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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-05-14, Page 5
4 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CREDITON The Crediton Athletic Association intend putting on a Minstrel Show ■on the 22nd of May. Moi'e particu lars later. . . *, , ■ ■ L 1 # 'There was a good- attendance at the special Mother's Day Sunday school service in the morning and at the. evening? service of the church. Three infants were ed at the evening, service, Stunday at the close of the evening service the congregation of the United church will vote on the ques tion of using1 the United- church. Hymnary.—-Miss Dorothy Hirtzel, of Detroit, is visiting with her parents • Mr. and Mrs. J. Hirtzel.—Mrs. M. Haist has returned home - after spending the winter months with her daughter in the ‘States,—Mrs. J, McDonald, “of Detroit,, is spending a week with her motlfer Mrs, Mary Wenzel and sisters. Mrs. Fahner,—Mr. H, F ing in Detroit.—Mr •erer and. children, Sunday visitors at tne norne of the . latter's pa'i’enis, Mr, and Mrs. Fred erick Gaiser,-—Miss Gertrude Haist, of Goderich, Miss Helen Mdsaac, of London, Mr. Lester Mclsaac and Mr. Elgin Woodall, of Detroit, spent last Sunday with their respective par ents.— Mrs. Haumuller and Mr. Elgin Hilher and' friend, of Detroit,, visited at the home -of Mr. and Mrs.' C, F. Eilbey.—Mr, Samuel King had the misfortune to break his arm while cranking his car last week.—- Mrs. 'Matthew England and. Miss V, Guettin-ger are pn, the sick list,— Special Mother’s Day service was observed in the Evangelical church on Sunday, A mother’s choir of 35 rendered a pu-mber of selections sat both the morning and evening ser vices. Mrs. Gordon Morlock san]© a solo in tlie morning and a pidther’s, quartette rendered a selection at the evening service. A pageant was, giv en at the Sunday School session. The altar was^beautifully decorated with flowers. ‘ ’Rev. Sippell rendered very appropriate sermons for the occasion. Mother’s Day was observed with special interest in the Sunday’school of the United church on Sunday last The school room jvas beautifully dec orated with- flowers of all hues. Mother’s Day program was used throughout :the service with- special numbers added,—The attendance at jtlie morning, session was one to be- (put down on-record. One of the largest in the history of the new. ^NiaSra ^FallsJ oiJ churcll‘ Amon^ tll08e fr'om a< nnH aSivrr«- 'tance who ’attended the morningand Mis._ Cliailei,.^.^ -whQ were ,afc Qne tijne mem_ VL urx, O.11U WX4.O »v xmam' ^el‘S e Sclld°l WeX’61 ‘ M1‘. and JJuker.-—Mr. Fred Berr^ who- lias ®4rs, Fred Eilber of Detroit, Mis. been' visiting friends in Kincardine Roy Benett, of Windsor; Miss Mar- returned home on Sunday,-—The ‘ Richards, ot London and Mh”.. El- Mother’s Day . service was observed' Sin Woodall, * Of Detroit,-—-Mrs. Rich, an 'our local churches on Sunday last who has been confined „to her -Special music was given by the- choir.home for’some time was able to at- an.(J special sermons delivered. In1 tend Mother’s Day seryice on Sun- the United Church a ladies choir day. Everyone was pleased to- see supplied the music .and the Rev, A.fher -out' .again.—Miss Wealthy Sinclair , .having charge of the ser- Schroeder who has spent the winter vice. ------* ■<-- — eir1 by Mrs.. Sinclair, Mrs. Drysdale and Mrs. Hedden. At the Carmel Presbyterian church there was a DR. J. A. McTAGGART, L, P, HENSALL, ONT, JTelephone 106 Main Street Mr*- HENSALL Mr, and 4-Irs. Orville Twitchell £jid family .spent Bupcray at Niagara. -^Miss Lizzie -Slavin is spending 'ft tfew days visiting h<h’ 'brother in Tucker smith.