HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-05-07, Page 4'JB •THUBSIMY, MAY Ttfii THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE T *■ shingles WE STILE HAVE A FEW THOUSAND OF OUR EDGE­ GRAIN CEDAR SHINGLES LEFT. THESE ARE AN EX. CEPTIONAL HIGH GRADE SHINGLE CUT FROM SEL* ECTED LOGS AND ARE 100 PER CENT. VERTICAL GRAIN AND 100 PER CENT. HEART TIMBER. WE ARE GOING TO SELL THESE AT $1.10 FOR 3X’$ AND $1.15 FOR 5X THESE ARE PACKED 25 TO A BUNCH and THREE BUNCHES WILL LAY A SQUARE. SEE US ABOUT YOUR NEW HARD W.OQD FLOORS OR ANY REPAIR WORK. 1 The Exeter Lumber Co. Mi THAMES ROAD On Sunday morning last, the 110 ■who were in attendance at the Sun­day School testified to the interest xxf the pupils in the services of pro­ motion Sunday. A splendid address was given by Mr. B. W. F, Beavers, of Exeter. iQiWing to the splendid attendance of boys another class was formed under the leadership of Mr. John Cann and there ar© now jun­ ior and senior young men’s classes. The senior class is under the leader- <6hip of Mr. Monteith. The Pastor, ®ev. Jas. Anthony, greeted each •class as the pupils .were arranged tinder their teacher.* Next Sunday, Blay 10th, Mother’s Day will be ob­ served and a program will be car­ ried out. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fossett, of jMitchell, and Mrs. Wm. Pollen were dSnnday visitors with friends here. GRAND BEND Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Holt visited in Sarnia on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Bert Batty and family of ^Sarnia visited with Mr. Jos. Oliver -on Sunday . Mr. Melville Dodds and Mrs. F. Xleromette, of Buffalo, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Holt over the ■week-end returning Sunday afteT- 1 ■ A membranes and hope you may en­ joy same many years to coma and that you draw a strong bow. for our enjoyment at many pf our gather* lugs in ^the future. Melvin, we have great pleasure : in presenting you with this ring and may it bring back memories in years to come of the pleasant evenings you helped make for us. Bert, while you have not been as long with ps, we take great pleas­ ure in presenting you with this pen and holder and hope you enjoy years of prosperity and pleasure with and amongst us. Signed: Owl Club noon.’ Master Graham Mason, son of Mr. Mapsel Mason is Quite ill at present. All hope fox' the little lad's speedy recovery. Mr. John Mousso sports a new Chevrolet car. • Mr. • Sim Ireland is having his house on the farm he bought re­ modelled. Mrs. Ida Eecleston has moved back to the Bend for the summer. The Owl Club which had its last evening o,f fun foi* this season was held at. the home of Mr. Roy Holt’s last Friday evening. All enjoyed themselves to the full as they have had. a splendid winter’s fun each week all winter, when those who furnished the music was taken by surprise at the lunch hour when an address was read by J. W. Holt and the musicians where each in turn presented with a beautiful gift by Mr. Peter Isenlbach, Mr. Roy Holt and Mr. Walter ,Statton. ‘ The ad­ dress is^as follows:’ We, the members of the Owl Club of Grand confer a services pleasant this past Special oldest member Walter England, and two associates in furnishing music Melvin Hamilton and Bert Craig. Walter* we hereby present you this, cane as a small token of re- Bend meet this evening to small token of regard for rendered) during many evenings spent together winter. mention 'is made of our LUMLEY The death of Mr. Doifald nell occurred on Monday morning, last at liis home in the Township Of Hibbert. He had lived a very ac­ tive life until a year ago when he contracted an incurable disease which with the best skill, could not overcome, The deceased had a very likeable personality which attached lym to a very large circle of friends who visited him during his illness but always found him bright and cheerful through his suffering, The funeral was held- on Wednesday last from his home conducted by liis pas­ tor Rev. A. Sinclair of the United church in addition to a Masonic fun­ eral by the Zurich Lodge -of which' he was a member being a Past Master of his local lodge. Ha was a valued member according to the large showing of members in attend­ ance at the service. A quartette of brethren sang appropriate hymns. Although he was 62 years of age he took an