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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-05-07, Page 1
IMTABLISHED 1£73 < ■«p £ %■ a] N "V Sv •IS (pst z *& EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY l^ORNING, MAY 7th, X931 Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Spring Coats at Reduced Prices. We are offering real bargains this week in Spring coats for Ladies, Misses and Children. We have a large stock’ to choose front. Conte and look over these bargains. Super-Silk Hosiery Lower in Price * Super-Silk is one of the best wearing lines of Silk H.osiery shown to-day. . The quality originally sold at $2.00 a pair is now reduced in price to $1.50 a pair in sill popular colors.•-'1 Wabassp Prints at 25c. a yard We have just placed in stock a new shipment of these beautiful pattern- • ed prints, guaranteed fast in colors, 36 inches wide at 25c. a yard. i Houses Dresses at 98c. each 5 dozen Ladies’ and Misses’ House Dresses in good fast washing ma terials are on sale this month at only 98c. each.' Men’s Fine Shirts, at 98c. eachA* 8 dozen men’s fine shirts in good materials, full size, collars attched, a real bargain this month at 98c. each. Summer Wash Materials The new sujmmer wash dress materials are now ready in Voiles, Rayons, Celanese, Crepes, etc, at much lower prices than last year.. Clearing Sale of Curtain Materials We have a number of odd lines and remnants of curtain materials for early May selling at greatly reduced prices. . , •* Big #‘B” Brand Work Shirts at $1.25 All Big B Brand men*srwork shirts formerly sold at $1.50 #ach are now selling at $1.25. This is the best value in Avork’shirts in the trade to-day. $ ► GROCERIES! Brooms (light weight) ..................each. 29c. Lemon Extract in an 8 oz. Vinegar jug L extra,value at each.......................... 15c. Tomato Juice 1 lb. tin 10c. or 2 19c. k. Tomato Ketchup 12 oz. bottle . , 2 for 23c.‘ * S' FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, W, 2689 GROCERIES I DIED IN STRATHROY Mt, Win. Kay, of Sti’athroy. form erly of Usborii© and, Exeter, passed, away at his home at four o’cloctts on Wednesday moiming", April 29th..Air, Kay, who was in Iiis 64th year, had been sick several weeks, having spent a month in st, Joseph Hospit al, London. He had been home only a week when he passed away. The funeral service was held Friday af ternoon at his home in Strathroy and the remains were brought to Exeter , for interment in the family plot. The pallbearers at the Exeter cemetery were Messrs. R. Hedden, AV, Greenley, w. Blainey, T, Pryde, Jas. Grieve and C, Luker. Rev. Mr. Cameron,' of Strathroy, conducted the services at the house as well as at the cemetery. He spoke of the quiet nature of the departed whose religion was deep and sincere. He was of a quiet unassuming disposi tion living for his family. Air. Kay was born in Usborne Township seven miles (from Exeter on the Kay home stead where he lived until ten years ag;o when they rented their farm and the family moved to Exeter. Three years ago they left Exeter for Sitrath- roy. Air. Kay was the second son of Thomas M. Kay and Alary Arm strong who cleared the Kay farm and built a log house later replacing the old Jog cabin with' a fine brick resi dence. The deceased belonged to the. brotherhood of Maccabees. He leav es to mourn his loss his wife, whose maiden name was Laura Prior; one son, Thomas, of Detroit; and daughters: Airs. F. Mrs. Floyd Woodruff, EXETER COUNCIL I? Monday,- May 4, 1931 A regular meeting of the Alunicip- aJI Council held iu the Town Hall, ■ Absent Councilor Rowcliffe., The •minutes of th© meeting held April '20th were read and approved, Cir culars were laid on the table, A iSigned petition from the