—Ml and Mrs. Jas, Hohthron spent Sunday with friends in Kitchener*—^Sacrament will be observed in Carmet Presbyterian Church oh Sunday morning, May the . jL7tli.—- Mr, John Carmichael spent the week-end with friends in De-- iroit,—Mr, and Mrs, Al, Ingram, of Detroit, spent a i‘e\v nays with the former’s parents on thq London Rd, -"--Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Armstrong and Mr, Wm/ Arinstrong -spent Saturday ip London,—-Dr, and Mrs, Collyer were visited by the, if ormer’s brother from London,a few days last weeik. Mr; and. Mrs. Geo. T- Mickle, Ridge town Mr. and day ion on South Richmond- Street formerly occupied -by Mr, W, J. White, Miss Marie Bell, of London, spent the week-end at her. some here.— Mm.aad Mrs, Lad McEwan spent the week-end at Niagara7 Falls.—-Mr. M, Drtwein and son Lloyd, of London, spent the week-end at his home here. ?Mr. aiid Mrs, Wm. Consitt’ dpent Saturday in London visiting their friends,—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cor- Jbett, accompanied-by Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLarep spent Sunday at Nia gara Falls—^Mr. Orville. Smith visit ed friends in London pn Saturday.— Mrs, Peter Munn, who has been liv ing in. London for several years has jeturned to Hensall ana, is now oc cupying her own home on Queen St. Hey many friends are pleased- to se'e her again.—Mrs. Ed-ward Sheffer lias”.returned home after a couple of weeks’ visit with her daughter in . Rt, Rowan. Mr, Eii’i’ol' Dru-mmond has sold his dwelling on Queen St. to My., Ez ra Wi'llard who has moved..into it. —Mrs. Carlock and daughter Helen ©f Detroit, spent a couple of .weeks at the home of -Mrs. CarJodk’s father Mr,. Th-os. Cook.—The. Women’s Guild, of St. Paul’s Anglican church will hold a sale of home-made- cook ing and-candy'on Saturday, May 16 in the basement of the chur’ch. A supper will be served, from 4.30.— Mr. Robert Higgins spent. Saturday jn London.—Mr.- and Mrs. Orville1 Smith spent Sun.d'ay visiting friends ■ in .Kincardine.—-I".. d M.~. Paterson visited Niagara Falls Sunday.—Mr, and Mrs. Charles Robson, of LoUdon, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William'® Luk^r.—Mr. : r 1 „ returned home on are visiting at the home of and Mrs. Laird .Mickle.—-Mr. Mrs. S, L. Peppier spent Satur- in London.-—Mr. Donald McKinr intends moving into the house United baptiz- -—Next Henbert . Eillber is visit- . and Mrs. Hab- of Zurich, were with1 her parents Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Schroeder,—-Ml and Mrs, W, Wfiin and family, of Dashwood, spent Suu* day with Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Wein. -—Mr. Garnet Ran, of Flint, Mich., is vlslthi^'^is parents !$*"• and Chris. 'Ram-^Mr. and- Mrs. Charles Anderson and Jack, Qf Exeter, spent Sunday wRh the former’s- parents ML and Mrs. Wilson' Anjeyson,— Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Kuhn, of Kit chener, spent Sunday with the form er’s parents Mr, and Mrs. Hy. Kuhn, III III III II. wimr, w wm StST III T DASHWOOD Dr, H. H* Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.5. DENTAL SURGEON Al office In Hartleib Block, Da«h- wood, first three days of week and >t office ever the Post Office, In Zurich, ldet three days of week. Rev, apd Mrs. Sauer attended the funeral of the late Mrs, P, Miller in Rodney last week,—Mr. L. Chamber lain and Mrs. Kady, or Port Huron, and Mrs. Manson and family, of Zurich, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, J. C, Reid.—Mrs. Adella Fisher is • spending a few weeks im London.—Misses Anna Tieman. and Betty Willard, of MacDonald Hall, Guelph, spent the week-end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs, D, ‘Tieman.—Mr. E. k. Guenther is all smiles on the arrival of a baby ' girl.