HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-05-28, Page 4li ” • THUKSBAY, MAX 28th, 1031 THE EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE W.i Don’t Buy These Cars if you can get as good value elsewhere ...... -4 $450.00 $300.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 * * FORD COACH, like 4....... .-r.. 1930 FORD LIGHT DELIVERY ........ L .. 1929 PONTIAC COACH, d^ndy ........... 1929 CHEVROLET COACH, the new six .... 1929 FORD FORDOR SEDAN, our prfce only 1928 ESSEX COACH, new tire?; good puint job $225.00 FORDSON TRACTOR, re^y to go to work...........$190.00 CASE TRACTOR, rebuilt, n strong tractor for .... $200.00 SEVERAL GOOD CARS FROM $15.00 to $100.00 SANDY ELLIOT “The Home of the Ford” ‘ Phone 64,Exeter JREPORT OF O.E.A. AND PROGRAM AT FAIRFIELD SCHOOL The ratepayers of the Fairfield School held a very pleasant evening 4m "Wednesday of last week when Mrs. H. Powe gave an excellent re­ port of the O. E. A. held in Toron­ to ih' Api'il combined with a splen­ did. program making the evening, a grand success. The program con­ sisted of songs and recitations by the Children; musical selections by Messrs. S. White and J. Messrs. were Wm. very Gormley. Byron Hicks and N. Baker called, upon for speeches, Mr. Elliott acted as chairman in a pleasing manner. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION On Wednesday evening 3Iay 20th the choir of Caven Presbyterian -church held a social gathering in lionour of the marriage of Mrs. Car­ man Cann, (Maybelle Strang), a popular choir member. Competi­ tive singing proved a source of much merriment and certain of the gentlemen present showed them­ selves possessed of astonishing lung capacity. A number of original and diverting games made everyone ob­ livious to the passing of ’the time and only the arrival of the ladies in charge- with a delightful lunch brought the evening to a close. During the course of the program Mrs. Cann was presented with a case of silver by 3fiss Frain and Wallace Seldon members of the read as follows: To Mrs. Carman on behalf of the choir. 'The address Cann,- On the occasion of your marriage to Mr. Carman Cann, the members of -the choir of Caven Presbyterian church would like to take this op­ portunity of expressing to you their sincere appreciation of your faith­ ful and unstinted1 service to choir during the past years their high regard for you as a .and loyal friend. It is their that you and your husband may en­ joy every happiness in life. May your joys be as deep as the ocean and your cares as light as the spray. As .a small token of their apprec- ciation they ask you to accept this -case -of silver. the and true wish HURON COUNTY LOOP DRAWS UP SCHEDULE Wingham plays at Heiisall in the Opening Game The annual organization meeting of the Huron County Baseball Lea­ gue was held in the Town Hall, Clin­ ton, on Thursday evening. W. T. Hawkins, of Clinton was appointed ■ehairman of the meeting’ and Ferris -Cantelon, of Hensall, secretary F. Fingland was elected president •of the League for 1931 and Frank Mutch, secretary-treasurer, both of Clinton. Representatives were pre­ sent from Wingham, Goderich and Hensall, besides the local representa­ tives. Teams from each of these four town will enter the League. Wingham at Hensall, June 4th. ’ Clinton at Goderich, June 5 th, Goderich at Wingham, June 9tli. Wingham at Clinton, June 11 ; Goderich at Hensall, June 15tli Clinton at Wingham, June 19th Hensall at Clinton, June 25 Goderich at Clinton, June 29tli Clinton at Hensall, July 2nd. was marked entliusiam in the meeting and the There •atnanifest Huron League games are likely to go 4©n with a swing. LOCAL NEWS May 30th will be Decorution Day in the U. S. A. Mr, Melvin Sims, of Windsor, spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. R. Complin and spent the holiday at Strath- LIBERALS and Mrs. in Detroit Geo. Etherington over the week? Rathbege and lit The