HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-05-14, Page 8THURSDAY, MAY 14th, WI
& May
eluded Snell, of Dashwood, was the winner1
of the rug given ,by Jones & May#
the number was 4525 and Mrs,
Snell’s guess was 45,31. Mrs, Gor
don Heywood was the winner of the
rug given ‘nway at Southcott’ Bros;
the number was 3243 and Mrs.-Hey-:
wood’s; guess was 3231. • j
Lloyd Lippert, of Melbourne, 16*
Hospital;............. .
about the face caused by an explod
ing can of gunpowder. It was at
first thought that the youth would
be blinded but he is now showing
improvement. Young Lippert, bis
brother Ralph, aged 9 and three
other ’boys are said to have taken
a quantity of explosive from the
Lippert hardware into a back yard
and touched it off. The blast was
right into Lloyd’s.face Which is pain
fully blistered, the eyeballs being
burned and seared.
guessing contest for the eon-
rugs given away by Jones,
and Southcott Bros, was von-
on Saturday. Mrs. Charles,
grandson of Mrs.
of town
is in Victoria
badly burned
Exeter Markets
Wheat 66c.
Oats 28c.
Barley 2So.
Bran $1.10
Shorts $1.0.5
Law ‘grade flour' '$1.20'
Welcome FlonV $2.30
Model Flour $2.50
Manitoba Flour $2.60;
Creamery Butter
, . . „ Go-Butter, 21 ‘and 22c
extras 12c.
firsts 10 c.,
seconds Sc
e summer meeting
ndale and Exeter Women’s In
stitute will be held in the basement
of the -James 'Street United church
at 3 p.m. on Friday, May 15h. Miss
A. Smith of Glanford, will be the
special speaker. A cordial invitation
is extended to all ladies.
Interest in football. Come and
see it revived at the Fair Grounds
on Victoria Day and played as it is
in Britain by the Anglo Scots select
vs. Anglo English. Kick-off 10.30
a.m, Collection.
A mvn to assist a sales represent
ative in Huron County. Preference
given to -one who has experience in
selling stocks, bonds, real estate, in
surance or farm equipment. Ex
ceptional opportunity to make mon
ey. Write box 280B
“While the financial responsibil
ity law with its accident reporting
provision only has been 'in effect
since September 1, 193 0, you may be
surprised to know that already 1,031!
persons’ have brought themselves
under its provisions and have had
their licenses to drive and permits
for theii* vehicles suspended. Of
these 855 have apparently exper
ienced difficulty in securing insur
ance or the necessary bond or secur
ities to relieve the suspension and
they are still off the road.”
Then why take the chance when
you can be protected for $15.00 for
12 long months by one of our com
We make all small adjustments at
•our own office.
We specialize in truck Insurance.
<>B “The Insurance Man”
(Office: Main Street, Exeter
Phones; Office 44 Res. 164
Would you invest $200> to $1,000'
in the making of a product that has
never been known to decrease in
value, that every human being is
compelled to buy, where there- can
not be any competition and,, where
large increased returns are assured?
For particulars apply to Box 2 SOL J
Refuse and rubbish intended
the dump.ground if collected and
placed in boxes or bags and. placed,
out on the side of the road will be
removed by -a town team and taken
, to the dump. w
From all streets West of tlie Main
Street on Tuesday next, May 19th.
From all streets East of Main on
Wednesday, May 20th.
Have your refuse placed ready.
By order
J. -Senior,
Jno. Horry,
I now have a full line on hand.;
If you intend doing any building or
remodelling, please give me a call
or come and /see me. I "am selling
at the lowest’ possinre prices espec
ially doors, sash, frames; also all
kinds of fir flooring, veneered hard
wood flooring and all other kinds of lumber. I also have several hay
racks! 'and wagon «/oxes made up
selling at $20.00 each. I carry a
full lino of cedar shingles and as
phalt shingles and am in a position
to supply the carpenters,or any Con
tract if necessary and can assure
prompt delivery.
FOR SALE CHEAP—Westinghouse
electric range three-burner. B
F. Beavers.w.
orFOR SALE—Range for coal
wood in good condition, with reser
voir and high shelf also feed box,
large tool chest," hay-forks etc.
can be purchased real cheap. Apply
A. E. Fuke, Exeter.
All kinds of ferns and flowers for
filling hanging baskets and window
boxes; also window boxes and’ bas
kets filled to order. L. DaySfc Son,
Florists, Exeter.