—Miss Myrta Hoffman, of Kit chener, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoffman,— Mr, Eugene Tieman, of Western University, London; Mr. Ira Tieman, of Hamilton and Miss Cornell, of New Hamburg spe nt Bunday with I Mr. and’ -Mrs, E. Tieman.—Mrs. H. Hoffman, Harry and Gertrude and Mr and Mrs. Clayton Pfile attended the Musical Festival at Stratford on Thursday evening.—-Mr. and Mrs. Ft Ten Eyck, of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. "Jacob Meidinger, of Zurich,, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Becker.—Mrs. C. Fritz and Mrs. H. H. Cowen visited with Mr. •and Mrs. (Jaco/b Kellerman on Sun day.—Miss Lucille Willert and Mr, 1 Brinke, of Birmingham visited at the home of Mr.,,and Mrs. Fred Wil lert over Sunday. Mrs, Willert re turned with them vto visit at Detroit and Foi’t Wayne, where she will at tend the graduation of her daugh ter Miss Alice Willert from the Ft. Wayne _ and Mrs. W. H. Leibold, of Bebring- ville and Rev. W. E. Beese, of Tav istock visited with Rev, and -Mrs. A. W. -Sauer on Tuesday.—-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, JR. Baker. , —'The regular meeting of the Dash- "Wood Evangelical Lauies’ Aid and’ W. M. S. was .held on Thursday af ternoon May 7th in the basement of the church. The program was arranged by Mrs. Cy. Sink and MrS, R. Willert with the latter iii the chair. Mrs. R. Cfroetz read the Alice Willert from the Ft. Lutheran Hospital.—Rev. .=5 A RED & WHITE *-1" '! Cl.." .!*!"!llll.l!l*""!l I.l'lt' .... ■'■.'-."I-. I’!!*!,'.Iff! V1-I EVERY WBEK BRINGS ITS OWN BARGAINS. DON’T,MISS T^EM., FOR PJBS—CHOICE QUALITY PUMPKIN NO, 2tTIN . 2 fpr CALIFORNIA DRIED PEACHES ,, per BL 15c. GOOD QUALITY PRUNES.................: <, V; \. 2 lbs, for 19c, WHIPPING CREAM FRESH EVERYJWORNING SPECIAL—FINEST QUALITY NEW CHEESE. per 15c, BEST QUALITY SINGAPORE PINEAPPLES . , >. ,3 ; 2 tins for 21c. FOR SANDWICHES—RED & WHITE POTTED MEATS 8 c. a tin 2 15c, FANCY QUEEN OLIVES (full pint jar) .........’ ,, each 21c, CANDY SPECIAL—CHOCOLATE ROSEBUDS this week ,.., per ib, 25c; STORE 1'1 ' If ' =3 QUAKER CORN FLAKES 3 packages for 25c* SOAP FLAKES IN BULK 3 pounds for 29c. Gold Medal Bantam Corn 2 tins for 25c. FRAY BENTO’S CORN BEEF 1 pound tin 19c. OXYDOL, large package . . PURE CASTILE SOAP .... ALL BRAN per package 19c, 7 RICE KRISPIES ^ packages for 25c. BIG FIVE CLEANSER . 5 large tins for 25c, CROWN TEA IS GOOD Per lb. 39c. FANCY RED COHOE SALMON 1-2 lbl tin 2 for 27c, .... 19c. 8 for 25c. MOTHER’S BABY SQAP 3 cakes for 16c. GOOD QUALITY PEAS 3 tins for 25c, SCHNEIDER’S PURE LARD ■ 2 lbs. fpr 23c, LARGE JUICY ORANGES , per doz. 39c. RED & WHITE MATCHES ... 3 for 25c. HARVEY & HARVEY - EXETER, ONT. We Help You? Dollar Haye More Cents, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Phone 102 We Deliver 11117 or and gave an excellent address on "M-otherhood.•’ At the close- Miss Florence Herdman mbved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Hord, which was sec onded by Mrs. Chas. God'bolt, then presented her with a lovely cake for which Mrs. Hdrd expressed her ap preciation. Much credit for the success of the evening, is due Mrs. White, who was director-in-chief and we are sure all present enjoyed themselves. One .very connmendable feature of the banquet was- the- hour at which it closed not being drawn out to an unseemly. length as many 'banquets (are. The speakers were mostly amateur and look their parts very creditably. The basement and tables were prettily decorated witli plhnts and flowers and several of ......... --------’ otherscripture lesson and a splendid topic the young girls served tea, _____ on Mother's Love outlining the lives whiting on table being eliminated by of John Wesley and George Wash- having tables fully set before sitting >dn file' evening a trio wag-giv- in* London has returned home. - Crediton W. I, Elects The Crediton aiid Stephen Town ship Branch of the V-omen’s Insti- cently for the transaction of their annual -business and ' election. The following was the result: President, Mrs. M. Telfer; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. Dan Molsaac; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. Art Amy; sec’y-treas., Miss C. Morlock; assist, sec’y.