HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-05-07, Page 8■HH’RSMT, MAY 5*11. 1031 THE EXETER TIMES-ADV^CATE SAFE DRIVING WILL SAVE MONEY ON YOOR AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE A new plan of Automobile Insur­ ance' introduced by two Canadian companies, and now, offered to indi­ vidual motorists in Ontario for the $irst time. 20 per cent, reduction for fouy years’ driving without accident, If not eligible fox* above reduction, We- are agents for The Pilot Co, MRS, W, K. FUKE J. A. STEWART Agents Phone 218, Exeter Exeter Markets Wheat 66e. Gats gSe. Barley 28c. Brap $1.10 Shorts $1.05 Low grado flotu* $1,20 Welcome- Flout* $2,3.0 Model Flour $2.50 Manitoba Flour $2,60; Creamery Butter 30c, Dairy Butter 35 and 36c. Eggs, extras 12 c. Eggs, firsts 10c. Eggs, seconds Sc. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. X Bernard Rhodes, M, A, Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M., Organist 10 a.m.-r-Sunday School I NEW FIGURED CREPE 1 - J locals 11 sum.-—Mother’s Day. Service Baptism will be administered. 7 p.m.—“Admiration or Adoration” Thursday, 8 p.m. our Mid-week ser­ vice in the church. Sunday, May 17th, the celebration of Holy communion at the morning service, AND CHIFFON DRESSES This week we are showing a range of new dresses in figur ed Chiffon and figured Crepe in the new coat styles. Priced at $12 95 to $18.50 Self Denial Effort OF THE SALVATION ARMY — pn —- Tag Day, Saturday, |May 9 Service to Humanity Evangelists, Shelters, Hostels, Children’s Homes, Hospitals, Work Sheps, Labour Bureaux. . Relief Work, Clinics, Rescue Homes, Ma­ ternity Homes, Prison Work, Police Court Work.Thousands of homeless men and women in Canada East, alone, are being fed and sheltered daily; chil­ dren cared for and families helped. The demands being made upon the. Army are greater than ever before. WILL YOU BE On your decision of some one less yourself. Through _ be brightened, lives reclaimed, your generosity fails they will con­ tinue to be hopeless and uncared for. Day after day The Salvation Army is giving heart, hand and money. Won’t you, too, during this Self-Denial Effort, help out in this great work. v r Be sure to be present at the W.C. T.U, Medal -Contest In elocution and singing in Main street United church on Friday evening, May 6th.I GENEROUS? rests the future fortunate than you, homes can ' If Southcott Bros, have good Quality Dutch Set Onions anti Early Cobbler Potatoes for seed. FOR SALE—-Range for coal or wood in good condition, with reser­ voir and high shelf also feed box, large tool chest, hay forks etc. These ■can be purchased' real cheap. Apply A. E. Fuke, Exeter. All kinds of ferns and flowers for filling hanging -baskets and 'window boxes; also window boxes and bas­ kets filled to order. L. Day & Son, Florists, Exeter. The Exeter Relief Committee are desirous of securing some bedding such as sheets, pillow slips or quilts for a family the mother.of whom is 'ill. Some baby Clothes will also be- appreciated. A report of Usborne Council and also the Exeter Public School report are being crowded out this week. Mrs. F* K. Matthews is a guest at the home of her sister Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May. Mr. Ed. Howald was in Chatham and Detroit , last week visiting his sister who has, been ill. Mr, Dwight Evans, of Blenheim, spent Sunday at the home of Mr., and Mrs. W. T. Acheson.’ \ Miss Annie Simmons, nurse-in­ training at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, is holidaying for three weeks at ‘her home here. The Entrance class boys of the Exeter Public School played a game of baseball at Dashwood on Tuesday- evening winning by the score of 23- 12. Mr. and Mrs. I. Statham ahd fam­ ily, of Strathroy, Mr. and Mrs. F. Irwin, of Putman, visited at the home of Mr,-and Mrs. Dan Davis on Sunday. Mrs. J. T. Miners returned last Thursday evening* from a pleasant visit with friends in Toronto, Oshawa and Bowmanville. Mrs. Baker,' of London, and two daughters, Lillian and’ Grace visit­ ed at the home of Mr., and Mrs. E. A: Follick on Bunday.