HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-05-28, Page 8MAY 588tht 1031 PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING ’ S. BOARDMAN, of London, will ho in Exeter on Tues­ day, June 2nd. Or­ ders left with gam. Martin will receive prompt attention, 4,1 years with HeinUman Co. and Gerard Heintzmaii, 20 years ex­ perience. Mrs. John Moir is on the sick list» Dr. Wni. Lawson spent the 24th under the parental roost. Mr. Wilfred Turnbull, of Toronto, spent the holidays with his mother, Mr. S* J. Hicks, of Toronto, visit­ ed with relatives in town over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, M, Long and son Elmore visited in Owen Sound over the- holiday. Mr. Eber Hogarth and son Wil­ liam, of Hamilton, spent the holiday With relatives. Mr. Harry Cole, who is attending the Canada Radio College in Toron­ to spent the week-end at his home here. & Mr. and Mrs, Guy Jacobs and daughter, of Oak Grove, Mich, spent last week visiting in Clinton and Kit­ chener. Dr. G. F. and' Mrs. Roulston left on Monday for Toronto where the former will attend the annual Den­ tal Convention. They were accom­ panied by Mrs. J. S. Grant and Mrs. W- J. Beer. Dp You Know— ■That there were 524 fatal and 6167 non fatal accidents reorted in the province of Ontario pi 1930. These‘figures comprise about 50 per cent, of the total number of accidents from all causes reported an Ontario last year. These figures indicate the necessity for some form of Insurance protection. Our office is in the position to furnish you with this protection at extremely low cost. It it is insurance we have it. There is no line of insurance we do not write. I gB. M. FRANCIS “The Insurance Man” Office: Main Street, Exeter Phones: Office 44 Res. 164 JHADF HOLIDAYS We, the undersigned merchants of the Village of Exeter agree to close our places of business each Wednes­ day afternoon at twelve o’clock be­ ginning Wednesday, June 3rd, and continuing through the months of June, July, August and until Sep­ tember 9 th. Jones & May Southcott Bros. ■ ; ■Chainway Stores Ltd. Traquaii* & Lindenfield S. Martin & Son W. IV. Taman Garnet Flynn Grigg Stationery Company Jos. Senior H. S. Walter W. J. Beer Elmore Harness E. R. Hopper J. S. Dignan & Son Hillary Horton B. W. F. Beavers G. A. Hawkins F. Rabethge S. B. Taylor Miss V. G. Essery Miss G. M. Armstrong R. N. Rowe C. E. Severns Norman Hockey John Hockey THE DASHWOOD PLANING MILL I now have a full line on hand. If you intend doing any building or remodelling, please give me a . call or come and see me. I am selling at the lowest possinre prices espec­ ially doors, sash, frames; also all kinds of fir flooring, veneered hard wood flooring and all other kinds of lumber. I also have several hay racks) and wagon i»joxes made, up .selling at $20.00 each. I carry a full line of cedar .shingles and as­ phalt shingles and am in a position to supply the carpenters or any con­ tract if necessary and can assure prompt delivery. THOS. KLUMPP COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF EXETER Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Village of Exeter will hold its first meeting in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday, June 1st, 1931 at seven-thirty o’clock p.m. Jos. Senior, Clerk, Exeter, Ont. LOST—A lady’s fountain pen and pencil set, iblue colored with gold •mountings. Reward. Mrs. B. R. Bartow,- Exeter. ltc If you wish to buy or Sell a farm house sse it. E. Pickard, Exeter. .TRACTOR PLOWING AND DISC­ ING—‘Distance no object for reason­ able amount of work.—Wm. Brad* shew, Elimvine. 4-2-tfn. Place your order with J. S. Dig- nan & Son for invincible Wire Fenc­ ing! and gates. Bring your harrows in early, ■ ' ................................. ....... Exeter Markets Wheat, 65c. Oats, 26c. Barley 30 c. Bran $1.05 Shorts $1.05 ■ Low grade flour $1,20 Welcome Flour $2.30 Model Flour $2,50 Manitoba Flour $2.60; Creamery Butter, 25 c. Dairy Butter 20c, and 21c, Eggs Extras, 15 c, # Eggs; firsts 12c, Eggs, seconds 10c, .11 III 11 III bl I II III I || c II I! Ji 1)1 )*"lllI UH. , I IMjlWI* ■ •' * e-—- '—■*-------—locals { _______ j ------------------------- Good sonnd” malting barley want­ ed. Harvey Bros. Mr. Thos. Harton, of London, vis­ ited in town oh Monday. I Mr. Lewis Aid worth is holidaying in Kitchener with his sons, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell and Marion spent the holidays in St. Thomas. M’r. George Beavers, of Toronto spent the holidays under the parent­ al roof. Miss Grace Anderson, of London, spent the week-end with Miss Bernice G oilings. Miss P.urvis, of Toronto, spent a few days at the home of Mrs. T. McCurdy. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bradt and family of London, spent Sunday and Mon­ day in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Statham and Lois spent Sunday and Monday with Miss M. Horney. M’r. and Mrs. H. C. Carey spent the week-end with friends at Port Albert and Goderich. Mrs. Murray Holtzman, of Detroit, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebner, of Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis and fam­ ily, of Waterford, spent the holiday with relatives in town. Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher were in To­ ronto on Thursday where the doc­ tor attended a convention. Mr. Jack Gilbert, of Toronto, vis­ ited over the 24'th at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Brokenshire, of Fergus, spent the holiday With relatives in Exeter and Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heideman and children, of Toronto, visited with the former’s parents over the 24th. Messrs Baden Ppwell and Jack Vanstone, of Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis on Sunday. Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Down spent the twenty-fourth with Mr. Down’s Sisters, the Misses Down, of London. Dr. D. A. and Mrs. Anderson and son Norman, of London, visited on I Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Fitton. ' Mrs. A. Gillies,’ of Hamilton, vis­ ited over the holiday with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Har­ vey. Mrs. A. Brown and Mrs. 'J. T. Fulller and daughter, of Sarnia, vis­ ited with Mrs. Jno. Snell -over the 24th. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gillies and son Bobbie, of Hamilton, spent the holi­ day with Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin and relatives. Miss Ruth Moorhouse, who has completed her year at Victoria Uni­ versity Toronto, is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. A. E.’ Buswell and family, of Lucknow, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harvey over the. holiday. Mrs. Thos. Jones left Wednesday morning to visit with her daughter Mrs. F. B. Rice, of Brantford, for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F. I-I. Neil and Mrs. R. G. Johnston, of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. -and Mrs. J. H. Jones- on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Norton, Mrs. J. W Johnston, Mr Stuart Johnston, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mrs H. K. Hyndman. Miss Muriel Hogarth, of Windsor, and Miss Janie, of London, spent the holiday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogarth. Miss Hilda Quinton, Mrs. Leslie Potter, Miss Gilbert and Mr. Adams, all of Woodstock, were week-end visitors with Rev. E; L. and Mrs. Vivian. { Mr. and Mrs. H. T Rowe and daughter, Miss Mildred and Mrs, J. G. Jones spent the holidays visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John May of Tor­ onto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis and son Donald, of Toronto, spent the holidays at thte home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonald and other rel­ atives. Mrs. McKittrick son and daugh­ ter, of Toronto', visited with the former's mother Mrs. Lamport at tile homo of Mrs. Marshall over'the 'holiday, • ' Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fuik'e moved last •Week to their new home in Lem- dob and Mr, Thos. Coates has mov­ ed into the residence ho recently purchased fi’om Mr, Fuke, Mr. and Mrs. H. Skelly and daughter, Miss G. Ward, MisS Mae Sprague, Mr. G. Thompson and Stan­ ley Ward. al! of London, spent the week-end with Dr,- and Mrs, Z Ward, THE EXETER TIMEJLADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, M. A, Minister Miso Lena Coates, A.L.O.M., Organist 10 a.m.—-Sunday School 11 a.m.-—“Vallant-For-Truth’* We welcome, the Exeter Girl Guides to the morning service." 7 p.m.—-“When the South Wind Blew” Thursday, May 28th, at 8 p-m.—1 Special evening service when Rev. Frank Baird D.D., Moderator of the General Assembly, will preach Sunday, June 7 th, “Every Presby­ terian Go-To-Church Sunday,” Big Thrift Sale Just THREE days more to secure goods at these special prices. Hundreds of people are taking advantage of these money savers. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader A SPECIAL MISSIONARY DAY 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—“The Call of a World Task.’ 7 p.m.—“Let’s go somewhere else” N. B.—Please note the change of hour for Sunday School. An ur- gen request is made to all weekly subscribers to see that their sub­ scriptions are paid up to date. Will those who give annually please make an effort to contribute on Sunday. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.-’—“One successful course for the church to follow.” 3 p.m.—'Sunday School 7 p.m.—“What is your trouble? A way of escape.” 8 o’clock Thursday Prayer Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Men’s Union Wednesday even­ ing of next week. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH ~ Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Trinity Sunday 9.30 a.m.