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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-05-14, Page 4
* THURSDAY* MAY W ftgssssgssss SHINGLES > . ,» . ■».. WE STILL HAVE A FEW THOUSAND OF OUR EDGE. GRAIN CEDAR’SHINGLES LEFT. THESE ARE AN EX-, CEPTIONAL HIGH GRADE SHINGLE CUT FROM SEL ECTED LOGS AND ARE 100 PER CENT. VERTICAL GRAIN AND 100 PER CENT. HEART TIMBER. WE ARE GOING TO SELL THESE'AT $1.10 FOR 3X’S AND $1.15 FOR 5X. THESE ARE PACKED 25, TO A BUNCH AND THREE BUNCHES WILL LAY A SQUARE. SEE US ABOUT YOUR NEW HARD WOOD FLOORS OR ANY REPAIR WORK. The Exeter Lumber Co. ( THAMES ROAD Mrs. Ed. Pollen, entertained on Monday to a quilting party.—’Moth" er’s Day was observed in ehuych and ■Sunday School with a large -atten- dance. The program provided was .followed in Sunday School the pupils rendering songs, were Master' Law rence Anderson and sister Lepore and Misses Doreen and Elsie Mc- JNichoi, the pageant was well undelV taken, by Mrs. Albert Etherington, her attendants being Miss. Jessie Montieth, Mr. Lamport, Master-R/ Passmore and Miss Loreen Borland. Mr. -Tom Farrant gave a talk on the <“Cap Mother Made’’. The music in church was rendered iby a merds choir. Mr. A. Gardiner and Ml\ FJ Dawson sang a duett, the chorus of .several well known hymns. The ^pastor took for his text, “The Lord is My Shepherd” stressing the point of great importance tnat mothers should shepherd the little ones -in their care, placing there faith in the Good Shepherd who cares for all and Over i SC K*M' r away IBe to go in a ChevroletSix -z ALL outdoors can be yours, this summer. For it is so easy to own a Chevrolet Six. It costs so little when you buy, and while you drive it. Wherever need or fancy carries you, Chevrolet goes smoothly, quickly, surely. ^Wherever there are hills to climb,, Chevrolet, soars up with-Aase. Mud or sand or rough going are no bar to pleasant havens off the beaten track. \................>. - And wherever you go in your Chevrolet^ ,ypu syill go with pride. For With its graceful new bodies by Fisher^itS de lii&e- wirfc wheels its longer wheelbase » ..the hew Chevrolet has Won instant accept* a ance aiponlg;'people who appreciate smart things. Break down the’ barriers of everyday . » . own a Chevrolet Six this summer. Go swiftly, comfortably, safely . * . over the hills and far away. Canada Canadians everywhere are striking for ward on the rising tide of a fresh and vigorous prosperity. And General Motors pays tribute to Canadian achievement with “Canada orf Parade”, an all-Cana- iJian radio hour every Friday evening. We invite you to listen in. ■ Ask about the GM AC deferred payment plan » and the General Motors Owner Service Policy, SK -MEW CIETOWT SIX A‘ G E Y E R A L MOTORS PAttJE MILO SNELL, EXETER ■1 ASSOCIATE DEALERS: JOHN PASSMORE, HENSALL’, ONT. . C; FRITZ & SON, ZURICH, ONTARIO t •how big the job is of a mother who really shoulders the responsibility remembering' the building of the 'Kingdom' of God in doing so.—Miss Hazel Hackney is visiting her sister Mrs. McLean in Detroit.—Mrs. Robt. Kydd is visiting' at Shallow Lake with Mr, and Mrs. itydall,—Mr. W. Kydd is improving a little after his recent Sickness. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER On Monday afternoon about thir ty neighbours and friends gathered at tli'e ‘home of the Misses Keddy, Jiurondale, and in the course of a ‘Sociairnfternoon presented Miss May- belle-Strang, bride-elect with a mis cellaneous shower. Many handsome presents were brought in in a beauti fully deeorated basket. Fortunately no’ two gifts were alike. Afternoon ted was served and 'best wishes were extended to the bride-to-foe. »• THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE * ZION Mrs. Wilbur Batten and daughter visited with her aunt MrS'/MiUar of Cromarty, last Thursday.^-iSpecial MMhwt» Day services were held in the church in the •morning conduct ed Iby the Sunday School. Rev. L- C. White delivered a splendid ser mon at the evening service in keep ing with Mother’s Day. The choir; gave two .selections,—--Sion W» M. S. are invited to join with the Ellmville W, M, ,8, on Wednesday, May &Qth i and will provide the program.—IMr. and Mrs. Simon Millar, of -Cromarty, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Batten.—^Messrs, Wellington and Garfield Brock were called to Exeter, on Sunday owing to the ill ness of their mother, Mrs. Thomas Brock.