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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-05-07, Page 2
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 'IMMM~*-”T TTOWAT, MAT Th'h 15)31 Sold everywhere inCanada, Veen of Ingersoll, in conducting the i’am- their mov- 4110 expressed to expand and things ip the they wore en- all meetings.day 25th pit., at the Thomas Trivitt Esq., uncle by the Rev. E. Mr, Alexander Quinn Dover East, near iChatham to Miss Caroline Bicknell, of Centralia, STEELE. BRIGGS SEEDC°.„ “CiNUDKS GREATEST SEED HOUSE" TORONTO-HAMILTON-WINNIPEG "REG IN A" EDMONTON leliable Alwai STEELE, BRIG wJawW’ Crim»ouTop "Selected” Purple Ton "Perfection” Purple Top "Canadian Gem” Purple Top "Good Luck” Purple Top ^Select Westbury” Purple Top "Durham” Bronze Top ^Kangaroo” Grpen Top Tested for purity jmd ' high germination. Send for illustrated, catalogue for Better, 50 YEARS AGO Mr. John Drew has sold his stock of furniture to Mr. J, W. Broderick, ivho intends selling it oft by auction. The Messrs. Hunter, of Exeter, shipped over 100 head of cattle from Goderich station on Wednes day. Dr. Moore was driving down the Main street on Tuesday evening and when opposite the Central Hotel was met by Mt. Caverhill, of Fair field, who in turning out to pass, ran against the front wheel of .the doctor’s buggy completely demol ishing it. Mr. Caverhill was thrown from his rig by the collison .Jbut was uninjured. Mr. M. Bissett met with a mis fortune while in the country on Sat urday last. It appears he left his buggy standing alongside a fence while he went into the 'bush to look at some sheep and when he return ed the box was completely burned off and the horse’s tail singed. It is not known how the fire originat ed but Mr, Bissett was forced to ride home without a spring seat. Mr. William Hyndman of this place, left on Friday last for Mani toba, where he intends working with his uncle, who is at present engaged in surveying the route of the Canada Pacific Railway. Mr. Chas, Manning, "who has for ‘the last two years filled the posi- and of th© high order in which th§y were conducted. They also spoke in gracious terms and with delight of the cordial reception they had re ceived -from the citizens of Goderich, particularly so of the homes in which they were billeted. iA note of confidence and optim ism characterised the entire delib erations. The harmony and optimism which prevailed and desire to go forward, to accomplish greater great work in which gaged, characterized Right to the last the ranks of the commissioner-delegates were almost unbroken, a striking evidence of the keen interest taken. ' x ' • The meetings on Monday and Tuesday evenings, in which Knox congregation and the general public joined, were . highly inspiring and were marked to a degree by a de monstration of whole-hearted Chris- tion worship. The ’singing of old- time favorite psalms and hymns pos sessed remarkable spirit and volume. The Synod convened in Kn-ox Church’ on Monday evening at eight t o’clock. The retiring; moderator, j Rev. T. , D, McCullough, M.A., of resigned his position and left! Kincardine, presided, and was as- lion of assistant postmuster In the Exeter post office, has resigned his position and is supplanted by Mr* Esra iSpicer. From the Post-Master General’s report for the year ending June 1st, 1880, weyjlean the following; The gross revenue tfoj.’ Exeter post oL fice was $2221,-5 6,” total expend!? hire, including salaries, forwarding allowance, fuel and rent $695,63; The gross revenue for Hensail was $436.15; expenditure $143.69. Boibier-BmknelLAt Exeter, T’ues- residence of the bride’s j. Robinson, Bobier, of it leaves the Ml LL r* TKApf HARK Madeof Copper-Bcarmg 12 ■ -> -n r................... 