HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-05-07, Page 6THURSDAY, MAY TtK 1031 Total Assets in excess of $800,000,000 B CROP REPORTS and BUSINESS SUMMARIES V DURING the season the Bank of Montreal issues periodical reports , on crop conditions throughout Canada. Every month it publishes a “Business Summary’* covering business conditions in the Dominion and in the countries . where the Bank has offices. Both of these publications are sent free to all who request to have their names placed on our mailing list. BANK OF MONTREAL Established 18t7 9. Exeter Branch; T. S. WOODS, Manager Her Face , . Was Covered With Pimples What is necessary for all those troubled with pimples arid other facial blemishes is to put their blood in a ' • good condition by "banishing all the blood impurities from the system. Miss Annie Pattric, Round Hill. Alta., writes:—“My face was covered with pimples, and my eyes were al­ ways dull. A friend tola me to use Burdock 'Blood Bitters, and after staking:, the jirstx.bottle myface had. improved, and when I had finished the second one I could not find • THE T. MILBURN CO., Limited pimple op my face, and my complexion Toronto, Ont. was very much improved. ' .. .' “My sister-in-law has been taking B. B. B. for headaches and says there is no other medicine as good for that trouble.” , THE EXETER TIMOrAPVQCATB. Huron Presbyterial Fifth Annual Meeting' Held in the Hensiill United Chureh on Tuesday The (fifth annual meeting of th® Huron preabyteriaj of the Woman’s Missionary Society Church United 1931. With yet with undaunted spirit the women from North, South, East and West assembled in the United Church, Hensall. The auditorium o’clock was well afternoon Session vacant seat, MlH Lane, as the chair and ' after Doxology and invocation by Mrs. Lane, the devotional exercises were conducted by 'Mrs. Fowler, reading Mil's. Anthony lead- of the United of Canada met in Hensall Church, Tuesday, April 28, the weather, threatening, by 10 filled and for the there was not a president, was in singing the tion; tern; yeys, fyjngl 15 ar® using the budget Sys- and 41 'Janke quarterly sur- We feel this is a very grati- H... w report. Our women are de­ veloping a deeper sense of their re­ sponsibility to the missionary work. They are becoming more systematic, both in study and meeting their fi­ nancial obligations, Egmondville, Holmesville and Victoria St., (Gode­ rich, all report increase because of the use of the envelope system. Seq- the its Let per extended a hearty was ably responded Salem. Mrs, Greer recording secretary absence of Miss A,the .Finance committee ap- Mrs. Moorhouse, Exeter Wingihaim; Mrs. MIcKen- Graham, 'Clinton. Mrs. Robb, Centralia; Miss Graham, Port Albert; Mrs. Salem and Miss Thelma for young yyomen. Corresponding Secretary, Isa. 6:1-8, and ing in prayer. Mrs. Sinclaif welcome which to Mrs. Goudy, was appointed pro tern in E, Consitt. pointed was Mrs. Greer; zie, Egmondville; Mrs. Goderich, Mrs. Vennef, Resolution committee.—Mrs. -Willis, Wingham; Mrs. Strachan, Brussels; Mrs. Sinclair, Hensall. Delegates to Branch., were; Mrs. Britton, Con­ stance; Laura Goudy, Cheer, The Mrs. Andrew, presented. a very en­ couraging report and stated how a great honor had come to Goderich in having Miss Maude Howell gone to Trinidad as missionary teacher. There have been 33 of. our beloved workers passed on to “higher’ ser­ vice”. Each of these names were mentioned during the memorial ser­ vice, which was conducted’ beauti­ fully and fittingly by Mrs. Clarke, of Goderidh and’ Miss Robertson, Gode­ rich, assisted by Mrs. Craig, of Gor- rie; Mrs. Laidlaw, Blyth; Mrs. Ship- ley^. Clinton and Mrs. MicDonell, of Hensall. The ./©port of Stewardship and Finance by Mrs. Greer showed that 47 auxiliaries have a- secretary ap­ pointed; 3 2 have finance commit­ tee, having finances reported regu­ larly at meetings; 50 auxiliaries use envelopes; 27 have adopted a. mis­ sionary for prayer, and 3 8 have reached or exceeded jtlijeir lalloca- .....:..