HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-05-14, Page 6C OTVRSMTi MAY 14th. 1031
>>»”■!!!■ JJ.1L... 21^ l.,Ll!!LLL-J ■!.
The Municipal ^Council of the
fTownship of ITsiborne held its monthly meeting at the Township Hall,
jjBllimville, on May 2nd, 1931, with all
*tb$ members of the Council present.
The minutes of the meeting held
<on April 4th were read and approv
ed on motion of Westcott-Williams.
Correspondence: Canada Culvert
■Company., soliciting business. Riled.
Ipoininion Hoist & Shovel Co., infer-
miation required re Drain Contract-
fors. To be given, .
•**>at her"
recently .with the
ditto $5.80; C.
George Dunn,
Reynolds, ditto
John Hunter,
of the-
Allen Johns,
fput^the telephone!'”’s«ie
use Long Distance, whenever
to find out something. It’s
time-and-worry-saver! ”
Receipts from Minister of Rail
ways and T. McMillan of petition re:
reduced freight rates.
By-law No. 4, 19'81 was read and
passed amending By-law No. 3, 1927,
on motion of Shier-Westcott,
Westcott-Bhjer: That a culvert be
ordered from The Armco Iron Co.
for Branch B op Con. 4, 5, size and
length ft be specified by the engin
eer. Carried.
Williams-Dew: That a Court of
Revision be held on the Assessment
Roll on Saturday, May 30th at 2
The Treasurer reported that be
had received $8.60 front the Treas*
urer of Blanslmrd as balance due on
Rdy. account on the Elimville Drain.
Re taxes in arrears. Williams-
Shier: That the final date for the
payment of taxes in arrears be May
23rd after that date all such will be
forwarded to the County Treasurer
for collection. Carried.
Dew-Westcott: That the lowest
tender on Branch B, Elimville Drain
that of Jno. Chambers be accepted,
that a contract be drawn and suf
ficient security given. Carried.
Westcott-Wililams: That the res
olution of Council and By-law No, 1,
1931, fixing the salaries of officers
be amended, and that the salary of
the Reeve be $60i instead of $70 and
that of the Councillors be $50 in
stead of $60. Carried,
The following bills were paid, viz:
Wm. Veal, Sec’y-Treus. S. .Sr. No, 6,
$800.,00; CUhton Sweet, ditto s. s.
No. 4, $220,00; Luther Reynolds dit
to S. S. No. 1, $200,00; Mitchell-Ad-
vocate, ad for tenders Branch Bv
$3.20; Times-Advocate, ditto $2.$0;
Dr, J, G. Dunlop, M-O.H., expenses
Board of Health $106.50; Jones
May, grass seed ‘Con. 2, $9.00; Tra-
quaiy & Lindepfield, stove pipes for
Township hall $4.45; Jones & May,
outfitting Robert Rowcliff e $8.00";
The Reeve, conveying R, Rowcjli’fe
t'o County Home .$5.00; Wm. Bass-
more, farm bridge Passmore Drain
$20.00; Ernest Hicks, ;snowzwork
$1,20; Cecil Skinner, ditto 80c.; W.
T, Quinn, ditto $4.40; W,.< J, Ford,
ditto $2«80; Victor Heywood, ditto
80c.; Howard McCurdy, ditto $3,40;
John Bolton, ditto $2.40; Ephriam
Hern, ditto $15.00; John Cann, dit-
to $3.2,0; Fred Seers, ditto $1.80;',
Fred Dawson, ditto $1,40;* Percy;
Passmore, ditto 70 c. p Robt. Cann,
ditto $0c.; Hector Roweliffe, ditto
$2.60; Edgar Cudmore, ditto $1.20;
Roy coward, ditto $3.00; IL Berry,
ditto $6.00; Wilfred Doupe, ditto
$3.30; John McCullough, ditto $18.*
60; Ewart Pym, ditto $1.50; Roy
Johns, ditto $6.00; Wesley Jaques,
ditto $3.00; Wm. Wood; ditto iSO’C.;
G. AUkinson, ditto $1.90; Geo. Ferg
uson, ditto $2.30; John Swan, ditto'
$2.70; Roy Parsons, ditto $4.10; C,
Moir, ditto $5,00; Frank Bean, dit*
to $1.40; John Stewart, ditto $10.-
80; Harry G
Down, ditto
ditto $1.00;
&, dragging
ditto $9.60; Allen. Johns, removing,
snow fence $2,00\ Lewis Fletcher/
dragging $18,40; Wm. Routly, ditto
$18.40 Well. Brooks,’ ditto $5.40;.
Chas. Jaques, ditto $5.40; Roland
Williams/ ditto $'9.10; Kenneth
Johns, ditto" $9.10; Garnet Johns,
ditto $4,20; Freeman Horne, ditto-
$4,20; Maurice Coates, ditto $6.00;.
