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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-05-14, Page 2
THVKSDAY, MAY lltli, W THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE WPSW Salama Green tea is a masterpiece in blending NCJiTjinf» BHB BMB Ml 1 Bk W MVM JB 192GREENTEA ‘Fresh from the gardens’ $100 cl i Happy Months For You Month J When Earning Years End ! Earning years must eventually cease, the period of retirement must inevitably arrive for each of us, for we cannot stay Time in its flight, When you comedo the end of your earning years what in- ' ' come will you have to continue the "inde pendence you value, and provide for the comfort and standard of living you now enjoy? If you will do your part, the Confeder ation Life Association will GUARAN TEE that you will . have an income of $100 a month when" you retire. Under • this plan you can provide for the future without missing the deposits, and you (Confederation Life Association Toronto, Canada Without obligation, send me “Your Key to Happiness” and full information I of your plan, “$100 a month.” !ATame (Mr., Mrs. or Miss)..— Address M. M. Row© ’Willis, ^elviii Kestle, kins Margaret Culibert, Clayton Sanders. Number on roll 44; tendance 40. 4 ♦ will have the satisfaction of watching your savings grow, THEN , . . with the assurance of the monthly income you must have for complete independence; with leisure to rest or play, as the fancy takes you; and with health, which free-* doin Rom financial worry promotes , ,, your later years may well be your hap piest, Decide NOW that you will investi gate this plan. Send for the folder, “Your Key to Happiness,” and full information. Without obligation, ibis yours for the asking. Time to play and travel comes to those who plan. EXETER SCHOOL WQRT for MARCH and APKH+ ROOM ¥ Pass—Dean Allan 69, Almira' BrintneB 67; Velma Bartow 67; M. Powell 67; Millar Campbell 67; Reg gie McDonald 63; Ray Genttner 61; Tom. Campbell 61. Below pass—Jack' Jennings 58; Annie Cox 56; Bobbie Ellerington 54*; Harry Kestle 51. iSr. Ill, honors—Ray Jones 87; Elaine Stanbury 86; Stewart 85; * Gerald Fitzgerald 81; Jones 80; Helen Grieve 79. - Pass—Margaret Campbell Laurene Beavers 72*; Jack nell 72; Dorothy Traquair 73*; Or ville Snell 71; Margery Heywood 70*; Robena Hunkin <58; Roy Camp bell 67; Howard Elliot 66; Liindenfield 66; Victor Lutman Barbara Dinney 62*; Marion per 62, Below pass.—Harold Elliot Hilton Sanders 5 5'; Wilfred Perkins 55*; Charlie Snell 54; Brooks 52** Billy Kydd 43***; Moved away John Miggins. • Number on roll tendance 38.18. ' M, A.. Horton,^ Fuke Lloyd 73; Brint* 57.} Alvin 65*; Wai* Snell 54; Robert Howard Laverty 49*; C.ecil Smith 30*. Heyman, Remie W41; average at- ROOM VI Sr. IV, honors!—Mary Van Camp 86; Betty Complin 83; Bernice Del- bridge SI; Ernest Chipchase 80,; Patsy Martin 79*; Lome Howey 78; Gordon Hewlett 78. Pass—Eileen Sims 74/ Billy Wil son 73*; Bobby Dinney 72*; Verdun Wells 71;. Clifton Hunter 70; Gladys Ryckman 70*; Jack Pry de 69 / Jes sie Jennings 69*; Florence McDon ald 68; Dorothy Welsh 67’; Charlie Rain and sleet, sun and snow, heat and cold—elements that play havoc with ordinary fence, have small effect on “O JIB WAY’ Farm Fence. Every foot of wire that goes into it is protected by