'J . .......................................... It gives you . satisfaction through years of hardest weather - wear JIBWAY,s> Farm Fence Wirei3 Galvanized to withstand FOUR immersions by the Preece Test (an acid test equal to many years of exposure to the' most extreme weather conditions). If is tested to give a life time of perfect satisfaction even before it leaves our mill. “OJ’BWAY’’ Zinc Insulated!? aim Fence, made from Full No. 9 Gauge Galvanized Copper-Bearing Steel - Wire, erected on Banner Steel Line Posts and National Expanding Anchor DirtSetEnd and Comer Posts provides perfect property protection. Ask your dealer or write for information about | the “OJIBWAY” Guarantee of Service. y Also manufacturers of Apollo and Aptillo Keystone Copper Steel Brands of Galvanized Sheets—Tin Plates. Canadian Steel Corporation Limited Mills and Head Office: Ojibway, Essex County, Ontario Warehouses: Hamilton, Winnipeg and Vancouver Watch for this irade-thark. It appears in every roll. “OJ1BWAY” Four Orte-Minute Wire T a 25 YEARS AGO Mr, .Albert Luxton, son of Mr, Luxton, of Usborne, has entered the Sovereign Bank ns junior, Mr. Richard Delbridge and ily have now got settled in home on Curling street having ed in from Usborne. Mr. John Harrison, who has clerking at the Commercial Hotel has ---- . - .. for Ailsa Craig, Tuesday. sisted by Rev. R, C. McDermid, of Mr, Jos, Lambrook is preparing' Goderich, and Rev. J. A, Brown, B. to move into the house vacated by A„ c" ’ Mrs. G. Sheere whose household ef- opening exercises, fects have been moved to Brantford, A barn raising took place on the farm of Mr. Thos. Case, con. 2, Hay, on Tuesday last. A notable feature was the presence o.f two old time residents who had assisted at the first raising. They were Mr, Geo. Hawkins, Sr., and Mr. Chris. Eac- rett. • 5 Mr. Alex Dyer, village assessor, made his returns of the assessment of Exeter to the clerk on Monday. From the roll we learn that the pop ulation as 1578. The total assess ment is $552,246; thrg business as sessment being $49,238. There are 1051 acres of assessed land. Large crowds of people’ attended the big. isale of Dr. Rollins on Sat urday last. FI. Brown swung; the hammer in a thoroughly competent ■manner. The house has been sold to Mr. Andrew Gibson, of' Usborne. Dr. D. A. and Mrs. Anderson left Monday on an extended trip though the West, When Mr. 'Bissett was about to move the old boundary building on Wednesday the lower part gave way and it toppled over. Mr. Geo. FI.' Bissett, who left here a few weeks ago for .Winnipeg is now in Morden, Man., conducting a branch Hardware store for a Winni peg firm. The next order of business was the election of the moderator for the en suing year. There were two nomine ations for this office, Rev. Peter Reith, B.A., of Tara, and Rev. Wm- J. West, M.A., of Atwood. Mr. West announced, his withdrawal and Mr. Reith’s appointment was made un animous, ' Welcomed by Mayor Mayor C. C. Lee, of Goderich, gave a brief address and on behalf of the citizens extended a civic welcome to the commissioners. On 'behalf of the congregation Of Knox church Rev. R. C. M'cDermid extended a welcome. Mr. MoDermid 'noted the presence of a num'ber of the ministers of other denominations in the town, who, he said, joined in welcoming the com missioners to Goderich. An Inspiring Service Tuesday eveningjs .service was truly inspirational and was marked’ by splendid addresses, Dr. Robert Johnston, of St. Catherines, conven or of the 'committee on missions, was in charge, f-oj; it was “missionary night.”. The speakers were Mrs/F. R. Redditt* of Goderich, Rev. Al lan Reoch, missionary from Man churia, Rev. W. M. MacKay, Synod ical missionary in Northern Ontario and Eastern Manitoba' and Dr. A. S. Grant, secretary of the general board of missions. You will feel much better if yoy? eat simple foods'* “There is no breakfast that will be better for you than Shredded Wheat and milk. This co nib illa tion makes a complete food,., supplying every element neces sary to growth and good health- If you are dieting, Shredded Wheat is especially important because of its vitamins and minerals. You’ll like Shredded Help Canadian Prosperity by — and it certainly will eatingTWO “Shredded Wheat p, Biscuits a day. y h * L? p & Preserving tractor built School Reports s. is WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLEWHEAT •THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTUV We broke another record this week—but it was for the phono graph. When young people get married!