active part in asports. In politics he was a Conservative' and he was a director of the South Huron Agricultural Society. The funeral was very largely attended and friendg we.re present from Sarnia, Stratford, Detroit and London, The pallbear­ ers were his.4 sons and. Messrs. Tlios. Drover and A. Brintnell, of Exeter. He leaves to mourn -his loss his wife, three daughters, Mae, of -Sarnia, a nurse-in-trainingj; Isabel, of Strat­ ford and Edna at home also four sons, Wm., of Hiblbert; Clifford, of Exeter; Wilson., of the Thames Road and Thomas at .home. The re­ mains were laid in McTaggart’s ceme­ tery the floral tributes were numer­ ous and beautiful. ' Mrs. Bartlett, of Tliamesford, vis­ ited her brother SteVaTt McQueen and family for a few days last week and returned home on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Horton and little, Betty Jean, of Detroit, are this, wepk visiting the former’s mother and family Mrs. N. Horton. Bript- i THE LATE ROUTLY The funeral of the late Matthew Routly, a. prominent farmer of Us- borne township was held from his home on the 11th con. oxi Thursday afternoon of last week, interment; in the Kirkton Union cemetery. A large number of neighbors and friends paid their last tribute of re­ spect to the departed, over 100 cars being in the funeral procession. The funeral service was conducted by Rev, T. A. Bell assisted by Rev. L. C. White. A very-appropriate duet was sung !by Mrs. Wm. Urquhart and Mrs. Trueman Tufts, The floral tributes were very beautiful. Mr. Routly who was in his 64th year spent all his life in Usborne, Thirty- one years ago in January he was united in marriage with Miss Roibena Scott, of Hibbert, sister of Mr, John Scott, of 'Toronto, formerly ot Exe­ ter, The deceased was a former member of the Methodist church and later of the United church, in poli­ ties he was a staunch Liberal. Be­ sides Ms bereaved widow he is sur­ vived by three sons and three daugh­ ters William and Frank at home and Norman, of St. Marys; Mildred, Vin- etta and Ella at home. He is also survived by one brother John A. Routly and a sister'Mrs. J. L; Routly of Woodham. The deceased had been ill since last August but for .the past five years he had not enjoyed good health'. The pall bearers were Messrs. Arthur Francis, Chas. Camm, J. E- Creery, John Fletcher, Frank Brock, Thos. Washburn and the flowei’ bearers were Messrs. Clarence and Ray Fletcher, Lyle Worden, Al­ ex Cragjo, Thos Scott and Ernest Al­ len. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr, •and Mrs. O. R. Francis and Mr. and Mrs. Francis, of Bright and Mr. and Mrs. John Skinner, of Aylmer. Ford Roadster ▼ Comfort ▼ ▼ Power < ▼ Economy V Reliability ▼ Rupture Expert Here Do you suffer from rupture; Iff so, your big opportunity Ii$s uowf arrived, Mr, Reavely, • the noteft Tupture expert, wil be at the CENTRA!. HOTEL, EXETER ' for one day only TUESDAY, MAY 12 and will be pleased to give free .ex­ amination to any sufferer and to de* monstrate bls famous appliance^ This appliance will contract the opening in 10 to 15 days and haa .been knowil to cure cases in front three to six months. This-appliance is positively demonstrated to you. right on your own person without any charge. You do not spend a pen* ny unless you are fully satisfied that it is the right appliance for you. A consultation with Mr. Reavely. will Cost you nothing, Don’t let this op-* porunity get away from you. Re* member the date, *5* FARMERS! Thinking of building a contereta- Silo? If so have your work done by competent builders with years off experience behind them, GET OUR PRICES FOR 1931 - BEFORE BUILDING CAMPBELL & CO, SILO BUH/DERS BUSSELDALE, ONT. SUCCESSORS' TO ROGER BBOSe Phone 10 r 2 ♦ Brantford Asphalt Slates combine the three essentials of fine roofs—beauty, fire-safety and weather-resistance*. Yet the# cost little and do not require upkeep or repairs. Ask your dealer for an estimate. Harmony that mingles Stamina Brantford Asphalt Slates are unequalled in the richness of their colour combinations. . \ They are made in a wide range of treatments to harmonize with the outside of your home and its surroundings. ./ Yet for all their beauty Brantford Roofs have .a ruggedness that can ..absorb years of constant Warfate with the wither and come Out unscathed even after the worst conditions, of