—-A number attended the Main ©t, Anniversary services in Exeter on Bunday evening. The IV.M.S, held their regular monthly meeting in the church on Thursday afternoon May 7th with the President in charge. The meet ing opened by singing hymn 1-51 and repeating the watchword. After sing ing hymn 103 prayer was offered by Rev. Mrs, White. The minutes of the last meeting were read and ap proved. A letter < thanks from Mr. and Mrs, W. Brock for flowers and a card of sympathy sent them at the time of their .sad* bereavement was read <by the president? It was decided to take Miss Maud Howell from Goderich, now of Trinidad, and the missionary for prayer. It was also decided to hold the annual mis sionary tea in June the Tuesday night following, the Sunday School Anniversary services. A letter on disarmament was read by the presi dent. The: morning report of the convention was given by Mrs. Harold Hern and the afternoon report by Mrs. R. E. Pooley. The temperance secretary Mrs. Harold Hern then took charge of a temperance pro gram as follows; Scripture lesson, 1st Cor. 8 chap, was read by Rev. Mr. White. Devotional leaflet read by Mrs. Warren Brook; solo ’by Mrs. (Rev.) White; temperance leaflets, 1st speaker, Mrs.' J. Johns; 2nd speaker, Mrs. R. E., Pooley; 3rd speaker, Mrs. H. Hern; 4th speaker, Mrs. M- Hern, After singing, hymn '101 Rev. Mr White dismissed the meeting 1 A 1 FULLARTON JIORTIOL^TURAL SOCIETY ' will hold a SPRING SHOW at the TOWNSHIP HALL, FULLARTON — on — Monday, May 18 The speaker for the occasion will be REV. MR. TERRS, of Burlington, The lecture will be illustrated with colored slides, Mr, Tebbs is. quite an authority-on all garcten subjects and is well worth g!o.ing a great dis tance to hear, There will also be a program con sisting of music, etc. Silver Collection GREENWAY Mr. Lawrence Pollock has had the interior of his store painted by Mr, Irwin Luther and it now presents a very attractive, appearance.-—Mrs, F. Mason and Freda, of London, vsited Mr. and Mrs, J. Hotson.-—Other re cent visitors were Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia with Mrs. Lloyd Brophey; Miss Mary Weblb, of London with lier parents Mr. and Mrs, S. Webb; Mr. Wm. and Miss Viola Curts with their ip'arents,—M*r, R, English is receiving congratulations from his friends as he celebrated his 70th birthday on Sunday,-—-Mrs. Maud' Woodburn went to the hospital1 on Saturday. We hope for a. speedy re covery.-—-The play “Beads on a String” ‘put on by tne West Lome Y. P. S. last .Friday evening was. very humorous and a good picture of hu man nature. ■ The music ■ provided by. the orchestra was much apprecia ted. Lunch was served to the vis itors by the local Y. P. S. Proceeds amounted to $24.00.—Mr, and Mrs. C. II. Curts entertained the members* of the executive of the United church school last Wednesday. The date of the union picnic was 'chosen for June 13th’ After the business was ovex* the hostess served refresh ments. The next meeting will .be held in September,—Rev. Robb, of Centralia, will preach in the United church next Sunday afternoon in ex change with Rev. ,S. J. Mathers, who is taking anniversary services in Centralia.—Miss Myrtle Luther, who' has spent the winter in Windsor is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. .Geo. Luther.—A very impressive Mother’s Day service was held in the United church on Sunday. The story told effectively by Mrs. Elton Curts, the beautiful pageant by Mrs. Lloyd Brophey and her four attendants, the very practical talk by the pastor, Rev. S. J. Mathers, the- two appro priate selections by the male- choir with’ Mr. Dawson Woodburn at the piano, the members of the Sunday School filling the centre seats of the. church,and the flowers made a com plete service that was. enjoyed by the large, congregation present. WHALEN The Misses Olive and Violet Elliott, of London, spent the week end with. Mr. -and-Mrs. Wm. Brooks. —The regiulax* monthly W. M. S. .meeting will 'be held at the home of Mrs. Alice Gunning on Thursday af ternoon. at 2.30 pan.—Frienhs of Mrs. Thos. Gunning, regret to learn that she still continues .to be in quite a weak condition.—Mr, and Mrs,1 C. Millson, of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. Geof Millson, and Mr. and Mrs. F. .Squire -attended the services in the. Main St United church, Exeter, on ’Sunday evening to hear the Rev. W. Millson.