*' , j Mr. Cecil walker, who has been confined to his bed for several week’s is improving and expects to’ibe up in the course of another week. Eldon Kading, who recently und­ erwent an operation for appendicitis in St< Joseph’s Hospital, London, re­ turned home Saturday evening. ’ Misses Muriel Howald, Marjorie Westcott, Madeline Dearing and Madeline Stewart, of London, spent the week-end at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Clarepce Pickard and little daughter, of ' Frobisher, Sask., arrived in Exeter last week and will make their future 1 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rey. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R, Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader SPECIAL MOTHER’S DAY SERVICES . a.m.—“The Redemption of the Home” p.m,—Open session of Bunday School, special 4 program.. Bap-, tismal .service. p.m.—“An Old Testament Ro­ mance’” 11 3 7 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH z OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leadej. YOUNG PEOPLE’S ANNIVERSARY SERVICE ’ * 11 a.m.—Rev. W. E. Millson, D.D., of Toronto will preach. 3 p.m,—-Church School. A brief Mother’s Day program will pre- ^ceed the. study of the lesson. •' p.m.*—Rev. W. E. Millson, D-D; ’Morning service will* be baptismal service. Thursday, 3 p.m, Women’s Assoc­ iation meet. Lunch being served, it is Apron day for the .ladies. Thursday, 7.30 p.m. Prayer meet­ ing. ,7 --------7 .------------------------------------—■------------------- TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFanI Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlcniiss a.m.- a.m.- Rogation Sunday -Sunday School -Morning Prayer 10 11 Subject—“The Voice of God” p.m.—Evensong Subject—“The Palace of Babylon’ S.l;5—Confirmation Class <7 WANTED—Grass for ten head of young cattle. App)y to Clyde Hey­ wood, R. No. 1, Hay. 6-7-2tc the as NOTICE TO PUBLIC Having been appointed 'by Thames Road Farmers’ Club Cattle Shipper, anyone having cattle to ship, please notify me, not neces­ sary to be members. Will ship from Exeter on Saturdays.—Benson Will­ iams, phone 44-9, Kirkton. TO RENT—IB storey brick house situate on. the “north side of Gidley Street. For further particulars- ap­ ply to CARLING & MORLEY or to SIMON i P. GREB, R. R. Zurich. 4-30-2tp. SALE—I still have a num- pure-ibred Hereford calves quick sale; alsb some good Nd. 1 hay.—J. Hirfzel, R. 1, Credit- on, phone 66r3. 4-30-2tp. FOR her of left for FOR SALE—Big carriage horse for sale 'cheap -or will exchange for a small pacer. H. Bierling, Hay P.O. FOR SALE—1927 Essex Coach in first-class running order. Apply to Box 28OB,4 Exeter 4-30-2tc The regular meeting of the Exe­ ter Branch of the Canadian Legiofi'* <ma w.u .u«K« u*~. home) Will b® >eM in the Cinto rooms'on with the former’s parents, Mr. and Thursday, May 7th, at 8 p.m. A Mrs. R. E.' Pitkard. full attendance is requested. Im- Among the graduates from Victor- portant business. M. W. Pfaff, se- ia Hospital who received their di­ plomas at the graduation exercises Monday evening were Misses Helen Hicks, Kathleen Heaman, Ina Jaques and Margaret Johns. . ' Mr. John Colling, of Vancouver, accompanied by M’r. and Mrs. Win. Cox, of Ripley, visited'with Rev. D/ and Mrs. McTavish at thebaines St. parsonage one day last week. Miss Pearl Wood, soprano soloist, will broadcast over CJGC London at the Monday Niiiht-Clwb next Mon­ day evening between 9.30 .and 10^30 p.m. Miss Wood will sing three so­ los. A number of the brethren of the Exeter Lodge of Oddfellows were in Hensall Sunday evening and. joined with the Hensall brethren in attend­ ing Divine Worship in St. paul’s Anglican, church. ‘ ’ 'The ne.w United Church Hymnary arrived in Exeter last week and were used for the first time in James Street church on' Sunday. Hymns that appeared in both old and new books were used. Miss Margaret Taman, who has been confined to her bed for the past four weeks with rheumatism follow- jrfg the flu, is improving and “ex­ pects to be able to get up tho latter part of this week. | Mr. Thos. Pryde D.D.G.M* of the cretary. J Mother’s Day Special Ice Cream Brix with fresh strawberries. Leave your orders at Wilson’s Grocery for delivery Sunday, for sale at noon on Mother’s -Day, May 10th. Milk and Cream every day. Phone 56. & May and Southcott Bros.Jones & May and Southcott Bros, are giving away Congoleum rugs to the winners of a luak-y number be­ tween 1 and i5,000. Guesses to be in this week. Are you g'oiiig to the Medal Con­ test in Main Street United church on Friday evening, May Sth? I Fertilizer for all crops. Get your Masonic District South Huron paid flower fertilizer at Traquair & Lin-, frig ’official visit to Britainnia Lodge, denfields or G. A. Hawkins.