climate. f ' ■ '■ ’ Probably you know their reputation for fire- resiStance. - That Brantford Roofs ate not ignited by, nor give off, sparks or "flaming brands is a well-known fact. Brantford Roofs Brantford Roofing Company, Limited, Head Office and Factory! Brantford, Ont. Branch Offices and Warehouses: Toronto, Winnipeg, Montreal, Halifax, Saint John, N.B., and St. John’s, Nfld. Exeter Lumber Co., Limited EXETER ‘ WOMAN’S INSTITUTE The April meeting of the Exeter Women’s Institute was held at the home pf Mrs. Horney and Miss M, Hortoii op Wednesday, April 29th. .The response to the roll call was sug­ gestions for gardening. Twenty-, three members and . eleven visitors were present. Following the dis­ cussion of business a very splendid program was given. Stories were told by three of .Miss Horton’s pupils “A Boy’s Feet” by Tom Campbell; “When Soap Gets Into Your Eyes” by Ray Genttner; and a “Sunday School in Japan” by Marion Powell, who was beautifully attired1 in a Ja­ panese costume, Eleanor Abbott al­ so gave a story entitled “Grand­ mother Foster.” A very instructive talk was given by Mrs. T. Dinney on ‘.Garden Hints;” Splendid sugges­ tions for -beautifying the home with shrubs also various trees. The flow­ er gardens were highly spoken of ^especially those with refreshing tfihgranceY Following this Talk an exchange of flower seeds and bulbs took place. A demonstration by Mrs.'-W. F. Abbott on “Dressing a Chicken for Broiling” proved a very interesting event. A very inspiring report of the O. E. .A. which was held in Toronto was given by our delegate Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. This being the first' time our branch has taken the advantage of this oppor­ tunity to hear the problems discuss­ ed and to ,get in touch with those who are helping- to train'Jthe brains and intellect of this generation. The ladies thoroughly enjoyed the report, and a. hearty vote of thanik's was tendered to Mrs. Beavers. ~ morons. and were given one of our The singing brought the good attendance is requested at the summer meeting which is being held at James Street church on May U5th. Miss A. Smith, of Glanford, will be speaker for this occasion. • t * r 1 Call or telephone for demonstration 13 $6.7;5. ▼ SERVICE plate batteries ,new, at only <<*■ TIRE SALE Now going on. The best makes, ■at the lowest prices. New tires as low as $3.95. I Two hu- well rendered readings by Mr. Francis Abbott popular local readers, of the National Anthem meeting to a close. A Buy your oil in 5 gallon lots. Get a pail worth $1.00 and 5 gallons best oil for only $4.75.**” r ., CAR WASHING Cars washed, polished and .painted. Body wash •50’c.; thorough wash $1. We can polish and paint your car and make it look like new at only a small cost to you. TRY OUR WORKSHOP Expert mechanics. Genuine Ford parts and low flat rate labor charge. ’ . CARS AND TRACTORS FORDSON TH4CTOR Rebuilt-and ready to do a lot work ............... Case Tractor! good condition 15 used card to choose1 from. All prices. See these before“you buy. AUCTION SALE — of — FARM IN STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Under and by virtue of the powd­ ers contained in a 'certain mortgage which will- be produced at. the ,timer of §a'Ie, There will be offered foi$‘ sale by public auction on, TUESDAY, the 12th day MAY, 193tj. at the hour of 2 o’clock, in the afternoon, on the premises, ! the following property in the .Towny­ ship of Stephen in the County of Hu* ron containing 116 2-3 acres.mor^ or less, and being composed off’ FIRSTLY: the South one-half of Lot| Number Five (5) in the Ninth (9>] Concession of the said Township and SECONDLY: the Northerly part of Lot Number Four (4) in the salt! Ninth (9) Concession of the said Township containing 66 2-3 acTCff- more or less. On thcs property 'said to be-a bank barn, a brick houSQ- and also a fame dwelling. < The farm is all in grass. » j TERMS ’ I 10 per cent, of the purchase monejif to be paid at the time of the and the balance in 30 days, rangements may be made with vendor to leave a considerable tion of the purchase money on firs^' mortgage on the property. For furthei4 particulars and con­ ditions of sale apply -to- FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exete$ and London, Mortgagee's Solicitor^- NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS/HERE Y GIVEN that’ all creditors and others liaving.