Zinc Insulation. Only Full No. 9 Gauge Copper^BearingWire, Galvan- ized to stand four one-minute immersions by the Preece Immersion Test, is used in “OJIBWAY” Made of Copper-Bearing Four One-Minute Wire When erected with Banner Steel Fence Bosts and National Expanding Anchor Dirt Set Erid and Corner Posts, it gives you permanent property protection. Supplied in Full-Length tolls, each roll covered by the “O JIB WAY” Guarantee of Service. Watch for the Zinc Insulated trade-name. It appears in every roll. Asif your dealer or write direct for information.. Also manufacturers oJ Apollo and Apollo KeystoneCopper Steel Brandi of Galoanized Sheets—Tin Plates. 16 Canadian Steel Corporation, Limited Mill* Head Officet Ojibwey, £•••« County, Ontario Warehouse*; Hamilton, Winnipeg fetid Vancouver, Van Sr 87; „ Stanbury 81; Jlean Appleton 80 Cox 65; Rae H'erig 65*; Warren ganders 61*; Lloyd.’ LiudenfIMd 60; Fred Simmons 60. 1‘ Below pass—Ola Reed 57; Harry Penhale 56; Helen Bartow 55*. Jr, IV, honors—Doris Harvey 80; Eldon Caldwell 78; Jack Doerr 78; Barbara Atkinson 76; Irene Camp, 75; Harry Beaver 7'3*. Pass—Janette Dearing 74; ‘War ren May 73; Gertrude Complin 72; Fern Luker 70*; Doreen Campbel! 69; Ray Smith 63; Billy Penhale 62; Kathleen Lawson G,?*. Below pass—Ruth Pearce 55, Number^pn roll 41; average at tendance 38.9. : G. >S. Howard, Principal ‘ ROOM HI II A. honors—Labelle Sims Margaret Clark S3; Richard ); E. McTavlsh 79;’Leonard Harvey 78; Alva Elliott 78; Betty Baynham 77; Andrew Bierling 76; Thelma Hock ey 75; Murray Moore 75, pass—->Carl stire 74*; Robert Soutlicott 70; Hazel Jones 70*; Billy Chipchase 69; Mildred Beaver 66; Irene Brooks 60*; Patsy-Resell, ab sent, Sr. IR B, pass- 70; 69; 67; itt -Eldrid Simmons Stan Ley Tucker 70; Bruce Cann Kathleen Kestle 68; Billy Jones Gerald Lawson 67; Lloyd Hew- 67; Doris Payne 65; June Bar tow 63*; Marie Leppard 63; Phil- Hppa Harness 63; Irene Kydd 61*. Below pass—'Doreen. Sims 57; T. Walter 57; Ross Moore >55*; Neil McDonald 49; Elmer McDonald 48*; John Collingwood 3 6; Sidney Stire 24*. Jr. JI—Willie Brown, Anne Got* Jon, Norman. Sanders., Number on roll 40; averagfc at tendance '3,8. ROOM IV Jr.. HI, honors—Grace Shell 86; Gerald McFalls 85.7; Margaret Mel* Ville 85.4; Betty Hogarth $15; Josie Kerslake 33.8; Jack Anderson 83.7; Clarence McDonald 82; Vernon Hey* wood 81; Tom Willard 78,8; Hazel Snell 78; Evelyn Lawson 77; Grant Taylor 7G.1*; Anna Kernick 7'6;. Pass—Isabelle Appleton 74.6; R. Delbridgo 73.6; Lloyd Genttner 73.3; David Kestle 73; Donald Winer 72.5*; Lillian McDonald 71; Lor raine Armstrong 69.5; Olive Cald well 69.4; Clifford Quance 66; Mal lon RyOkman 68,5; Eileen Andrew 63.4*; Helep Bawden 62.4*; Lloyd Stanlake Gf; Jack Smith GO; Lloyd Hunter 58.3*; Wesley Ryckman 58.2 ; Gail Browning; 57,3 (2*); Max well Harness 57.2; Freda Moore 57.1 (2*); Gerald Lawson 57; Eleanor Abbott 5'5 (2*); Ethel Kydd’ 54 (3*); Walter Davis 53; Teddy Wilson 52 (2*); Morna Vahey 43,6 (3*); Eric Morse 40 (3*); Gordon Sanders 38 (5*); Mary Taylor 36 (4*); Gerald Cornish 25 (2*), Number. on roll 42; average at tendance 4Q. AV. A, Frain ROOM II 'A class, honors—.Florence South- pott 88*; Catherine Armstrong 84.2; Harry Parsons 84; Jean Grieve 8.3.3; Doris Moore 83; Alta Harvey 82; Audrey Sims 81.3; 000,1101106 Sim mons 81; Jean Cann 80.5;-Bert pil on 80; 'Doris Cuttingl ■ 79'; ,Jimmie' Kirk 77; Anita Brintnel! 