HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-05-14, Page 3a THE EXETER TIMES»APVOCATE nintsnAY, may m urn 18 Day Sale18 Day Sale ’X MA A z ■ / < ■ f y We are forced to reduce our stock. Here is an opportunity for the thrifty buyer. You will save many dollars by. sharing in the many bargains we offer during this sale. We all have to make our dollars count these days. Here is your chance. Read the list of bargains below and be convinced. is & X MEN’S FiNE TIES Values as high as 75c. 1 Qc. or 2 for 9Ec. SALE PRICE.............. / MEN’S WORK SOX / Regular 25c. line. • 9Qc. or ® pr* or 95c* SALE PRICE........ MEN’S FELT HATS Oilr regular $2.75 line.„Your choice 0££c. SALE PRICE............................... ■I NAVY BLUE WORK SHIRTS 15 MEN’S SUITS BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS & DRAWERS Sold everywhere for ,$1.00.Sizes 14 Not this season’s make. Regular Penman’s make. Regular 75c.59c-to 18. SALE PRICE .............................. 89c-to $25.00 - SALE PRICE ............................... z* $7.50 MEN’S FINE SHIRTS COTTONADE PANTS ,Z" •25 BOY’S BLOOMER SUITS Five dozen Men’s Fine Shirts with at- Looks good value for $2.00 SALE PRICE ................. ........... $129 Values to $12.00. Sizes 32 to 34 SALE PRICE .......................... $3.98 tached collars. Sizes 14 1-2 to 17 SALE PRICE......... ’ ......................89c- MEN’S WORK SHOESMEN’S FINE SOX In silk and silk and wool. Our regular MEN’S WORK SHOES $2.98 A good all-leather* shoe 50c. line! 9 pairsSALE PRICE....................J for ggc.Regular $3.50 Extra Special. (>2 48SALE PRICE............................... We must reduce our stock. - These prices should interest you• ' r * MEN’S FINE OXFORDS Our regular $5.00 line Q9 QQSALE PRICE ................................ tPO.no CHILDREN’S RUBBER SOLED SANDALS Values to 85c, SALE PRICE . . . 59cand 69c LADIES’ SILK & CREPE DRESSES Values to $18.50. Q9 QQ SALE PRICE . ..........”.................. Reduced prices on all Boys’, Young Mens’ & Mens’ V- Suits during this sale STOP!u/ Read The Bargains A/ Judge for yourself if these prices are not right. T SEVERAL LADIES’ SPRING COATS To make over SALE PRICE .. . $1.98 CURTAIN NETS Mostly small lengths values to 50c, 1 Qc. SALE PRICE ...................................... NEW PRINTS Good patterns and fast colors. Regular 25c. 99c. SALE PRICE ................... ................. GOLD DOLLAR SILK HOSE Season’s newest shades. QC< SALE PRICE, per pair.....................•Z 50 PAIRS OF LADIES’ STRAPS AND OXFORDS Values to $5.50. SALE PRICE '............ $2.98 afford to miss this event. Shop often and share the bargains. • SILK VESTS AND BLOOMERS ’ The best value, ever *1QC*SALE PRICE ............ ...................... J LADIES’ SILK & VOILE DRESSES Values to $21.00. SALE PRICE ................................ 10 per cent, discount on all Ladies’ Fine Footwear. sSUE PURE LINEN TEA TOWELS FANCY GINGHAMS Regular 25c. Some good patterns SALE PRICE, per yard ................ 15cWonderful values SALE PRICE .................................... 15c- LADIES’ SILK HOSE BOY’S AND GJRL’S RIBBED HOSE Five dozen only. These are seconds,Black or sand, all sizes. Regular 25c. While they last.29c ,line.19cSALE PRICE ....................................SALE PRICE ..................'................. PURE LINEN TOWELLING ( 1 COTTON BROADCLOTHS This is a real one 1 Qc. or 2 yds. for 9 Cc. 'In all shades. Regular 25c.19c SALE PRICE......... 1 SALE PRICE, per yard......... .......... LADIES’ COTTON VESTS SUGAR SACKS Extra quality 25c-While they last , 9 for 25c- i SALE PRICE ...................................SALE PRICE.......................... FRILLED CURTAINS For bedrooms. SALE PRICE, per pair.............. LADIE’S COTTON HOSE In black and sand. Sold everywhere for 25c. 1 Qc. SALE PRICE ...................................... PILLOW CASES 40 and 42 inch hemstitched borders A Cc. SALE PRICE, per pair........... ......... TURKISH TOWELLING Get a supply. Quantity limited 191/«c. SALE PRICE, per yard.............. !I 69c Wallpapers in Room Lots SALE PE.CB . . . 98- »•«. SI-’’ FELTOL RUGS ' for bedrooms, sixe 7 1-2 by 9 CC IQ SALE PRICE ................................ '2 ONLY Tapestry & Brussel Rugs To clear at exactly half price $13.75 $19.25 ■ a THRIFT PRICES ON GROCERIES P & G SOAP ................... TOILET PAPER ....... GRANULATED SUGAR LUX SOAP . QUAKER CATSUP .... CANNED APPLIES........ PALMOLIVE SOAP ... CASTILE SOAP KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES.......... 1 PEAS, 1 CORN, 1 TOMATOES ... BROWN SUGAR .... KOLONA COFFEE .. RASPBERRY JAM .. STRAWBERRY JAM CASCADE SALMON ...... CHICK OATMEAL ....... SALADA TEA, BLACK OR MIXED , FANCY BISCUITS ................ • •4 A 4 • 4 4 * . . . . . . I.. « * • « • 9 4 4 « • • ¥ • < i • « ¥ t « 4 1 I' '< ........ 10 bars forxJ5c. . .. ...........7 rolls for 23c. ... *. 10 pounds for 53c. 3 for 21c. ,............Per bottle 11c. ..............1 gallon tin 19c. ............ 3 for 21c. ........ 9 cakes for 25c. .. .............% ... 2 for 18c. ............. 29c. ......... 7 lbs; fdr 39c. ........... per. lb. 29c. ...... 40 02. jar for 39c. ........ 40 oz. jar 39c. 1 lb. tin 2 for 25c. . M ............. per bag $2.25 ............... per lb. 54c. Regular 30c. for 23b.i '< k < « t all reduced. Many at less than half price. All Congoleums and Linoleum Rugs at less than catalogue Prices.