- claims against the ‘estate of GEORGE HODGINS, late of the Township oj' Bid-dulph, in the County of Middle* sex, -Farmer, who died on the Thir-- teenth day of December 1930, aT^- required to forward their claima duly ‘proven to the undersigned on’, or before the 11th day of May, 193L«. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date" the Ad-- ministrator will proceed to distrib*- ute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he. then shall have notice. >’ DATED at EXETER, this 17tE day of April A. D., 1931. GLADMAN & STANBURY . London, Exetei’ and HensalS Solicitors for , the Administrate^ salflh Ar* thel' por- KHIVA Mr. and family and and family the infant son‘| of Mr. and Mrs. _Wm. Eagleson near Parkhill, om,Saturday Mr. Gordon Sararas and mother, of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. O. Willert. , Miss M. Knight spent'the week­ -end at her home Hear Strathro'y. Miss Alma Ratz spent Sunday with MiSs Rose Deitricli’. Mrs. H. Eagleson and Mr. and Mrs. A. Willert attended the funeral of Of .................. $200.00 rA strong trhctor in .................. $200.00 Phone <54 SANDY ELLIOT •' \ -“The Home of the Ford” . ■ ' ‘ - ■ ’ . ' - L If (j WlNCHELSEA SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report of the Senior room for the months of March and April. The pupils were examin­ ed in all subjects. V class—Elsie Heywood 87; Olive Johns *78; Carman Anderson 77; L. Bell 77; Maizie O’Reilly 76; •Joseph­ ine 74; 71; 70; 64; Sr. IV—- Gertrude Camm 82; Laura Ford 81; Ella Routly 78; Ruby Johns 74; ' ' ford Jr neth Sr lian Earl Alma Gower 63 Irwin O’Reilly 68; .Thelma O’Reilly 58; Gordon Prance 45, M Number on roll >32; average tendance 30, L. McCulloch, teacher STAFFA’ , Mr. and Mrs. John Willert,; Strat­ ford, spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. X M. Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Waltei’ O’Briep, pf Flint, Mich., are wishing at the. form­ er’s parents.. ', * Mr. and Mrs. W- .S. Rowe, Guelpll, visited with Msr, and Mi'S, G. G. .Wilson on Sunday. Miss Jennie Hogg" spent the week­ end - I at her ■home near Seaforth. / TOWNSHIV OF STEPHEN COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that McElrea 75; Clarence Prance Russell Mills 73; Greta Fletcher Vinetta Routly 71; Lloyd. Hern Ralph Cornish 67; Philip Hern Lorne Elf ord 64. Gordon Brooks 66; Ronald El- •5$. , jy.—Gladys Johns 79; Ken- Hern 66. ’ » III—Dorothy Johns 82 March S3 Coultis 6-9; Eula Herdman Marian Miners Ethel Coward; Lil- W; 59; at- You can be tight without stingy. being Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township df Stephen will hold its first meeting in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Tuesday, the 26th day of May, 1931, at o’clock pan. ‘ Henry Eilber, Clerk Orediton, P. O., two Ont. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the construction the Eacrett Drain, Township of Hay, County of Huron, will be received by tlie undersigned up to Wednesday, May 20th, 1981, when tenders will be opened at the Town Hall, Zurich, M eight o’clock p.m, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications may be seen at office of J, Roger, O.L.S., Mitchell or at Clerk’s ' ■ office. A marked cheque for 5% of. amount of tender to accompany same. A. F. Hess, Zurich, ont. •of Notice to Creditors, ? NOTICE I.S HEREB.Y GIVEN'that, all creditors and others having' clai,'ms\ against the. estate of Aik DREW SLATER latent of the Town­ ship of Hdy, in the County of Huron‘s Gentleman, who died-* on the twenty*- second day of April, A/D., 1931, aria? required, to forward tlieir claims dtilj£ proven to the undersigned on or be*- fore the twenty-fifth day of May, Ai; D., 1931. AND NOTICE IS- FURTHER GHfa EN that after the said date the Eke* cutor will proceed to distribute thq- estate having jregdfd only to the claims of which he then shall liavq- notice. 1 DATED at EXETER, ONT., this FOURTH day of MAY, A. D„ 3.981, GLADMAN & STANBURY JSxetei' and Hensall Executor’s Solicitor^ tfiUittii•'! .j...;;,.h. You cannot dodge personal injur#' BUT you can avoid the ’EXPENSE that 'follows. Place yOur sickness and accident insurance In the ZUR­ ICH World’s Strongest casualty Co;. Clerk, Township of Hay Ernest'C. Harvey, office, Main SL j