HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-05-28, Page 1% » ’ ♦ EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, MAY WHflTABLISIIED 1873 T- I LADIES’, MISSES’ & CHILDREN’S t thei Ex-SPRING GOATS This Er. the by had and the Or. thebringing Kindly noon, J. FINAL CLEARING OF Ladies’, and Misses’ navy and black, best quality English fticqtine coats with Galadine and Mole collars reduced from $32.00 to $19.75, All Ladies’ and Misses’ $25.00 coats at one price $16.95 each. We also have a few good style coats for Ladies’ and Misses’ at $4.95 each. 4RM BROKEN FIFTY-FIFTH YEAB, NO, 268$ * Mrs, B. AV. F, Beavers had the misfortune Tuesday morning while descending the cellar steps to fall fracturing her right arm. Mrs. Beav­ ers was takep to London Dunlop fox' an X-ray and fracture reduced, > We are placing on sale this week the balance of our Spring ( coats at less than cost price. Every coat must go regardless of ; price. All ladies’ and Misses’ tweed coats, smart new styles at < one price $8.95 each. Ail Children’s Spring Coats at bargain prices. Leatherette Cushions at 79c. each ' Extra fine quality leatherette cushions in various colors on sale at 79c. each. Japanese Verandah Mats We have a nice range of new patterns in Japanese rugs and mats of var- ions patterns and colorings at from 50c. up according to size.. Girls’ School Raincoats with tarns to match, various Colors up to years special ^value this month at $3,75 each. //Special announcement! Miss Wilkie of Standard Brands Limited, is holding a special demonstra­ tion of “Standard Brands’1 lines at oqr store all this week until Saturday, May 30th at 2 p.m. This line includes Magic Baking Powder, Gillett’s Cream Tar­ tar, Royal Yeast, Fleischmann’s Yeast, Chase & Sanborn’s Coffee, Gillex and Gillett’s Lye, You are cordially invited to call and see the demonstration. Grocery Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday , 1 package Super-Sups free with a large 25c. package Princess'JSoap'Flakes 23c. Choice Canned Peaches, No, 2 tin 2 for 35c. Pleasall Brand Coffee .......... per lb. 29c. Columbia Matches per package...........7c. Wagstaffe Orange Marmalade, 40 oz. j. 25c Infant’s Delight Soap.....................5 for 25c. & May SPECIAL, SALE ENDING FIRST OF JUNE Wear-Ever Sauce Pans regular 50c.................. 37c. Wear-Ever Covered Sauce Pans, regular $1 .... 69c. Coffee Percolators .... 89c. Lunch Kits . . . Thei-mos Bottles . 69c.- 35c. 69c. i 79c. Painted Galvanized ■Chamber Pails .... Long handled Garden Shovels .................... Johnson’s Paste Wax 69c. lb* Old English Wax 69d* a lb. M. P. P. Wax .. /. 35c. a lb. Potato Ricers . , 29c. Large Blue Sauce Pans 49c. Aluminum Pie Plates 2 f 34c. 4 cup English Tea Pot 6 cup English Tea pot Large Floor Mops .... Bread Caddies ............. Aluminum Tea Kettle . Tin Tea Kettle ...... 1-gaIIon Coal Oil Cans Flour Sifters ................• 25c. 35c. 45c. 9Sc. 98c. 59c* 25c. 59c. Long: Handled Garden *. *. Shovels ....................... 69c. SPECIAL— ELECTRIC WASHER $98.00 TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD♦ Phone your hardware necessities to 27 IN 3IEMDRIAM ■ .* ■RENaVARDEN—In ’ loving of our dear brother, (Henry Pon warden, who away five years ago, May memory William passed 27, 1926 •Time rolls >on and we’re reminded Of a day our hearts were crushed( ■yVhen God took you off so quickly, And we ail in gloom were thurst, ^it’s just a thought of swoet'-remom1 btance, , •• . Jttsf a memory fond and true, . Jftist a token of affection, And a heartache still -for you* iSadly missed by Sistex* and Brothers I BIRTHS SOUTHCOTT—At Mdrpeth on Tues­ day, May 26th, R. E. Southcott, DALRYMPLE—III day, May 15th, Garnet Dhlryinple, (Dorothy Isabelle.) to Rev. and' a son. Mrs. FrL Mrs. a daughter Ushorn# oft to* Mr. and announcement and Mrs, H, S. falter j an. I I FLOWER DISPLAY < On Saturday afternoon eter Horticultural