WANTED—Grass for ten head of
ydung cattle. Apply to Clyde
wood, R. No. 1, Hay. 6
7-2 tc
If you wish to buy or Set! aIt you wish to buy or Sell a farm
or house see R. Eh Plckhrd, Exeter.
1NG—-Distance no object for reason
able amount of wofk.-*--Wni* Brad
shaw, IRlimville* 4-2‘tfn.
Place your order with J» S. Dig-
nan & Son tor invincible Wife Fenc
ing: and gates, Bring your harrows
to early. 2-19-tfc.
Miss Marguerite Cann spent the
•week-end in London.
Rev. E, L. Vivian is in London
attending Synod this week.
Mr. and Mrs. E, Tricksy, of Lon
don, spent Sunday wim their par
Mr. Alex Elliott and Mr. Goliglit^
ly, of Mbncton, visited in Exeter oii
Messrs. W. S. Cole and J. W.
Powell were in Toronto for a few
days last week..
; Mrs. R. R. Rogers, of Toronto,
spent Bunday with her mother, .Mrs.
E. Christie, Sr.
.Mr. W. J. Northeott, of London,
visited with his sister, Mrs. W.
Pearce this week.
Mr, Wm. Perlkins, of London, vis
ited his brother Mr. J. N.
over the week-end.
Mrs. George Geddes, of
visited with her daughter,
B-’Snell over the week-end.
j • Mr. and Mrs. W. . E. Bradt and
family, of London, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell.
Miss Marguerite Aidworth, of
Stratford, is visiting with her par
ents at Sexsmith for a few days.
Mr. Albert-Johnston,' of Toronto,
spent the week-end with his par-
tens, Mr. and Mrs W. H. Johnston,
Mr, and Mrs. Kervin Werner, of
London, spent the week-end with
the latter’s mother Mr's. D. Russell.
Mr. C. F. Hooper, of London, has
been confined to .his home for sev
eral weeks with erysipelas but is
Mr. and Mrs. E A Follick left on
Tuesday tor Gravenliurst, Muskoka,"
where -Mr Follick is combining busi
ness with pleasure..
Messrs. H.. Symington, and E. Lo
gan and. ,Miss Isabelle Gibson and
Miss Catt, of Sarnia, called on Mr.
and Mrs. H, S. Walter on Sunday.
Mr. and- Mrs. A. Ingram, of De
troit, spent the week-end with the
latter’s mother Mrs. S. Hardy jand
other relatives.-
. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Colbpi’ne and
son Keith, of Goderich, and -Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Nash, of Wingham, visit
ed with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell
on Sunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. Senior and daugh
ter Miss Blanche motored to Toron
to where Mr. Senior spent the fore
part of the-week attending the Phot
ographers Convention.
Last week we reported that the
'Purple Martins had arrived on May
1st. Mr. 'Wm. Andrew informs ’us
that he noticed one on the Main St.
of,Exeter, on April 19th.
Mrs.. F. E^ Bliss and two children,
of Vancouver, B, C.. are visiting at
the home of her parents jMr. and
Mrs. Hy. -Strang arriving, liome for
the Cann-Strang wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johns, of Wat
ford, spent the week-end with -Mrs.
John’s sister. > Mr. Wm. Mifchell,
who visited in Watford for a week,
returned /,o Exeter with them.
Mr. Leonard Pfaff, of -'London,
spent the week-end in town .ibrin-gr
ing with him his mother Mr's. W.
Pfaff, who has been visfting with
Mr. -and -Mrs. R. M, Love, of Mt.
Mr. V. L. Roulston, who has com
pleted 'his course Pharmacy in
Toronto has been, visiting with his
parents Dr. and'Mrs. G. F. Roulston
and* expects to leave tliis 'week for
London to resume his duties.
Mr. BensCn Williams, of -Us,borne,
shipped the first "lot of cattle ‘to To.-
•roiito on Satiifday for1 the .Thames
Road Farmers Club, Mr. Williams
and sun -Rowland and Mr. Ed. West
cott motored to the city on Samday.