annual meeting of Hie Liber nl Association 'of south Huron be held in tke Town Hull, CLINTON 0■Oil -r- will WED., JUNE 3rd Jennings, who is attend* College, js home for the Mrs. W. L. Kress and ACCO3IPANIST FOR 3IEN’S CHORUS A concert was given in (Spring­ field recently by the East Elgin Men’s Choral Club, wliicih lias thir­ ty members, in which a former re­ sident of Usborne figured promin­ ently, in -the person iof Mrs. John Allison, A, L. C. M.; A. A. C M. (formerly dVIiss Verna Whitlock) 'She lias .been pianist for the clqb during the months for their practic­ es and eight concerts, the final one being given in Spningfeld. They were, assisted by Mrs. McBirney, soprano soloist and Miss Erie Coul­ ter, reader of St Thomas. During the program, Mrs. Allison and Mrs. Mc- Bumey were each presented with a beautiful .sheaf of pink roses and carnations by the men in apprecia­ tion of their services through winter months. 3Irs. Allison accompanied Mrs. McBurney Mr. Kenneth Harris, (soprano tenor) ■ at the St. Thomas Musical Festival last week where they sang coming first with eighty Springfield has won eight cups by different contestants these festivals. e the also and and MAIN ST. W. 31. S. BIRTHDAY PARTY- points, silver at The IV. M. S. of the Main Street United church held its annual birth­ day party in the school room of the church on Wednesday evening of last week. There was a large at­ tendance • Which included a number of visiting members from the other churches of town. The pastor Rev. C. J. Moorhouse acted as chairman extending a hearty welcome to the visitors and those taking part. Fol­ lowing the opening exercises the ladies -Stringed Orchestra of Main St, gave a pleasing -selection and a solo was sung .by Miss Violet Gam­ brill. Mrs. (Rev.) Jas. Anthony, of the Thames Road, gave an excellent report of the Branch convention held at St. Thomas. Mrs. Anthony stressed a revival of interest in the temperance question of the day and also urged the ladies to a greater 'interest in iscciilali problems. Mrs. (Dr.) L. L. Follick, of St. Marys, was present and sang in splendid voice the familiar song, “In an Old Fashioned Cottage in an Old Fash­ ioned Town.’ Another selection was rendered by the ladies stringed or­ chestra and this was followed by an address by Mrs. Lome Eedy, of St. Marys. Mrs. Eedy is a daughter of the late Jasper Wilson, at one time pastor -of the Main Street church, and she spoke in kindly terms of her younger days in Exeter and of her associations with the church and school. At the conclusion of Mrs. Eedy’s splendid address., Mr. W. H. Johnston moved a vote -of thanks to the the the for evening’s entertainment. seconded by Mrs. W. C. Pearce presi­ dent of the W. 31. S. Through some misunderstanding only a few of the men were present. Following the program -of the evening refresh­ ments of sandwiches, cake and were served. family rOy. Mr. visited end. Mr. and Mrs. F tie daughter spent the holidays at Chesley. Mr. Hy. ing Huron holidays. Mr. and son Billy spent spent the holiday at Brantford, Dr. G. S. Atkinson was in Toroiu to, the forepart of the week attend­ ing a dental convention. Mrs. iS, R< Prebble and three chil­ dren, of Ilderton, sepnt the holiday with (her mother, Mrs. J. Hamilton, Mr, and Mrs. McKelvey and fam­ ily, of Ingersoll, spent the holiday with Mrs, Thornton and (Miss Alice Handford, Mr. and Mrs. ,N. G. Graham and two children, of Walkerville, spent the 'holiday with 3Ir, and 3Irs. D. Rowcliffe, hliss Annie Simmons 1ms return­ ed to Victoria Hospital, London, af­ ter visiting for three weeks at her home here. Mr. Ellis Tapp, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Haggersville, has been home for the past couple of weeks on sick leave. Mr. and Mrs, Norsworthy, and two children, pf Napinee, visited with Mrs, Norsworthy’s sister Mrs. (Dr.) Fletcher over" the week-end. Mr. “Chick” Jewell, hliss Phyllis Jewell, of St. Williams and 3Iiss Lona Adams, of Delhi, were guests of Mr. H. C. 