■. ■ ■ > . HERE’S YOUR CHANCE ^Without risk to you. try Sybilla Spahr’s remedy for tonsilifiS, quinsy, cough, bronchitis, colds." sore throat; and tonsil diseases, every bottle guaranteed. Try it. Exeter and Hensall Druggists. , *Greater Value at New Low Prices Dm ant Four Cylinder Standard Sedan , Model "4‘0f $I 1 p A RIDE IN THE DURANT 4-07 gives you a new conception ■ of four cylinder performance and riding qualities. The Durant 4-07 ... built to Durant standards of quality ... is a big car with many big car features . . . roomy interior for greater comfort... long wheelbase... two-way shock absorbers... steel- draulic brakes . . roller bearing steering gear and powerful/ economical motbn In "addition the Durant 4-07 has big car appearance, fine up­ holstery and many refinements. Sez the Durant 4-07. Drive it... without obligation. MAINTENANCE SERVICE PLAN Enquire about our Maintenance Service Plan ... 10,000 miles for less than I cent a mile. • forth, North Side Church, is only auxiliary which sends in quarter’s allocation quarterly/ us increase opr membership 10 cent, She gave’us four suggestions (1) Use envelopes; (2) Send jn quarterly amount for each quarter; (3) Get new members early in year; (4) Come to the meeting ip prayer, Have more faith in ourselves, in our felloiwman and .in God. Then we will measure up better, Let us be true stewards giving of our time and •prayer so that we know we have given, Mrs. Connor, Associate Helper's Secretary, said there were six new secretaries appointed during the year; had a membership of 431, and that they contributed $516.11. Concerning the Supply work, Mrs. Colclough said that bales had been sent to the North and West valued at $2,154.50. Mrs. Johns said there was a Mis­ sionary Monthly secretary in each auxiliary and that the., total sub­ scribers numbered 1,445 an increase o>f 17. .Mrs, Forster, Londesboro, gave a report-on Stranger's work. Thirteen auxiliaries have a Starnger’s secre­ tary, one New Canadian is receiving education and 537 have been cared for by secretaries. >• Literature Secretary, Miss, South- ,cott, gave her report and encourag­ ed the women to visit her table and inspect 'her “wares.” Thirty-four auxiliaries use study books, while Circles and Bands use Young Japan. Her sales of literature from the Presbyterial amounted tq $27.88. Miss Murray presented the sub­ ject of Temperance and suggested that secretaries be appointed in each auxiliary and asked that a system-' atic interest in T’empleran'ce work be carried on in Sunday Schools and Public .Schools. Thirteen auxiliar­ ies have secretaries. The- treasurer, M(rs. Moorhouse, had her statistical report printed, so will not give her report at length Total of $19,234.62 was raised by Huron Presbyterial. Mrs. Barker, Y.W.A. secretary, reported a membership of 230. She wondered if we mothers and W.M. S. workers were as interested as we should be in o.ur young women. They raised $1,545.99. The Baby Band report 'by Mrs. Bremner showed 325 ^members and having sent $70.68. There are 19 Baby Bands organized. • -Many interesting items were pre- . -seiited by 'Mrs. SCobie on the Mis­ sion Band work. Two bands were forced, to/ inactivity, .because of the lack of a 'leader; 'We are- hoping and praying that God will call forth 'one to fields. ‘'Two one in one in April 1,8 th. girls and boys groups •meetingi sep­ arately, except on special occasions. Seaforth is laying plans at present to organize a boys’ band. Goderich, North Street, have divided their Band into three groups. Walton has for some morning and ary studies, groups under tai membership, 901, in 33 Bands. Our greatest advance in the World Friends Column; subscribers In­ creased from 167 to 327. Consider­ able increase in Easter and Autumn thankoffering Which amounted $.223.'5O. Total amount sent 277.81. We want to adopt the ,gan of the annual. Board of a per cent, increase in every depart­ ment. Mrs. Davidson, -Wingham C.G.I.T. secretary, said there was an increase of two groups. There are 132 mem­ bers raising; $85.00 foi’ missions, an increase of $24.7'5. The main, ob­ ject of the C. G. I. T. program is not money, but" the question of the more abundant life as exemplified in Christ Jesus. After the devotional after the noon hour, Rev. house brought greetings Presbytery. Miss Lawrence, Press