Society will bold a Flower Display in Sout’hcott Bros, window. Will everyone kindly help to make this a success (by flowers especially tulips, bring flowers iby Saturday G. Stanbnry, sec’y-treas, AUTO ACCIDENTS A motor accident occured on the second ^concession of fiiteiplxexi Sunday morning, a party from. Kincardine were on their way to< London and after making the detour south of Ex­ eter owing to paying of the high­ way, a tire blew out and the car took to the xiitch, The ditch was several feet deep at t'he spot and. the cax* turned over but fortunately none were seriously injured. The car con­ tained two men and three ladies the occupants were takeh into home of Mr, Lewis Johns and Fl^tchex* was called and dressed wounds which were of minor nature. The auto was considerably damaged and was brought to the Chevrolet garage. HOW ABOUT A CELEBRATION T How about a celebration for Exet er to mark the opening of the new* Highway? Now is the time to pre­ pare for it. The stretch of pavement between Clandeboye and Clinton, a. distance of 28 miles, is said to be. the longest stretch in Ontario in which there is not a single turn. FREAK OF NATURE A peculiar freak of nature been on exhibition in Mr, William Snell’s garden on Carling Street, for the past 'few days, An Iris spike was crowned with a splendid speci­ men of a blue Iris flower and on the stem below it was a perfect pink tulip ibloom, receiving its support from the Iris stem. This stem be­ low the point from whjch Che tulip sprang was a single stem without the least sign of separation, was a real natural curiosity. UNDERWENT OPERATION Mr. Wm. Carlile, of Hensail, went to Victoria Hospital, London on Monday of last week1 and on Tues­ day underwent an operation for the removal of this right eye, owing to a growth at the1 back of the ey^ which was causing him to lose the sight. Mrs. James Green, of town, spent the week-end in Lon­ don with him and he is improving and expects to be home in a few days. On the same Tuesday even­ ing Mrs. Green recived word of the death of the wife of her brother, Mr. John Carlile, of Fargo, North Da­ kota. CONDUCT GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Mr. J. Edgar Thomson, who has been doing graduate work in the De­ partment of Geology' at the Univer­ sity of Wisconsin, visited on Tues­day with his parents Mr. and Mrs. . I* • Mr. [■'Thomson' has -just returned from a two weeks trip through the iron .and copper districts of Minnesota and Michigan where he has made a study of the mines and rock formation. He is leaving immediately for Northern Ontarip where he will have charge of a geological field party for the Ontario Department of Mines in the vicinity of Heron Bay on Lake Su­ perior and will investigate the possibilities of that area.% < way with his parents Mr. and •ET'-. Thomson, eft Usboi’ne. About one o’clock early Saturday morning an auto accident took place at the North End corner of Exetei* when a Chevrolet car with two Lon­ don men were run into by another car bearing a Michigan license in which was a man and a woman. The American car failed to stop at the approach to the Highway and struck, the London car broadside ' badly damaging the car, but fortunately no one was hurt. The drivers of both cars went into the gas' station at the corner to await the • arrival of Traffic Officer Lever-but before he arrived the driver of the Amer­ ican car drove away. The license number was secured and a warrant ‘has been issued for the arrest of the driver. The London car was brought to the Chevrolet garage. An auto accident took plac'e on the Main Street of Exeter about nine o’clock Monday evening when an automobile in which were two young men 'from Zurich and two> Exeter girls crashed into a car driven by Mr. Wesley Lamport at the station street corner. Mr. Lamport who was coming on to the Main Street stop­ ped at the corner, turned on his lights, and drove onto