'Stweetlove for the holi­ day. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Dignan, of Lu­ can and Mr. and Mrs.. Billyea, of London, visited with 311’. and Mrs. Garnet McFalls and otliei’ relatives on Monday. Mr. .and Mrs. Frank Johns and t.Wo sons, Mr. and Mrs. Morey and M*iss French, of Toronto, spent the week-end with the former’s mother Mrs. W. Johns. Messrs Harold and John Kuntz of Windsor, visited with their par­ ents for the holiday .and were ac­ companied home 'by their sister, Miss Dorothy Kuntz. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moncur, of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Moncur, of Peterboro, were in Exe­ ter on* lVIonday and called on a num­ ber of old friends Mr. and Mrs'. W. G. Herdman, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Brimacombe and daughter Miss Alice, of Hamilton, were guests -over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Welsh. 3Ir. M. ' Coxworth, was up from London Monday and was accompan­ ied home by Mrs. Goxworth and children who have spent the past week with her parents, 3I.r. and •Mrs. E, Hiedeman. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mills, Misses Pearl and Viola, Mr. Geo. Boyd and Mr. Arthur Perkins, all of Windsor visited with Mr. .and Mrs. Wm. Lut- man Sunday and Monday. Mr. Jas. Sanders returned home with them and will remain for tli^. summer. 3Ir. and 3Irs. David McNicliol and family, of Toronto, Mr. and 3Irs. W. Westlake and daughter, Helen, of Wyoming, were visitors with Mrs. R. 3Iurphy over the holiday, and Mrs. Fred called while -on ell. Mr. Parsons, of Sarnia, their way to Mitch- Trueman Elliott and speaker; those who furnished program and the members of W. M. S. both local and visiting the most pleasant and profitable This was , Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Elliott and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Davis and two children, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rafuse and two children, of London,’spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tuckey. Mrs. Ra­ fuse and children are remaining for a week. JAMES STREET W. 31. S. tea Hal’d on Teacher A teacher was giving his class a lesson on charity. “Willie,” he said, “If I saw a boy heating a donkey, and I stopped him from doing so, what virtue should I be showing?” “Brotherly love!” Willie retorted promptly. Nerves The regular monthly meeting the James St. W. 31. S. was held Thursday, May 21st. Mrs. C. W, Chrisite was in the chair presiding over the business part of the meeting. A special feature was the report given by Mrs, X £. Grant from the Presbytery recently held in Hensall which she attended as a delegate. Musical numbers were an instrumental duett foy Sirs. V. Kestle and Mrs. J. Batson and a solo by Mrs. 'Gorge Williams all of which was pleasing and appropiale. Inter­ esting papers on mission work as might foe seen by airplane were read ■by a number of the W. M. S. mem­ bers. Meeting closed with the pali benedicition. of on The president 31 iz- Heart So Bad Was Unable To Sleep For Hours Miss Theresa M. Ravary, Gallingcrtown, Ont,, wntes:—-“I. was troubled, for almost a year, with my heart and nerves, especially on retiring at night when I would be unable to sleep for hours. I was easily fatigued, and became very excitable and irritable. “A friend recommended Milburn’s Heart and Nerve Pills and after taking them for a few weeks I could enjoy a good night’s - rest, and rapidly regained my former state of health,” Sold at all drug and general stores, or mailed direct on receipt of pnee by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. t WHALEN and vis- Miss and The Misses Aleatha Ogden cousin Viola Smith, of London tied over the week-end with Aleatha Ogden’s cousins Mr, Mrs. Hilton Ogden. Miss R. Currie, of Wingham, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Hilton