business ■men asking the council to continue Ihe pight watchman and setting out Itheir special contributions to be ap plied thereto. Per Grieve and Rivers ’the Council grant the request, ’ . A letter, from Airs". Elsie Gambrill .complaining of gasoline fumes enter ing their home through the town zsewer. Air. Norry reported that the trouble had been found and remed ied. \ A letter was read from the office ,of the Clerk of the city of Sudbury with copy of petition to the ■Government asking th© Government Jo deport all undesirables and com- jnunists. The resolution was en- idorsed by the council, : The Clerk reported having receiv ed the Assessment Roll from the As sessor. The Court of Revision for ,the year was fixed for Alonday, June ‘1st at S o’clock. •; Councillor Bierling reported hav ing sold wood as supplied by Air. J. :Stire, amounting to §1S.OO against ,'charity account. ! The Council will tour and. inspect cthe Alunicipality on Thursday, Alay 7, at 1 p.m. j The Auditors’ report for April, was road and accepted on motion of (Grieve and Bierling, ; The following accounts were read and ordered ‘paid: Public- Utilities '/Com., street lighting $158.25; Wm. Johns, team labor $17.00; Jonathan - Kydd, gravel $20.00; AV. J. Beer, supplies for flashlight 40c.; Grigg] (Stationery Co., hooks library $39.- ■15; Jones & Alay; chloride of lime ;20c.; Richard Hunter, Assessor .$115.00, Truant .Officer book $10.00 postage $1.50; total $126.50. Ceme tery accounts, Exeter Lumber Co., (Ltd., lum©b $21.61; Jones & Alay, ‘grass seeds $”14.50; J. Kydd, labour ;$18.25; William Smith, labour $1$. "25. ; Passed on motion of Bierling and Rivers. Adjouned by Grieve. ■i Jos. Senior, Clerk ►i. 7 "4 L« j■; % ■ Pu,re Lard, in bulk, good quality 2 lb. 25c. Fray Bentos Corned Beef .... Ib. tin 19c. jb; Infant’s Delight Soap ..................4 for 25c. Canned Tomatos ......”..................3 for 29c. 4^, order 60c. per lb.; also CircleJS^ud>pei: lh.,tin at ,and Kolona Brand per pound bag 29c. ’ ’<!& May Phone 32 < PAINT SPECIAL 0, We Offer ONE QUART OF D. C. W. PAINT IN WHITE, BUFF, QUAKER GRAY, TOBACCO BROWN, PEA GREEN, CREAM REGULAR PRICE $1.00 PER^QUART \ , -—AND —' A FIRST QUALITY BRUSH—REGULAR PRICE 50c. 1 (TOTAL VALUE $1.50) ■Al .l . FOR 99c. During This Special Sale BOTH PAINT AND BRUSH REPRESENT REMARKABLE VALtJES - SHOP EARLY - AND SAVE 51c. WHILE THE SALE LASTS TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD Phone your hardware necessities to 27 . FLOWERS For Mothers Day Phone 122 or 15 (SUFFERED STROKE - / The many friends of 'Airs. (Kernick, of Exeter North, will regret Ao learn that she suffered a paralytic Stroke early Sunday morning and is •confined to heir bed. We'understand fekat;. ker.;;c.ftmiit.iQn.;,is. ^p^oyigg.. ... BJ.RN .BURNED NEAl/ BRINSLEY X large L shaped barn belonging to Air. C. Alorley, one mile north of Brinsley, was destroyed by fire Sun day-evening when a lantern was up set while doing the evening chores. The fire started abou: nine o’clock in the evening and spread very rap idly. The live stock,was all saved witli the exception of a few chickens A threshing machine and farm im plements were also saved. The re flection of the fire was seen for many miles and in a short time hun dreds of automobiles were gathered about the place. The Ailsa Crai£| firemen responded td the call and assisted in saving the nearby build ings. The loss was partly covered by insurance. AV. ON DISPLAY AT Moore’s Grocery J. W. Powell RETIRED FROM BUSINESS Air. J. W. Powell, who for twenty years has conducted the Powell’^ Variety Store in Exeter closed out his, place of business the last day of April. For the past few years AIT. Powell has mot enjoyed good health* and for this reason was forced