. For 36 years they Iia.v© lived where they now. reside, out their fiarm, boundary con. 4 and 5, Biddulph Tp. near Lucan. They acet now getting on in years; Mr. Browm- lee being 79 and his wife 75. They are both enjoying very good health,;' and their children in extending con­ gratulations and best wishes to this yery -esteem^ble couple.—Lucart News.. ' ! j!-' §©re are.a few the rases of xpLYPROC fireproof wallboard is manu- factured from gypsum rock. It comes in sheets that are 4 to 10 feet long, 4 feet wide and % of an inch thick* It costs little, nails and cuts like lumber, has structural strength and insulation value. It is Canada’s premier rfiaterial for lining alljinterior walls, ■ ceilings and partitions. Ashf.your dealer for a Gyproc direction sheet, It gives full details. Store ceilings Basements Warehouses Barns Attic rooms Fruit cellars Making old rooms nev/ Store windows Dressing rooms . i Rest rooms Offices Partitions Garages Under cornice Dairies Summer cottages ■Factories Kitchens Poultry houses Farm offices Harness rooms Sheathing Ceilings Walls Sun porches Covering old plaster Picture theatres Approved by Fire Chiefs Approved by Building Inspectors 372 GYPSUM, LIME and ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Faris Ontario I r Fife proof Wallboard For Sale By Exeter Lumber Company, Limited A. Spencer & Son • Exeter, Ont. Hensail, Ont. * ('< ■ ’ )