76*8*; Ila Willis 76; Norma Stonehouse 7’5.4; Dorothy Jennings 75. Pass—Iva Willis 74.5;. Shirley Penhale 7'4; Stewart Cann 73; Jean McDonald 72; Jack Chiipchase 71y7*;- Lorraine Atkinson 71; Marion Elliot 70.*; Phyllis Cooper 69.5; Lila .El liott 69; Billy Walper 67.7; Ray mond Snell 67*; Vera Culbert 66; Ellis Pearce 63*; Harry Perkins 62*; Douglas Harness 159.3; Bessie Brooks 59*. B. Class, honors—Marybell Yule 79*; Caroline Wells 7$. Pass—Labelle . Lutman 69; Doris Webber 68.6; Lillian Kestle. 68*; Frieda Stire 68*; Francis King 67*; Calvin Heywood 66; Jack' Harness 55; Jean .Snell 54; Teddy McDonald 47*; Orval Hunter 43*; Margaret Fitzgerald absent. Number on roll 45; average at tendance 3 8. M. E. Pridham, teacliei’ PRIMARY Class I (a)—Marjorie May,. Annie Mason, Neil Jones, Marion Smith, Norman Hannigan, Murray iStan- Iake, .Britain Sanders, Donald Tra quair and Norma Wilson equal, NoF- ma Parsons, Bobbie Burns, Sidney Tucker, Roy Kirk, Doris Hays; Nor man Culbert, Dorothy Kydd, Jackie Cann, Hazel Williams, Class -RbR-^ean •Elliot,. Harold* -E14iott7 M!ay. Willis, Walter .Sims, Carl Genttner, Richard .Pilon, Ethel’ Stire. • Class Hockey, _ ___ Doerr, James Triebner, Ross Ward, Isobel Snell, Walter Chiipchase, Mary' McDonald, Gloria. Morse, June Smith, Irvine Armstrong. ™E.ass 3—,I)ou&las Brintnell, Jas. Betty Per Mae King, 2—Lois Clarke, Harold -Lillian Hewitt, George avprag^ at- Rttibio Creech REPORT S. S. NO. 10, STEPHEN Gr. IV—Edith Love 75.9;' Nora Web.b 72.4^Edison Pollpck 69.3; ............ Hicks Doris Hicks Hicks 588; Stanley. Hartle 66.3? Ellen 64.6. ■ • Jr, IV-—Mervyn Love 69; Carruthers 61.6. ■ Sr, Mil—Cecil Hartle 73.4; Carruthers 63.6; ~ * B‘ ~ Sr. " - Love eron 312. Jr. ”• 1st Fr,- __________ w. Number on roll 18.; average at tendance 16.6. O. R. .Corbett, teacher. Pearl Ruth 62.1. RuthII—Ruby ... ___r 57S; Emerson Lovie 501; Cam- McGregor 408; Elda Brown II—“Helen McGregor 254. class—Willa Carruthers 305. —Helen Love.' Annie 52. Frdd Lorhe REPOR-T S. S. NO. 10, USBORNE Following is the report of S. S. No. 10, Usborne for.the months of March and April. Those,, marked with an asterisk were absent for one or more tests.' Sr. IV*—Harry Stone 64*. 'Jr. IV—Jeanette Stdiie 7^;. McLean 65*; Clara Glanville Jr. Ill—Letha Glanville 8i5; Selves 67*; Gerald Giblin 56; Passmore 51. 2nd’ class—-Helen Morgan 92; John Westlake 76p Dennis Layton 6.5; Raymond Layton 62; Alice Pass- more 39. 1st class—Aimer Passmore 559; Marjorie McDougall 5)28; Gordon Stone 407. Promoted, to Jr. 1st class—Anne Morgan, Doreen Layton, Margaret Glenn, Jean McDougall, Helen Mc Queen*.,'Helen Selves*. Pr.—-John Critz. Beginner—Arnold caftiiz Those with highest marks fn the monthly spelling tests are; jr. iv— Aniiief McLean; Jr. Ill—Letha Glatt- villo, perfect; 2nd class- gAh, perfect; 1st McDougall. Nttmber mt roll 24; tendance for March St.87; fot‘ April 20.63. X M. Themson teacher Helen Mor- class-—*Marjorle average at- 29-4.40 PATHFINDER WE can’t always offer you something that we know you’d buy even at a higher price. We have it now. The Pathfinder Tread Goodyear Tire* It’s a tire that will give anyone z remarkable service and it i» priced so that anyone can afford to buy it. Come in and see your size. It looks like a great tire. It is a tire with quality a lot greater than its price* 'M PHONE 109 Ont.