to quit. Mr. Powell" nas always been a business booster for sExeter and is well and favorably known over a wide territory. The store he vacated is now being occupied Kirk’s Butcher Shop. has by SPECIALLY MENTIONED AT SYNOD FOR MISSIONARY CONTRIBUTIONS At the Presbyterian Synod held at Goderich last week both Caven church and Sunday school received special mention for their missionary contributions. Caven Sunday school was one out of six that came in for special mention and Caven congreg ation was one out of four that was selected for special recognition. "A very fine tribu’te was also paid to Air. Henry 'Strang, elder of ^the church.. In a write-up headed" Side lights at the Synod” by “Quill” which appeared in the Goderich Signal, after referring to a number Of the ministers, i’t says: “But every man has his elder. That is, he is either here or at home, and true “Worthies” they are. One of the best known is fi‘om Huron, Henry Strang, of Exeter. John Knox would' have been glad to ordain such a man.” Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Johns' and Gordon motored up from Toronto on. Tuesday and accompanied, by the j son PICTURES OF “PASSION PLAY” A most interesting and impress- former’s mother, Mrs. W. Johns fheyl^e service was held in the James BIRTHS LUTHER—At Grand Bend; on Mon day, May 4th, to Air. and '’Alanfoi'd Luther, a,son. t DEATHS CARD OF THANKS attended the graduation exercises of the nurses from Victoria * Hospital which were held- at*Western Univer sity among whom was Miss Margaret Johns. Mrs. AVednesday, Henry Kay, Mrs. M. Routly and family w&h to express their sincerp thanks to the neighbors and friends for the kindness and*' sympathy extended during Mr. Routly’s illness and in their recent 'bereavement; also, for the loan of cars, the floral tributes and to music. those who assisted with the oil Wednes- CARD OF THANKS ANNOUNCEMENT and Mrs. Henry Strang, .announce the engagement of Maybell© Elizabeth Us-Air. borne, their daughter, to Garman J. Cann, son of Air. and •Airs. John, Cann, of Usborhe. marriage to take place about middle of May. The the KAY—In .Strathroy On ADihi 29th; William < .in his 64th year. HARDY—In Strathroy, day, Avril 29, 1931, Annie Parker, beloved wife of the late* John hardy, in her 76th year. Funeral Saturday afternoon with inter- wieirt in Mount Carmel cemetery. toWni. Kay and family wish their sincere thanks to- the - Mrs. extend many friends and former neighbours for the kindness shown in the fam ily’s sad bereavement. IN MEMORlAAt KELLERAIAN—In loving memory of ■ Clarence F. Kellerman, who died one yeaif ago, May 4th. One precious to our hearts has gone, Tlie voice we. loved is still;"The place made vacant in our hom’o, Can nevermore be filled. | ATissed by. Wife and son five H. Price and , of Detroit; Mrs. Jas. Mclnnes. of Embro; Miss Wilma, off Detroit and Muriel at home. He is survived by two sisters Airs. Jas. AfcCurdy and Airs. Archie .McCurdy,-of Kirkton, and two broth ers, John ol’ Cromarty and Thomas, of Killman, Alta. His name whs Cecil Clarkson He entered the Western Uni Ont. and studied London Medical in 1903. Alfter a. Surgeon at he commenced DR. C, C. ROSS PASSES Dr, c. c. Ross, a prominent pfry-r sician, of Hy<le Park, died; Sunday 1# St. Joseph’s Hospital, London at tbo- age of 53 years after an illness of a. few days. Dr. Ross was ^ken HI at his home last week and went to th& hospital for an operation on Friday from which he failed to recover, The deceased, was born at Rodgeiwilto north of Exeter on March 14th, 187?r a son of the late Air, and Airs, Gavin Ross, Ross. versity of London, medicine at the School graduating year as House Joseph’s Hospital practising his profession at Hyde Park. Dr. Ross -was