Miss Florence' Walters -of town
was the successful winner of a Con-
goleum rug offered by the Ontario
Furniture Co., bf London, hers .be
ing the nearest guess in a ’similar
contest to that which was held in
Mr. and Mrs. N. Graham aiid two
children, of Windsor, spent the week
end with Mrs. Graham's iparents Mr.
and Mrs. D, Rowcliffe. Mrs. Row-
cliffe> wha has $een confined to her
home for some time through illness
is sligihtly improved.
A resident of Stephen appeared
before Magistrate D. Sanders
and paid a fine^of $5.00- ‘aiid costs
bn a charge of disturbing the peace
laid by Night Constable Eh Parsons.
The.distrubanoe was created with an
auto on the Main St* Tuesday night.
Others arc to be simiiiarly ^treated
unless they take warning.
Mr. and Mrs, c. J, Patterson anti
daughter Marion motored over from
Detroit and spent the weekend with
the latter’s ^parents Mr and Mrs. Rd.
Quance. Mr, R. B. Quance and his
daughter Miss Mae, of Cromarty,
spent a couple of days in Detroit and
returned to Hxeter with theni,
Knicker Trousers from $3.50 up
Mrs. W.
Rev- J. Bernard 'Rhodes, M. A.
Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M.. Organist
a.m.—.Sunday School
a.m.—Holy -Communion
-“The Making of a Man"
M'id-w,eek Service with-
7 p.m.-
Friday, S p.m’.—Preparatory -Service
May 2 8th—Special Evening -Service
will be held When .Rev. Frank
Bajrd, D.D., Moderator of the
General Assembly,- will be with
Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor
W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M.
Organist and /Choir-Leader
Rev. R. R. Connors B. A., of Kippen,
at both services
11 a.m.—“Christ’s Forward Look”
3 pirn.—Sunday School
7 p.m.—“The Christian’s Resources’*
Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor
Miss Evelyn Huston
Organist and Choir-Leader
. a’.m.—-"‘Message to tne Laodiceaii
p.m.—‘Sunday School
p.m.—-“A Real Test for Everyone”
o’clock1- Thursday the W.M.S.
O’clock Thursday Prayer Meeting.
Rector, Rev, E. L. Vivian, L.
Organist, Mi$s MacFatil
Choir-LCador, Mi*. Mlddlcmiss
u.cti<vjj*y<arr ^asfxmronrmaa
Sunday after Ascension
a.m.—Holy communion
a.m.—(Confirmation Class
10 a.m.—Sunday School
11 a.m.—Morning prayer
Preacher—-Dr, Silcox, of Stratford
Subject-—“Tho Ascension”
Mr..John. Gvey of Atwood, was a
pleasant halier with Mr, and Mrs.
W. ,H. Johnston and Mr. and Mrs,
Rd!i> Terry last week Mr, Johnston
has not seen Mr, Grey since 1897
when he was engaged ’ teaching
school in that vicinity having first
met him at Donegal, a small place
five miles,, from Atwood.
Miss Ina Harding has accepted a
posjtion at Middleton’s Bakery.
ATr. G. J. Dow shipped a car load
o'f horses to Toronto this week.
Miss Nona Chambers, of London,
spent the week-end at her home
' Mr. and Mrs.’ G. J. Dow- and Miss
E- ,M. Bowey spent the forepart ol”
the week in Toronto.
Misses M-arjorie- and Doreen West
cott, of London, spent the week-end
at’ their home in Usborne.
Mrs. Thos. Brock, who recently
moved to Exeter from Usboi-ne, is
seriously ill at her home.
Mrs. Richards, Miss .Schweglar and.
Mrs.-Lee and little son, of Windsor,
are the guests of Mr. and M’rs. N.
J. Dore.
Mr. Bruce Medd and Miss Eleanor
Medd, of Toronto, and Miss Marjorie
Medd, of Guelph/ spent the week
end at their home here. ’ •
~ Rev. J. E. Hogg, of Clinton, has
’accepted an invitation by the Strath-,
roy United church to become their
pastor for the next conference year.
Dr. C. A. and Mrs.- -Snell, of Tor
onto, spent Sunday and Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. T IO Southcott. They
left here to visit in Essex and De
Reeve B. M. Francis, Messrs. B.