—Mr, and Mrs. H. Foster Of Winchelsea, spent Tuesday with Ml*, and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson. THE BEST Jim worked in the -city, some miles from his fiancee’s home. They wrote to each other, but their nicest' way of “visiting” was by Long Dis tance. Both agreed -that there was nothing like the voice I CROMARTY Mrs. Robt. Bell, of Hensail, was a visitor in the village a few days last week.—Mr. and Mrs. John Scott motored to Brussels and spent the week-end with friends.—-Mrs. Sam uel Speare and. daughter returned frpm Toronto on .Saturday where they have, spent, the f winter.—Mr'. Qliapce . and, ‘daughter .Mae motored to Detroit last Thursday .and spent a 'few .days visiting friends.—’Mother’s Day, was ovserved last Sunday by the Sabbath School there ’being a good attendance. The printed pro gram was used and altogether a fine and* impressive service Was dispensed yvith.—The- May meeting of the AV. M. IS. met at the home of Mrs. S. A. Miller On Thursday, May 7th with „a good .attendance. The. meeting open ed by singingi hymn 786 and prayer by Mrs. McLaren; the Bible Lesson was read by Mrs, McKellar after which the secretary, ‘Mrs. Thomas Scott gave a report of the last- meet ing also the treasurer’s report and both reports showing the. -Society to be 'in splendid standing. Some time was spent in making arrangements for the Sectional meeting to be* held in our' church on Wednesday, May 13th. Mrs. Edgar Allen read an. in teresting selection from the “Glad Tidings”; also a very fine 'paper by Mrs. Jas, Hill on Sabbath observ ance which was very favorably re ceived as there is a tendency at the present time and a lack nt the pres ent time to fulfil the observance of the Sabbath, just up to how it was kept in our grandmothers days. Mrs. Batten and Mrs.' Godbolt, of Winchel sea wore visitors at the meeting. The meeting closed by singling hymn 141 and prayer by the president and the Lord's Brayer in unison. The New Ford Roadster ▼ Beauty ▼ Style ▼ Safety ▼ Comfort ▼ Speed ▼ Power ▼ Economy ▼ Reliability ▼ Longlife Call dr telephone f oil * demonstration ■ ■ ▼: SERVICE 13 plate batteries ,new, at only $6.7;5. TIRE SALE Now going on, Tho best makes' at the 'lowest prices, New tires as low as $3.95. OIL Buy your oil in 5 gallon lots. Get a pail worth $1.00 and 5 gallons best oil for only $4.75/- CAB 1VASHING Cars washed, polished and painted. Body wash 50;c.; thorough wash $1. We can polish' and paint your car and make it look like new at only a small cost to you. ? TRY OUR WORKSHOP Expert mechanics. Genuine Ford parts and low flat rate labor charge. CARS AND TRACTORS FORDSON TRACTOR Rebuilt .and ready to do a lot of work .........................-,.L.... $200.00 Case Tractor—-A strong tractor in good condition ................... $200.-00 15 used cars to choose from. All prices. See these before you buy. SANDY ELLIOT “The Home of the Ford” Phone 61 The Women’s Institute held their monthly, meeting at .the home, of Miss Keddy with the .president conducting the meeting..’ Roll call “A Shrub and When to Riant It”; the topic “Cultivating our talentb” was well given by Mrs. F. Down; solo by Mrs. A. Morgan; reading Miss H« Keddy. Mrs. - J. Batson then gavd* a demonstration -on table etiquette Which was very interesting > to all. The meeting then closed iby singing the National Anthem. Lunch was Served by’ the committee- in charge. A .special Speaker will address the meeting on May' 15th at 2 Tan, in James St. United church* Exeter. All members are asked to attend this meetiifg. * MT. CARMEL Mr. J. J. Hayes, of Goderich, call ed on frienclg here last .week.—Mr. and Mrs. Etue and family accom panied by the latter’s sister Miss G, Carey, of Detroit, spent the week-end with their parents Mib and Mrs. Jas. Carey.—Misses-Alice and Gertie De- dorich and Marie Regan R.N., of London, are spending a few days at their homes here,—Mr. and Mrs. Denomme and son Donald spent the week-end' with the latter’s parents .Mr. 'and Mrs. John Regier,—Miss M. Carey is seriously Hl at her home here.-—iSister Carmelette, of Dublin and Sister’st. Michael, 'of London,, called on their sister Mrs. M. Ryan last week.—Misses Geraldine and Nora McKeever and Bernandine Love and friend, of Detroit, called on the foviuer^s parents Mr. end Mrs. Jbseph McKeever oif Sunday, CHISEUiUm One of Tuckersmith’s most high* ly respected residents, Mrs, John Mo- Leun, died at .her homo Lo.t Con. > 13, on Saturday Mgy Juft, after a prolonged illness. She was a daughter of the late Robert Dal rymple, a pioneer of this /districts Deceased was horn 63 years ago in Hibbert and then .moved to. thpi Boundary where she lived until her1 maTriagie, moving then to the twelfth concession, where she remained un til a mouth ago, The funeral which/ was a private one took place op. Monday, May 4th at .2 p.m. The pall bearers were her five sons and Oliver' Rowclif-fe a son-in-law. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Oliver Rowcliffe, of pear Hensall and Mrs. Harold Hun* ter of near Exeter, and five sons Melvin, of Toronto, Robert and Glop., of Tuckersmith, Ross, of Detroit and and- Lloyd at home. A sixth. soil William died eight years ago,, from the effects of the Great War. ,She also leaves five brothers, Mr, ’ Archie Dalrymple, of Archyftaje». Sask., . Mir. iROb't. Dalrymple, of Moose Jaw; Mr. James Dalrymple,- of Avonlea, Sask,; Mr. John Dairy*■ mple, of Bojsseau, Man. and Mr, ,G. Dalrymple; of Tucikersmith also two half-sisters, Mrs. Wililam Hau ghton and Polly Dalrymple, of •Cromarty, A sister, Mrs.’Archibald- Getty of Moose Jaw and a- -brother Mr. William Dalrymple, predeceased her a few years ago. interment held in Hensajl Union cemetery. ’i.------- ------,— AUCTION SALE ' —I of --- REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLDi' rEFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions ifrom the. Exe-- cutors of the late Mrs, Grace Hill to sell at her residence, situate South of Credifoin, on SATURDAY, MAY 2Srd, 1931 at 2 o’clock the following: REAL ESTATE—^consisting of a. portion of Lot 9 in trie 7th conces sion in the Township of Stephen,- containing one acre of land more or- less on -which is built a one storey „ brick veneer cottage also a number of fruit trees. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Daven port, .settee, cupboards, kitchen tables, kitchen chairs, rocking chairs,, dishes and other1 articles too numer ous to mention, also a quantity ot stove wood and coal. TERMS OF SALE r ’ On Real Estate—10 .per cent, cash; the balance in 30 days. On Household Effects—Cash. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer GEORGE EASTIERBROOK,' HER BERT K. EILBER, Executors of Mrs. Grace Hill’s Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that.. all creditors and others having claims against the estate of THOM AS ELLIOTT, late of‘the Township- of Usbornfe, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on the twenty eighth day of April, A. D. 1931, are required to forward, their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or be fore the first day of June A.D., 1931. AND NOT’IOE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after the Skid date the Exe cutor will proceed to distribute the- estate having/ regard only to- the- claims of which he then shall have- notice. „ DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 7tlt ' dav of May, A.D., 1931. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and HensalU Executor’s Solicitors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that' all creditors and others having.' claims ^against the estate of AN DREW SLATER late, of the Town-- ship of Hay, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, vvho died on the twenty- second day of April, A.D., 1931, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or be fore the Kventy-fifth day of May, A. DA 1931. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after the -said date the Exe cutor Will proceed to distribute th©- estate having,..'regard -Only to the- Olajms,-' of which’Jie then shall’ have- notice. ' ■ . DATED at: EXETER, ONT., • this- ■FOURTH day of MAY,'A. D„ 1931,. •' . .GLADMAN. & STANBURY : Exeter‘and Hensall. : . * ' Executor’s Solicitor^’ TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that Court of Revision of , the Assessment Roll of the Township of Stephen will hold its first meeting in the,' Town Hall,' Crefditon, on Tuesday* the 26th day of May, 1931, at twe; o’clock p.m. Henry Eilber, Clerk j CreditOn, P. O., Ont<. , TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the construction diy the Eticrett Drain, Township of Hay,,. County of Huron, will be received by the’ undersigiucd up to Wednesday* May 20th, 193L when tenders wilt he opened at the Town Hall, Zurich* at eight o’clocilt p.m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted^ Plans and specifications may bo sdetj. at office of J. Roger, o.L.S., Mitchell or at clerk’s office. A marked cheque1 for 5 % of amount of tender th accpmpany same. A. F. Hess, VJ SMrleli, Ont. 5-7-2te. Cidrk, Township of 14a#