-treas., ‘Miss Maibel Fahner; pianist, Mrs. Em mery Fahner; assistant pianist, Miss Lavina ISbiitli. After, the business I meeting to be held May 14,' when tlie 'Zurich W* I. will hoitt a joint ses sion with the ■ Crediton W. I. in the Sunday School room of the Evan gelical church. Death of Mrs. Yearley another’s choir and Rev. Mr. McElroy“J tYL institute Hall re- ImA.rino ___Tn + 1\k tUt6 lliet 111 111(5 lUSllCUie J.ia.11 It Jngt-on; reading were given -by Mrs. Wm. Snell and Mrs. R. Hl Taylor? Following the program Mrs. D. Tie man took charge of the business, ses sion. Plans were made for the Strawberry Festival’ to be 'held in June.—M'r. E. Tieman & Son, Gen eral Merchants have become affiliat ed with the Superior-Chain .Stores. dawn. Of London, spent Bunday with . Mr. and Mrs. H. Mills.—Mrs, Elston,, of Exeter has been visiting with rela tives in the village during the past week.—Mrs, Wan. Hodgins, of Bid- dulph,( spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'w. Smith.—Miss Margaret Hicks was the guest of Miss Helen Dignan, of Exeter for the week-qn-d. •—Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Powe and son,. Teddy, of London, Mr. and Mw Andrew Porter and, children, of Lucan, spent the weelk-end with.Mr.-, and Mrs. Arthur .Brooks.—-Tlfe' -an niversary services of the United church will Ibe held on .runday,'- May 17. The speaker for both services will be Rev. S. J. Mathers, of p-rahd Bend. In the. pro ruing taking] ais. ,his' subject, "The -Church is one ;Fbhh*T: dation” and in the evening "Trahs-- forming Passion.” Services at 10,SJ" a.m. and 7 p.m. ’ ’io. Sir J CENTRALIA i I'Mr, Clifton Mitchell, of London, *■GRAND BEND ; SHIPKA «A good number attended the Mpther’g Day service in the United Church on Bunday. A programme was given, also „ a >ptf,gieant entitled, ■^Noble Mothers of Famous Men,” after which . Rev. Mr. Haglestein 'gave a*talk which wag enjoyed by all —-Mr. and Mrs. Colin Keys and two .gh.lldren,, Of Detroit, spent last-weeK yisitiiig-'- with relatives here.—-The ,L:a-d'fe§. Aid held their regular meet ing Wednesday last at the home of MrSt;'--*Matt; Sweitzer, After- the open ing of th‘e meeting and the reports were givd.n with the roll call it was 'decided to have a strawberry social .ojf/JftjiO! 2,4th. The remainder Of the \affei,irobh’ was' spent in contests and mu^^The young people held their qjosffig.'^heeting for the season, on >Moiida3s?dvenin,g| at the home of Mr. Winl iSweitzer and was in the form of‘‘a social evening. A good time was had by nil. ■ft’ spent the week-end with his parents delivered two 'fine sermons.—In the St. Paul’s Anglican church Rev. M. . Parker had charge of the services. In the mornin-gTi duet was given by Mrs. Goodwin and Mrs. Drummond. ' —The A.Y.P.A. of-St. Paul’s Angli can church held their regular meet ing on Monday evening. After the opening exercises tne program was by Mr. Francis Abbott, of Exeter, elocutionist, which was very much] enjoyed -by all, after wliijgli the topic Was given by 'Mrs. parley on "Sym bols of the church.—Mr. Victor Bon ds improving the exterior of his -gar age that „he recently purchased from Mr. John McDonell, ‘by -having- it aiicelk? painted.