—Nel- Seaforth, On Monday evening. Mr. son Stanlake* 4-23-3tc* ’Pryde wag accompanied by a number ——,— ------------_ of the brethren and they were royal- WANTED—A few head of cattle, ly receicevd * for the .season, to run with my own cattle. ^pllOUG Ed. Broderick, 831T3, Hensall." Exeter, tfn Anyone wanting cattle pasture for season apply to Fred A. Elleringtonj Exeter. Prices reduced this year. ronto of Detroit of Detroit. .FOR RENT—-100 acres gruss pas­ ture. Apply W. H. Penhale, phone 193 Exeter BOARDERS WANTED—can ac­ commodate two or three young men. Mrs. E. Taylor, Andrew Street. if you wish to buy or sell a farm Or house see R, E. Pickdrd, Exeter. EARM FOR RENT—75 acres pas­ ture farm in Stephen township, Pro­ perty of Mrs. Geo. Snell, Exeter. 4-2-tfc TRACTOR PLOWING AND DISC­ ING-—^Distance no object for reason­ able amount of work.—-Wm. Brad­ shaw, Ellmville* ' 4-2-tfm Place your order with J. S. Dig- nan & Son for invincible- Wire Fenc­ ing and gates* Bring your? harrows in early, Turnbull. W. E., Bradt and Visitors at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers for the week­ end were George Beavers from To- Mr. and Mrs.* Lloyd Beavers, also Mrs. Ed. Kaufman,, sister of Mrs. Beavers and Mrs. W. A. Mr* and Mrs. family and Mr. and Mrs. White, of London, spent Bunday with Mr. -and Mrs* Jas. Jewell. The men were in Hensall during the evening and at­ tended Divine Worship in St. Paul’s church with the JRmsall Oddfellows. .Sunday next will be observed as Mother’s Day in most of the churches and Sunday Schools in Exeter. The Sunday Schoo] of Trivitt Memorial church will begin next Bunday to hold Sunday school in the morning at 10 a.m. instead of in the after­ noons* Dr. R, B. J. Stanhury and wife of Toronto spent Friday night with Mr* and Mrs. J. G, Btanbury. They were motoring to Detroit to spend the week-end with their son Douglas of New York, who is singing this week at the Michigan Theatre, Many Exe­ ter radio fans heard him with pleas* ate on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs* W. W. Taman, Mrs. M. C. Fletcher, Misses May Jones and Pearl Wood were in London, on Monday evening attending the grad­ uation exercises of Victoria Nurses. ThC Exeter Tennis Club are pre­ paring for an active season and the courts are being put into- splendid condition. Playing will commence just as soon as the ground is dry. The club this year are entering the Western Ontario .Lawn Tennis As­ sociation and with several of the nearby towns organizing it is ex­ pected that several tournaments Will be arranged. Messrs. Ed. Stewart, Roy Leathern and several friends from .London were in this community on Sa&irday following the streams in search of the finny tribe- but the weather was against them and luck was poor. The two men were Exeter old boys who left here around . thirty years ago. They called On a few old friends and noted many changes in the village, ■ Mention has been made at differ­ ent times in the, Times-Aclvocate of marauding dogs destroying garden plants, flowers etc for residents of the village and suggesting that these dogs .be kept-home. Still the des­ truction goes on. Only this Wednes­ day morning a resident of North Sf. had a lot'of tulips and lilies des­ troyed. Warning) iu given that if these dogs continue .their depreda­ tions they will be shot, on sight. Name may be had at Times-Advocate ♦office. ‘ The regular monthly meeting of the- Mission Circle of .Tames Street church was held at Mrs. John Rowe on ing, Muy 4 th with Miss Mildred Rowe- Following the devotional exercises and roll call, the members packed a bale valued nt $'?0.o0. Miss- Rota Rowe read a very interesting chap­ ter from the Missionary Book, “Life of Robert Moffat,*’ The meeting was closed by all repeating) the Miz­ pah benediction. Lunch was serv­ ed by Mrs, X -Rowe, Miss Mildred Rowe and Miss Grace Creech and a social half hour spent. * i the home of Monday even- the president in the chair. CONGOLEUM RUGS We carry all the new