W. F. Beavers, E. Lowry and Xyni.
•Coates, were in Brussels on Satur
day .attending the funeral of ex
warden Baeker.
Mrs.' E. A. Bennett , and Mrs. J.
L.’ Kelly, who have been visiting
with Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Browning,
for the past few weks have returned
to their home in Saskatoon.
Mr. W. R. Goulding,’A.T.C. M, of.
town, was elected president of the
School Musicians Association of,
Western Ontario at a meeting lields
in London on Saturday/ We extend
congratulations to’ Mr. Moulding.
The Exeter Tennis Club reorgan
ized. at a meeting in tile Canadian
Bank of Commerce Monday evening.
The club have entered the W.O.L.T.
A. and 'prospects are- bright for an
active season. The grounds are be
ing put into, first-class shape. Tlie
officers are as follows: Pres., J. M.
Southcott; Vice-Pres., Wm* Davis;
-Secy.-Treas., M-iss Greta Harness','
Con. of Membership -Com.,. William Quinn; Con. of Grounds Cbih., W. E.
Quinn; Con. '“of Tournam.ent Com.,
J, M. Southcott; Coh. or Social Com.,
Mrs. W, Kress.,
Mr. wm. Greenley, of town, has
been awarded the contract for the
new Presbyterian church at Bayfield
The- new building will be built of
rug brick and is being built on the
lot adjoining the Post Office, the
excavation work having already
been performed. Tlie 'plans tverb
drawn by Mr. A. E. Fuke# of town.
The masonry Work has b^en sublet
to Messrs. Jas,
at. greatly reduced prices
Now is the time to. order.
Shirts and Ties to match in
Green, Tan and Blue.
w. taMan
. ■ ,Z'
Mr. Milton Russell was in Brus
sels Saturday attending the funeral,
of Mr. ’Alfred Baeker.
„ The 'Women’s Association of James
Street United church held their reg
ular meeting on Thursday afternoon
Qf last week. The first Vice-pres.,
AlTs. ’presided, &nci Mtsl
Heywood took charge Of the- devo
tional exercises, a letter of resign-,
ation was vead from the president,
Mrs. N.'Bheere and in Kindness wa's
accepted. Mrs. Goulding was ap
pointed president and Mrs. T '
Southcott, first vice. It was decided
to Hold a Strawberry festival at a
later date. A solo- by Mrs. Claytbn
Frayne was much enjoyed. After
singing a hymn the meeting closed
With the benediction.
A. T. C. M. 1
Organist and Choirmaster
James St. United Church
Instruction In
Vocal Organ Theory;Piano
Supervisor Of Music in Schools
Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 19*
It is
will be
Jewell and Walter
expected that the
completed early to.!i
'W Woman’s Association of Maili
Street United church held their reg
ular monthly meeting 'Thursday, af
ternoon in, the church parlors, The
president, Mrs. H. W. Doerr whs in
charge. The devotional period was
taken by Mrs. G. S. Howard, A short
business meeting was then held and
it was decided to hold the" annual
Strawberry festival the letter part
of June. -The ladies then serv
ed afternoon tea, A large num
ber of /visitors were present. Piano
duetts were played during the tea
hour by Misses Violet Gambrill and
Dorothy Grassick which were, Very
much enjoyed. Tha pbceedh of the
tea aim ount^d to $ Sd. 0 0, ’
‘ Protect your home with & Mutual
policy, in tlie Mutual Life of Canada.
.. Ernest C. Harvey, insutance Office, * [Main Street,
Sybilla Spahr’s remedy.
BEST for .treating sore
cough, 'bronchitis, bronchical asth-
tonsil ‘ills dnd kindred diseases,
it it’s good. Exester and Hen-
Mildred and Gay were 1-ookiiig*
forward to their holiday^ in the
mountains, y*'-- ■/-
they were, they maae ail inquires5
and arrangements by Long Distance.
The small cost was more than out
weighed by the satisfaction of
mediate reply. And in no time
■their plans were completed.
It’s the!
Like the modern giris;-
Bobble- Somerville, eiglit-year
son of Robert Somerville, of Blatt*
•/shard, township', is critically ill hr
the Stratford Hospital sufforingr
from a fractured skull and a frac
tured log as a result of being struck;
by an automobile on the St Mom
highway bn Monday.