a Liberal in politics and in the Federal election# of 1925 and 1926 he was the Liberal standard bearer for East 'Middlesex. He belonged to the Masonic Order and in religion was a Presbyterian, Twenty-six years ago he was niar- ried to Aliss Kathleen Doojingi, a graduate nurse of St. Joseph’s Hosr- pital who together with one daugh ter Aliss Donna Ross,..survive. H© is also survived by ’three brothers Frank E., *of Byron; Robert B., of Hyde Park and Guy, of Detroit. The, funeral, was held on Tuesday with, interment in Woodland cemetery, The purple martins have returned! to Exeter and their pleasant chirp is again heard along the Alain Street where several houses are built for them. The first to arrive came in about eleven o’clock on the morning- of Alay 1st and before night had been joined by. several others. Last year the Alartins arrived on the 18th of April, Grand Bend CASINOLOOKING FOR WORK Some indication of the unemploy ment situation was realized on Alon- day when the contractors.' for the new pavement began operations south, of Exeter. -It is safe to say that sev4 eral hundred men made application* for work but only a few men were taken on. Some of the men walked, out from London on .Sunday, stayed at Centralia, over night with the hopes of .employment on Alondav on ly to be disappointed. All day ^Mon day there was a steady stream of . ................... . .■•.r AietlJoqKin.g ^or. w-oVk;;1: ■ < Don’t forget the W.C^T.U. Contest in Main Street United Friday evening; Opening Dance Sat., May 9 AIODERN & OLD TIAIB DANCING? . Music bv. the Hammer, Saw & Pick OF CJGO, WNDON, ONT. Medal' church Silver eollecion. PHONE SERVICE ATISFACTION JUST A FEW OF OUR MANY SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY Pot Roast Beef (rolled and boneless) .... Rib Boil (Baby Beef) ................................... Flank Beef (trimmed) and Brisket Beef . , Choice Round Steak . . Roast Pork (shoulder) Pure Pork Sausage . . , Stewing Veal ............. Roast Veal ................. Fresh Bologna........... Smoked Bacon, half or whole piece . . . Home-made Head Cheese ...................... 12c. a lb. 9c. a lb. 7c. 'a lb. 18c. a lb. or 2 lbs. 35c. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. .. . 15c. . . ., 15c. . .. 10c. ... 15c. . . . 18c. . . . 22c. a a a a a a 15c. 'a lb. 8 THE THRIFTY HOUSE WIFE WILL SURELY CONSIDER THESE FRICES BEFORE BUYING ELSE WHERE. PHONE OR COME EARLY Main St. United Church Street United church on Sunday ev ening when Air. J. F. Alaine, of Lon don, gave an . account of the /‘Passion Play” at Obermmergau, Germany, illustrated, by coloured slides. Air. Maine travelled in Eur ope last year and he gave a very interesting description of the cus toms of th© people and their pres entation of the great religious dra ma, which is presented every t$n years in fulfilment o£ a vow made in 163 4. The scenes wor© exceed ingly interesting and portrayed in a very highly coloured’ manner many of the scenes which transpired in the life of our Lord during the few days previous to His crucifiction. A very large congregation was pres ent and ekhressed their apprecia tion of the manner in which Mr. Maine presented hi© story. Before Air. Maine’s address Aliss XU Wood sangj a solo in the anthem and Aliss Reta Rowe sang an appreciative solo: “There’s a Green Hill Far •Away.”1' Young Peoples’ Society SUNDAY, MAY 10 th Services at' 11 a.tn. and 7 p.m. Orchestra music begins fifteen minutes earlier at each service. Young People’s Choir will furnish special musi^of duets, quar tettes and solos. PREACHER—REV. W. E. MILLSON, D.D., OF TORONTO THE PASTOR WILL ASSIST A cordial invitation xs extended to the young people of the district to come and enjoy these special services. < * 1