—Mrs. joim Passmore ispent Monday visiting friends in London.—Mr. Bender, lately of Blyth, has opened a ladies’ ready-tQ- “wear store in the premises occupied an the past years .by the late->A. Mur- dodk.—-Mrs. A. JOynt and Mrs. Win. Caldwell attended the’wedding of their neice and granddaughter Miss] -Strang, of Usborne.—Messrs. Joe and Casey Hudson have their gar age' finished -and ar- open 'for busi ness.—Mr. Arthur Bush of Pennsyl vania, is’Visiting for a tew days with with friends in town.—The Gold Seal Congoleum rug given away with the guess” . . . _ store North, was 2 was Mrs. „ _ Wm. Nicpl guessed 2,500.—-Mr. Wal ter Lunch ester, of British Cdlumbia, is’'•vi Siting’ for a: "few days-this'week with friends in town.—The Arnold ICircle of the Carmel Presbyterian church,held their meeting o-n Tues day ’’evening.- The . meeting was .opened’’by ‘ singing a hymn ’ -after whi'clr-'Mi's.' Roy McLaren led in prayer- after which the scripture reading was given by Beryl Pfaff followed by the roll ca tary’s report. The discussed and the collection f . taken followed by a reading by Miss Hannah Murray followed by a -hytiin and the meeting closed in prayer.— Mr. Wm. Consitt is holding a school tf-ov instructing tlie enumerators for taking the. census ill ;Hxeter, Clin ton and Beafdr.th this week.—Mr. Robt. Caldwell was hi Exeter on Tuesday.—The Young People of the United Church are putting on a play entitled, "Be. an Optimist” in Town Hall oh Friday evening, the Path, > chil- days here l‘ug g contest at Rennie's was -won by iwrs. Bertram Hensall. The lucky number 514 Mrs. North’s giiess which the nearest was 2.501. Fred Bengough and Mr. and business secre- was was the May STAFFA Fisher, of few days Mrs; Wm. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Criielph, are spending a with the latter’s .mother,, Butler.—Mr. Howard Leary, London, visited with his parents Mr. -and Mrs, John Leafy over the- week-end.— ML and Mrs. Roy Buttonham., of Hamilton are visiting at the home of'Mr. and -Mrs. Andrew McLellan, —Ml and Mrs. George Suhr; Strut- ford, spent’ Sunday with Mr Mrs. G. Ttiffln. and Mrs. Wiliam Yearley of Crediton, passed away early Tuesday morning at, the1 1—I , Albert ed had been spending a few days with her 'daughter when she was taken ill and death came as a great surprise to her many friends. Her maiden name was Martha M’ftw- liinney being the eldest daughter of the late George lVIawliinney and Ann Foster, -She was the eldest of a family of six 'boys and six eight of whom ’are" still living Yearley predeceased her Dec. 1924. Bhe' is survived by daughters and’two sons: Mrs. Lawson, of t-o'Wit; Mrs. Albert Hy. aiid ‘Tlios. ofjSteplien; also four brothers 'and four sistdrs: George MaWhinney, ef Crediton, , David Exeter;' Thomas and William, Btephen;, Mrs. 'Robt. Keys,' Mrs: J. Schroeder, ,of Stephep: Mrs. Whi. Martyn and’ Mrg. Jas. ‘Lawsbii, of Exeter. The deceased,- was a, mem ber;.of the- ;C’redIton ..United chur,ch ■and esteemed by ,uiany friends. The funeral will take place from he# re sidence iii. Clediton on Thursday, service, at 1.30 interment in- Exeter cemetery. home of her daughter, Mrs. Keys, of Shipka. The deceas- CREDITON EAST .girls, Mr, 16 th ’ two Geo. Keys of of Harry Lewis and son Eb6r at-Mr tended the funeral of the former’s uncle Mr* Norman Fraser in Wyom ing on .Sunday.,—-Miss .Ethel David son, of Pt. Huron, is visiting, with her grandparents Mr, and Mrs. Sam. Merner. Mr. and Mrs. David Baird and son Jacilt' and Mrs. Sam Merner and. Miss Ethel Davidson, of Pt. Huron, spent Sunday at Grand Bend.—-Mr. and Mrs, Wilson, of Sarnia, spent Wed nesday with the latter’s sifter Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Motz.