Ogdep. Mr. and Mrs, Mertyn Wilson, of London, visited on Monday at Mr. IL Ogden’s, at 2 pan. For the election of officers and such other business as may come before the meeting The meeting will foe addressed by Mr. Thus. McMillan, M. P. —and —• Mr. Mitchell F. Hepburn Provincial Liberal Leader GOD 'SAVE THE KING Federal Officers— Dr. J. W. Shaw, J. A. 3IcEwen, Provincial Officers— J. G. Stanbury, J. M. G ovenlock, GRAND BEND The Ham Snipper put op by the ladies of the United ChUTeji was a real success. The lecture given by Rev, X M, Ucdring, of Lambeth was most inspiring, full pj real meaning and enjoyed by all listeners and the double quartette rendered several numbers and kept the large crowd in tears and laughter for some time, One and all are just waiting for the time when they will foe able to hear them again, Mr, and Mrs. J, W. I-Iolt and Mrs, 31. Hqlt visited with Mrs. Robert Dow, of 'Granton, Sunday afternoon, A large uumiber pf pampers spent the holiday at their different cot­ tages, Mr. L. ture golf and was beautiful Mrs, Walter sick list but is Cora Oliver and Miss 3Iary of London spent the the former’s home. Grieve opened his minia- ■course on Saturday night well spot, .MUST ANSWFR All persons in Canada are called’ upon to answer the questions of the census-takers, who will start mak* Ing their rounds next month. At­ tention is called to the fact that.' the information obtained in the ceu- uss can he used for statistical pur*-, poses only, and pot for luxation, military or jury services or the en* forcement of any law, provincial,. Municipal or Federal. Persons re­ fusing to give information to tfoe census enumerators will be subject to a penalty. For the protection of persons furnishing information,, every officer, agent or other per­ son employed in the -taking of th© census is bound by oath and under a heavy penalty to keep secret all- the information obtained. President Secretary President Secretary LUCAN Dr. and Mrs, H. J. Hodgins, of Toronto, are holidaying at the home of the doctor’s mother Mrs. S. J, McLeod. Mr. Jas.-Ogden and daughter Miss Jean Ogden and Gordon Ballingall, London, visited recently with S. J. blcLeod and also with Mr. Mrs,J. B. Armitage. HARPLEY Mrs. and Miss O. R. Corbett spent the holi­ day at her home here. Mr. Hector Murray, of Sarnia, is visiting with his brother, Mr. R. Murray. Mr. Byron Brown, .of Toronto, visited over the holiday at liis home here. Mr. and Mrs. • H. family spent Sunday blrs. J-oseph Hickey Mrs. Mark Miller, visiting with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. William Hayter. Harltow and with Mr. and of Detroit, is SHIPKA Ladies’ Aid will h,old their meeting pn Wednesday, The regular June 3rd at the home of Mrs. Wil­ liam Sweitzer. Mrs. Buicke and (babe, of Windsor, are at present visiting at the home of her father Mr., T. Baynliam. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer family spent M-onday .-in Sarnia. Air. and Mrs. Ross McKenzie family, of Windsor visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Fink- beiner. Mrs. Prance, of Greenway, who has been ill is at present visiting with her daughter Mrs. Major Bak­ er. • A foafoy girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clarke on May 19 th. KHIVA and and Inspector Beacom, of Goderich, visited the school here last Tuesday. Messrs. Wm. Witzel and Alfred Tilly attended the races at Sarnia on Monday. Miss 31. Knight spent the week­ end at her home near Strathroy. . Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson and Mr. J. Hutchinson, of London, spent the 24th with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. hlasom 3Irs. L. Hamacher spent a few days this week with 3fr. and Mrs. A. Willert. Mrs. H. Pfaff and family, Woodham visited a few days week in this vicinity. GREENWAY of last the and Paddy, of Rickliorn ,re- held both hope Mrs. very Watch for further notice of -Strawberry Social at the United church -on June 19 th. Mr. Byron Brown, of -Toronto, visited at his home .here over the holiday. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Armstrong and daughters, hlargaret Sarnia, visited Mrs. cently. Mr. -and Mrs. W. E. Brown, of Galt, were holiday visitors at Mr. W- Wilson’s. f Plans are being made for the an­ nual Community Picnic to be on .June 13th at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Bullock were on the sick list last week. We for a speedy recovery. We are glad to report that Maud Woodbearer who had a serious operation is recovering. Mrs. Tlios. Stewardson who has been ill at the home of her daught­ er, Mrs. W. McLinchey is somewhat improved. The members of the W. M. S. of the United church held a quilting and'packed a bale on Wednesday. Miss Laura Leask is enpoying motor trip to- El Faso, Texas. Mr, Whiteside and Mrs. Sherritt visited Mr. last week. Mr. and ley Visited Murray and Miss with Mr , of Exeter. and patronized, It is a Call and see it. England is on the somewhat improved. Miss Clark end at week' MT, CARMEL Hilda Diet rich nurso-iii’-iMiss it'rain'ing at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, spent" Sunday at her home here. Mrs. Brady, who has been visit­ ing her sisters the blisses ‘Carey left on Monday for her home in Hamil­ ton. Misses Winnifred Madden and K. Morrissey, of London, spent at their homes here. Mrs, Shannon, of Grand Mr. and Mrs. Ducharme, of Detroit, spent the week-end with the latter’s mother Mrs. M. O’Brien. Miss Margaret Breen, of London, is' spending a few days with her sister Mrs. T, J. Hall. * Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, Rowland, of Parkhill, called on friends here on Sunday. A number from here attended the races in Sarnia on Monday. Mrs. Wm. Rowland, of is the guest of her sister Rowland here. Miss K. Moir and friend, don, called on friends here on Mon­ day. Sunday Rapids, London, Mrs. T. of Lon- TOO 3IUCH GOVERN3IENT (Chicago Drovers’ Journal) Pressed for payment of obliga­ tions due>, an Oaklahoma, man is said to have written this letter to his banker: “It is impossible for me to . send you a cheque in response to your re­ quest. My present financial condi­ tion is due- to the effects of federal laws, state laws, county laws, cor­ poration laws, by-laws, brother-in- laws, mother-in-laws, and outlaws that have been hoisted upon an un­ suspecting public. Through the var­ ious laws, I have been held down, held up, walked on, sat on, flatten­ ed and squeezed until I do not know where I .am, what I am and why I am. “These laws compel me to pay a merchant’s tax, capital stock tax, income tax, real estate tax, property tax, auto tax, gas tax, street tax light tax, cigar tax, street tax, school tax, syntax and carpet tax. “The government has so governed my business that I do not (know who owns it. I am suspected, expected, inspected, disrespected, examined, re-examined, until all I know is that I’m supplicated for money for every known need, desire or hope- of the human race, and because I refused to fall and go out and beg, borrow and steal money to give away, I am cussed, and discussed, boycotted, talked -to, talked about, lied to, lied about, held up, held down and robb­ ed until I am nearly ruined; so the only reason I am clinging to life is to see what is coming next.” It is realize • AUCTION SALE ' — of --- REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD ' EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer lias rejeeived instructions from the exe- ■ cutors of the late William Yearley to sell at the residence of the late- Mrs.’ Yearley, in Crediton, on SATURDAY, JUNE «, 1931 at 1,30 p.m. the following: REAL ESTATE—Portions of Vil­ lage Lots 20 and 21, “Brown’s Par- sons’ & Sweet’s Survey”, Crediton. 41 ft. by 165 feet, on which is built a one storey brick cottage, a good' garden, and well. PIOUISEHOLD EFFECTS!