patterns and sizes in stock. Our prices are lower than cata­ logue prices. SILK BLOOMERS In shades of peach or pink. Thia i? a better quality and a splendid bloomer for this low price 59c, BLINDS 10 dozen green blinds. These are seconds but you ean scarcely detect any flaws SPECIAL 75c. SILK BOjBETTE BLOOMERS With the new elastic rib, top, guaran­ teed to wear out the garment. These bloom­ ers are priced at . $1.00 PER PAIR / LADIES’ SILK HOSE Circle-Bar pure silk full-fashioned hose is the best value we know of for the money. Try a pair EACH $1.00 Misses’ and Ladies’ Coats all Reduced Every coat on our racks are reduced in price this week. We still have some Very smart styles at much lower prices., FRILLED CURTAIN^ 3 dozen only frilled curtains for Bed­ room or Kitchen^ White Scrim with Green, Gold, Pink or Blue Frill. 69c. ■ , NEW SIDE CURTAINS These new patterns in a smart new material for side curtains. .Comes in the Heather mixtures and is very pretty at per yard $1.50 FREE!Congoleum Rug FREE ! This week we give away FREE to the one who guesses the nearest to the number which has been selected and is sealed in an envelope which will be opened Saturday the 9th at 4 o’clock, a 6ft. x 9 ft. Gold Seal Congoleum Rug. Come in and make your guess.* ■ ¥ “While the financial responsibil-. ity law with its accident, reporting provision only has been in effect since September 1, 1930, you may be surprised to know that already 1,031 persons have brought themselves under its provisions and have h$d their licenses to drive and permits for their vehicles suspended. Of these 855 have apparently exper­ ienced difficulty in securing insur­ ance or the necessary bond or secur­ ities to relieve the suspension and they are still off the road.” Then ’why take ,the chance when you can be protected for $15.00 for 12 long months by one ’of our com­ panies. We make all small adjustments at our own office, We specialize in truck Insurance. B. M. FRANCIS “The Insurance Man”* Office: Main Street, Exeter Phones: Office 44 Res.164’ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kernick and family and Mrs. Johnson motored up from Toronto on Saturday spending the week-end with relatives. Mrs. Johnson, who has spent the winter, in' Toronto is leaving for Seaforth, to. visit her daughter, Mrs. Dorrance. BURIED AT CLANDEBOYEj ' The funeral of the late Chas.J. Dobbs, of Usborne, who passed away, in Victoria Hospital, London, on Wednesday, April 29tli was held from th© residence of his father Mr. Freeman Dobbs, Main Street, Lucan, oil Friday afternoon, May 1st to St. James chttrch, Clandeboye for ser­ vice- and interment. Over thirty members from the Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion attended In a body and paid tribute to the depart­ ed,' six of whom acted .as pall hearers SIX boys carried the flowers, service was conducted by'Ttev, Mr. Harrison, assisted by Rev* Mr. Bui* teel, of Kirkton and a large number present, Mrs* H, Exeter, sang a bereaved widow sulwived by five sisters as follows: Minor dulpli; George, of Stratford; Albert, of Lucan; .Ray, of Detroit; Mrs. Newton Clark, Usborne; Mrs. Wes­ ley Atkinson, Lucan; Fred, and Mrs, Borne Sholdice, of ’Biddulph and Mrs, Chas. Fisher, of Usborne. The A. Gam-brillj of solo. Besides the deceased brothers and of his was four Bid- LINOLEUMS Now is the time to renew your floor covering. We can deliver and. lay it for you. 1 J NEW SPRING HATS A WONDERFUL DISPLAY W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81w x feXETER, ONT. Mrs. Chappel and son, Chester, of Dundas,- visited with Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Kestle on Sunday. Exeter will be divided into two divisions for making .the forthcom­ ing census, the enumerators being W. J, Carling and Bert Harness. Mrs. Agues Campbell returned to her home in Exeter after spending Vie winter* with her daughter in Hamilton* The. contractors commenced Mon­ day mOTning to lay the new pave­ ment south of Exeter and rapid, pro­ gress is being made with the work, W. R. Goulding A. I. O. M. s Organist and Choirmastof ' Janies St* United Charcb Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Tbeorjr Supervisor of Music in School® Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 19& EXETER. ONT. ■ w