} Pathfinder tubes-are Goodyetri? ‘ t quality. I \ 1 1 J MINISTER RECEIVE^ CAEE • At a joint meeting of Carlisle anti Ailsa Craig United congregations held recently a unanimous, invita tion was extended to- Rev. James’- Scobie, of Belgrave, to become their minister. t NEW EQUIPMENT FOR HOSPHAI* ♦The Chamber of Commerce, Wing ham, has offered the services of its organization to raise a fund approxi mately four hundred dollars for th© purpose of installing new equipment in the hospital kitchen at Wingham-, DEATH OF REEVE BAEKER ■ Alfred C- • Baeker, reeve of Brus~- sels, and ex-warden of Huron County died, at^his. home recently following i^n .ijlnes.s’of six, months. Priori to his election as reeve ten years ago,’ he had for some time acted on the? -town .council. Deeased was born in. Zurich 58 years ago and- moved to Brussels as a child, 'Surviving him besides his widow are two sons and, two daughters. '4. COUNTY LIVESTOCK IMPROVEMENT DISSOCIATION FORMED . A meeting of the livestock men of the County was held in the Agri cultural Office, Clinton, recently at which a County Livestock Improve ment Association was formed. About seventy livestock men and other in terested parties were present and listened to a very interesting address by R. W. Wade, Director of the On tario Livestock Branch. Mr. Wade/ answered a number of questions relative to different phases of the livestock industry and also explain ed the conditions on which the 20 per cent, bonuses were paid'to farm ers wlio purchase a pure-bred bull for the first time. , $ Ono director was appointed front each of the sixteen townships .and' an executive body of five chosen from among- the, sixteen directors, ' The following hion constitute the executive: , . President, Hugh Hill, Goderich; Vice-Presient, Isaac ^Wright, Wing ham; Secretary-Treasurer, Ian Mac Leod, Clinton; Directors, South Hu ron, Wm. Oestricher, Cvediton; N^- I-Iuron, Oliver Turnbull, Brussels. The Directors for each Township are as iololws: AShfield, John Farrish; Colbbrne, Goderich, Herb, cox. Turnhull; Hay, L. IL Howidk, Howard Gordon Henderson; ■Stephen, Hugh- Hill; Grey Oliver Rader; Hullett, Kill op/ W. Keyes, . ~ Tuckersmith. R. J. Sanderson; Armstrong; Mc- McGavin; Morris ■ Stanley, Clifford Wm. Oestricher; Melvin Cficli; Turn berry, Isaac Wright; Usborhe, E. J. Pym; East Wawanosh, Melvin Tay lor; West Wawanosh, F. G. Todd. A motion was passed at the meet-, ing to the effect that any farmer in, the County who had pu.rcha.sed & pjire-bred sire on/ or after January 1st, 1031 would he eligible for th© 20 per cent, bonus, providing such animal passed official Any farmers wird^ would be . in line for this bonus should get in touch at once with their Township Direct or or write to the Secretary, lau McLeod,\Dept., of Agriculture, Clin-* ton, It is hoped that through the med ium of the Livestock Improvement Association^ some good work may be accomplished in the improvement of livestock and the Association wilt appreciate the support and co-opera tion of all livestock mon. and other* intefestbd men tn the County. idibg ___ inspection. f