—’Confirmation Class 10 a.m.—Suiiday School 11 a. m.-y- Morning Prayer Subject—“The Likeness, of God” 7 p.m.'—Evensong Subject—“God and the Universe” S.1’5 p. m.—Confirmation Class. Miss Muriel Howald, of London, was home for the holiday. Miss Gladys Hunkin, of London, spent the holiday in town. Mr. Alex Elliott, of Moncton, vis­ ited in town on the holiday. Mr. V, L. Roulston, of London, spent the holiday with his parents. Mr. Harry West, of Sarnia, spent Sunday and Monday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Arto Delve and little daughter, of Forest, spent the holi­ days in town. Mr, and Mrs. K. Werner, mf Lon­ don, spent the holidays at the home of Mrs. D. Russell. Mr. H; Creech has finished his tenn at Western University and is home for the holidays Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper add Mr. and Mrs. Ulric Snell motored to Detroit for the holiday, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kernick and family, of Toronto, motored up and spent the holiday in town. Miss Evelyn Howard, of Listowel spent the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Routledge and Children, of Hamilton, visited in Ex­ eter and'Zurich for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. John Pryde and family, of Windsor, spent the holi­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pryde. •Mr. T. S. Neale, of the Bank of Montreal staff, Hamilton, spent the holidays in Exeter and Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Eaton, of Tor­ onto, visited with the former’s broth­ er, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Eaton over the holiday. M'r. and Mrs. B. M. Francis and Mr. James Francis motored to Bright and spent the holiday with the lat­ ter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Piper, of Fres­ no, California, arrived in Exeter on Monday and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sillery. Mrs. E. A. Marshall, ,wflio has spent the winter with her daughter Mrs. H. C. Wilkin, at Iroquois has returned home for the summer, Miss Gertrude Stewart, of Toron­ to spent the holidays at her home here. Miss ^Stewart is leaving for Oshawa where she lias secured a. position. Mr, Edgar Lowry, of Welland add Miss “Paddy” Padbury, of Tor­ onto, motored up and spent the holi­ day with’the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. En Lowry. . Miss OliVe Wood R. N., Of Toronto is spending the holidays at the,homo of her parents; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood, of Vsborne. Mr. Harold Wood of Chatham, was home for the hoiL day, I 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT MEN’S SUITS Every suit at 10 par cent, discount dur­ ing this big sale, MEN’S COTTONADE PANTS Thrift Sale Price .................... $1.29 BOYS’ BLOOMER SUITS Sizes 30 to 34. Sale Price each $3.98 MEN’S ATTACHED COLLAR SHIRTS Thrift Sale Price . ................. 89c. BLUE CHAMBRY SHIRTS Large size, Thrift Sale Price ................S9c. BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS & DRAWERS Thrift Sale Price .................................... 59c. MEN’S BLACK OXFORDS Regular $5.00. Thrift Sale Price .... $3.98 HEAVY WORK SHOES Thrift Sale Price .......................... $2.59 LADIES’ SILK AND CREPE DRESSES Values $16.50, Thrift’ Sale Price .. . $2.98 NEW PRINTS Regular 25c. Thrift Sale Price . . . . 22c. LADIES’ SILK & VOILE DRESSES Values to $21.00. Thrift Sale Price . $4.98 LADIES’ COTTON HOSE Black or Sand, Thrift Sale Price .. 19c. GIRLS’ AND BOYS’ RIBBED HOSE Regular Price 25c. Thrift Sale, Price . 19c, FRILLED CURTAINS Thrift Sale Price .......... 69c. All Children’s and Ladies’ Coats Greatly Reduced EXTRA SPECIAL FOR SATURAY ONLY OUR REGULAR FULL-FASHIONED $1.25 CIRCLE-BAR HOSIERY WE PLACE ON SALE FOR SATURDAY ONLY, AT PER PAIR 98c. • CHILDREN’S RUBBER SOLED SHOES For Children. Thrift Sale Price 59c. and 69c. 50 PRS. LADIES’ OXFORDS & SLIPPERS Values at high as $5.00. Thrift Sale Price $1.98. Thrift Prices Kellogg’s Com Flakes..................2 for 18c. 1 Peas, 1 Corn, 1 Tomato . ........... .. 29c. Brown Sugar . .........................7 lbs. for 39c. Raspberry Jam......................40 oz. jar 37c. Cascade Salmon ..............1 lb. tin 2 for 25c. Salada Tea, black or mixed..................54c. Fancy Biscuits, regular 30c. lb. for . . 23c. Strawberry Jam ......................40 oz. jar 37c. in Groceries Quaker Catsup, per bottle............. 