—5-piece parlor suite good as new; tapestry rug, 3 yards by 4 yards; 3 rocking chairs; parlor table; 2 beds, springs and mattresses; 2 dressers; 2 com- • modes, good oak extension table; 1 drop leaf table; sideboard, couch, piece Linoleum 4 yards by 5 yards1 witih several strips to match; piebe oil cloth 2 1-2 yards by 3 1-4 yards; drop head sewing machine; dining: room chairs; 6 kitchen chairs, Que- ■_ bee cook stove, parlour stove, 2 arm chairs, clothes basket, hanging lamp, 2 table lamps, 2 pair Swiss parlor curtains with over curtains; 2 pair dining room curtains; good copper boiler; washing machine, 1 wringer, 2 small little tables; one small tub; wash board, square ta­ pestry carpet, several mats, dhem- ■ ical closet with pipes, 4 dozen seal-' ers, book cupboard, bureau, dishes, pots, pans, pails and • other articles ■ too' numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE ' On Real Estate—10% cash; the- balance in 30 days. ■On household etffects—Cash. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer THOMAS YEARLEY, and HENRY ’ YEARLEY, Executors of Wm. Yearley Estate. .Notice to Creditors. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of ASERJCH i BRISSON late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Plur-on', FaTm- I er, who died on the Fourteenth day | of May, A.D., 19'3.1, are required to • j forward their claims duly proven to I the undersigned on or before the I Fifteenth day -cf June, A. D., 1931. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- - EN that after the said date the Ex­ ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only, to the claims of which they then shall have notice. DATED at EXETER, Ont. this 27th day of 1V1A.Y, A. D., 1931. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Executors’ Solicitor^ * not all tomfoolery, -as some better than others. Worry is due to dangers thatMost threaten those who are dependant upon us; a life policy removes that worry. Ernest C. Harvey, Insurance. JEFFRO COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE. Notice is hereby given that Court' of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Usborne will hold Township day, May p.m. a its first meeting in the Hall, Elimville, on Satur- 30th at one-thirty o’clock Henry Strang, Cldrk Hensail, R.R. No. 1 "■, —...... ■» / “Every time I kiss you, it me a better man.” “Well, you don’t have to get to heaven in one night.” Dr. Wood’s Mi's, Frank Turner Mrs, with Huth er Olive Armstrong , visited .and Mrs. Ernest Luther, Hodgson, of Brirts- Mr. W. Whiteside. Edison pollock Norway Pine Syrup makes [111892] (173364) (Pure-bred Perclieron stallion. En­ rolled in Form Al. Premium Horse, • for 1931. Monday morning will leave his own stable, Lot 9, Con. 7, Stephen, and proceed to Wm. Hod- • gins, Con. 12, McGillivray for noonp thence (home for fiight. Tuesday afte- noon to (Sam Jory’s/ 2nd non. Step­ hen for night. Wedesday Rufus Kestle’s Usborne, for noon, thence to Ben William’s for night, Thurs­ day to W. T. Quinn’s, Usborne, fol* noon; thence to' Lome Sholdice’s for, ight, Friday to Wm. Rollin’s, 4th' con., Stephen for noon and home foP, night, remaining at Ihome until Mon­ day morning. TERM'S—$13.00 payable January 1st, 1932, Eli King, proprietor and manager., . Pneumonia Left Her , With a Terrible Cough Mrs. A. W. Power, 581 Jane St., Toronto, Ont., writes>-■• “Eight years ago I ‘had a very serious illness. I had a bad Attack of pleurisy and pneumonia and was six month* in bed. This illness left, mo with a terrible cough. | tried several cough medicines, but they did not seem tq - have any effect. Ono day my mother brought mo home a bottle of Or. Wood’s Norway Pino Syrup, and after J had ,taken several more I notibod my cough gradually leaving me. Since that time if ever my husband anq ohildren. Or myself, have bad Colds I always get 'Drt . Wood’s? ” . T Price, 35 cents a bottle; largo family size, 65 Centsj,, at all drug and general stores. /