the pavement when the auto he was driving was struck. The driver of the Zurich car applied the brakes, the marks of which were visible for about one hundred feet. It struck Mr. Lam­ port’s >car and turned over on its side. Fortunately none of the occupants In either1 car were, hurt but the cars were slightly damaged. Traffic Off­ icer Leaver was called as well as the owner of the Zurich car_as .it .seemed the car had been "rented from Zurich garage and the young people were on their way Bend. Mr. Lamport was ?5.00 for damages but this will not covei- the cost. FOOTBALL GAME A. TIE The first foot-ball game of .the season was witnessed by a large number at the Exeter Agricultural grounds Monday morning between* the English and Scottish boys, Af­ ter a keen competition which last­ ed fox* an (hour and a half the game* ended- in a tie 3-3, The English boys at one time were two up the*1 score being 3-1. AV. Lutxnan cap­ tain fox' the English team stai'tedl the scoring hut this was evened; when AV. Matthews, captain for tho Scotch scored. Lutman again camo back to put th# Englishmen in the lead and the fourth goal was scor­ ed when Manwaring for the'Eng­ lish delivered, a head shot which gave the goalie no chance. Thio ! was one of the features of the game. Stokes and Mai'a scored the last two goals for the Scotcfli tieing the score. It is expected that application will be made to entei* a team from thik community for a regular league. The following was the line-up: English—Goal, Cox; backs, Cox, Moyle McDowell; halfbacks, Cousins, Clark, Jeffery; centre, Lutman; wings, Payne, Sharpe, Manwaring,. Moore. Scotch—Goal, Stokes; “ Sb Murray, AV. Murray; haITbg.cks, ^lolly, Mara, Sargent; centre, Mat­ thews; wings, Dewar, Andrews, Smith, Douglas. LIST OF ENUMERATORS gold to the allowed amount Thursday, June 4 i ---------------- TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH *— . t 7.30 p.m. Divine Service Combined Choirs of the Deanery SPECIAL MUSIC .... . . Preacher REV. CANON WARNER, oF-: Lopdon Judge of the Juvenile ’ Court EVERYBODY WELCOME The Thames Road United church will celebrate their fiftieth anniver­ sary on Sunday and Monday, June 28th and 29th. Sunday School an­ niversary services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. in. when Rev. Wm. tGardiner, of Thedford, and Rev. Wm. Montieth, of Teeswater, will Strawberry festival invitation is being former members of to be present.. be the speakers on Monday. An extended to all the congregation < SOFT BALL TEAGUE FORMED A soft ball league has been for­ med with Clinton, Lucan, Grand Bend and Exeter, 1 Representatives of the various teams met in Exeter and completed the organization last week. Mr. H. Gower was elected president and H'. Bweetlove, of town secretary-treas. The executive will meet June 4th to draw up a sched­ ule. The trophy donated by the late Geo. .EcCleston. and won by Lucan last year will again be up for petition. com- MAKES GOOD SHOWING i Exeter was well represented the London Free Frees Marathon staged on Monday over a 26 mile course when AV. E. Quinn, youthful runner of„ Exeter finished the course coming in 30th. This was Mr. Quinn’s first long run and to finish along with some of the best marathoners oh the continent was a most worthy showing. For fifteen miles Quinit trailed Percy Wyer, of Toronto, who finished fourth place but owing to a cramp in one of the j Berry, ywi’hcs’ntncs fAV hHl- •_ I in The following is the list of enum­ erators who will take the census of South Huron commencing .June 1st. The area assigned to each enumera­ tor was sdt by the Census Bureau at Ottawa. . Municipal polling divisions are followed as far as possible* No poll is split but in some cases two polling divisions have been given to one enumerator. ■Stephen, No. 1, Wm. Bowmen; No. 2?. Asa penbale; No. 3, Herbert Fah- rner; No. 4, Elsie Louise Thompson; No. 5, Alex Neeb; No. 6, *G.eorge