11c. Castile Soap........................9 cakes for 25c. P. & G. Soap......................10 bars for 35c. Toilet Paper........................7 rolls for 23c. Granulated Sugar...............10 lbs. for 53c. Lux Soap.............................3 cakes for 31c. Lux Soap.............................3 cakes for 21c. Miss Madeline Stewart, of London, was up for the' holiday. The tennis tournament between Stratford and Exeter scheduled to be played on Saturday was called off as neither teams were in condition for playing. The Exeter players go to London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hoag, of OiShawa, Mr. Fred Ford and friend of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Ford Miss Lillian Ford and friend, of De­ troit, were .'holiday visitors with Mr. acl Mrs. Wm. Ford, of Usborne. Mrs. E. C. Morse, Mrs. J. Batson, Mrs. H. C. Carey and Misses Reta Rowe and Mary Grant R. N., motor­ ed to St. Thomas on Saturday and attended the May Queen Festival of that place. Mr. H. Steinberg, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Welland; Miss Angus, of New Hamburg; Miss Steinburg and Mr. Ray Klim, of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with the Misses Andrew. Mr. and Mrs. <1. C. Horton and three children, Jack, Lucy and Phil­ ip, .of Oshawa, accompanied by their nephew Mr. Harold Horton, of the Bank of Montreal staff, Oshawa, vis­ ited over the holdiay with Mrs. Hor­ ney and Miss M. A. Horton. I Exeter will be well represented on the air over CJGC during the Monday Night Club, Monday evening of next week when Miss Rota Rowe and Miss Pearl Wood xvill sing and the Main Street United church stringed orchestra will provide sever­ al selections. In the recent examinations of the Ontario College of Pharmacy Verne L. Roulston was successful in pass­ ing the Council examinations in liis final year; also his Phm. B. Degroe with the exception of one subject which he has the privilege of re­ writing as a supplement in Septem­ ber, Mr. Charles Acheson and Miss Phyllis Grey motored up from Lon­ don and acompanied by tihe former’s mother, Mrs. W, T. Acheson and Miss Amelia Acheson motored to Toronto to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Acheson. Miss Amelia Acheson is remaining in Toronto for some time. ■ Mrs. John Hepburn with her two daughters, Mrs. J. Reynolds and son Jack, of London, and Mrs. L. Mc­ Naughton and daughter Margaret spent |he holidays with Mr, and Mrs, Gao; Westcott. Mrs, McNaughton and Margaret are home from Bar- nnce, south America on their holi­ days Misses Marjorie and Doreen Westcott were else up from London for the holidays, / SUITS at greatly reduced prices Now is the time to order. Knicker Trousers from $3.50 up Shirts and Ties to match in Green, Tan and Blue. , W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. ■V I Mrs. John Gilfillan, of St. Marys, spent last week with her neice Mrs. J. T. Stewart and also with her brother, Mr. W. H. Turnbull. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mitchell, who have spent the past year in Edmon­ ton, Alta., are at present visiting with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. "Fred Hogarth. Mr. and ivirs. L. V. -Treble and three children, of Toronto, spent Sunday and Monday with the form­ er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Treble. Mrs. Treble returned with them on a visit.’ My, Geo. Hays is this week mov­ ing to Exeter from a farm on‘the Highway south of town. He is moving into the Spencer residence on William St. We welcome them to our midst. Mr. A. W. Johnston, of Toronto, was in town recently visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston’. Mr. Johnston spent last WCek attending an insurance con­ vention in New Yoi'k and also visit­ ed with his brother Freeborn in Washington. Mr and Mrs. Samuel Roach and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil. G, Treleaven and daughters, Misses’ Wilma and Louis of Duiiganiion visited with their friends, Mr, and Mrs. Hllliary Hor­ ton on Sunday and took the oppor­ tunity of renewing acquaintanceship with their old’friends, Mr, and Nfrs, W. H< Johnston. W. R. GOULDING ; A. T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Cburch Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theorjr Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 191 EXETER. ONT The general store of Mr. O. C- A Ward, at Thorndale was broken into. W Thursday night of last week and about $100 worth of merchandise^ was stolen. The loot comprised to­ bacco, cigarettes, dry goods, boots and shoes. Tlio loss was not dis­ covered until’ the morning, Mr, Ward, who was a former resfidenC of Exeter, recently suffered loss through fire. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. W. H- Johnston had the very great pleas­ ure of having a visit from the foll­ owing former friends, Mrs, W. J. Treleaven, of Hanley, Sask, and her 2 daughters, Mrs. Jean T, Dillon, of the West Virginia Crippled Child­ ren’s Council state House, Charles­ ton, W, Va. and Mrs. E. T, spearin» of Windsor, Oht ^hese last two; mentioned were the former public school pupils of Mr. Johnston in. Ashfield over forty years ago andE> the dll too short visit was a very pleasant one*