Fred Ford, ditto $7.80; Jas. Horne,
ditto 60; Harry Webber, sharpening
grader blades $3.10; Jas. Howe, dit
to $1.60; Jno. Bell, ditching Road
11, $6.00; Mrs, H^, Ford, clerical
work $2.00; H. Ford, superinten
dence $36.00,
Refund McDougall Drain—Silas;
Stanlake 14c.; Aimer .Stewart 79c.;
Jas. Ballantyne $4,67; James Vance1
$2,52; Wm. Thompson 77c,; Mat
thew Thompson 27c.; Agnes Alex
ander $1.07; Jno. Bolton $1,5'3;
Wellington Kerslake $2.74; London
& Western Trusts $2,67; Stewart
McQueen 69c.; Edward Stone 4c.;
Treas. Usborne $1.62; total $19.53..
Refund Passpiore Drain—-Leonard.
Harris 21c.; Nelson Squires $1.01;
Kenneth McNichol $1.49; Thomas Ct
Allen $23.42; John Bray $31.29;
David Cottle estate $10.42; James-
Hodgert $9.69; Norman Passmore
$11.29'; Jno. W. Stewart 87c.; Jno.
Hodgert $9.20; Mary Borland $20.-
26; Jno. Cottle estate $16.04; Wm.
Passmore $ll<i43; County Treas. $9.-
05; Twp. Treas. $9,151; total $165.18
Interest on refund Passmore Drain.
$2.42. , •
Refund Fletcher Drain—'Roy Flet
cher $19.52; Geo. Godbolt $19.05;
Geo. Jones $4.88; Wesley Webbei*
9c.; John Thompson $6.19; Alfred
Coates $28.77; Earl whiting $30.45;
Wm. Coates $18.02; Jno. L.uxton
$11.40; Jno. Essery $14.08; Sam.
Essery $5.34; Fred Ellerington 80c.;:
Esther E. Hunter $4.59; Jno. Hunt
er 14c.; Tp. Roads $8.02; Provincial
Highway No. 4 $'3.94; total $175.28;
Interest on refund Fletcher Drain
Council ^adjourned to meet Satur
day,; May 30th at 1 p.m.
Henry Strang, Clerk#
Spring was a 'busy time for ,Mr-s.
Baxter. Holiday visits to plan—
summer arrangements—outings' for-
the ‘ children’# “•mid-year” and
many other things, meant constant
activity. “I’d simply .'be lost .with—
admits.' “I
I want
such -a
Mrs. B. Brennerman is ill _____
home at Blake, her daughter Mrs.
D. Gascho, js Visiting with at pres
.Mr. and Mrs. Lennis O’-Brien# of
Clinton, visited recently .with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
O’Brien,, -■» .
•Mrs. C. Aybtte and son, Mr. Rich
ard Jeffery motored to Detroit and
Port Huron the. past week.
Miss Ethel Hess, has returned te
ller home after visiting for a few
weeks Jwith her sister, Mrs. (Rev.>
Is. Kalbfleisch, at Elmira.
Mr# C. Fritz and son 'Ward visited,
with relatives in Listowel on Sunday,
and Mrs. Eichler and Mr.,
visited "
Mr. and Mrs. Eichler
Wedeman, of Pigeon, Mich.,
with relatives in this vicinity
iy. .
Miss Gertrude Schade,
daughter of Mrs. W- Sclrade,
Blue Water, Highway, has recently
returned from Toronto, where ,Miss
Schade graduated from the Toronto
Bible College. -x
A vev enjoyable evening was spent
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Gelenas, Jr., when about fifty rela
tives and ,friends gathered in honor-
of,their daughter’s birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Meidinger,.
of Dresden, were week-end visitors
with the former’s parents Mr. and.
Mrs. Mich, Meidinger.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howald were
recent visitors with Mr; a>nd Mrs. O.
Steinbach at London.
Mr. Newell Geigier, who recently
suffered a nervous breakdown in.
Toronto, is improving and has left
the hospital and is staying at, the
home of his uncle Rev. R. M. Geiger,
at Preston. t,. *.
Mrs. Fleischaubr Passes
Mrs. Henry ^leischauer passed
away at her home in Zurich at the
age of 54 years, 2 months and 14
days. Formerly Miss Emma Flax
board, slid was united in marriage,
to her late husband in 1897 when
they lived on a farm in Hay Town-1
ship. Her husband predeceased, tier
eleven years ago. Five sons and five
daughters survive; Mrs. Ed. Hooper,.
Detroit; Mrs. Wm. Smale, Komoika;
Mrs. Victor Tyler, Dashwood; Elean- ■
or and Beta at home; also five sons;
Oscar, of Stanley; Lofhe, of tlie Parr-
Line; irvin, at Orillia; Albert and
Norman at! home; also six sisters and
two brothers: Mrs. Louis Kraft, Mrs*.
F. C. Kalbfleiscli, Mrs. M. Meidinger,.
Mrs. H. Hbwald, all of Zurich; Mrs*,
c. Hey, Babylon Line and Mrs. Hy*.
Staubus, Dashwood; John Flaxboard#
of Stanley and Hy. Flaxb-oard, Zu