Merner; No. 7, Verne R. Sharpe; No. 8, Hugh Hodgins; No. 9, Ezra Webb. t Hay i and 7, Joseph Hudson; No. 2', Robt. Caldwell; No. 3, Henry .Ho- wald; No. Theodore Wein; No. Stanley No. No. 2 and *3', Goldie Graham; No, 4, Edward Chuter; No. 5, Charles Rathwell; Nos. 6, 7 and S, Fred Watson. Goderich Twp.. No. 1, Earl Coop­ er; No. 2, .Melvin Sturdy; No. 3, John McClure; No. 4, Kenneth Tay­ lor; No. '5, Harry Ford; No. 6, E. J. Trewartha. Hullett No. 1, E. S. McBrieri; No. 2^ Bert Bdacom; Nos. 3 and 4, Bert Bronson; No. 5, Charles Tyner; No. 6, Mrs. Robt. Townsend; No. 7, Chas. A. Nivins. McKillop NO. 1, James McQuaid; Sparling; No. 3, Jas. David Boyd. 1, and 5, Jackson Wm. Frayne; No. 3 PLANTS FOR SALE with Mrs. try- The' Mitchell races were postpon­ ed from Monday to Wednesday ow­ ing to rain Sunday night. . Dr. and Mrs. Clare Wood, of Sud­ bury, are spending the week the former’s parents Mr. and Frank Wood/ The Exeter Tennis Chib are ing to. arrange a date to bring the Crediton Minstrel Show tn Exeter. The- ministrels made a big hit at Crediton on. Friday evening. The engagement is announced, of MEss Mildred Kathleen Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs% T. Albert Mitchell, Of Centralia, to Mr. Wil­ liam. Hobbs, of Thorndale, the mar­ riage to take place early in June. Mr. Sid Davis, who has been con­ fined to his home for several weeks through illness, is able to be out for a ride on warm days. His* busi­ ness has been in charge of William Andrew. Geranium, Asters (6 varieties), Stocks, Salvia, Ageratum, Frencli- Marigold, Zinnia, Lobelia, Snapdra­ gon, Drecenia, Silver Leaf, Ferns, Striped Wandering Jew, Begonia, Pansy, Foliage, Vinca, Thuniberga. Cann a. i VEGETABLES FOR.' SALE Bonny Best, Beefsteak, Bur'bank, Earlyana, Canadian, John Bear, Pondersoa. Tomato, Cabbage,' Cauli­ flowers, Celery, Peppers. Hanging Baskets and Window Boxes filled to order. L Day & Son FLORISTS Unipn Street,Exeter 4, Henry Neeb; No, 5, Miller; No. 6, Herbert 8, Gerald Sreeman. 1, Victor Falconer; No. 2, Alonzo Smith; No. 4, Usfoorne No. Woods; No. 2, and 4, Dan Dew; No. 6 and 7, Hugh H H SERVICE ATISFACTION EXTRA SPECIAL THIS WEEK PHONE 9 FOR Beef 5c. lb. Ik Roll Baby Beef Sc. lb. h| Brisket and Flanks I SIRLOIN STEAK OR ROAST OF BABY BEEF Per Pouiid 20c. Fresh PORK SHOULDERS S lbs* at 15c. st lb. FRESH SIDE PORK 17c. a lb. Mr. and Mrs, H. ,S. falter; an- n ounce' t;he eiigageme’riT' of their eldest daughter, Florence Helen to Mr. Joseph Grants son or Mr. and Mrs. J. £L Grant the wedding to take place In Juno, muscles was forced to- drop our for ten minutes. Quinn's training has just been what he has picked up by hard practise and with proper train­ ing he should make .one of the best.' Out of 47 runners who started 39 completed the course. In weigh­ ing :in .after ,the run Quinn had dropped only the fraction of a pound in weight while the runner who followed*1 him lost six pounds. QUinn was also (represented at the WoSSa in London on .Saturday when he finished .fourth in the mile heat. A. number, from Exeter were In London for both events, Govern No. 3 Norris; 6 ,Ken Tuckersmith No. 1, Bert lock; No, 2, James Hayes; Ed, Morrison; Nd. 4, Henry No. 5, Win. J. Slavin; No. heth Jackson. Exeter Nos. 1 and 2, Win. 3 and 4, Bert Harness; Nos. 1 and 2, Robt. Hig- Stewing Veal 9c. lb. Smoked Picnic Hams 19c. lb. Shoulder Roast Veal 15c. lb. Bologna ’.........*.... 17c* lb* Bacon by the piece * 22c* lb* Kitchener Weinfers . 22c* lb* J. Car ling; Nos. Heftsall gins. Clinton No. ?, Norman Miller.. Beeves; No. 4, Melvin Scheseniiols, ■Seafbvth Nos*. 1 and 2, Arnold Wetsoott; Nos. 3 and 4, Alex J. Kerr; Nos. 5 and 6 damns; Robinson. No. 1, Kenneth Carter; No. 3, Aza PEA MEAL COTTAGE ROLLS AT 20c. PER POUND WATCH OUR WINDOW SATURDAY NIGHT FOR REAL BARGAINS ...............■*.■■■ J*. > ■ » fam aii.——4 ; .1 . I ’s Quality Meat Market ‘*Whefe Quality is Higher Than Price*0 j