-, they become one, but it is difficult- to tell which one. 15 YEARS AGO The Exeter Canning Company is testing a by the International Harvester' Co., with >a view to purchase. Messrs. Luther and Asa Penhale bought one last week. After a continuous service of twenty-four years as superintendent of Main Street Sunday School Mr. FI, E. Huston resigned his position last Sunday. On Sabbath morning; last Exeter Lodge No. 67, I.O.O.F., celebrated the anniversary of the, order by at tending Divine ‘Worship in vCaven Presbyterian church. Mr. Wm. Lutman, an employee, at Gillies’ saw mill had the misfor tune to get some bones in one of his hands broken and a nasty wound that required several- stitches to clo.se, G. R. Bedford is offering; for one week seed potatoes at $1.85, per bag; 20 lb. pail of lard at 17c. a pound. Mr. 1t. Phillips was at Zurich on Monday evening presiding at the opening of a new organ in the Evan gelical Church. A meeting of the members of the James Street congregation was held in the basement of the chiu;ch last Thursday evening. Rev. W.-G. H. McAlister occupied the chair. Mr. Peter Frayns gave the repoft cf the Quarterly Official Board; other re ports were given by Mrs. Welling ton /Johns,, Miss, Reta Rowe, Mr. Thos. Harvey, Mf. J. G. Jones, Miss May Jones, Mi’s.' E< Treble and Mr. J. S. Harvey. ENTHUSIASM AND confidence FEATURE PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD HELD AT GODERICH Repqrts Reveal Steady and Substan- ffnT IPt*01^1 With renewed assurance that the Presbyterian Church in Canada had successfully weathered and made substantial progress during the five- year period which cam© in the wake of th© disruption of 1925, and With the knowledge that the year 1930, despite the financial depression, was the most encouraging! of these five years, commissioners to the Synod of Hamilton and London returned to their homes ^Wednesday after their three day annual conference in Knox Church,. Goderich. It was one of the best Synods the present generation of co’ihmissionefs rememibers. This opinion was free ly expressed as the delegates took leave, They spoke o* the splendid tone and character the- sessions. REPORT S. S. NO. 1, TUCKERSMITH T\vP. The following is tile report standing of the pupils of S. 1, Tuckersmith in the April inations. ■ • s . Sr. IV—^Edison Forrest 74.8. Jr. IV-—Ruiby Pfaff 60.6; Jackie Traquair 5 9.8; Mildred Madgej5 7.6; Helen Walker ,57.1. •' / 'Sr. Ill—Agnes Fairbairn 57.!5. . Jr. Ill—Ross Forrest 62.6; Bruce Volland 54.6; Ruby Dalyrmple 50 present for only two examinations. 2nd class—Hazel Dilling 77.1; Murray Traquair 70.6; Roy Pepper 69.6; Elton Fairbairn 50; Wilmer Dalrymple absent. 1st class—'Margaret ‘ Kercher pro- ’liioted to 1st Class at 'Easter. Pr.—Bless Pepper and Arthur Traquair equals Num'ber on roll 17—Average tendance 14.84. . <. Rossie Broadfoot, teacher of the S. No. exam- Grace 74.3; 80.2 REPORT S. S. NO. 3, STEPIIEN ‘The following is the report of S. S. No. 3,. Stephen, for the months of March and April. Sr. IV—Ruby Jory 71.5; Harold Bell 6 6.6; Percy Willis 64. Jr. IV—Allan Penhale 82.3; Penhale 77.6; Billy Triebner Howard Preskcat-or 69.6. Jr. Ill—Laverne Christie Stanley Preszcator 75; Bill Johns*. Jr. II—Ruby Preszcator 83.-5; Ed ward Triebner 76.2; Ilene Jory 62.2; Irene Johns 61. -Sr. Pr.—Clifford Joyy, Calvin Preszcator. Jr, Pr.—-Ola Johns, (Shirley Presz cator. Number, on roll IS; average at tendance 16.9, (*) means absent for one or more examination. ' Gertrude’ B. Francis, teacher 1 Acid Stomach Completely Relieved by Famous Vegetable Pills Mr.^rank C., of Blackburri, writes: “I have suffered lorig front acid stomach and constipation, but sihee being ad- vised to try yai Little Liver Pili Dr, Cartel ordinar'. VEGE value •’ The Bilio ion. A Li Wonderful Carter’s can eat anything.” » Liver Bills are no They are ALL have a definite, i. port the liver, •i Indigestion, 1 ‘uor Complex- & 75c red pkgs, a * Why^^anet, wBaat a stuiasaiiag car ■? “Yes, tfeatf9s cmly italf W Jost get iiaaiad drive it 2” <L ; -— iGf k iQ 3IK Buy conveniently through GM AC, General Motors own time payment plan. Be assured of satisfaction by the liber al terms of the General Motor s Orineir Ser vice Pol icy. Forward with Canada! Prove your confidence iti tomorrow by buying today. P O N T I A C ii «G>- . * a fine .car,a modern ear, a General Motors Value ------------------------------------------------ P2i-«e PRICED FROM M75>af factory, Taxes Exfra