—-Mrs. J. Baird spent the week-end with her -two daughter^ and soil hero.—Miss N.. Sdms is visiting with her grand-* mother Mrs. John Baird at Grand Bend,—Miss Annie Wagh-orn has accepted ft. situation near St. Mhry’s. and left -’for there op Sunday,-^Miss Marion Richards,, of London,' spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. .Jack Richard.—Miss Wealthy Schroeder, of Londoiu spent Sunday ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Alec Johns and dren, of Warwick, spent a few visiting the former's mother recently,—-Mr. Lewis Woods and six boys from London were visitors here on Mother’s Day.-—Mrs. M. Routley and Miss Mildi'ed Routly visited at Mr. W. Horne’s^last Sunday.—Miss Bessie Johns has .been on the sick list but is recovering.—-Miss Gerta Hunter,’ of London; assisted with tlie program at the banquet on Monda.y, night. Her readings were very...much appreciated. Mrs. Emerson Gun ning, of Kirkton, was also present and sang two numbers which were much enjoyed.—Mr. and Mrs. Down and children of Btramroy, visited at Mr. Robt. Wood’s last Sunday.— Master Charlie Harris, of Farquhar, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Morgan recently.—Mr. and. Mrs, Win. Sfephen and children, of Woofa- ha-m, were -Sunday visitors, in the village?.—Mr. Ewart cornish, of Go derich, was home ovc: —Miss- Bessie Bell,' ing, of Lond-cn, was liome. on -Sun day.—Mr. Pogue, a provincial audit or, ^vas at' the town nail the begin ning of the week, auditing the Muni cipality’s accounts for last year.— Mis. Hii'bert Hunter, who lid’s had two fingers of her right hand in a plaster cast for several weeks, had it removed last week; Her friends hope that the trouble may be perm- h-mently.’ ’remoyed.—-Messrs. Harold Bell and John Ridley, will 'be heard over the dir front CJGC 'next Mon day night; ‘They 'vvill"giVe‘11 timbers oh violins,-'‘mouthorgans’ land 'jeWs- harps •’accompanied by Miss Ruby Johns oil-the piano.—-Mr. and Mrs. Hord, of London, were guests at the parsonage on Monday.—A large number were present at the morning service last Sunday. Rev. .White gave a very, appropriate address for Mother’s Day, the choir also sang a pleasing anthem,. Lovely plants and cut flowers adorned the altar rail a.nd pulpit. Mr. Lewis- Woods brought two hydrangeas which were very beautiful and altogether added much to the enjoyment of the ser- vice.—Oil Monday evening of this week over eighty ladies of the- con gregation, -past and present, sat down to a Mother & Daughter Banquet in the basement of the church, given under the auspices of the W. M. S. and Mission Circle. Mrs. (Rev.) White as toast-mistress proposed a toast to the King which was respond ed to by all singing the National An them. Miss Ejva Horne proposed a toast to thefl Church which was re sponded to by Mrs. Ed. Johns. Miss Marjorie Delbrldge proposed a toast fo the Mothers which;-was responded to by Mrs. Will ElfOrd. A splendid program was given -consisting of readings by Miss Gerta Hunter; solos by Mrs. Emei'son. Gunning; readings by. Mrs. Glias. Jbhns and Miss Mary Johns; a 'piano duett *>y Misses Mar* s&aret and Gladys Johns and a violin solo by Miss Florene© Bell. Mrs. Hord, of- London, was guest of hon- tne week-end. nurse-in-train- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell.—Mr; and Mrs. Maurice Ne'i'l and young son, Mr. Garfield Neil, Mr, and Mrs. E.. Beavers, of Detroit,’ spent the week-end with. Mr. and Mrs. James Neil.—The Mother's Day services, held in the United church on Sun day were largely attended ■. both morning and evening. Special--music was provided by the Mother’s* Choir in the morning Mrs. Roy Fletcher rendered a very pleasing solo. The story entitled "The Cap that Mother Made” was very ably told by Master Redge Hodgson. Mrs. Herman Powe and Mrs. ATtliur McFalls occupied the pupit. Mrs. McFalls save* a very inspiring address on ‘‘Noble Mothers of Famous Men”' and the’ influence of Mothers in the home,,.'’ In the morning the pastor, Rev. A. V. Robb conducted the baptismal service. Rev. Roibb occupied the pulpit in the evening and preached a very in spiring sermon.—Mr. and Mrs. Win. Baird, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgert, of Exeter,’ spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Willis.— Mrs. Spencer and Misses Jean and Mills and friend,- Miss ,s. .Spencer, T 3 ■! . ■^1A/W' winchelsea r‘^^iH/Ja,n,d Mrs. Len. • Whaley and ■ Mf^'^abel Whaley and Mr. Wesley ’ ‘jBpirtns;?o.i St. Marys, visited with Mr. ’ 1Z> TXT X> n 4-4- zsi-i 'C*fr4 4* /In,, . A ^rs^fEfpierson Gunning, of Kirkton, spent, a few days this; week with her pairepts Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Clarke.—. ■! Ml gnd Mrs. Geo. Parkinson, of Whalen, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H; Foster.—Mr. and. Mrs. K. Hutton, of. Thames Road, visited . With Mr and Mrs. Geo. Davis on : 'Sunday.—-Mr. and Mrs. ‘Chas. God bolt visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. . Batten on 1 Bundgy.—Miss Verna ; Brock ,waS hi London one day last w^ek attending the graduation at , '■^ifctoria Hospital, her cousin Ina Jaques being one of the graduates.— Mrs. .Agnes Alexander, of, Thames Road is spending a .few days- with ’Ml's. J. E. Creery.—Mr F. Davis vis- ■iwd one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Horne.—Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bailey visited at Mr. • Charles Del-* bridge’s' .on Bunday.—Mr. and Mrs. ’H'. F-oster were in,London one day last week.—Mr. Harold Prance and. . Mr.,;Stephen Pyne was in Guelph on Sunday. Mr. -Lb Grieve,’3.^, erecting his jli’in-: ’iature- golf, course/t'his week and -ex.-- ppcts it1' to be; in running"'condition very sooh’—Miss 'Ma'ry.Yeo hasipo-m-? pleted her course in hair-dressing/in’ Sarnia hnd Detroit and 'is . opening’.,w. Batten on ,Sunday.- Shop on May fifteenth and will ‘g.iye. the 'best of service,—-The opening dance at tile -Casino was, a fair;.suc cess on .Saturday evening despite” the- nasty weather.—Mr? and Mrs.'.Ross Desjardine spent the week-end in St. Thomas,—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mousso, of Exeter, spent (Sunday with Mr. John Mousso.—Mr. and: Mrs. W. H. Davis, of London, spent Sunday witli Mr. -Chas. Giles.—Mrs., S. De-wey, of -St. Marys, spent tli’e week-end with her mother Mrs/'-Kt Ravelie.—Mr. and Mrs. .John PoRshB and daughter, of Centralia, and Mr. and Mrs, N. Pollard, of Corbett, Vis ited at Mr. Walter England’s on. Sun day.—Miss Emma Mollard received; the sad news of-the death of' Trek brother William Thomas Mollard, who died in Victoria, B. C. Mr. Mol- larfli was well-lk'nown here beings, a. son of Mr. James Mollard, whO’Came to this part of the Township when it was in the making about, fifty, years ago‘. When your roof is worn out and commences to leak you never know what damage will be caused to your decorations even though you make temporary repairs. Better save yourself trouble and money by re-roofing NOW with Brantford Asphalt Slates. ’ They cost less to buy, less to. lay and nothing for repairs. Speak to your Brantford dealer about the more than 100 dif ferent colour combinations ob tainable in beautiful, fire-safe Brantford Roofs. * Brantford Roofing Company, Limited, Head Office and Factory: Brantford, Ont. Branch Offices and Warehouses. Toronto, Winnipeg, Montreal, Halifax, Saint John, N.B., and St, John’s, Nfld. / Exeter Lumber Co., Limited * MnWwMnV 1