Christians who were bearing re­ sponsibility and living such cense- crated unselfish lives that -jnakes us almost ashamed of our inactivity. She told of a rich woman who don­ ned the dress oif the middle classes, rode in a simple chair and carried with her, her Bible, to the tribes in the north country to teach them th® gospel story. Have you a spiritual Christ? Depression and unrest in Canada is because men have not liv­ ed to that standard o£cJestis Christ and there shall be no peace until •the world has learned to work out that 13 th chapter of 1st Corinthians, Mrs. Lane^read a letter from Mrs, Macintosh, ‘our Branch President, concerning the Peace Conference and! the Resolution Committee in presenting their resolutions, said, “We feel that the subject of dis­ armament under present world con­ ditions and in the light of past ex­ perience is too -big a .subject foi- us to discuss intelligently in the time at our disposal.” “We feel at this time it seems im- “possible to promote Temperance-by Legislation and we members of the: W. M. S. heartily endorse in every way any educational campaign which may be launched by our church on W, C. T. U. .Sympathy was extenueu to friends and relatives who had friends pass to “Higher Service.” Congratulations be sent to Mrs. Agur of Hensall on her Ipng life and may see her 100th birthday on July 25. Along with, this wish, a bouquet of flowers be sent. Many thanks are due to the ladies of the Hensall Church for their sumptuous repast terial 1932. 'The next year is- Mrs. Geo. Shipley, Clinton; Mrs. J. J. Washington, -^uburn; Mrs. .J. L. Amos, Brinsley and Mrs. Thos. Gib­ son, Wroxeter.' The new slate of officers: Past President, Mrs. J. Hogg, of 'Clinton; President, Mrs. W. P. Lane ^eaforth;’ 1st VJtoe-iP'resident,, 'M]rs. Fowler, Clinton'; 2nd Vice-Presi­ dent, Mrs. Wightman, Blyth; 3rd Vice-President, Mrs. Anthony, of Thames Road; 4th Vice-President, Mrs. Strachah, Brussels; recording secretary, Miss’ A. E. Consitt, HCn- secibtary, Mrs. Teasurer, Mrs. Christian *’ste- Mrs. J. Greer, {ETje (TuurH-AiWnrtt Eitablhhed 1873 and 1IIT Published every Thursday morataR at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION— $2.00 per yeas M advance, RATES—Farm or Real Estate Ml Sale 50 c. each Insertion for ttraf four insertions. 2 5 c. each .»»>••* quent insertion. Mlscellaneoua ai* tides, To Rent, Wanted, Loaf, OC Found 10c. per'line of alx worffc Reading notices Card of Thanks vertising 12 and Memorlam, with extra verse? 25c. 10c. per Itafc 50 c. Legal al* 8c. per line. M one vereo W*. BctOix* Member of The Canadian WeeMf Newspaper Association. Professional Card* GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Money to Loan, Investments Ma<at Insurance Safe-Deposft Vault for use if ot| Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HENBAK provided. _The next Presibyr will meet in Wingham in nominating. committee for -Mrs. Ashton, Gorrie;' CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Nat LOANS, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office: Carling Block, Mata Mreety EXETER, ONT. At Lncan Monday and Thursday i BUILT By A Canadian Company Controlled by Canadian Capital superintend in each of these new. groups have organized, Ontario .Street, Clinton, and Caven Church, Winthrop, on Egmondville has. both divided groups. time met on Sunday used graded, mission­ dividing into five as many teachers. To- sail; Correspon diing Andrew, Goderich; Moorhouse', Exe'ter; wardship Secretary, Wingham; Baby Band Secretary, Mrs. Bremner, Brucefield; Mission Band .Secretary, Mrs. Soobie, Bel­ grave; C-G.I.T. iStecretary, Mrs. Da­ vidson, Wingjliam; Y. W- A.., Mrs. Barker, Brussels; Associate Helpers’ Secretary, Mrs. R. R. Connor; Kip-, peri; Supply Secretary, Mrs. Col­ clough, Blyth; Assistant Supply Se­ cretary, Mrs. Venn er, Clinton; Mis­ sionary Monthly Secretary, Mrs? Johns, Elimville; Strangers’ Secre­ tary, Mrs. Forster, Londesboro; Lit- ’erature Secretary, Mrs. Layton, Ex­ eter; Temper,an'ce ■ Secretary, Miss ,J.' Secretary, Members Hamilton, Mrs. Wilson, 'Wingham. Murray, Exeter; Press Miss ’-Nott, Egmondville. without portfolio, Mrs. Goderich; REPORT OF S. S. NO. 4, STEPHEN to $1,- slo- ten exercises Mr. Moor- from the Secretary, reported having a secretary in each auxiliary but two, which was fine>. She thanked the secretaries members for their co-op'eration special mentiori that be thanked foi* giving to report our sessions, power, responsibility and a opportunity secretaries. be and and the “US She belong to the remembered the ^Rhymes given by was - -J-. ---------------------------— ................—- Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.IXBU DENTAL SURGEON Office opposite new Post Office Main St., Exeter Telephones Office 34w Honee^Mf Closed Wednesday Afternoons Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.DJL DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoont The following is the report of S. S. No. 4, Stephen, for the month of April. •Sr. IV—'Joe Martene 80; Walter Weber 63. Jr. IV—Gertrude Amy 89; Dor­ othy Becker 81; Aldene Eagleson 72; Dorothy Schroeder 60. Sr. Ill—Ray Morlock 88; Dorothy Amy 815; Ruth Becker 76;' Bertha Becker and Ralph Weber 69; Kath­ leen Wilds 58. ‘ Jr. Ill—lip/ Schroeder 67.. 2nd class—Gerald Wein 90; Gor­ don Eagleson 89; Mildred. Martene 77; Bernice Fahner 71; Henry Wilds 69;'Donald Kestle 44. '' 1st class-—-Verna Wein 96; An­ thony Martene 93Wallace Becker and Norma Scdroeder z79; Keith Weber, 51. iSr. Jr, Dr. D. A. ANDERSON DENTIST formerly of Exeter has located at 205 Wortley Road. . London, where he will practice Dentistry Phone: Metcalf 4290■ / T>R. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Vetertaxry College DAY AND NIGHT . CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Office hi the old McDonell Bar» Behind Jones & May Store. EXETER, ONT. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIO, OSTEOPATHY ELECTRO-THERAPY & ULTRA­ VIOLET TREATMENTS , ‘PHONE 70 MAIN ST., EXETER made press space tated groat press Long shall Old Mother Goose the Hensall Mission Band. It thoroughly enjoyed by all. The speaker of the day was R, S, Longley of West China, largest mission field in the world, and also the largest body of people to be ministered to. She asked tile question, “Does it Pay?” to give the .religion of Jesus Christ to others. She gave living examples of Chinese Mrs. the Pr.—-Shirley Schroeder. • Pr.—'Cameron Wein. Margjaret McMaster, teacher REPORT S. S. NO. 14, HAY The S. No. March .Sr. Vera Ropp 79; Beatrice Willert 76 Sr. Bert Thomson 71.2; Elgin Johnston 64.9. Jr. Ill—Alfred Ropp 84.7; Archie MacGregor 69; Margaret MacGregor 66.2/ Jerry Johnston 51.5; Ben Dick 50.9. . 2nd class—-Irma Ferguson 65.5; Stuart Dicik 32. 1st class—Ina Ropp 96; Harold Willert 68*; Blanche ThOmsoii 60. pr. ciia.ss—Harold Koehler; Al­ lan Crerar. Those marked thus (*) have been absent from one examination. Highest marks obtained in spell­ ing, Iba Ropp, 100 obtained in health study, Koehler, tallied in der ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEE© Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. NO. ,irDASHWOOD following is the report of 14, Hay for the months and April. IV—Shirley Koehler 81.5 ■S. of III1—Doris Alexander 81.2 FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huroh and Middlesex ‘ FA^M SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and SatfsfactfoW Guaranteed feXETER P. O. kor RI^G 1«N OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jone** Attffc lion School. Special course taktM In Registered Live Stock (all breeds>| Merchandise, Real Estate, Fan* Sales, Etc. Rates In keeping witty prevailing prices. Satisfaction an* sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zuricfe« or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. 97 Highest marks Shirley 100. Highest marks o'b- Litemture, Doris Alexan-' Oral J. Einni’gian. teacher ■Rack in 1880 the goud people said cigarettes would mako criminals arid now look at the country. CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. Archibald, B.A.Sc., (Tor.J^ O.L.S., Registered Professional En­ gineer and Land Surveyor. Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office, Seaforth? Ontario. Have you renewed your subscrip­ tion to the Exeter Times-Advocated